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MSM Shares “Revelations” That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With “Conspiracy Theories” And “Misinformation”

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SouthFront has repeatedly been accused of being pro-Russian propaganda, anti-Erdogan propaganda, pro-Trump propaganda, anti-Russian propaganda, pro-Iranian propaganda, pro-Assad propaganda, anti-Assad propaganda and so on. The allegations have been made by various different media outlets, think tanks and media activists.

However, the most widespread narrative is that SouthFront is part of some sophisticated Kremlin propaganda campaign or is even run by the Russian Defense Ministry. Such allegations have been spread by large pro-NATO organizations such as the Atlantic Council, or by representatives of the US Department of State or the US Department of Defense.

Now, it even looks as if both the House and Senate intelligence committees are investigating SouthFront’s interference in the US presidential election.

SouthFront supposes that it should be seen as an honor that elites of the often touted “most free” nation in the world have so highly evaluated the joint efforts of numerous experts and volunteers involved in the project.

An Oxford University study found on October 9th that SouthFront targets “US military personnel and veterans with conspiracy theories, misinformation, and other forms of junk news about military affairs and national security issues.

In June 2017, Politico Magazine already pushed a very similar idea arguing that SouthFront is one of the projects shaking the very pillars of American society, foremost among which was the military.

In October 2017, Military.comThe HillMcClatchyDC and The Daily Beast united their efforts spreading this “groundbreaking” Oxford University study and arguing that SouthFront among few other websites targets “US military personnel and veterans with conspiracy theories, misinformation, and other forms of junk news about military affairs and national security issues.

The Hill:


The Daily Beast:


One of the most interesting facts is surely that SouthFront has achieved all this groundbreaking influence on US foreign and domestic policies with a monthly budget of about 5,000 USD. It’s hard to imagine what could be done were the project to collect 6,000 USD or even more.

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MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation"

MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation"

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MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation"

MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation" MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation" MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation" MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation" MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation"


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MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation"



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MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation" MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation"MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation" MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation"

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MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation" MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation"

MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation"

MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation"

MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation"

MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation"

MSM Shares "Revelations" That SouthFront Targets U.S. Military Community With "Conspiracy Theories" And "Misinformation"

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Zainab Ali

the oppressed is now the oppressor – typical zio satanic think tank


This gonna be good.


Well the US propaganda don’t know limits and how to stop spread anti-russian propaganda. This is obviously a waves of attacks on SF with very bad miss-intelligence on the issue. SF you are free and you have the right to speak freely about everything. I personally have never seen here any miss-information about some US veterans or any other US issues. I do support SF’s analysis and the intelligence that are been provided, and it’s all good and legit and SF had never been miss-informative on a contrary they are very informative of the war situations and period. No more discussions from the US propaganda and efforts to discriminate SF because it’s laying down the facts. We all know the US don’t like their facts to be exposed, and they will do any kind of miss-information to make SF looks bad. We support you SF, and keep up your awesome work…


Oy vey shut it down

Leonardo Facchin

I really don’t care that much if Southfront is somehow linked to the Kremlin or not.

When I come here what I’m looking for is accurate information. Since the news you provide most often proves to be true in the next few days… well, that’s enough for me to establish a credibility and reputation.

I also like the way you differentiate news from opinions and analysis, by clearly labeling the latter with tags. That way I can figure out at a glance if the article I’m going to read is supposed to state facts or just the opinion of one or more analysts. Most corporative media outlets don’t really stick to such a transparent practice, mixing opinion and facts all the time in their pieces, while presenting opinion as facts and facts as opinions.

So, thanks for what you do and keep up the good work!


It would be humorous if not tragic that while the US attacks RT, Sputnik and works tirelessly at keeping Americans in the dark through censorship of alternative sites, US propaganda outlets operate in Russia just fine.


>Russia bought political ads >Queue media freakout

Honest question, how are the activities of AIPAC ok, but Russia buying facebook ads not ok? I mean for godsakes Obama flew over to Britain and told them to vote no on Brexit. Clearly an attempt by a head of state to influence the outcome of an election. This from the same group of people who decided that corporate money was protected by the first amendment. What a clownish society we live in.

Cheryl Brandon

Good question. It is okay for AIPAC and Saudi Arabia to buy ads? But not Russia.

Pat Kittle

We Americans have only one enemy — Israel!

Manuel Flores Escobar

Jews dont like SF…


“‘“We’ve found an entire ecosystem of junk news about national security issues that is deliberately crafted for U.S. veterans and active military personnel,” professor Philip Howard, who led the research in the study, told the newswire’.

The joke is that Professor Howard’s statement is quite true. Except for the important part that he didn’t mention: it’s the US government and the MSM who are creating the “entire ecosystem of junk news”.

Southfront, like all the other sources who get blamed for being “Russian trolls”, is telling the truth. The MSM and their backers don’t like the truth, because it pricks their carefully constructed bubble of lies.

Incidentally, I’d like to know what Professor Howard’s credentials are, and what discipline he pursues. “Modern Government Bullshit”, perchance?


Wow! Southfront operates on $5,000 a month! Do you realise that wouldn’t pay for a single Congressperson’s lunches for a month?

