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MARCH 2025

My Job Will Be ‘To Shut Other White People Down’ – Candidate For US Democratic National Committee Chair

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Some members of the US Democratic Party have found who is guilty for Hillary’s failure during the US Presidential Election 2016. It’s… “white people”.

Sally Boynton Brown, a woman running for chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), said Monday that if she is chosen to lead the party her job will be to “shut other white people down.”

“My job is to shut other white people down when they want to interrupt,” she said during a DNC candidate forum, adding that democrats must provide “training” teaching Americans “how to be sensitive and how to shut their mouths if they are white.”

Sally Boynton Brown is the executive director of the Idaho Democratic Committee and now she is running for the chair position in the DNC.

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The democrats are washed out. People of all color want bread and butter issues resolved instead of leftist idiotic demagoguery.


DNC doubling down on identity politics despite their defeat – as trying to create coalition of minorities.

Trustin Judeau

The today liberalism is mental disorder.This is the only thing I want to say about this.


I think you have said it all.

mitrovdan .

LOL, love your name…amazing!!


The only mental disorder is you conservatives and your thinking.

Trustin Judeau

I am not conservative .Not everything is black and white but bigoted people like you will never understand.


You are not a conservative, you are a CONtard. besides before, calling others bigoted, didn’t you note that this article’s taking this woman’s comments out of context. From the start of the video it is clear she is talking about white leaders of her party not Caucasian race. That’s what she meant. Oh and after the 1 minute mark she clearly says she wants promote harmony. So next time, try using a brain instead of yapping your trash.


At one minute mark she realize that she put her foot in her mouth and try to fix her RACIST, STUPID AND IDIOTIC comment.


No you idiot, she was speaking against prejudice the entire time. But now you realize you’ve put your foot in your moth with your FALSE ACCUSATIONS OF RACISM, LIES, DECEPTION, STUPID AND IDIOTIC comment.


there is nothing wrong to be a conservative, but being a leftist parasite, that is wrong

Alex Popoff

According to his name, he is turkmen, or some other asian. That’s why he loves so much idea of shutting whites down. There’s no sence in arguing with him.


Liberalism is a mental deficiency caused by willfully ignorance and fixation to idiotic logic and understanding.


That’s the exact definition of conservatism.


You have liberal agenda that was pursued by Obama and the EU for 8 years, tell me of something they did that does not fall in the definition of idiotic? Liberalism decays the moral fiber of humanity. Decay of human morality is expressed in all facets of that society.


What is “liberal agenda”? I am not a liberal even. Do you know why I am here? Simply because you’re deliberately portraying her remarks as something else when what she actually said isn’t even near to racjst. I thought conservatives were against false claims of racism. You my man however are nothing more than a fraud.


I am not miss portraying anything, I said….Democrats/liberals are washed out. I am here to define the liberal agenda as an agenda that caters to minorities, criminals, illegal aliens at the expense of the majority. Liberals are anti God and are propagaters of all kinds of perversions and hypocracies and human corruption. Yes, liberals aka Democrats are washed out. If you still insist to know what liberal agenda is, I will be glad to explain it to you.


No you are misportraying everything. What are you saying is exact kind of stupidity that makes people portray in a wrong way. Liberals cater to everyone, that is the core meaning and belief of liberalism to make sure that there is freedom for everyone irrespective of who they are. Here in my country, we have enjoyed liberalism for decades even when the communist ruled. Freedom of religion is granted but not freedom of oppression on others. That is how we have kept mad Salafists and the hearsay sharia-wanting fools out. Because of it make female homosexuality legal, although male homosexuality remains illegal with 2 year prison and there still are discriminations in some sectors. Liberalism isn’t anti-God etc. It’s only pro-freedom. Blaming others with untrue accusations is “wrong”.


What makes you think that that liberalism in your country is the same as liberalism in the US? If you are liberal, why keep the Salafists and the sharia loving crowd under control? Look at France, they are liberal, they do not have no problem of establishing sharia court laws within moslem neighborhoods that chose not to be assimilated. Liberalism in the US is driven in most part by elites who desire to dissolve the national identity and character of its society, so that they can have better control. Illegal immigration, advancement of LGBT rights that oppress the rights of christians and the church, social engineering in society and the armed forces, the breakdown of family as being the most important cohesive element upon which a strong society is built……and many others. So, the crux of liberalism in your country might be some freedoms to those that are not mainstream, however, in the US it has been an incessant barrage directed by the perverted elites to break down the religious, cultural and moral well being of this country. This country was established by individuals who were God fearing and wrote a constitution that expressed their view of governance.


Why? Because they threaten the country and it’s liberal values and want to impose their own. Do you really think liberalism is all that different anywhere? It isn’t. The philosophy of liberalism is one to safeguard modernity and not let misguided fools with an obsession for some “past” to ruin our progress. Of course that doesn’t mean that liberals should be wilfully imposing their own beliefs upon others. Why do we have freedoms? Because our people chose to have them. Elites aren’t present in just liberal or conservatives and you fail to make that distinction. Many politicians big or small even are sometimes are disconnected with the ground regardless reality because as the golden proverb says: “Power makes men mad” or should I say arrogant. Do you think elites are present in developed countries only? The only bone of contention isn’t some “perversion” or “oppression” of anyone. The problem here is that when politicians of various laws pass laws, many times they fail to consider that a significant portion might not support it and it can divide the society. Reform should always be by the will of people.


“”Of course that doesn’t mean that liberals should be wilfully imposing their own beliefs upon others. Why do we have freedoms? “”

Is that supposed to be a hypothetical utopian statement? Just like communism where supposedly every one was equal?

Liberals here, push their beliefs upon the entire society, starting from schools and ending in courts with liberal judges; they formulate laws protecting the criminal element and criminal behavior. The NWO made by elites controlling politics in Europe and US, are ungodly characters trying to dissolve national character and tradition through a liberal agenda. Liberalism and God are diametrically opposed, liberalism establishes rights that are contraray to God’s Word. Liberalism diminishes the voice of the church. If you believe liberalism deals with human rights better than God…..then so be it. US was established on a constitution written by men that believed in God…….not liberals that were heathen and atheists.


Come on now. What you are saying is a very narrow and unjustified view. Stating that they push their beliefs isn’t true. Many liberals are religious. Believing in liberalism and secularism doesn’t make one anti-religious. Many of the same idiots who keep yapping to you about NWO and against politician class are themselves either elites, aspire to become one or serves one for political purposes, not blaming anyone in particular here. That is the truth. There are a very few who will be honest and you won’t know them simply because they say “I am against elitists”. It is not like I don’t heed or understand what you say because I am secular. The world has seen divide in many places where will of people isn’t taken into consideration. But wanting the “past” or “God” back won’t solve things ever. But trust me shouting at one side, blaming them for everything won’t work. Ask and even pressurize your leaders whether liberal, conservative or whatever to not make any changes whatsoever without at least the near absolute will of people. If they don’t, toss them out.


You know, I stated that liberalism in your country can be different than what is happening here in the US. Liberals in the US are anti church and anti God, pushing their perversions and anomalies on the American society. This is coupled with elites who see this degenerate expression as a useful tool in their overall schemes. This has been happening for over for decades, gradually getting worse as time goes on. You say, people should pressure politicians and eventually vote them out……it does not work like that. You vote someone out and choose someone else who succumbs to the political realities once he takes office, the reality being, the elitists have an established agenda supported by an army of lobbyists who influence political parties to do the will of the few.

Let me give you some examples: Obama care, this measure was pushed very hard to provide medical insurance for those that did not have it (those without healthcare in the past could not be denied medical treatment if they went to a hospital). No one could get details on the plan, they wanted the vote first before releasing details, Obama lied profusely about the plan saving money and being able to keep your own doctor…..etc. Today people are paying huge premiums for medical insurance laden with mandatory benefits that they do not need.

TPP, a trade agreement with Pacific partners to isolate China, no detail of the agreement was made available, again, they wanted the vote first, before the details were made available. Trump cancelled it, most likely the hidden details allowed mega corporations to get richer by offshoring more of their operations …and who knows what else.

I can give you example after example where this leftist agenda that is self serving at the expense of everybody else is so prevalent and disgusting.


It’s a wrong example. Liberalism is a political position and ideology. It stands for well liberalism. The US is a country built on secularism and separation of church and state though the founders of course were inspired by the Bible. As for TPP go here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Pacific_Partnership). And what’s more important is that TPP was meant to end China’s trade and economic domination in Asia without going into a trade war or military war. Cut the economy, lop off the dragon’s head. Of course, there will be job losses, but there will also be some job creation even in USA, even if not cover those lost and there will be large increase in trade.

Why am I telling you this? Because there can be shortcomings in it. A country is made by the people whether you like the other or not. The world today has become a political war zone instead of politics. A nation is built by the people. So when you do something, don’t forget anyone. That is the problem everywhere that people do not care factor in opinions of others sometimes. Whether you’re a liberal or conservative etc, if you have a problem, then discuss it. There is a dispute on laws and policies? Discuss, take consensus, deliberate on what should be there, factor in what the other party wants and reach agreements and dealings over what changes to make. That is how you should do. You might not like me “telling you” stuff, but it’s the sensical thing to do. Rest is up to you.


The details to TPP are unknown, it is assumed that it is to isolate China economically in Asia, however China trades with the remainder of the continents as well. I fail to see how US could isolate China when US is dependent on Chinese products for a wide array of consumer goods they import.

Regarding politics, I am not involved in politics, I do not side with conservatives nor liberals….except conservatives openly admit God, even though they are poor witnesses in what they believe. My initial point was, the church should be a light to the society, government, with conditions as they are today, there is not much light being emanated from the church. There has been a spiritual decay ongoing in the US that directly affects directly the physical decay in mind, thought and action of the society. I am speaking from that perspective, when society rejects God and His demands, they are prone for spiritual and physical decay and death.


Some of the details of TPP are outlined in that article. But do you really think it’s meant to completely destroy China’s economy magically? There will be some jobs losses, changes as well as job creation. It is meant to offer a better quality alternative and challenge and eventually end China’s dominance in trade especially in South Asia as well as US and decrease dependence on Chinese-made products. If this happens, China does not have much money left to finance its military machine. This will be done through free trade and liberalization of trade while retaining and growing jobs in all countries, innovation, manufacture, investment in each other, reduce poverty and unemployment, promote good governments and labor, increase economy of all countries, lower tariffs and lower costs, make trade agreement with other countries under China’s grasp etc These things were in the article. In the end what I mean: one has to look at all aspects.

Now you say conservatives openly admit God, but openly do things that might harm their own and many usually themselves never care about God or good morals, indulging in selfish deeds. Admitting and invoking God is a quite an old political strategy. That won’t make anyone better than anybody. Some liberals are more focused on spouting their beliefs and agenda than focusing on doing what is right and focusing on their jobs. One needs to have orals and honesty. What should be the light of the country? It should be unity. Unity of regardless of whatever you are. Blaming others wrongly won’t bring unity.


