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MARCH 2025

Much Of Washington’s $54 Billion Aid For Ukraine Will Be Stolen By Corrupt Officials

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Much Of Washington’s $54 Billion Aid For Ukraine Will Be Stolen By Corrupt Officials

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Congress set to approve eyewatering $54 billion in aid as American citizens continue to suffer.

Written by Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst

US aid to Ukraine has reached astonishing heights ever since Russia launched its military operation on February 24, with continuous streams of arms, ammunition and intelligence provisions flowing into the country. At a time when living costs is becoming increasingly unbearable for the average American, Congress is poised to approve more than $40 billion in emergency funding to support Ukraine, an amount nearly three times greater than what the US has already committed. However, the efficiency of this aid is put into question considering systemic corruption in Ukraine and the short survival rate of Western weapons once they enter the country.

If Congress were to approve $40 billion, along with the $13.6 billion passed in March, the combined $53.7 billion is about 81% of Russia’s 2021 defense budget. Although it appears that the US is making a serious and committed effort for Ukrainian forces to overcome the Russian military, the difference this military aid would make is questionable since much of it will be destroyed by Russian aviation and missile strikes upon entry into Ukraine.

In March, Congress authorized $13.6 billion in aid, of which $6.9 billion will be sent through traditional foreign aid channels. This aid is supposed to go toward strengthening Ukraine’s security and economy, food assistance, healthcare and emergency assistance to refugees, as well as weapons. It is expected that the extra $40 billion, which will likely be approved by Congress, will be spent much in the same manner.

Ukraine has long been one of the more corrupt countries in the world, and there is no indication this has reversed just because of the war. In this way, it can be expected that much of the $53.7 billion will be stolen in corruption schemes orchestrated by Ukraine’s military, oligarchs and government officials. What is known is that $13.9 billion will indirectly go to the Kiev government so that ministries can continue to operate. $4.4 billion in emergency food aid will go to Ukraine (and other countries too). Finally, $900 million will go to housing, English language training, and trauma treatment for Ukrainian refugees.

According to The New York Times, the US has shown unprecedented generosity towards Kiev when Congress does not want to carry out critical economic stimulation measures. This is at a time when inflation is reaching unprecedented heights, fuel hits new records and grocery prices are unaffordable.

On May 12, Republican Senator Rand Paul opposed the bill to provide Ukraine with additional support. As he said: “We cannot save Ukraine by dooming the US economy.” None-the-less, despite Rand Paul’s opposition, the Senate will likely pass the aid bill as he is the only one who has spoken out against it.

Although the aid package undoubtedly appears generous, Washington never makes such actions just out of charity and it can be expected that all aid is conditional. In early May, Biden signed the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 to expedite the delivery of US arms shipments to Ukraine.

The Lend-Lease Act was used during World War II to supply weapons to allied countries, partly on a reciprocal basis. The US supplied weapons, strategic materials, and food to Britain, the Soviet Union, the de Gaulle government in France, and China. But due to these aid packages, the UK owed $31.4 billion and the Soviet Union $10.9 billion. Although Washington canceled the UK’s debt, Russia only finished paying off the loan in 2006.

Kiev is not thinking about having to pay back all its debt as it expects that the West will cover the costs seeing as the Ukrainian economy has been struggling due to rampant corruption. Washington will inevitably claim compensation for the Lend-Lease Act – whether it be with the supply of cheap agricultural products, rights to build military bases on Ukrainian territory, the implementation of projects that benefit Western companies, or in a plethora of other ways.

Through such conditional aid, Ukraine is expected to continue its war effort against Russia instead of finding a peaceful solution. However, this will only prolong the suffering in Ukraine as this aid will make little difference considering a lot of the humanitarian aid will be stolen by corrupt officials and military aid will likely be destroyed by Russian forces as it enters the country – but Ukrainian taxpayers will still be expected to foot the bill.


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Kickbacks. It’s not a bug. It’s the main feature.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), 1936: ‘We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace – business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.’ Ninety years later nothing has changed in US-NAYOYO countries.

