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Moscow Slammed US Attempts To Blame Russia For ‘COVID-19 Disinformation’

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Moscow Slammed US Attempts To Blame Russia For 'COVID-19 Disinformation'


A spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Mariya Zakharova, commented on Apriil 9 on the recent US attempts to blame Russia for the COVID-19 ‘disinformation campaign’.

US insinuations about Russia spreading disinformation (source):

We never cease to be amazed by the western countries’ cynicism in using the coronavirus in their information war.

We are perplexed and surprised to see attempts made by certain US media and top officials to accuse Russia of conducting an alleged “disinformation campaign” against the United States in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. We addressed the US Department of State specifically to demand factual evidence that could prove such claims, given the fact that they were made by officials as well. We received neither reasonable explanations nor facts on this issue. It turns out that the Americans are spreading false information themselves.

We are observing the way the internet’s US segment users are actively promoting various conspiracy theories claiming the virus could be man-made – and naturally, blaming Russia and other countries. Obviously, attempts are being made to hammer this idea into people’s minds and spread it as if it was part of some information attack. We have information that clearly proves US government structures are coordinating these attempts.

Amidst the current global efforts to tackle the pandemic, with 1.5 million confirmed cases including 400,000 in the United States, these accusations against Russia are not only groundless but they are also unscrupulous. It is true that many Americans are scared and they write different things online – yet, fuelling speculations and playing on people’s fears for political ends is unacceptable and dangerous.

Russia is actively engaged in joint efforts to counter the pandemic and curb its consequences. We understand that the humankind can cope with this challenge, which is unprecedented in the contemporary world, only through collective efforts. This is what is crystal clear now. We are doing much in our country and making every effort to provide assistance to other states, including the United States.

We deem these attempts to fabricate such accusations against Russia as further efforts to pursue a misguided anti-Russia practices favoured by certain political circles in the Washington establishment. They are not concerned about the current global needs during these trying times, including what the United States needs, with its immense number of the infected people and deaths. We express solidarity with the American people during this tough period and urge responsible US politicians to give their objective assessment of these insinuations.

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Moscow should start slamming Ukrainian army positions who daily kill innocents in Donbass, a part of the Russian Narod that Putin & co pledged to protect. Enough with the whining like a baby, nobody cares about Moscow’s useless complaints and talk anyway, Russians included.

AM Hants

Remind me, but, didn’t Donetsk vote to become an automated independent Federation, not, to return home to Russia.

So why do you expect the President of Russia to launch a thermo-nuclear war, to protect Donbass. How would that work, when Donetsk would also end up a pile of thermo-nuclear Ash?


Who talked about thermo-nuclear war (besides you and your usual sophistry that is)? You imply an extreme and extremely unlikely outcome, that is “Th3rM0NKl3AR uUWar!!1!” in order to justify your idolatry and the idol’s half-hearted response to the plight of the Donbass people. Your idol being Putin or Russia itself, is of little consequence.

PS What does “automated” federation even mean?

AM Hants

Darling, how do you think the scenario will play?

Russia enters Ukraine, allowing NATO to officially come and defend the nation.

You telling me the US will not try and impress Russia, with their toys? Just like when Truman tried to impress Stalin, when he sent the atomic boms to take out Negasaki and Hiroshimo, at the end of WWII and when Japan was ready to surrender. Showing Stalin that the US had bigger bombs than the Soviet Union.

Poor Japan, who lost so much, courtesy a Trueman ‘willy waving’ false flag.


It’s Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Truman. I am certainly not your darling and try to get at least the names right if you strive so hard to defend your Putin-idol.

AM Hants

Darling, you really should calm down. Do you really believe that President Putin is the leader of Donetsk, rather than Russia.

By the way darling, thanks for reminding me to check my spelling. Would hate to be remembered by my spelling, rather than life, when they come to sorting out my gravestone.


Putin of course is the de facto leader of both DNR and LNR and Russia is the sole state entity that allows DNR and LNR to exist. The problem is that both DNR and LNR are allowed to do just that, exist and not be free, peaceful state(lets) because that would compromise the Kremlin’s strategy. So civilians are left to be killed almost daily. Moreover a large number of them are Russian citizens.. And that is just sad darling.. As for what you will be remembered for? Gee, I don’t know. Likely someone who can’t see 1 ft further ahead because your head is inside Putin’s a$$. Or you would rather it was, him being your beloved idol etc..

