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MARCH 2025

Moscow Slams U.S. ‘Fear-Mongering’ Remarks Regarding Russian Nuclear Doctrine

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Moscow Slams U.S. 'Fear-Mongering' Remarks Regarding Russian Nuclear Doctrine


During the May 23 press briefing, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova commented on recent fear-mongering remarks regarding the “Russian nuclear threat” made by Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford (source):

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford stated at a Congressional hearing  that the US military sees scenarios where the Russians think they can use their non-strategic nuclear weapons in Europe and then put the US in a position where it will not be able to respond with strategic nuclear weapons or respond at all, and how low yield nuclear weapons are designed to convince the Russians that there are no circumstances where the use of nuclear weapons could give them a strategic advantage.

In the propagandistic anti-Russian rhetoric of the United States and some other NATO countries under US pressure, an inherently false premise has taken hold about how Russia has allegedly adopted at the doctrine level a premise allowing for the local use of nuclear weapons within some “offensive operations” in order to finish them in an advantageous position – the so-called “escalate to de-escalate” concept.

Absolutely groundless allegations regarding Russia’s nuclear policy are made for those who are used to unconditionally accepting at face value “highly likely” information fakes which have become traditional for Washington-led coalitions. In turn, unbiased specialists clearly see the falsity of Western theses regarding the Russian military doctrine which is aimed at preventing nuclear military conflicts as well as any other military conflicts. The doctrine explicitly and clearly lays out specific scenarios where our country reserves the right to use nuclear weapons. There is no need to look for novelties, it is all well-known.  Each of them is purely defensive in nature and is targeted exclusively at containing aggression against the Russian Federation.

By all appearances, the experience and approaches of some NATO nuclear powers are being unfairly projected onto Russia. Their doctrines allow for preventive “limited” use of nuclear weapons like the so-called “last warning” or “show of resolve” within the framework of defending their “vital national interests” which are traditionally viewed extremely broadly by the leading countries of the North Atlantic bloc.

Apparently, the made-up fear-mongering concept called the “Russian nuclear threat” is fuelled by Washington primarily to whip up anti-Russia sentiments among its allies and other partners who enjoy a generously unfolded US “nuclear umbrella” above them (actually, the doctrine does not have the list of such countries appended to it). This pretext is also used to sustain NATO’s practicing of “joint nuclear missions” which runs counter to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and involves non-nuclear countries, which have US nuclear weapons deployed on their territory, in their handling and use. Also, it justifies the destabilising US steps toward engineering additional low yield nuclear weapons, including on strategic carriers, as part of the strategy to acquire an expanded range of means to project military power against US opponents.

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The Washington conspiracy propaganda have no head and tail. The Trump sanctions on Iran and China will bite Trump itself.

Toronto Tonto

We need more sanctions on them and more on Russia too , Putin started this Shiz after he stole Crimea and started spewing his verbal diarrhea about nukes .


Are you a doctor?

Toronto Tonto

Your funny mang .


Sod off ukro-imbecile.

Harry Smith

Sanctions are good. They are slowly destroying the USA domination over international money fluxes. And that means acceleration of the USA collapse.

Toronto Tonto

The US economy seems pretty good when you compare it to the east , how is the ruskie economy doing , why don’t you just sanction us back ????

Harry Smith

Russian Oil Sales to U.S. ‘on Steroids’ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-05-20/russian-oil-sales-to-u-s-on-steroids-amid-venezuela-sanctions USA resume imports of Venezulean oil https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/US-Imports-Of-Venezuelan-Oil-Still-Trickling-In.html The USA oil-field service company Weatherford bankruptcy https://www.marketwatch.com/story/weatherford-set-to-file-for-bankruptcy-2019-05-12

Should I explain all above?

Concrete Mike

Putin didnt steal crimea, the same mechanisms that created kosovo has lead to crimea reunifing with russia.

So, mr propaganda, wich is legitimate? Kosovo or Crimea?

Toronto Tonto

That’s BS pooface wanted to keep the black sea fleet there and not pay anymore .


Maybe because it historically was always part of Russia before communists started arranging borders?


Know your facts. Crimea was never Russian. It was Turkish, then quasi independent. It was conquered, some would say liberated, late 18th century. Before the Turks, it was part of Kiev Rus. So never under Moscow.


Russia was created on KIevan Rus fondations (although same goes for Ukraine). It was under Russian control until Mongol invasion, then fell to Ottomans. Then Katherine the Great won it from the Ottoman Empire. That territory was always contested, as it is in present. Even before all of this, it was colonized by the Greeks. During those times Moscow was merely a village, Russia was governed from St. Petersburg. Only during late medieval times it became most important city in Russia. City from which you govern your state does not matter, it is just a geographic location.


