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MARCH 2025

More Evidence, More Doubts About Bucha Massacre

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A few days ago, the media were actively discussing the question – who arranged the mass murders in Bucha? At that time, most of the media were inclined toward the actions of the Russian military. However, some facts now cast doubt on the earlier conclusions.

The crux of the matter is that the Russian military was blamed for the massacre back in mid-March, but most of civilians were killed after the troops withdrew from Bucha.

At that time, Maxar Technologies provided images that were proof of the massacre. Maxar Technologies has several satellites (models WorldView-1 32060, WorldView-2 35946, WorldView-3 40115, GeoEye-1 33331). Three satellites were moving in all. The satellites started moving on March 19, but none of them had a trajectory over Bucha (watch the video below). Hence we can conclude that there was no information on Bucha from these satellites.


Everyone well remembers that there were satellite images after all. The question arises – when were they taken? The New York Times published images of dead people. The images show the aftermath of the downpour (the downpour took place from March 31 to April 1). You can also look at the position of the shadows (compared to March 19 and February 28). The shadows and time match, only the picture for March 19 was not taken on March 19 but was taken on April 1. Also, using the SunCalc program, the specialists compared the angles of the Sun’s declination over the horizon, which also matched. The study was conducted by a team of OSINT and GEOINT specialists. The specialists concluded that the image was not taken on March 19, but on April 1 at 11:57 GMT.

More Evidence, More Doubts About Bucha Massacre

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More Evidence, More Doubts About Bucha Massacre

Click to see full-size image

 If we turn to The New York Times article, we can notice that the first photos of Bucha were taken between March 9 and 11. At that time, the territory was under the control of the AFU. It also states that the Russians took the city on March 11. However, according to the Institute of War report, the Russians did not control the south of the city from March 9 to 11. Attention should also be drawn to the statement of the General Staff of Ukraine on Facebook on March 10, which reads «the enemy is trying to break through the defenses of Ukraine’s defenders in the areas of Poliske, Kukhari, Zhovtneve, Andriyivka, Kopyliv, Motyzhyn, Buzova, Horenychi, Bucha, Demydiv, and block Kyiv». Next, the Institute of War, in its Facebook post of March 11, states that all attempts by the Russian army to take Bucha have failed.


Putting together the first and second parts of the puzzle, a picture emerges where the Russian troops did not commit the acts attributed to them. The question of trusting one side or the other remains open and a personal matter for everyone.


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These doubts are apparent to you, not the Western audience. They are worse than animals. They KNOW Russia did this cuz their media has SAID Russia did it. End of story.

Only facts

Thereis also video footage of killings, Will you deny thís as well? https://youtu.be/HQ-kU-3Y1GA

General Curtis Lemay

Conviniently there was an ukro drone at the right moment and right place without the Russian air defense engaging it. More plausible the drone filmed the advancing Ukrainian troops whom shot the local civs.


That’s a big column Have the Russians not claimed that they have destroyed 90% of Ukrainian hardware for a while now?

Tom Bombastadillo

The video was taken several weeks ago …. Those tanks have no white Z. They are Ukrainian tanks. Zoom in and you will see.

Kelly Benitez


Burning Russian soldier

Typical Kremlin whore with cum in his eyes. Too much time in the Putin sex dungeon just does that.


How is it ye cumey lovey fascists who post as vile burnt offerings yet again clarify 100% the nature of your beggotten sodomite cultivated incestry fukfestives,pufta!


You do realize that posting vile garbage like that only makes you look bad right?


There were reports that it was “the Boatman Boys” according to RT.com’s TV show “RT News. Mr. Boatman is a notorious Ukrainian fascist, maybe with the Azov Battalion (I’m not sure. Turkey used the SUN-CALC software to reveal the deliberately fake timestamps for the Maxar satellite photos pushed by the New York Times and BBC. In the photos, the shadows that would be cast on the ground for April 1st weren’t correct. Russia Today–ALMOST the only source of truth for this (at least so far!) limited war.


Sorry, I’m not a Geo-intelligence specialist. I meant to say “because of the declination of the sun, the shadows on the ground wouldn’t match that of March 19 but would April 1, at least a day after Russian withdrawal (watch the Mayor’s announcement). It’s possible the massacre occurred during the sweep by Ukrainian defence forces. City councilwoman Katerina Ukraintseva warned citizens NOT to go out during the Uk military sweep.


Civs with white bands on their arms, more or less… Civs who supported Russian troops when they were there.