AM Hants

Darling, you lose your argument when you have to rely on personal insults. At the end of the day President Putin is the leader of Russia, is he not? Are the DNR and LNR flying the Russian flag or are they defending themselves in a civil war? They have not abused the Minsk II agreement, but, Ukraine have. Your argument should be as to why NATO member states are sending lethal aid to NON-NATO Ukraine, to be used against their people. Without the backing or knowledge of the electorate of the NATO member states electorate.

Has Russia provided support and aid for the people of the DNR and LPR? Has Russia provided training for those that defend the DNR and LPR? Has Russia provided passports and benefits for the people of the DNR and LPR? Has Russia offered refuge to the people of the DNR and LPR?

Ralph London

Drinas, we are actually all opposed to those satanic shits in/from kiev etc, with their satanic shits in washington, so best to aim your ammo at the common enemy.


I don’t see the Kremlin-which has the power to stop them-be truly opposed. In fact they call them “partners” and repeat ad nauseam the mantra that “there is no alternative to the Minsk agreements” while civilians die. I am sorry, but these are the facts.

Ralph London

‘partners’ is just diplomatic speak. As for the Minsk agreements, and Russia stating it, the sub-text is that for ukraine it is at least stalemate. ukraine is up the creek. As it is, Minsk is a dead pile of worthless shit, as the reality is that there are 2 democratically elected Republics.


That’s a fact. As is that civilians, often holding Russian passports, are being killed in the two republics and Russia (Putin, the Kremlin etc) chooses not to retaliate in any meaningful form so as not to upset this balance. One can say that this is pragmatism, realism etc but the fact remains that it lets its people be killed and in what is historically Russian lands.

AM Hants

Automated, auto correct switched autonomous. Should have been autonomous federation, independent of Ukraine and did not vote to return home to Russia.

Why does everybody assume that President Putin is the leader of each and every nation that makes up the axis of resistance?

Ralph London

The 2 former oblasts voted to become independent republics. For some time, they have been integrating their systems for joining Russia.

It is however, puzzling why the Republics have not retaliated much more forcibly to destroy those satanic murdering shits, because NOTHING (I’m still waiting for God to do something, but…) else will work.

AM Hants

Wish them all the best and for peace to come their way. Just get sick of trolls blaming President Putin for everything.

Jens Holm

Russians not even recognites what Sputnoks and other strange organs write.

“If thats facts – We deny fatct” :)

AM Hants

Facts, from the ‘smear wrap’ merchants.

Ralph London

jens, you can just carry on eating yank PNAC sh!t, it suits you.

Jens Holm

We produce our own shit. Thank You.

We dont need any from USA and Russia.

I am myself too – I think.

Laika – whatever – Sputnik is well known being a propaganda virus not made by USA.


I am aware of American propaganda against the Chinese regarding Sars CoV-2, calling it the Wuhan flu, etc., but have not seen any directed at Russia, other than the usual claims that any Russian information is dis-information.

Arch Bungle

According to the pro-Western Moscow Times in their article, “80% of Russia’s Coronavirus Aid to Italy ‘Useless’ – La Stampa,” also entirely based on the La Stampa article, its admits La Stampa’s information came from an “unnamed source.”

Other articles, like the BBC’s “Coronavirus: What does ‘from Russia with love’ really mean?,” Foreign Policy’s “Beware of Bad Samaritans,” and Forbes’ “From Russia With Love? Putin’s Medical Supplies Gift To Coronavirus-Hit Italy Raises Questions,” all used similarly disingenuous tactics to depict the Russian aid as somehow sinister and unwanted.

The Guardian in its article, “Coronavirus: Russia sends plane full of medical supplies to US,” explains:

Critics likely to claim Moscow will exploit goodwill gesture as public relations coup.

France 24 in headline alone makes Western criticism even clearer, claiming, “Flying aid to virus-hit Italy, Moscow flexes soft power.”

So by sending aid to Italy, Russia is somehow supposedly flexing its “soft power.”

AM Hants

The ‘smear wrap’ technique. Publicly state a lie, wait for media to pick it up, then double down on repeating the lie, referencing the media version.

AM Hants

Think it was the abuse thrown at Russia when they sent the US aid.


