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More Details About Incident In Which Two US-led Coalition Servicemen Were Killed In Syria

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On March 31, the US-led coalition identified its two servicemembers, who were killed on March 30 attack, as Master Sergeant Jonathan Dunbar of the US Army and Sergeant Matt Tonroe of the UK Army. US Special Presidential Envoy for the US-led coalition Brett McGurk also confirmed that the fatal attack had taken place in the northern city of Manbij, which is controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Alan TV journalist, Jenan Mosua, revealed that the attack had taken place near the Sheikh Akil graveyard in the southern part of the city of Manbij. Locals told Jenan that US-led coalition servicemembers had been driving a white Hyundai van when they had been attacked with an IED or possibly a hand grenade.

More Details About Incident In Which Two US-led Coalition Servicemen Were Killed In Syria

Source: Jenan Moussa via Google maps

According to Jenan two female fighters of the Kurdish Women’s Protection Units (YPJ), who were aboard the van with the US-led coalition servicemembers, were also injured in the attack. The two fighters are currently receiving medical care in a local hospital.

Local sources from Manbij city reported that the US-led coalition had increaed the number of its troops in the city and had deployed mine detection systems there. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and attack helicopters of the US-led coalition were also spotted over Manbij right after the attack.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack yet. However, Kurdish activists suggests that Turkish-backed fighters might be behind the incident. Turkey has been threatening to attack Manbij for months now. There is a chance that Ankara may use its proxies to increase the “costs” of the US-led coalition deployment in Manbij.

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Promitheas Apollonious

Ι hope they understand it be safer to go home then and dont be where they have no business to be.


Terrorists understand only terrorism.


Can’t leave after YPJ have done their favor…

Promitheas Apollonious

It is not like they will have a choice. Is either that, or stay and die, losing completely what ever face they have left. This game is global and is not isolated in one area only. or one player. It is whose controlling the energy.

Water – Food -Energy. Control this three and you become global leader. No one want a nuclear war and destroy what they are fighting for, no profit in it.

Now that only Duma is left and is a matter of days this to be solved, the Syrian army will be free to reclaim their land. They invited none in their country, from the west. So is left to be seen two things. If Russia sell short Syria, then we can judge, as well as turkey will back stub, Russia and my money is on the will if they want to survive as a country.

Their only chance to survive if they dont, will be the total destruction of UK/Usrael. And turkey it is UK favored child. Ever wonder why?


As long as Russian nationalism run thick in Russian people it’s low in chance they’ll let Syria into the US design because it’s one of their last line of defense before their actual border territory.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes that’s the point. In this reality something must break and I dont think it be Russia. The difference between west not only US and Russia, is that western soldiers what they do is for a salary as mercenary armies with not much interest for the war to be over. They stay out of business so the mentality of the employees as well their master is profit and business in all their wars because they get to steal all the natural resources of the ones they conquer. In short they are thief’s. Not for country or an idea.

Russians they will go to war, because of their motherland, they feel they defending right now and they will do it as one. They done this before too.


It means that Washington have lost, wasted two militants. If they were fighting in US then they were martyred but if they were fighting outside their own land then they were on terrorism and of course Washington have lost, wasted these two terrorists.


Hope they die.


You talk too much. If I was anywhere near you, I would cut off your tongue with a blunt blade and then feed it down your esophagus while you try to scream.


Of course, you are a terrorist supporter.


@hamster…. your soul is manifestly rotting from within, your violent ideation is a clear indication of the extent of the mind rot in you. Please…. seek professional help before you tip over the edge and do something really fucking stupid.


Ha ha


What kind of a shit name is “EarthPerson”? You must be one of those reclusive losers living in a basement sitting on conspiracy websites all day. Pathetic!


@hamster… there you go projecting again. Get help you’re losing your grip


Just saying it as it is bitch, only some little reclusive cuck faggot would choose the name “EarthPerson” as their online persona.

