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MARCH 2025

Move Towards Confrontation: EU Ministers Agreed On New Sanctions Against Russia

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Move Towards Confrontation: EU Ministers Agreed On New Sanctions Against Russia


The European Union has expectedly opted to remain the puppet of globalists rather than develop constructive relations with Russia in its own interest.

On February 22, EU foreign ministers agreed to impose sanctions on four senior Russian officials in response to the formal leader of the pro-Western ‘non-system opposition’ Alexei Navalny, Reuters reported citing two EU diplomats.

According to the report, the sanctions will target Russia’s head of the Investigative Committee, which handles probes into major crimes, the director of prisons, the director of Russia’s National Guard and the prosecutor general.

This move, when it is implemented, will become another major meddling of foreign powers into Russian internal affairs. No surprise, the EU approach finds no ‘positive response’ in the Kremlin.

Some experts claim that such sanctions, that would target individuals rather than Russian economic sectors, should be considered as a good-will gesture of the EU and a signal of the European readiness to cooperate. Even if one accepts this version, the actions of the EU still remain the blatant aggression against Russian national interests.


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Laurent Parodi

These sanctions are not a good will gesture it s the result of stupidity and absolute blindness. Since 2014 at least the EU has chosen a path which lead to nothing at all. 7 years later they keep doing the same thing. They tried hard with navalny to gain leverage over the Russian government and they failed again because to the EU leaders what matters is what they think not the reality. They live inside their propaganda bubble. A good will gesture would have meant no sanctions at all and an apology for the ridiculous navalny story.


European leaders are prostitutes,they have no political knickers,anytime anywhere for their Reich pimp.nauseating.


There is increasing evidence that paedophilia is the glue that binds the majority of EU politicians and non elected ministers together.

In simple terms, cults and gangs all have initiation ceremonies that bind them together. They are usually embarrassing at best ( ex Prime Minister David Cameron fucking a dead pigs head ), and they are deadly at worst ( murdering children).

Such bonds have always ensured total loyalty to a cult.

johnny rotten

The states occupied by NATO decide who won in the electoral competitions of other countries, which if they do not accept the western verdict are subjected to sanctions, with russia they have done even more they have decided who is the leader of the opposition and if Moscow does not accepts it, and condones any crime committed by their chosen one, will be sanctioned further, to say that they are crazy and unconscious is to pay them a compliment, in any case the punishment will inevitably fall on them, since they are looking for it in all ways.

Fog of War

Russian talk about ” their partners in Europe ” will commence in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ………………….


eat sh*t !!! will commence in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ………………….


Iran’s Supreme Leader: Tehran Won’t Yield to Pressure, Can Enrich Uranium Up to 60%

Khamenei’s statement comes just hours after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken signalled that Washington sought to “lengthen and strengthen” the agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme. https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/202102221082153214-irans-supreme-leader-tehran-wont-yield-to-pressure-can-enrich-uranium-up-to-60/


Iran should say, if US sanctions are not removed unilaterally…..we can enrich uranium to 95%.

Tommy Jensen

No. They should say, we are mass producing wmd’s no matter what the fok you say.

Ashok Varma

That is the first logical statement by you. The west is a bully and only understands the logic of force. Iran’s ambiguous policies and Rouhani’s is perceived as weak and lame duck, so the US keeps on piling pressure and Iran’s people suffer. The only logical move should be to test a nuclear device like India and Pakistan and let the chips fall where they may.

High Marshal Helbrect

Iranian Parliament want to prosecute Rouhani for illegal deals with IAEA

Tommy Jensen

Back to a true leader?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Na2dfDJJ90

Tommy Jensen

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCw-oWp1wf8 But Israel is scared of the truth.


No, he refused to cave in to the Reich’s demands in fact he told them to go fuck themselves. https://media2.giphy.com/media/l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji/giphy.gif


Sanctions against Russia are ineffective, Russia is a sovereign country with enough economic, political, financial countermeasures to make these sanctions meaningless.


they are useless as is well known. russia has in fact grown more independent since the sanctions wave was set in motion in 2014. I would guess that the european union has taken Lavrovs threat to heart and that the sanctions are so weak that it won’t trigger more severe counter-measures from Russia since europe can’t survive without Russia and access to the great wealth of commodities Russia sits on and which is bought on a regular basis and paid for.

the only divergence from that concept is the disunited states of exceptionally broad-assed yankee-twats who wants all those commodities for free, i.e. regime-change in Kreml or by using guns or what ever but they want those commodities but don’t want to pay a penny.


Well said.


If US wants Russian commodities, they can pay in rubbles….or blood….or utter destruction.

Tommy Jensen

We use Corona. You pay, we buy……..LOL.


The premature US/EU sanctions have in the last two decades:)

President Putin was able to show the malevolence of the West toward Russia before long lasting damage was done that could not easily be repaired.

Russia was able to re-build the ability to produce all strategic goods that the Russian people needed to prevent another Khazar rape of Russia.

The Khazar plan to plunder the globe has always been a multi century goal, that is similar in many ways to the evolution of all religious cults. The problem for the world today is that the zionists currently alive are increasingly impatient to plunder even more wealth whilst they live. This is pure greed that has been the downfall of all criminal enterprises.

Even the Great Satan itself has now been plundered by the zionists. The so called ‘richest nation ever on earth, the USA, is now a hollowed out shell of its post WW2 economic powerhouse.

