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MARCH 2025

Venezuela’s Gold Reserves To Be Evacuated To Russia: Media Rumors Go Wild

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Venezuela's Gold Reserves To Be Evacuated To Russia: Media Rumors Go Wild


A new round of wild speculations about the Russian involvement in the Venezula crisis sufraced in mainstream media outlets on January 30.

According to the new rumor, about 20 tons of gold from Venezuela’s central bank was ready to be hauled away on January 29 on a Russian airline’s Boeing 777 that landed in Caracas on January 28. The plane reportedly made the trip from Moscow with only a crew aboard.

Noticias Venezuela, a well-known pro-opposition media outlet, seems to be among the sources of these rumors. The media declares that it’s created to overcome “censorship imposed by the Venezuelan regime” in the period of crisis.

Another source of the rumors is Venezuelan pro-opposition lawmaker Jose Guerra, who directly claimed that the government is moving gold away from the country. When asked how he knew this, Guerra provided no evidence.

Following this multiple mainstream media outlets and pro-coup “media activists’ started spreading rumors about a possible purpose of the flight. The most popular are:

  • Officials or families of officials from the government of President Nicolas Maduro is evacuating from the country;
  • The Maduro government is moving its gold reserves to Moscow.

Both rumors have not been confirmed by any evidence. However, they became widely spread among the international audience thanks to help of such media outlets as Fox News, The Telegraph, Reuters and others.

Another theory states that the plane carried mercenaries, but there has been no solid evidence of this claim also.

Meanwhile, mainstream media outlets continue to fuel the political crisis in the country. On January 30, CNN released an interview with “Venezuelan army defectors”, who asked the US to help them to defend “freedom” by weapons supplies and other actions. The video interview presented the story like these persons just defected from the Venezuelan’s army, but a closer look shows that they are former soldiers living outside the country and wear old-pattern uniforms.


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IF that gold has ended up in Russia than, it is less worry now for Maduro how to protect the gold in the case of direct US+NATO+coalition forces intervention…(Syria scenario). Anyways it is at much safer place now UNLIKE that Venezuelan gold kept in UK for safe keeeping and finally STOLEN by U.K. and now offered to Guaido

Tudor Miron

It is not offered to Guado, it is said that it is offered and unsurprisingly Guido is fine with gold remaining in UK :)


Well that is what I saw in article. Anyways somebody is trying to move gold away What did they do with 10 BILLION from Qadafi’s bank account in Belgium? It is still not totally clarified who are persons who got money, how much and when


Actually it’s the US and a CIA asset by the name of Sir Alan Duncan that is offering Guano the Venezuelan gold in the UK. The British are a bit scared that giving away depositors gold might cause a run on the BOE, but they will probably submit to American orders after appearing independent for a short period of time..


Assuming that the British state will have towards American Caesar like a whipped cur to its master is rarely a mistake.

Pave Way IV

Remember when they burned Washington D.C. to the ground in 1812? Man… those were the good ol’ days for the mighty Brits. Now? Novichok, for Christ’s sake… it’s damn embarrassing, and I’m not even British.


Oh yes, the second of the civil wars fought in the American colonies.


Well they are “independent” enough to say : “Yes Master your wish is our command!” :-))


And lets be honest, almost all nations submit to the USA! Those that dont have sanctions or war! Iran, Russia, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela! Maybe a couple more! But all other nations including powerful western nations, all bend the knee!

Eastern Europe bent the knee to the Soviets! North Korea to the Chinese! And sooo many bend the knee to the USA!

Try and guess which one turns out being the best puppet master! When it comes to Empires, UK and the USA were the best! Maybe Rome too!

But the others were very bad! Thats reality! Japan and Germany should be looked at as a classic example of “who was the best master empire”!

I hate the USA of past too! But lets hope they come back! I believe they are since 2017!

AM Hants

Sir Alan James Carter Duncan is a British Conservative Party politician. He is the Minister of State for Europe and the Americas and the Member of Parliament for Rutland and Melton). Together, with his ‘Integrity Initiative’ attachment? Plus he has many interests in the energy sector, to keep his petty cash sweet.


FCO Minister addresses the Latin American Investment Forum FCO Minister Sir Alan Duncan spoke at a gathering of Latin American Ambassadors, diplomats and UK business leaders to discuss opportunities for trade and investment.