RT.com showed photos of cereal-shaped boxes handed out by the Russians in the arms of some of the bodies. Were they ethnic Russian Buchans asking the withdrawing forces for food or medicine Also a short video was shown of a Ukrainian soldier on there sidewalk calmly asking his superior off-camera “Should I shoot those without blue armbands”. He receives a “yes”.


I see one civilian on this video, not multiple civilians. I see that civilian had come out of the corner, and probably suprised the soldier in the armored vehicled, and he fired thinking it was the enemy.


Civilian…? Ukropper with manpad…? Nothing here but moar Ukropper BS …move along


It is some dumb guy on an electric scooter, ffs.


More like the scooter with training wheels,or else it would neck itself,for sure!


You cant tell if its Russians tanks or Ukrainian!


Neither it was civilian or infantry, it seems they are trying to find another way to attack Russians, sanctions didn’t worked out it backfired to them, US western helps to firepower of Ukrainian army mostly never reached to them 😭😭😭😭😭

Tom Bombastadillo

Zoom in and you will see no white Z or V on those tanks. They are Ukrainian. The shooter got scared and shot a local dufus who was probably out of insulin, food or whatever made him go out onto the streets.


That drone footage shows nothing at all but a person running towards the tanks first, walking later and finally turning the corner. Nobody drops dead at any time.

Tom Bombastadillo

This is true.


WTF is this BS?


cnns (only facts) Go figure!

Nothin gto see

I didn’t see any sivilian shooted. Sivilian disappear after corner. And why to use seven-eight bullet to one civilian? One is enough. We didn’t see if this person has Molotow-coctail with him/her or not. And it he/her has, there were no more civilian. But soldier.

Dis you saw how the bullet targetted? I didn’t. This prove nothing.

And one thing… It this was filmed from drone, how it can stay sam palace all the time? Was it balloon? Picture angle or area or focus doesn’t change in whole time.

Tom Bombastadillo

Drones are amazing. On Youtube watch 4k drone scenic videos. The drones can stay quite still, they go forward, backward, etc. Crystal clear images throughout.

Try this one. It’s Chile. (“Chile today, hot tamale!”)


The tanks etc in that video are all Ukrainian. No white Z or V on any of them, even on the huge troop transporters towards the background.

bobby boucher

Not much here really. Looks like a guy on a bike, gets off it, starts walking it, then moves toward the street behind a tree. A tank fired in the direction and time of the person, and likely the person may have been the target. But you cannot draw the conclusion that this means whoever are operating those tanks are involved in some kind of a massacre. Perhaps the operator felt threatened and fired. Regardless if this was a civilian or not, if it were the Russians operating the tank, it is well within reason to have seen this individual as a threat given the types of anti-tank weapons the Ukrainians have, and how they are used in close proximity.

Last edited 2 years ago by bobby boucher
Only facts

Just one example there are plenty more videos around of targeting civillians indiscriminate. A few days russians did not even acknowledge dead people and claimed were actors, then they Said were killed by Ukrainians after they left hence the satélite data. Now satélite is also fake and now also drone footage. Russians keep changing their story ONLY fools buy that

bobby boucher

MoD did not state much more than it was fake news, and denied they intentionally shot innocents, and that they left 4 days before the “evidence” emerged, and they could be actors. We also have plenty of videos of the brutality of the Ukrainian militias toward both POW’s and civilians, and a lot of evidence battalions were holding civilians as human shields. Circumstantially its fairly obvious the Russian strategy was not to harm civilians (otherwise Kiev would look like Grozny). The biggest point it, we KNOW Ukraine stages such situations as they we now know they basically lied about the Maternity hospital not having military positions set up. Given a recent history of a bold fake, it is not unreasonable to assume they continue this strategy. There may be people who were killed by shelling at different times, and others executed maybe. We don’t know that. The satellite images show bodies in areas heavily destroyed by munitions. I assume there are bodies all over the place in a war zone. The UK curiously imposed sanctions, and was very incurious about a UN security council meeting to discuss the other side of the story, which I find very strange.

Tom Bombastadillo

The Poms’ leaders are two-faced.

Michel LeBlanc

Whatever, you monsters have been sheeling the civilians in LDPR for 8 years without batting an eye.

See you in hell nazi trash!


wtf is that? is it even in bucha? that’ your evidence? UKROTARDOSAURUS REX


Spell check: UKROTARTIANUS REX Yeah,thank us later!


Funny that this drone stayed there captures very specific footage, bravo to that dumb ass who has shared this footage 🤭🤭


Another 180 degree twistfk whos postings rave from thy anal passage,facts what fekn facts,pfft! p00fta yous are all the same double digit low iq low balling cowards on suicide watch,mr facts!


