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MARCH 2025

More Steps Will Follow Delivery Of S-300 To Syria: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister

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More Steps Will Follow Delivery Of S-300 To Syria: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister

Donat Sorokin/TASS

More steps will follow the delivery of the S-300 system to Syria, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Vershinin told the state-run news agency Sputnik.

“Indeed, the S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems have been installed, this is a qualitatively new level of air defense, I will emphasize defense. The steps that were publicly announced by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu will be taken,” Vershinin said.

Vershinin stated that this is changing the situation on the ground.

On Ocotber 2, Russian Defense Ministry Sergei Shoigu officially stated that Russia had delivered a total of 49 pieces of military equipment, including four S-300 missile launchers, to Syria and started training Syrian military personnel.

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Well done Russia. Of course these S-300 SAM will give enough protection to Russian servicemen from child butchers benjanyahu and leverman.

You can call me Al

Russian servicemen in Syria are protected by numerous air defence facilities including S-400 units.


But these S-400 are not in SAA control to protect Russian and Syrian servicemen.

Tommy Jensen

Nobody make freedom because they make “steps”. We Americans have also been making “steps”. Its not only Russia who can make “steps”. Alt media never write about America´s “steps”.

Tommy Jensen

Trump is it you? You m…..focker cannot just go in and use other people´s account in their name. Its illegal. Just because you are President, no! Back to twitter my friend.


The evolution of ‘steps’ in the USA to her true ‘Democratic Values ‘ :)


You can call me Al

You missed the up to date one – https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNDMxNGM1YmItZGM3NS00MThkLTljOGItOWIzZTQ5M2E3NzNkL2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTI4MTcwOTc@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,714,1000_AL_.jpg




Fine. Violating international rules by each step taken is a formidable progressive agenda. But serious: Which steps do you mean? In my opinion nothing about international politics has something to do with creation of freedom, I am even not sure what this term means in such issues.



Tommy Jensen

No Richard. Its not the Jews. Read the good Russian General, he knows everything: On the global elite:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJr1Evy57Jg On the Jews: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtDxz_9sz5M


Zhirinovsky is a Jew and a nut case. His theories are meaningless.

Tommy Jensen

This guy is General P. Petrov.


He’s quoting a conspiracy theory from a nut case: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b01f0cdb8a04d83e9f2ba085981264655399ab9aeedbe5a25928a1b0824e7fde.png

Kell McBanned

Ive been in the presence of a jew who was spreading the Egypt was at fault busness, I was standing in the ruins of Akhetaten the capital of the Atenists, Moses tomb was in the hill behind me, interesting how the current global elites are Atenists and despise the old brotherhoods. Nature and natural law wins in the end and those that dispise nature and beauty (guess who) will be consumed.


I’ve seen this blame shifting attempt before that it’s not the Jews but the Masons who are the latest secret society manifestation of previous ones going back to Egypt who are the problem. And Masons are a problem. But nothing like the Jews.

Kell McBanned

Yep thats what I was about to say, hes a jew


“Conceptual party Unity (Russian: Концептуальная партия Единение, tr. Kontseptual′naya partiya Yedineniye) was a political party in Russia from 2000 to 2007, led by retired Major General Konstantin P. Petrov, not to be confused with the Unity Party of Russia (Yedinstvo), which existed from 1999 to 2001. At the last legislative elections, December 7, 2003, the party won 1.2% of the popular vote and no seats. The party was disbanded on May 15, 2007 by the Supreme Court citing failure to prove the required registration numbers and is now known as Russian national movement “Course of Truth and Unity””

– Conceptual Party Unity –


Tommy Jensen

Yourself is the Jew. You are doing mirroring, you are shifting subject and object.

Because the interesting thing is not who he is or who he refer to, but whether he says something that makes logic.


I’m not a Jew. And who the General is quoting is obviously relevant. And the guy he is quoting is a nut, like you are. There are reports that in addition to being a failed politician, the general was also discharged from the military prematurely.


You come on this website every day posting you Zionist neocon rubbish about what Americans think, when most Americans, and the rest of the world, are are against the Jew world order trash that you’re peddling.

Tommy Jensen

No Jews, but 360 global banking elites. The “Jews” which is a religion and not a race are scapegoats for the 360 families.


