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MARCH 2025

Much Ado About Nothing: Western Wunderwaffen

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Much Ado About Nothing: Western Wunderwaffen

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Written by Julian Macfarlane, Tokyo-based media analyst

Added “Value”?

In my career as a media whore, I have worked with a huge range of companies in almost every field – including the so-called “defense” industry.

The defense industry is rather like the auto industry, which must turn out new models regularly with new features,  for the most part not necessary for a vehicle’s essential functions.

“Planned obsolescence” was sooooooooo 20th Century.  In the 21st Century it is “added value”. Certainly, for cars, each new one, a wunderauto.

Back in the “old days”, a lot of people fixed their cars DIY.  They could do that because the technology was pretty simple and hadn’t basically changed much over many years.

Now, it aint that easy.  You need specialized dealer maintenance and a really good warranty – all of which are factored into the cost.

Much Ado About Nothing: Western Wunderwaffen

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Want basic transportation: ride a bicycle!

Car-makers always pretend that you really, really need the electronic bling, 0 to 100 in 5 seconds, stepless transmissions, collision avoidance radar, reclining seats, etc, etc.  Some things have their uses; others are simply useless.

But…without the newest and latest, you will never have sex again.

Much Ado About Nothing: Western Wunderwaffen

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Borrowing from your kid’s future

No money? No problem.  Get a loan!  Debt is the American Way.

Dad buys a car. Mom buys a face lift.  The kids eat crap.

Much Ado About Nothing: Western Wunderwaffen

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The makers of weaponry do something similar.

Unlike in the Consumer Universe, debt is never a problem for the Pentagon. For the US, foreign debt and foreign policy is like love –never having to say you’re sorry.

The primary consumer, the US government just borrows the money from …wherever…because the dollar is – or used to be — the Universal Reserve Currency—and the US never has to pay those loans back.

Just keep on raising the debt ceiling.  Who cares if the people really paying are poor people in the Global South?  They starve over there, so you can eat Doritos here and get fat.

Of course,  in the long term,  Americans suffer too.  You don’t have enough money for roads and bridges, railways, healthcare, education, homes, and even school lunches.

Much Ado About Nothing: Western Wunderwaffen

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The crap your kids eat will kill them.    You, too.

Much Ado About Nothing: Western Wunderwaffen

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Choices—and “killer” products

What would you rather have?

A brand new $100 million dollar F35 that only costs $42,000 an hour to fly.  The whole fleet at $412 billion and $1.3 trillion to maintain and operate the fleet over its lifetime, not counting add-ons and extra doodads over ten years or so.

Or– pay off student debt: just 3.79 billion over 10 years.

Or good healthy food.

The answer is obvious–we gotta have the F35– even if it is the most expensive piece of junk in military aviation history.  It’s a “killer” product – literally.

The aircraft is designed as a battleground bomb truck, with a miniscule radar footprint, assuming a war in Europe like that one almost a century ago.  Not useful against China of course – but, hey! — one war at a time.

The F35 has stealth! 

Remember when you were 9 and you sneaked next door to peep in Mrs Jones’ window to watch her undressing?  Stealth is sooooooooooo cool!

From the frontal aspect, radars designed before 2010 can “see” the F35 – but as nothing more than a flying golf ball or at best a bird.  However, how many flying golf balls do you see at 20,000 feet – or birds moving at 900 km per hour?  OK. There is background. Noise or if distracted by listening to rock music in your helmet like Hollywood flyboy heroes. You might miss it. Might!

Anyway, the F35 isn’t really designed for air-to-air.  Supersonic flight or operating above 20 degrees angle of attack reduces “stealth”, so the golf ball becomes a large balance ball.

No matter–the metier (as I have said) is battlefield interdiction.

The internal bay is not that large and the more BVR (Beyond Visual Range) missiles you put inside, the fewer bombs. The moment it opens the doors open to drop internally mounted bombs or fire missiles, stealth disappears.

Much Ado About Nothing: Western Wunderwaffen

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All this means the F35 better off avoiding an Su35 – and better off going low—where unfortunately it is observable by the Mark I human eyeball.  Not to mention infra-red.  Hang bombs or missiles on it and its radar signature increases.   Or, of course, it can stand off about 500km and launch JSM stand off missiles.  The range of the S400 is about 400 km – so what does it need “stealth” for?