KillingS? Maybe, maybe, and that is far from clear, one justified killing.

That video is apparently the MOST incriminating thing they have found on all the video they have reviewed of Bucha to date (and presumably, if they are not utter idiots, they had the Russian forces in Bucha under 24/7 surveillance with drones and even telescopic lenses given the proximity of the opposing forces, and since they have reviewed all government, business and residential cameras as well as citizen smartphones – note that internet/electricity has been on the entire time). LOL!!!

Who knows if it was a misfire, if anyone was even injured or killed, or if he was Territorial Defense and pulled out a Manpad or AK-47 and was firing at the tanks, it’s enough to warrant an investigation but not even remotely close to proving one arguable war crime. Even assuming this “cyclist” was killed, killing civilians entering a battle zone is generally not considered a war crime, there could be reason for armed fighters to believe that poses a threat to them, US/UK did it 1,000s of times in Afghanistan and Iraq, heck they fracked entire carloads of people, entire families, if their cars entered a combat zone or even came to close to a checkpoint, and they always insisted that if the troops felt any danger, no matter how paranoid, it was not a war crime to massacre a family.


This was an accident killing. The Armour on the side street is to protect the main column from missile attacks. They thought the biker was the enemy. If they wanted to mass kill civilians, they would have emptied tank shell after tank shell into each passing house. This happens in war.


That footage shows nothing at all, what are you on about?

Michel LeBlanc

Most people cant even show ukraine on a map.

kogda mi byli na voinye

no comment


So the ministers of defence are appointed Deep State workers who don’t care whose fakes are reported on the people because of their inoculation of nerve agents. Because whether the US recognises the International Criminal Court and everyone else does. They all, as they are all called in the world government operate according to a plan that you can look up on the internet with Clade X, a mass extermination in which the goal is that every human being is vaccinated, because every human being must have a nanochip installed so that the Mossad decides how long a human being may live.

Nitric acid yesterday, although on 1 February the Voltaire Network, a friend of the Zionist Ahmadineschad, already issued the announcement as it arrived. And today all the Russian media agree, death by gas poisoning is the hydrochloric acid (as it was yesterday). Nevertheless, it is not criticised and no report has been issued in the NATO mass media about it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nashika

Ukronazisis will pay for this dearly.


These were Russian sympathizers. They deserved it. Praise Adolf and Bandera. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


1. You are claiming those people were pro-Russian. 2. Pro-Russian should be killed and that’s all fine? 3. “Praise Adolf and Bandera.” NVM, you neo-nazis fuk.

Stephan Williams

You hasbarabots repulse me. Mental illness – the variety you suffer from – is an ugly thing.

You insult Hitler with your comparison to the psychotic Bandera. By the way, did you know the Germans IMPRISONED Bandera? To the Germans he was a criminal.


I’d take the word of the white statesman over any dementy obese gorilla evil blek nazi skank anyday ye black loving sodomised demonic dumb liberal homosexual bot,watch you back deadbeat the nazis are gonna kill you for betraying their beliefs,silly little soros sausage,how dumb can you get,seriously!

Last edited 2 years ago by ZELENSKY TRUE MI6 MIDGET

We all know who was behind the 2018 Douma chemical attack. The US, Zion, Wahhabis, and NATO. Remember Zion saying how they “saved” white helmets (Westerns ISIS) from Syrian and Russians? The same story here, but we all can also remember that Russia called NATO’s chemical attack beforehand so they couldn’t do the same thing they did in Syria in Ukraine. So, they write a new story and like in Syria blame Russia for it.

If you people think these neo-nazis fuks wouldn’t kill their own you are full of shit. They killed civilians for 8 years in Donbas and still neo-nazis hide between civilians like ISIS/Daesh – the very same group that NATO, Zion, and Wahhabis created.

Yamil Perez

Killing ethnic ruskies then blaming it on Russia. Win win?

Heinrich Himmler

Im proud of my Azov boys.


go f*k yourself dumb idiot


Seig Heil CYKA шлюха


You mean only the dead ones remaining there south? The way i see it low iq gimp,any nazi with half a brain certainly aint proud of the likes of you,simply because your disinfomation only let them down, along to fact they know too well now,kiev cowards certainly never gave a rats arse about them (period) Too much fun in polish brothels right? Nazis will never forget who the biggest traitors are,id watch my back if i were a pro faggy cia jew there in kiev!

