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Mounting Death Toll From COVID-19 Injections, Mandates Imposed In The Name Of “Safety In The Workplace”. Non-Consenting Airline Employees Push Back

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Mounting Death Toll From COVID-19 Injections, Mandates Imposed In The Name Of “Safety In The Workplace”. Non-Consenting Airline Employees Push Back

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Written by David Skripac; originally published on GlobalResearch

How many innocent people must be marred, maimed, and mortally wounded by these injections before the truth of the toxic effects of creating unnatural spike proteins in our bodies is finally acknowledged? 

How many adults’ and children’s lives will be destroyed—physically, emotionally, economically—before it becomes obvious to the entire world that the COVID vaccination program is the most cruel, calculated scientific fraud and psychological operation in history? 


Around the world, governments, schools, and corporations are instituting mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies for their employees, all in the name of “safety in the workplace.” 

Countries are ramping up the pressure and taking ever-more-extreme measures to ensure compliance. In Canada, for instance, the government is mandating not only all federal employees but also all Canadian citizens be “fully vaccinated” in order to travel on a Canadian registered train, ship, or aircraft—a directive that violates sections 6 and 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 

In a growing number of European nations, the crackdown is just as severe.

In September 2021, Italy became the first European country to announce the implementation of the mandatory COVID-19 “health pass,” dubbed the “Green Pass,” for all workers, both public and private. 

Meanwhile, the French government, employing the fictitious pretext of a “fifth wave,” has rolled out the latest round of strict vaccine mandates by tying its existing vaccine passport to COVID booster shots for people aged 65 and older. If any person in this age group does not receive the booster shot by December 15, he will no longer be permitted to enter public spaces such as theaters, restaurants, gyms, and concert halls. 

Even more extreme, the German state of Hesse allows businesses to deny customers who opt out of vaccination access to basic necessities—including food and other essentials for living. 

Lithuania is perhaps one of the worst-case scenarios in Europe. Though you might think it was done with tyranny after breaking away from the Soviet Union and restoring its pre-WWII independence in 1990, that assumption would be wrong. For, even though the tiny country experienced no “pandemic” of any note in 2020 and its government initially went easy on the populace, Lithuania abruptly abandoned that approach after globalists manufactured a regime change this fall. You can track the rapid disappearance of freedom in that society by reading the posts written here and here. 

The trillion-dollar question is: Are these vaccine mandates and passports really about public safety—or do they have an underlying agenda entirely unrelated to health? 

Pretending to be concerned about preventing the spread of a supposedly contagious disease, vaccine manufacturers have been telling us for months that the gene-editing injections are safe and effective at reducing both the transmission of COVID-19 and the severity of its symptoms. 

The data coming out of highly vaccinated countries, though, tells a far different story. Results in Israel, Gibraltar, Malta, Singapore, and Iceland suggest that the vaccinated are not immune to either contracting or transmitting COVID-19, nor are they being saved from hospitalization or from death caused by this disease. Study upon study bears out this finding.

Dr. Gérard Delépine, a French oncologist, orthopedic surgeon, and statistician, has presented  overwhelming evidence suggesting that the vaccinated are exposed to a vastly increased risk of dying compared to the unvaccinated.

Another report citing concerns for the “vaccinated” is based on a recent study of “COVID-19 breakthrough cases” in California’s San Francisco Bay Area. It drew the following conclusion:

“. . . Fully vaccinated were more likely than unvaccinated persons to be infected by variants carrying mutations associated with decreased antibody neutralization (L452R, L452Q, E484K, and/or F490S) (78% versus 48%, p = 1.96e-08), but not by those associated with increased infectivity (L452R and/or N501Y) (85% versus 77%, p = 0.092). . . . These findings suggest that vaccine breakthrough cases are preferentially caused by circulating antibody-resistant SARS-CoV-2 variants, and that symptomatic breakthrough infections may potentially transmit COVID-19 as efficiently as unvaccinated infections, regardless of the infecting lineage.”

A third study of the vaccinated, done by researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, pinpointed people in the US who received the one-dose Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine. It compared pre-“pandemic” data gathered from the general US population to data generated from VAERS reports of Americans who have experienced COVID vaccine side effects. The researchers found that someone who receives the J&J jab is 3.5 times more likely to develop rare blood clots in the brain—called Cerebral Venous Thrombosis (CVT)—than was the average American before the so-called pandemic.