Published 19 October 2018 From: Foreign & Commonwealth Office and The Rt Hon Sir Alan Duncan KCMG MP… https://www.gov.uk/government/news/fco-minister-addresses-the-latin-american-investment-forum

Government admits Alan Duncan’s links to company in ‘Libyan oil cell’ International development minister took part in meetings between officials and firm for which he had acted as a consultant… https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/sep/01/libya-alan-duncan-links-oil-cell


u will notice for the First time in a long time that the MSM is NOT Trump hating when it comes to Venezuela! Everyone is getting something out of it, including the UK!

Trump and Bolton arnt hiding anything! They said out allowed in a press conference that “we are taking Venezuela’s oil”.

Literally stated it out allowed as a FACT!

I myself dont approve obviously! But the spin on it will be funding and trade for oil! Its literally a choice between USA owning Venezuela or Russia and China owning them!

Venezuela is about to be owned! In the US mind its a double win! Take their oil, put in a pro western leader and rid a country that could potentially host Russian bases!


This picture was taken at the White house press conference!


Ron Paul is trust worthy!


Harry Smith

Could you please write what is written on the paper?

Luke Hemmming

“Afghanistan -> Welcome the Talks, 5,000 troops to Colombia.”

Harry Smith

Thank you, bro!


Luke got it right! 5000 troops to Colombia! Its almost too obvious! Its to send a message or maybe pressure them into giving in!

Harry Smith

Thank you, Justin!

Tommy Jensen

….and we were crying.


What do u mean?


How much of Gaddafi’s gold stash went to paying ISIS (oops, ‘Moderate Rebels’) in Syria???


plenty I suppose…. but nobody really knows the numbers


None! The Empire does not pay its proxy footsoldiers in gold! They are given cash, weapons and women to rape. That’s the deal!


If u stole 400 billion (thats how much Gaddafi had) would u spend it on isis? Saudi and qatar footed the bill on that!

Nope, ud take it all for yourself and put it in a Swiss account!


It was much more than 10 billion! Much, much more!


No surprise there. As if the ziobrits would ever do a favor for Russia. Fake jews, I mean news.


Let’s call him Guano. As in bat shit.





You can call me Al

I wonder if it is a case similar to the US, the BoE just has paper Gold left ?.


Yes correct, and to be somehow transferred to him via some secure account! Gold / money always holds the power!

Zionism = EVIL

Well, it is an established historical FACT that all western rogue regimes are outlaw criminals and grab other nations assets with illegal freeze. Iran lost over $100 BILLION of its assets since 1979 which are currently valued at over $400 billion to Americunts, the devious Brits and froggies. Why would any rational country have any assets in the so-called is beyond bizarre. Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, India and other Asian and Latin nations should devise their own alternate banking, fiscal and treasury systems. The Americunts are historical criminals and highway robbers and nothing is safe with these greedy scum and Jew banks that are looting the world. Goldman Sachs literally bankrupted Greece and did a lot of damage to Malaysia.


My Guess (i dont actually know but its what i believe would occur) IF somehow gold made its way to Russia, the most likely scenario is that the ousted leader has an escape plan! Some people would have been “paid off”! There was over 30 tons yet this article says 20 tons! Never underestimate greed! The writing is on the wall for Maduro! He could be murdered and needs to get the hell out (an escape plan). russia has probably granted him an asylum but people need to get paid to: 1. get the money out of UK 2. fly it to Russia (people need to be paid) 3. have it safely guarded and waiting for him

Never underestimate the TRUE nature of those in power or those about to lose power! They always lust for money and power which is why they got to their position in the first place!

Example: The HEAD of the Australian Taxation Office (equivalent to the head of the U.S IRS) was caught stealing $165 MILLION of tax payer money via loop holes through his wife and kids!

Corruption exists everywhere!! Panama papers proved this!

Gold being flown to Russia would NOT be for the “greater good of Venezuela”! This man faces almost certain DEATH, overthrow, prison! He will NOT have a pension waiting for him when his term is over!

He will have a back up plan and 30 tons of Gold minus 10 tons to get it out of the UK and flown into Russia seems to me to be the most likely scenario!

Jako, the world is NOT all “sunshine and rainbows”! Corruption exists! Just look at what the former head of Egypt did! He stole 40 billion dollars from his own country!