You mean the Jew banking elites, not the global banking elites. There is plenty of banking not controlled by Jews. And it’s not a problem. You can start with Russia and China and go from there. You’re trying to blame shift and cover up Jew crime and evil. They’re not the scapegoats, the problem is Jews, and it goes far beyond banking:

“Banking/Finance Who Controls the Economy? Who Controls Wall Street? (Part 2) Who Controls Wall Street? (Part 1) Who Controls Goldman Sachs? Who Controls American International Group? Who Controls the Treasury Department? Who Controls the Federal Reserve System? (Part 1) Who Controls the Federal Reserve System? (Part 2) Mass Media Who Controls Big Media? Who Controls Hollywood? Who Controls Television? Who Controls Music? Who Controls Radio? Who Controls Advertising? Who Controls the News? (Part 1) Who Controls the News? (Part 2) Government/Politics Who Controls the White House? Who Controls the Senate? Who Controls the Congress? Who Controls the Supreme Court? Who Controls the State Department? Who Controls the Justice Department? Who Controls the Defense Department? Who Controls the Treasury Department? Social Engineering Who Controls the Ivy League? Who Controls the Think Tanks? Who Controls Professional Sports? Who Controls the Anti-Defamation League? Who Controls the Southern Poverty Law Center? Who Controls the American Civil Liberties Union? Who is Behind Gun Control? Who is Behind the Climate Change Hoax? “New World Order” Who Controls the Group of Thirty? Who Controls the Bilderberg Group? Who Controls the Trilateral Commission? Who Controls the Council on Foreign Relations? (Part 1) Who Controls the Council on Foreign Relations? (Part 2)”

– Who Controls America? … A Critique of Jewish Pre-Eminence in America –


Tommy Jensen

Your knowledge is on the superficial level.

You know all the rich “Jews” escaped to USA when Hitler did his Holocaust yes? Only the poor Jews in Germany died in the witchhunts yes? Ask yourself why.

Because Jew is a political power concept invented by Egyptian Priests in ancient times to maintain power for the Egyptian elite, and picked up into our days. “Dont charge interests when you loan to your brother. You shall not pay interests. ONLY FOREIGNERS shall pay interest to you!”.

Thus most elite of today call themselves Jews to show they are in the elite brotherhood, but non of them are neither genetic nor religious Jews. Because its a political money concept for the elite about robbing from the rest. When “the people” gets angry on the “Jew” bloodsucking they go again after the poor like in Nazi Germany, Russia progromes, etc, never the elite.

Kell McBanned

The priesthoods existed prior to Egypt and Babylon and isnt it interesting its the Atenists causing all this trouble


What does a short lived minor Egyptian sect from thousands of years ago have to do with the Jew world order?

Tommy Jensen

We all have a choice as adults. We cannot blame it on others.


You’re ignoring all of the judicial quality evidence that Jews are the problem and latching onto a conspiracy theory that you can’t prove. This is the problem, and it extends far beyond the media:


Tommy Jensen

As I told you, all these dual citizens going to and copulating the wailing wall are only confessing their loyalty to the usury families and the gold calf.


What you say and what you can prove are two different things. The evidence that I’ve posted overwhelmingly shows that Jews are a severe problem. Your posting videos from a discredited military officer and making claims about some secret society conspiracy theory without supporting evidence to prove your points proves nothing.


What freedom are you talking about, debt up to our eyeballs, $7 trillion down the tubes for criminally insane Jew pedophile mass rape cultists, one of the most invasive, complicated and confiscatory tax systems on the planet, incessant self destructive war mongering, exactly what is this “freedom” that you’re referring to?

Tommy Jensen

Power is only power if you recognize its power. Paper debt is only debt if you recognize it. All financial debt is a mental illusion.


You’re a head case.

Kell McBanned

Well if you dont pay your debt ultimately someone with a gun will show up and take you away, that im afraid will not be an illusion

Joe Doe

4 S-300 launcher is not enough cover Syria.I am not sure if 8 launcher would be enough


If you are not sure, how can you be sure that 4 are not enough? They don’t have to cover all of Syria, the US has annexed east of the Euphrates, and the only country bombing Syria, at the moment is Israel. An S300 in Damascus, could shoot down an Israeli plane as it left the runway in Israel. What more could you want, are the Martians going to attack?