In the UK, the vaccinated face equally dire consequences. A report published by TheExpose.UK in November 2021 shows that 85 percent of COVID-19 deaths are among the vaccinated and that child deaths have risen by 83 percent ever since the age group was offered the shot. The latest data from the UK Public Health Protection Agency—which now goes by the more menacing name of UK Health Security Agency—shows the “vaccines” have a negative effectiveness that in some cases is as low as minus 132 percent. In a probingreport published by Global Research, COVID-19 “truth” blogger John Goss shows that, between the January 2021 inception of the experimental COVID-19 injection rollout in the UK and October 20, 2021, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) registered 1,738 deaths and 1.2 million injuries endured by more than 378,000 people—an average of 3.3 injuries per person.

Worse, some two weeks later the MHRA confirmed, in response to a Freedom of Information request, that in those ten months the number of deaths due to COVID-19 vaccines was 330 percent higher than the number of deaths over the last 20 years caused by all other vaccines combined. Pause to absorb those numbers: In just ten months, a single substance has killed three-and-a-third times more people than all other similar substances killed in 20 years! 

Meanwhile, in the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) disclosed that, through November 5, 2021, there had been 91,982 total hospitalizations and 18,461 reported deaths from the COVID vaccines since the nationwide vaccine rollout commenced on December 14, 2020. 

Is the VAERS data accurate? Absolutely not. Its numbers grossly understate actual adverse events. Indeed, VAERS authorities admit that their statistics represent anywhere from 1 percent to 10 percent of substantiated-but-unreported adverse events, according to a well-known study done by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. 

We can only assume the same degree of underreporting goes on at the MHRA and all other public health regulatory agencies around the globe. For example, though EudraVigilance has reported in excess of 24,000 deaths and 2.3 million injuries to citizens in the European Union as of mid-September 2021, it is safe to conclude that the actual total of fatalities and impairments is exponentially higher. 

Officials in every governmental jurisdiction in the world have had easy access to the aforementioned inconvenient information. Yet most of them have buried their heads and proceeded to press on with their vaccination schedules, no matter how hideous the human cost. Indeed, they appear to have made it their mission to coerce as many innocent people as possible—including the parents of young children and, even more monstrously, the children themselves—into taking this experimental gene therapy. All the while, politicians and public health officials alike accept zero liability for any and all harm done in the euphemistic name of “protection.” 

In succession and in perfect synchronicity, academic institutions and businesses (many of which have been financially decimated by the illogical, unnecessary shutdown of the global economy in 2020) in numerous nations have followed suit. Why the collegiate and corporate kowtowing to such oppressive, unconstitutional government mandates? The answer is simple: These compromised entities know full well that if they do not comply, future funds from their respective government legislatures and agencies may not be forthcoming. In other words, they dare not bite the hand that feeds them.

College and university students who decline to be subjected to this immoral, inhumane experimentation on their bodies are not permitted to come on campuses—or even attend online courses. Not only are they deprived of undergraduate and graduate degrees, but in some cases they are being threatened with a no-refund policy on their tuition. 

Meanwhile, employees who are refusing to accept vaccination mandates are being terminated or suspended without pay from their jobs by the thousands.

Take airline industry employees, for example. On November 1, 2021, Air Canada suspended, without pay, more than 800 unvaccinated workers under its country’s new federal mandate. Other major North American carriers—United Airlines, American Airlines, Alaska Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and JetBlue—are also trying to place unvaccinated workers on unpaid leave. 

Tens of thousands of healthcare workers, firefighters, police forces, and school teachers in many nations are facing the same grievous attack on their livelihoods because they will not submit to the COVID-19 injections. Those employees who are bravely pushing back against the illegal vaccination mandates and vaxxports are exercising their human rights, including their right to bodily autonomy; their right to travel freely; their right to an education; their right to attend social and sports events; their right to enter their place of employment; even their right to simply shop for food for their families. They recognize these dictates amount to nothing more than an unethical tactic designed to coerce them into an unwarranted medical treatment as a condition of employment—an outrageous and unprecedented form of control and enslavement. 

One group I’m familiar with that is gaining momentum in their fight against medical tyranny is the airline employees. Specifically, I am acquainted with members of their Canada contingent. In April 2021, four Canadian pilots founded Free to Fly. F2F is dedicated to “unequivocally support[ing] our passengers’ and colleagues’ rights and freedoms, including their freedom to fly, without the need to disclose private personal medical information.” To date, F2F has enrolled 2,840 Canadian aviation professionals who are “on a mission to make their voices heard in every legislature, court, and board room across Canada.” Importantly, over 34,000 (and counting) passengers have joined F2F’s fight for freedom. 