Most of the money will never leave the US for any place but secret accounts. Ukrainian defence is based in Switzerland and designed to protect oligarch money. Like all other US-NAYOYO collaborators, constant whining for support is just a way get more money from aid flow ‘skim’ before defeat ends the good times. As the whining gets louder, the war’s end gets closer. This explains Zelenskiy’s begging for more money.

Ernest Hemingway: “Anyone who loves freedom owes such a debt to the Red Army that it can never be repaid.”

Ukraine is a failed state that hasn’t been able to offer its citizens work, hope and human rights since it was formed. The idea the most corrupt nation on Earth could wage a successful war is laughable. Russia has won this war because they attack, defend, and move their units when and where they please. All the AFU can do is suffer, retreat on foot, and let Banderite Nazis shoot unwilling conscripts in the back.

Thomas Paine: ”To argue with a person who has renounced reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”


Col. Jacques Baud – Swiss Military Intelligence (April 11, 2022): “The Ukrainian army was then in a deplorable state. In October 2018, after four years of war, the chief Ukrainian military prosecutor, Anatoly Matios, stated that Ukraine had lost 2,700 men in the Donbass: 891 from illnesses, 318 from road accidents, 177 from other accidents, 175 from poisonings (alcohol, drugs), 172 from careless handling of weapons, 101 from breaches of security regulations, 228 from murders and 615 from suicides. In fact, the army was undermined by the corruption of its cadres and no longer enjoyed the support of the population. According to a British Home Office report, in the March/April 2014 recall of reservists, 70 percent did not show up for the first session, 80 percent for the second, 90 percent for the third, and 95 percent for the fourth. In October/November 2017, 70% of conscripts did not show up for the “Fall 2017” recall campaign. This is not counting suicides and desertions (often over to the autonomists), which reached up to 30 percent of the workforce in the [Donbass republic] area. Young Ukrainians refused to go and fight in the Donbass and preferred emigration, which also explains, at least partially, the demographic deficit of the country.”

Ukrainians voted 75% for Zelenskiy because he appeared as an outsider who promised peace and negotiations with Russia. They were betrayed. As the quote above by Col. Baud notes massive numbers, amounting to complete disgust, refused to join the Ukraine Army. This made a mercenary force essential, and an unstable AFU army inevitable.

William Casey (CIA Director 1981-1987): “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

Russians have heard all the promises, watched the treaties signed and quickly ignored. They know of the racist genocides committed and planned. It won’t be the vacuous opinions of irrelevant Westerners that define this war. It will be blunt demands and brutal facts on the ground that define Ukraine’s public defeat. This war will end with NAYOYO humiliated, and Russian tanks shaking the ground at Ukraine’s western borders.

Henry Kissinger (Washington Post): “For the West, the demonization of Vladimir Putin is not a policy; it is an alibi for the absence of one.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Ricardo2000

Really well said, thank you!



Last edited 2 years ago by andy

Russia can show the world Biden and NATO’s corruption by winning in the Ukraine, otherwise they can STFU!


well they are taking over a few cities and Ukraine has not put troops across the boarder, granted they pushed back Russians in few regions. However, the overall conflict is still going on Russia’s favour and Russians have nearly cleared the the lughansk region of Ukraine forces and over half the donbass regions is under their control, Crimea is still in Russian hands too. plus they seem to still have air dominance as missiles are flying over and hititng western regions.

On the other hand Nato has only 5% if its man power there and has spent only 6.5% of its total budget. So, they could turn it around but the cost do so is much higher than it was with in the first few month Russia’s invasion.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lunar
Dr. Philip Nash

Joe Biden is paying back the favour to Ukraine for hiring Hunter Biden for a lucrative no work job

Lance Ripplinger

The money laundering going into Ukraine is staggering. If the money was having any effect on the Donbass front, then explain why Ukrainian forces are being destroyed. Where the hell is all the money going, because it is not going to help the intended people it is claimed to be.


