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MARCH 2025

UPD: Moscow Confirmed Second Stage Of Military Operation In Ukraine – Russian Foreign Minister

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UPD: Moscow Confirmed Second Stage Of Military Operation In Ukraine - Russian Foreign Minister

FM Sergei Lavrov via Moscow Times

UPDATE: Sergey Lavrov also claimed the following:

  • It is impossible to seriously discuss Zelensky’s statements, since he constantly changes his point of view;
  • The Russian Federation is not going to change the political regime in Ukraine, Ukrainians themselves must decide how to live on;
  • Russia is considering the possibility of using only conventional weapons in Ukraine.

On April 19th, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced the beginning of the next phase of the special operation in Ukraine. The claim was made during his interview with India Today TV channel. Earlier, on April 18th, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced that the 2nd phase of the Russian operation in the Donbas.

The end of the first phase of the Russian military operation in Ukraine was declared on March 29th by Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu.

“In general, the main tasks of the first stage of the operation have been completed. The combat potential of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has been significantly reduced, which allows us to focus our main attention and efforts on achieving the main goal — the liberation of Donbass.” – Shoigu claimed at the meeting on March 29th.

Sergey Lavrov has recently clarified that the operation in the east of Ukraine is aimed at the complete liberation of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics. He assured that this operation will continue and the next phase of this special operation is beginning.

“And, it seems to me, now there will be an important moment during this special operation,” the minister added.

Lavrov also stressed that the crisis in Ukraine could have been resolved long ago if the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, had cooperated and sought to implement the Minsk agreements. However, “the West betrayed Zelensky”, using him us a puppet against Russia.

In its turn, since the very beginning of the military operation, Moscow has proved its readiness to launch the negotiation process and even “made several steps towards” Kiev.

Immediately after the meeting in Istanbul, Moscow changed the “configuration of the military presence in Ukraine,” Lavrov continued.

“We said that since we believe that they have submitted for consideration what can form the basis of the agreement, we have changed the configuration in the Chernihiv and Kiev regions as a gesture of goodwill, however, you know, it was not appreciated, instead there was a provocation immediately staged in Bucha”, — the Foreign Minister noted.

So far, forces of the L/DPR People’s Militias, supported by Russian troops, have made significant progress on the front lines in the Donbass region, but their advance has been practically stopped for at least two weeks. A major redeployment of Russian troops in the Donbass has been completed, and a major offensive against the AFU positions in eastern Ukraine continues. The joint Russian forces are aimed at surrounding the largest grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine deployed in the region. A major battle is now inevitable.


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hans raus

Russobots and their circle of life:

-whole ukraine 100% -kiev 100% -kill zielynsky 100% -donbas 100%

Welcome in russian world, everything is possible here – you just need methamphetamine to fully understand their fcked mindset ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
Ivan the hungry


Beep beeeep

Von Tzu

Nice tractor do you have got the Bunker with Ukrop hardbass party also

Western idiots

As Lavrov said, Ukraine had only to respect the Minsk agreements, which it did not do. France and Germany accompanied and helped her in her betrayal, with the US in the background. Then when the Russians attack, all of a sudden the Natos say that no Kiev is just a friend but not an ally and has to defend itself alone ….. Natos are traitors and cowards who do not deserve respect and consideration. Russia will suffer from the sanctions, but Natos has lost all credibility in this world and for a long time… the reason why the Japanese are now asking the Americans to say that they will defend Taiwan_….. well but who trusts these people anymore?


Take it easy, mate


Just because you do britshit parasite,stop trying to pretend you give a rats arse fake heart!


Can I send the reconstruction bill to France and Germany then?

Heck, I’ll just send it to everybody. Maybe somebody, anybody will bother to respond.

Beggars can’t be choosers.




10/10 in regards to eastern and southern ukranian (RUSSIANS)


Your shithole mouth is the deepest object in space. Black hole full of shit.

Keep posting shit and keep licking Ukro-balls bitch

Last edited 2 years ago by booooring

So heavy they can’t maneuver.


Dont worry reichsdeutsch you think you are winning now occupying our Slavic nations, and once again make Slavic people kill eachother using your precious volksdeutsche slaves and your EU but with time everything will change and we will once again have our victory day in Berlin like in 1945!

