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Multipolar World’s Tech Edge Grows, Leaves Political West Trailing Behind

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Multipolar World's Tech Edge Grows, Leaves Political West Trailing Behind

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

The end of last year saw some pretty incredible breakthroughs in military technologies, the most impressive among which is the first “Oreshnik” strike, demonstrating Russia’s growing dominance in hypersonic weapons. Apart from the “Oreshnik”, Moscow also started the large-scale deployment of its unrivaled S-500 SAM/ABM (surface-to-air missile/anti-ballistic missile) systems that can track and down all sorts of targets (including hypersonic). Multiple sources are also reporting that the Eurasian giant is speeding up its “sixth generation” program, with both the Sukhoi and MiG developing their own designs. In the meantime, existing and proven Russian fighter jets, such as the Su-30 (multirole), Su-34 (strike fighter), Su-35S (air superiority) and Su-57S (next-generation multirole) are not only conducting regular missions, but in the case of the Su-35 are also helping countries like Iran maintain security amid constant US/NATO threats.

Then we have China, which presented not one, but two working “sixth-generation” jet prototypes, named Chengdu J-36 and Shenyang J-50 by the media, respectively. The two aircraft show what can only be described as a quantum leap for Beijing, which is now ahead of Washington DC in jet technologies, an unimaginable prospect until just a few years ago. In fact, this was such a shock for the US-led political West that the mainstream propaganda machine is now openly engaging in a rather pathetic denial, claiming that the Pentagon supposedly “flew its own prototype years ago”, something for which there’s zero evidence. However, this development sent Lockheed Martin’s stocks crashing as concerns for the troubled F-35’s future in the USAF started emerging. However, to make matters worse for Washington DC, there are also reliable reports that China also flew the H-20, its first stealthy strategic bomber.

In addition to this aircraft, which the Pentagon expects to enter service in the next five years, Beijing also inducted a number of other weapon systems, including the KJ-3000 AEW&C (airborne early warning and control) aircraft and Type 076 carrier (named “Sichuan”). What’s more, China is also helping several other countries to strengthen their armed forces in the wake of the US-led aggression against the world. This includes Algeria, which got a license to locally produce the Chinese Type 056 corvettes, as well as Serbia, whose HQ-22 SAM systems acquired from Beijing just became fully operational. Thus, just like in the case of Russian Su-35 fighter jets for Iran, these Chinese systems will help others maintain security and sovereignty, which is greatly contributing to global peace by deterring war criminal organizations such as NATO, by far the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel.

To that end, North Korea is also updating its already impressive arsenal, including the “Hwasong-16B” IRBM (intermediate-range ballistic missile) armed with an HGV (hypersonic glide vehicle). The weapon was test launched on January 6, demonstrating that Pyongyang is still ahead of the US in hypersonic technologies. Just like in the case of Chinese next-generation jets, the mainstream propaganda machine is also engaging its coping mechanisms with ludicrous claims that the Pentagon will “soon outpace” Russia and China in hypersonics, a laughable (and extremely unlikely) prospect given just how far behind the US is. In the meantime, North Korean Russian-derived ATGM (anti-tank guided missile) systems, specifically the “Bulsae-4”, are obliterating Western weapons in NATO-occupied Ukraine, which is yet another embarrassment and humiliation for the political West which regularly mocks Pyongyang.

India is also upgrading its armed forces with Russian missile technologies, specifically the “BrahMos” supersonic cruise missile which is set to be updated and deployed on a ground-based launcher. The weapon is based on the Russian P-800 “Onyx” supersonic cruise missile, one of the deadliest in its class, as proven by its superb performance during the special military operation (SMO). Inspired by Chinese advances, Delhi is also expected to invest heavily in next-generation aircraft, likely in cooperation with Moscow, while supporting and helping its domestic military industry. This also includes hypersonic technologies, based on both Russian and homegrown designs.

All these developments stand in stark contrast to America’s growing technological ineptitude. It turns out that its much-touted ABM systems aren’t exactly working as marketed.

Namely, military sources report that the THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) system deployed in Israel failed to intercept Houthi missiles fired from Yemen. In addition, the Pentagon is reconsidering the future of its V-22 “Osprey” tiltrotor aircraft amid numerous crashes and operational faults. However, such failures don’t seem to deter the US and its vassals and satellite states from engaging in threats of more aggression against the world. There are numerous reports that Washington DC is preparing to attack Iran, with both the outgoing Biden and upcoming Trump administrations poised to do so regardless of their supposed differences in foreign policy approach. What’s more, there’s talk of the US annexing not just Canada, but also Greenland and even attacking Panama. What started out as a “joke” turned out to be anything but, once again confirming America’s aggressive nature.

