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More Important Testimonies Of Ukrainian PoWs (Videos)

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More Important Testimonies Of Ukrainian PoWs (Videos)


“Orkhivsky Vladimir Vladimirovich, 36th Marines Brigade of the Ukrainian Navy, position – tank gunner, rank – sailor. A week ago, we were stationed in the Azovmash when we received a command to leave the plant and were defeated there. Afterwards, I stayed in the plant for another couple of days, and five days ago I got out of the plant and was taken prisoner.”


“My name is Ischenko Pavel Valeryevich, I’m from the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ 56th Brigade, the 23rd Battalion, maintenance number of the 1st Mortar Battery. I was deployed in the city of Mariupol, in the Illich plant. The command of the 36th Brigade gave an order to fire on both military and civilians. We refused to do that. Then, after a while, we received a command to disband the brigade, which meant – do whatever you want, get out as you like, no one cares about you. When I tried to escape, I was taken prisoner.”


“I, Ivan Sergeevich Trogan, 25th Airborne Brigade, 6th company, 3rd platoon. I surrendered in Malaya Kamyshevaha, where I lived for 15 days after its capture by the Russian military. Surrendered to Russian paratroopers. They behaved normally with me. I would like to say to all those who survived. Guys, drop your weapons, go back to your families. It’s not worth dying for. You are not military men, you are tractor drivers, combine operators, whatever you do. Go home.”


“I, Osach Nikolai Stepanovich, a soldier of the 24th Airmobile Brigade, 2nd Battalion, 4th Company. I voluntarily surrendered my weapons when found this flyer. I appeal to the soldiers who are fighting against the LNR: there are the same people here as we are, they want to live peacefully on their territory, without shelling. Think about it, think about it, don’t go to war with them. Why did I do this, because there are many bodies of Ukrainian soldiers lying on my post, on the road, they are already corrupting. No one is picking them up. The command doesn’t care at all. Draw conclusions, think about it. They are using us as live meat. They are plugging holes with us.”


Ukrainian POW tells how he was abandoned by his unit after been wounded and DPR soldiers saved his life.


Ukrainian PoWs tell how neonazis from Pravy Sektor ordered them to shoot dead 20 civilians in ‘retaliation’ for alleged Bucha massacre, disarmed and arrested them when they refused to do so.


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Mark Johnson

the satanists using these poor idiots as trash


Zelensky&co enjoying sending them to hell.




Since 1945 NATO committed all inhuman violations against Russia. Enough is enough. Russia finally woke up to the fact that only force can stop these NATO violations because might is right.


The US declared a counter-insurgency against the entire globe in 1947. 60 governments overthrown. Dozens of countries assauted by aerial bombardment. Millions murdered in the name of “US interests”.

Quit Drugs

Funny when you crazy piece of shit talk about obsession: you sick degenerate are here 24/7 every day spamming anti-Russian crap with 1000 gay nicks.

Last edited 2 years ago by Quit Drugs

He is a Nam Veteran you Imbecile !!


TAm bych se bál odjet, to je země, kde odejdete z letiště a na parkovišti vás zastřelí policajt, protože měl blbou náladu, nebo gangster.

Last edited 2 years ago by Slayko

Prdel sveta to bola, prdel sveta to je


Obsessed with the global hegemon, owners of the failed Ukrainian CIA project? I still marvel at how the dumbest of you Ukrotards survived in utero.


Have you finished repeating yourself yet?

hans raus

Never! I am paid per post by SBU no matter what stupid shit I post or how many times I repeat it.


Bottom line is: Putin is nothing but a whore of his jewish masters. He is a jew too. He is not to helpor save russians but to enslave them even more to the old judeo-bolshewic system, painted in new colours. Nothing has changed. See, if someone isn t on the side of the jews, he will not make special laws to save them from criminal charges. Putin, Orban, Merkel, Macron, Trudeau, Kurz/Mückstein all made new special laws against “antisemitism” btw. Selensky did so too. What does that say to us ??? Nah !!? Right !!

THEY ARE ALL ON THE SAME SIDE !!! THEY ARE IN CAHOOTS WITH EACH OTHER !!! Putins mother is a maidename born SHALOMova, she is jewish, meaning Putin automatically is jewish too. Notice: A jew stays a jew regardless if he swears otherwise, claims fake oaths, or swears to be a frog, a human, a hindu, a tacko, or a flatscreen or whatever else. A dog does not become a Zebra just because one put black and white paint-stripes on his skin.

And moreover, like creepy uncle Joe Biden, Putin is a proven children-molester, and there is even video-proof of it, look here at the end of the ladies speech. See: https://kuty.me/zjw Nearly all global leaders of today are sexuall perverts in one way or the other hand-selected by the Rothschild and Chabad Lubawitch secret world government elite.

Also check this out in order to get what’s the difference between jews and normal humans. Listen to what their jewish teacher claim about themselves, and what jews are. See: https://bit.ly/3JOHZP9

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

No vidíš to, máš bubáky, aspoň pro něco žiješ.

Kvass Boss

That’s a lot of words for “Nobody likes me so I make up crazy shit for attention.”


NO už jo. tam je pár narkomanů z Azovu a ti se buď přefetujou, nebo chcípnou.


How many went to meet Bandera today?


It’s time to change your handle, dumb-dumb. Maybe to ‘Are we 100% dead’ or something

Timmy Temperance

Terrible and sad. It must have been hell holed up in an industrial plant unable to surrender and with dwindling supplies. Driving a tractor or combined harvester seems nicer.

Muhammad your Prophet

Testimonies with a gun pointed to their heads? That’s what the putrid Russian propaganda is aiming for now? Vladimir Putin is really that desperate? Maybe he can get some tips from Kim Jong-un.