No matter what you do no matter of your propaganda there will still be free Slavic people even in the nations you occupy and we will one day be able to fight not our brainwashed bribed brothers but the real enemy of the Slavic people for 1000 years: the reichsdeutsch!

BTW look at your reichsdeutsch germany, your adolf must enjoy in his grave seeing the ever growing population of radical islamists. Your cultural enrichment of germany :D I enjoy it and drink a vodka to it everytime they do make some fun with the reichsdeutsche in germany.


8 generals in less than 2 months…. USA like st 14 in 10 years of Vietnam and 58.000 total. That means the number presented by Ukraine of 20.000 dead Russians is true.


Enjoy while you can reichsdeutsch but Ukraine will be free no matter the cost, for the future of the Slavic children who will be raised knowing our history and knowing the real reichsdeutsch enemy in the west.

After we free every Slavic nation that you have not yet occupied by NATO&EU we will sit back and enjoy how your EU collapse under its own decisions. Enjoy the cultural enrichments and enjoy the mad green eurosocialists enjoy all this stuff until germany collapse together with their EUreich. But you will do so without Belarus and without Ukraine, slavic people there will be free.

As for the generals, well our generals do not hide behind their soldiers but take part in the fight just like during WW2. And our people are ready to fight and die because if we do not then we end up as volksdeutsch slaves. Its better to die standing than live on your knees like the volksdeutsches. I would go fight myself and many other free Slavic people from occupied Slavic nations if we only were needed and if Russia would accept us.

We are the people who were first in space, we are a mighty and proud Slavic people and we will not be reduced to volksdeutsch servants no matter how many lies, traitorous politicians and eurocents are being thrown at us. And we will stand with Russia either to the end (it will be your end too if the atomic weapons are used) or to the victory and rebuilding of the glorious Slavic nation!


Hey fukhead,us generals and british generals and nato generals are chicken hawks fkn derr also usa lost a lelluva lot more than 60k in vietnam,hence the reason boka,boka,bokaa! as for the stats you too are just a lieing creep trying to pretend what you sure aint fkn oath! get the factual numbers right dud,then post otherwise use your filthy spoon,dig your grave!

Loot and Scoot

The reichsdouchebags. Has a nice ring to it.


Get off the nazi meth fukhead,then post something more akin toward reality,you cant cope with meth!



Ivan the hungry

Ukrainian farmers reciving second batch of Russian tanks


The Empire strikes back


empire in debts


Ivan receiving the second batch of washing machines



Z elenasky fuking well more like it,smacky!




This operation will expose Rus’ flanks to manpads. Will be interesting to see the efficiency of those manpads and whether Ukro’s will manage to suppress artillery with drone strikes. For the best results Ukro’s need to be fully encircled and Rus’ lines over extended. I think we should have better idea in a month or so.


drones failed,russias too smart!


USA created Wahhabism in Saudia Arabia USA created Zionism in Israel USA created Taliban in Afghanistan USA created Al Qaeda in Iraq USA created ISIS in Libya USA created ISIS in Syria USA created Nazis in Ukraine


USA Jew Bankers funded Communism in Russia


And US and British Bankers funded Nazis in Germani in the beginning cause they thought they would be usefull against the Communists after realising they are not obeying them.


No firstly they funded hitler and only after they realised they were losing started crawling up stalins ass trying to ramp up a notion their finance saved the world where all along cccp manufactured! The thing is stalin exiled 6 million jews to me why Communists were superior against cia/reichts, until mi6 and cia and these usa jew bankers screwed cccp over via gorbachev in the end,so yes!

Last edited 2 years ago by BUILT TO SURVIVE

All to fight Russia and Iran. And they’re winning


what exactly 33 trillion debts adds up to ever winning anything, other than money printers press?


So the people in the cherson who did not fight russia will get killed after russia pulls out and they will get blamed for it. Great way to encourage any people to cooperate with russia….

To be honest if just Donetsk and Lugansk are the result they should have just made a deal with nato to let the russians from ukraine and the baltics resettle in russia. Then they could close the book of ukraine afterwards cause all that are left dont want to live with russia.

