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MARCH 2025

Mustafa, the Good soldier

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Mustafa, the Good soldier

Origially appeared at Politika.rs, translated by Igor exclusively for SouthFront

Mr. Mustafa and Mrs. Jahjaga suspended the Brussels Agreement. And they can, because behind them they have the Sixth Fleet. What can we do now? Frankly, nothing special, because someone in Washington nicely conceived and and positioned itself, and the EU is only they contractor. Pristina is the subcontractor. Now Federica Mogherini can, over the blue-eyed Maya Kocijancic, argues that “to all the signatories of the Brussels Treaty must fulfill what they signed” – neither Mr. Mustafa nor Mrs. Jahjaga are not excite. Mr. Mustafa dosent even drink coffee until he asks Washington, let alone their own initiative to suspend something that is signed in Brussels. Since Mr. Mustafa is a disciplined American “soldier”, he knows very well what is the order and execution…

So, the first topic is to enforce Kosovo’s entry into UNESCO, and while Serbs raise a fuss and deal with who voted for Kosovo to enter UNESCO, whose “for” hurt us the most, but they signed the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and Kosovo . Or, let’s be more precise, not the EU, but the European Commission, and the European Commission is probably Commission Jupiter. Just when we ask the question, how is that possible, Pristina suspended the Brussels agreement, for the Serbs and Serbia, the most important part. We are therefore, of course, outraged, when afterwards on the administrative border, which of course we call, introduce some kind of input-output papers. Actually visa’s. On the spot, which is actually great because we do not need those papers to go to the Kosovo Embassy in Skopje, or God forbid to Podgorica. And still they do not recognize the car plates issued by Serbia.

The sequence of moves wisely chosen, synchronized perfactly, and greatly span by the media. You do not get to deal with one problem, and a new problem has been created. Do any of us at all remember Kosovo’s entry into the Olympic Committee? Two days outcry in the media. And nothing more. Well, we can not “extinguish the fire” on five points at the same time, or it is be very difficult to achieve, so the tactics of Pristina, Brussels and Washington is very simple and logical. The Constitutional Court of Kosovo has two months before it is to decide whether the Brussels agreement, in part related to the Community of Serbian municipalities, in accordance with the constitution of Kosovo. For those sixty days in Belgrade all our brave European friends will come and US Secretary of State John Kerry, and to convince all of us that we are safe and on a good path to the EU, that our “lap time” is great, and that the “screening” great and very balanced, just the for the Serbs to understand, that chapters are opening as the cave of Ali Baba …

True, and quite politely ask yourself the question why do we need the Russians and what the hell we’re looking for in Moscow, when we already have all the love and attention of the West. If we asked, whether this suspension of the Brussels agreement is their reaction to the visit of our Prime Minister to Moscow, they have decided to refuse, because, for God’s sake, Mrs. Jahjaga is an independent political figure. Selected for the future president in Pristina on Waikiki Beach in Hawaii many years ago, during the study period for the future Balkan leaders from the former are common and long-suffering homeland Yugoslavia. A bit of swimming, a little lobbying, a few calls. Americans know how to do it …

I therefore have no doubt that all those present with Jahjaga, Mustafa probably dont want, for Serbia to have around the Community of Serbian municipalities in Kosovo. Jahjaga will acomplish this, otherwise there will be no more of Hawaii, and we will have a big win. Because Pristina agreed to what she was required to agree and the Brussels agreement, and all of our European and American friends have proved that they are our friends. Do you know how the CIA once prepared and carried out coups in Latin American countries? Just to have something to report to the White House and State Department. Prepare the home team for the coup, then report to Washington all the details of the impending coup, justified budget and gain reputation as a reliable intelligence agency.

The suspension of the Brussels Agreement, as long as it lasts, shows the writing on the paper signed by the government in order to enter the EU can hardly suppress and ethnic and territorial disputes that have smoldered for centuries here. The twentieth century showed us that we have to be practical, but Christian philosophy turn other cheek does not apply in the Balkans. Serbia must do everything in its power to create some kind of protective umbrella for all Serbs, especially those in Kosovo and Metohija. Perhaps the history of the Kosovo Serbs in the area and they go on and on a winding road, we might repeat the mistakes of the past, because human memory is fragile. Cicero used to say that history is a teacher of life. However, it seems that the teacher with us has only a few students.

Miroslav Lazansky

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Russian allies should never have domination on Balkans no matter what! Russian allies should never have domination on Balkans no matter what! Russian allies should never have domination on Balkans no matter what!

Igor Dragicevic

Russia is the mother of all the peoples of the Balkans, hand has right to full domination over the region!!!

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