Pave Way IV

I strongly encourage everyone familiar with garbage (but impressive sounding) academic studies to download the actual study and supplement from the Oxford Internet Institute. That’s not a joke – it actually exists. Pay special attention to the Sampling and Method section – it’s hilarious.

Here’s what they used: 28K Twitter users that mentioned the three evil Ruskie Twitter accounts: @VeteransToday, @SouthFronteng, @veteransnewsnow during April of this year. Then they reduced those 28K to 12K ‘well-connected’ accounts and did their magik. Same thing for Facebook.

Not only was the study authored by two ‘experts’ from the ‘Oxford Internet Institute’ (MI6 – I didn’t bother checking), but two additional PhD experts from a U.S. company called Graphika – the go-to shop for anti-Iran and anti-Russian hysteria for the MSM (with nice graphs to boot) http://www.graphika.com/about/

There’s got to be a lawsuit somewhere in here for SF.


That’s funny because I often hear news from SF days before it makes the MSM, and actually get to hear from the POV of the other side for once, not just the Globalist-backed side e.g. Syria & Russia. I don’t trust any news outlet fully, but at least SF gives me the bad news as well as the good stuff, so it’s pretty balanced overall.

Bird of Prey

Laughable, given that maybe 0.000001% of the U.S. military community ever reads SF.


They need to.

Mr. Mobile Performance

Sounds like US veterans and active military are looking for facts to explain their actual experience while deployed, and the official line doesn’t cut it. Ha ha.


The hacking is designed, according to such patriotic sites as military.com, “divide” Americans by exposing them to lies that stop them from cooperating with each other to defend the nation or make it greater.

It appears to me that both candidates were going to produce the same stupidity in international relations – so that wan;t a divisive point until ‘the wrong one’ of the actually won. the election was decided on domestic politics – about what the candidates were going to do about the ‘button issues’ : womens’ rights, medicare, taxes and spending, international trade and the environment. That was about Americans screwing each other anyway and party politics – somethings that an outsider might have had trouble manipulating.

Any dirty laundry was exactly that – whoever aired it didn’t matter, it was what Americans chose to do with it, that counted and no amount of hacking, or really false news, could affect that.


SF is a mild media.

The major Putin troll factory or the swooning Putin Fan Club center is RI – Russia Insider.


Get on the Putin love train – don’t be left behind like all your dumb MSM-loving numbnut friends. Vladimir Putin is the world’s greatest diplomat, strategic genius and military master – don’t take my word for it, look how he’s got the “world’s only superpower”‘s panties all twisted up. It takes particular ability to make them this mad. Don’t be a hater – feel the sweet, sweet Putin love.


Lex “…Vladimir Putin is the world’s greatest diplomat, strategic genius and military master…”

You’re a good comedian, LoL:)))

Putin’s record is poor, after 17 years in power Russia remains the poorest country in Europe and the developed world with more people impoverished and living in poverty than any other.

Putin has turned Russia into the most corrupt country in Europe with all surplus money siphoned offshore, wealthy Russians love to move their corruptly acquired money by the Billions offshore into US$s, Euros, SFr, etc.

Russians including Putin love to send their children and families to live in Europe rather than live in Russia.

Putin’s record: Syria 500,000 killed, 1.9 million injured, 6 million displaced or refugees, infrastructure destroyed, economy trashed.

Palestine – Gaza: Putin has done nothing

Afghanistan: Putin Supported US NATO war and invasion

Iraq: Putin did nothing but talk about it.

Lebanon 2006: Putin did nothing, not even talk about it

Libya: Medvedev – Putin – Russia did not veto UNSC to stop the No Fly Zone

Iran Sanctions: Putin did nothing but talk about it

Ukraine: Donbas kept in limbo and 1 million plus ethnic Russian refugees fled out of Ukraine. etc.


Your ass must get jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth…. Russia is not the poorest country in Europe, you’re just lying and hallucinating. ‘send their children and families to live in Europe’ – Russia is in Europe, more crap from your mouth… oh and Syria is Putin’s fault now somehow? Trolls? You are the only troll here.


Kremlin propaganda = accurate information about the empire’s wars. Keep it coming Southfront!

Cheryl Brandon

Hats off to Southfront;The problemw ith the U$A militray and the CIA and Mossad is this, Fake news now has a viable opposition and competition in the news spaces. the U$A and the Jewish owned international media doe snot want competition.They are angry and, like the proverbial childish/greedy/barbarians response, they try to discredit the opposing views. That is why they are spending their money on organizations to discredit Russia and RT like the European Values Society in Czech Republic/ Atlantic Council/Trilateral Commission etc. It is all about being angry. We the public must not have an access to an alternative view points.

Cheryl Brandon

This is all about the right to command our minds; The military and the Jewish media are not interested in accuracy. They fear competition. They fear that, that RT might give some truths which they want to remain hidden. They fear competition; They would like to keep the monoply of misinforming us worldwide. Putin trolls my arses.Watch Putin ‘s face; Do you think he has time for this sort fop childishness. It is Fake media owners and the Military who pay trolls to carry out their dirty work. They pay people like Monika Richter of the European Values NGO big money to LIE.The top Oxford graduate is now the best LIAR money can buy.


“Truth is Washington’s enemy”- Dr. Paul Craig Roberts


slayern2 “Truth is Washington’s enemy”-

Everyone knows that except Putin.

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