US wealth is ALL debt ( many trillions of dollars of debt that is not backed by anything tangible). This akin to a person who hires ( leases etc) a flash car, rents a home via a mortgage and uses credit cards etc. Such people live lives that are illusory and lives that are a treadmill.


I see Khazar plundering hitting a brick wall, hence Eurasia has insulated itself financially from the Fed Ponzi scheme, and militarily they are stronger than the Khazar influenced countries. 5th column and NGO agitations is the only weak hand available to the Khazars


The best thing to do with agitators is to lay out all their treasonous gains from foreign powers such as the UK,US,Israel, and display the booty publicly. Then shoot the scum immediately when the public demands it. :)

Tommy Jensen

Exactly what I have said. Russia cant withstand freedom and truth with reason.

Ashok Varma

That is just nonsense Tommy. The US is the new police state, not Russia.


……….Don’t forget the U.K. Germany and France…………………

Ricky Miller

A ZeroHedge report on Friday reported that of all the money the Federal Reserve has ever printed, some 40% was printed in 2020 alone. In just three months of 2020 the USA increased it’s deficit by more than it had during the past five recessions combined and under Jerome Powell the FED bought more U.S.Treasuries in six weeks last year than it did during all ten years of Janet Yellen and Ben Bernanke’s chairmanships. The USA ponzi scheme’s collapse is accelerating.

Lone Ranger

Crumbling satanic Pedo Empire is going belly up…


well when the world runs out of investments the jews need to find alternative sources to invest in, like the russias vast mineral wealth and such like fortune building assets. in today’s world it is hard to find the next investment, all factories are built and the available capacity is sufficient for new products and so on. thus, there is no boom waiting to happen and thus the future needs something to boost the market, such as cheap minerals from russia might set thing in motion again.


All the latest rounds of Western debt from various national banks, the IMF and merchant banks will have provided the zionist bankers with income streams not realised since the US lend lease military equipment to the ‘allies’ in WW2. The UK debt was repaid in 2016 and the Russian debt at about the same time I think.

John Mason

If one goes bankrupt and there are no assets then the bankruptcy has no effect on the bankrupt but it does affect the investors hence the reason the US is not concerned about her liability.


That may well be so, but would you trade with a bankrupt and how much trust would you have in a bankrupt? A country is akin to a company, and when ‘company’ currency’s become worthless it fades away as previous users adopt another currency.

Is this what the Pandemic and the Great Reset are all about. A sort of ‘Pre-Pack’ US/UK bankruptcy?

Tommy Jensen

When you own nothing and are happy it doesnt matter how much debt we have…..LOL.

Furkan Sahin

EU and USA is Sanction State


That’s very true, Lol. Its a Netflix version of happiness.

Hasbara Hunter

I can see only 2 views on top of this page…while we should have at least 15 views of this article, concerning the number of peoples in here…Other articles exactly the same….how’s that possible?


Could well be. Its the way the West operates now.

Hasbara Hunter

They seem to be pretty active including their HasbaRats…grasping at straws…but down the ravine they’ll go…


Put a bag of glittering fools gold on the other side of the ravine, and the hasbarats will willingly leap into the ravine , without the Pied Piper, HH :)

Ashok Varma

These escalating sanctions are more to humiliate Russia as a weak third world country than have any real effect. Russia towed the western line for too along and went along with all the wars, sanctions on smaller nations and NATO bullying, just in the hope that the west will accept it as an equal, but that did not prove to be the case. The western imperialists are racists at heart and think of Russians as backward and inferior. Russia needs to stand up for itself or will be rolled over.

cechas vodobenikov

EU—the amerikan poodle displays more impotence—which nation will exit next?

Tommy Jensen

Russia should be happy for this move, and go back to their gas station and rusty army.

John Mason

Russia did state that the next sanctions introduced by the EU then Russia will cut its’ ties with them; time now to walk and not talk, besides who would want to associate with a regime that rewards criminals just like the US who vote in criminals as Presidents.

Diana Cornwell

Putin will suck it up like the good little NATO and Israeli mole he is. With a leader like him, Russia presents no danger to us. Germany will pay less for Russian gas. That’ll be one good outcome for the Atlantic Alliance. Now go do something else to please Erdogan. Have the Jihadis chop off a few thousand more Armenian heads perhaps? Russians…

Zyklon B

Still with the anti-russian propaganda, jew shill?

Diana Cornwell

Why, Putin is a Jew?

cechas vodobenikov

cornhole alias (CIA) presnts a danger to itself—hole believes it is German now–like your monarchy….LOL u require gas from Russia–pay up in gold or go to Texas LOL

Lone Ranger

CIA/MI6 will suck it up like the good little NATO and Israeli moles they are. With a leader like them, West presents no danger to us. Germany will pay nothing for Americant gas. That’ll be one good outcome for the Russian Alliance. Now go do something else to please Assad. Have the Kurds chop off a few thousand more mossadisis heads perhaps? Oy vey…

Supreme Blyat

The Russian sanctions will hit back harder… If this happens again.

Proud Hindu

Shhh dont disturb putin he is busy enjoying with his new gf 🤣

Lone Ranger

They are coward bootlickers, but thats only for show and pleasing. Not a serious sanction.

Icarus Tanović

Navalny is a definition of the term bastard. He’s soulles heartless high treason traitor. They have bought the swine for money.

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