The window dressing in regards to TPP is just window dressing to make it sound good and beneficial to everybody. Global treaties are good business for the 1% at the expense of the 99%. Treaties with secret details are so, because it concentrates the benefits in the hands of a few people and corporations.

Regarding unity, Jesus said, how can two walk together unless they agree? There has to be a common foundation for general agreement, if disagreements remain in the details. Globalists are intent in destroying national identities making the general populous as a world citizen, while populists want to maintain their national identities. You see this with Brexit, populist movement in the US and W. Europe…..and elsewhere.


Everything is not good and bad for anybody. TPP will positively impact low-classes everywhere and make all countries as a united manufacturer innovating and trade hub. As for globalisation, it is just a process of exchange of products, trade, work force, ideas etc and the common goals and integration arising from it. It isn’t an all-bad erase all national identities. Some liberals and even conservatives might value international integration and unity, and it isn’t bad since it can help solve a lot of problems mutually. The problem here is that all concerns of countries aren’t being listened to and they sometimes do not leave some of the important policies at the decision of the people instead. What are populists? Simply being right-wing doesn’t make anyone a populist. The modern right-wing aren’t the first to highlight and stress national identities in politics, and they won’t be the last.

The fact here is: One can never fully agree with anyone on everything, that’s the golden truth. Unity only comes when people discard their disputes and find a common ground with mutual consent. Yes Jesus was right, people cannot work together until they agree. Nad everyone must agree to discard their petty differences and ideological disputes aside and work to find common ground, make better laws and work for the betterment of every citizen.


When I refer to globalization I refer to the displacement of wealth and technologies from one country to another, benefitting a few individuals. Let me give you an example, say IBM has most of their operations in the US, providing good paying jobs to American workers, who pay taxes that provide a stable tax base for the country. Through globalization, IBM is allowed to move their operations in India, China…etc, paying a fraction of the salary it was paying in the US to American workers. American IT workers loose their good paying jobs, not only at IBM but across the entire IT industry, they have to settle for less paying jobs. Entire industries suffered this decimation as a result of globalization and world trade agreements. The result is a poorer society and a reduced tax base for the government that is supposed to take care of needy people and subsequently get involved in deficit spending.


Globalization isn’t some snatcher of wealth or technologies. It’s just a name for the process of change. Why do companies go outside? Not because they don’t care about anyone. It is because they are a business and they always want profits. American workers won’t loose all their jobs though some or many might be lost. This is because more profit will mean more budget which will mean more income. A company woth higher earnings will pay more tax. When a company has more money, it will employ more people. It will also generate jobs in US because they are not able to hire foreign workers all the time for all jobs and there are lesser taxes. Lower priced products will also lead to higher savings for families which again means they will be able to pay more tax and it will naturally increase their spending on more things and help economy. Also trade is increased. It needs to be balanced to achieve the right mix so everyone benefits not just the businessmen, how many percentage of jobs or industries they can be allowed to shift overseas or employ foreign workers and how many they must retain in USA as well as the minimum income they should pay so that they cannot take away jobs from anyone as they please or exploit any worker.


Your observations are not realistic given present day economic climate. By globalizations companies moved their US operations overseas. The higher propfit benefits the company and its stockholders aka Wall Street, it does not benefit laid off workers or the diminished tax base resulting from the loss of good paying jobs. These companies that make huge profits from overseas outsourcing, like Apple, Microsoft….etc, they keep the money overseas to avoid taxation in the US, they do not reinvest it in the US. The prices they charge for all these outsourced products is what the market will bear.

Just because Apple can make an IPhone in China for 50 dollars, does not mean they are going to be benevolent and sell it for $200, to buy an iPhone will cost you $600-700 The bottom line is, Wall Steet sold off US to foreigners, by moving manufacturing and high tech jobs to countries that had low wages, to enrich CEO’s and elites.

As a result of globalization for the last 3-4 decades, there are about 90 million people out of the workforce, they rely on the government for help to survive. Also the tax base loss as a result of so many people not being gainfully employed hurts the country financially.

The essence of globalization can be summed up by the following observations: 1. National wealth and opportunity is displaced to another part of the world benefitting a few individuals at the expense of multitudes. 2. The country gets poorer since available jobs are either high tech (100-150,000) or low paying service jobs….($20-40,000).


My observations are completely correct, only you do not want to accept. Companies cannot completely transfer everything overseas. Regardless of where they source their componets from or employing people in overseas, they still have to sell their products including in USA. That incurs taxation and companies with more profits will generally give more tax. As for reinvestement, American companies have reinvested billions of dollars in USA.

Apple makes iPhones in over $200. And retails in $600. Not much different in costs and prices than Samsung phones. That doesn’t include the budget of maintaining and keeping their industries and companies running, paying their partners, taxation, rents, paying salaries. Companies want profits. Now say, if this was more than double, near 500. Don’t you think they will jack the retail price up?

The so-called “90-million people lost jobs” never happened. About 30% of population is the worling class. And that will leave only about 10 million in jobs rather than more than a 100 million employed. Both foreign workers are exploited because wages level are either low or because there’s no minimum limit of income and are easily dispensable and can be terminated as there is no protection for them. Usually it’s foreign companies working hand-in-hand with American companies taking care of many foreign operations without the American company bothering much which can lead to further exploitation. That’s the only problem here. Treaties and programmes for high salaries and good job conditions need to be drawn up so they cannot be exploited. And there needs to be a fixed percentage of foreign employees that can be hired and what kind of industries companies can have in foreign companies. Workers need to be protected. Blaming anyone won’t help.


“”” My observations are completely correct, only you do not want to accept. Companies cannot completely transfer everything overseas. Regardless of where they source their componets from or employing people in overseas, they still have to sell their products including in USA. That incurs taxation and companies with more profits will generally give more tax. As for reinvestement, American companies have reinvested billions of dollars in USA.


Hey you can quote my comments all you want. But it won’t help you prove yourselves correct especially by stating facts to the contrary. American companies have to pay for their products sold. As I said that incurs taxation. They have to pay tax on their capital as well. Many American companies keep cash overseas, that is true. And many of them have said it is because of high corporate tax, which let’s not forget is the highest in the world probably. But yes, they do have cash in USA as well and it’s not like they don’t pay any tax. Lowering tax is a good idea to make them keep all of their money in USA, though it can decrease the taxation derived from it. There should be no bending to any corporates. But yes they do reinvest in USA, billions in fact.

As for me “providing facts or is it my opinion”, yes I did provide the facts. But you are making it look like moatly everyone in USA has no jobs which isn’t true. As for unemployment, it is dropping. That is another fact. And do you really think that low-wage workers have bad intellect and human skill? They do have good skills and intellect which is why they are hired, but they take lesser salaries and the average salary benchmark in their countries are low as well. Like in all businesses, businessmen want profits. This isn’t anything new. Blaming anyone won’t help, only working with everyone will.


US Companies that make profits in the US pay US taxes, and reinvest in their US operations to minimize their tax burden. To lower the corporate tax for profits from overseas operations is an attempt to bring large hordes of cash back to US for reinvestment in the US. For example Apple, their cash reserve is almost 240 billion, kept mostly overseas. The unemployment figures you read in the news are a farce, GDP growth in the US has been barely approach 2%, people that stop looking for work are not included in the unemployment reports. There are a lot of people that stopped looking for work for the last 10-15 years that draw government benefits. As far as low skill workers in Asia doing high tech work is possible through technology, technology replacing human skill and knowledge. I used to design in the automotive business, we did it manually until computers were introduced, somebody pushing a button on the computer and doing a function does not mean that person truly understands what he is doing, the computer takes the role of the source of intelligence while the human is the button pusher to access that intelligence.

You do not live in the US, subsequently you are not familiar what happened with the middle class for the last 20 years. It has been decimated and it is making the same money it was making 20 years ago, while the cost of living has almost doubled.


Now you have shifted from sayi g they do not reinvest to they do it to save taxes. Except companies are taxed. And unlike the thing you are saying, yes they are taxes for overseas profits as well. As for Apple, it pays multiple billions in taxes and pays corporate tax as well, it employs thousands and is responsible for creating hundreds of thousands of jobs. So it is dishonest and wrong to represent it as some sort of “shady” foreign-exploiting company. As for lowering corporate taxes, it has been done before. Didn’t work.

As for unemployment reports, yes they are correct and bashing them as “farce” won’t work. Some try to include others who are not expected to look for work in their farce “90 million lost their jobs” by including people like senior citizens or near to the age, children, housewifes, students that sort of thing; even though they will naturally will not be working. But about a third of the population is in working class and there are over a 150 million people employed. So what does that tell you? Asian workers aren’t stupid know-nothing slaves they are painted to be by some. They do have quite a high-skill, being foreign doesn’t make anyone low-skilled. Do you think technology isn’t used by American workers in their jobs? I do not live in the US, but that doesn’t mean I am a “STUPID” know-nothing.

You talk about computers, you talk about machines. But do know this, people complained about the same thing during the Industrial Revolution. Yes, machines made production faster, even efficient. Many people lost their jobs. There was resistance even to the point where it became violent. Technology is becoming developed. But jobs will be created as well. Somebody needs to take care of the machines, computers, to even manufacture them. And there are many places where human skill will still be required. Machines will replace human beings in many fields. Even the government is using them now. You cannot stop progress. You can only balance it. You can complain about what is happening and talk about forcing anyone. But the right mixture can be achieved through only one thing: Perfect balance.


The industrial revolution and the globalization do not have anything in common. The industrial revolution made a quantum leap in technology from an agrarian base to an industrial base, countries maintained their industrial assets. Globalization is a process where national interests were sacrificed for the interests of companies to move their operations to cheap labor markets for greater profits. This started with Reagan outsourcing industrial assets to Japan in the early eighties……how old are you? Where do you live? Maybe I can narrow things down from a historical perspective.

This is not rocket science, Apple was a company started in the US, and had they chosen, their operations would have been 100% in the US. What hindered them? Greed fueled by Wall Street. Instead of developing a high tech manufacturing base in the US, they chose China. Why China? Wall Street decided that US had become a mature market, not much upside to it, they decided to develop China, since China had a billion people with a great potential for a consumer market. That is the crux of globalization, in pursuit of greener pastures, Wall Street did not care about national interests and national economic well being and the welfare of the people, being the greedy hogs they are they chose to develop Asia at the US’ expense. That is why Trump won, the people suffer financially, they carry heavy debt loads,they see no future for their children.


Let me remind you of what you said. I didn’t compare shifting of jobs to machines taking jobs. It was you talking about computers and machines taking over jobs. So yes, I gave the example of industrialization. Many lost their jobs in it, but many were created as well. Industries existed before the Industrial revolution, but much of the processes had to be done by hand and were time-consuming. The introduction of machines made the process faster, efficient and also created new jobs though there was a lot of opposition to the change being brought by it. That is what I talked about. Irrational fear of “I don’t have a job because of a computer”.