Asked what motivated him and his fellow pilots to form F2F, Captain Greg Hill explained their rationale in an email:

“We’ve lived with peace and security, really, since the end of WW2, and even then, losses of freedom were on distant shores. Perhaps this made us complacent. There seems to be a tendency to wait until things get worse, rooted in disbelief at where we’re at. But the time to have the fight is now. While we’re greatly troubled by the overt coercion surrounding the injections, we’re far more concerned about the broad attack on so many of our freedoms. Our stand and our message is for every Canadian, coast to coast. We don’t want our children to hear about freedoms they can only dream of, so we better all get vocal and get active.”

F2F has since partnered with other organizations—Liberty Coalition Canada, Canadian Frontline Nurses, Canadian Covid Care Alliance, Police on Guard, Freedom in Action, Freedom Travel Alliance, and US Freedom Flyers—all equally committed to the preservation of liberty, human rights, and medical freedom.   

Like F2F, US Freedom Flyers is composed of airline employees who have come together “to fight US federal and state mandates which aim to strip citizens of their right to medical freedom.” Though there is no proof of a planned strike (which is illegal), at the very time airline staff across the US banded together to halt the tyranny from on high, thousands of flights had to be cancelled. From October 29 to October 31, 2021, for example, American Airlines cancelled more than 1,500 flights. In the same month, Southwest Airlines cancelled more than 1,800 flights—more than 27 percent of its scheduled departures. 

Not surprisingly, mainstream media (MSM) companies, whose stocks are owned and controlled by the four biggest institutional investment firms in the world (Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Berkshire Hathaway, which also own large stakes in every major social media platform as well as in pharmaceutical giants Pfizer, Merck, GSK, Moderna, AstraZeneca, J&J, and BioNTech), have been blaming the flight cancellations on air traffic control issues, undefined “network issues,” and “weather problems.” Those excuses coming from the MSM are decoys designed to mislead the public, so it won’t catch on to the fact that so many employees in this trusted industry are rising up in rebellion. Attempting to expose those lies, Freedom Headlines pointed out:

“[T]he truth of the matter is that the [airlines] are losing people because of their enforcement of the mandates[,] and people are quitting, protesting, or being terminated. Because of all of this, they don’t have the staff to conduct many of these flights.”

Is this not the height of irony? On the one hand, the pro-COVID-vaccine crowd contends that the health of all citizens on the planet is paramount—and thus that the safety of the injections is a certainty. On the other hand, here we have pilots who, of all professionals on the planet, are acutely aware of, incredibly concerned about, and necessarily committed to being in perfect health in order to preserve the safety of their crew and passengers. Any incident that jeopardizes pilots’ mental acuity and physical ability to fly risks the lives of every passenger and crew member aboard their planes. Keep in mind that pilots work in an exceptionally dynamic setting that requires them to constantly gather information from multiple sources, weigh all of the options to determine the safest possible course of action, and then make split-second decisions. 

It is natural, then, that the savviest pilots have examined, sifted through, and deliberated over all the information on the disease called COVID-19 and on the vaccines purportedly designed to minimize the effects of that disease. It is also natural that, based on the unbiased—though heavily censored—reports they have read, these savvy flyers have determined there is reason to be troubled by and suspicious of the singular lack of safety of these injections. 

Some medical professionals involved in aviation—both in industry and in the military—have done their due diligence on the COVID vaccines. Like the aforementioned smart pilots whose health they monitor, these smart physicians have been keeping close tabs on the dangerous, even deadly, symptoms arising from the injections. 

One doctor-to-the-pilots in particular stands out. I’m referring to a US Army Brigade Surgeon by the name of Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, who on November 2 testified before a US Senate panel hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI). With pluck and honesty, Lt. Col. Long described how she had to ground three pilots for COVID-19 vaccine-related injuries:

“I saw five patients in clinic, two of which presented with chest pain days to weeks after vaccination and were subsequently diagnosed with pericarditis and worked up to rule out myocarditis.” 

“The third pilot had been vaccinated and felt like he was drunk, chronically fatigued within 24 hours after vaccination.”

“After I reported to my command my concerns that in one morning I had to ground three out of three pilots due to vaccine injuries, the next day my patients were cancelled, my charts were pulled from review, and I was told I would not be seeing acute patients anymore, just healthy pilots there for their flight physical,” Long chronicled.

I admire Lt. Col. Long for daring to speak truth to power—sad as it is to admit that it’s come to that. If government agencies like the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Transport Canada (TC) were truly concerned about the safety of their colleagues, as this military doctor obviously is, they would immediately demand a ceasefire—and I use that term advisedly—from all further vaccinations of aviation employees until a proper scientific/medical assessment of the safety of these injections is made. That is, they would already be making this demand if the government-issued-and-enforced measures and mandates had ever been about “public health” and individual wellbeing.  

