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MARCH 2025

UPDATED. More Details On Interception Of Ukrainian Helicopters Near Mariupol Revealed

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UPDATED. More Details On Interception Of Ukrainian Helicopters Near Mariupol Revealed

“Belmak” (L), “Odessit” (R)

On March 31, forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic reported that they had shot down two Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopters that tried to evacuate members of the Azov Battalion from the Azovstal plant in Mariupol.

According to initial reports, the first helicopter was shot down near Rybatskoye settlement. Most of the crew and passengers were found dead. The helicopter was tentatively identified as Mi-8MSB, tail number 864, of the Poltava 18th Aviation Brigade. The second helicopter reportedly went up in smoke but continued on its way and allegedly crashed in the sea area. Later, the Russian Defense Ministry released a statement supporting this version. According to it, at least one helicopter was shot down with the captured ‘Stinger’ MANPAD.

DPR troops captured three survivors from the crew and passengers of the helicopters in question. Two of them were already questioned in videos that appeared online. These are:

  • Senior Lieutenant of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine with the call sign “Belmak”. He repeatedly participated in Kyiv’s military operation in the Donbass in previous years as well as served as an airborne instructor. During the March 31 incident, he operated the machine gun installed on the helicopter and was tasked with providing fire cover.
  • A member of the Azov Battalion, Dmitry Lobinsky with the call sign “Odessit”. He received injures during clashes in Mariupol and was among the members of the battalion that helicopters tried to evacuate.

Both of them claim that the helicopters in question was tasked with the evacuation of members, including injured ones, of Kyiv’s forces. At around 5 AM local time, their helicopter took off from the port area of Mariupol as a part of the group of helicopters involved in the operation. Then, “Belmak” said, the helicopter was shot down near the settlement of Chervone (two MANPAD missiles were launched at it). Claims of the captured fighters indicate that every helicopter had about 14-15 persons on board, including crew.

“Odessit” claims that he saw 4 helicopters involved, while “Belmak” said that there were 5 helicopters (4 Mi-8 and one Mi-24). “Belmak” added that the group of the helicopters moved to Mariupol from Dnipro Airport. The helicopters also delivered supplies, likely weapons and ammunition, to the garrison of Kyiv’s forces surrounded in Mariupol.

Claims of “Belmak” also indicate that this was not the first attempt to use helicopters to deliver supplies to Kyiv’s forces in Mariupol and evacuate personnel from the area.

If the claims of the captured members of Kyiv’s forces are true, it remains unclear what happened with the rest of helicopters. Also, the question appears about the state of the air defense of forces involved in the operation to take control of Mariupol if such a large group of helicopters was really able to penetrate the frontline.

Answering our readers’ questions, why SF cannot confirm the destroying of even the second helicopter and why we claim that there were exactly four helicopters and perhaps the fifth was a Mi-24 attack helicopter covering at least a part of the air group’s route.

The claim of a second helicopter being shot down over the sea is the very similar to the report  by the Russian Ministry of Defence on 28 March.  No objective control data or another evidences were provided.
Two seriously wounded but surviving AFU servicemen from the downed helicopter give identical statements which agree in details. It is hard to imagine that they had time to negotiate while the helicopter was falling down.
A separate question is raised by the report that the helicopter was shot down by a trophy Stinger man-portable air defence system. Why did the units blocking Mariupol not have standard Russian man-portable air defence systems? Why is the space above Mariupol not controlled by Russian air defence systems such as Buk or Pantsir? Obviously, we are not talking about the S-300/400, which are designed to operate against targets at other altitudes.


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many other outlets are saying 4 helos were shot down


Maybe they’re including choppers that were shut down earlier? Anyway it doesn’t matter, a good amount of ukrop goblin terrorists are confirmed dead and that’s a good day in my book. These people will not be able to do any more harm to the people of Donbas or otherwise.

EDIT: According to the ppl in the videos there were 4 choppers actually. I guess we can assume that 2 of them got away?

Last edited 2 years ago by Sunny

According to Colonel Cassad, a Russian site, one was hit and apparently crashed into the sea. So possibly if there were four, only one got away. Even if two made it, 50% losses are horrendously high.