LOL…the Kremlin should just shut up about this. By tradition and design, you know they are lying when they open their mouths. For example, Putz Putin Trolls on this site and other Russian sites like RI along with other Putz’s patriots on the Internet have for weeks been calling the Pandemic a US bio-weapon. And the same bull crap has been repeated on the Putz’s official mouthpieces, RT and Sputnik.

Obviously, the new Pravda folk from the Kremlin’s Ministry of Truth are getting worried about what at first they made believe was a hoax or nothing burger or just a weakling Western bug that the big bad Russian he-men could deal with with just some more of their Vodka binging. They lied about it. Faked the numbers. And did all those typical old Soviet KGB things to hide and deny the reality. And now they finally realize Karma is coming their way and they will need sympathy and help. That lies and Vodka are not a cure for the Pandemic. Well “F” them.

Arch Bungle

LOL… Jake321 should just shut up about this. By tradition and design, you know the hasbara troll is lying when it opens its mouth.


And so’s your old man. How old are you, kid?

Hasbara Hunter

Searchin’ for kiddies to abuse filthy Paedophile?


How did you come to conclude that acting like a 14yr old girl is the way to get your point across?

Good grief!

Hasbara Hunter

You must be Jake the Snake’s boyfriend….


You double down on acting like a child. LMAO…too funny, Little One!

Hasbara Hunter

You are Jake’s assbuddy…..


Awwww throwing a teenage tantrum. How adorable, Little One.

Hasbara Hunter

Hahahaha Mister Roman Catholic Irish German descendant: Baron Aaron von Totenfeld zu Arschloch IV Sr….you are all the same AngloZioNazi Cocksucking Maggots…Your pope is a filthy Warcriminal…his Lapdogs all Paedophiles & Witchburners…which makes you both Filthy Paedophiles…


I’m seriously asking. How did you determine that acting as a petulant child is the way to be taken seriously?

Hasbara Hunter

Butterfly effect parasite….

Ralph London

jake the fake, you are another ignorant dumbfuck whose moral compass is pointing up your arse. Tell me how much you know about PNAC and the lying, mass murdering satanic usg regarding its criminal actions around the world.

AM Hants

What has the US been doing, with regards spreading the message, courtesy of the corona virus?


CORONAVIRUSGOOD FRIDAYCHINA THREATW.H.O. UNDER FIREFAKE NEWS FRENZYVOTE-BY-MAIL SCHEME Steven Mosher: Waive China’s Sovereign Immunity in the U.S., Seize Its Assets 117 Xi Jinping, ChinaJu Peng/Xinhua via AP ROBERT KRAYCHIK10 Apr 2020961 4:20

‘…Mosher said, “We need to move forward on the International Criminal Court in the Hague and file formal charges against China. We also need to waive China’s sovereign immunity in the United States and take away the assets of Chinese government and the Chinese companies that operate in the United States…”


Bearing in mind the US is not a member of the ICC and doesn’t Soros have a bio-chemical lab in Wuhan?

WuXi AppTec (Wuhan) 666 Gaoxin Road East Lake Low-molecular Drug Search and Research Service, Wuhan High-tech Development Zone 430075, China +86 (27) 6539-0001 ……………………………..

Exclusive: US Army Brought COVID-19 to China with Fake ‘Military Games’ Team (March 12 story)



Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates’ Vaccine Dictatorship Plan – cites Gates’ twisted ‘Messiah Complex’ – Fort Russ

‘… From #RobertFKennedyJr‘s Instagram post today, April 9th, 2020:

#Vaccines, for #BillGates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including #Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism.

Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.

Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.

In 2014, the #GatesFoundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.

In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.

During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for drug makers”

Nelson Mandela’s former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates’ philantropic practices as “ruthless” and “immoral”.

In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO promising to reduce population, in part, through new vaccines. A month later Gates told a Ted Talk that new vaccines “could reduce population”. In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony “tetanus” vaccine campaign.

Independent labs found the sterility formula in every vaccine tested.

After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade.

Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines.

A 2017 study (Morgensen et.Al.2017) showed that WHO’s popular DTP is killing more African than the disease it pretends to prevent. Vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of unvaccinated children.

Gates and the WHO refused to recall the lethal vaccine which WHO forces upon millions of African children annually.

Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of – hijacking WHO’s agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases; clean water, hygiene, nutrition and economic development.