Check your facts, Kievan Rus is Ukraine and Moscow was already capital of Russia when St Petersburg was founded.

Brother Ma

Different times and kingdoms but people and the land was russian ie from the kievan Rus. Thank you.


What language were this guys Rus spoken?

Brother Ma

Old Slavonic which became the language of most of Eastern Europe ,Russia and the Crimea etc .Before that Byzantine and Ancient Greek and Scythian.

Harry Smith

Please read my comment above

Harry Smith

Oh the stupidity! Open the Tale of Bygone Years – most veritable source of Russian history.

They took with them all the Russes and came first to the Slavs (Slovene), and they built the city of Ladoga. Rurik, the eldest, setded in Ladoga, Sineus, the second, at Beloozero, and Truvor, the third, in Izborsk. From these Varangians die land of Rus’ received its name. After two years Sineus died, as well as his brother Truvor, and Rurik assumed the sole authority. He then came to Lake Il’men’ and founded on the Volkhov a city which they named Novgorod, and he setded there as prince, assigning cities.

Has anyone spot the name of Kyev?

Brother Ma

Do you have a freeze frame in your history books? What about later? You didn’t read that the Rus came down the rivers and met the Greek Cities of crimea and the Ukrainian coast and then melded with them to form Kievan Rus etc as a nation and people?your history book had the last pages ripped out?

Harry Smith

What? Did you ever read the Russian history? Kiev appears much more later, when Rorick’s warriors got the Polyane out of the town and settled there. Then came Rorick and slaughtered the warriors because their leader wanted to became duke. After that Rorick established the town of Kiev as metropolis for his kingdom. Kievan Rus’ is NOT a name of the country, but name of the short period of Russian history, when Kiev was capital of the Rus’. If I am wron, just show me the coins, made that time, with the name of Kievan Rus’ on it. LOL

Brother Ma

Brother , i generally like you and your comments byt i am not going to split hair wirh you ok. I am not going to have a flame war over this.

As a Russian you should know all this ok. I told you or sojeone earlier ,different kingdoms and sifferent times dont change significant things.

The Byzantine Greek kingdom was Middle Ages and Achaeans,Aetolians,Dorians ,Ionians,Ae olians were all Greeks in Greek lands over different times with different political systems. Who cares. All greeks .

Same with Rus and ,Ukraine wtc. Noone cares if Tatars ,Golden horde ruled over them etc or different Rus tribes existed. The significance was they were all rus tribes on now-rus lands and there is no such things as a ukrainian nationality different to a Russian nationality etc.

It is like saying , you know the Midlands is a different people and nationality to the rest of the English because they spreak a little differently and have been called the Midlands for over a century.

Harry Smith

Well, Ukrainian nationality exists, because it was created by Habsburg Empire. The urban Rusin population was slaughtered in camps Terezin and Thalerhof. And then rural population was mixed with Poles, which were settled by Habsburgs in the Rusin’s towns. That’s ethno-genesis of Ukrainians as nation. Of course it’s a very simplified story. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thalerhof_internment_camp Those who you call Ukrainians, in fact are Romanians, Rusins, Hungarians, Bolgars, Poles and Maloros (Little Russians). In the reality, Ukrainians are only those who lives in Volyn and Galicia regions. And sorry if I were too annoying for you, but I saw too much lies about “Ukrainians” and how great they were. Just pardon me. I’ve grown up in the region populated mostly by Romanians, at the South of Volyn, so it is kinda personal war for me.

Brother Ma

I abhor this bullshit made-up ukrainian race as well. More bullshit made -up races “macedonians from what they now call North Macedonia. They are slavs or slavified greeks. Belgians ! Bullshit ;they are french ,german or dutch. Swiss ;bullshit ,they are Italians ,French or germans.

These fake races are all strategies for America to bust up countries and rule the world.

Harry Smith

That’s the catch: every fake nation needs justification of the third party. So they do everything the real nation says to them, just to be justified. Perfect slaves.

Concrete Mike

The principle of self determination, as was applied in kosovo, 20 years ago, was the same applied for crimea.

IF it was legal then, it was legal in 2014.

But who cares, you and your friends.make up the rules as you go.

Brother Ma

You just proved it was Russian! Thanks!


If we look at the history, maybe it was Greece’s right to have it

Dušan Mirić

Kosovo and Crimea can’t be compared

Concrete Mike

In reality no, in the made up.western world yes.


No actually the Western world says it can’t be compared and Putin said Kosovo created a precedent. It’s the other way around :)



Concrete Mike

Why not?

Crimea wanted nothing to do with ths ukronazis.

Thats why they voted out of ukraine.