Last edited 2 years ago by ZELENSKY TRUE MI6 MIDGET

It sounds better than your story about the guy who gets up in the rearview mirror 😂

Tom Bombastadillo

He’s definitely there walking towards the street if you take the time to really look.

Muhammad your Prophet

They already got caught on video shooting at civilians. The only thing the Putin cockroaches can do at this point is try to deny the video evidence. And deny the Putin cockroaches will. Just like any other murderers.


What video evidence? Links please…

Michel LeBlanc

But its ok to shell donetsk for 8 years?

Your the murdere here. Go fuck a goat!


Did you see the cocoroach mma wannabe be nazi was eliminated by the old soviet ? checkout the hairstyle i tellya,there is no more human cocoroach like your deadbeat chummy!

bobby boucher

The obvious point is being missed regardless of the dates. So we can conclude those are dead bodies, but not how they died. It is obvious from the videos there is a lot of debris near the bodies. Objectively from what we can see, the cause of death very well could be from explosions or associated projectiles caused by them. We know there was shelling in the area, we see damage, and we see bodies. The most reasonable conclusion at this point is that we can draw with what we know, is that these people were indeed killed as a result of explosions.

Muhammad your Prophet

The Putin cockroaches were filmed with drones committing the war crimes. The evidence is undisputed. There’s plenty of drone footage.


The evidence is already disputed on this page. The drone footage shows no such thing. You have to do better and produce some actual verifiable evidence.


Don’t engage him. You’re giving him the only attention he’s going to get all day


There were no “dead bodies”. In a vid posted on VT one of the “bodies” waves to his mates cruising slowly past. Plus the “bodies” are carefully placed at regular intervals. A shoddy bit of film making.

Tom Bombastadillo

So they all ran out of their houses all at once to be blown up. Sure. Their evenly spaced placement makes it all look like a staged setup.


This is soooo clearly yet another false flag attack. I’m almost willing to blame the terrorist secret arm of NATO, Gladio Network, rather than Ukraine as such, but of course there’s no real difference at this point, as Ukraine has been a Gladio regime for 8 years already.

The Kremlin is concerned about renounciation to NATO (alias “neutrality”) and denazification, however they are not talking of the elephant in the room: Gladio, perpetrating internal NATO terrorism, always under false flag, and always manned by nazi or quasi-nazi personnel pretending to “defend democracy” since the First Cold War. Gladio was once barely exposed (mostly in Italy) but it was never dismantled and has been perpetrating one after another false flag attacks in North America and Europe alike.

Muhammad your Prophet

Murderers. That’s what the Putin cockroaches are. There’s plenty of footage. They were just too clueless to know they were being filmed with drones. https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/breaking-drone-video-shows-russia-troops-shooting-civilian/

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

The drone footage is unverifiable, as pointed out on this comment section above. You need to stop leaping to conclusions. Only a day or so ago you were telling the world “undeniable evidence” of Russian atrocity in Bucha. Today your “evidence” doesn’t look so good. Sober up and wait a few days before commenting.


GLADIO headquarters are NATO building Brussels. The years 1980 there was the “bende verhaal” terrorisme on the people, 26 killed. They never find the culprids. The ministre of law that time was jean goldstein (notoire zionist) Then there was the falls flag attacks on the metro and the airfield, the culprids were muslims, radicalised by SA and mossad and cia. The people were obset and the government could go to murdrer in Syria for the ODED YINON PLAN. People did not object, only 600 bilions euro in debt, zionists are happy, i dont !!!


This is exactly why Russia should never have conducted this operation. A army is TRAINED to KILL THE ENEMY not argue about public relations .

Pan- Slavism is about hearts and minds and if you think that the ENEMY is your BROTHER you will hold back your strength and deploy your forces weakly hence why you saw columns able to be picked off.

Because the Russians thought that they would drive up to towns Ukrainians wouldn’t fight and that the people would greet them with Vodka and Folk Dancing

Tom Bombastadillo

Nah. Not at all.

bobby boucher

Without independent investigation of the bodies, there will never be an answer to this. This type of analysis never serves to bring a convincing conclusion, especially in emotionally charged situations. The way this will work, is the west will conclude the Russians massacred civilians, and the rest will either conclude we don’t know, or it was not the Russians. Minds have already been made up.


Zelensky killed their own soldiers so how come he can care about civilians that are welcoming in Bucha and other towns and cities for Russian soldiers. Even he used civilians as shields. Use common sense. Russian soldiers open corridors for civilians and donate free food. Use common sense.


