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MARCH 2025

More Than 70,000 Civilians Were Poisoned By Unsafe Water In Iraq’s Basra

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More Than 70,000 Civilians Were Poisoned By Unsafe Water In Iraq's Basra

Illustrative image, source: alrafidain.org

On September 19, the High Commissioner for Human Rights (HCHR) in Iraq announced that more than 70,000 civilians had been hospitalized due to water pollution in the southern province of Basra. The commission also confirmed that several areas in the province are still without drinking water.

“The House of Representatives should intervene to improve the quality of life in Basra by pressing for the implementation of three basic demands: solving the crisis of salinity and water pollution, providing 10,000 jobs for the unemployed, and granting the province financial allocations to enable the implementation of service projects,” Mahdi Tamimi, head of the HCHR office in Basra said in a statement.

Prior to the HCHR statement, newly-elected speaker of the Iraqi parliament, Mohamed al-Halbousi, arrived in Basra and met with its governor Asaad al-Eidani. During the meeting, both sides discussed the causes of the humanitarian crisis in the oil rich province.

“Basra is the economic lung of Iraq … there is weakness and absence of planning in the institutions in general and we will work to find urgent solutions to that problem,” al-Halbousi said during the meeting, according to the UK-based al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper.

In July, tens of thousands of civilians began protesting in Basra against corruption and a lack of basic public services. The protests reached its peak on the 6the and 7th of this month when the protestors set fire to buildings of several government and political parties and stormed the Iranian consulate in the southern city.

Following these events, the protests were halted and the Iraqi government and parliament promised to resolve the problems in Basra and improve the quality of life there. However, the government is yet to take any real action, likely due the current political crisis in the country.

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Promitheas Apollonious

Is the inheritance the americans leave behind any where they go. Poison and destruction.


There is no limit to the evil my country(US) and its supporters will do to others. Including the citizens of the US.

Promitheas Apollonious

Yes the citizens of a corrupted state are always the first recipients. But I dont think any common sense person will hold the citizens of any country responsible for the deeds of their chosen ones, beside think of them as brainless or totally brainwashed in their majority. In short victims of circumstances.


During the 1960’s educated Americans demonstrated against the Vietnam war. In response the US cut education from 4% of GDP to 2.3%. 60 years later they have a compliant population they wanted.

You can call me Al

Hey, so difference that in the US now, especially regards potable water supply.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

That photo could be from back in 2006/2007 when i was deployed there serving the Royal Danish Army, MECHINF COY, IRAQ DANCON 8, AOR was Al Hartha/Quarmat Ali Bridge and north of Basrah.

If the staff at Southfront want some photos from the Basrah region let me know, 100% free of charge of course.

You can call me Al

Good lad.

If only you hadn’t incorporated those words “Royal Danish Army”, you could have become my hero on SF.


Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

The word DANCON kinda says what army it was anyway, so incorporating the words “Royal Danish Army” have not changed anything.

You can call me Al

I was joking. Oh veh.


How hard is it to boil your fucking water shitskins? Too much for their sun-fried brains to handle?

al quaida

Boiling water does not remove chemical pollutants. This is common knowledge, but apparently too much for your brain to handle.


Boiling water also requires fuel. War torn countries have an abundance of poverty.


Iraqi corrupt government losing war against basic needs that have not been solved during current and previous govenments. They are busy in collecting money by corruption and ignoring common man basic needs.


Defeat one enemy and all former allies turn on each other before they’ve even had a chance to rebuild. Just another day in Iraq!


These are the real reasons of riots. Not yanks, as tha haters discussed.


Name a single American colony that has water and sewerage? Kosovo has turned into the poorest nation in Europe since the US annexed it. They are also turning Ukraine into a European Haiti. American greed knows no bounds, they would steal food from a child’s mouth, and invest it in Google.


america has no colonies

maybe australia?

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