Do you blame them?


The same Kosovars wanted nothing to do with Serbs

They voted out in ’91

Concrete Mike

You know thats not true come on.




Right. Putin did not steal Crimea. He just invaded and occupied it. And organised a fake referendum.

Concrete Mike

Got back to the NYT kurd ass licker.

Better yet go.count the iraqi referendum vote, that way youll see your kurd friends are losers.

Brother Ma

He did nothing of the sort. Ukraine has always been a region of Russia and never a people or country separate to Mother Russia until an INTERNAL decision by The Soviet Union. So Russia taking back what is it s own is not stealing. You obviously dont know about the American Civil War where half the country wanted to split off . Putin is doing the same as what Abraham Lincoln did. Right ,fair and just!

You either don’t know a lot ,are delusional or are sneakily trying to fool people.


There are many countries in Eastern Europe that didn’t existed before the collapse of Ottoman and Austri-Hungary empires. Also all the New World countries didn’t existed before the colonists so by that logic the ex-empires have the right to claim them back.

Brother Ma

Your comment is irrelevant to what i am saying. Three great tribes of Yugoslavs or south slavs were slovenes,croats and serbs ;all South Slavs with similar customs ,and languages even now even though Slovenes and croats became catholic. All were pagan before converted anyway.German tribes of alemanni, franks , lombards etc still are the german with Celtic mixed in. Iberian tribes became Spain ,Gallic tribes mixed with more germanic tribes than spain ,especially Franks became France. england is the same.

The Rus were parent peope of Ukrainiane and mother russian. Same religion,customs and language. Language diffs are just dialects! Have you been to america ,germany or england to see the big differences in language they have as well? The three or four tribes of greeks are still greeks even if they were ruled under half a dozen petty kingdoms or not. ..even if cyprus was forced to nit join mother greece.

Ukraine and crimea are russia .noone cares that tatar turks also came to crimea. Only people who say otherwise are stupid,scheming or politicians with an agenda. Infact ,South Russians and” Ukrainians “also have a lot of Ancient greek blood as well and especially so in the Crimea.


How about the freedom of every nation to free will self determination? If the Ukrainians speak Russian, wear same clothes and have the same religion, should they be Russians regardless of what they want?

Brother Ma

So one day the native Berliners decide to secede from Mother Germany ,should we allow them? Simply, because they want to? And maybe it suits Hegemonistan-over-the-sea? What about the native Berliners who say ,we are Berliners ,have always been Berliners and Berliners have always been part of Germany and are German? What should we do with them?

Sorry ,free will and self -determination be damned. I have hardly seen that used fairly or justly in over thirty years. Didn’t Abraham Lincoln preside over the American Civil War to stop just such nonsense? And didnt the Uk help one side for just its own geopolitical goals?

No thank you.


So, from what I understand you separate the right to self determination like this: 1. You have different skin color or religion or language – Yay 2. You have the same origin, language and religion – Nay Right?

Brother Ma

No not at all.

I am only saying the only people who can have an unqualified right to self detemination are those autocthonous peoples in their own lands and even then collectively.


Like the Chechens?

Brother Ma

Chechens lost that right when they became Moslems. Real Chechens still live and they have the right to be free and sovereign. Moslem chechens are all “gone Turk”and are thus not original peoples anymore.

Same goes for Moslems of Kosovo and bosnia hercegovina and Albania. All now descendants of traitors and thus not allowed the right of self- determination.


When did the chechens become muslims?

Brother Ma

When the moslems invaded.


When the Muslims invaded…what? Russia?

Brother Ma

When the moslems invaded the Caucasus many times from 600ads etc


What makes an autochthonous nation not autochthonous when they convert to Islam? From what I know the word ‘autochthonous’ is not related to religion.

Brother Ma

When members of a society change in ways not consistent or are antithetical to the bedrock of the society ,they are not to be allowed.

If a person in america wants to believe in a god of mars they are free to do so. There is likely no requirement of the god of mars to enslave all rayas or to pay jizya tax etc. The Martianr God- loving American will likely still believe in Western values and fit in with the non-converts .

Muslims and Jews by their very nature do not allow the other non-converts to thrive. Muslims/Jews in control always have striven to change the countries they are in or conquer. So no !

Muslims of Albania ,of Greece ,cyprus ,of Kossovo ,Bosnia,Fyrom etc and The caucasian Regions are no longer an autocthonous people. They are traitors and have lost their right to call themselves original people. They are apostates and much worse are dangerous to the non- converts of their own people and country. History is filled with instances of headchopping moslems being unable to live with others in harmony.


Sorry, are you saying that Greeks lost their right to call themselves Greeks when they converted to Christianity?