G2 man

6 helos from Poltava tried to airlift the Nazi war criminal commanders, 5 are verified shot down, mostly by captured Stingers, and one tried to make a dash over the Sea of Azov, a fatal mistake and is missing as Russian navy control the sea lanes and Kerch straits. Ukrainians are trapped and will be annihilated. They have committed horrendous war crimes against Russians and women and children.




Not fot soucjveasy target so deap behind enemy lines.

Won already?

Name a few


I highly doubt there were 4 like the guy claimed, he’s probably just trying to make the operation seem at least partially successful. If they detected these two (plus the one from yesterday) then there’s little reason they wouldn’t detect the others.

Killing their high ranking officers by waiting for the choppers to pick them up is a clever move.


Where is the passenger list? One comment elsewhere hints that there were 2 French intelligent agents.

G2 man

I have just verified, 5 Ukrainian helos from Poltava base were shot down by captured US supplied Stingers, and one is missing. The footage also shows very poor morale among the Azov Nazis.


Witch fotos?

Bushy Scrotum

Me likey heliocopters. Swishy swish blades makeum noisie noisie.

Mondo Cane

You must be a member of the Ukrainian high command.


The Russian invading vermin hordes have shown their brutality and lack of basic humanity towards innocent civilians, executing the genocide in Mariupol according to plans. This is a stain that will not go away from the face of the Russian nation for many many generations. Russia has went up the hierarchy of pure evil states after this invasion, climbing right to the top, surpassing states like North Korea, Iran and Syria. Indeed, russians have no remorse when it comes to slaughtering their own people, as Mariupol and most of the cities bombed by Russia during this invasion are indeed occupied by ethnic Russian. So this invasion is not just genocide and fratricide, it is the suicide of the Russian nation. Of course, the Russian military is heavily punished on the battle fields by the Ukrainian defenders, to the point where the entire narrative has become confusion for the Russian vermin. The Russian vermin doesn’t know why he’s been sent there to kill people who speak the same language as they do and who are by all accounts much more advanced when it comes to the degree of development of the country. Why is was the Russian vermin sent to invade and destroy that which is much superior to Russia? He doesn’t know but he’s been sent there to kill and to die, but it is so that the Russian napoleon can remain in power and consolidate power. Of course the Kremlin self proclaimed autocrat doesn’t care about the murder of innocent civilians, the killing of his own men or even the suffering his own populace, due to the economic downturn brought by this invasion. He only wants to remain in power and be dictator for life, staining with innocent blood his entire armed forces, his entire political junta and of course the people in Russia who fully back up this murderous invasion. As for the Ukrainian defenders, they have to choice but to stand and to fight, as death is preferable to becoming the slaves of Russia. There is freedom as long one can still hold a gun in their hand and death is preferable to slavery. There will be the reckoning day, when the bombs stop falling and the bullets stop flying, and then ordinary Russians wil be able to look in the mirror and see the innocent blood of their neighbors on their hands and faces

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

That was a lot of gibberish… Are you hasbara trolls paid per word?


They do not really understand words. They may be paid per letter.


They get paid per post. It’s posted by a bot with re-usable text. Why do you bother responding to these posts? Not like bot is reading responses.


Well that is one side. So by your “vision” ukrainians are Angels? Till now I havent see any bombing of civilians.


I used to think the Orcranians were angels until they proudly released videos of themselves shooting/torturing bound prisoners. They shot themselves in the head on that one. The place they use the least, apparently.


I started out fairly neutral in this Ukraine vs Russia business, ready to listen to all sides.

All I can say now is: ‘The only good banderite is a dead banderite’.


Butthurt azovist pretty much


You have some good points. They may win this battle. But they have betray their own brothers, killed and terrorized so many innocents especially elderlies who couldn’t or didn’t want to leave. It’s such a shame, they don’t even realize they have lost their souls.

Karma is a bitch…


No doubt. How does that ethnic cleansing operation launched the Banderpites to eliminate the opposition to the CIA-installed government in Kiev look now? Karma, and what have you.