This returns us to my opening question: Are these vaccine mandates and passports really about public safety—or do they have an underlying agenda entirely unrelated to health? Based on everything I mentioned above—and that’s just for starters—the only reasonable conclusion I can reach is: There’s a sinister underlying agenda afoot.

That agenda has all the makings of a world war. Truly, we are watching psychological warfare in full bloom. In this “head game,” the state employs all manner of sophisticated terror tactics. The state dictates what we are allowed to think and what we are allowed to say in public and in private. The state decides what medical procedures we must undergo in order to participate in civil society. The state replaces free and informed choice with extortion and intimidation, wherein layers of lies and deception—pure propaganda—are so insidious that the average Jane and Joe genuinely believe they are doing the “right thing” by surrendering their inalienable and inherent rights at the point of a needle. In this state plot, “vaccination” is the conditional pass that permits us to participate in all aspects of society and gives us the cachet of acceptance among our peers and even, pathetic as it sounds, in our families.

This war of wits and will is not confined to being for or against the “COVID-19 vaccine.” It is beyond medical mandates. At its core, the battle is about overcoming the greatest existential threat—and biggest band of criminals—humanity has ever faced. 


How many innocent people must be marred, maimed, and mortally wounded by these injections before the truth of the toxic effects of creating unnatural spike proteins in our bodies is finally acknowledged? 

How many adults’ and children’s lives will be destroyed—physically, emotionally, economically—before it becomes obvious to the entire world that the COVID vaccination program is the most cruel, calculated scientific fraud and psychological operation in history? 

How many doctors and nurses and scientists who have revealed the perilous nature and visible effects of these injected substances will be censored into silence and will lose their licenses and their livelihoods? 

How many citizens who speak out against the all-seeing eye of the vaxxports and who defy the all-controlling thumb of the authoritarian technocrats will be locked out of their jobs, locked down in their homes, and one day literally locked—imprisoned behind bars—in COVID quarantine camps? 

How many more unvaccinated family members will be prevented from ever visiting—and hugging and saying goodbye to—their loved ones in hospitals and hospices and nursing homes? 

How much longer are we going to tolerate the false pretext of the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) policy, when we know full well that numerous alternative treatments exist and have readily cured the syndrome called COVID-19? 

How much longer will we allow vaccine manufacturers to hide behind a shield of immunity from prosecution while raking in immense profits from what amounts to the planned murder of millions of human beings? 

The time to act boldly is now. The time for peaceful noncompliance is now.


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Florian Geyer

Ironically, those who are unvaxed and those who have seen the light after being pricked, will all be bonded in lasting friendship with all the global ethnicities. Such unity will be a death blow to those who seek to enslave us all.

Jimmy (Shiner) Jones

This corporation, Google, are the epitome of everything that is wrong with this world today, that corporation really do believe they have every right to prevent any of you from having your own opinion on anything at all today. This is going well beyond all previous attempts at censorship, this is damn right illegal, and it prevents any of us from having any kind of discussion about any subject at all, you can try, only you’ll find you can be in the middle of discussing something, when all of a sudden Google and their little troll’s and shill workers decide you’ve said enough and then shadow block many of your comments, while to you, it looks like everyone else can see your comment, but they can’t as Google decided it didn’t agree with what you might want to say.

All those employees of this criminal corporation, who are all working against each one of us, trying to remove our own rights of freedom of speech, should be seeing us all going around to those very same employees homes, and dragging each of them from their homes and then forcing them to explain themselves to a public court, and if any can’t explain themselves?, then lock them up, they’re more dangerous than a serial killer!

It seems the whole world is now overrun with elites, we see societies everywhere being oppressed being murdered and being taken out endlessly, the elites are in a panic that the world’s societies are going to turn on them, hunt them down, and extinguish them. Soon we are going to see entire countries living in absolute anarchy apart from one or two areas of that country that will all be protected with armies and technologies preventing anyone from even being able to get within 5 miles of that part of the country, and that’s where the elites will all be residing, while the rest of the country will be in turmoil.

Think of the UK, and think of London, circled and protected by the Army, technologies, armed robots, and anti-air defences. Nobody from any other part of the UK can get near London. Then think of every country in the world doing the same?, and you’ll start to see the reality of where this world is heading!

The everyday man, will be left outside that protected area, left to defend for himself, in a world with no communications, no hospitals, no schools, or any sort of orderly society, but only complete out of control anarchy everywhere, while all those elites will have all the resources and everything else they need and want to live a life in protected paradise, while the rest of us, are just left fighting over a scrap of food?

