Israeli policemen patrol a street in the Arab east Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber following clashes in Jerusalem September 18, 2015. FILE IMAGE: Reuters
Late on April 7, two people were killed and more than ten others were wounded as a result of a shooting attack in the heart of the Israeli city of Tel Aviv.
The shooting took place on Dizengoff Street that was crowded with people spending the night at local bars, restaurants and cafes. The street and nearby areas experienced a state of complete chaos after the attack, with Israeli security forces moving from building to another in search for the gunman.
Heavy police forces seen in Tel Aviv during a manhunt for the gunman who wounded at least six on Dizengoff. pic.twitter.com/5OFkXkQMor
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2022
Police say hundreds of officers are searching the area following the deadly shooting attack pic.twitter.com/aW83gQapj4
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2022
The dead were two men, Tomer Morad and Eytam Magini, both aged 27. Four of the wounded, including one woman, remain in a serious condition.
Video circulating online allegedly shows the gunman passing the bar in Tel Aviv before committing a shooting attack there. pic.twitter.com/CCSPZKtgYi
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2022
A third video shows the suspect sitting down on a bench near the bar shortly before the attack. pic.twitter.com/QjQNsO2UD0
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 7, 2022
The suspected gunman was shot dead by police near a mosque in Jaffa early on April 8 after a massive manhunt. He was identified as Ra’ad Hazem, 29, a Palestinian from the Jenin refugee camp.
Israel’s security agency, Shin Bet, said that Hazem had no apparent links to any terrorist group, or prior arrests. He was illegally in Israel at the time of attack.
In the wake of the deadly attack, Defense Minister Benny Gantz vowed that Israel will exact a “heavy price” from what he called “terrorists”.
“We will expand our operations against the terror wave,” Gantz said, according to The Times of Israel.
The shooting attack was praised by several Palestinian factions, including the Hamas Movements and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Lebanon’s Hezbollah also released a statement, welcoming the attack and calling for more support for Palestinians.
This was the fourth deadly attack in Israel in less than a month. On March 22, four Israelis were killed in a stabbing attack in Be’er Sheva. Five days later, two border police officers were killed in a shooting attack in Hadera. On March 30, two Israelis, two Ukrainian nationals, and a police officer were killed in a shooting attack in Bnei Brak.
The attack will ultimately lead to more tensions in the Palestinian West Bank, where Israel will likely tighten security measures.
Fight terrorism. Support Israel.
Isreal is an apartheid state . If they would give the arabs their state this would all be over.
The more AshkeNAZI fake jews dead the better! Target ALL JEWS WORLDWIDE!!! They believe in collective punishment. GIVE IT TO THEM!!
Is Southfront censoring again? Why did you not allow this link?
Fight terrorism. Slaughter all Muslim pigs and destroy their mosques.
I can smell your butt hurt all the way from Hell Aviv my inbred friend 💩🇮🇱💩
Really? Are you sure it’s not the smell of your dead mummy’s stinking corpse?
Brenton Tarant Because you use toilet paper not water like uncivilized people
Yeah, because Muslims of all people really know how to be civilised!!
Brenton Tarrant-Muslim killer So you agree that you have smelly backside eh!!
After a comment like that we now KNOW the kind of sordid psycho you are.
I’m being called a sordid psycho by an anti-Semitic muslim. If that’s not irony then I don’t know what is.
I’m not a muslim, nor am I a killer.
Perhaps you can fill me in on what an anti Semite is?
Take as much time as you need…
But don’t forget – You’re still a sordid psycho no matter how many levels of crap you try to bury your disgusting comments under.
Good one! Ahahahahahaha.
Hooked nosed zionist inbred filth should be turned into fertiliser.
Muslims know all about fertiliser of course. It’s what they smell of all the time.
Whit you’re big racist nose, I can’t argue with you, you are the king.
Brenton Tarantino Wishful thinking See what happened to Russia and USA when they tried it in Afghanistan Your comment shows sign of desperation
Desperation?! Lol! Are you people even for real? Actually, don’t answer that. You’ll only just confuse yourself.
Brenton, I didn’t realize you could access the web from the loony bin you live in.
Yes, it’s amazing isn’t it? How were you able to access it from you shit-stinking cave? I hope you got your mummy and daddy’s permission first though so they could take off the parental lock.