You can call me Al

Do forget the US alliance’s missiles strikes !!.


The missiles in the American inventory require GPS for guidance over sea and desert. The last 2 American missile strikes failed because Russia can jam GPS. The Russian idea is not to get into a shooting war, but to simply disarm the criminals. It seems to be working.

You can call me Al

The shooting war, whether Syria, via The Ukraine, Eastern Europe in general or whatever WILL HAPPEN as this is a failed Empire last stand. Iran – Russia same same.


Russia cannot tell you the exact number because of good Putin relations with childbutchers benjanyahu and leverman. Russian defence minister Sergey Shoygu has sent S-300 to SAA not Putin.


“During the Vietnam War, thousands of U.S. aircraft were lost to antiaircraft artillery (AAA), surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), and fighter interceptors (MiG)s. …

F-4 Phantom II—445 total, 382 in combat

First loss: operational (non-combat), F-4C 64-0674 (45TH TFS, 15th TFW) which ran out of fuel after strike in SVN on 9 June 1965; first combat loss F-4C 64-0685 (45th TFS, 15th TFW) shot down Ta Chan, NW NVN on 20 June 1965. 9 of the losses were parked aircraft struck by rockets. Final loss: F-4D 66-8747 (432d TRW) on 29 June 1973.

F-5 Freedom Fighter—9 total

First loss: 1965, final loss: 1967

F-100 Super Sabre—243 total, 198 in combat

First loss: 1964, final loss: 1971”

– List of aircraft losses of the Vietnam War –



F-105 shoot down in Vietnam:


Tommy Jensen

And after the Vietnam war USA became the richest country in the world. We won again…. …LOL.


What you lie about and what you can prove are two different things. Vietnam is what started the whole debt train rolling. The streets of the US were convulsed with rioting and interest rates spiked to 20%.



Rich is a relative term. Financially yes but many things suffered because of our recklessness gallivanting the world over.


The number of Americans per capita where the father is the only wage earner and the mother raises the children in a home that they own has dropped for decades due to the falling standard of living. Jensen is a hasbara disinfo peddler.


After the Vietnam war, the US defaulted on its debt(gold), but got away with it, because it had the most guns. Al Capone was more honest than the USA.

John Whitehot

the USA never was the richest country in the world.

the most indebted, yes of course. Dollar rich doesn’t mean nothing, it would be like i’m much richer than you cos i have lots of Monopoly money.

John Whitehot

don’t forget all the navy and USMC losses and the Army aviation which lost around 1/3 of all its helicopters.


Full integration into the Russian sat com system should improve the efficacy of Syria’s legacy and modern air defense network. The S-300s and all of the rest of Syria’s missile launchers can be networked into the S-400 radar arrays and visa versa, including aerial platforms. The S-300s can probably be loaded with S-400 missiles or their equivalent.

Upgrades to Syria’s Mig-29 fleet, including close range and stand off munitions, and integration into Russia’s sat com system. Should bring them to peer level combat capabilities with F-22 and other IAF and NATO aircraft within and near Syrian airspace and basing. This in conjunction with diplomatic progress on access denial to the US and NATO from Turkey, Iraq and Jordan can hasten the withdrawal of the US, NATO and Israeli forces from NE Syria and Al-Tanf.


It looks like the Syrian Air Force is being upgraded to provide peer combat capability against the IAF and NATO within and close to Syrian airspace and basing. Similar to what was done in Vietnam against the US. Modernized Mig-29s in conjunction with an integrated air defense system, state of the art sat com capabilities, and modern air combat and air to ground munitions would be a formidable deterrent to aggression against Syria. And would strengthen the no fly zone over Syria. Including expanding it over the NE and Al-Tanf area. They would be capable of dealing effectively with any hostile aircraft, including stealth F-22s & F-35s.


– Syrian Air Force –


Donnie Brasco Brasco

Why more Migs29? For airshow? Israeli would Slaughter them in the air like chickens


Modern Mig-29s with sat com integration and modern ordinance? I really doubt it. They’d know where the baby raper’s planes were from the minute the pilots walk onto the pavement until they locked onto them with stand off missiles. And if it did come to visual range air to air combat, a modern Mig-29 close to home in the right hands with the right ordinance can hold it’s own with anything that the IAF or NATO are flying.