I have red so much crab and lies on this site and know how experienced Russia is in misleading and distortion of the truth in and out Russia, and Southfront is no more then an subjective extension of the Russia regime media, that I am very sceptical about anything declared as truth from those sources but I will throughly examine this claims against other evidence and scruttingly question this claim about the manipulation of the satellite images.

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan

And to prove they ( the Russians) cheated already earlier; Russia’s Faked Satellite Photos May 31, 2015 MH17 Russia Translations:English (UK) In Bellingcat’s latest report, Forensic Analysis of Satellite Images Released by the Russian Ministry of Defense, we exposed how Russia had falsely claimed satellite imagery from June 2014 was from July 14th and July 17th. As with nearly all of Bellingcat’s work we used open source information, satellite imagery from Google Earth, to expose the fake images. It’s possible for anyone to find this imagery with a few easy steps.

1 – Download, install, and run Google Earth Pro.

2 – Enter the co-ordinates 48.098203, 37.754731 into the search box on the top left of the



Last edited 2 years ago by Fuellingchaos

I know, right? What kind of asshole is going to cite yet another shitty UK intelligence operation as a source?


I find more debate here than on ANY western media article or video, where it’s all amazingly the same identical one-sided narrative

Tom Bombastadillo

Because they all censor the alternate points of view. Hugely.

jens holm

Its terrible to read whats written here. More then 90% are decided blindfoldings.

None has decided they commited suiced for show themself yet. Thast the positive part of it.

Obvious You have not seen much from there. The rest of the world has.

Joseph Day

Has none noted how clean these bodies clothes are. Most of the clothing looks brand new. Reeks of false flag


My thoughts exactly. Where are the pools of blood under each body that usually go together with that kind of killings/murders. What kind of weapon did you use for those murders that left no trace of blood? Maybe a bag of oranges? XD Those corpses look TOO CLEAN!


“…none of them had a trajectory over Bucha (watch the video below). Hence we can conclude that there was no information on Bucha from these satellites.”

I wonder if the Ukrainian army was made known of this by western intelligence to better plan the massacre and blame Russia.


Ukruina is run by western agencies – so highly probably yes

Tom Bombastadillo

I tend to think they were crisis actors, not dead people. The guy getting up in the rear view mirror tends to support that. And it could have been a mix of dead bodies and actors. I would suspect any civilian in Bucha wearing a white armband would suddenly become fair game after the Russian pullout.


I think it doesn’t matter if russian forces did this massacre or it is a fake by the US and the Ukraine. Tragically, whatever the russian government will show as evidence for innocence, the western political and public oppinion of the debt will not change. Unfortunately this war was lost by Russia on different fronts, not only militarily but also economily and now in the media. Instead of a short liberation of their ukrainian brothers from their regime it becomes a long war with heavy losses on both sides. And now public opinion about russia in the west and in ukraine will be of murderers and beasts.


Good point. The liberation is still being quite short/quick IMO, but the US and UK are working full capacity to make it as long and bleeding as possible. The MEDIA FRONT as you say it’s been the most crushing defeat -it feels as if Russia didn’t even think of this front.

Still I think THE INTERNET has played a role in this war that’s been unprecedented, and the US (and all the West for that matter) felt that they do NOT have full control anymore over public opinion creation. Also, more and more western people have seen the kind of scam that western media is. More people than ever before have gone to find the truth by themselves.

Another thing is that, obviously, Russia is LEARNING a lot. Next military operation, they will already be the masters at economic and media wars.

MANY THINGS are changing in the world with this war.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vidal

It is the doing of Russian pseudopatriotic pseudoelites… There is ongoing coup the etat of the pro western pseudoelites against the Putin in Russia – started with demand of the parliament to acknowledge DNR and LNR..


my concern is, who sold an April-1 pic as if it was a March-19 one, knowingly?

Last edited 2 years ago by Vidal
Tom Bombastadillo

The Djew York Times, that’s who. All the lies that fit, they make, they print.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Jennifer
Fred Dozer

Yes , All the towers on 911, just fell like a normal demolition because that what it was. But our news can convince us , a rock can run, and jump, (for just the day it happened) and most Americans would agree.


I’ll just leave this here: https://vk.com/wall-88360087_187930 (video of Ukr soldiers dragging corpses and placing them in the street of Bucha for the following photo op) Google Chrome can translate it for you and if you click the main VK account you’ll get their timeline and all the news published.

Last edited 2 years ago by ZeroHedger

Can’t, keeps forcing a vK account on me, how do you bypass that? I press play, 2 seconds into the video I am forced to create a vK contact. Anyway to bypass?



Last edited 2 years ago by Ronin
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