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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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On July 25th, even more photographs from the cell phone of Mikola Ilin, the Estonian mercenary, who died on a landmine in the village of Zaitsevo in Eastern Ukraine.

The initial claims were that he was not a soldier, but a doctor – a civilian. The photographs show that, at most, he was a combat medic – which means he was a combatant.

Furthermore, he evidently spent quite a bit of time with the 35th Separate Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

He also has a U.S. Army issued knife.

He is very clearly a mercenary, who fights on behalf of the Kiev side in the Eastern Ukraine conflict, and takes the fight to heart, referring to the Ukrainian soldiers as “pigs” who need a “white leader.”

More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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More Photos From Estonian Mercenary Killed In Eastern Ukraine: Not A Civilian, But A Combat Medic

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Lone Ranger

He took too many selfies… Wannabe nazi toyboy. He had it coming…


I love the most sticker on his rucksack with :”What now bitches” (coming from dead NAZI sounds funny)

Damien C

A bit too posy for his own good more concentration where he was putting his feet instead of contantly spreading his feet for the camera would have served him better!

He looked absolutely tiny perhaps 1.55 metres thats 5′ 2″ in old money perhaps this explains the need for the macho photos


He was a fool!


He also died as the fool,nuff said!

Lone Ranger

Third pic from the bottom… Isis-nazi connection confirmed…

Liberal guy

More neo nazis


How is this news worthy?


Hungry for Nato propaganda? Go to the CNN, BBC etc.


It tells of a pot head on meth and how insolvent and urrerly useless its career ends up= big O Reefing:


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a1bc2fa317488b3e5819169a19ca32802c83f6d87ecc8754b3068b20108ed4a2.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4ae57909205e5aac3dd1f7fe16bc0b76ecf8026f2a019ecf68a8f473cd2025c5.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3c48227d3e10209b5e7ffac7db32142e65378a548fdad3e6f3df5b9dbf865d0b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ce92fd4abb1ed0806172e618f0a706de6341b392b3a2ec82dbe094ddfb62a6df.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1ccce2586a1a0d6c2bb331d2cd3b4e3d3ea338348dc0e722d7ba97ca0f5c09f8.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/415fb201b16f742cd496cf1bdcbf0635537b6c2d8836b601b7934ea3db77d7dc.jpg

johnny rotten

Was he the white leader? a jerk who died before he even started.


Rest in pieces you Nazi trash.

Potato Man

They grow up playing COD, BF and just watch movies and get cocky….Now the Nazi pig is dead, the irony https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/59e84bdb423931833a1fe2f595e0dff8f9a664bce59d94536585aaf2d7ddcbb1.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/977e9dfe49940be0ffcdada7ce40a005e83c5d49b0e82b4a34b68ad3d1d6a66e.png

Blas de Lezo

Maldito cerdo Estonio, quemate en el infierno malparido hijo de puta.

Black Waters

Deranged brainwashed Ukronazi backed by the CIA mafia. He had it coming.


My knife’s deadlier + quicker! Thongs?There’s proof how underprepareds faiked the speed test(period) Should have been a pensioner,playing chess,oh well,betrays christ and all that stood for peace,seeya!


“The photographs show that, at most, he was a combat medic – which means he was a combatant.” WRONG. Under the laws of armed conflict military medics are deemed non-combatants, and as such are subject to certain protections and limitations. The protections afforded to medical personnel in armed conflict are a result of the need to protect and treat the sick and injured during times of hostility. “He also has a U.S. Army issued knife. “Golly gee like that can’t be ordered off of Amazon OR EBay OR any military surplus outlet. SouthFront…this is very clearly another russian propaganda website.

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