Now to the question of Apple not having all their operations 100% in US. The answer is simple – because it will drive up the costs. The more operations it has completely in the US, the more its costs will go up. And how do you think they will cover them? Increasing the prices of their products. Who will be impacted? Us and Apple as well with lower sales as the cost might lead to lower sales. Who will suffer because of lower sales? Apple as well as the US government becauss taxes will be low due to low amount of sales.

Blaming just one side as the cause of the problem while not considering others is the real problem. The problem here is not the greed. But refusal to work together and blaming each other. You can think that simply forcing companies to do everything in USA will set it right. But it won’t. The country will suffer as will the industries which is bad. As I said, there needs to be a perfect balance of how much and what they can shift overseas and how much and what they cannot. Everyone is happy.


What I said was, low wage labor pools in Asia were able to provide a product through technology, not skill or technical know how. Yes, Apple could have had their operations in the US, which meant lower profits, not being uncompetitive. Who determines what the profit margins are? Greedy hogs on Wall Street, these characters have no qualm making a product in China for $5 and selling it for $100 in the US. Yes I am blaming Wall Street for their rampant greed, and systematic destruction of national identity and character. The love of money is the root of all evil.


Are you saying that Asian workers are stupid and have no skills? Asians have good IQs and yes they do have skills. Technology isn’t the reason they are replacing anyone. Their countries have little mechanisms against low salaries and poor conditions and exploitation, which is the exact reason why American compaines or their local partners get away with exploiting them. They are hard working but no one cares for them. And I do remeber you saying a computer replacing you and machines replacing man. I was talking about that, computers taking away jobs of people in the future. And it won’t be limited to any one country. You can count on all that. Everybody wants or needs money.


No, I am not saying that Asians are stupid, when outsourcing began in China, their labor force was not skilled, technology helped to fill the skill gap. I did not say a computer replaced my job, I made the transition from manual skill to computer skill, I was paid a good salary, until GM decided that Indians in India can do the same job for a lot less. If I made 90,000 salary, GM found people in India who were glad to work 5000. You fail to grasp the simple crux of the matter……which is greed. I lived a comfortable life, the government received good taxes from people that had good paying jobs, the country was prosperous. GM was able to function within the benefit package it offered its employees, it made money.

By taking a lot of these jobs in India, people lost their well paying jobs, the government lost the revenue it generated through taxes of well paying jobs…….who benefitted from these decisions? A few individuals at the top of the company, not the society nor the country. Political leaders allowed this pattern to develop and rob America of opportunities and wealth.


What you are saying does make them sound like it. Asians are pretty high-skilled and intelligent people and have high IQs in many of the groups. So the question of them being low-skilled is out of the question.

As for your comment here’s what you said: “I used to design in the automotive business, we did it manually until computers were introduced, somebody pushing a button on the computer and doing a function does not mean that person truly understands what he is doing, the computer takes the role of the source of intelligence while the human is the button pusher to access that intelligence.” Isn’t that blaming technology for losing your job? So okay let’s say a computer replaced your manual work. The company hired an Indian. But is the Indian really low-skilled? Have you ever seen his work? What can he not do on the computer that you can? Is he stupid? None of those things. Technology isn’t responsible nor is the foreign worker. The only reason is people not working together and finding a common ground.


If you are going to continue this discussion, quote me accurately, I never said asians were stupid, I did my work on computers….read what I am telling you. In the beginning, how could Asians have technical know how, on something they never have done before? An epiphany? Technical nirvana? Get real!!! They were trained, technology helped their shortcomings in understanding how a part is designed, how much the metal stretches when formed, without tearing the metal, what constitutes die locks for molded plastic parts …..and many other issues I can detail.

It seems you refuse to accept the basic problem that drove globalization, and that is greed. You are refusing to accept that a company that does well in the US, and chooses to go overseas for obscene profits doe not constitute greed?

Do you believe that the love of money is the root of all evil?


When did I say that “You exactly said Asians were stupid”. You were accusing Asian workers of being low-skilled. That’s what I referred to. Here’s my advice: Drop the excuses. As for training, even if we are to go by what you say, do you really think everybody just learns to do something just like that? Every worker learns and trains how to do their job. You are making up things that don’t even properly describe what you say. Technology didn’t help them, they helped themselves. As for what’s the cause of the problems in the world, I have said it since the beginning – not working together. Blaming and making excuses like which you are doing is not going to help anyone.


At the beginning they were low skilled, every beginner on a job is low skill, even with a degree, you have to learn how to do a job. I am not making any excuses, I do not think you fully understand what I am saying, because you cannot relate to it. That is why Trump won, Americans being tired of being shortchanged by all these companies, Trump promised he will bring the jobs back from Mexico and Asia. This is an American phenomena, Europe participated in globalization making sure their workers did not loose their jobs ad infinitum.


How are they low skill when you yourself accept everyone has to learn how to do a job? Those are excuses. You are justifying what I am saying. Even going by your standards, there isn’t any skill difference that the Asian workers will lack. Skill is not an ability that you are born with. Trump won only because of two thing: Electoral college and people believing anyone who claims he’ll benefit them.


Established industries employ high skilled workers, India and China did not have any automotive industries in the mid 80’s, so they had zero experience. Zero experience can be improved with technology. The same goes for all other facets of industries that outsourced there. Your statements sound like one that supports globalism and sees no problems with it. EU integration as a common market and what US did with China and India and the rest of Asia are two different things. EU tried to spread opportunities across the continent benefitting some more than others, nevertheless they all got something positive out of it, since they had to deal with the same currency, and opportunities were given so that every country could manage and provide its people with some decent standard of living. That is socialism, it is not based primarily on market supply and demands, there is a human element of compassion attributed to it. In the US, there is no such thing, there is no consideration of national security, national well being, societal well being……the bottom line is what counts. Corporations interests were allowed or supersede national interests, something that was pushed hard by Wall Street.

As far as Trump selling dreams, you need to wait and see, he is at war with the globalist agenda, I believe he will establish a new world order having rendered the globalist influence and power useless. I see populist movements springing in Germany, France, Italy, Holand, people wanting to maintain national identity and power, not having Brussells tell them what to do.


Unfortunately, you have started making up things now. You claim India and China did not have any automobile industry till 1980s. However, local automobile industries were present before these countries came in their modern forms. China has had automobile industries since 1930s and India since 1940s. These were built by either solely local industrialists or with joint investments of locals and foreigners. So what “zero experience” do you talk about? Please do not toss false libels. Indians and Chinese are one of the most intelligent and hard-working people and skilled people. In fact, the trade and industry cooperation of our country is very high with China because of this. Everyone can have good skills.

As for European integration and free market, the reason why it worked is because it got the balance right. It brought in foreign workers, some industries and trade shifted in some places, but it worked because people and those behind it wanted to make it work to achieve the balance. That’s the only thing missing in USA: cooperation and working together and balance. Until you start to work together, it won’t go well.

So yes Trump sold dreams, yes he is doing it and you’re buying it except he or those buying it trying to figure out what should be done. Dreamsellers aren’t rare and the “populists” who cry “democracy” aren’t the first in history nor will be the last. People blame Brussels, yet still want to remain attached to some portions of it like the free market disregarding the regulations for it. The EU created the balance and set of rules and regulations. Everyone who joined it knows what comes with it. Think before you do something. And with your comment like “Trump creating a new world order”, you expose what they are doing. Now Trump is telling what everyone to do instead of working together with everyone. They blame others of being elites, but only care about what they think or doing something for grabbing on to power which is the characterstic of an elite. What is a populist? No differwnt than an elite in many cases. Balance is needed and someone will maintain it even if the nWo tries to spoil it for their own pursuit.


I am not making things up, maybe I did not state the matter properly, the automotive industry concepts introduced to China were different than what the Chinese were doing domestically under the communist rule. Yes they had a domestic auto industry. The zero experience pertains on how the Chinese had to adapt to western methods of production and technologies. The Chinese always wanted access to the technology of any industry that decided to open shop in China.

Trump is a populist, he is for America first, what is wrong with being a nationalist? Putin is the same way, that is why he is hated of the globalist establishment; they do what is good for the country instead of what is good for a few.

You are going to see a battle between populists and globalist elitists, and the populists are going to win. See what happens in Germany and France this year.


You say Indian and China didn’t have automobile industry till 1980s, you say they had zero experience. All of this is false and obviously made up. I have provided you with facts that Chinese and Indians have had automobile industry much earlier than you think. As for them having knowledge, have you visited them to see whether they have knowledge or not? Manufacturing is manufacturing and Chinese and Indians have had automobile industries for long, even their own.

Trump isn’t a populist, he is a cheater. There are no nationalists. As for Putin, he’s been encouraging a Sharia imposing tyrant Ramzan Kadyrov, murdering his opponents, hobnobbing with other tyrants while sidelining the fight against ISISI (the only city his forces captured from ISIS is Palmyra and Al-Qaryatyn, Palmyra was lost as Russia and Syria were busy bombing the crap out of Aleppo) etc. Is that the “same” to you? You make up, you make up a lot. The populists aren’t even populists in real.


What China and India did before the western outsourcing is moot, because western technology suplanted whatever technology they were familiar with. Introduction of computer aided design as a primary tool for designing car enabled western car companies to be able to use local engineers to man them. As I said before, the software in the CAD system alleviated initial shortcomings, however, neither China nor India had access to that technology before the 80’s Using computer data to make tools and dies for their automotive components was a first for them.

There are no nationalists…… according to globalists? Everyone has become a prostitute of the world? Whatever Trum is, the globalists see him as a grave threat to their existence, and for good reason. Trump is not a political hack, he is a businessman, a ruthless businessman, who knows the game of the globalists.

As far as Putin…..yea, the globalists hatred towards him should speak volumes, that should be indicative where he stands, instead the BS fake news spilled by globalist media. There is a saying, actions speak louder than words. Look at the actions of what Russia is Implementing instead of the western fake news. You say I make things up? Really? To set you straight, I speak the truth.


What western technology? Western technology has been going there since centuries. Do you think they learned cars by magic? The technology was brought in there as was the European machines.

As for globalists and nationalists, what is a prostitute. According to “nationalists” everybody else is a “prostitute”. A real “nationalist” works together with everyone. As for nationalism, when hasn’t nationalism not been proclaimed by any politician?

Now coming to Putin, the “globalist media” isn’t spreading “fake news” about him. Ramzan Kadyrov is known to be a Sharia-imposing tyrant Putin crony and his ambition is growing. At least this should be a concern for anyone who loves freedom It is known that Assad and Putin have neglected fighting ISIL. It is known that government critics are being killed mysteriously and even if you want to say oh no someone else did it, they way they and the number of them died no one else can do it. Do not ignore the truth. I have seen the truth and what Putin is doing. Even the “Russian media” (not propaganda) has pointed out to this. So yes, you aren’t just making it up, I think you are being deliberately dishonest.


