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MARCH 2025

Mysterious Airstrike Kills Civilian In Government-Held Town In Northern Syria

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Mysterious Airstrike Kills Civilian In Government-Held Town In Northern Syria

Illustrative image, US-led coalition F-15 over Euphrates Valley

A civilian was killed on July 31 in a mysterious airstrike that targeted the government-held town of al-Rashidiyah in the northern al-Hasakah countryside.

Sputnik’s reporter in al-Hasakah said that the victim, 43-year old Ragheb Musa al-Ali, was targeted right outside of his house in al-Rashidiyah. Local witnesses told the reporter that they heard a drone buzzing over the town minutes before the airstrike.

“The victim’s house sustained heavy material damage as a result of the airstrike that targeted it in the morning,” Sputnik’s reporter said.

Damascus has not released a statement on the incident, so far. However, a Syrian offical told RT that the airstrike was likely carried out by U.S. or Turkish warplanes.

Mysterious Airstrike Kills Civilian In Government-Held Town In Northern Syria

Click to see the full-size image

A second source told the Russian TV that US-led coalition warplanes were tracking a senior ISIS commander near al-Rashidiyah when the airstrike took place. This suggest that the airstrike may have been a mistake.

Al-Rashidiyah, located 20km south of the border city of al-Qamishli, is one of very few areas in northeastern Syria that are still under the control of government forces.

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Toronto Tonto

Russia and Syria have been just pushing bombs out everywhere in Syria to test there new junk , BUT never have admitted to one civilian death .

Zionism = EVIL

Russia, Russia, Russia JEW PUNK :)


Russian and Syrian airplanes don’t have access West of Euphrates river. It’s a small SAA enclave between Kurdish-held area and Turkish border.


Isn’t it just amazing that a tiny country like Russia, with a GDP the size of Italy and a military budget 1/10 th of the USA’s can completely fuck up the plans of an alliance between the USA, France, UK, Israel and Saudi Arabia and keep them out of Syria west of the Euphrates with 2 air defence battalions and 4 air superiority fighters.

The USA can’t fly over Syria without Russian permission and Israel is forced to take pot shots at the Iranian and hezboula from Lebanon, cruise missile attacks mysteriously fail to reach their targets and elicit ridiculous stories from the pentagon about 72 missiles landing on a small 4 story building and still not completely destroying it.

If I was an American I would be embarrassed at my country’s performance and angry as fuck about how my tax dollars are funding an impotent military.


Back in my day people used to laugh at Americans they didn’t know geography…are you moron for real? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/952f9a82e62d3f70daa6ca812dff12f5bbc6662eed0325b8dd19cc1dd458f751.jpg


Ok out come the puppets and crayons. Unless you are specifically talking about geographical area the size of a country usually refers to it’s population and economy.

Russia’s GDP is $1.3T … USA is over $18T. Russia’s population is around 150m USA is 330M. So yes Russia is a tiny power compared to the USA.

I could have done as you suggest and compare area of Russia to the area of the USA however that says nothing about the relative power of these countries …. that is unless you believe that Canada is a bigger country in the world than the USA.

Are you really that simple that you equate area with size and power of a nation? For example Calgary is larger in area than NYC …. is Calgary a bigger city than NYC or does population and money make NYC a “larger” city than Calgary?



“Isn’t it just amazing that a tiny country like Russia…”

Russia is the largest country in the world, bitch. – this is a fact.

“Unless you are specifically talking about geographical area the size of a country usually refers to it’s population and economy.” – this is an opinion.

Facts > Opinions


And let me show you how you are even less than a stupid bitch that doesn’t know geography or anything else:

If you meant by ‘tiny’ the population and economy and not the size at all, why did you continue in the same phrase: “with a GDP the size of Italy” – didn’y you already say it? And tiny by population, when Russia has 50% of USA, how is USA comparing to India? Microscopic? How does this sound, lil bith, USA is a microscopic country comparing to India :))


“How does this sound, lil bith, USA is a microscopic country comparing to India :))”

With a population of 1B India is 3x the size of the USA.

“If you meant by ‘tiny’ the population and economy and not the size at all, why did you continue in the same phrase: “with a GDP the size of Italy” – didn’y you already say it?”

So let me get this straight. You are spending the best part of an afternoon arguing with someone on the internet over the grammatical structure of a sentence??

I post here because I’m interested in history and foreign policy. It’s something to do other than play solitaire when the spreadsheets and CAD drawings get tedious.

You’re here to what? Troll people on syntax, grammer and what makes a country “big”? Get a life …. correct your spelling on your last post first though..


Watch out, your boss could fire you if he finds out you think Russia is a tiny country

J Ramirez

American GDP – how many trillions in deficit = one broke ass nation with a whole lot of monopoly money ;}

J Ramirez

“Back in my day people used to laugh at Americans”, WTF? They still do ;}


I still didn’t hear an American saying that Russia is a tiny country

J Ramirez

You must be talking about Raqqa, check yourself , it was the terrorist coalition ( FUKUS ) France, UK, US) with a little help from other terrorist ;} If God would have made stupidity painful, you’d be dead right now!


Turkey never strikes on any country. This is Israel flying US aircraft to attack Syrians.

Zionism = EVIL

The whole Yinon plan is falling apart so their Americunt lapdogs are desperate to create more havoc in Syria and resorted to bombing Syrian civilians to demoralize the population, not going to work.


This is true.

Zionism = EVIL

Hardly a mystery, Americunt arseholes are bombing civilians again.

Taz T

Where is S300? Does it work?

Xoli Xoli

The Russian s-300 oil and gas containers are stored somewhere in government held territory.

Bill Wilson

The peasant probably was the ISIS guy the coalition wanted to exterminate.


This suggest that the airstrike may have been a mistake.

I beg to differ. When your goal is to gain control of every single source of petroleum on the planet, particularly if it is on the territory of brown skinned people, who want to run their own country. Then killing another brown skinned person is a success.

I would also assert that when the Empire kills a member of ISIS it’s because he pissed off the wrong guy or knows too much, perhaps both. Otherwise the attack of Deir Ezzor with the A-10s was a classic example of the ISIS air force at work.

It is probably a fact that the only way the drone pilots get in trouble is if they kill the wrong American or any Zionist.

Xoli Xoli

Nonsense it is USANATO, Israel and Erdogan NATO secret attack.Revenge on Turkey illegal Putin granted observation post attack.

Lena Jones

Terrorist jews are NOT ‘mysterious’.

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