S-125 vs F-117



s-125 https://special-ops.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/F-117A-shot-down-over-serbia.jpg


yes and it was mainly due to the radar than it was to the missile! You should also show the radar in this photo because it is what does the targeting and tracking! Poor radar, it gets no love! The missile gets all the glory!

poor little radar :(


Nobody is stopping you from posting the info to prove your point.


u need proof they needed a radar to track and target an aircraft? Are u serious?


Prove that it was the radar and not the missile that deserves most of the credit. After two trys you haven’t and are instead evading the issue. How about you prove your point or strike out with another dodge?


ok i will! But firstly u need to ask yourself: “why did i get upset over this guy AGREEING WITH ME but then wanted to give SOME CREDIT to the radar that was used to track and target the fucking aircraft” “all he did was ask for some LOVE of the radar” “Why did i get all defensive and offended by this”? “Am i super sensitive”? “Am i butt hurt for no good reason” “Do i need to put another tampon in my vagina”?

OK here is AN EXAMPLE telling you the importance of Radar when it comes to killing stealth targets and is REQUIRED for use with the S-400! Enjoy! (made by Russia Today… hope thats good enough for your itchy vagina)



You could have proven your point in your first comment without going on a big circle jerk.



Required to DETECT and TRACK Stealth! Stop acting like a bitch! i wasnt your enemy on this! you just decided to have a cry for no good reason!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9aae194dc5740e11e2cf98460d8f76c03fe76a01cbcbe77f9586a65b578f0ce3.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4e1032fbfc57c4546988113ddd3ff6d6fe8a43c0292ca51397c4d57bbc4a5d44.jpg


This radar was invented by the same guy who invented the Nemo-uve pechora) same system as the Nebo-M (first in the world to invent scanned array radar systems which can see much further and detect smaller objects)

This is what detected and tracked the Stealth F117! The missile just did the killing!

So again, SHOW SOME FUCKING LOVE! If u get lazy, here is the spot in the video where they explain it! The same guy invented both radars! BOOM! i win :) https://youtu.be/sY4nzYTyJoA?t=1196


I WIN! :)

lol oh look what i found! The russian doco explaining that the Radar was what was needed to shoot down the F117! OHHHHHH hahaha i win!

(do you see the radar???) Like i said… WHY DIDNT YOOU GIVE THE RADAR ANY LOVE???? EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!!!!! EXPLAIN YOURSELF RIGHT…. FUCKING…. NOW!!!!!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3d06a250bd719c165d48244cb3f925a5052ec3a4a79dbb65ea834c61253faf0a.png



Yea, well we will see if they live up to all the hype. Most likely they will be destroyed by Israel and the U.S. But we can always hope.


If history is any indication, I wouldn’t count on it:

“During the Vietnam War, thousands of U.S. aircraft were lost to antiaircraft artillery (AAA), surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), and fighter interceptors (MiG)s.”

– List of aircraft losses of the Vietnam War –



This is not the Vietnam war.


And the baby raping mutants have been pushed out of Syrian airspace without the S-300s and full Russian sat com integration that they’re now up against. They couldn’t destroy the S-200s. What makes you think that they’re going to do better against more formidable equipment when they failed against a less capable system than what is going in place now? They threatened to destroy Syria’s air defense system before if it fired on their aircraft. Didn’t happen. An F-16 got shot down instead. Other aircraft have reportedly been hit that the IDF probably lied about. And the occupied Golan got hammered with multiple rocket launchers and guided missiles. You really need to do a reality check.


Israel has destroyed Syrian air defenses including S-200. Syria has only shot down one Israeli jet after at least 200 bombing runs. And Israel has more in its arsenal, as well as the U.S. which could overwhelm any of those defenses. Will Israel hold true its treat to try and take those systems out? I wouldn’t put it past them. If so will Russia and Syria continue on the defensive or will they actually retaliate against Israel? I don’t know if they are willing to risk that kind of escalation.


Did I miss the proof that Israel has destroyed anything other than one out of service Pantsir unit? Do you have video links or credible non Jew reports to support your claim?