I bet you’re a real fucking weakling, and probably some dirty unshaven hippie with no hygiene. In fact, I am sure of it. No real man would name themselves “earth person”. ROFL.


What a hateful loser of a human being… keep on digging yourself deeper into your sorry ass hole… you ain’t makin’ no friends and you winning no battles. Are you compensating for your pathetically small penis size perhaps? There are healthier ways to deal with being a little dick than trying to be a mega-asshole.


AHAHAHAHA, talk about “projections”.

First of, I don’t need to “dig holes” when I can just use your moms nasty snatch at a cheap motel that she pays for. That’s how a little runt like you was conceived when the nasty cunt you call your “mother” was spreading legs in filthy backdoor alleys for $20 a pop.

Then look here, a little fuckboy like you bleats on and on about “projecting”, then immediately launches into 2 separate replies focusing on someones penis size! LMAO. Talk about being self conscious. Did I trigger some traumatic experience from when you were rejected and laughed at for your micropenis, amongst other inadequacies? Poor little fuckboy was laughed at throughout his school years for the little nugget between his legs and is now trying to compensate on the internet after getting trolled hard.


Damn you are a fucking cesspool. I’d say get some help, but I can see that you are an incurable asshole. Your last verbal tirade convinces me more than ever that the cheap and easy electronic promises of violence and insult you throw around (while hiding like a hamster, behind your keyboard making believe you are a man) indicate that you are compensating and projecting. I’m making an educated guess based on your extreme ideation of doing violence to others that you have severe self esteem issues. I could be wrong but you seem like the typical little dick asshole… always fucking compensating for your own pathetic and inadequate nature. You’re getting boring, repetitive and predictable though… just another loser internet troll.


Dude, you named yourself “EarthPerson”. That already gives us everything we need to know, namely that you’re a socially awkward autistic little bitch, not to mention some overly sensitive effeminate faggot who’s so easily provoked and trolled over the internet, and probably got his dumbass beat up all throughout high school. I’m here laughing at how seriously how your dumbass is flippantly overreacting to some offhand remark that was intentionally made to elicit a reaction from some other low IQ regular runt that regularly posts stupid shit comments on this site, but apparently a largely passive basic bitch like yourself felt so “moved” that you couldn’t help but chime in.

“Your soul is rotting form within” , “Go seek professional help!” “You’re projecting! I bet you have a small penis!!!!”. “Your last tirade convinces me…” ROFL, since when does anyone give a fuck about your opinion on anything? Noone cares what you’re “convinced” of. You could convince yourself that you’re a badass and a player with a big dick pulling nonexistent pussy all day long.

But everyone can clearly see, you’re just an entitled little wimpy hipster SJW fuckboy who probably majors in “ethnic studies” in college or some other worthless shit like that, is unemployed, worthless, miserable, living with his single piece of shit mother (who probably regrets not aborting a degenerate like you), who thinks everything is some sort of “social construct”, and is easily triggered online by the slightest bit of dark humor. My god what a pathetic sod you must be lmao.

And believe me, I am not “hiding”. In order for me to be “hiding”, there would need to be something for me to be hiding from. Who am I supposed to be afraid of? A little dicked obese heavily indebted faggot named “Earth Person”? Bitch, I don’t have anything to hide from. I could walk up to your mother’s funeral and spit right on her face as she’s laying in the casket, while smacking the teeth out of some of your beloved elders right in front of you, and your little gender-fluid pussy lips wouldn’t do a damn thing about it except start whimpering about how I’m violating your “safe space” or some shit like that.

You’re not fooling anyone here, “Earth Person” (could you make a more awkward name? lmao). If I’m so “boring, repetitive, and predictable” then feel free to go do something that you consider more “productive” with your time, like waving a cardboard picket sign on a street corner wailing about how “oppressed” you are, advocating for “fat acceptance” or “body positivity” or whatever else it is that you fat fucking, out of shape, unemployed, low IQ, ugly ass degenerates do.

