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More Than 1,200 Israelis Killed Or Wounded In Surprise Palestinian Attack (18+ Videos)

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More Than 1,200 Israelis Killed Or Wounded In Surprise Palestinian Attack (18+ Videos)

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The death toll from the large-scale Palestinian attack on Israel has risen to more than 150, Hebrew-language media reported, citing Israeli medical officials.

Palestinian armed factions in the Gaza Strip led by the Hamas Movement launched the surprise attack on the morning of October 7. The attack, codenamed “Al-Qasa Flood,” began with a barrage of hundreds of rockets that targeted southern and central Israel. Several groups of Palestinian fighters later infiltrate nearby settlements and military positions from land, sea and air.

The attack came a day after Israel and the Arab world marked the 50th anniversary of the surprise attack by Egypt and Syria that launched the Yom Kippur War.

The Israeli Health Ministry says that at least 1,100 people have been wounded and taken to hospitals as a result of the unprecedented attack.

Meanwhile, the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza said that 198 Palestinians have been killed and another 1,610 have been wounded since the start of the escalation.

Hamas’s military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, said in a statement that its fighters attacked 50 positions of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) during the attack and are still fighting in at least 25 of these positions, which include the headquarters of the so-called Gaza Division.

The brigades and other factions shared videos showing two captured IDF positions with dozens of abandoned military vehicles as well as a strike on a military vehicle with an anti-tank guided missile and two drone attacks that targeted a gathering of Israeli troops and a remotely-controlled machine gun.

From its side, the IDF said that its naval forces had killed dozens of Palestinian fighters who attempted to infiltrate into Israel this morning.

“Forces conducted a naval pursuit and targeted dozens of terrorists after they attempted to infiltrate into Israeli territory,” the military said in a statement. “The soldiers opened fire toward the terrorists and thwarted dozens of them, as well as two rubber boats and two additional vessels,” the IDF adds.

The IDF also stepped up strikes on Gaza, taking down two high-rise towers in the strip which were allegedly used to house Hamas assets.

“The Hamas terrorist organization deliberately places its military assets in the heart of the civilian population in the Gaza Strip,” the military said. “Prior to the strike, the IDF provided advance warning to the occupants of the building and asked them to evacuate,” the military adds.

Following the uptake in Israeli strikes, Hamas spokesman Abu Obeidah said that Tel Aviv will be targeted as a response. In a separate statement, the spokesman said that dozens of Israeli soldiers and officers who were captured during the attack are currently in “safe positions and resistance tunnels.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who received promises of support from the United States” announced earlier that” Israel is at war”.

Currently, Egypt is reportedly making efforts to de-escalate. However, Israel who sustained heavy losses will not likely halt strikes on Gaza even if Hamas and other Palestinian factions ended their operation. The IDF will likely go on to launch a ground offensive against the strip once southern Israel is secured.


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jaish al islam ultimate attack vs israel’s ultimate retaliation. who would win? we could only wait either till this weekend ends or next week.

Palestine #1

israeli orcs are getting wiped out by barely armed insurgents hehehe


imagine what would happen if hisbollah, syrian shias and iran would join in and go all in. the resistance axis missed here a huge oportunity for a devastating blow on the whole zionist cancer.


allahua akabar


death to israel. death to zionists. free palestine


death to palestine, death to muslims, victory to israel


lol 8 million in israel, but nearly half non jews, while 1,5 billion muslims worldwide and 250 million muslims around israel. looking bad for the cancerous zionist project.


did you pull those numbers out of your backside, gimp?

Icarus Tanović

death to alexander the goat fucker.

US made flimsy dog tags

zionist scum getting what they deserve!


spoken like a true muslim pig. don’t worry, we will come for you soon and slaughter your entire family right in front of you as you piss your panties and cry like a little fag pussy.


like your ukronazi brothers did to the people of donbass? keep wearing pampers you cowards.

stephan williams

seek professional help. “bat shite, crazy sexual pervert” is not a good look for you.


oh wow! being called a ‘bat shite, crazy pervert is high praise indeed coming from someone such as you stephan.

stephan williams

it was the nicest thing i could think of to say about you, murphy. you really are an awe full hue man.


and calling you a gormless, deluded and utterly deranged jew hating fuckwit is probably the nicest thing i could think to say about you, stephan. but you must be used to being called names i guess, right? i reckon you were bullied at school and mentally tormented by your daddy which is how you’ve ended up such a repulsive little insignificant turd?


you really are an incestuous little perv, aren’t you?


i guess i must take after you then, fag?


of course he is, what do you expect from this satanist bunch.


so what’s your story fuckwit? are you another lost deluded soul who has found safe haven at southfront because your vile deranged jew hating vitriol isn’t tolerated anywhere else?

bert didddle

especially the bat shite part of it.