What percentage of Israel’s claimed attacks originated outside of Syrian airspace? The reports that I’ve read say almost all of them. Usually from Israel or over Lebanon. So yes, that’s the million dollar question. Will the rules of engagement change to targeting IAF aircraft over Israel and Lebanon? I don’t know. My guess is that if they target the S-300 batteries from Israel or Lebanon using manned aircraft, is that they’re going to be on the receiving end of S-300 return fire.

The Russian air force is 30 minutes away from Syria from southern Russia and 10 minutes away from western Iran. What’s in Syria and the Mediterranean is capable of handling the IAF and NATO until reinforcements arrive. And the Russians will know if a large scale attack is in the works long before it ever happens and are prepared to deal with it. Which is why one probably isn’t going to happen.

If the cruise missile strike was manned aircraft, they would have lost dozens of planes in one night:

From the Russian Ministry of Defense:

“If we talk about the effectiveness of the restored Syrian air defense system with the participation of Russian specialists, I want to emphasize the following.

Reflecting the impact of all, 112 anti-aircraft guided missiles were spent. Of them:

“Pantsir” – 25 rockets were fired, 23 targets were hit; “Beech” – 29 missiles launched, 24 targets hit; “Wasp” – 11 missiles launched, 5 targets hit; S-125 – 13 rockets launched, 5 targets hit; “Strela-10″ – 5 missiles launched, 3 targets hit; “Square” – 21 missiles launched, 11 targets hit; S-200 – 8 rockets launched, targets unaffected. I should add that no one should be misled by the low rates of the C-200 anti-aircraft missile system.

This complex is designed to destroy primarily aerodynamic carriers of missiles – that is, aircraft.

Although not so long ago, it was this complex that destroyed the fighter of one of the neighboring states that attempted to violate the border of Syria’s airspace.

The rest of the complexes, also produced during the USSR, showed a very high efficiency, despite the fact that the targets hit had a high speed and a very small effective reflective surface.”

– Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov held a briefing for the media on the situation in Syria –



You have no proof either. Hearing what we want to hear does not make it proof even though we want it to be.

But it is no more proof than this: http://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast/la-fg-israel-iran-20180211-story.html


I have proof, you just didn’t ask for it. So here it is:

– 105 hits in Syria? Not likely, says Russia & shows fragments of missiles downed in US-led strikes –


As far as proving that Israel didn’t destroy half of Syria’s air defense system. What type of proof do you expect me to provide to prove a negative? The lack of proof that they did is proof that they’re lying. Do you really believe a report from Israel that they destroyed half of Syria’s air defense system in one overnight strike, and that not a single US missile was shot down in the NATO strike, and that 57 1/2 ton warheads 19 other missiles hit one building complex? Or for that matter, do you believe the entire Jew world order Syria war narrative? I don’t. I think that these people are habitual liars and frauds.

“The Barzeh Research and Development Center, according to the Pentagon briefing, is located in the greater Damascus area. On this target, 76 missiles — 57 U.S. Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles (TLAMs) and 19 joint air-to-surface missiles — were used in the strikes. “This is going to set the Syrian chemical weapons program back for years,” McKenzie said.”

– Syrian Chemical Weapons Sites Before And After Missile Strikes –

If you look at pictures of the site it’s pretty clear that somewhere around 35 tons of HE didn’t hit the Barzeh site. From the RT article:



Man I’m not going to let you turn this into an argument about whether I believe one side or the other. And I’m not going to believe everything that one side says no matter how much I want it to be true. I’m a little more mature than that.

You refuse to see what else those pictures show. They show blown up buildings which is proof that missiles get through. And when the AA systems themselves are attacked missiles get through to them as well. There are also plenty of film of explosions from attacks in Syria. For you to think that Israel and the U.S. have not hit anything except a disarmed Pantsir is beyond ignorant. Only SOME missiles are shot down, not all.

Both sides are suffering losses. And yes their is more that the U.S. and Israel could do to destroy those systems, and successfully at that. Which brings us back to escalation and who is willing to push it.


Let me refresh your memory. You wrote, referring to Syria’s S-300s:

“Most likely they will be destroyed by Israel and the U.S.”

Correct me if I’m misinterpreting the main gist of your statement. But I interpreted that to mean that the baby rapers, and their US partners in crime. Will destroy and eliminate Syria’s S-300 capability. For starters, the US has no history of going after Syria’s air defense system, other than with their terrorist proxies, that I’m aware of. And are unlikely to go after Syria’s S-300s simply for the purpose of keeping the Jews happy. So that leaves the Jews.