Go back to your “safe space” bitch, the internet is apparently too triggering for you, hence your intense obsession with projecting your own micropenis issues. LOL!


Fuck you and your filthy fucking demented cess pool of a mind… and your little dick projectiobs and resentments. The world will be better off when you are good and dead and your rotting flesh is eaten by worms. You are manifestly a violence hate filled angry asshole, and this is all you will ever be, until you become worm food that is. As a human being you are a pathetic failure. Fuck off troll.


I don’t “project” or “resent” anything, I just call it as I see it, and when I or anybody else looks at an obese, unshaved, deformed, autistic and unhygienic little runtbag like yourself, they cannot help but feel disgust. It’s not “resentment” its just pure instinctual disgust, no different than coming across a pile of horseshit with maggots in it. And you know what reasonable people do with a pile of horseshit and maggots? They dispose of it. It’s too bad that beat up heroin addicted cunt that gave birth to you didn’t abort you before you reared your filthy little head out of her asscrack.

We all die, but at least I’ll have lived a fulfilling and satisfying life, fully experiencing the joys of watching little turds like you get triggered and provoked left and right, throwing temper tantrums because the world isn’t “fair”. You were born a piece of shit, and you will die a piece of shit. It’ll be as if you’ve never existed. And nobody will remember you when you die. You’re going to die alone, unloved and unwanted, the same way you were born in that shitbag Motel 6 your mom was getting banged up in.


I know it is hard to have to live life with a wee little hamster-dick, but there are better ways of coping with your inadequacy in the manhood department. You must have been beat up a whole lot in school, and are now compensating for your real life lived in cowardice, by vomiting your boringly obscene mental masturbation online. You truly are a pathetic little deranged wanker, hamster-dick. Now, run along you sick puppy.


HAHA. “I know it is hard to have to live life with a wee little hamster-dick”. Of course you’d “know” what it’s like to live with a tiny dick, that’s how you have lived your entire virgin life, fuckboy. And it’s why you can’t help but mention it in every other post. It’s ok I understand, it’s called being traumatized and then projecting, something you ironically alluded to earlier. Like how on earth does some socially awkward autistic piece of shit named “EarthPerson” go into some random insults over inadequate penis size on some obscure online board right after dribbling on about “projections” and expect to be taken seriously.

It’s not hard to put 2 and 2 together, and it is now painfully obvious that you were born with a tiny clit instead of a decent sized package. You could probably try to “fuck” a woman with that thing and she’d still remain a virgin. This pathetic situation must be terrifying for you, and it consumes you day and night, so you go online and lash out in despair at real men who are more endowed than you.


@hamster-prick. It’s not random at all, you sick puppy. Like anyone… I just put two and two together. By your own incoherent violent imagining (coward), by how you’ve latched on to me, you fucking leech, as your lightening rod…. It’s plainly obvious, to anyone, that your a deranged little prick with a chip on its shoulders. Keep barking puppy dog.


Well we weren’t talking about penis size until you started obsessively bringing it up, so yes, it is in fact random. But then again, maybe it isn’t, and it’s simply a manifestation of some deep seeded inadequacy on your part that keeps you up at night. I mean I’m literally smacking around and trolling your degenerate autistic existence, even though this is just the internet and you’re just getting triggered left and right, so you start trying to convince everyone to make sure they know about the size of your e-penis on some obscure online board (even though not like anyone ever gave a shit what you have to say, on the internet or in real life for that matter). So random it is, just like your random existence was just a mistake because your mommy’s panties got stained in some jizz.