They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal fetish – that good health only comes in a syringe.

In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and PATH, Gates funds private pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines, and a massive network of pharmaceutical industry front groups that broadcast deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent studies, conduct surveillance and psychological operations against vaccine hesitancy and use Gates’ power and money to silence dissent and coerce compliance. In this recent nonstop Pharmedia appearances, Gates appears gleeful that the Covid-19 crisis will give him the opportunity to force his third-world vaccine programs on American children.”…’

https://madhousenews.com/2020/04/robert-f-kennedy-jr-exposes-bill-gates-vaccine-dictatorship-plan-cites-gates-twisted-messiah-complex-fort-russ/ …………………

Friends of Soros Meme


What are Bill Gates qualifications? How come he is an expert in everything he has never studied?

Hasbara Hunter

“What are Bill Gates qualifications? How come he is an expert in everything he has never studied?“

Because he is a Rothschild…a descendant of king John & Related to the Queen of England perhaps? One Big Happy Family…


Nahhhhhhhhh…no Rothschild him. While half of the richest ten people in the US are Jewish, Gates sure is not one of them. Come on. Even non-Jews can be successful. But a lot like you can’t be because they are congenital losers.

Hasbara Hunter


Ralph London

bill gates of HELL.


LMFAO…your source for most of this is Mad House News!!! If you missed it, dodo, it is no longer April First. Oh, I forgot. Sine your Kremlin at the Ministry of Truth haven’t put out their definitive word on the Pandemic, you revert to all their old anti-vaccine bull crap to fill the space. Too funny, Igor.

Hasbara Hunter

Piss off Lying Epstein Paedophile…you are nothing but a filthy Maggot…


Great post AM Hants ! Robert F Kennedy Jr., while I am sure is ethical, honorable and heroic, has been tagged as an “anti-vaxer”. The Big Pharma perception management ‘team’ has spent large sums on discrediting him, people and groups who oppose forced vaccinations. Discredited also is breibart,and VeteransToday, Madhouse News etc., by reputation. Kennedy’s knowledge and words need to be backed by statements from the governments of India, South Africa, Kenya etc.,and Oxfam. Are you up to a little ‘homework’.

AM Hants

Will be later and with pleasure.

Hasn’t he just lost members of his family, including young granddaughter in a tragic accident? The Kennedy’s have paid a heavy price, courtesy of the NWO. I hope it does not put him off his excellent work.

Is he still running the ‘safe vaccine’ programme for Trump?

Hear Princess Ivanka and no doubt ‘666’ Jared, are fully supportive of Gates’ friend Fauci. Funny that, if true (sarc).

AM Hants

This is going to be a ramble, but, here are some links:

Bill Gates and the anti-fertility agent in African tetanus vaccine Posted on November 13, 2014 by sfaw2

‘… It was hard to believe, wasn’t it, that Bill Gates of Microsoft, now the world’s leading philanthropist, was recorded saying, “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps ten or fifteen percent.”…

…We found a press release from his foundation in 2005 saying that UNICEF “received today a $26 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The gift will be used in the fight to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT), a disease that was responsible in 1998 for more than 300,000 deaths in developing nations. Although tetanus killed just one newborn in the U.S. last year, it is one of the world’s most serious diseases that afflicts infants and their mothers.”…

…The antigen (known as human chorionic gonadatropin, or HCG), basically renders a woman infertile after a certain period of time (without her knowing it). Doctors and bishops in Kenya are speaking loudly against it. It was the Catholic Church that discovered the antigen. “The Church struggled and acquired several vials of the vaccine, which we sent to four unrelated government and private laboratories in Kenya and abroad,” they said in a statement. “We want to announce here, that all the tests showed that the vaccine used in Kenya in March and October 2014 was indeed laced with the Beta-HCG hormone.”…

…Gates and wife Melinda are famous advocates of population control — at the same time that they pour millions into life-saving vaccines — particularly in places like Africa. We ran into a small group of men from the Gates Foundation some years back during a visit to Rwanda. The foundation works alongside W.H.O.