I’m not impressed with the IAF’s ability to neutralize Syria’s air defense system. I won’t rule out that they’ve destroyed some launchers besides the single Pantsir unit. But it’s clear that the Israelis have made incessant claims about not allowing Syria to have S-300 capability, as in destroying all of them. And that seems to be your premise also. If it is, I think that you’l find that that’s a lot easier said than done. And that the reality of what’s happening and is likely to continue happening. Is what I pointed out in an earlier reply to you. And that’s that Syria’s air defense capability, bolstered by Russia’s presence, will continue to strengthen, and that the Jew’s efforts to prevent that will fail. And that all of their hot air and rhetoric isn’t going to change that.


My original statement was referring to the fact that Israel has done pretty much what they want and have not seen retaliation. But if the Syrians shoot down and kill Israeli pilots then those S-300s will be destroyed. I stand by my assessment. And the term “half of Syria’s air defense” can be taken different ways. And since Israel attacks the defense units that engage them then that is probably the context it should be taken in. It is probably worded that way to make it sound like more than it was. BUT the point is they most likely DID take out some air defenses. And if they really wanted to they could take them completely out. And believe me, if things heat up then the U.S. will certainly be more involved. Which brings us back to escalation and how far Israel is willing to push it. And will Russia continue to “stay out of it”.


You’re ignoring the fact that Israel has already been backed out of Syrian airspace before they even got S-300s, and not by the Russians who haven’t fired a shot at the baby rapers, but by the constantly improving Syrian air defense system. I don’t see the Russians allowing the IAF to destroy Syria’s air defense system. A significant portion of which is staffed by Russian personnel. In fact you’ve yet to provide, nor have I seen, any credible proof that IAF has even significantly degraded the Syrian air defense system, even temporarily, let alone demonstrated the ability to completely destroy it.

The bombastic bald face lies from the IAF that you’re trying to give credibility to that they don’t deserve are meaningless. Many or most of these miscreants are raped at birth by Jew perverts and brain washed to lie for their evil cult from day 1.

And it isn’t just the IAF that’s been backed out of Syrian airspace, it’s NATO also. Which as I’ve pointed out before, and you habitually ignore, used to have free reign over Syrian skies, until a stop was put to that. I provide prima facia evidence, and you childishly reject it and fail to disprove it.


You are the one who is ignoring the facts. Israel has admitted to at least 200 bombing raids on Syria in the last seven years and all they have suffered is one possible hit and one jet down. You need to stop being so emotional. Also stop trying to put words in my mouth. I never gave credibility to any source. Time will tell the tale. Until now Israel has acted with impunity for the most part. Whether that has changed remains to be seen. Regardless of our hopes or expectations.


More evasion, why are you not answering the question? Are you saying that Israel is going to wipe out Syria’s S-300s?

This is your statement:

“Yea, well we will see if they live up to all the hype. Most likely they will be destroyed by Israel”


What part of my comment do you not understand? Would you like to read it again? “Yea, well we will see if they live up to all the hype. Most likely they will be destroyed by Israel” Let me spell it out to you. IF Russia and Syria continue to remain non offensive as they have and Israel holds to their threat then YES. They have the capability, it is just a matter if they, Israel, are willing to escalate to that point of aggression.


The chances of Israel carrying through out their threats to destroy Syria’s S-300 capability and your endorsement of that are between slim and none. You’re obviously an arm chair general who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


Apparently you are retarded or something. You definitely have no reading comprehension skills. I feel sorry for anyone who hires you as their lawyer. Why anyone would want a snowflake like you is mind boggling. I bet you cried when Hillary lost. Endorsement. LOL You are retarded.


I’m not a lawyer, I didn’t vote for Clinton, and you’re wasting my time with your stupidity.


I count about 900 in service launchers in Syria’s air defense system according to this inventory assessment. Do you really believe Israeli claims that they destroyed half of Syria’s air defense system in one overnight strike? They’re obviously lying, as Jews habitually do. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b8e6c574ac335b8c88cc98637aecbfebb3afa45227c8ceb3411e7b62ace2be75.png

– Syrian Air Defense Force –


John Whitehot

they also embraced the maxim by which “the more incredible is the lie, the more credible actually is”. The problem is that it works only with jews, and with those people who are inclined to believe them anyway.