They can take their flights to other countries, into the same protected areas in those other countries, (basically their own little world within the real world), and all protected by everything new technology, armies, militaries and everything they already have, while we have no chance of ever fighting back against it, as we’re all the stupid people, that allowed them into this position today, where this could happen inside a week?, from how it is today, to nothing at all, within 5 days. Think about that.

jens holm

Thats too pessimistic. I see Your worries well and we has to take away some of that step by step.

But You are very wrong too. If You deny to devellop and do as many do, its Your own fault and responsability.

Knowledge is power. Why should any here in Denmark pay to areas, which keep themself down and women are even by purpose are being kept even more stupid. We see it for Our many incommers. They cant even write their own language. They believe in Islam even they and their Imam or Mullah has never written a single line in the Holy Choran, where its not even alowed to translte that vital importan book to the local language.

Dr shlomo biddlestein

mentally ill 6th grade educated jens knows banana—since you are feminized like amerikans your females prefer actual men from Syria, etc

jens holm

Im also no elite but a middle class one. I do produce a lot because Im have been in school, eduation, has been helped to find my skills, is working hard and are rewarded paid pr hour.

Thats where You cant even educate men to be something like that. So yes – afence around You, so we dont have to feed you TOO.

As I see it changes are forbidden and even are punished n the sekular as well as religios context.

You seemes not to understand that the systems You descriebe are not totally wrong but biased on we should be more like You. But we WAS and didnt like it.

I allow me to write, that when we visit others, we pay for Ourself by Our own money. By that we even creates jobs by that where none are.

Danish women produce more then Saudi men even they and we has no oil. We has many more working and are doing fine with a fenake premiere minister. But that of course is HARAM. When muslims come here, they are just as bright as the danish ones and many muslim men remain as they were and by that keep themself low

Whats needed for them is even free here. So dont blame us as elites but use a mirror and change what You see.

Dr shlomo biddlestein

dane females masculinized, males feminized like amerikans….u failed to achieve night porter certification—you are educated in Julius Ebola virus

jens holm

Sure, the bonding should be the opposite way. Normal precartions agains influence and bacteries should be common knowledge all over the world.

To keep down its go home from school and work, hen You get it. But You can do a lot by distance, masks and visiting less people.

Another thing connecting us is the internet, which is very global compensating things very much even its dark sides.

I have to go to court in some private civile matter. Every paper is in a map at the court so the judge and mediator can see it as well as two lawyers, me and my unfriend.

Next step is a phonemeeting to try to make a sceduale or another next step. So we only meet in court. We also save time and can bring in documents as well as pictures and videos. No time is wasted as well money for transport. No letters and stamps.

Comrade Matryoshka

I doubt that will fix anything, the neo-left has become radicalized to the point that they want to (destroy) anyone with a different opinion. They need to be deprogrammed BEFORE any societal peace can be achieved.

jens holm

Its not about left and right but right and wrong.

I also allow me to mention, that we are more human beings at the planet then ever.

I agree. Deprogramming is very difficult. I try here. But many here are raised to below anything as obeyers.

So its about taking the responsibility instead of blaming other for having done that making some progress fx in livingstandards and human rights.

Europe cant handle incommers, which still think they should live in old days here too and deny to understand, why are and do as we do. Those almost all are muslims, which after 10 years not even has a job as men and women even better in many ways to make changes being more flexible is kept home hard.

We even aretold we steal from people having nothing we want. Oil is a good ME example. It wasnt even used for lamps.

And after that: Well most of the production is not taken over by locals, because they dont educate above the level being oil truck drivers or able to make very good asphalt roads.

The money for oil is not just selling it but what they can be used for. Even so none in fx Syria or Iraq are able to produce simple plastic buckets for local use and sales. Thats even the saleries are very very low and itt makes money to buy used production lines from countries, where the pay is too haigh for the employes for them.

Its exact the same for farming. No reforms even there is lack of water and old channels evaporate it to the sky. We also see more and more salty farmland, where hardly nothing can grow.

Jimmy (Shiner) Jones

This corporation, Google, are the epitome of everything that is wrong with this world today, that corporation really do believe they have every right to prevent any of you from having your own opinion on anything at all today. This is going well beyond all previous attempts at censorship, this is damn right illegal, and it prevents any of us from having any kind of discussion about any subject at all, you can try, only you’ll find you can be in the middle of discussing something, when all of a sudden Google and their little troll’s and shill workers decide you’ve said enough and then shadow block many of your comments, while to you, it looks like everyone else can see your comment, but they can’t as Google decided it didn’t agree with what you might want to say.

All those employees of this criminal corporation, who are all working against each one of us, trying to remove our own rights of freedom of speech, should be seeing us all going around to those very same employees homes, and dragging each of them from their homes and then forcing them to explain themselves to a public court, and if any can’t explain themselves?, then lock them up, they’re more dangerous than a serial killer!