How am I being dishonest? Are not the globalists trying to crush Putin and Balkanize Russia again? As far as the domestic affairs in Russia, Putin is doing whatever he needs to do to make Russia viable. I am saying that, Putin is for Russia unlike Yeltsin who gave in to the Wall Street and the rest of the western interests. Chechnya is part of Russia, if Putin allows Sharia law to be implimented to the local population, that I shall his prerogative. A nationalist maintains his identity, religion, language, traditions and does not sell his country to fit in the global borg. Putin was part of the G8, until the Libyan debacle when he refused to cooperate with the borg he was part of; since then, the borg wants to crush him.

Yes, western technology, I was referring to CAD that automated design and tool manufacturing, until then it was done by hand, prone to human error and inaccuracies. I would have liked to have seen the fit and finish of a Chinese car made in 1950, inside and outside.


Trying to Balkanize Russia? Let’s be honest, haven’t the “western” leaders tried to cooperate with Putin yet he grabs territory of others and Balkanize them? Besides how is privatisation and shifting from Communism “giving in to Wall Street”? Now are all these facts “nationalism”: Ramzan Kadyrov is known to be a Sharia-imposing tyrant Putin crony and his ambition is growing. At least this should be a concern for anyone who loves freedom It is known that Assad and Putin have neglected fighting ISIL. It is known that government critics are being killed mysteriously and even if you want to say oh no someone else did it, they way they and the number of them died no one else can do it. Do not ignore the truth. I have seen the truth and what Putin is doing. Even the “Russian media” (not propaganda) has pointed out to this.

Besides CAD is used for designs. But CAD has been used by USA as well. And western technology has been regularly exported. Your argument doesn’t sell. As for 1950s Chinese car, looks pretty slick https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4e3cd554a0180e8513e43667d1757bbb0128f144b54afd1d18ee9bfe03e49444.jpg


Are you saying that China had CAD before US? CAD was introduced in the US in the automotive field in the early 80’s. How many of those units were made? Did they have a production line or did they do it by hand as they used to do the Rolls Royces?

As far as Putin and the globalist pressure on him, and not be able to see that brings to question your ability to discern events in real mode. As I said, Putin can rule his country in the most expedient way he sees fit. Western leaders dealt with Putin as long as Russia went along with the polices of the globalist borg, after Libyan fiasco, Putin criticized the globalists and went solo, therefore the globalists instituted a crisis in Ukraine, hoping to seal Russian fleet out of the Black Sea, and getting an advance post near the Russian border. So they had a tizzy fit when Putin took Crimea, Black Sea now is a Russian lake, crimea is an A2/AD bubble. As far as Russia fighting ISIS, they are doing that from the air, the boots on the ground are Syrian, Iranian and Hezbollah. You think Putin is bad with the opposition, Trump is going to be worse against his opposition. The end time scenario calls for 10 nations to control the world, not globalists, billionaire parasites. Those 10 nations will have individual identities.


Excuse me but CAD was alreasy in use in the 50s. As for Putin, well Libya mission was voted on by Russia as well, your comment “he can rule as to how he see fits” bursts the myth that you are going on about him being opposed to “globalists”, its simply because “enemy of my enemy is my friend” and the enemy isn’t the globalists but anyone who doesn’t agree with you, oh and he has usurped territories of Georgia and western Ukraine (not just Crimea) and is threatning other countries. You really think they demand NATO for nothing? If Trump tries to do the same, well he’ll meet his punishment for harming others: hanging noose.


Excuse me, CAD was not available in the automotive field until the early 80′, I was involved in the transition from manual to CAD in 1984. As far as a car like that in China in 1959, most likely it was for party officials and it was produced in very limited numbers. Bourgeois luxuries were frowned upon in the communist Chinese society. Putin did not vote for Libya, it was Medvedev, Putin came back and directed Russia on a different course, breaking up with G8. Yes, neocon globalists want a regime change in Moscow, you are somewhat naive to imply otherwise. The neocons had no business in the Maidan uprising, therefore, Ukraine is their problem, Russia had to sanitize the border and develop a buffer zone for security purposes. You do not know Trump, and you do not know what is ahead with Trump. You know, Caesar and Pompei had their squabbles while Crassus was campaigning in the east…..you know the eventual outcome when Caesar said, alea jacta est.


No you excuse me, CAD was already developed by 1950s and used long before the 80s. What you might be referring to is the computer programme called “AutoCAD” not the CAD technique itself. You asked for how a car looked like in 1950s, I provided it. Now you say it as party officials and limited numbers. But you cannot oppose the car quality and its design is good by a local car company even in a time with little privitisation and exchange with other countries. And your claim that Chinese workers do not have good skills falls flat.

Also please read what I said. I said Russia voted on Libya mission as well. And Putin at Medvedev’s time was the Prime Minister and only became so to retain hold on power with Medvedev as President. And he was the leader of the party. So do you really want to make-believe? As for Ukraine, the international leaders you blame of actually tried to contain the situatuion that as acceptable to everyone. Maidan revolution was the choice of people regardless of what Putin’s cronies want others to believe. Russia didn’t completely oppose the Maidan revolution or Ukrainian government until it became clear that the new Ukranian government will not favor it. And is encouraging separatism, violent rebellions and conflict, interfering personally etc “sanitizing borders”? This thing is exactly what Putin and rightist cronies accuse others of.


My information states the early CAD was introduced in the mid 70’s in the US. Ok, the Chinese made a car in 1959, most likely by and without a production line that produced tens of thousands of units. China was in the midst of the cultural revolution and consumer goods, especially cars were not a priority. You say that Maidan was the will of the people…..really? What about the taped phone conversation of Victoria Nuland indicating her choice for Ukraine. When Yanukovich was overthrown….you imply Russia did not care? The fact of the matter is that the State department was planing this move, disregarded EU sensibilities and the entire matter took the Russians by surprise.


First it was the 80s now it is the 70s. Honestly it is starting to seem your information is more like disinformation. Now from skills you shift to production number. But that wasn’t the only car, the only company and many cars have been manufactured since then.

And Victoria Nuland, did you mean the tens of thousands of people protesting against President Victor were just because of Euro/US engineering and not of their own? And it wasn’t millions who elected and wanted the new Ukrainian government? Of course those wanting to deride the ousting of Yanukyovich will like to point to the “alleged” call by Nuland and show Putin as innocent which reads more like kids fighting than diplomats. But you know what the real purpose behind pointing it is.


You are cynical, I said where I worked the Cad system was introduced in the early 80’s…..and since you insisted the Cad has been around since the 50’s, I went and checked the data, it indicated first time use was in the mid seventies. From the time it was first introduced until the time it was introduced where I worked was several years. Therefore your information alluding that China had CAD capabilities in the 50’s is nonesense. US computing technology was far ahead of anything the Chinese had in the mid seventies.


I didn’t insist. Cad has been around 50s, it has been. You actually have been saying CAD has been introduced around 80s. Don’t go changing tracks. Many companies have been working with it long before. If you don’t believe it go check it online. Besides computing is computing, skills are not something one can never know. So the question of being low-skilled is out of the question. Chinese computing whether or not inferior earlier is increasing in capability in many aspects and even becoming superior in some. And it isn’t because of other countries handing them their technologies. Why is that? Because they want to improve. Competition is growing. Stop complaining and making excuses, start working to achieve better results.


I checked your claim on line, my information indicated it was in the mid 70’s. I said where I worked it was implemented implemented in the early 80.

This is what is on line:

Starting around the mid 1970s, as computer aided design systems began to provide more capability than just an ability to reproduce manual drafting with electronic drafting, the cost benefit for companies to switch to CAD became apparent. The benefit of CAD systems over manual drafting are the capabilities one often takes for granted from computer systems today; automated generation of Bill of Material, auto layout in integrated circuits, interference checking, and many others. Eventually CAD provided the designer with the ability to perform engineering calculations. During this transition, calculations were still performed either by hand or by those individuals who could run computer programs. CAD was a revolutionary change in the engineering industry, where draftsmen, designers and engineering roles begin to merge. It did not eliminate departments, as much as it merged departments and empowered draftsman, designers and engineers. CAD is just another example of the pervasive effect computers were beginning to have on industry. Current computer-aided design software packages range from 2D vector-based drafting systems to 3D solid and surface modelers. Modern CAD packages can also frequently allow rotations in three dimensions, allowing viewing of a designed object from any desired angle, even from the inside looking out. Some CAD software is capable of dynamic mathematical modeling, in which case it may be marketed as CAD.

CAD technology is used in the design of tools and machinery and in the drafting and design of all types of buildings, from small residential types (houses) to the largest commercial and industrial structures (hospitals and factories).[8]

CAD is mainly used for detailed engineering of 3D models and/or 2D drawings of physical components, but it is also used throughout the engineering process from conceptual design and layout of products, through strength and dynamic analysis of assemblies to definition of manufacturing methods of components. It can also be used to design objects. Furthermore, many CAD applications now offer advanced rendering and animation capabilities so engineers can better visualize their product designs. 4D BIM is a type of virtual construction engineering simulation incorporating time or schedule related information for project management.

CAD has become an especially important technology within the scope of computer-aided technologies, with benefits such as lower product development costs and a greatly shortened design cycle. CAD enables designers to layout and develop work on screen, print it out and save it for future editing, saving time on their drawing.

Let’s not degenerate the discussion, I said the Chinese were beginners when the western companies introduced this method of designing and building vehicles. You claimed Chinese had CAD in the 50’s which is a fantasy, given the fact that auto production in 1959 as a consumer product for Chinese was wishful thinking. I still conclude based on historical knowledge and the aspects of the cultural revolution in China, that consumers did not have access to automobiles, therefore that car you showed me was a limited production or a manually produced vehicle for party elites.


Don’t try to lie. You have deliberately started lying and I do not like that kind of people. You blame others but take a look at yourselves. You didn’t say CAD was introduced at your place till 80s, you said CAD was introduced in 1980s. However the same Wikipedia where you clearly have copied from says this:

“Designers have long used computers for their calculations.[13][14][15][16] Digital computers were used in power system analysis or optimization as early as proto-“Whirlwind” in 1949. Circuit[17] design theory, or power network methodology would be algebraic, symbolic, and often vector-based. Examples of problems being solved in the mid-1940s to 50s include, Servo motors controlled by generated pulse (1949), The digital computer with built-in compute operations to automatically co-ordinate transforms to compute radar related vectors (1951) and the essentially graphic mathematical process of forming a shape with a digital machine tool (1952).[18] These were accomplished with the use of computer software. The man credited with coining the term CAD.[19] Douglas T. Ross stated “As soon as I saw the interactive display equipment,” [being used by radar operators 1953] it would be just what his data reduction group needed. With the Lincoln Lab people, they were the only ones who used the big,complex display systems put in for the pre-SAGE,Cape Cod system. But “we used it for our own personal workstation.”. [20] The designers of these very early computers built utility programs so that programmers could debug programs using flow charts on a display scope with logical switches that could be opened and closed during the debugging session. They found that they could create electronic symbols and geometric figures to be used to create simple circuit diagrams and flow charts.[21] They made the pleasant discovery that an object once drawn could be reproduced at will, its orientation, Linkage [ flux, mechanical, lexical scoping ] or scale changed. This suggested numerous possibilities to them. It took ten years of interdisciplinary development[22] work before SKETCHPAD sitting on evolving math libraries emerged from MIT’s labs. Additional developments were carried out in the 1960s within the aircraft, automotive, industrial control and electronics industries in the area of 3D surface construction, NC programming and design analysis, most of it independent of one another and often not publicly published until much later. Some of the mathematical description work on curves was developed in the early 1940s by Robert Issac Newton from Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Robert A. Heinlein in his 1957 novel The Door into Summer suggested the possibility of a robotic Drafting Dan. However, probably the most important work on polynomial curves and sculptured surface was done by Pierre Bézier, Paul de Casteljau (Citroen), Steven Anson Coons (MIT, Ford), James Ferguson (Boeing), Carl de Boor (GM), Birkhoff (GM) and Garibedian (GM) in the 1960s and W. Gordon (GM) and R. Riesenfeld in the 1970s.