By the way, nothing I said was “incoherent”, it was completely logical and well articulated from beginning to end. It’s not my fault you’re a retard with zero reading comprehension (and a complete lack of wit to top of that off). That’s just your genetics, bitch. And who the fuck says “puppy dog” as an insult LMAO. Jesus you must’ve been the most socially awkward and inept little runt in high school.


you still there… dude, please, get a life


@hamster: If I ever need a tirade of fetid vomit, I’ll keep you in mind, as you are such an excellent producer of it. Just saying it like it is mofo, you’re a natural… asshole. In fact, you are an endless orifice of vomiting shit.

I’m sure, you are a legend in your mind… hamster-asshole (armed with your micro hamster sized dicklet and a huge chip on your pathetic shoulders) making an obscene nuisance of yourself online cause the real world got you so beat down in your hamster’s little metal cage.

You are a pathetic violent loser of a hunan being, anywhere & everywhere on earth… people don’t like asshole fucks like you. Bugger off troll.


blah blah blah blah “if i ever need…”. Stop right there. Noone cares about your needs. The only thing you “need” is to abort yourself from existence. You were only meant to be a stain on your mother’s panties, but grew up an obese autistic retard flailing around and screeching about his “needs”.

You may think you “need” a lot of things, but the only thing you deserve is getting pimp smacked and spat on much like a shitbag Afghan beating his wife. The only reason you’re so triggered is because I can remind you of all the real men you come across in your life that can easily skin you alive like a stunned farm animal. Violent? Sure, but only for those well deserving of it. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing little runt fuckboys like you and your pathetic piece of shit loser family getting physically and psychologically tormented and ground up into the earth where you belong.


what you need is professional mental health intervention. you exhibit clearly deranged psychotic ideations. You are an exemplar of how being born with hamster sized endowment can drive some deranged little fucks like yourself pissant, to become twisted up grotesque unpleasant fucks…. dude you are fucked up in your brain, you need help! Now go fuck off hamster-dick…. Do you think anybody here gives a fuck about you asshole?


Anybody “here”? Since when do I need validation from anybody “here”, let alone from an autistic little dicked degenerate who got all sensitive over some obscure internet board? I don’t need validation from some random online board. I get validation out in the real world. It’s called I have friends, a family a career, a loving support network, a purpose driven life, etc. These are completely alien concepts to you, and that’s ok because nobody anywhere in the world gives a shit about you, ever.

And why would I need psychiatric help? A disgust for degenerates (like yourself) is a natural human tendency. You treat garbage like garbage. You’re worthless garbage, much like your family tree, so you get treated as such. Don’t take it personally or be upset. Learn to better yourself, or if that’s too triggering, go hide in a safe space and get the fuck off the internet. Don’t tell me what to do. I do whatever the fuck want, especially to your mom, that bitch pays me to lick my ass, that I no longer need toilet paper.


hamster-prick… Do you ever get bored of your mental masterbation? It is common knowledge that cowards bark a lot. Keep barking, sick puppy.


Actually no, that’s not “common knowledge”, that’s just what, as a degenerate, you’ve told yourself after being verbally abused, kicked the shit out and spat on your entire life and were too much of a timid weak little bitch to do anything about it. So you decided to accept your predicament and resigned yourself to being a weak little bitchboy that goes to his “happy place” every time he gets smacked around.

It’s really no different from your mother. Her daddy was pimp smacking her around in the motel and verbally abusing her. But there was no “barking”. Only your piece of shit mother was barking, and the end result was she was getting the pimp smacking that she deserved. And you were there as a child to see all this. That’s how you learned to keep quiet and resign to your predicament.

It’s called timid little bitch genetics, it runs in your family.


Given the fact that, in reality, you don’t know shit about me, hamster, these painfully detailed ideations you are sharing sound alarmingly autobiographical. What a childhood that must have been, to see your mom slapped around like that. I am sorry for you, I am sorry that you are such a total son of a bitch. Now fuck off and take your neediness elsewhere puppy dog.


There’s nothing “painfully” detailed about them. They’re just simple observations of your pathetic existence, or at least a good representation of it. My mom never got slapped around btw, don’t start deflecting the shame in your own family tree. Again, it isn’t my fault you were born to a bitch on lifelong welfare under the supervision of a pimp.