It seems the whole world is now overrun with elites, we see societies everywhere being oppressed being murdered and being taken out endlessly, the elites are in a panic that the world’s societies are going to turn on them, hunt them down, and extinguish them. Soon we are going to see entire countries living in absolute anarchy apart from one or two areas of that country that will all be protected with armies and technologies preventing anyone from even being able to get within 5 miles of that part of the country, and that’s where the elites will all be residing, while the rest of the country will be in turmoil.

Think of the UK, and think of London, circled and protected by the Army, technologies, armed robots, and anti-air defences. Nobody from any other part of the UK can get near London. Then think of every country in the world doing the same?, and you’ll start to see the reality of where this world is heading!

The everyday man, will be left outside that protected area, left to defend for himself, in a world with no communications, no hospitals, no schools, or any sort of orderly society, but only complete out of control anarchy everywhere, while all those elites will have all the resources and everything else they need and want to live a life in protected paradise, while the rest of us, are just left fighting over a scrap of food?

They can take their flights to other countries, into the same protected areas in those other countries, (basically their own little world within the real world), and all protected by everything new technology, armies, militaries and everything they already have, while we have no chance of ever fighting back against it, as we’re all the stupid people, that allowed them into this position today, where this could happen inside a week?, from how it is today, to nothing at all, within 5 days. Think about that.

Jimmy (Shiner) Jones

I can tell everyone exactly what it is, we are all watching take place today! I can make sense of all of it. Everything we’ve seen, and are going to see.

But you watch people read this, and only because they don’t want to believe this?, will we then see them all only try to deny this? And they’ll deny it while being unable to give a single reason, for their denial, or even being able to offer anything themselves, (that makes any sense), but they’ll try and tell me I’m wrong? This is the mentality we’re really dealing with today.

But, how about this? Everything that has been done, leading up to where we are today, has all been done with prearranged propaganda, outright lies, and so much deceit, that nobody knows what’s real and truthful any more, and it’s all been carried out, by all Western Governments, and the mainstream media. Only nobody cares, or have even tried to work this out? But it’s actually pretty obvious, only it’s, the consequences of what this means, that people can’t comprehend today, so they just deny it. Well, how much longer can they all continue to deny this? Where to start? Well, what we have all seen, and what we all really do know, is always a good place to start, right? So, let’s just look what we’ve really seen?, honesty is also key, without that you have nothing.

For all Western governments, and the mainstream media to be following the same scripted lies, (unprecedented in history), we surely must know, it’s got to be leading to something huge, something catastrophic?

The USA has known for many years that their economy had to collapse, (and they’ve actually planned for it). They’ve been printing massive amounts of currency, while increasing their military budget yearly. After the collapse of the USSR, the USA continued to build more military, and continued to gain more military bases throughout the world. With no enemy left, why would the USA do that? Because the USA has had a plan for many years, that if they can gain full global military control, they can then introduce (and force in), a single world currency, (what this is ALL about) and here’s why.

The effect as such, would see the USA, overnight, become completely debt free, (explains their enormous military overspending, and it explains their willingness to allow China to purchase so much US debt, with so many US government bonds – $1.2 trillion) and it would see the USA, achieve, full global military control, as well as, full global financial control, (a very nice achievement some might argue). In other words, for those people that don’t know?. That effectively means “American Tyranny” and that’s no different from Nazi tyranny. How Ironic is that?.

The US dollar Is the world’s reserve currency and is currently used by many other countries to sell/purchase their oil/gas/energy etc, meaning that billions, if not trillions, of dollars are kept by those countries for their energy purchasing. What that allowed the USA to do, is, to print billions of dollars without ever showing the true rate of inflation that would normally arise from such massive currency printing. They can only do that, because so much of the US currency sits in vaults all over the world, (to purchase their energy), those dollars would never find their way into the actual US economy, (meaning the USA could hold their level of inflation well below the rate It really always should have been).

Well, the inevitable huge problem we’re now seeing, is, that all these countries like Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Europe, and many more around the world, are going to be selling and buying their energy in other currencies or gold, not the US dollar, seeing each of those countries having to dump/exchange all those dollars they’ve held for so many years, replacing them with the gold, or the currency, they’re going to use.