US made flimsy dog tags

i’m not a muslim,but you have spoken like a true anglo-american that supports the mic.


and you have spoken like a true dickhead. you ever thought about suicide? i should if i were you, and do it soon.

Icarus Tanović

ass hurted psycho? your evil empire goes down, you english pig.


still trying desperately to sound tough are we, icarus?! i guess after all this time you still haven’t been able to get laid.

Icarus Tanović

yeah i laid your ho, but she hates deep penetration of iranian origin.


ah, you’re iranian? yep that says a lot really about you.

Icarus Tanović

it was me and iranian, a hezbollah backer banging her over at manhattan beach.


awww, who’s butt hurt now? hahahaha.


don’t know. ask your daddy. he’s used to buttfucking little boys isn’t he?

Edgar Zetar

this murphy definitely has the sanity of god on his mind, i don’t believe palestine could perform this kind of attack without being discovered by shin bet, this is an staged attack just to take and secure gaza and from now on. i think these will start to be really bad from now on, because israel it is not usa, israel shoot first and ask later, and there will be retaliation. things will be doomed from now on in syria palestine and middleeast.

Lo Hung Testicle

good we need a reason and all round effort to destroy the rat jew. and this could finally be the time the middle east removes the jewish satanist trash.


lol you moron. thank jahwe that only hamas attacked you, because if hisbollah, syrian shia militias and iran would join all in, the zionist cancer woul get its final death punch.

Abu Hassan

^_^ the zionists would moonwalk all the way back to europe.


nope. still not making any sense and just babbling insanely. did you even finish school? i expect mommy and daddy pulled you out early because you kept getting bullied all the time. wait, that makes a lot of sense now…..

Huckelberry finn

is it comfy in your panic room?


is it comfy in your bombed out mosque?

Abu Hassan

surprise muthaf*cka!


ah, yes…what else would anyone expect from the likes of you? a cancerous mafia that needs to be extinguished.


‘a cancerous mafia that needs to be extinguished’. you mean like islam? is that why you’re a bitter twisted buttfucking dweeb? because you chose the wrong religion and ended up a muslime pig?

Rov Noav Gov

you choose wrong side, a zionist one. bad.

Last edited 1 year ago by Rov Noav Gov

even worse than islam? the most despised religion in the world currently?

Rov Noav Gov

we’re not talking about religion(s).


the good news is that israel has slaughtered a greater number of palestinian pigs in revenge and will hopefully continue to do so from now until forever!!!

way to go israel!! the world is behind you! wipe palestine off the face of the earth!


actually the world is not behind israhell. just the usual jewish diaspora. but that said of course a couple hundred insurgents won’t do much against israel. they’re outnumbered and outgunned.


nope, the world will be behind israel after today. so please, go cry some more in the corner of your cave you fucking ignorant goat-fucking cretin


only european assholes and anglozionists..rest of the world hates you motahfacka poisonous zeta as the nazis named you


i’m not behind isr

Last edited 1 year ago by Sylvain
Abu Hassan

sylvain, get ready for the zio return to europe, better safe than sorry!

Last edited 1 year ago by Abu Hassan

they can come back: if other people like to enrich them, no problem for me. i don’t enrich them by myself by the way.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sylvain
bert didddle

why are they killing farm animals. sounds delusional, they should be fighting palestinians, their the ones that bitch slapped them this morning. not piggywiggies, oink oink.

Last edited 1 year ago by bert didddle

i was referring to the palestinians you gormless fuckwit.


lol you braindead hasbara hurenkind. dozents of times there were un resolutions against israel, sometimes voted with over 90% of all un members, but always stopped by usa veto.


sorry, was that comment supposed to make any kind of sense whatsoever? you dim-witted jew hating gimps all sound like babbling infants at times


only a moron dont understand this answer. and right, the whole world hates the zionists, even many left, liberal and orthodox jews themself, because its anti jewish, imperialistic and fascist at the same time


+1 @ tomb, excellent comment!


yes, excellent comment from a mentally incapacitated moron. he must’ve had help from his equally retard parents with it.

Icarus Tanović

you like your baby in the ass.

Edgar Zetar

looks to me the children of israel are taking his own medicine. the masters of the universe and the exceptionals will not like this, their lower domain commanders of their satellite nation are eating dirt, also the wall they created in the eastern part of his empire is falling apart, islam is growing again, so, this will not look good for the empire and their satellites.


what a depraved little fag you are. let’s hope your family are amongst those thousands that will be slaughtered in palestine in the coming days


keep spiting at christians you hateful little hat wearing cowards.


well done. that was almost a coherent sentence. much more than i expected from a deranged little fag like you.


stop crying bestard little worm with a big nose


oh wow. how original. never mind junior, you’ll catch up eventually

Edgar Zetar

the jewish love at his best… not only don’t like me because a true comment, also wanted to attack my family… jewish love at his best, always wonder why usa protect israel, but i understand very well the reason.


lol little hasbara hurenkind going mad cause only a few hundret hamas fighter turned half israel in chaos and heavy losses on man and material. still huge luck for zionist that hisbollah and syrian shia militias didnt join in. not to talk about iran


i think that the liwa-al-quds militia is sunni.