Add to that– old fashioned dust, dirt, insects, etc. which degrade “stealth”.

A lot of time and money has to go into maintaining its expensive anti-radar coated finish.

Stealth fighters and bombers are not undetectable. They can be shot down, as the US learned to its cost over Serbia in 1999.

Much Ado About Nothing: Western Wunderwaffen

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To complicate matters, the Russians have a new radar for stealth aircraft.  And the Chinese have an even better one. Quantum radar.  Which you can be sure the Russians will get the technology for.  Such stuff is still under development, but you can be sure that it will working long before the F35 is cleared for combat.

Much Ado About Nothing: Western Wunderwaffen

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IMO, “stealth” ain’t what it used to be. And $1.3 trillion doesn’t buy air superiority. Come to think of it, a trillion dollars doesn’t seem to buy much of anything these days.  The US is forcing its vassal states to buy its overpriced junk – F35s, Abrams, Patriot missiles, ATACAMS, NASAAMs, and the like — which in almost all cases they don’t need.

“Added value” means added problems and added expense.

Much Ado About Nothing: Western Wunderwaffen

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Let us keep in mind that the only country to invade Canada has been the US of A. Umm…at least 3 times.

The Saab Gripen would meet Canada’s needs for a fraction of the cost, with a boost for Canada’s manufacturing industry …but … whatever Massa’ says.   We know Justin Trudeau likes black face, pretending to be a “house nigger, I suppose.  Yeah, I know the “n” word is offensive. Which makes Trudeau all the more so.

Much Ado About Nothing: Western Wunderwaffen

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It’s an ugly expression. And so is Canadian foreign policy.

The profits made from slave states like Canada or the UK, won’t really pay e Joe America’s bills, although they may get the CEO of Lockheed Martin a new Ferrari. Even the New York Times is calling the F35 a “trillion dollar boondoggle”.

Remember: DEBT?

Much Ado About Nothing: Western Wunderwaffen

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The US never had to worry about paying back its loans when the Dollar was King, but now the kingdom quakes –dedollarization is proceeding slowly but surely—accelerating gradually as the US loses its twin economic wars with Russia and China and as the EU fails.

Let us keep in mind that the  US no longer has the industrial or engineering base to keep up with the Russians and Chinese, not even to replace the weapons it sends Ukraine.

US loans there will eventually have to be paid for by the American public.

Much Ado About Nothing: Western Wunderwaffen

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Oh, Joe Taxpayer, why support a bankrupt country?  Dump that country like moldy cheese and get something fresh.

Much Ado About Nothing: Western Wunderwaffen

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Still, most of the media still trumpet the superiority of American technology, which after all, won WWII didn’t it?

Oops. Sorry the Soviets won the war in Europe. And the US didn’t win the war in the Pacific against Japan as much as Japan lost it –making the same mistake that the Americans are making today – assuming that the today’s war is like yesterday’s.

Still, the Media buys into military industry’s hype. Just as it does Big Pharma’s.  Maybe it’s all those shows about D-Day, Top Gun, etc, etc, which are re-assuring for Joe America in front of the TV, drinking beer and cuddling his 44 Magnum.

You must discount most of what you hear about the superiority of American weapons. The F35 is just one example. But almost everything that the US produces suffers from over-engineering, complexity, and impracticality.

Take the Abrams M1 MBT.

To read the rest of the article click here to go my Substack page. It’s free. Please show your support by subscribing –that’s free, too. And please support SouthFront if you believe in unbiased truthful journalism.


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jens holm

Pathetic funy version of my world.

We do have a higher liningstandard. We do live longer as well.

Economy as Engels or Muhammed cant relate to fx debt at all.

The article in its best is like giving better hay to Our cars. There is nothing about the succes for Engels as well as Muhammed.

And we dont care about those worries of Yours. We live here. GOT IT.

We also has to give money to people doing absolutly nothing. We mainly dont and we do vote about it and decide. Both taxpayers and not taxpayers decide.

As usual nothing is added about incitaments to work for Yourself(too). Here none can share anything if its not produced. That a vital for the USSR collapse too.