“Nearly two hundred countries around the globe have endorsed a shared vision — known as the Decade of Vaccines—to extend the benefits of vaccines to every person by 2020 and thereby save more than twenty million lives,” says the foundation website…

…Former National Security superstar Henry Kissinger — long associated with the Rockefellers — once argued that the world population should be reduced by five hundred million by the year 2000 and that the food supply should be controlled by the United States. A memo to that effect outlined a strategy of promoting fertility control under the rubric of “family planning” and hiding it in foreign aide programs…

…“The secret Kissinger plan was implemented immediately,” says Engdahl in his book, which deeply documents and focuses on the global purveyance of genetically-modified food. “The thirteen priority countries for population reduction were to undergo drastic changes in their affairs over the following thirty years. Most would not even be aware of what was happening.”…

…It is shocking to realize how many high-ranking U.S. officials have come from the Rockefeller Foundation or other Rockefeller-linked organizations and the extent to which such hidden elements in America sought to reduce global population, fearing that a large population would consume valuable natural resources and upset the balance of power (and their wealth).

Noted Engdahl: “The Brazilian government [for example] was shocked to find that an estimated 44 percent of all Brazilian women aged between 14 and 55 had been permanently sterilized. Most of the older women had been sterilized when the program began in the mid-1970s.”

Those sterilizations — carried out by organizations such as the International Planned Parenthood Federation and Family Health International — were all under the direction of the U.S. Agency for International Development.

The thirteen priority countries: India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Egypt, Mexico, Ethiopia, and Colombia, as well as Brazil. Are Kenya and other nations now on that list? Two hundred?

Others, including a Texas professor, have actually proposed using bacteria and viruses to lower the population…



Bill Gates Accused of Starting Ebola Outbreak in African Village by Putin May 17, 2017…

‘… a Kremlin report claims the Ebola virus is a “bioweapon” being tweaked as part of an elite global eugenics plan…

…According to the leaked confidential Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report that has been read by sources in the Kremlin, it has been revealed that the virus was created by “world governments and non-government organizations.” It is understood the chief non-government organization behind the Ebola virus is Bill Gates’ own Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

President Putin is said to be “disturbed by the potential for worldwide harm.” There have been meetings in the past 24 hours regarding further sanctions on Bill Gates and his front companies, as well as plans to protect humanity from the “one man eugenics movement.”In 2016 President Putin banned Gates and his company Microsoft from Russia, citing security and privacy fears. Though dismissed as “paranoid” and “weird” by Western media at the time, WikiLeaks revelations in 2017 regarding collusion between the CIA, Microsoft and Silicon Valley tech companies have proved Putin was one step ahead of the game…’



Sfaw.org., never heard of them. Who are they to be quoting.

AM Hants

Part 2

Judges demand answers after children die in controversial cancer vaccine trial in India Tribal girls were given shots of cervical cancer vaccines during trial Children given Merck’s Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines Petitioners also asked judges to investigate trials of new drug Gardasil 9 Drug has allegedly caused side-effects in children as young as nine Investigation claims children were used as unwitting human guinea pigs Supreme Court has given the government one month to provide answers



India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes…

‘…A recent report published by Health Impact News has reported that the Gates Foundation has found itself facing a pending lawsuit, due to an investigation that is being carried out by the Supreme Courts of India.

Health Impact News stated:

“While fraud and corruption are revealed on almost a daily basis now in the vaccine industry, the U.S. mainstream media continues to largely ignore such stories. Outside the U.S., however, the vaccine empires are beginning to crumble, and English versions of the news in mainstream media outlets are available via the Internet.

One such country is India, where the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and their vaccine empire are under fire, including a pending lawsuit currently being investigated by the India Supreme Court.” [1]..’



Supreme Court asked the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) to explain how permissions were given.

Read more at: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/healthcare/biotech/healthcare/controversial-vaccine-studies-why-is-bill-melinda-gates-foundation-under-fire-from-critics-in-india/articleshow/41280050.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates & His Relationship With Big Pharma 02/24/2019…


‘…Oh Miracle, Where Art Thou? Even if one leaves 20th-century vital statistics behind, there is a glaring piece of evidence that gives the lie to Bill Gates’ disingenuous assertions about vaccine miracles: vaccines are not actually making or keeping children healthy. Instead, in the U.S. (where children are the most highly vaccinated in the world), over half of all young people have a chronic illness—a trend that coincides with the expansion of the nation’s vaccine schedule. Similar patterns of chronic illness are emerging worldwide, including for potentially life-threatening conditions such as food allergies and asthma.