Tommy Jensen

No problem folks. Our boys and nazis have previously cooperated to rob a Russian bank for its gold ……………….LOL. The Filthy Dozens and the German tank driver got RICH. If we can dream it we can do it!


Soon very Soon pro opposition mainstream media will publish the pictures about Maduro’s WC and his

personal vessel. Here’s the preview https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/44a40e6c589a40cd68539ef001c8907b00a0595bd14e441265bdd0d269dac41c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bbc6e84d60656c6b268d407c79bcbf404ae7bbe4e67046dc1ec6c6ff99bf59a5.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

This looks like MBS throne, only the Saudi Bedouins would be that tacky. They even have gold toilet seat covers on their planes.

Pave Way IV

What the hell are those things on the armrests? Lion’s heads? I wonder if the eyes light up and smoke comes out of their nostrils when you flush. I mean, if I were a tacky-assed trailer-trash oligarch, I would damn sure have it built that way.


Chavez repatriated a large amount of Venezuela’s gold back in about 2012 – who remembers that? Huge celebrations ensued because seriously – when in comes to gold, possession is 99.999% of the law. One of the reasons the neo-cons want ‘regime change’ in Venezuela is because Russia was granted mining rights (gold) not too long ago. So given the fact Venezuela does not sell its oil in USD, the gold angle – this coup de tat is all about protecting the US dollar which is ragged, tattered, and torn – circling the drain.


Also Russian investments in Venezuela’s oil fields thus Russian energy firm right on exploitation of oil (paying back money loans with oil, certain exploitation of oil for whole year) and Russian credits for Venezuela buying new Russian weapons…credits that are not paid as well.


Yesss i remember! Was it from Germany? I remember they said that they can only send it in bits! not the whole lot!

Is or WAS Venezuela the largest supplier of oil to the US before the US uncapped its own stocks?


They will do it again because UK was apparently “asked” to give that gold to self elected Guaido and the billions of dollars from frozen Venezuelan US account (as well) will be used to fight Maduro.

So basically scenario is the same like Libya or Syria. Money STOLEN from Iran for decades and never returned as well Those Western criminals do NOT respect ANY LAW!!!

Zionism = EVIL

Well, the Iranian mullahs and Erdogan’s corrupt family also ripped off $18 billion worth of Iranian gold a few years ago and no one has even been questioned. The whole global financial system is corrupted by the Jews and that is why we have 1% controlling 99% of the wealth. Western economies are basically a mega casino where the rich bet on a stacked deck to rip off the poor. IMF, World Bank, the Jew banks operate of the principle of highway robbers, loot when you can.

Tommy Jensen

There is NO resistance. Complete apathy.

Paperwork, Russia and China barking UN declarations, meetings with VZ generals, photos of VZ soldiers,”wait and see what US do next”, Open mouth, :-O. – Guiado declares himself President and Venez High Court scramble with “preparatory papers”. – US Embassy Staff declared unwanted in Venez and next day US Embassy is wanted. – Maduro withdraw diplomats in US, next day he establish “Interest office” in US. – US freeze Venez gold in London, Lavrov and China cry they shouldnt do that. – US freeze Venez assets to Guiado disposal. Lavrov and China cry they cant do that. – US transfer power of Venez State oil to Guiado, Maduro invites him to a “talk it over meeting”. – US threatens with invasion, Russia cry we dont have green men there, fight only with paperwork. – US and Guiado agree Wall Street ownership of resources, China cry they will only paper fight for rights. – The f..k Europe countries, Germany, France, UK, + new lapdog Spain 100% behind Sam. – Jewish economic strangulation again as many times in history before.

I mean, Maduro and all idiots around him have known this for years. :-O :-O :-O. “We hoped”.


Like many of my countrymen your ignorance of the world is profound. I feel for you having been fed the propaganda hook, line, and sinker for your whole life. To not understand the horror and genocide the US government has brought to bear on the rest of the world is astounding to me. You sir are indeed a “Legend in your own Mind”.

Tommy Jensen

I have seen you self proclaimed good guys go berserk and lose all your self controle when the first $100 bill is on the table.

Venezuela is lost because of all your cry-babies. Next will be Cuba and Nicaragua and you and your pals will continue to cry and make paper reports that they should not be doing that.

Luke Hemmming

So exactly what are you asking for then? Total annihilation of the world’s entire ruling elite and all obscenely rich and wealthy people? Because that would solve a lot of this.