The invention of the 3D CAD/CAM is attributed to a French engineer, Pierre Bezier (Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Renault). After his mathematical work concerning surfaces, he developed UNISURF, between 1966 and 1968, to ease the design of parts and tools for the automotive industry. Then, UNISURF became the working base for the following generations of CAD software.

It is argued that a turning point was the development of the SKETCHPAD system at MIT[23][24] by Ivan Sutherland (who later created a graphics technology company with Dr. David Evans). The distinctive feature of SKETCHPAD was that it allowed the designer to interact with his computer graphically: the design can be fed into the computer by drawing on a CRT monitor with a light pen. Effectively, it was a prototype of graphical user interface, an indispensable feature of modern CAD. Sutherland presented his paper Sketchpad: A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System in 1963 at a Joint Computer Conference having worked on it as his PhD thesis paper for a few years. Quoting, “For drawings where motion of the drawing, or analysis of a drawn problem is of value to the user, Sketchpad excels. For highly repetitive drawings or drawings where accuracy is required, Sketchpad is sufficiently faster than conventional techniques to be worthwhile. For drawings which merely communicate with shops, it is probably better to use conventional paper and pencil.” Over time efforts would be directed toward the goal of having the designers drawings communicate not just with shops but with the shop tool itself. This goal would be a long time arriving.

The first commercial applications of CAD were in large companies in the automotive and aerospace industries, as well as in electronics. Only large corporations could afford the computers capable of performing the calculations. Notable company projects were, a joint project of GM (Dr. Patrick J.Hanratty) and IBM (Sam Matsa, Doug Ross’s MIT APT research assistant) to develop a prototype system for design engineers DAC-1 (Design Augmented by Computer) 1964; Lockheed projects; Bell GRAPHIC 1 and Renault.”

This clearly says how CAD was being developed and used since the 50s and 60s. Besides I never said “CAD was introduced in China in 1950s”. I only said “CAD was introduced in 1950s”. There’s a clear difference and you are deliberately lying. But China had to have CAD at some time right? Now I don’t know when because that isn’t known nor I said I knew. If as you say CAD was introduced in 80s, then didn’t you earn knowledge and skills as well? You weren’t familiar with manufacturing alongside CAD designing but someone somewhere before you was. You are not even holding your own argument here. But I never said China had CAD in 1950s. If you deliberately lie again, then get lost. I have no time for those who throw falsities for politics, you can go fool someone else “elitist”.


You are naive, Maidan protests were not any different than the Arab spring demonstrations engineered by the neocons, to overthrow governments they did not like and create a vacuum of instability.


I am not naive at all. You talk about your country, but you haven’t been in to any of our post-Soviet states. The Maidan is just one of the flash in the pans, a moment in revolutions against people wanting change even after thinking they had it in the 90s. Whether anyone wants to accuse it of being engineered or influenced, no revolution is possible without the people. And that is what is happening, people are discontent with the stratification. This is true populism, people who want change taking in charge of getting it. Not some political parties who cry nationalism and identities but abandon it at the stroke and make duplicitous statements.


People are easily influenced……look at the Egyptians, Lybians who were subject to color revolutions, Egyptians woke up in time, Lybians are still living the nightmare, Ukrainians are having their nightmares as well.


People are easily influenced? You mean Egyptians didn’t protest aginst Morsi and his “Islamist” government trying to destroy Egypt’s constitution? There were mass protests against the Muslim Brotherhood which was the reason the military stepped in to stop the country from going into civil war. The other countries itself didn’t want Morsi anyway except Turkey. were the Libyans not tired by Gadaffi butchering or raping his own people and destroying Libya’s institutions? Some political oeople call them regime toppling with help of NATO, but they were revolutions. Now of course Islamists and terrosists might have took advantage of the situation especially in countries where the institutions were badly damaged by their rulers and there was huge mistrust. This is why Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen are at civil war while Egypt and even Tunisia with an Islamist party as part of the unity government aren’t. And Russia is just like them, picking bones of Ukraine and Georgia while the countries were distracted. Any surprise why Putin has himself supported Islamists who are ready to be his puppets? You dare to utter people’s will while yourself deriding that of people of other countries that don’t fit your narrative.


I do not deride what people of other countries see political situations world wide, I am expressing my views, as a citizen living in the US being familiar with prevalent political and economic conditions here for the last +40 years. I am not very familiar with European issues at core level, except what is mentioned in the media circles, which is not much. However, the NWO elitists operate the same way in the US and Europe, subsequently their goals and agendas are very similar. I was talking about Wall Street’ influence on the US economy, if you are not here, you will not fully understand the points being made that the media or the internet does not identify. We need to compare apples with apples.

I do not deride anybody’s understanding on any matter, I try to prove my views from an honest perspective, and that is all.


Yes you do. You just not deride, you insult and lie about them. Do know this, foreigners are not anyone’s slaves despite their bad treatment. NWO elitists, you yourself are an NWO elitist, you sound liek a typucal elitist balking for your own kid and refusing to see anythibg excpet what you want to believe and refusing to care for anyone else. Who cares for the foreigner? Who cares for the fpreign worker who works hard and breaks his finger? Who tries to make sure that they not be exploited which undoubtedly is the best way to make sure jobs aren’t take. Views are one thing, lying and falsities is not a view. And you have delibertaley done all of it. Dishonesty is not ok.


So, I have been lying…I know everything I said, .I am not an elitist, I am speaking from the standpoint of what is good for the country and its society not speaking from the standpoint of the bottom line as Wall Street parasites do. About the foreign worker, I have no problem with them if they are here legally, I do not judge the individual, I am judging the policy and its effect on the country.

In EU there are no borders subsequently the concept of foreign workers is based on racial prejudices that have not diminished with the elimination of the borders. If you are a Slovak working in Germany , or Romanian working in France, slovaks, Germans, romanians and French are EU citizens.

US has sovereign borders between Mexico and Canada, therefore the flow of people you have across the EU borders, is different than the flow of people from Canada and Mexico into the US.


You know everything you said. That despite you have changed your statements from one comment to another and denied you said things that are downright untrue. What is the characterstic of an elitist? He who only cares for what he believes and rejects considering others at all even in his thoughts and falsifies for his politics and his personal gain. Do you think the Mexicans who want jobs or better life in USA care for borders or whether it is illegal in USA? No they don’t, they don’t want to harm others but they want their own benefit as well. Based on all definitions except being rich, you are just like an elitist. Go fool someone else. We are


It is you making claims I am dishonest, I know my position very well, I do not need to change my statements to win arguments. The fact of the matter is the law of the US, emigration laws dictate you control the border and determine who will come legally. You do not like that, the same way Mexicans don’t; I understand they want to come and make a better life for themselves….so why not North Koreans, Indonesians, Nepali, or any other populace that wants better opportunities? Why only Mexicans? The whole world can claim it is their right to go to these countries that have good social services and takes care of them, if they do not want to work.

I was reading about the delusion prevalent in Sweden where they think they have this high morality ground for allowing muslims in the country and taking care of them, since very few of them work.

Besides, I have no political affiliation to have a political stand on the matter, the bottom line, the laws of the country dealing with emigration have to be enforced.


What? Is mentioning CAD as in 1980s then falsely claimimg deliberately you weren’t mentioning them isn’t dishonest? Or making false allegations isn’t dishonest? Or making propaganda statements isn’t? As for Sweden, while it might be true that migrants might contribute to the crime rate and rape rate even though the amount of incidences reported is higher in comparison to unreported, murder rate is far higher in USA and USA has a rape rate not much better than Pakistan and it needs no migrants. But of course migrants will be made the scapegoats for everything.

Many of people of my country go to foreign countries, we are Muslims but we don’t indulge much in crime. So why do some Arabs and African do? It is easy, their countries are in turmoil, they don’t have education or skills or money or even know the language. They either get no jpb or a job than which welfare is better. They become welfare ridden or poverty stricken. This destroys their will which wasn’t much anyway. This is true of many or even most of the Arab and African and even Carribean migrants. And the governments don’t care about them, nor do the “natives” or fellow well-to-do migrants and help them get opportunities. And the governments leave them as a votebank and burden in the cracks. Everybody blames the migrants regardless of theor ethnicity or religion whether it is Sweden, or USA? But who cares for them? Everyone cares for the “native” but of course they aren’t their “responsibility”, you don’t need a responsibility to help them.

As for Swedes, do they support allowing in large number of migrants? The government is nlt the only one who allows it. It is their choice and they should decide. If they want to allow a number of migrants, then they can do what they want. If not, then I don’t blame them but that doesn’t mean treat them inhumanely or as a mere burden.


I stand by what I said, where I worked, CAD was introduced in 1983-4, it does not mean it was not used in some capacity other places earlier. Our CAD was 3 dimensional and within a few years it evolved to solids. As far as other statements I made, you consider propaganda, I do not engage in propaganda, and propaganda is meant to project disinformation and indoctrinate masses on a basis of a lie. I do not lie.

As far as immigrants, I don’t think many of them consider the cost of moving to a different culture and country. We were well off, when we immigrated we could not take any money or gold out of the country, only 70kg of belongings…..and we immigrated legally. When we emigrated in the US, my father who had a well respected position was content to take a menial job, me too, I had to finish high school, my mother as well. We did not sit around waiting for the govement to take care of us, we worked hard and elevated our social position as time went on. US is mostly made of immigrants who came here to work hard and integrate in their society. If you are an immigrant and have a chip on your shoulder, and want to maintain your identity in public in a foreign country, indicating you are not willing to integrate…..then of course, opportunities would be a lot fewer, and the chip on the shoulder would keep you in a ghetto, where you feel comfortable and can relate to your culture. Before someone decides to emigrate, that person has to count the cost, do they have the stamina and ambition to succeed in a different culture? To succeed, you have to learn the language quickly and start from menial jobs ( if you do not have viable skills) and work your way up, including whatever education is needed to sharpen or develop skills. On the other hand, if you think you are going a long term vacation where you are not going to do much and the government is going to take care of you…..you will end up entrenched in a ghetto.