To phrase it after churchhill “If ukraine is able to build anything that is a threat to russia in the next 20 years russia has fought this ware for nothing.”


Trying to comment but again in this article its impossible as before. There are a lot of Slavic people under germanEUreich & NATO occupation who support Russia!

And we want to do something help liberate Ukraine just like Belarus is now safe and the traitors meeting their fate, we do not want to be remembered in history as accomplices of the traitor volksdeutsch government of Poland.

Even if our nations under occupation may never be freed we want to fight for the Slavic soil still free from EU&NATO occupation even die for it with honor. And we will not run like the volksdeutsch mercs who went to help banderites and ran after the first rocket blowing up. We will fight with honor to the end.

So if Russia even accept Syrian volunteers then why not accept brothers into some kind of Slavic legion? We do not speak Russian but the Syrians do also not speak Russian. And we got money we can pay our own gear and even pay for gear of those volunteers who do only have their life to give for our Slavic freedom and pride.

We know history remember the times of sputink and Gagarin from history books and what we once were (it went wrong but only cause of commie economics and Gorbachow the traitor) we are not strawberry pickers and asswashers of the 95 year old SS veterans like the banderites and volksdeutsches. We are proud free Slavic people not cheap german labour! And we are ready to fight for our freedom even if our own nations may never be free (unless US somehow go bancrupt and stop helping the reichsdeutsche). But let at least Ukraine be free while it still have a chance! We will rebuild our Slavic pride and see once again our people in the space and not our people picking strawberries for the reichsdeutsche!


I fear there are not many slavs besides the serbs who think like you. And even they have to be ready any time for another nato attack couse they need a substitute russian since they cant hit russia.


There are a lot of us but what can we do? The only thing we can is get somehow to the Russian side with our stuff intact kind of sell everything and bring gold with us. Also we do not even know how to explain to Russian border guards that we come to help Russia and almost no one speak Russian. Otherwise the volksdeutsche will steal our stuff and use it against us if we go openly support Russia while still in Poland for example.

But there are 100 000s of thousands of us of course most only silently support Russia and not ready to go die for what we believe in but some of us are. Since Russia is our last stand of Slavic pride and hope for the future!


I’m from Soviet satellite country as well. There are plenty of people like you for sure. I’m myself not a big fan of EU. I didn’t care about Putin taking parts of Ukraine after majdan. Taking the whole Ukraine is different matter however. Putin showed that if he gets strong enough he wouldn’t hesitate to take Soviet satellites back. And that is precisely we can’t allow. Yes, our countries are weak and filled with traitors like you. I’m sure you would welcome Russians if they come to my country again. So Ukraine is our hope that this won’t happen. So I have no other option than support EU arm transfer to Ukraine. It is same model like in Vietnam. Soviets used to supply Vietnamese with arms and instructors while Vietnamese died in millions. The same is happening in Ukraine, just the way round. Sounds like a good plan to severely weaken Russians.


We are occupied by EU we are reduced to strawberry pickers and cheap labour we produce nothing we are nothing looked upon by germans and the west like some african nation. They use us to fight our brothers as they did for 1000 years when they did make us kill polabian Slavic people with them instead of helping them fight off the germans.

Before even with commies we went into space we were part of a superpower yes maybe we were not totally sovereign but we had more freedom than now when german EU dictate what to do or what not to do.

As for Ukraine it will still be Ukraine but not occupied by EU Ukraine but free Ukraine in union with Russia and other free Slavic people like in Serbia or Belarus (I do not like Lukashenko he is bad at economics and like the commies, but Russia got a free market economy today less taxes than the EU).

And our countries will be strong again when we get rid of volksdeutsch traitors who prefer to pick strawberries for the germans on their knees than to fly into space with Slavic brothers from Russia. You are not traitors of the nation you are traitors to the entire Slavic people you are the reason we kept killing each other in 1000 years and never understanding its doing the german job for them.