And ROFL. What’s with the name change? “Pacific Northwest”? Did I just get to you?! HAHAHA. And you say I “don’t know shit about you”, ROFL. That right there is ALL I need to know about you. You’re just a wimpy ass little fuckboy piece of shit that is actually so bothered by something someone said to you online about your username that you actually went through the trouble to change it! That just pretty much points to a vindication of just about everything I said about you. Truth hurts, doesn’t it, you socially awkward cuck hahahaha.

And “Pacific Northwest” of all things. Yeah, that just further reinforces everyone’s suspicions. The PAcific Northwest is filled to the brim with the most socially inept individuals I have ever come across in my entire life lmao. SF is full of social rejects and bums, as is Seattle and don’t get me started about keeping Portland “weird”. Seriously, some of the most delusional, wimpy ass little bitches (not to mention ugly ass whales and fat acceptance advocates) are from this region. No wonder you think you’re normal, you’d fit right into this degenerate little beta male paradise called the Pacfic Northwest.

It all makes sense now, you’re a product of your environment. A hideous mistake of nature, a complete throwaway, unloved and unwanted. How pathetic. And YOU claim to be “sorry” for me. How about you apologize for existing, you dumb wimpy hipster cunt? Not to me of course, but the world around you. Your mere presence is an abomination, even in the bum and needle infested cesspool metros of the PNW.

and LOL again at “puppy dog”? I would pay good money to see you walk into a bar and start hurling such “witty” remarks. You’d be such a fucking embarassment lmao. But who the fuck am I kidding? You’re not the type that goes out at all in the first place. You’re a timid little momma’s boy who prefers to sit in his little secret safe space in some small corner of the internet hurling awkward “insults” at strangers. If you’re gonna be tossing around comeback and randomly try to snub someone, at least come up with something remotely interesting. “Run along now puppy dog”? Like… wtf? Are you fucking 12 or something, or that just your aspergers talking? Go take your fucking meds, you fucking social reject. Or telling people to “fuck off” on the internet lmao. Go take a fucking hike in nature (plenty of that in PNW, just about the only positive thing I can say about it). You’re such blithering buffoon, the internet is driving you crazy and unmasking your inferiority complex. It’s so obvious and so pathetically embarassing.


get a life


@hamster: says the borderline psychotic who suffers from luridly violent ideations. Get help boy… you have a toad in your brain.


I don’t “suffer” from anything, I just take gleeful joy and pride in seeing low IQ blithering fanatics and ignoramuses get a taste of their own medicine.

I’m honestly tired of this pretentious bullshit of taking the “higher road” or of there being a “right” way to wage conflict. If I was leading a battalion and captured some degenerates , I wouldn’t just execute or imprison them. I would make SURE they suffer agonizingly. Maybe even gouge their eyes out, leaving them blind and then send them back to their mothers while they wail like children.


Have is ever dawned in your dim witted mind that perhaps there is a reason your are sitting in your mom’s basement, wanking off on your little micro dick as you imagine yourself brutally torturing and murdering better endowef men, as a sick way of compensating for your pathetically small penis size.


So where did the topic of penis size come from? LOL. Another projection? It must be bothering you so much what a timid little autistic fuckboy you are that you can’t help but bring it up on an anonymous board. It’s ok, we already knew you were a timid little bitch, so I guess your focus on your own micropenis is a way to cope with your pathetic meager existence.

It’s ok, I understand, its not really your fault you were brought up in some shit hostel with needles and plastic all over the mattress you slept on. But please, spare me the juvenile insults. Its not my fault your childhood consisted of you cowering in a corner while your mom was being passed around for a few coins just so she could buy you lunch. LOL.


2 terrorists less.


Why the Trump regim is loser becuase of Zionist Israel lead it.