You are still lying like a dishonesy man, no need to pretend to be “Jesus” because I can easily point out the falsities. No you don’t stand by anything except what you want to believe in. And by standing with your lies you show deliberate dishonesty. Why? Because that is what the “politician” relies on. And you are a politician and a dishonest elitist parasite in real. By your statement earlier you said CAD was introduced in 1980s but it was inrroduced long before that. After that you purposely shifted you statement to it came in your favctory in 1980s. But it was already in use before that. So, someone else already knew how to work it and had skills for it before you did. And the immigrant labor isn’t just a know-nothing stupid who cannot or do not have skills. I stand by this truth. Yes a lot of what you have said is propaganda, lies.

Besides do immigrants get a job based on chips and not skills? The thing you are repeating is opposite of reality. What is an immigrant with a chip on his shoulder? A lot of immigrants like the culture of other countries that is another truth even though many might have cultural problems and think there is a problem with their culture and theirs is correct. Immigrants come for a good life. Many immigrants are in menial jobs and know the languages, their futures haven’t brightened which won’t help their will and even not working will seem better than such a lowly job. That I already talked about in brief. But you’re repeating the same excuse of an hook. Yes of course the government isn’t going to take care of them, no one is going to take care of them, they are going to be treated like a burden and rot in the cracks of poverty and desparation pushing them to crime.


Go back and read what I said, I do not need to argue with you. If you do not understand what I am saying…..so be it.


I read it multiple times and it was a failure of an attempt to disparage and falsify multiple times. Since you seem to be intent on falsifying and repeating the same thing, I do not see any reason to continue talking with you again. That is that.


Yea, I attempted to disparage and falsify multiple times my statements? Grow up and accept reality, not some liberal stand which is the byproduct of mental defect or illness.

Take the following to your mind and process it logically: 1. Leftists promulgate the concepts of “entitlement” with minorities, not because they care for them, but as a means to embolden them and use them as political pawns for their agenda. It happened so with blacks, and it has been happening with latinos.

2. This “entitlement” concept has to defy current emigration laws and a myriad of other common sense considerations at the expense of the well being of a country.

3. Elite parasites push this agenda in order to dissolve national identities and enforceable laws governing immigration. If you have a bucket of good drinking water and you bring a hose and dump some sewage in the water, is it still good drinking water?

4. Immigrants have to be willing to integrate into the society, although they can retain language and cultural traditions. Immigrants that do not have any willingness to integrate into the society, should not be allowed in the country, or be deported after a period of time.

5. Immigrants have to emigrate into a given country using existing emigration laws.


Yeah of course you do. I don’t need to grow up, you need to try to stop fooling people and yourselves. That’s not mental illness, it’s way beyond it. Because in mental illness one sometimes cannot control it. You’re fooling no one in real anywhere, grow up and stop being another fool who calls himself populist but does nothing but try to lie and fool. So here’s the only actual summary

1. There is no thing such as “entitlement”. Yes sometimes minorities might be given better opportunities and favors because they are treated like vote banks. And the rightists do the opposite by claiming they’ll work and favor the majoroty even though they claim something else for political purposes. Often times, even that falls flat.

2. Immigrants come here for good life, good jobs and money even though they sometimes cannot get it because of various reasons. But of course they’re all demonized highly for politics if anything some of them do wrong.

3. One only has to follow laws here. Except that, one has freedom to do whatever. The only problem is as I said when they start defying it. Nothing else. They can be kicked out for breaking a law, but very rarely or maybe even never such thing for a “native” even if they ran to other country because of course they’re more important.

4. Rightists use the term “diluting national identities” for helping anyone. There are treaties and human rights organizations and expectations due to which countries take in foreign refugees and even migrants at least for some time. Even Indonesia and Malaysia didn’t want to take in the Bangla-speaking Rohingyas despie majority-Rohingya religion being same as the majority religion of theirs, they have a different culture and language and weren’t very skilled at all. Also they already host thousands. Even Bangladesh didn’t with same langauge and almost same culture didn’t want to allow them shelter. Of course national identity played a part as well. But they still took them because of the reasons as already explained. Those who talk about “diluting national identity” are just making another excuse against immigrants. It is an excuse drawn up to indirectly say we won’t help them. But that isn’t a legit reason.

5. One must consider the benfit of others. The easiest way to end illegal immigration which none of the faux-rightists and faux-populists will ever say is to end their exploitation and bad conditions that are formed for incoming migrants.

You can keep repeating all lies you want, but you only fool yourselves by not accepting these simple truths.


Also if you don’t get what ghetto and social stratification is like just listen to it and ponder carefully on it, a song by Muslim rappers from a poor and immigrant backgrounds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5l0rVsY52A

Also here’s it’s lyrics, use translate for the Dutch verses: https://genius.com/Akon-ghetto-moroccan-remix-lyrics


What Mexicans want should be dealt and accommodated by the Mexican government, They break the law, they are arrested and deported, Federal Homeland Security was thinking of mobilizing 100,000 national Guard troops to clean up 9 states of illegal immigrants, …..all these Mexicans that feel ENTITLED to have things and privileges will be arrested and deported back to Mexico. It is like you left the door open at your house and you had strangers come in your house and taking over your house.

It is a leftist privilege to feel entitled and push your supposed entitlements over other people…..otherwise you are a racist. That is a subversive and prevalent mind set (intellectual opium) fed by the globalists to fringe groups to empower them and play the victim card on the society. Time to get rid of these fringe groups .


What kind of statement is that? One should not leave other humans in the dust. Besides if their problems could be solved, I bet you they won’t illegally immigrate. Even you know that. Mexicans aren’t ENTITLED THEY’RE EXPLOITED WHILE NO ONE DOES ANYTHING. Besides what is a racist? You and I both know the reason behind your comment. Yes a common tactic of misleading and defending their acts by some is claiming oh I’m only against illegal immigration while harming and deriding legal immigrants and oh I’m not a racist to pathetically defend themselves from opposition to their “views”. As for getting rid, you can never get rid of anybody completely because of what you feel or believe or tell others you do. Accusations and elitist thinking of beloeving what you want ti believe won’t work. Get rid of that.


You miss the point, Mexicans think they are entitled to cross a legal border and break the law for better opportunities. How does the persecution of Jews in Spain compare to that? Did the Jews feel entitled to get out of Spain if there was no persecution? Did Jews in Germany feel entitled to get out of Germany because of persecution? Mexicans constituting illegal immigration are neither persecuted not kicked out of their country, some come to work and some come to suck welfare benefits from the government. Why should a local governed be burdened by the expense to care for these migrants, when their intent is not to integrate and become a part of the local society. Their intent is to form a subculture within the existing culture, not much different than a tumor in a human body that left untreated will become malignant. There is nothing elitist of being populist, it is straight common sense thinking; it is the leftists that devise mental defectiveness in thinking foreigners are entitled to come in a country illegally, and it is the same mentally ill people that do not force the integration issue with these immigrants.


No I didn’t. There is no “entitlement” in one wanting to have a good life. Everyone wants it. As to why I gave example of Jews who fled from Spain and Ottoman Empire welcomed them, bad conditions are also not much different than have persecution though there is a difference of magnitude. The Spanish Jews weren’t their “responsibility” legally. Why is it so hard to care for them? All I say is care, think of ways to end their exploitation which is easy, that is the best way to prevent illegal immigration. It benefits everyone. Hispanics and other people have been here for long. Everyone here has to follow laws regardless of who you are, it is only wrong when you do not follow them regardless of whether that reason might be culture or whatever. Culture is culture but if one uses his culture in to change the laws of the country then that is wrong. That is it and that is what these not much known elitist politicians who shout “populism” do not admit or understand. No one really cares for “freedoms” the people, the elites who call themselves “populists” only care about what they want.


It is through globalization that greedy hogs became elites, and now they try to control US and Europe through their leftist ungodly agenda. Globalization shifted wealth from middle class to a select few, through theft.


What is an “elite”? Politicians? Businessmen? Businessman who are also politicians? Because as far as I know they have been greedy and powerful for centuries. All globalization does is increase trade and open up avenues of cooperation. The only reason for the perils of everyone is not finding the right balance and not working together. You can see that for yourself.


Elites are those individuals that have become multi billionaires through globalization. They use their wealth to promulgate their leftist ungodly agenda. Take a look at Soros, for example.


That is the problem, seeing industrialists as your enemy. Didn’t they acquire any wealth outside globalisation. Talking about Soros, we can also talk about Sheldon Adelson who owns multiple properties around the globe.


I do not see industrialists as an enemy, if they do things in a balanced way. Wall Street is a parasitic institution that creates nothing and enriches a few through financial schemes driven by greed.

It is these parasites that create nothing for the benefit of the society, that use their ill gotten wealth to affect the well being of the country.


You do see them as the enemy. Your very own hostile language says it so. The “parasites” you blame them of being of have spent money helping other people as well, reinvested in USA even though it isn’t required of them to and paid their taxes as per law and helped charity as well. You judge them despite not knowing them, nothing else. One should look from all angles and you my friend only jidge them based on what you were fed or what you want to believe, that won’t make it the sole truth.


Wall Street is made of parasites, nobody has to tell me that, I see what is happening here, I can form my own conclusions based on facts, irrefutable facts. Wall Street does not create anything, it obliges companies to seek greater profits so their financial bets would be lucrative, at the expense of everybody else. Soros is not an industrialist, he is a manipulator, scammer having gotten rich without creating anything, employing anybody, There are many like him on Wall Street. Yes they are parasites, they became elites because of the globalization process. The angle I look from is a national view, US does not need to be plundered because of these parasites.

This has nothing to do with paying taxes or being charitable to poorer countries, US economic assets have to stay in US, for the benefit of the society and the government. Globalization has transformed the US economy from a manufacturing economy, where we produced everything, to a service economy where we have become inept to even be able to handle basic tools.

It appears you are influenced by globalistic mindset, since you are not willing to identify the human greed that wanted globalization to be an acceptable thing. If a worker makes 60,000 working for company X, and the CEO makes 10,000,000 plus a bonus based on profits, what is the easiest way to make profits without being a genius? Outsource…..right. That is what you call charity? Biblical definition of charity is giving something to someone, without expecting anything back.


Nobody has to tell you anything, except you are speaking the exact language of others. Many of the things you said are easily refutable and provable false. As for Soros he is an industrialist,a business magante as well as an investor. WHat is a national view? Blaming only one side for your problem even though what you want to do might harm your country’s industry? That is not “national view”, that is a “view made up of being manipulated and believing whatever one tells you”. Real “national view” is working together for your country no matter the differences, to make sure the economy and country isn’t harmed. As for charity, corporates and industrialists have donated millions to help poor people and schoolchildren, without expecting anything back except for maybe some advertisement here and there. So yes, that I will call charity. you can call me whatever “mindset” you want. But the truth is foreign workers are very much a part of American industry, not for profits but for keeping it smoothly running. that I recognise, the truth. the only thing I want – What is best for everybody. And what is best for everyone is perfect balance which you refuse. Nothing works properly without balance.