…there is a glaring piece of evidence that gives the lie to Bill Gates’ disingenuous assertions about vaccine miracles: vaccines are not actually making or keeping children healthy. The World Mercury Project’s Campaign to Restore Child Health has been documenting parents’ first-hand accounts of serious adverse outcomes experienced by their children following vaccination. These testimonials, which represent the tip of the iceberg, cover a panoply of disorders that were rare or even unheard of a few decades ago:

Thirteen percent of U.S. children are in special education. One in six American children has a developmental disorder such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects nearly 11% of American children. One in 20 children under the age of five has epilepsy. Peanut allergies are the most common cause of food-related death. Women who receive flu and Tdap vaccines during pregnancy are at greater risk of miscarriages and other problems. Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal or other infections (PANDAS or PANS) may affect as many as 1 in 200 children in the U.S., including up to 25% of children diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and tic disorders. Sensory processing disorder (SPD) often co-occurs with ADHD and ASD. In the U.S., the infant mortality rate, including from sudden infant death syndrome(SIDS), is double the rate in many other high-income countries. In Africa, a comparative study in Guinea-Bissau found that infant mortality was at least twice as high (10%-11%) in children who received the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) and polio vaccines as in children who did not receive the vaccines (4%-5%)…’



BARACK OBAMA, HEALTH, ROTHSCHILD, VACCINE Bill Gates Henry Kissinger Depopulation Africa: Paralyzing Vaccine Deaths 47,500 With 50 More Children Recently Paralyzed With Bill Gates Meningitis Vaccine!…

‘…Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccine Program Caused 47,500 Cases of Paralysis Death (thelibertybeacon.com)

As covered by investigative journalist Christina England over at Vactruth.com, the small village of Gouro in northern Chad, for instance, recently fell victim to the dark side of this vaccine agenda after at least 50 youth in the area developed paralysis following vaccination with “MenAfriVac,” a new meningitis vaccine developed specifically for Africa. Touted as a preventive cure for meningitis, MenAfriVac reportedly caused each of the children, some of whom were as young as seven, to suffer hallucinations, convulsions, and ultimately paralysis…’

https://politicalvelcraft.org/2014/07/03/bill-gates-henry-kissinger-depopulation-africa-paralyzing-vaccine-deaths-47500-with-50-children- recently-paralyzed-with-bill-gates-meningitis-vaccine/



Monsanto, US, & Gates Foundation pressure Kenya to reverse GMO ban

RT Tue, 05 Jan 2016 19:38 UTC Cocao © John Vizcaino / Reuters Kenya may soon allow the use of genetically-modified cotton and maize seeds following pressure from agribusiness giant Monsanto, USAID, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation… https://duckduckgo.com/?q=kenya+gates+vaccine+programme+thrown+out&atb=v60-6_e&ia=web


UKRAINE AGREES TO MONSANTO LAND GRAB FOR $17 BILLION IMF LOAN By Christina Sarich, http://www.riseuptimes.org January 13, 2015 | EDUCATE!… https://popularresistance.org/ukraine-agrees-to-monsanto-land-grab-for-17-billion-imf-loan/

US Military Bio-labs in Ukraine, Production of Bio-weapons and “Disease Causing Agents”… https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-military-bio-labs-in-ukraine-production-of-bio-weapons-and-disease-causing-agents/5605307



Economic Times.India at least might have some credibility. Please understand, I’m not suggesting your information is incorrect, but rather that it must be based on legal documents, government orders or statements, otherwise hours of solid arguments are dismissed as a”conspiracy theory”.

AM Hants

As stated, could not find any documents that could be cited if writing an academic paper. However, isn’t Robert F Kennedy Jnr working with Trump on vaccine safety and did he or did he not win the case as to why the Department of Health ignored the Ronal Reagan legislation, from 30 years ago, to check on vaccine safety, which they ignored?


Trump said he would pull US troops out of Syria and Iraq. Yes Kennedy Jr. won his case against the US government, but to date Trump has not helped. https://cairnsnews.files.wordpress.com/2018/12/ican-hhs-stipulated-order-july-2018.pdf That is a verifiable document.

AM Hants

Trump says and tweets a lot, depending what face he puts on, for his audience. With his actions speaking louder than words. Thanks for the link.