Such developments demonstrate that expecting groundbreaking changes in American foreign policy is overoptimistic, to put it mildly. The outgoing Biden administration is making sure that some of the worst people on the planet, including unrepentant war criminals such as Hilary Clinton and Victoria Nuland still have major influence in US politics even after Trump takes office.

Namely, Clinton was recently awarded the so-called “Presidential Medal of Freedom”, along with the no less infamous George Soros. Individuals like Clinton, Nuland, Soros, etc. are extremely dangerous for sovereigntist nations and the multipolar world as a whole. Their activities, much akin to political (and, in many cases, literal) terrorism, aim to destabilize non-compliant countries that want to break free from the political West’s extremely malignant influence. All this makes the development of adequate defenses all the more important.


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hillbilly genetics

in amerika we larn corn cob pipe ebonic hyperbole lies lgbt and smoke hunter crack


the catholics are united


crack cocaine from south america.


all the above and then some…


stop blaming every other demographic for your decline white boy. it’s your own fault. your education system in the us is horrible. it’s the asian immigrants that keep the us going in science in tech now. so since you’re so naturally smart, and it’s all the darkies fault, why isn’t the universities and places of higher learning filled with intelligent white boys? same at hospitals. where you at? getting high and blaming the darkies for everything.


george soros getting the us “medal of freedom ” –freedom to invade /bomb/destroy other countries is an insult both to the word freedom and insulting to my intelligence –a guy who owns ngo,s whose main aim is to overthrow the countries of the world who don’t obey the usa.

thrown out of hungary for trying to do exactly that he spends his time forcing woke and pc on every western country in the world .


its the usa,s own fault they are behind in technology – they off-shored their engineering industry to give shareholders more dividends while teaching children woke and pc instead of engineering and physics ,now they import university graduates from countries like india.

Niccolo Machiavelli

not to worry, once canada and mexico (total population around 170 million) apply for statehood the republicans are finished permanently…


oh you think you know well no if that happens it will make rome the republic as the global government .


they’ve just begun back to the future .rome conquered egypt became pharoah in disguise


thats the democrats globalisation.


are you simple ? who do want onnside in war worth squillions from conquering russia ? some engineers ? use your flipping brains.

Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

you should ask yourself that-a country without engineering is no more than a service industry country – do you want macdonalds or pizza hut to run your country or dunkin donuts ? the usa helped china to rise up as a large engineering country by opening engineering branches there.

Bernard Davis

you are ignoring the massive soviet contribution to china’s heavy industry development in the decade after the 1949 revolution. without that crucial input, even though it came to an end in the 1960s with the great schism, china would not have been in a position to take advantage of us and other foreign investment from the 1970s onward. the basic industrial infrastructure was already in place: all that was needed was capital.


who don’t obey the us under the pope as the rule of law .who don’t serve the vatican . soros made his money by selling jews to the nazis .allegedly .he was protected. he works for the elite titled nobility the church and crown imo in other words the vatican and the city .


they’ve usually committed multiple hanging offences to get that piece of demonic jewlery…

Blas de Lezo

the gringos are in decline they. will not be allowed to steal venezuela’s vast proven oil reserves. viva maduro. viva putin. viva xi jinping.


they ve spent years burying venzualas oil because they want uranium sold as the solution to climate change fires destroying california wake up .

The Crunge

they might steal your oil. it worked in syria.


they only want oil for war and their yachts and private jets cars will be electric on uranium power plants with domestic energy because uranium the most expensive possible way to generate electricity as rfk told you. allegedly .


and just google which countries have the most oil they need to hide oil not steal it wake up .


why is the united states (under both biden and trump) so arrogant and feels so superior?

because, unlike the united states, neither the former soviet union nor russia has ever used nuclear weapons on a battlefield.

just like in a western movie: there is a gunman who never fired a shot, so the town bully is another gunman who did show bravery in using his gun.


your e another sucker imo .all you type of either total liars or gullible fools will be own nothing and be happy as enslaved sheep imo .


since, thanks to the dwarf from moscow, russia will be bogged down in the dirty war in ukraine for a long time, russia’s allies such as venezuela, cuba and nicaragua are in mortal danger at the hands of the west, we already saw what happened in syria.

that is to say, while the “great strategist” conquers small villages in ruins, he will lose valuable allied countries, which will mean a terrible strategic defeat not only for the russian nation but for the entire multipolar world.

