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West Deploys More Heavy Weapons In Ukraine – Russia Counters

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West Deploys More Heavy Weapons In Ukraine - Russia Counters

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West Deploys More Heavy Weapons In Ukraine - Russia Counters

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On August 1, the US Department of Defense announced another military aid package for Ukraine valued at up to $550 million. This authorization is the Biden Administration’s seventeenth drawdown of equipment from DoD inventories for Ukraine since August 2021.

The new package includes 75,000 rounds of 155mm artillery ammunition and additional ammunition for HIMARS, Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems.

In total, the United States has already committed approximately $8.8 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of the Biden Administration. Since 2014, the United States has committed more than $10 billion.

In turn, the Ukrainian Defense Minister claimed that four more mobile HIMARS launchers have been delivered to Ukraine. In total, Kiev got 16 launchers from the US.

The Ukrainian Defense Minister declared that the Ukrainian army has received German MARS II MLRS. The exact number of launchers handed over to Kiev was not revealed but earlier Berlin reported that there should be three of them in total.

Earlier on July 26, German Defense Minister Christina Lambrecht said that Germany has delivered the promised multiple rocket launcher systems to Ukraine along with three more Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled howitzers.

Many Ukrainian crews of western systems are under the direct command of active military personnel of the US Army.

On the same day, the Russian Ministry of Defense declared the destruction of two more HIMARS systems as a result of a strike on the Ukrainian Energy Machines at a plant in Kharkiv. 53 Ukrainian servicemen and foreign mercenaries were killed in the attack.

So far, the Russian side has announced that 6 HIMARS launchers have been destroyed. Among the other foreign military equipment, 5 Harpoon anti-ship complexes and 33 M777 howitzers were hit by Russian forces.

Military equipment supplied to the Armed Forces of Ukraine by Kiev’s western allies is used not only in the battles on the front lines but also for the attacks on civilians in the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics.

On August 2, the People’s Militia of the DPR reported that 355 shells were fired by Ukrainian forces on the territory of the republic over the past day. As a result of the shelling of 13 different settlements, a civilian was killed and four others were injured.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine launched 15 HIMARS missiles at the villages of Pervomaisk and Stakhanov damaging civilian infrastructure.

The West is falling into a direct military conflict against Russia.

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The US needs to be taken to task for their involvement and ennablement of war crimes not only in Ukraine, but all over the world.

Pedo Peter aka Big Guy

Oh absolutely. It’s time to bring DC to justice. Starting with the war crimes in Korea and Vietnam.


Until when would RF tolerate such criminal activities of US-led NATO streaming lethal weapons over to AFU used to murder civilians in purely residential areas of large cities. Allow me to present a simple scenario.. a person who handed a weapon over to one of the two men actively engaged in a brawl who ended up in the killing of the other by using that same weapon would be considered equally guilty of the crime committed by the assailant in a court of law. Therefore the arms suppliers from the west deserve the same punishment given to AFU. RF is now justified to annihilate all of its adversaries all in one stroke to prevent counter strikes.. Boom! the world’s been reset for the better.

jens holm

Typical Russin microcosmos with very thick bad looking cosmetics.

So far You have not even met any Nato Forces.

Here You also ignore we are sitting ducks and the fact, that the Ukras are given airdefence. Russia would have done as You say, IF THEY COULD.

You are kept away from whats better. Its here. ewe are the ones making fences or more to keep people OUT.

Are those incommers and potential incommers in many millions wrong too.

jens holm

So You want to dig them up from the graves or blame their children and grandchildren or what.

hunter bidé lab pork !

when they gonna send the corrupted senil cia pedo ??? hope they got a lgbt pedo president with monkeys in their anus !!! the brain is already a dead monkey !!!


US has been killing and genocide 7millioj of innocent peoples in the Middle East and Donbas lol 😜

jens holm

Thats not enough. Thye should learn contraseption but dont.


Not going to happen but one can DREAM

Tom Bombastadillo

In order to do this the global central banking system and WEF must be destroyed first.

jens holm

Very typical. IMF and otherthings are vitals, which mainly works very well for most of the world.

You never give better alternatives. Where I live an upgrade or replacement would be nice. Things are not perfect and has bad sides too.

Should soem rubel economy based on low bureacrasy and very high corruption take over. No way. A GDP in the level of Spain makes no sense even the living expences there is much higher then Russia.

You just write this, so we can decline or crashland to Your low level. We left that for good reasons. Our proletars has a much better life then Yours.

jens holm

For everybody else too. Then its fine for me too.