The obvious massive problem for the USA is, that when those billions, if not trillions of dollars begin to filter back into the main US economy, the inflation will explode, (as It can’t be hidden any more). It will see hyperinflation, and the price of a loaf of bread, for example, will skyrocket to over $200, crippling the USA, it will collapse the USA, as we’ve never seen before, basically the USA will be in massive debt for hundreds of years to come, yet with no way of creating any more debt. It will all be over! And this is exactly why we’re seeing this attempt to drag Russia, and also China, into a war. As I’ll also explain…

After the collapse of the USSR, the USA was bribing Yeltsin throughout the 1990s, while helping to dismantle Russia’s military, even gaining access into Russian nuclear silos. They helped to sell off Russian resources, (in illegal corrupted auctions), carried out by the CIA, (with their “in pocket” Oligarchs), and it ended with the USA really believing Russia couldn’t ever become a threat to them ever again.

Only they were wrong. And now today, (right when they need too) they can’t force in a single world currency, with the likes of Russia and China’s nuclear threat saying get lost. They nearly had it done with the collapse of the USSR. What a bonus that was?, It meant they could do it without war! But they messed that right up because the USA took their eye off one man — Putin.

The United States really believed they had finished Russia off after the collapse of the USSR, to the point Russia could never become a threat to them again. They helped to keep Russia in a state of pandemonium through Yeltsin’s reign, believing they had sealed Russia’s fate to the toilet. Cont’d…

Jimmy (Shiner) Jones

Cont’d… 1

When Putin came to power, the USA could not work him out, but when they invaded Iraq and Putin (craftily), did not veto them, they believed they still had Russia under their control, and Putin was just a pushover like Yeltsin.

History will see Putin’s tactic of not vetoing the Iraq invasion as world changing, as it really fooled the USA not to look at Russia as any sort of potential threat, and that really damaged their plans. As, while the USA was invading countries all over the world with their fake war on terror. Putin was quietly building Russia an extremely effective military defence, and upgraded all Russian weaponry to a level able to hold its own, If not beat, any nation on the planet. The US, blind to this, carried on as they used NATO to murder Gaddafi, and as they kept Iraq destabilised, by transferring well known terrorist commanders into Iraq from Guantanamo Bay in the hundreds, to help keep it in chaos over the next decade.

The USA then set their sights on Syria, and they were preparing for a ground invasion (as with Iraq) when all of a sudden Putin vetoed that action! That stunned the USA, it stopped them in their tracks, and they then took a close look at Russia again. When the US understood how they’d misread Putin, they then set out to demonise him across the world, today the anti Putin propaganda has reached fever pitch, and it’s got to the point, like they’ve given up trying to hide the fact they’re lying. But it still left the USA unable to use ground troops in Syria.

This is when we saw the USA and their CIA start in Ukraine. We saw the USA’s CIA and their neo-Nazi recruited thugs start the marches and protests in Ukraine. The USA were all upbeat about Yanukovych winning the Presidency, because he had shown an interest in joining the EU, It was only when he decided to go to Russia and ask for a loan, and stated he was trying to work on a closer relationship with Russia, did all this really kick off.

Then these CIA-led thugs started to murder people, they rampaged through Kiev while claiming Yanukovych was a thief, a tyrant, and Putin’s puppet (yet they said none of this when he showed an interest in the EU, all these accusations only started after he asked Russia for support) they forced Yanukovych to flee to Russia in fear of his life. They then got the Ukrainian parliament to impeach Yanukovych (who were obviously under threat to do so, as the vote came back 300+ to zero).

The USA who have caused all the trouble in Ukraine (knowingly and purposely, as Victoria Nuland’s phone call revealed to the world), blame Russia, and in effect, illegally issue sanctions against Russia, for something they have not been able to prove, or even attempted to prove! As the reality is, it’s just a financial tool used many times by the USA and its vassals, but It does show Russia how far they’re prepared to go to force war.

In Syria the USA decided to use proxy’s in the form of terrorists, they recruited, trained, armed, paid and then sent these terrorists into Syria to murder people, everyday normal people, working people, people just like you or me, they murdered people in the streets, they took over towns and cities through Syria by murder and butchery. I remember it like it was yesterday, seeing them stood on street corners dressed in black standing around burnt out cars with their rifles and Machete’s in their hands, there were bodies of dead naked raped women and their dead children just lying murdered on the side of the streets. They were the Free Syria Army! Only at that time nobody knew they were recruited, trained, armed and very well-paid by the USA, we only found that out after Russia entered Syria three years later. Cont’d

Last edited 3 years ago by Jimmy (Shiner) Jones
jens holm

I take it again. Russia is not even attacked. USA is not alone in this. Danes and others dont accept the collapsed Russia to make threats to people, which again has to learn to decide by themself. THATS A RIGHT.