No I don’t, but I have no more reason to believe the Russian general. I’ve learned to believe what I see and know because getting hopes up on what you hear or are told usually leads to grief.


From what I’ve seen the Russians have a lot more credibility than the Jews and their US sycophants. Israeli claims about destroying 1/2 of Syria’s air defense system in 1 overnight raid is obviously a huge lie. So if you want to rely on the absurd, bombastic and factious claims of a cult that brainwashes it’s members to lie from birth. When I’ve provided judicial quality evidence that the Jews and the US are lying and the Russians are telling the truth. That’s your problem.


“judicial quality evidence”?

“a cult that brainwashes it’s members to lie from birth.” “the baby rapers”

That is not evidence. That is as hominem. Like I said, you are seeing what you want to see because of your emotions.


You have a habit of ignoring judicial quality evidence that disproves what you’re writing and then claiming that it doesn’t exist. When any rational person acknowledges that it does.


No evidence. Just opinion and ad hominem.


You’re a liar, this thread is full of evidence that I’ve posted from various sources. The type that is used in courtrooms around the world every day.


Evidence of what?


You’re wasting my time with you’re stupidity.

“You have a habit of ignoring judicial quality evidence that disproves what you’re writing and then claiming that it doesn’t exist.”


It’s not very smart to argue with someone who is just wasting your time.


Like you are.


LMAO. I know you are but what am I? You’re killing me.


A fool peddling Zionist nonsense.

– Three Russian S-300PM battalion sets delivered to Syria free of charge –


John Whitehot

“I don’t know if they are willing to risk that kind of escalation”

Russia and Syria have no need to hit Israel. They are largely winning the war against israeli armed and financed ragheads inside Syria.

That said, Russia is able to ground the entire Israeli air force in a single massed strike from Kaliber armed ships, Iskander/Bastion SSM and strategic aviation. They could put in hundreds of cruise missiles for which Israel has no defence without even leaving Russian airspace.


Russia and Syria have won significantly against ISIS and other rebel/terrorist groups. BUT you must confess that Turkey is still invading, America is still invading and Israel is still striking, up till now at least. The WAR hasn’t really begun. This is just jockeying for position. What you say is true. Russia could easily destroy Israel’s capabilities but that is just the kind of escalation they have been trying to avoid. If that is happening then the WAR has truly started. Will Israel test the S-300? If they do and succeed then I don’t see this escalating. If they do and get their jets shot down, namely getting Israeli servicemen killed, then I see it escalating. Even then I don’t know if we will see Russia bomb Israel itself.

You can call me Al

Not sure if the US want to remember that one.


Eh, they’re are similarities tbh. Syria just like Vietnam is a large testing ground for advanced weaponry of all types just like Vietnam was. The Russians are bringing in some of their best Air defense equipment so indeed you’re correct, we will see if it can do what it says it can do or if will under preform.


It’s a wait and see. Also if they do perform and Israeli pilots start dying then this is going to escalate real quick.


Or the baby rapers will back off. Once they lose air superiority, how do you envision the IDF escalating? Syria isn’t Gaza or Lebanon.

You can call me Al

How negative you are.

Regards the F-35

Yeah, well we will see if they live up to all the hype. Most likely they will be destroyed by Syria / Russia and the S-300.


It’s not the stealth jets that S-300 needs to worry about. I would guess that S-300 could knock at least some F-35s out of the sky. A question remains as to how serious Israel is with their threats. If so, any system that shows a real capability to shoot down their jets will be destroyed by a barrage of rocket and missile fire. Not to mention space based lasers and other weapons that we are not privy to. The real question is will Russia and Syria continue to just shoot at missiles and jets or will they actually retaliate against Israeli installations.

You can call me Al

I totally agree. After I read your comment, I was thinking about that, whilst outside having a ciggy. My response to both of us is no-worries.

Remember the S-300 is part of an integrated air defence system, fully integrated to the Russian system + it is mobile. So whilst I understand that the threat is real like any anti-aircraft system to be just blitzed; with the Russian backing – I feel we can chill out.

Now listen IMHO, up or down ticks should be given on all comments you reply to as a minimum. What has happened to people on here ?.

