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Mozambican Forces Say 120 ISIS-Linked Militants Killed Over Past Month

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Mozambican Forces Say 120 ISIS-Linked Militants Killed Over Past Month

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Mozambican forces eliminated 129 terrorists in the northern province of Cabo Delgado province over the past month, the country’s Minister of Interior said on April 28.

According to the minister, Amad Miquidade:

  • On April 7, 39 terrorists were killed when they attempted to attack village in Cabo Delgado;
  • On April 10, 59 terrorists were killed on Quirimba island;
  • On April 11, 30 terrorists were killed after when they launched an attack in Ibo Island.

The minister said the operations against the militants were a response to the attack on the town of Xitaxi, in which 52 people were massacred. The attack is now being investigated by the authorities, according to the minister.

“We have identified where the enemy is located, where their bases are, their training camps and their movements … Meanwhile, the defense and security forces are strategically preparing for yet another offensive,” Miquidade said, according to Barron’s.

In the last few months, ISIS branch in Mozambique, the Islamic State in Central Africa Province (ISCAP), carried out a series of attacks in Cabo Delagdo. One of the group’s attacks even targeted the town of Mocimboa de Praia, which is located near a $60bn gas project.

ISCAP terrorists launched a new attack on April 28 afternoon, targeting the town of Muaja. The town’s buildings were burned by the terrorists. However, no casualties were reported.

Muaja’s attack confirms that the situation in Cabo Delagdo is still spinning out of control. The efforts being made by government forces are effective, but not sufficient to fully secure the gas-rich province.


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The scourge of Islam should be kept in North Africa and North Africa only….. From darfur massacre to Islamist raids in Mali, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, C.A.R , chad , Mali, niger , etc etc. Proves that Islam are trying to expand at the expense of Africans at the behest of their Arab masters. Africans need to be aware , WE HAVE NO FRIENDS.

John Wallace

Mozambique has been at war for generations. Frelimo fought the Portuguese starting 1964 which ended up with Portugal giving up this and two other African colonies in 1974 . Angola was another and some may remember that ended up with South Africa supporting one black group and Russia and Cuba coming to the aid of another. After Portugal pulled out Frelimo supported the Chinese backed Mugabe insurgency into Rhodesia. Nkomo was supported by the Russians from Zambia. Yes Russia was also involved in Mozambique as well ..

John Wallace

About 1976/7 I was talking to a Mozambique Portuguese refugee in Salisbury and he informed me about the Renamo fighting Frelimo but I didn’t learn till a few years later that Rhodesia was very active in training and supporting those troops based near the Main Reef air base near Odzi close to the border near Umtali. I saw truckload after truckload of them coming across the border near Melsetter and taken by the Rhodesian army too their base a two hour drive away.. That war finished around 1992 and as far as I know been a relatively peaceful country ever since. They may have been involved in African peacekeeping roles , I don’t know , but they have had little to no fighting experience. If these figures are correct about killing 129 ISIS with no reports of casualties they suffered doing it , then they are gaining that experience quickly. Those pics the other week of ISIS in Mozambique showed they were a strange looking breed , not locals so must have come down the coast from Somalia or somewhere.


When whites no longer in power suddenly there are no more wars….. Now we have to deal with toxic Arab ideologies and Chinese attempts at take over . No rest for the black man.

John Wallace

I am not sure you can say no more whites in power no more African wars. The wars in Mozambique went on long after the white man left. Wars all over Africa raged without whiteman involvement. Wars between blacks raged long before whiteman arrived so not sure what you base that idea on. There where also plenty of wars white v black and black supported by white against black but that is a very long stretch to suggest no whites in power no wars.


I mean there no longer is a hidden hand supplying weapons from within the continent so conflicts came to a much quicker end. “Wars All over Africa is a stretch” the only wars that whites weren’t involved in were Uganda and Rwanda adventures in Congo. All the rest in subsaharan Africa were fueled by whites in the south esp in 70s and 80s, once they lost power wars concluded and calmed down.

John Wallace

You can call me Al has downvoted this. WHY ??? Is it not true . Have I told a lie ?? If so please point it out or are you just ignorant of the facts. You have said this is wrong now show where .

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