Is is questionable whether psychopaths, who never exceed 5% of the population, ever had souls to begin with.


Karma gets them all that’s sure It will be over in 2 month And Ukraine is cleansed of Banderasti



Very funny stuff. The sooner the brave defenders of Banderpite freedom get busy dying with their guns in their hands, the better for humanity.


ITs good that you cannot say the word ‘Russian’ without adding the word ‘vermin’. Reveals you as the Nazi that you actually are. Too bad the CIA worked your brain over for 8 years. You do not have one left. Also too bad that you will likely die without realizing that the masters you serve are the Globalist Jews of the WEF and the CIA.


Why didn’t you count USA among the most evil states? They killed more innocents than combined states you listed.


The Banderasites know who butters their bread.

KYIV - capital of the Sodomites

Bandeparasites? I think I like that one better.


Why are you Nazis so secretly corny in your sentiments? Is it because all emotions with you are fake?


It’s part of conditioning in a totalist organization like Banderpism. The Ukrotard death cult is a textbook example of the phenomenon referred to by the famous psychiatrist Robert Lifton as “totalism”. This is number 2 on the list of totalist criterion. Lifton calls it “mystical manipulation”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde


Michel LeBlanc

Genocide in mariopol?? Give me a break. What the hell have you been doing to russian speakers the last 8 years?

Hypocrite peice of shit!

KYIV - capital of the Sodomites

Nah – Just a piece of shit – more appropriate. No need for qualifiers.


Genicide yes, as Patrick Lancaster has shown, by the hands of Azov – wannabe Hitlers. They are the criminals, they deserve no mercy.

Horváth Zsolt

brain demage?


No Damage !! Is a case of Anencephaly = Born without a Brain.

Mondo Cane

The only vermin hordes in this war are the Azov and their like-minded neo-nazi torturing, child-killer scum. I’d rather break bread with ISIS than with that scum. Oh, I forget…ISIS has already been recruited into that scum. Forget it then. RIH, the both of them.

How many neo-nazi bands of brothers are there now in Ukraine’s military? 5, 6, more? They keep changing names like ISIS and al Qaeda. Maybe if the world’s lucky, they’ll all turn on each other before this war’s over.

With friends like these, who needs enemies?

That Georgian sniper scum from Maidan started threatening to shoot the dumb American volunteers in the back if they didn’t like being front line cannon fodder.

Arch Bungle

You poor thing!


Idi na huy! Pidar bljat!

Russell Gregory Gustilo

I think we have forgotten our military history, and subterfuge. Could many of these LONG proUkraine diatribes be coded information or intel? This is NOT how THEY convince the masses, the masses can not really write in long form using proper spelling and grammar, so I would venture to guess this is coded. We must keep history close, be sovereign and rational in our thought, and OUT think and smart the enemy BEFORE they do it.


According to maps, the helicopters must fly over russian or DPR controlled area for quite some time. Why they were not spottet and shot down earlier?

Rhodium 10

Because Russia and DPR wanted to hunt them coming back full of Nazis on board..


One Russian site suggested at least one was tracked but allowed to land, pick up passengers, take off and only then shot down. But it is a trade-off as that would allow it to unload supplies. If taking out any passengers being evacuated is more important then that is what they would do.


You can be pretty sure that ordinary orcs are buried in non-working freezers at the steel factory. So these were either important orcs or their sex dolls. So good to see the beginning of their long journey of retributive justice and perhaps even, after several decades of hard labor rebuilding what they destroyed, repentance.


20m above the ground and you will not detect them by radar…..


Unless airborne radar


which is exactly why high flying look down radar patrols would be so important. Aren’t there recon converted Su 24 and Mig 25/31 upgrades that do this sort of thing?


It’s not a video game.


If this is thru, that means that Rusian army is not that good like Rusai would like that we think. Donetsk and Mauriopol are 100km away, enough time to spot them and tak an action. And what tha hek is operational airport doing that clos to the front? 5 helicopters is a lot.