People making wars by invading other countries being asked for the opposite byh legal elected Governess should be number one.

Max Schmidt

What this report didnt say, and I complement: “Over 200 foreign mercenaries have reportedly been killed in a missile strike in southern Ukraine, Russia’s Ministry of Defense reported on Tuesday. The statement also added that over 20 units of military equipment were also destroyed during the attack.

In its daily briefing on Telegram, the MoD reported that Russian Aerospace Forces delivered a blow to a temporary deployment point of the Ukrainian ‘foreign legion’ near the city of Nikolaev, using high-precision weapons. As a result, up to 250 foreign mercenaries were eliminated, according to the report.

Russia also claims to have neutralized up to 500 nationalist fighters in the Kharkov region via high-precision strikes, as well as a significant amount of military equipment.” And we are talking about a result of just one day. So who was saying that the Allied Forces are too slow?

Last edited 2 years ago by Max Schmidt

russians using “using high-precision weapons.”? so we all know by now, that all you wrote is just a lie.

Last edited 2 years ago by Schlong
Biden Smegma Breath

Fuck off cunt!


Look desperate lol 😂

Carlos Marques

Yrs, they are. It’s called Kalibr, just to mention one of the options. Everyday Russia KALIBRates some military target anywhere in Ukraine. Of course, if Ukraine keeps using civilians as human shields, more people die and civilian buildings are destroyed. But as an UN’s report already prooved, that’s not Russian fault. The war crimes (humans shields) is commited by Ukraine.

It’s so precise that Russia destroyed almost 800 MLRS already. Those are very small targets, and Russian gets them from long distances. Specifically 6 of those are MLRS mounted on trucks (hence “high mobility” HIMARS). From a total of 12, in just 3 weeks. So the next 4 coming aren’t even enough to replace the destroyed ones.

And this hapens systematically in all areas: MLRS, Howitzers, Tanks and other armored vehicles, Airplanes, Helicopters, Drones, common soldiers and NAZI militants.

Russia starts with artillery constant fire. Ukrainian cannon fodder in the trenches dies without ever seeing a Russian soldier. The Russian infantry and tanks advance and mop-up. First meter by meter, trench by trench, street by street, village by vilage, and then entire big cities fall in just one week when the Russian boiler/cauldron forces the collapse of Ukraine’s defense.

By the time 100% of Lugansk Republic was liberated (to the joy of its 15k residents, as we all saw in France 2 report), Ukraine has gone from 81 to 60 BTG, while Russia had increased from 93 to 108 BTG, according to Österreichs Bundesheer (Austrian military channel on YouTube, neutral enough, very credible).

Even now that the Lugansk liberators are resting in Russia, and only the substitutes, a few Wagnerites, and some LDPR resistence are holding/preparing the front lines, even in this situation Russia does daily slow but steady advances, and Ukraine isn’t capable of any counter-attack.

If I were President of Ukraine, I’d be in a hurry to sign peace agreement and stop losing territory, stop destruction, save lives. Instead, the Ukrainian dictator is busy condecorating Nazis, freeing child rapists, buying more mansions in other countries, bombing and assassinating its own Azov “heroes” that were in prison, and posing for the Vogue magazine.

Every people has what it deserves… But not even Ukrainians that are pro-NATO/USA, pro-2014Coup, and tolerate Banderites/Nazis (because they were brain-washed, manipulated, and trained to hate Russians), not even those deserve such a tragedy. If Ukrainians really can do popular revolutions, now would be the best timing ever!


Thank You for pointing out the Channel it gives a report that frankly one would have expected from Southfront but that is a different situation.


How to tell Russia is lying?

Russia is speaking? —> yes? — Russia is lying.

Case closed :)

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

The Russians have already stated that America is directly involved in the war. Time to start hitting the decision making centers that are at war with you?


well, thants something we eagerly await to see. because i want to see uncle sam unload a big pile of shit on russia.


China and Iran too. In fact the whole of the world minus the rich are looking for that. Its so weird when I run into old people who cant read and write or operate a phone when they tell me they want war. Youth here got the same attitude. In my community, the US and imperial powers are hated to death. Everyone is waiting for some carriers to go down and the gloves to come off, so you can be humiliated. I guess you be grateful for that huh?


US has been killing 7 million of innocent peoples in the Middle East and Donbas lol 😜

Ivan Skavinsky Skavar

Lets not forget the civilians killed in Vietnam and Korea.