Dr shlomo biddlestein

used condom chewing jens collapsed colony of uncivilized amerikans–zero debt vast reserves unlike immoral racist Danes amerikans

Jimmy (Shiner) Jones

Cont’d…2 This is all about the USA’s attempt at global military and financial dominance (Tyranny). And with this Insane EU/NATO stance, It seems that If the USA collapses? Then so does the Euro, and maybe the Pound. Things have dramatically changed over these last 20 years, and changed to such an extent, It sees us today becoming exactly what we fought the second world war to prevent. That’s the bottom line of what we’re really facing.

Putin knows all he needs is time, he must avoid getting into a war with the USA, but never lay down to them, he knows that sooner rather than later It’s all got to start to collapse, so he’ll try to avoid war and let them crumble (After all Russia had to start again, they did not cause a war, they just collapsed) but the USA know that’s what he’s doing, so we see them provoke and provoke Russia, they’ve non-stop encroached further and further towards Russia’s borders, using NATO’s ridiculous excuse of protecting the Baltic’s from Russian aggression.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jimmy (Shiner) Jones
jens holm

I take it again. The power by USA and Denmark comes from raising people as we do.

Its a rewarding system, which raise the livingstandards for most of us.

You can compensate it by high taxes given to the future by education, free hospitals, good pension. By that the low educated gets possibilities to raise their levels too.

Dr shlomo biddlestein

drug counselor in my psyche clinic will refer you to greenlander shaman to treat your paranoid schizophrenia

Jimmy (Shiner) Jones

And ..BLOCKED! Worse than Google!

jens holm

Thats correct. Unfortunatly I see reasons too.

Dr shlomo biddlestein

jens only sees used condoms sold by homos

jens holm

There we go. You put in ancient Muhammed economics in as the best. Where do we see that. As usual debt can npt be understood.

Most things You name as propaganda are that we are motivated to produce things, which can be sold. So the market decides assisted with “propaganda” too. If there were not, it might not be sold.

That of course make bad procducts too, but mainly we see it speed up the production and wages and tax, so we by that – most of us – raise Our own living standards.

Thats how kapitalisme works. Its about ownership too. 80% of all danish productions are on the stockmarked by shares and not some oldings as deciders rewarding men more then women.

USSR collapsed themself very well even twice in 100 years. hey forgot to devellop and KEEP.

USA as well as fx EU has no intensions as You write. We wished and wanted two things. Their Neocolonisme till wesrt of berling should be replaced by the many states, there were.

And very much a joining into high affiliated to the Wstern Economics. Whats wrong raising the Russian collapsed livingstandards with that.

Its not Our fault Russia was so old days infected as it was even it also was true some westerns(too) plundered instead of joining. Im sorry for that. They were nort me.

Russia had no experts to take over and Russia was and still are very infected in own propagada.

Dont blame Yeltzin as well as Gorbatjof. None of them had many competent supporters in the whole country. They took over a collapse not made by them.

Dr shlomo biddlestein

Russia far more developed than submissive nazi USA colony denkmark—not Russia’s fault u have zero culture, low standard of living and are unhappy sexually repressed racists

Jimmy (Shiner) Jones

It says… Would love to hear your thought! What a JOKE! As long as those thoughts are dumb, irrelevant, stupid, and meaningless they mean! Not, real, truthful, factual, or intelligent, nope, that’s illegal today. YOU COULD NT MAKE IT UP!

jens holm

Thing has more then one side. Now You get my western sober version for Your selfcreated quagmire.

Dr shlomo biddlestein

being night porter that gets high on used condoms is not considered sober in my psychiatric clinic

jens holm

The main problems are so many are not vaccinated. Thats the ones which dies and well shoved in all statistiscs.

Vaccines is a nor al thing for most of the world and makes many many more times plus then minus.

So all the buzz, fuzz and whatever is based on the spreading is not stopped spreading and very much spread, where people by good reasons meet.

We see too many half try ones. The good thing with those stopping are the patient are not so many and hospitals has capasity for treatments.

Thats why we get articles like that. Hens and roosters with no heads make it very much too. I USA mainly republicans die, because they supported Trump with freedom for themself and no responsibility even for their grandparents.

Dr shlomo biddlestein

slave night porter nation mainly vaccinated and Covid cases increasing at record levels mainly among vaccinated===true in other nations—Germany, Israel, Ireland, etc////stupid night porter like pygmy with spear, but less civilized


“How many innocent people must be marred, maimed, and mortally wounded by these injections before the truth of the toxic effects of creating unnatural spike proteins in our bodies is finally acknowledged? ”

As many as possible…. that is the point of the exercise.

jens holm

I see none of that. I have been vaccinated for 6 or 8 things and do feel fine and are not braindamged as You – yet.


a little hint: there are no viruses at all. consider this and think about all this once again. ring any bells?

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