The Serbs understand this I do not know how so many people over there understand it and why all other Slavic nations are so much easier manipulated by the reichsdeutsches.

hans raus

Ukrainian artillery destroyed russian terrorists and child rapists. Kharkiv region:



Do correct me if I am wrong. There was lot of shots and lot of misses in that video. I can see only one hit. Ukraine will need plenty more of these shoulder anti-tank missiles from West. I’ve seen video of T72 going home after being hit three times. Bit ruffled, bit smokie, but still going



First stage Russia accomplish almost nothing. The second stage Russia Military will accomplish nothing.

Pamfil Military Academy

Let’s hope russians will apply now some lessons learned from previous mistakes. But till now I don’t see much of this. I’m really very sad to see that they don’t apply the VOLUME FIRE method at least on the key points of the front. I want to see dozens of Katiusha firing ALL tubes into a narrow passage of the front (2-3 km), not the daily LPR/DNR 2-3 units and that’s all. And to see hundreds of in-depth medium and long range artillery pounding non-stop the sides of this ‘passage’. Do russians forgot the massive ww2 artillery barrages which were the only big nazi killers ?! I want to see 20-25 heavy guns per square km to obliterate any trenches, any dug-in positions, any movement of those nazi narcomaniac fucktards. Otherwise it is an attrition war and that will gonna cost very hard both sides.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

https://t.me/russianhead/2039 enjoy

Pamfil Military Academy

I think that is the REAL DEAL of the Kremlin aimed from the first second of war. I intuit that and now it’s the confirmation. ”Жители поселка Розовка Запорожской области проголосовали на народном сходе за присоединение к Донецкой Народной Республике. Таким образом территория ДНР расширяется за пределы границ бывшей Донецкой области Украины. Все будет ДНР.”

Google a translation.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

Nazilennsky failed to protect lives, livelihood and statehood of Ukraine. ‘Slava Ukraine!’

On the day one Putin said: “demilitarize, denazify and independence for Donbas”.  The war could have ended on day one if Zelensky would have said: “no Nato, no more Azov/Banderas/etc. on government’s payroll and that Ukraine will respect the will of Donbas people based on the UN-run referendum.”

Muhammad your Prophet

I couldn’t give a flying fuck about what you just said in ruskie.


Every region of dying fake narcostate ukropistan should vote their destiny. Ruthenians and Galicians can keep their shithole, I bet most regions will join Russia, Poland, Hungary, or choose independence.

Muhammad your Prophet

Another intercepted conversation discussing the order to destroy the Azovstal steel plant with every civilian inside. This one is unique in that it provides evidence of a war crime that Russia is about to commit but hasn’t yet commited. The order to commit the war crime has been given. https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3461598-russias-leadership-orders-to-raze-azovstal-steelworks-to-the-ground-intercept.html

oilprice dot com

Breaking News: Based on an emergency appeal from Zelensky and Biden, Turkey will stop sending drones to Ukraine and instead will be sending truckloads of stolen Syrian fuel.

hans raus


This is what an abandoned occupier’s camp in the #Chernobyl zone looks like. #Russians were digging trenches in the radioactive soil.

Tell me now that russians are not braindead ^^


The AFU is getting completely annihilated in the Donbass region. Russian artillery and tactical aviation hit more than 1300 military targets just in the past 24 hours, including 1214 manpower concentrations. AFU have around 60k troops in this area, and they are getting absolutely ruined. With this rate I expect AFU to collapse in a few weeks, and there’s nothing to help them, the best they can do is to surrender.

Dick Von D'Astard

Possibly a good time to announce to the world that Russian Federation recognizes Turkish sovereignty over Northern Cyprus. Making it clear that the Greek state has become nothing more than a puppet state of the U.S. State Dept.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard

The west didnt betray zelensky, he has a mansion in Florida, he got exactly what he wanted…


After tie eater saakashvilli failed at pr this time the west took no chances and hired an actor to do the job of telling the world of the plight of his people and ask for help in an oscar ripe performance.


“Russia is considering the possibility of using only conventional weapons in Ukraine” <– what does that mean?


Oh, I see, a VERY bad translation, he actually said “Russia will only use conventional weapons in Ukraine.”


“The Russian Federation is not going to change the political regime in Ukraine, Ukrainians themselves must decide how to live on; Russia is considering the possibility of using only conventional weapons in Ukraine.“

😂 500D chess 🤣

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