Dear Mrs X, We regret to inform you that your son, first Sgn John X, died a heroes death protecting his country and the american way of live from dangerous enemy…Only, he didn’t – he died in a dusty and God forsaken Middle eastern town, in a painful and messy way having his remains spread all over an area the size of a football field – IEDs would do that to a man you know – really fighting Syria and Iran – countries that never in their history attacked US soil, are currently not in a position to do so and as far as US intelligence tells us aren’t planning on attacking US or the american way of life any time soon. They do present a mild threat to Zionist way of doing business in the area – like butchering 1400 unarmed protesters, locked up in the Gaza death camp – so we can safely say that he died for other country’s interest. And yes, technically, he wasn’t killed by US enemies, since the explosives and bomb making know how was provided to our local jihadist allies by either the CIA or the Pentagon – the jury is still out on that one, but Mrs X, yous and Mr X’s tax dollars funded your son’s demise. Other than these few unimportant facts, the first sentence is a complete and undisputed truth…


Mrs X. You terrorist son die like KARMA likes. Don’t be upset that he dies because less terorrists is better for the world. You wasted you life raising a terrorist son. Now, comes to pay the bill. And, compared to how many people he killed, his life is nothing.

Hopefully for you god doesn’t exist. Otherwise, he will have gone straight to hell and will now suffering pain forever.



You are probably right in everything. Sigh! , it ids horrible , when you as a soldier dont know for what and whom you might be for. Those two guys paid the price as thousands others have, but many died defending their country and families, that is another thing. That their own secret services helped cause their death is just sickening. But more deaths of westerners will follow, dont doubt that.

Promitheas Apollonious

But the soldiers and is where you making I think a mistake know exactly for what they die, the salary they get, while bombing and killing people in their beds and destroying their countries. I dont think just one of them is naive enough to believe he fight for anything else but stealing and enslaving other nations while genocide them.

They are professional soldiers and they know exactly what they do. Sorry but I cant feel pity for their kind. And their masters also attack our countries using the movement of the populations they created with their wars into europe.


I agree. In modern warfare professional soldiers are government salaried and sanctioned assassins. All those SOF guys and people commanding them now full well what’s their real mission in Syria – they are not that stupid not to notice they’re supplying weapons, providing training and support to a bunch of guys that look suspiciously identical to knife wielding ISIL. But they don’t give a f**k. Now conscripted citizens forced half way around the globe to get their balls shot off would give, and their families too – but US would never repeat the Vietnam era PR disaster that stopped them from attacking other countries for almost 20 years. Do you imagine how many rounds of ammo Rayethon didn’t sell to USAF in that “unfortunate” era?


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Mrs X… Let me break it down for you…. your son died, because he, like you as well Mrs X are are viewed by your class betters as being just cannon fodder units to be used and expended by the transnational oligarchic globalist crime syndicate as they see fit in order to obtain their hegemonic ambitions. Now, please…. Mrs X…. keep your head down, be a busy little worker bee or whatever it is you do & keep shopping… and keep watching television… and make believe that your son was a hero who died defending “our way of life”.


Well said. Spot on


So YPG suggested that Turkish backed FSA successfully infiltrated their territory. I don’t know why they drive around a white Hyundai van in a battleground. They were supplied with MRAP why can’t they drive around with those instead ? Because that’s not patrol duty or any other mission of course.

al quaida

Who knows? Maybe false flag by YPG?


Could it be done for some Political reasons? They have absolutely no problems with killing a couple of their own….



My opinion on the article.

Seems the writers do noted that the entire Afghanistan inhabitants may as well as their enemies entirely and attempt at lowering the combat level and deescalate is an appeasement towards enemies (just leave Afghanistan honestly since none of their options justified).

A transport of both the special forces and SEAL using Chinook is not unheard of but definitely is odd under hot fire and without any accompanying attack/support aircraft covering them. Only two things that made the whole setting is odd which is the exclusion of flight data record and cremation of service member. These implies that it’s a cover up indeed though so why they keep using long dead bin laden as part of the story completely beyond me.