Last edited 2 years ago by Matej

Well I think the next time the USA sends in 200,000 guys to attack an army of 600,000 guys who spent the last 8 years being trained by lets say Russia and China with state of the art Russian and Chinese equipment we will be in a very good position to judge how effective the Russian military is.


And that’s the question; why does Russia only send 200,000 guys for a task that obviously needs more? Can’t supply more troops? The rest of the army is ill-prepared? That ened an enormous reservoir in case of a NATO-Russia escalation?


It obviously does not “need more.” All combat tactical and strategic tasks will be carried out by the far smaller Russian Army because ‘God is not in force but in Truth.’


The only way to explain is, their achievements and the current state of operations are going as they planned. I know it’s weird, but we don’t exactly know what they had in mind, or what they actually wished to accompish. We can only guess.

Also we don’t have a full insight how things are going because both Ukraine and West give out data with one purpose only – to boost morale of Ukrainian troops, and to keep adequate numbers of foreign mercenaries flowing in. Russia on the other side, reports very little, atleast official information is very slim.

But one thing is clear, Russia has both manpower and equipment to make this conflict many times harder for Ukrainian side. Since i doubt russian military is crazy or so badly incompetent to carry on what west labels as “failed offensive”, without pouring in more power and personell, i can only guess that things are not going that bad for Russia.


Never know what NATO might do. They have a superlative decision making leadership.


Their work in Afghanistan and Libya speaks for itself.


We only have have his word for it that there were four and it is still an impressive shoot-down rate, making flying a helicopter in bordering on suicidal.


They took action alright. They killed most of them. Why shoot down empty copters.


Dead wrong! It means that they have to sneak in at a dangerous 20 meters in order to get taken out anyway by Russia and The DLPR Milititia.


Nazis don’t deserve to live


Well souch long front line like in ukraine neads lot mote then 200.000 solders. If we count that 20% was taken by a much lòwer force then defenders this is a succes. But still, if you alowe one choper to evacuate 10 azovs is to muc. Im still questioning Russan air dominance. Ther is no more reports of KA52 and su-24 atacking ukrainians pozitions.

Muhammad Piss Be Upon Him

Will there be subtitles or voice-overs to these videos? Would be very helpful.


People might not realize this but Russia did a great favor not only for Europe, but to humankind in general. I shiver thinking what these freaks would do having a major assent in European Parliament.


Indeed. That’s my stand in this conflict: I’m not “pro-Putin” at all but I’m deeply offended and scared of having such a nazi nest in the middle of Europe (or any other continent for that matter really). Their success would be our defeat as Humanist Europe, their destruction is our success. It’s totally shameful and hypocritical that the EU is supporting such terrorist scum at all.


That’s been the false binary used in Anglosphere propaganda since 2014. One either supports the US puppet in the Ukraine, or one is pro-Putin. It works for most people in the Five Eyes. Complexity is not their thing.

Racism is good in Croatia

The way you put it makes me kinda want to switch from being pro Russian to pro Ukranian. I thought Russia was doing exactly that. Defeating shitlib globo homo and HUMILIATING the essence of “west”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Racism is good in Croatia

Your homophobia is despicable, could I, I’d have you blocked. As I can’t, I’d use the thick skin method and hope something gets through your thick skull into whatever is left inside.

You don’t understand “the essence of the West” if such thing exists at all. In any case Russia is a Western country in terms cultural and historical, i.e. a European country, it is much more European than that maze of highways called the USA will ever be. In general, because of developmental delay (Brezhnev’s retard reaction, Stalin’s ultra-nationalism), Eastern Europe (Albania excepted, because they had a Maoist cultural revolution) seems to have kept a delay in cleaning up the feudal residue called religion and all its related patriarchal ideology (such as your hateful homophobia but also mad ultra-nationalism). This is true not just in the former USSR but crucially IN POLAND, the pampered Wojitilist Trojan horse that Reagan used against Gorby as battering ram.