I am speaking my own language seeing things as God sees them. If what I said in my previous posts you think is false, and think you can refute it…..go ahead. Regarding Soros, being worth 25-30 billions dollars, you call him an industrialist, business magnate….etc. What exactly did Soros do to make him an industrialist? An industrialist is a person involved in the ownership and management of industry. When did he do that? I read about him being a currency manipulator, manipulating the pound and the Thai bath, and managing his own hedge hund. That makes him a parasite, he does not create any jobs, generate any taxes for the government, and uses his wealth to advance leftist causes as well. We are not talking about charity donations made by corporations or the types like Soros and many others like him, we are talking about millions of well paying jobs taken from the US and outsourced to China and India so that Wall Street and its cadre of parasites will get richer.

If US companies wanted to invest in China and India in order to improve their market share in Asia, I am not against it, invest the money there, do not move existing economic assets from the US to Asia, maintain your economic powerhaouse in the US. That was not the idea, Wall Street wanted immediate profits to satisfy their insatiable greed, and they had no problem moving a tool and die shop from the US that produced certain parts, for a competitive price in the US, to China and Mexico where quality was not as good and the price was extremely low, giving the company a huge profit margin. In the mean time the tool and die workers in the US lost their jobs, and they could not find similar jobs at other shops, because most of them were outsourced. So you have millions of high skilled worker that want to work, yet there are no opportunities, since most high skilled jobs have been outsourced. You seem to think this process is ok;

National interest means decisions have to be made for the well being of the country, its people and its future, not for the well being of parasites or corporations. As far as immigration, the country can decide who they will allow in the country, working visas will be scrutinized, too many times American software engineers are overlooked in favor of foreigners who work for less. Illegal immigration contributed to a vast pool of cheap labor, keeping lower wage opportunities even lower. Again as I said earlier, the matter of supply and demand matters for corporations and parasites, since an abundance of workers means they have to pay less. Trump is going to reduce the supply of workers coming in the US legally or illegally, creating a balance where the demand of workers is higher than the supply available.


What language are you talking about? Because the only language you are speaking is one fed by others. As for which hedge fund, criminal manipulation are you talking about? Yes rightists often toss accusations at him, regardless true or not, we all the know the political motivations behind them. If you actually read the history of George Soros, you’ll know how he was kicked many times but never gave up and eventually got accepted into Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander, later he became a trader and investor and manager for many reputable investment companies including Wertheim & Co. and has invested in various places. The only ones who falsely accuse him as a currency manipulator is because of his sales of Thai bahts during the 1997 crisis after he successfully predicted what was going to happen because of the government’s inept handling. He and his “hedge fund” invests in various industries including transport, oil, retail, energy industries and hotels as well etc around the world, thus creating jobs in many places. As for leftist agenda, rightsists regularly accuse him of financing everything leftist. And when has Soros shifted jobs to other countries? His investment firm is in USA. And he has donated millions for the poor and underprivileged in USA as well as the world.

The money of the companies is theirs and so are their industries. Do you want them to spend money everywhere? If they have to create more jobs in USA, they will have lesser money for other countries, If they spend more on other countries, they will have less money for investment in USA. As I said, try to find balance.

Chinese and Indian workers make quite a good quality of products. I have never seen any problem with the quality of my iPhone which is manufactured by Chinese. The only parasites are those who always find fault only in others while living off them. The corporations provide tax, they reinvest, they build industries and provide employment. Nope they aren’t the “parasites”.

Illegal immigrants are regularly blamed which is usual in any country. But let’s be serious, many illegal immigrants do not have industry skills and either remain jobless or only find a lowly job. Only those with a good enough skill will find a good job. So blaming them is irrational and contrary to the reality. Many immigrants do not have a high benchmark and can do little as they aren’t supported by any union and do not have much of a pull. Not to mention, lower benchmark of salaries in them. Many Indian engineers and IT companies are dependent on working in USA and have invested a lot there. People only blame them for sucking of jobs, but no one cares that they invest, create jobs for local Americans as well and provide service to many industries. And they are openly mocked by people like Trump without a rational reason. Reduction of immigrants will not only harm other countries but USA as well as it will destroy the balance maintaned for profit, competitiveness, employment and managing foreign and local operations.


Nobody is telling me what to think and what to say, I have my own opinion and understanding, without outside interference. You highlight Soro’s attributes, I am not getting into a contest with you to denigrate him, you do not know anything about him personally ( except what is written) neither do I. I still consider him a parasite, most hedge fund managers fall in that category, since their aim is to make money, investing money, buying and selling companies, those pursuing making profits always focus on transactions and actions that benefit them without caring much for the consequences. As far as what transactions his fund carried out and what the consequences were, I cannot say with certainty.

A company established in the US, needs to have most of its operation in the US. If they want to invest in other parts of the world, they can do that without jeopardizing or short changing their operations in the US.

Illegal immigrants have no business being here, emigration laws have to be obeyed and enforced. If they want to come on a seasonal work visa and work, there is no problem as long as they go back after the visa expires.

As far as the Indian IT companies and workers and the services they provide in the US, again it is a cheaper alternative having American IT companies employing American IT workers. Why should Indian IT companies operate in the US? It implies that Americans are stupid and incapable or too expensive to deal with IT issues.

US is self sufficient in population it does not need millions of legal and illegal alliens, it needs to sharpen educational requirements and provide educational opportunities without the financial drawback of student loans.


How come if nobody is telling you what to think or say, you are repeating what they think or say?How do you consider him a parasite if as you say “you do not know him”. That is the exact kind of thing I am talking about, you are judgmental despite yourself admitting you personally know nothing about him. Fact of the matter is, Soros was an almost failure who fought back to succeed, he created a great investment company and has invested and created jobs in may places. But others want to denigrate him because he supports Democrats.

You may say illegal immigrants have no business being here, I am not saying whether they are legal or illegal. But what do they come for? A better life and they even take lowly jobs and let people walk over them. And why shouldn’t Indian IT companies not be in USA. How does a foreign company imply that Americans are stupid and incapable? There are American IT companies as well and it is good to have foreign companies working in your country. As I again said people regularly accuse Indian IT companies of only hiring cheap Indian workers, fact of the matter is they hire American workers as well and invest in USA even if their wealth is made in other countries.

There a lot of people that exploit foreign workers whether legal or illegal or workers in foreign countries. They are able to Everyone talks about the American worker, but no one bats an eyelid for the foreign worker and how to protect them.


I do not have to know a person in detail to know his character, I use a biblical guideline, the same one God will use to judge everybody. Those that love money and are in pursuit of money and worship money, are the essence of all evil in the world; and how they make their money makes them parasites, they do not establish a company that produces something tangible, or is beneficial to the society. Hedge funds invest in companies they want to manipulate, merge, or strip of their profitable assets, because their ultimate goal is to make money, regardless of consequences. Soros, and other hedge fund owners and a myriad of other Wall Street parasites fall in this category. THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVil? Get it? I know globalist do not believe in God or willingness to follow divine principles, think they are gods, and they have the ultimate power to control the world according to their whims. These parasites champion all king of leftist mainstream and fringe groups to sap the moral fiber and integrity of the society.

Immigration laws should be enforced, when people from poorer countries try to seek better oportunities in the US, they can apply for a work visa, I am not against that. What I am against is people streaming across the border because the elites do not allow the government to enforce the immigration laws, and having people who want to maintain their national identity, customs and unwilling to integrate within the American society, and being a heavy financial burden on the government. Of course the elites want cheap labor and to dissolve the national identity of the country.

As far as Indian companies doing business in the US, I have no problem with it, my problem is with a large number of work visas issued to foreign workers, that benefit the high tech companies in the Silicon Valley for their bottom line.


What biblical guideline? How is money “evil”, everyone has a right to pursue money and happiness. Here is something which even the Bible will agree with. The cause of the problems in the world is : Disharmony. And who are you to say “globalists”/ corporates etc do not believe in God? Have you personally been around them? Many business people beleive in God. Even someone who says he is an atheist might believe in God or a higher force and spirituality. It’s not really rare. That is parasitic, benefiting from their taxes, but acting like you are better than them. The behaviour you show is of an “elite”.

Why shouldn’t people come to USA? Many are poor, many want work even if it does not pay well. That is all too human. But why is that no one cares about their welfare? Instead of just sayinh oh let’s build up a wall, why don’t you say at least once oh let’s try to take care of immigrants so they aren’t exploited? But here’s the fact – NO ONE whether Republican, Democrat or Independent; works for the welfare and uplifting of those expolited immigrants.


The Bible said, the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. They can believe in whatever they want and call it God. A tree is known by its fruit, you cannot screw people secretly and openly and then make charitable donations so your conscience feels better. Good and evil cannot have harmony, God and Satan do not have harmony. Quit saying we should all work together and be in harmony, you sound like a new ager. How can you work in harmony when the value system is very different? And why should good embrace evil……So there can be harmony?

US is a sovereign country, it determines how many immigrants to take, immigration has to be done legally, like every other legal immigrant. I came here legally from a communist country, I had to obey the laws and wait a period of time in a third country before I was allowed in the US. Those that think that they can cross the border and expect the government to take care of them are deluded. They are breaking the law and when they are deported they are worse off, than coming here on a working visa. Their government should care for their welfare, NAFTA provided Mexico with a lot of good jobs at the expense of the US labor market. The Mexican government is complicit with the globalist in letting this stream of poor people flood the US. The Mexican immigrants are exploited by the globalists, using them as a cheap labor, and to racially dilute American society.


What screw people? How does business mean screwing people? They are doing business, they are money makers, capitalists. So why are you complaining? One should work hard and not expect others to give opportunity to him. First you complain thay they do not reinvest or help others, now you complain despite them doing both. They do it out of their own choice, let me make it clear. They are not “evil”. Besides isn’t fleeing from any country illegal? Regardless, you are even opposing those who come in legally like the foreign workers. Won’t they still “take your jobs”? This is an excuse by you. Whether they come legally or illegally, they are human beings. But no one cares about them.

People whine about NAFTA, but the fact is expolitation of labor is still going on in those countries as well as USA. NAFTA created billions of dollars in surpulus trade and yes it even created jobs in USA. No, every job didn’t go to Mexico. Canada and USA benefitted as well with companies and countries have free trade, coming here, work being set up etc.


Why don’t you stay with the theme being discussed. The love of money is the root of all evil. These parasites do no go working to start a company, hire people, enlarge the business and become genuine industrialists, they buy into companies and try every scheme possible to manipulate assets in that company to make money. They invest the money anywhere in the world where they can make money. You know what the definition of parasite is? A person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return. That is their mode of operation to get rich, regardless of charity and supposed good works to boost their ego.

I do not oppose those coming as foreign workers, I would oppose the numbers if it affects US labor markets.