Luke Hemmming

Also the US bribes and blackmails UN delegates, threatens AID packages, threatens with sanctions toward’s countries. They have the ability and power to ruin a countries economy or the ruling. They use all the dirty tricks in the book to get what they want. So I congratulate China and Russia on their more mature and diplomatic approach to this obvious US orchestrated coup d’etat. I hope the US fails again in this instance. Slowly the world is realising how the USA is nothing more than a hypocritical manipulated state filled with psychopaths and very stupid people.

Pave Way IV

Looks like I was totally wrong about popular support for U.S. puppet Guaido. Just look at the video in this tweet. There must be several hundred thousand, maybe even a million Guaido supporters just at this one location. Run, Maduro. For Christ’s sake, run for your life! https://twitter.com/CATERINAV/status/1090655926456061953


I would estimate about 2,000,000 in this view alone. It’s gargantuan!

You can call me Al

Remember the Clinton rallies and the “we pay you to attend” ?.

Pave Way IV

True story: relatives (in-laws) went to one of those rallies – and got stiffed by the Clinton campaign! “We’ll pay you afterwards,” and then “We already paid everyone when they came in.” You think they would have learned from that experience, but some people just have one chromosome too many: they voted for her anyway.


How do you know the rally is in support of Guano and not Maduro? Also you have wildly exaggerated the numbers, if you look at the other videos posted by the Columbian woman, in Miami https://twitter.com/CATERINAV it looks more like a couple of hundred people.

The US did the same thing in Syria, closeups of the small anti Assad rallies to make them look large, whilst censoring all images of the huge rallies in support of Assad.

There is a movie called wag the dog that exposes how the US twists facts.

Pave Way IV

“It looks more like a couple of hundred people.”

Gee… do ‘ya think so?

Pave Way IV

“It looks more like a couple of hundred people.”

Gee… do ‘ya think so?



Meanwhile in London Barclays Bank is removing all it’s dosh.


Promitheas Apollonious

why not china they get better rates there


Gold does not pay interest.

Promitheas Apollonious

do you have gold and a precious metal account?


Yes I have gold, but if you mean by precious metal account where the bank or similar holds the gold no.

Promitheas Apollonious

I did not ask if you have gold. Any one with a piece of jewelry, has gold. I ask you if you have a precious metal account in any bank that has the permissions to open such accounts. And deposited gold, does draw income, unless you have it storage in a safe deposit box. which is the case with most civilians.


No I already told you that, are you senile. Only fools play the American paper gold game with a bank.

Promitheas Apollonious

senile is the one who did not jerk you off. Obviously you have no idea what a precious metal account is shit4brains but as all single ignorant cells you can not pass a chance to make a fool of yourself. You begin to remind me of defective dna. next time before you answer and show how stupid and ignorant you are try and search what you answering to so you dont show the extent of your stupidity.

Promitheas Apollonious

Do you have a precious metal account and you know first hand, or is it a speculation of yours? And you are wrong.


Ever notice when South Front presents an opinion, it’s “analysis.” When anyone he doesn’t like presents an opinion, it’s “rumors” and “speculation.”

AM Hants

Not forgetting Ukraine. Following the assassination attempt on Yanukovich, on 22 February 2014, the Ukraine gold was being flown to the US, within hours.

Luke Hemmming

It is time countries like Iran, Venezuela, Russia start setting up their own banking and financial systems to help protect their economic and financial assets from the greedy Zionist banking cartels.


Notice how the US has been trying to stop gold from being traded? They are scared there is going to be a run on the dollar.

Miroslav Beran

Folks, oil and gold will slowly lost importance and you all may see reason today Jan 31 at 9:00 hours U.S. Eastern time at Live Stream worldwide launch of new energy device: Plasma technology, 11,000°K, 22kW output, CoP=58 http://www.PressClub.World


A sneak peak of the new device :


This Is Bad

Well if indeed the rumours are true it’s an absolute win for Venezuela. Nobody would want the Gold deposits to end up in the hands of British or Americans. Remember Libya, Haiti, Ukraine. It’s all the same strategy but different regions.


The rumours of Russia removing Venezuela’s gold have been categorically denied by Russia.

Promitheas Apollonious

well….. the british stole the gold but as the usual suspect goes the RUSSIANS did it.

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