The result is not just a fake Catholic vs Orthodox conflict way too similar to that of Yugoslavia (but more subdued because most Ukrainians with religion are Orthodox and there’s no such extreme need to emphasize non-existent ethnic differences as in Yugoslavia, where Croats and Serbs and Bosniaks all speak the same language and are thus the same nation/ethnicity, just as Protestant, Catholic and Atheist Germans are all the same nation) but a revival of the 1919 war between Russia and Poland (and their respective allies in Ukraine and Belarus, which Poland backstabbed very cruelly) and even older wars before Poland-Lithuania was partioned if you wish. In those days, the Western allies, Germany and Austria-Hungary being defeated conceived a quite unstable “contention belt” against the USSR and socialism for which Poland was keystone. The same happens now but now it’s only Russia to “contain” or rather erode, because Russia is not different in anything ideologically relevant from the West, let alone Poland (a very homophobic and anti-communist regime, at least in Russia the main opposition are the communists, in Poland there’s no opposition at all, as there is not in the USA either or in general in the West, with the possible exception of France and, if Corbynism revives somehow, in Britain maybe).

Your ideological game between liberals and conservatives is trivial: that’s like choosing between Coke and Pepsi when you actually want some decent beer or maybe just some fresh water without plastic, like choosing between McDonalds and Burger King when you actually want grass-fed steak with some nice homegrown veggies: they pretend they’re different but their differences are trivial, cosmetic, in comparison with real choice, and neither is good stuff at all. They are both fake shades of the single Capitalist Party and that’s it.



In fact Biden and the Clintonians are doing exactly what Trump tried to: downgrade Europe into a quasi-colony via these absurdly suicidal sanctions “against Russia”, which almost only hurt third parties, notably the EU. You may ask: why is then the EU following up with such sanctions? Because it has been kidnapped from the inside since long ago: NATO is not any mere alliance, it is the centerpiece of the US Empire and is fully penetrated by the shadowy Gladio Network, which has been using nazis and other fascists (most recently also Islamo-fascists) as “black hand” for almost a century already (we can even track them to the British-sponsored raise of fascisms in the 1920s and 30s but it became more “underground” after WWII). All the Western media is concentrated in extremely few oligarchic hands and that’s also true for the banks, etc., all the power is in a very close knit oligarchy that has been working together for many decades (G7, Trilateral Commission, etc.) between Europe, North America and Japan (and also South Korea, Australia, etc., lesser annexes to the US Empire).

The only core tenets of the US Empire are: (1) Capitalism, (2) US or otherwise Anglo hegemony. It’s inheritor mostly to the British Empire and its policy of keeping Europe down and disunited, in which every single continental power was hostigated until it collapsed (first the Habsburgs, then France, then Germany and now Russia — but also keeping the EU under tight control, lest it become a real power as Borrell and Macron have advocated recently).

Last edited 2 years ago by Maju

This conflict or rather the “nuclear level” sanctions, as senile Biden admitted in at least one of his recent discourses, is extremely costly for Europe and very especially working class Europeans like myself. A Spanish cartoon recently had the EU chopping off one of its arms and telling Uncle Sam: “I don’t think it’s working” and Uncle Sam replying: “try chopping the other one off”. Biden admitted, with our own hyper-corrupt and ultra-lackeyish “president” Von Der Leyen by his side, that the sanctions devastate Europe but that it’s good for the USA (which exports oil, gas and cereals, much like Russia) so he could not care less.

It has nothing to do with your liberal vs conservative culture wars. As I said before, Poland is even more reactionary than Russia and Poland is the keystone of all what is happening (always under Anglo, US and British, direction). There are reactionaries in both sides of the Ukrainian trenches, even nazis probably but they predominate much more and in a more organized and terrorist way in the Ukrainian side, no doubt. This matters a lot because they persecute the socialists and communists and also make horrible ethnic (racist) massacres, and shift the political debate from a relatively open one into one of hatred and uniformized thought, which nobody can exit at risk of being most severely punished, possibly killed or worst. That’s the nature of fascist totalitarianism (or totalitarianism in general: you must adhere to the official ideology or suffer the consequences, no more free speech or even free thought anymore).