Edgar Zetar

but you never know dealing with the children of israel, you have to check a hundred times just to be sure on every information. other option could be an false flag autoattack just to tie better their domestic security and to take over all palestinian lands. too many goals are going to win and accomplish if this an false flag autoattack and also all the western empire will accept what israel will do after this. let’s wait and see how this develop.

Last edited 1 year ago by Edgar Zetar

russia and ukraine is at war, israel and hamas are playing.


allah is a snackbar


remember the uss liberty and the dancing jews on 9/11!

die jews die!

sure hope that death toll goes a lot higher!


fricken awesome!!

kikes scattering like kike-roaches


and 911 was not an inside job…


if you are blind, def, iq under 90 and a moron, than you may think so.

bert didddle

unfortunatly israel is too strong, however, it demonstrates that drones and other recent developments will remove the edge they have. so far i have seen 4 helicopters, a warplane, several bases, a prison, remote gun positions, fences and various tanks etc taken out, all unprecedented ten years ago in general.

Last edited 1 year ago by bert didddle

if this is what hamas and the palestinian factions were able to achieve in few hours what do you think iran would do to israel? the battle has just begun we might have just witness the official start of ww3.

bert didddle

reading aljazeera, couldn’t say it better: images of israelis fleeing their homes and towns in fear will be ingrained in their collective memory for many years to come


interesting to see in these videos how resistance fighters use new and innovative yet simple ideas to attack. they use simple copters and basic material to resist the oppression.

Zionism is Terrorism

i wonder how many deaths will be on the nazi israel side?


hopefully not as many as the palestinian pigs. with any luck, israel will slaughter thousands in the coming weeks in retaliation. and deservedly so.


calling humans pigs and dreaming of theyr anihilatoon proofs the deep fascist and inhuman core of the zionists.


these zionist liars call themselves “jews” but in reality they are from the synagogue of satan.


lol! keep it up please! i just love reading these putrid anti-semitic comments from little pussies like you trying desperately to talk tough!!


> revelation 3.9

lol… you say that’s antisemitic but it’s a quote from the bible!


and? what’s your point? do you even have a point? you don’t know what the fuck is going on do you shit-for-brains? crawl back to your cave sand nigger, your daddy is wanting his afternoon buttfuck

Lo Hung Testicle

your hook nose is blinding you. literally everyone here commenting is white you silly jew. this site cant be reached from the mid east.

does it hurt you so much that everyone hates jew… i mean you?

so you pretend everyone is muslim like the little kike baby you are. you goig for a drive?? need any extra gas?


does it hurt so much when you talk? i guess it must do with so much of it coming out of your backside. it must already be sore the amount of times your daddy has buttfucked you? must be why you’re such a sad, angry little fag, right?

Lo Hung Testicle

are you still here?? why dont you scatter kike-roach


‘kike-roach’. oh wow. how original. tell me, dickhead. did you get hep from mommy and daddy with that?


if a few hundret hamas fighters cause such chaos and losses in israel, imagine what would happen if whole hamas, hisbollah, syrian shia militias and iran would go all in, would cause a total military defeat on israel. the resistance axis missed here a huge oportunity.

bert didddle

problem is that the us would join in and that the israelis have nucluer arms and would attempt to nuke iran and syria etc. they have them also in subarines. it needs to be hamas as they are not a state actor. they are not going to nuke gazza.


using nukes in the area would be like using pepper spray inside a moving car = everyone will get some including the one doing the spraying…

in reality their nukes are pointed at european countries, the devils call it the “samson” option.

Joseph Day

there goes ukraine’s support, it’ll be divereted to israel haha

Tommy Lee

hell just got 150 new residents.


guess israel won’t be sending any sam’s to kiev? they seem to need them themselves.


seeing unmistakable antromorphic dummies allover in shots ie: mossad fakery in hama’s garb just the excuse to escalate on palestinians. take everything coming out with dose of salt

Crimea is 100% Liberated

idf faggots run in panic from gaza fighters https://t.me/secretplayerspecial/55924

Crimea is 100% Liberated

party time in tel aviv https://t.me/ddgeopolitics/84271

Alexander Gilkes

i like israel and i like it in the ass.

Maria Sharapova

i like it in the ass, mouth and isisrael too.

Icarus Tanović

isisrael goes down and nowhere but down.

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