You talk about exploitation of labor in Mexico and US, who do you think encourages this exploitation, not only Mexicans, Americans as well? Who benefits from their exploitation? Wall Street and its cadre of parasites.


When did I go off it? You are trying to portray “Wall Street”/industrialists as “evil”. But they aren’t. And yes you do oppose coming in of foreign workers, not just the numbers. Besides what if they want a job that you don’t want them to have? Or only you matter? No one cares about the foreign worker.


Wall Street parasites are bankers, not industrialists, if you think they are not the root of all evil, you are entitled to your opinion. I do not oppose any one coming here legally on a work visa; coming in illegally looking for work, no. Emigration laws apply to everyone. US matters, you have to take care of your people first, and if you need help, then bring calculated numbers of foreign workers. Hungarians think the same way, Poles do not want emigrants, Czech and Slovakia do not want forced emigration imposed on them. Nothing wrong with them, they do not want to dilute their national identity.

If there was no parasitic exploitation of the world, poorer countries would have an opportunity to provide their population better opportunities. When Wall Street would invest money to poor countries expecting no return, that would be true charity. Not with those parasites, they always want high returns on their investments.


Do you mean to say industries have nothing in Wall Street? First it was industrialists, the n corporates, now bankers. How are they parasites? Business is business and within the law. You say you have to take care of your people first, but does that mean you shouldn’t care about others or what they want? Why doesn’t anyone stand up for the foreign workers?

You talk about Hungarians, Poles, Slovaks, but the thing is their own civilians have been emigration to other countries. Even Slovak leader Fico said Britain won’t be allowed to do as it pleases with EU workers including that of his own country. UK has many foreign workers, including tens of thousands of Slovaks which is growing. Even though it is leading to a brain drain and even population decline in Eastern Europe. So what identity are you talking about when the leaders themselves do not try to make conditions of their people better and openly encourage people to emigrate? If people were honest and cared about others as well, then the world would be a much better place. But you only want to blame industrialists instead of your own attitude of non-cooperation and not achieving the balance.


I do not have any problems with industrialists, individuals that are entrepreneurs who have founded companies and have been quite successful. Wall Street aka investment bankers do control these companies indirectly because Wall Street activity defines the stock price of any given company, thereby their valuation, they provide guidance and make buy or sell recommendations. Wall Street can demand higher profits, since investment bankers can buy positions in the stock to control or influence the company. They have electronic money created by the Fed out of thin air, so that they can pull the strings and have control over the entire economy.

When I talk about foreign workers, I refer to the situation in the US, not the EU; local sovereignty in Europe has been delegated to Brussels, smaller countries in Europe that have not had a strong industrial foundation have to play by the rules set by Brussels. Since there are open borders in Europe and local economies are limited to certain skill sets, I have no problems if people want to migrate and take other jobs in other countries in the EU. When a country joins the EU, they fit a certain space in the European economic and social map. My comments are directed at conditions in the US martkets, which are different than EU markets.


So now you have shifted from the CAD thing. This clearly indicates your whole knowledge about is wrong. Had you really been in manufacturing, you wouldn’t be so ignorant about it. You don’t appear to be a honest man. I asked you is the industry not present at the Wall Street. It is. The stocks allow people to have a share in the company no matter how small. So no Wall Street isn’t just made up of bankers, without industries it wouldn’t run and neither will the economy. So please remember that instead of going on disparaging them as demons. Because that is what is really parasitic.

When you talked about EU and rules being forced upon them, you forgot how Eastern European countries themselves want to force UK to retain thousands of their workers of a system they are leaving, otherwise UK will be punished. That was the comment from Robert Fico, leader of Slovakia. So before going on and providing examples, properly scrutinize them. And USA, well let’s just say that immigarnts and foreign workers whether cheap or not, contribute directly or indirectly as well. But no one cares about them, they are there just as things to be used and thrown away by everyone.


I post under the name Jesus, my words and thoughts are seen by God, therefore your personal opinions about me being dishonest is your own. Yes, companies issue stock, and they are traded on Wall Street exchanges, beyond this basic premise there is quite a bit more you cannot understand, because you do not live here.


Your name doesn’t matter. What you are doing does. And being dishonest is the biggest sin. My “opinions” won’t matter. The only thing that will matter is that you will suffer both in your life and in the afterlife for your lies. You’re comments are like that of an elite. There is a new class of elites, elites not by wealth, but elites who are drunk on newfound power.


Niyazov11: You are the best evidence of mental disorder.


That’s the conservatives claiming they are for free speech and accusations of “racism” are just there to shut them down, while harassing and falsely accusing others themselves.


You’re only dividing people more and more. It accomplishes nothing. Especially when you’re trying to pander to professional victims.

Daniel Smith

Democrat party is a cancer!


Is this for real????


Yes, you just witnessed a white libtard groveling on the ground demeaning other white people (and especially the ones with the same ideology as her lol) in an attempt to appease any minority and get a sweet position in a political party.

Daniel Castro

I can see the desperation on her eyes, with this rethoric they are showing normal people the exit door of the party. It’s not just white people, any man of any race must be an idiot to be a part of the democratic party, unless he is gay. If the democratic party decides to be the minority party that is what they will be, the minority with the minority of voters. Normal people is sick and tired of this politically correct nonsense…

Tyrant Fashister

This is so wonderfull ! Making the Demorats the party of negros,spics and kebabs.They will never recover ! so nice !


Wow, these people are literally the reverse-KKK now, ‘shutup whiteboy da minorities are speakin’… They’ll want white people in cotton fields soon – and they still won’t see the irony.

The Democrats are finished as a respectable force.

Dod Grile

Here is a link to an article in Global Research Canada


It may be of interest. Although I would not go far as to characterize the US as divided as he claims, I suspect the next few decades, if humanity survives them, are going to be rough.

As to the Republicrat boobs above, forget them. They are hacks. They determine nothing. What they have to say means diddly-squat. Their major purpose is to serve as both a distraction and a deception.


Idiot fake Southfront, she is talking about white leaders and prejudice within their own Democratic Party. Watch the start of the video and the whole video especially. The “others” she is talking about are the white DNC leaders with prejudice who override their opinions and have failed the Dems according to her. And she also later says that they and we should listen to others, lift people up to have equality and we should all be on the same page. She is promoting harmony and equality. Yet you lying LSM liestreammedia are falsely blaming her of shutting and blaming “white people”.


Fuck up you anti-white faggot!




You fuck off you lying Trump’s boytlover shiteater. When did I make any”anti-white” comment? Typical rightie falsely blaming others of racism. I thought you guys pretended to be against false allegations of racism. Anyway, I’m no migrant nor want to migrate but if you build walls, we will still come even if you rain bullets. Now g https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/13e347ed36bd0ecf4b7cd456e3724a3967ec1ea4b9f21483034cf64536c64ec2.jpg o build them as YUUUUUUGE as you can.:

Jacek Wolski

They are climbing a fence in Africa to get into a Spanish African enclave. Well done. Now for a bigger challenge, swim to Australia. We only have rabbit fences here.


It’s just representational you, expected of you. I never said the people in this picture are actually climbing over the Mexico border. Don’t worry they’ll come wherever they want to go to. They want to live a good life. You might not like it. Sorry but in reality, money and a good life’s more important than anything else in this world. You want good jobs so immigrants don’t take it away. I don’t blame you. But you’re not the only one after it. Call it “invasion”, “criminal”, “illegal” or whatever you like. The image is just a representation,that it doesn’t matter what you do to stop us. We want money and good life and we don’t care what you build or throw at us.


Create your own goodlife and stop being mass breeding parasites – White people are to nice, we invented thermonuclear weapons 70 years ago, we also produce massive surplusses of food so black faces can take it and breed? Maybe not for to much longer – race based bio-weapons were on the books 40 years ago – keep being a raping pillaging pain in the arse – go on I beg you lol https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2674ff716333f2b921e452394d15636e3928ab9a8a489bdd65bf6a5ce4497824.jpg


Mass breeding parasites? Hey idiot, we Turkmens are worried over our falling birthrates. Who the hell are you equating with? Arab migrants? Here’s something in fact you don’t know, their fertility rates are declining faster ( http://www.prb.org/Publications/Articles/2008/muslimsineurope.aspx ). Besides what are you going to do with your nuclear weapons or “race-based bio weapons”? Bomb us? Rape and pillage? Keep being the kind spreading tupid crap against everybody else and attacking or encouraging others to attack them. Go build a wall. As long as you build, they’ll still come. Oh and yes about https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0bdc0d2d955f7bdc954e14916bb794a7e91cb988bf37c584e9a49a9820b3dad6.jpg “Absolutely Subversive”:


Lol https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/23992d8146e44783df16fea665ed27bd76a286d28018ffa728a136de171e1918.jpg


Too bad for you, Tajiks and Turkmens are not brown ignorant https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/609cfb1b3a96aa15e2a46b049fb3ab99d1a819fea88f9beb224c905d947aa1ad.jpg dumbass: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0b7a89a00873c4afd01a4a318fcb60f3453264f051f32fbc9c4953229ee05dd0.jpg


Lol – cry on special snowflake. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/649d6b80074f6fe88b4dbdc3372124ffd305c1255b7bed645440a2591fdd0811.png


Nah Imma drink me some https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3f5e11d9775d6a56abbbd87a49a7b3a92e91c651996078011395226680718ce7.jpg of your tears of impotence:


Aw wowwwww so cool lol https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3bcbc3ab07b71554153f173dbf5dd3ec4da0dce709b10385c338a7e8d7d44ec8.jpg


Yeah I guess reality’s something else: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f552bf72fb4631cbd562bf793aa97f232ba4a84542243f4b12348e9da6e24a76.jpg


Oh and “Pepe” user this is what you’re https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9e05e8b250de30f0b74306fabe0b100383557649785126fd53564e17ef0ed8e0.jpg worth:


Hahahaha https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/97211b6c08c59f55253a393419bfa27e20efd1892fbb3316cf446a4f16fbb367.png


Yeah when your papa trump backtracks or we break down the wall even if he constructs it under pressure to fulfill promises, this is what will happen https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ab7b4da9262362583fefeae6633418a2a4b42d8df45d9daade39c33554d12b3e.jpg :


Wow your like a new jesus or something and can see the future wowwwww


No, you know the future clearly but don’t accept it. I just told you what you try to hide from yourselves.

Behold the insanity of Cultural Marxism, the self-hate it seeds and encourages.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Anti-Japetic-bigotry. The same racist shit aimed at earths global ethnic minority, this has been going on for a documented 5,000 years already. Earths brown population 5.1 billion. Earths black population 1.3 billion. Earths white population 750 million. http://whitegenocideproject.com/ http://www.dailystormer.com/


#WhiteGenocide https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7d16951cf710f61b0d98e37db72577d12fbe3a5d59eb4e9b94a8efcabbecde46.png


This woman must be a practitioner of self-immolation. Her mentality is destructive and self – defeating.

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