In this sense Russia, with all its shortcomings, is much less totalitarian than Ukraine. Putin’s choice of the issue of denazification is a very good choice because it gives him and Russia in general the upper moral ground and helps unify positions with the communist opposition. It’s also (sadly enough) a keystone of the NATO/Gladio policies in Ukraine, strongly reminiscent not just of Polish imperialism but also of that of Nazi Germany, both of which tried to use Ukrainian nationalism as a tool for their own imperialist purposes.

As for your own ideological conundrum, nobody but the Taliban is really as extremist as you seem to be, maybe you should convert to the most extreme branch of Islam? In any case your “cause” is doomed because it’s medievalist and that phase of human history is over and won’t come back.


I almost think Erope deserves a Nazi Ukraine after the support they gave them.

Let’s see the 2million plus refugees staging parades to Bandera around Poland. How dare they judge Ukranian culture!

Christian J. Chuba

Not how Russia releases details, including the names of the enemy soldiers who were killed. Contrast this with Ukraine saying … ‘we just intercepted and killed members of the Wagner group in Kyiv. They were sent by Putin to kill President Zelensky’. If Ukraine did this then they have the bodies but provide are no pictures or identification.


And 3 transport planes with each 150 paratroopers shot down yes? And ghost of kiev kind of nutty stories. This war has been a war of massive desinformation. Many vids or pics used from previous conflicts, or outright made up. Claimed “recapture” of cities / territories that were never even lost in first place. It’s hard to see what’s actually happening. I believe both sides are doing this but so far russian info was alot more reliable.


The Ukrops are great in propaganda, as their heroes form 80 years ago


In capitalism you can’t even trust your air defense operators.


Denazification contnues. Facial recognition and victim testimony condemns them all to a brutal and nasty life in a restored GULAG camp in Vorkuta I hope. The interrogator made it clear that none of them will escape justice. God willing the lying and toxic shills here will meet the same fate. Russia knows who they are.


i wish them happy interogation and permanent gulag relocation


They wanted to be Orcs and they ended up being dorks.

Last edited 2 years ago by platon

I hope those survivors get denazified

Von Tzu

Get to the Choppa


What type of AA was up if the helos were able to penetrate the airspace land and take off again?

Last edited 2 years ago by d_mason
Dick Von D'Astard

Guy with the frizzy hair looks more American than Ukrainian.


yes, it is an afro

Racism is good in Croatia

no, curly hair is normal and 100% White


not that curly though

Racism is good in Croatia

look better, it is normal curly but dirty


I’m not too happy when I read that statement: “Belmak” added that the group of the helicopters moved to Mariupol from Dnipro Airport.”

1. Why do Kiev’s fascist regime still have operational airports? 2. Do Kiev have attack helicopters left too in the air? 3. Do Kiev still have fighter jets in the air after 1 month of war? 4. It seems Kiev can still launch ballistic missiles every day, why?


Russian army needs a lot of work, and I hope heads will roll after this war and improve the corruption and incompitance in the army.

I feel like I’m ready a history book when I hear of russians being sent to the front with no gear and having to pick up what they can from the enemy.


All good questions.


Also, after 30 days of siege the Azov-Nazis must suffer from severe starvation, water and ammunition shortage. Still they are resisting. Are they eating their dead comrades or are they supplied on a regular basis by helicopters?


I’d never take a Ukro’s word for anything on a good day, and I very much doubt they tried flying 4 or 5 choppers into an area dominated by Russian armed forces. However, the question regarding air defences seems relevant, since MANPADs are not a part of a proper anti-aircraft battery system, they are a field unit stop-gap measure. I’m not going to suggest anything, because I really have no idea what the fundamental situation is with all it’s details.

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

UKROBOTS are compulsive liars.


The peice of craps look comfortable while the piece of craps are torturing Russians …I said send them to a special place deep Siberian and work them till death but make sure they took 200 lashes every day till they died of old ages


Also, the question appears about the state of the air defense of forces involved in the operation to take control of Mariupol if such a large group of helicopters was really able to penetrate the frontline. Indeed and what happened with “demilitarise” ? 4-5 choppers so close from battleground should have been spotted. Honestly who ever is in charge of strategy of Russian army is doing a fantastic nothing. I am still puzzled after all these years that there is no anti-javelin in Russian tanks. They are qvacks – sitting ducks.


