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MARCH 2025

More Details About June 30 Drone Attack On Russia’s Khmeimim Air Base In Syria

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On June 30, Russian forces intercepted and downed a group of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) over Khmeimim Air Base in Syria. The UAVs had been launched by militants.

According to a report by the Russian state-run news agency Sputnik citing a source in the Syrian Army, over 5 UAVs were downed. The UAVs “most likely on a reconnaissance mission”, Sputnik’s source said.

“The drones were invisible to conventional radars, because they were made of wood, plastic and modern innovative materials. Despite the deliberate use of these innovation technologies, the UAVS were detected by the Russian military,” the source added noting that “on closer examination it became clear that the UAVs’ parts were made in Western countries.”

The UAVs were reportedly tracked by the Russian-made photodetectors. According to the source, two UAVs were doowned by members of the Syrian National Defense Forces “with the help of Kalashnikov assault rifles.”

Previously, the Russian airbase in Syria was attacked by militants’ UAVs in April and January. These attacks were also repelled.

More Details About June 30 Drone Attack On Russia's Khmeimim Air Base In Syria


More Details About June 30 Drone Attack On Russia's Khmeimim Air Base In Syria


More Details About June 30 Drone Attack On Russia's Khmeimim Air Base In Syria


Video of one of the downed UAVs:

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Lisa Karpova

Where’s a hammer to smash the damn thing?


the hammer was Che.

neil barron

Yah the hammer had his name on it die murdering slime good for no one.


Go see if outside is raining.

Daniel Miller

no smashing it will probably destroy the intel on in.

AG Korvin

Advanced plywood UAVs, yeah. Repelled by Kalashnikovs, yeah. Wow.


Like you are repelled in everythihg, Hoka hey and Jeronimo! Return Texas and all the rest to the mexicans, Go die in Mars, Lunatics!

AG Korvin

Easy on the drugs, Jorge. If you aren’t cautious you gonna see plywood spy planes every f’in where! :D In Mejico, and even in the depths of the space.

(tip: the yanks are everywhere. Especially behind yo back. Check quickly.)



About me and the yankees you really don’t know what you are saying. And problems with their backs it’s something for the great drinker Sam Houston et alia.

Max Glazer

Poshol na huy pidar gnoyniy.

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

Advanced tooling is apparent. The US is testing the Russsian radar and other defense reconisance.


they can’t testing nothing, it’s to hard for them.


Russia can detect anything when it comes to the skies, they are and have the best equipment for air-defense systems in the entire world. Don’t doubt that. Maybe they don’t have a very advance programs for drones as the Zionists and Neocons, but for countering such a threats they are the best. Although Russia recently started to develop and use their first armed drones, you can check them online they are called ORION drones, they are same size and almost 90% same look as the MQ-9 reapers. Russia don’t have military budget as the US have and Russia is not rich as US is, the US is 5 times more rich than Russia in GDP. That’s why the US have a lot of money and they solly invest billions in military spending, and they can afford any kinds of shit, they can Develop and do research all the time, funding never stops, and in the end you will have a lot of shit in your inventory as the US have, and the Zionists regime too.

Max Glazer

USA isn’t rich. They simply steal foreign resources and print money to spend on shit.

Daniel Castro

I would say at least 50% of their military budgtet is wasted in corruption and ineficiency…

At least 50%…

Luke Hemmming

absolutely spot on there Daniel and Max. Keeping those fat generals in the Pentagon well fed making sure the pig trough is well stocked up. Lining the pockets of those jew owned US Defence contracting companies CEO’s and board members. Yep greasing the wheels of the gravy train.

You can call me Al

Maybe more importantly, than the fat generals, are the fat politicians. The F-22 and F-35 were failures because major subcontracts were given out to 40 US states + with the F-35 a number of foreign Countries as well.

Greed, money and power is all they know in the US.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Shot down by Lattakia Militia units also on Wikipedia called members of the hezbollah too funny.

Len Zegelink

daniel and max are from the red bull f1 team ,haha .lol.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yep the military Procurement ,Supply and Management train.

chris chuba

According to Netanyahu, this gives Russia the right to launch a massive bombing raid against whoever they suspect launched the drones because such vicious acts of aggression must be punished.


Oh no doubt in that, the base is under constant Satellite surveillance and wider ares too, so as we speak they are looking and I believe they already know from what locations those drones are fired, Russia knows very good who makes these and where, the previous strikes with drones, many times when HTS did it, after Russia find the places and hoses and the group responsible for the attacks and dropped 2 Kalibr cruise missiles on that place and leveled to the fucking ground ashes only remained.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The drones was believed to come from the Turkish border area near Jisr sugor near Morek in Lattakia where Turks set up one of the illegal outposts non allowed under Astana Talks.


LOL man, the new stealth of today’s technology Wood and Plastic, no radar nothing undetectable. WTF are these Zionists are doing with HTS mothersuckers. So these were not armed, I guess they wanted to snap some pictures of the base, and take a closer look where to attack next, so I believe that next they will struck with some armed drones. There are a lot from Zionist regime in HTS areas teaching those Jihadists how and what to do… Mossad don’t waste even a second of their time.


“More Details About June 30 Drone Attack On Russia’s Khmeimim Air Base In Syria” And.. FROM WHERE did the drone come? But more important: who manufactured the drone?

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