Brother Ma

Not at all. Greeks can call themselves Greeks because Christianity has defined them since the days of Christ. Armenia the country may have been converted first but the Greeks were the first people who took on Christianity apart from the Jewish Christians.

In any case ,there are no traditional people living in Greece nor Italy since those days that still believe inOlympian Gods. Any Olympian God believers are almost certainly New Age Paganists like the sort now found in all Europe .Furthermore Greeks can tolerate and live in harmony with neo- paganists or neo olympians because of Christianity’s and Olympian Religion’ s mantra of tolerance.

No such mantra of tolerance had been exhibited in any significant way by Islam or Zionism ,when ruling others or in the majority .

I am sorry ,you really must understand that your apologia for Islam and Zionism is a lost cause. They do not espouse ,The Enlightenment ,Rationalism,Love nor Tolerance in any significant way.


I’m not making a cause from commenting here and I don’t want to win an argument ‘at any price’. Just a mention Rus’ were Swedes that adopted Slavic language when they converted to Christianity.

Brother Ma

I agree with you. The Rus were originally Norse and mixed with the Slavic-speaking peoples around the great rivers of russia. They then came down and even became top soldiers for tge Byzantine Greek Emperor. They were the Varangian Guard.

Yes,they mixed and mixed even more with the North Black Sea Coastal Greeks who were there earlier . They then formed the people who are the Modern Crimeans and “Ukrainians” now. At the time you say they converted all the people in the North Black Sea were known as the Rus .

Of course ,mongols(Tatars)came later as did Turks and many settled there as well and even stayed when Russians took over the area again in Catherine The Great’s time.

So I agree with you .You are right.

Kilgore Trout

Get your head out of your ass and learn some recent history


Wish you good luck with your sanctions. these Asian powers does not need any shit from Washington.

What US state gonna export, US dollar as loans, GMO products or Hollywood Si fi movies or F-35 or patriot/thaad missiles that US army itself complain that we don’t need these shit.

US army says to government that if you wanna win the future wars then we need alternatives to S-400 and future S-500. Otherwise accept defeat from Asian powers. LOL


Russia’s been sanctioned by the west since 1918. The Russian economy is self sufficient and the Russian people just shrug it off. All sanctions are doing now is driving a wedge between the USA and European countries that want to continue to do business with Russia.

Between sanctions and tariffs the USA has most of the world on some kind of financial punishment. The risk that the USA is running now is the world dropping the USD as a reserve currency. If this happens you and me are both fucked brother so be careful what you wish for. I got a three acre garden, enough pasture land to raise a few animals and no mortgage, I got a trade … I can barter, I’ll eat just fine when the shit hits the fan …. how about you, you self sufficient?


You need a brain you degenerate ukrotroll with fake account.


you are a shit


Well, you just are repeating what CNN tell you to think.

You can call me Al

Just ignore the American arse-wipes, everybody else does.

Harry Smith

Al this info is for Europeans, not for Russians. Nuclear weapons placement means that countries which allow it, will be the first targets in case of war. Russian defense doctrine says that Russia can use nukes in case if it will be invaded. So if USA would start an invasion somewhere at Chukotka, that automatically starts the nuclear disaster in Europe and in UK as well, because you’re in NATO and have nukes.

You can call me Al

You are probably correct.

But even though I am a proud Nationalistic Brit; I shall not fight for the UK in any illegal and stupid fight.

The last time the British people had pride in their forces defending / attacking was vs. Argentina over The Falklands.


Really ? Did not British fight against Afganistan, Irak, and Lybia ? UK will always follows USA fights somehow.

You can call me Al

Did you miss this part of my comment – “The last time the British people had pride in their forces defending / attacking was vs. Argentina over The Falklands.“

Harry Smith

Well, I think the ones you will fight would be other UK inhabitants. The WW3 is like badaboom and our civilization doesn’t exists anymore and the survivors fight with their neighbors for the remaining food, medicine and energy.

You can call me Al

Have you been watching “The Walking Dead” ?.

Killing the neighbours though… hmmm, nnow, that sounds like a plan.

Harry Smith

Al, mon ami, have you ever thought that it could be you and your family been hunted? I mean, can you handle a gun, or, at least, have long enough experience in the knife fight? Hate to say it, but looks like British Birts would not be the hunters.


Yea it’s called collective delusional disorder, and the result? is mass hysteria built on lies and propaganda , I feel bad for Russia , China, Dprk , Iran, because they just want to enjoy some livelihood, like every one else , they have vital interests, yet US , sees this as competition and a threat for others to have deals together without the US reaking benefits , and yes US oil giants jealous, and want benefits along with security , with disregard to others security, livelihood , and their own vital interests

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