John Whitehot

i’m curious, what effect does the down tick produce? never see it doing anything.


Now, now. Down ticking can hurt someone’s feelings. But we must still have the button there for people to relieve stress. It’s political correctness.

John Whitehot

:D well put. i suspected something along these lines.

You can call me Al

It is a humiliation technique, to make the “ticker feel good”. Makes me calmer.


No, the real question is will the S-300s take down IAF aircraft over the sea, Lebanon and Israel.


No, the real question is will the S-300’s need to take down IAF aircraft. I think the Russian electronic fly zone means that Israeli aircraft and missiles no longer function over the Syrian coastline.


So you think Israel will now stop their attacks all together?


Israel will probably try to draw S-300 fire without putting their planes in jeopardy to say that the S-300s aren’t any good. When they wouldn’t go near them with a 10 foot pole in a real combat situation because they know that they’l got shot down. If they’re using the Russians as human shields because of the threat that S-200s pose. Then they’re going to give S-300s an even wider berth.


S-300 hasn’t shot down shit so far. Until it does, it is all talk.


Are you always so rude and obnoxious, were you a juvenile delinquent in your youth, how much time have you spent behind bars, what does your drivers license and criminal record look like?


WOW! Talk about going off into left field. What the heck are you talking about. OH! That’s right. I said something that is absolutely true and you can’t stand it. You are a piss poor lawyer for sure, if you even are one. S-300 hasn’t shot down shit so far. Until it does, it is all talk. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.


You clearly haven’t a clue to what’s happening in the Syria war with your Israel is going to destroy Syria’s S-300 capability. Which isn’t going to happen. So I’m just wondering as you’re so supportive of the Jew position, what type of other criminal similarities someone like you has with them.


Just the kind of non substantive comment I have come to expect from you. And of course you add straw man to your false argumentative style. “Supportive of the Jew position,” LOL What an idiot you are.


If Israel continues to attack then I would say yes they will. But that would still be considered “defensive” in nature. But if Israel can coerce them into “offensive” action then the game changes. It’s all in the politics. That’s how these people work.

John Whitehot

“But if Israel can coerce them into “offensive” action ”

And how are they gonna do it? steal a S300 and drive it around Tel Aviv while claiming the Syrians have invaded?


Man I don’t know.

John Whitehot

if needed it surely can.

the problem with that is that international law of course prohibits arbitrarily shooting down planes in international airspace.

that would become possible only after they dropped bombs or missiles on Syria.

For this reason, I think that the disruption of GPS and nav/attack radars and systems will probably be the most effective measure against Israeli aircraft attacking from outside. In itself, this move could force the IAF to get much closer to their intended targets – to enter syrian airspace for example – and at that point they would be legal targets (although we can’t say for sure which rules of engagement will be enforced)..

In any case, if IAF planes are shot down at night and over the sea, i doubt the public will get any news about it. Don’t forget the only time they admitted a loss of an F-16 has been when it was videoed in clear daylight.

in regards of planes flying over Lebanon, i ‘m not versed with the relative laws – the only thing’s for sure is that no law protects Israel if it loses planes while violating another country’s airspace.


“Not to mention space based lasers and other weapons that we are not privy to.”

Like phasers and photon torpedoes?


LOL. Photon torpedoes. Star Trek is so stupid.


With any luck Iran will start to send more equipment (which I believe they have been ever since Israel caused the Russian air craft to be shot down) so that SAA and Hezbollah will have all the supplies and advanced equipment needed for the foreseeable future. Also with the newly erected SyAAD units comprising of S300 and other Russian air defense systems, Iran can also bring in some of their own systems as well to augment their own forces on the ground.

Israel really messed up and they know it.

Tommy Jensen

As the Americans says, the S-300 and more steps dont make any difference at all. So why is Kremlin letting 15 Russians die and loose 1 sophisticated plane just to spent a lot of money to no difference?


You’re a Zionist shill.

John Whitehot

what Americans have been saying in the last 10 years and more is utter bullshit, and i don’t see how this is any different.

leon mc pilibin

Time to avenge the sneaky murder of the Russian servicemen,bring it on israhell.


More Steps Will Follow Delivery Of S-300 To Syria: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister

will he dance kossack dance?

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