The deep state want a war between Russian and America. To keep people from learning about their sick and evil actions they are doing around the world and to weaken both countries greatly so its easier for them to take control everywhere. The white hats so to speak know about this and have been and are taking out the deep state in an private war that been ongoing for years now and the deep state is losing big time. There will be no active U.S. troops send into Ukraine and stolen election not POTUS Biden when he first enter office was never given the launch codes to conduct a nuclear strike. Which was keep in the hands of the white hats. Both which the deep state wanted to happen and will “Thanks GOD” not happen. Russia will beat the deep state and the evil government of Ukraine and more proof will be exposed to the world about all these traitors worldwide who sold out their own country and people for money, power and fame. Watch the news. Its is all going to be expose soon to all. WWG1WGA


It won’t even get out of the bank intact.

Nigel Maund

The USA has become, with its client and vassal State Ukraine, the most corrupt country on the face of the planet. The Americans are “the white Nigerians” and that’s being very unkind to the Nigerians, many of whom struggle to survive!!


Makes you wonder if USA will just suddenly give Ukraine 50 billion in aid, I wonder how much aid israel is really getting because it’s certainly no where near 4 billion/year


Funny thing is US Senator said this amount of money US must borrow from China.


A lot of those corrupt government officials stealing this money will be our own government officials. Who knows, the democrats might finance another stolen Election cycle


only 4 trillion $ wasted to be sodomized by taliban—amerikants are morons


Why do these people keep coming on here and tell everyone how much money they make online? I mean, you’d think they keep it to themselves and not waste their time posting this stuff.


Before the armed conflict AK47 with five magazines loaded on Kiev market was around 1000-1500 euro now it’s probably around 300-500 range because it was uncle Joe’s present for winning the Eurovision thus I’ve got it for free or a euro per piece. If anyone the above is propaganda info than they don’t know anything about this war. I lived in one like this but learned what not to do hence can write an opinion.

Last edited 2 years ago by CrniBlack
lucas grijander

Ukrainians are so similar to russians. Specially regarding corupton among their officials.


Sending weapons and other sensitive things (advanced drones , night vision goggles, etc) into Ukraine have another BIG RISK, most of these will being smuggled by Ukraine’s soldiers and voluntiers, filling terrorist movements with them – javelins anti-aircraft systems , TOW anti-vehicle systems….nice toys for bad people, very hard to destroy into wild gray zones….


Fake money from Slumville USSA to a fake gubermint in a fake country. What could go wrong already did. Meanwhile the Pentacon mutts and the Washing town sewer rats are leading the angloZionaZi empire of shit to its long overdue collapse.

Get the civil war reloaded in Slumville already. The world has the popcorn for the greatest show of the century. Karma is beautiful.

WT Baker

In the meantime the US population suffers from decades of the intentional destruction of it’s physical economy which is the dynamic of all the violence, drug addiction, suicide, homelessness, unemploymen and under-employment. Billions of worthless dollars for perpetual warfare and nothing for real human development.

Bill Desmond

So they can pay hunter Biden. and the rest of the corupt politicians kids and george soros


Both US and Russia have their own military industrial complexes. Corruption is also common inside Russian military industry.

Skip Ski-pan-sky

MOST.?? Well I guess that’s better than ALL.

BUCK!!! Foe Jiden 🖕


No surpises there really. Anyone remember the Penatagon audit nearly 10 yeasrs back when $1 trilliion could not be accounted for. A lot of their ‘military spending’ spending is pure graft. I wouldn’t be surprised if at least 50% of the cost of any item is just pure cream for the parasitic share-holder class. Even when they can account for some spending, it’s of the ‘$500 for a toilet seat’ varierty. If all that money was actaully spent as claimed, then they should have conquered the known fucking universe by now. I actually feel sorry for average American who has no input on this at all other than being shafted for the bill, and other countries (including targets) who invloluntarily pay as well through the fee-loading dollar reserve currecny scam. These scumbags make the mafia look like a sunday school operation.

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