Military Malpractice


Russian corruption and incompitance being revealed. I wouldn’t be surprised if many kits that could be saving Russian lives right now have been on sold by commanders for a quick buck.

Hopefully this war will be a wake-up call for Russia and things will improve. People are ready to love their country, but it’s hard when the government keeps treating the people like crap.

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

You are mixing up Russia with Ukropisstan tho.

Joe Bidens Dementia

Wtf “no anti-javelin in Russian tanks” even means you clueless and brainless rat?

You mean APS/Active protection systems? AFU has dozen of different anti-tank systems, different size, different origin, different capabilities, Javelins are just one of them. As usual you imbecile have no idea what you are babbling about, you just spam random garbage desperate for attention and CIA cookies with meth.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe Bidens Dementia
Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

They were allowed in to take on the azov commanders first. They are toast now. No tank has protection against the Javelin except for the Merkava, T-90 and T-14 with active protection systems. Even an Abrams is defenseless against a Javelin or KORNET. You may try again.

Mondo Cane

So much for name, rank and serial number, eh?

Donald Moore

“Also, the question appears about the state of the air defense of forces involved in the operation to take control of Mariupol if such a large group of helicopters was really able to penetrate the front line: Russia allowed the Ukies to fly in. What better way to kill off the Nazi’s then to allow the helo’s in and let them board them and then shoot them down. If they shot them down the Nazi would still be alive!


Can you imagine the military malpractice of allowing helicopters to fly at all?

This is why you fight the American way: bomb everything. No light, no water, no food, no fuel, no bridges, no cellphones (!), no government (!!).

You can be as nice as you want once you win.

This is turning into a debacle.

Bayraktar TB3

Huge Victory!

Meanwhile AFU have recaptured 100+ villages in Kiyv, Kherson, Chernihiv, Sumy regions! Siege of Chernihiv and Sumy broken by Ukrainian Army! Hostomel suburb and airport recaptured. Chernobyl power plant recaptured.

So losing 1000+ tanks, armored personel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles and 8 su34 was all for nothing. Huge win!

Bayraktar TB3

Losing 12,000 soldiers to try taking Kiyv and Chernihiv all for nothing. RU troops withdrawing from both regions en masse. Game over.


not enough therapists in your Arkansas trailer park

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

According to Disney news network…

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Indeed its game over for glorious ukronazisisbanderistan.


…and then you wake up with your face in your toiIet…

Last edited 2 years ago by hmm

Russia did Russia things, but don’t be confused, Russia will level Kiev to the ground before it’s all “over”

For all of its help, supply or weapons and training Ukraine was never going to win without full NATO intervention. All they have managed to do is drag the war out and create more deaths and destruction on both sides.

Russia will end up getting the outcome it wanted in the end, capturing the east and the south, which could have been done in a deal.

The only winner here is the USA having achieved its goal of bleeding Russia a bit.

The nationalists are going to get a nice surprised once the EU starts dictating to them to have more gay pride parades, and let’s see how that ends up.


Even in spring 1945 the Nazi were winning every battle, even as Soviet soldiers closed in on Berlin. The “Deutsche Wochenschau” said so.


they can be back anytime they want. At this time there’s not much reason to be in these places, and more reason to focus on liberating and securing Donbass.

I do think RU should continue with demilitarization on an opportunistic basis. That would still make good sense I think


Hopefully, the neo nahtzee thugs will face Russian justice and then face their ultimate execution.

Arzt Injektion

Reading the Russian telegram channels today, people are not buying this story at all. The Helicopters were shot down with Manpads? How did they penetrate so far undetected? Where were the Buks, Pantsirs, Sosna’s?

The consensus is they were allowed to land there to do the evacuation but somebody forgot to tell the DNR or they could not be bought off and didn’t play ball.

The Donbass Dead

Ukraine refused to become a Federation

So then it became a Severed Nation

Think I’ll put that on a T-shirt

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x