@muhamad you are really a muhamad troll

Muhammad your Prophet

Crying about trolls at the Southfront troll farm. That’s golden.

Yamil Perez Dead

Golden shower into your filthy face stupid bitch… Southfront doesn’t even have a moderator to flush you cockroaches back to whatever shithole you vermin crawled from you moronic diseased turd from Zelensky cesspool.

Muhammad your Prophet

Calm down. Go rape your dog if you’re so upset. That’s what you’re good at, right?


Sicko go and chop your stuff off and you may learn to be civilised without it.


But you haven’t tasted any tears so far…. Maybe you should seek tears to taste in Kiev and Poland ??

Hunter Biden

Not just tears, he likes to taste all body fluids 🤢


You don’t say that when its russia POW on ukrainian side don’t you? When there are already video of them shooting russian POW.

You are on copium, refuse to accept the truth.

Muhammad your Prophet

You mean the Russian POWs that Putin won’t even recognize they exist to play down the absolute catastrophe that has been the invasion for Russia? They also have a gun pointed to their heads. By Russia too.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
hans raus

You have a dildo pointed into your anus and Zelenskys dick pointed into your throat.


Ukraine lost the war long ago……Some “catastrophe” indeed !!

Nome de Plume

Some folks, like Mamoud the braggart there, only learn as a bullet goes through their head.

Nome de Plume

A real patriot would spit in their faces. Seems like the AFU’s made up of, ‘what the fuck do I care about Ukraine? It was a hell hole before all this anyway’ types.

I give Ukraine another month, tops before it implodes in on itself.

Aunt Polly

No prophet you. That’s for sure.


I thought that Zelensky would resolve all pending issues with Russia as he became president but he emerged completely opposite of that. Zelensky destroyed his country, butchered his own nation and also POWS, which is a complete political and religious violation. Zelensky emerged as a terrorist “Abu Baker Al Zelensky”.


Zelensky was elected by promising he would resolve issues with Russia and he has done the opposite Biden us/ uk calling the shots feel sorry for the average Ukrainian as they have been conned

Nome de Plume

But who’s calling the shots for Biden, because his brain is shot.

Aunt Polly

Epstein’s handlers?

Clinton Mobilier

Somehow voting for the ‘peace’ candidate always brings war.

Nome de Plume

Zelensky the terrorist sock puppet.


aka; another USA Guaidó.

Aunt Polly

Both of the same tribe, I’ve been told.


Same people, same culture, same religion – where the fuck did it go wrong? I know – its called Nationalism and brainwashing people thinking they are “above all”. If they were “ubermensch”, Ukraine would not have been one of the most corrupt and poorest countries in the world. I am 100% sure its CIA operation in Ukraine who has done this, together with other countries in west to destabilize region and “hit” Russia. And some rich people like Ihor who funded and started the fire. He is now hiding in Israel while young Ukrainians die. F U IHOR


If they really are all Christians as they claim (including those in the ‘In God We Trust’ USA and EU) they would have refused to fight. ‘Return your sword to its place, for those that live by the sword will die by the sword’. Math 26:52 Christ condemned even violence used to defend his life.


That means for those who attack unjustly others, not the one who defend themselves or attack justly.


False: Jesus was a warrior king/Prince who orderas people to fight against anything and everything to do with evil Rome. He ordered his people to all get swords & armaments for battle, even if it meant a selling their clothes to do so.

Stop spreading the antihuman Roman propaganda that was created to enslave & subjugate people’s, & make the ignorant, easy to manipulate them & easy to paracitly rob them of their labor, fruits of labor, & coin.


God protect all nations from a leader like Abo baker Al Zelensky.


I don’t see the fucktards ukrops here ? What has happend to them ? Some bank account and computer problems maybe ? :-)

Hunter Biden

You caught my dick with your lips.


Changing the bandwagon. Dumbasses do not want to bet on losers anymore


When will Christiana Amanpour of CNN interview these poor bastards and the civilians that Azov terrorized?


Me see no evil, me speak no evil, me hear no evil. Me just a hohologram.



Really; just another millionaire prostitute for the USA. Fuck her sideways.


Ukraine has an IQ problem.

Freelance Intelligence Analyst

Throughout history evil in all its shapes and forms have used those with low intelligence and corrupted souls to carry out their evil deeds. Countless books have been written about this fact. This is the reason so many psychopaths and damaged souls joins or support Kiev. It’s also the reason the Ukrainian society has degenerated in every possible way since 2014.

Omas Bioladen

How can an army consit out of so much trash? Ukraine should be grateful to Russia to cleanse these shits away.

John Tosh

God Bless Russia

Stepan Bandera in Hell

My son, I am your God. Kneel before me.

dj dd

The last prisoner interviewed lied (and so did most others) that he refused to comply with the order to shoot. He and his cohorts definitely killed those civilians. Unlikely that he didn’t remember names of his commanders. I just can’t believe that the commander only appeared in front of them to give order to kill and then disappear into thin air. The whole group made this story up. I’m sure the real interrogators will fish them all out.


I think so too. Anyone would lie to save the skin. There was 8 years of russophobia working hard. Ukraine is fucked up as Germany was in 1930′ & 1940′. It took till 1960′, 1970′ till the Nazi generation died out. Ukraine will be fucked for next 30 year with partisans war financed by CIA


Russian invaders will be driven out of the east just as they were driven out of Kyiv and the north.

Ivan da silveira

stfu and suck my hairy balls

Was it just a hohologram?

You mean the lost clout guy escorted by two OMAN guys to a back room with no view? That guy?


Those that don’t surrender are probably the murderers and terrorists these people speak of. They know they would be identified by other Ukrainian soldiers and then punished for their crimes.


More warcrimes. More tortured POW. Great job!?

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