Tony Kaku

And Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Japan. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/japan-us-military-related-rapes-deaths-okinawa/

Tuff Tank

Whew. Then very body dies

Pedo Peter aka Big Guy

I bring your daughter Crudela Holm and your granddaughter Inga Holm, the DK whores, they will do the entertainment.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pedo Peter aka Big Guy

US has been killing 7million of innocent peoples in the Middle East and Donbas lol 😜


the more of these new weapons the Ukrainians get, the easier they are for Russia to track and bigger footprint they create. Ukraine is playing at a huge disadvantage, their arsenal is forced to be small, the Russians are able to use everything. The analysts who at the start listed Russia’s advantages and reasons it will win are still right, the only thing Ukraine can do is delay its defeat using Germany’s tactics from 1945


yes, its exactly as you write it. the more weapons the ukies get, the better for russia. really, look at it from that perspective, because bending logic is all whats left to you – as you cant change a thing about it anyways.. as you see, there is no need to worry about anything.


Yeah, of course Russians economy is going into a war footing, which the US desires and needs. This would be a US dream come true if was happening for you lot of Warmongering wannabees. I detect some jealousy!


US economy too with 30 trillion dollars dept ,still spending massive amount of money for war in Ukraine will cause US economic explode.that is Russia planning 😆

Last edited 2 years ago by War
tom sawyer social worker

hundreds of thousands losing jobs in USA– Amazon announced 100,000 layoffs yesterday


Thats world wide layoffs dumbass

Carlos Marques

Russia destroyed almost 800 MLRS. Specifically 6 of those are MLRS mounted on trucks (hence “high mobility” HIMARS). From a total of 12, in just 3 weeks. So the next 4 coming aren’t even enough to replace the destroyed ones.

And this hapens systematically in all areas: MLRS, Howitzers, Tanks, Aircrafts, Drones, and soldiers.

Russia starts with artillery constant fire. Ukrainian cannon fodder in the trenches dies without ever seeing a Russian soldier. The Russian infantry and tanks advance and mop-up. First meter by meter, trench by trench, street by street, village by vilage, and then entire big cities fall in just one week when the Russian boiler/cauldron forces the collapse of Ukraine’s defense.

By the time 100% of Lugansk Republic was liberated (to the joy of its 15k residents, as we all saw in France 2 report), Ukraine has gone from 81 to 60 BTG, while Russia had increased from 93 to 108 BTG, according to Österreichs Bundesheer (Austrian military channel on YouTube, neutral enough, very credible).

Even now that the Lugansk liberators are resting in Russia, and only the substitutes, a few Wagnerites, and some LDPR resistence are holding/preparing the front lines, even in this situation Russia does daily slow but steady advances, and Ukraine isn’t capable of any counter-attack.

If I were President of Ukraine, I’d be in a hurry to sign peace agreement and stop losing territory, stop destruction, save lives. Instead, the Ukrainian dictator is busy condecorating Nazis, freeing child rapists, buying more mansions in other countries, bombing and assassinating its own Azov “heroes” that were in prison, and posing for the Vogue magazine.

Every people has what it deserves… But not even Ukrainians that are pro-NATO/USA, pro-2014Coup, and tolerate Banderites/Nazis (because they wete brain-washes, manipulated, and trained to hate Russians), not even those deserve such a tragedy. If Ukrainians really can do popular revolutions, now would be the best timing ever!


When it comes to support for the zionist apartheid state or escalating war and casualties in Ukraine, you can’t get the nazi out of the German. It is in their DNA.

It’s me

I can see you are seated at the pentagon


Maybe it’s time for mysterious fires or gas exploration in transit warehouses full of ammunition in Poland and Germany?


I support this idea. Like they already had one such case in Greece. We need more of such mysterious explosions.


blinky crawl beg to Lavrov; Lavrov to blinky: we have plenty popcorn—you destroy your economy—EU desperate, you spend billions on ukieland, due to sanctions prices higher and we are richer—OUR objectives are now to expand full territorial control…you morons ensure that ukie land will lose more territory than intended before this is so humiliating to amerika they must now beg for phone call


These mercenaries are probely nato or us trainers 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺


No himars have been destroyed.

Fake news propaganda.



Lance Ripplinger

I was reading that these weapons are failing at a high rate. The U.S. and German weapons can’t take the high rate of fire that is the Ukraine troops are putting them through. The AFU is also putting ordinance in them that the guns weren’t designed to take, further damaging the already compromised equipment.