I fondly remember being a passionate young idealist. From what I remember, we wanted the world to be a better place for all of those who had to live here.
Let’s cut to the chase:
The fundamental differences between us, BrentonTarrant, are that you are a psychopathic monster who I believe should be punished for your contributions to the destruction of the country and society that has adopted you and I’m simply a sane and moral human opposed to everything you represent.
That poses some difficulties if we are trying to seek some common ground.
The fact is I don’t believe we share any common ground. In fact, I believe you consider me, and everyone like me, an enemy and a threat to your hegemony.
I don’t deny it.
I want you and yours excised from my civilization as much as you want me exterminated.
Let’s see who prevails…
you’re not fooling anyone stephan. grow up and stop acting like a petulant child throwing a tantrum because he didn’t get his own way.
Fight real terrorism. Fight Israel.
Israel is terrorism.
Islam is terrorism you ignorant cretin
You are degenerate mongoloid.
Awww cry baby. Mummy not breast feed you today? Or did Daddy whip you again?
Hi alexander, how are bullshit things in your asshole head today, you low self esteem complexity walking disorder?
You support zionist terrorist scum in occupied Palestine, says a lot about you.
Fight terrorism. Destroy pissrael.
Oh wow. That’s so so clever. How long did it take you to think of that? You must be really proud of yourself.
Brenton, your response is something I could have expected from a low IQ troll, but I expected from you more than the usual BS spread by the rest of the msm.
You disappointed me.
‘Destroy pissrael’. Isn’t that what you have stated above? And you accuse ME of being a low IQ troll!
The NATO regimes want to butcher as many from weak nations as much possible.
The funny in the article : he was illigaly in HIS COUNTRY PALESTINE . Zionists, get out of PALESTINE !!!
We only need a one country solution for all people… O, there already was one…
Israel live by the sword, and will die by the sword.
A dead russian a day. Keeps the doctor away!
All this wave of attack is because of the Ukrainian crisis. Palestinains are upset as more Ukrainains are settlling in, Jewish and afraid they will be further denied their houses and be given to the Ukrainians. Artiles like: Palestinian PM Warns Against Turning Ukrainian Refugees Into New Settlers
I am not taking sides in this, but the actual escaladation is because of this
If you had any morals you would take side of the oppressed (Palestinians) against the oppressor (ZioNazi occupation of Israel).
Where are the morals in killing innocent people? Both sides, any side. I understand the frustration of the Palestinians, but don’t agree with their methods, even if it is maybe the only way they can react, yet I cannot agree with killing the innocents. Also, you sound exactly like those bullies that accuse you of being ”paid by Russians” if you say you want peace in Ukraine (aka non invoilvment of your country).
Get off the fake morality posturing. If the Palestinians stopped resisting as you speak from your position of privilege, their would no longer be a Palestine. During the era of South African apartheid, Nelson Mandela was called a terrorist. If he followed your advice apartheid would still exist. Get real.
Maybe if we stop thinking in a poisonous way, , then we will not poison our world… And if you don’t understand, it’s o.k. nature will take care of it..
Beautiful! A dead ZioNazi a day keeps the Ugly land squatters at bay 🤗
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FPykmpvXwAIhayb?format=jpg&name=large Great photo!! Look at all that Muslim pig blood!!! Well done Israel! You slaughtered another one! Keep it up!!
Pig talks. Wow.
I’m sure this Muslim pig was talking a lot. Begging like the fag coward he was to the brave Israeli police not to shoot him before they blew the cunt’s head off!!! He lived like a Muslim pig coward and died like a Muslim pig coward. Hopefully the Israeli’s will now find the pigs family and slaughter them in the same way!!!
Pig talk. Again. See your but hurt.
This is just and exactly because Zionists intoxicated Muslim world, including Palestine and Palestinians with Wahhabism. And it strongly suggests that this one is one of them. Zionist creation Monstruous Wahhabism turned against his creator, Zionism. Well a Monster always turns against his creator and master.
You do talk some absolute shit don’t you?! I really don’t think you have a fucking clue what’s going on! I guess mummy and daddy dropped you on your head many times when you were a infant.
Brenton, You’re insane.
You’re the kind of human waste that people would line up to take a swing with a bat at.
Repulsive is the word that comes to mind when I think of what you represent.
Oh stop, you’re too kind.
I would pay you the same compliment but just like oxygen, I think it would be wasted on you
I am too kind.