My own theory here is that they’re transferred there under no combat situation and the seven Afghan that did not boarding the ill fated helicopter is actually an assets (spy/contact) and they’re there to negotiate in behalf of their Command for some illicit activities with the Talibans or talibans lookalike.


I always thought this whole “Burial at Sea” thing was ridiculous to begin with…in the light of today’s idiocracy….I fully understand.

Promitheas Apollonious

Yes me 2.


The US soldiers were trying to impress their YPJ friends and get into their knickers I suspect , as they joyrode around town :)


Exactly what’s on my mind.


Great minds think alike :)


Good point, as.

Daniel Martin

That’s the price you have to pay when committing a deliberate aggression against another sovereign country. The U.S military industrial complex is thankful for your services, next please.


I always hated obedient people. In my experience, obedient people are the worst and more dangerous people.

That’s why, soldiers who obey their hierarchy without knowing what they are fighting for are very dangerous. Typically, american soldiers. That’s why, religious people are very dangerous. They are very obedient and do whatever is written on their fairlytale book even it’s killing their own families. Abraham wanted to behead his own son. That’s why, politicians are people who made the “best schools”. In fact, in school, you learn to be an obedient scumbag. The “better” the school, the more obedient. That’s why, people who obey the politicians because they made so-called “big school” are also dangerous.


I take it then you must be a criminal since anyone who obeys the law is by definition obedient.


It depends what law you obey. If laws are created by criminals and terrorists, obeing is making you a dangerous person. But, at the end, being blindly obedient will destroy what you beleive in in the first place.

How many time I see people denying that such politician did something wrong only because he supports him/her. That’s why I hate this republic system. People follows stupid politician like dogs. They go to meeting and say yes to whatever he says. Unbelievable.

Joe Dirt

How many time I see people denying that such politician did something wrong only because he supports him/her. “””””That’s why I hate this republic system.””””” People follows stupid politician like dogs. They go to meeting and say yes to whatever he says. Unbelievable.

Since you “hate the/this republic system”, what governing system makes sense to you?


The law you might have in mind, no offence please, could be the law the US Congress merged their congress law with many lines of the talmudic law. US Congress Inc. did precisely that in 1991, heinously as usual.


Ghandi – objected to unjust foriegn laws – just sayin.


He didn’t kill anybody but that didn’t stop a couple of ‘maniacs’/’heroes’ from killing him, unofficially of course.


he fought for us (British) in S Africa. And helped recruit thousands of his countrymen for the Empire, to fight in WW1.. Just sayin

David Pryce

Maybe they died in Eastern Ghouta and this simply a diversion


Anything is possible in this dirty war , I agree.

Hide Behind

In the US mommy and daddy will see their heroic son buried with all the military pagentry of a “Heroic Warriors” send off If married his wife and children receive $250,000 US$, her a pension for life of over 2000 USD a month, children also eligible until 25 if still in paid for education. MEdical coverage, and a nicely folded American flag. The flag and his picture from now on will be prominently displayed so that any visitors will have to see it. Wife will be able to buy a nice home, with low payments, low interest,; but if she and dead hubby had already been buying home balance paid off. In home town at athletic events kids wife and other military will hold tributes and the local sports team will all pray and go out there to win one for the fallen Hero. EAGLES, ELKS, LIONS, V F W Clubs, and politicos from every party , will place pictures on wall and drink toast to his memory while damning those f’n savages that killed him. HIGH SCHOOL will be getting out soon and military recruiters will invade campus and using dead hero’s name, dumb as f’n rocks boys and girls will sign away next few years of their life to go kill more Brown, Yellow and Black savages that hate US freedoms. US is land of 30-40 millions of gun owners, millions who love AK and AT look like battle rifles, and all no matter what gun they own will curse those brown or olive skinned savages in M E. 80 millions of US Christian Zionist will say prayersfor, donate money for, send letters praising dead mans actions while protecting his wife and kids and nation. All while cheering on the remaining warriors for more bloodshed believing it will catch their Gods attention, and he will send his kid to kill all them savages and invite them all to come live in his Kingdom of Greater Israel. The destruction of a vehicle means build some more making Corp rich and providing jobs to church goers and pumps whites positions alike. And shoppers will get lots of goodies imported from kiss ads nations. They believe it is natural, because GOD is on their side. THIS IS NOT A SANE REASON FOR WAR IN AN INSANE WORLD. The Syrians are not fighting what is termed conventional war, nation versus nation, they are fighting a war against hundreds of millions from nations led by primarily white eurocentrics. THEY HAVE THEIR MARTYRS AND THE EUROCENTRICS HAVE THEIR WARRIOR HEROS.