Last edited 2 months ago by Tadeus

“written by drago bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst” 🫵🤡 😆😆😆


bullshit artist without any real qualifications in other words usually someone who studied journalism based on thd fact they qualified by being fundamentally sicialist communists .


although ,if that weren’t such a column filler and was concise it wasn’t too bad for thinly disguised plagiarism imo .condensings the key to covering plagiarism imo .

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon

dominancia usa skončila rozpadom cccp!!! a viete prečo? lebo sa zmazali hranice medzi východom a západom. západ už viac nemohol kradnúť mozgy z východu!!! ponuka ktorú mal západ na kupovanie mozgov sa vytratila, keď na východe začal kapitalizmus. to čo kedysi ponúkal západ teraz dokázal ponúknuť aj východ!!! ľudia prestali utekať za “lepším životom”!!! vedci ostali doma a pomohli tak vlasti!!!

jens holm

my real name jew holmchuk deported by zelewnsky i now live in gay amerikan nursing home


cause under the nazu party they would have terminated you as excess to demand


ford could have used you as a slave in his german plants till you dropped dead .


grow up. its obviously all one operation intended to create one world government under the un, and who .

R. Ambrose Raven

but technology has long been shown not to be the decisive war-winner that is regularly claimed. netanyahu defeated iran, hezbollah and nasrallah with his willingness to trade acceptable damage for time, plus using air power plus asymmetric tactics (exploding pagers there, exploiting minorities elsewhere). nasrallah and iran were eager to do a deal, against a pathologically violent power willing to gamble everything for total victory. it won, they lost.


for gods sake wake up .it’s a load of spin .

R. Ambrose Raven

you’re dreaming, anon, as befits your title. western violence is effective because the rest of the world allows it to focus its violence on one target at a time. most western countries have relatively small armed forces, badly organised , and increasingly unable to carry out anything like their leaders grand claims. america’s weapons are increasingly expensive but decreasingly effective.


wake up it’s a totally pre constructed show a theatre of operations. just the actors aren’t always in on the ending that’s the surprise never trust anyone queen mum ok she wasn’t little old granny she imo ,ran the kingdom as the woman behind the man and even after she was appointed by her daughter to continue reading the top secret spies intelligence delivered dally to the palace as hms advisor.


look at what the americans did to iraq. if russia could do that to the ukraine russia would get the respect it wants. talking about a missile you used once that hardly did any damage isn’t as impressive is the kremlin thinks.


vanya what america did in iraq was known as “shock & awe ” war they even said it in the media were proud of it killed millions of civilians used depleted uranium even causing their own gi,s to get cancer -russia isn’t doing that trying to save civilian lives .


” america is our barracks ” sir winston churchill .england operates its military industries in america they arent owned by the us but you can bet they’re heavily subsidised by its taxpayer’s imo …


in the uk most of the supermarkets online sales like amazon are usa owned and you quote churchill -he also said the uk is america,s aircraft carrier even biological warfare labs are usa owned and most oil/gas drilling rigs –


scottish taxpayers subsidised american companies like honeywell to open factories here but when profits went down they packed up putting 1000,s of scots out of work and refused to pay back the grants so your argument doesn’t hold water.


looks like trump and putin are seriously working to force an end to this bloody war. only the mic, other sinister war profiteers and their corrupt slaves in wachingtong and in the militari have benefited.

ukraine parliament bans organ harvesting from war casualties for transplantation


they’re both being spun imo and thd directors going to use israel as the fulcrum for discontent they’re obviously setting up a disagreement over iran with israel as the proxy and weighting that with syria for greater leverage. later putins reactionary human rights policies will be condemned by the un that he supports to twist the dagger .imo .


why we amerikunt lose all wars ? we spend far more $ on our incompetent weapons than civilized peoples


oh my god .


russia fuel installations getting hit. ships being sank. new and increased sanctions on shipping and banking. nato and g7 are literally attacking russia at every opportunity to force regime change in the country. only one fantasy oreshnik fired and no more available. sorry to say russia do not stand a chance against g7 and nato.l, the tricks they can pull are endless and all other countries want to do business and financial transactions with g7 and nato countries.


china’s brain power is staggering: it has 5 million stem graduates annually vs a laughable 450,000 in the us.

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