And we do educate poeple by much more school and education. By that we have the center of Our cocuntries. Thats the middleclass. fx 165 mio in USA are middleclass. They dont exist in the Rustican propaganda. It only has the very few very rich and all poor are almost naked in the streets starvig too.

jens holm

I and many others has tryed to tell and learn You how things work. Even they do, You ignore it. The dollar collapsed 3 times in Your world last week too. You deny to understand that debt is invenstments and trust but also risk.

You only see us eat from artificial money. Here You also deny to see big parts of that is raised living standards. We preoduce much more. By that it makes sense there also are mitakes and waste.

You can define a coutry from who is in jail too. But thats mainly wrong even sad. A country should be defined by the 95%, which are not and their life.


Japans Unit 731 has opened up a special place for faggots.

Isser Harel

They really, really, really enjoy experimenting on caucasians too from what i have heard.

jens holm

Here we only has problems with the few ones, which dislike faggots. They are their own dancing queens desperat trying to make proof they are real machos.

You become gay by DNA.


All rights to The German Brand and its use is reserved by Germany.

The German Brand is not allowed to be used by jews or commies or traitors to Germany.

jens holm

The people of germany decide that – not You.

jens holm

“Oops. Sorry the Soviets won the war in Europe. And the US didn’t win the war in the Pacific against Japan as much as Japan lost it –making the same mistake that the Americans are making today – assuming that the today’s war is like yesterday’s.”.

Just as for WW1 USA did anything to remain in peace but even two ocenas was not enough. That was an after WW1 decission and kep by most of us.

Only the nazis, italy, japan and russia didnt keep it and did agressive expansions of the worst kind as no learners.

Ooops only the Rusticans still has the infected homemade Stalin version. We certainly see yesterday museum in Ukriane of today.

jens holm

None here ever has said Russia was no winner of WW2. Thats Rustican propaganda. But telling they were the only ones makes no sense at all.

It was west by USA and Britts which destroyd their military complexxes a part from the few Russian bombers. Russia had no heavy bombers until 1945.

Even You write Japan was an easy task You dont see how big the logistics crossing the Pacific Aocena for it was. As minimum it was an addiction. They even dared to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki to save own lives.

jens holm

And the afterwards named Marshall help is not there as well. Even thats the wellfare best for the whole Western Economics.

Its very impressing so many Rusticans are able to ignore, how we grow old in a descent life with well organized wellfare programs.

Russia expanded west even in collaporation with Hitler and forgot keep for the second time within 100 years.

Isser Harel

Hitler was financed by the pilgrim society and other freemason groups. They also financed the communist movement and the overthrow of the tsar and his families execution. They play and own both sides in all wars. Possibly this one also. We shall see soon.

jens holm

All 5 of them or what?


There is something seriously, mentally and genetically wrong with whites. They are obsessed with blacks.

I just hope them and the Asians all disappear in a nuclear haze. The world would be relaxed again.

Vlad the Sissy from Rumania

I am still waiting when will the libtards send their flying niggers and their screaming faggots to do anything 😆😆😆😆🏳️‍🌈🖕🐒🖕🐒🏳️‍🌈🖕 The hippie nation of cucky JFK and the sissy nigger MLK is dead.


This has to be a joke


In the nomenclature of your partitioning map the word Republic should be substituted with the words concentration camp.


Yeah this over-engineered western crap has already proven it can’t keep up with russian weapons in ukraine. Dozens of Him/hers, byraktar and numerous other western wunderwaffe have done nothing but prolong the conflict, and give Agent Z in Kiev the chance to kill more of his hated Ukrainin countrymen.

The idea that the west could somehow win a war against russia with half the amount of equipment Russia has. While beeing crippled by comparatively poor anti-air and missile techonlogy is quickly proving to be just the joke everyone knew it would be from the start.


“but prolong the conflict, and give Agent Z in Kiev the chance to kill more of his hated Ukrainin countrymen”

Well i think that and in adition to gain back full control and severe any connections between europe and russia was the only goal besides giving profits to US arms dealers. So i would say mission accomplished for the US.


“Media whore”… Nice map though, at the end. California and Texas earmarked for return to Mexico, of course.

Sgt. Based

California and Texas have larger economies than Mexico

Mexico is more likely to be annexed by Texas than the other way around

Especially with every good old boy with an underground arsenal and a skoal addiction suddenly let loose from the threat of the federal government


nunh nuh, wur murica. we were chosen by god to be the world’s exceptional nation… well if we continue to be israel’s beach.

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