The Germans sent the heavy weapons alongside the Ukrainians they trained to use them. NATO instructors in many sites (Germany, Poland, etc) have said the Ukrainians are the best soldiers they’ve ever trained. By those comments, I gathered Ukraine sent experienced soldiers, unlike the novices they sent to be trained in the UK.

If NATO doesn’t stop re-creating the Ukrainian Army, will this war of attrition for Russia have an end? Winning a war means destroying your enemy’s ability to wage war, and the enemy here is practically the USA and their allies sustaining indefinitely Ukrainghistan’s ability to keep waging war. Unless teenagers in Ukrainian diaspora and Ukraine itself stop coming of age (they won’t) or mercenaries stop working in Ukraine (they won’t). On the contrary, in June Putin said the big problem of Russia is demographics.

I think Russia must change its original plan and take all territory up to Dneiper ASAP, so that when a peace treaty is signed can be viable long-term. Odessa too, of course, otherwise the Navy will be in constant danger. At the moment, it seems Putin and Lavrov have remained on the original plan (Donbass) plus the new territory that connects Donbass with Crimea.


The US will not pull its heads out of their asses until American troops are in Body Bags.

Michael Lubin

Interesting portrait of Biden — he has only a nose…

Hans rauss

very good news, more russian child rapists will be eliminated ….dead russkies = hans happy

Hans rauss

There is no sigle destroyed himars by russian invaders. There is zero proof that russian ever destroyed any himars. Russia want to cover up their incopetence by telling their domestic audience that they destroyed superior american toy. Its nothing more than only wishfull thinking. World see russia as losers now :D

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans rauss
Max Schmidt

Nobody needs to deliver you any proof. As for American superiority I can say that the only superiority they have now is about “#1 in confirmed Monkey pox infections”.

Hans rauss

COPE harder russobot :D


Sure they dont need to deliver facts to make you repeat the russian nonsense. its because you are an idiot.


US have very advanced satellites so it’s not that difficult to locate Russian artillery firing positions. But Russian artillery is still firing everywhere around 50,000 shells a day. So what’s went wrong with Himars? Is Russia secretly jamming the GPS signals? Are they shooting down Himars missiles? What is happening?

Thomas Turk

Why worry.. Brit Intel has told us Russ. is out of ammo, troops deserting, tired, hungry. Poorly trainedd, dis-loyal Russ. Officers losing control of the situation and Yukie marching BACWARDS on all fronts.

Rodney Loder.

But the West doesn’t believe that their falling into a direct military conflict with Russia, if they did then they wouldn’t be pushing China and Russia closer together into a militarily alliance by sending Pelosi to humiliate China, the West could be off their rocker of course and incapable of believing anything at-all, but nevertheless that doesn’t change anything.

Anyhow I’m now a moderator on Quora’s, / China – World Leader, space. And a contributor on the Victums of American Hegemony, space. Support me Terry Loder on Quora because I’m really Jesus Christ, sometimes l pretend its a joke because the fact is it’s all about entrapment, and if the truth were universally told no-one would get trapped.

tabe jens holmo

my social worker told me senility not curable

Tuff Tank

+ “Doing a Biden:” accusing Russia of genocide in Ukraine, while traveling to Riyadh to kiss the orb of the Bonesaw Prince who is committing genocide with your weapons in Yemen.

Tuff Tank

Thanks Jeffrey st clair

mike l hutchings

the US is getting ready to get in with both left feet


The west is increasing the supply of light, medium and heavy weapons to Ukraine NAZIS. The west tried to destroy Russian from 1991 to 2010 by bringing all kinds of radical islamic terrorists from all over the world to neighboring countries south of Russia, from their the terrorists infiltrated to caucuses republics. it took long but they were defeated. Now the west is bringing all kinds of weapons and western terrorists. Russia is putting them into meat grinder destruction. It is very obvious Russia will become victorious, every few days liberated territory is expanding. The world is seeing the two sides. One is evil, greedy and glutton, the other is fair and liberator.

tranny tommysawyer drug counselor

please Dr. Putin can Sawyer bring coke filled dildo to Griner ….reply from consulate: Tommy no tranny allowed in Russia from shithole nation…


Why would she do that ???

mohummad your profit

China has severed relations with USA in 7 areas, immigration, military, extradition, cultural cooperation, etc….nobody respects our senile lgbt cesspool except moron Canadians….now we 3 legged mongrel cockroach

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