Here is a couple of primary ones as well;




Just found this one, proving the corona came from the US.


AM Hants

Part 3

Would you believe, I cannot find any Government sites that confirm Gates was thrown out of Africa or India, besides reference to the Supreme Court Case against GAVI and the Gates Foundation, let, alone anything from Oxfam. Still looking, but, found some links that cannot be cited in Academic Papers.

‘…AATF, “a partnership between USAID, the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto, Dupont/Pioneer, Dow Agrosciences, Syngenta, and Aventis” and funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), has lobbied for the use of GMO in Kenya..

….Monsanto also has been accused of contributing to the suicides of hundreds of thousands of Indian farmers who end up in debt.

GMOs were legalized in India in 2002. Despite initial declines in the use of insecticides, by 2013 it returned to pre-GMO levels while yields plateaued nationally…’



Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wins case against U.S. government for vaccine safety violations November 21, 2018 by Edward Morgan…

RFK Jr. and ICAN take on DHHS As sources explain, a clause in the The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NVICA) compels DHHS to take responsibility for improving vaccine safety and efficacy, and charges the agency with constant monitoring and improving of adverse event reporting. The Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines clause also tasks DHHS with providing a report on improvements made in these areas to Congress every two years.

RKF Jr. and ICAN reportedly suspected that DHHS was failing to meet this responsibility, and filed a Freedom of Informtation Act request to obtain the records of these biennial reports. For eight months, DHHS tried to blockade their request and refused to provide information. Ultimately, a lawsuit had to be filed…

…As a document from ICAN reads:

ICAN was therefore forced to file a lawsuit to force HHS to either provide copies of its biennial vaccine safety reports to Congress or admit it never filed these reports. The result of the lawsuit is that HHS had to finally and shockingly admit that it never, not even once, submitted a single biennial report to Congress detailing the improvements in vaccine safety. This speaks volumes to the seriousness by which vaccine safety is treated at HHS and heightens the concern that HHS doesn’t have a clue as to the actual safety profile of the now 29 doses, and growing, of vaccines given by one year of age.

Despite being charged with the responsibility of investigating and improving vaccine safety DHHS has apparently failed to meet even the most basic aspects of this duty by failing to file a single report for the past thirty years. Three decades have passed since NVICA was put into place, and DHHS has never so much as raised a finger towards vaccine safety — an issue which should be a top priority, especially given the fact that NVICA erases industry responsibility regarding vaccine injuries..’

ICAN reports further that DHHS hasn’t eschewed their vaccine responsibilities entirely: The organization has reportedly taken their obligation to promote vaccine uptake very seriously, spending billions and conducting regular reports on how to increase vaccination rates.

As ICAN states further:

Regrettably, HHS has chosen to focus on its obligation to increase vaccine uptake and defend against any claim vaccines cause harm in the National Injury Vaccine Compensation Program (aka, the Vaccine Court) to such a degree that it has abandoned its vaccine safety responsibilities. If HHS is not, as confirmed in Court this week, even fulfilling the simple task of filing a biennial report on vaccine safety improvements, there is little hope that HHS is actually tackling the much harder job of actually improving vaccine safety.

Will the DHHS finally be held accountable for their failure, or will the vaccine industry continue to spread its toxic injections without fear of government scrutiny? See more coverage of the atrocities behind inoculations at Vaccines.news…’ https://prepareforchange.net/2018/11/21/robert-f-kennedy-jr-wins-case-against-u-s-government-for-vaccine-safety-violations/

AM Hants

This article appeared as part of a feature in the December 8, 1995 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. See Feature Introduction and Table of Contents. Kissinger’s 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide… https://larouchepub.com/other/1995/2249_kissinger_food.html


it suffices to say Military World Games in Wuhan sept/oct 2019, Fort Detrick (for the patogen Corona virus) and the closing down of the patogen manufacturer Fort Detrick (now open again after some 6 months of unexplained closure) and the military contingent from the dysfunctional states of A,or shall I say the disintegrating states of A participating in the Military World Games. Those three circumstances better than anything else explains the source of the corona virus and how it came to be released in Wuhan China. and the why is a certainty that it was all done in cooperation with the jews in Palestine (that incidentally needs to be annihilated for good)

Arch Bungle

North Korea shut it’s borders in January already while these wakers were still masturbating about what to do!

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