That is why this civilized World will be very surprised, when no one wants to talk to them anymore… My Family Lives in Holland for 900 Years…..And I’m leaving this Shithole Soon… I don’t want to be associated with these Psychopaths anymore… I thought they had quit their Imperialistic Bullshit….you know what?!!.. They are F*cking Liarsss


BDS on Israel.

Dee Wrench

As a man living in the UShithole, I have no empathy for the death of these hired guns. They opted to be followers instead of doing the honorable thing and disobeying orders to deploy to the sovereign nation of Syria with no invite from the Syrian government or Syrian people. He was an invader. Karma doled out her verdict. Tough cookies…

Promitheas Apollonious

Very well said.


We don’t really have a choice in which country we are born… But we are responsible for the choices we make….


Message from Turkey to US-SOF about Manjib?!

Shy Talk

asSASsins thats all they are,they will kill ANYONE they are told to

Igor Dano

this is a tragedy.. 5 survived the attack.

You can call me Al

As a side issue, I thought that one of them that was killed was British !!, well it was yesterday.

jim crowland

No doubt Muslim Ottoman Erdogan is behind the deaths of this Christian Democratic Heroes. The West needs to consider sending the Sultan a couple of Tomahawks

The UK-Empire founded atheism on the bases they we are all just animals of a monkey breed. The UK solders only kill Monotheist. Note how they refuse to bomb Atheist-Canada or atheist-China or atheist-France. However they will level every single Monotheist city town and village. The UK says ‘Death to Christians like Lebanese. However the UK-Empire says ‘Life to Atheist-Israel.

‘Birds of the same feather flock together’ terrorist imperial solders flocking with Kurds. Turkey has been telling the truth all along. No wonder Turkey once funded militants inside of Syria. The Syrian forces were helpless to fight the PKK, so Turkey had to do the hard labor part for all the right reasons. Wherever Kurds gain foot holds, UK-imperial troops and Mossad soon follow and dig in.


Why would an American be in Syria illegally occupying parts of a country they are not welcome to invade or be in at all? What gives them the right, just because they were commanded too by the military doesn’t make it any less wrong and immoral. You’re invading a sovereign nation for totally non defensive and illegal reasons to help Al Qaeda, HTS, Nour Al Zinki, FSA, IS terrorists try and violently overthrow the elected government. Go home to you families, this isn’t your country.


The US / UK / FR operatives in syrian kurdish areas are operating in rather lax manner , moving around in a civilian grade van.. that’s why the IED caused so many casualties , compared to if they are operating in iraq during the surge times where even armored humvee got toasted easily..

with only 4000 troops spread all over eastern syria , the US/UK/FR forces dont have the muscle to face an armed insurgency , heck even with tens of thousands of grunts supported by massive air power cannot pacify iraq back then , how could small number of US operatives with amateur kurdish weekend warriors face a real military threat ?

the only thing the kurds got is myth of military capability , blown by the world media .. in reality they are just weekend warriors that go home if things got hard.


excellentes news goe erdogan goe assad!!

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