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Mysterious Airstrikes Target PMU Camp Near Iraqi-Syrian Border – Reports

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Mysterious Airstrikes Target PMU Camp Near Iraqi-Syrian Border – Reports

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Mysterious airstrikes targeted late on January 4 a camp of the Popular Mobilization Unit (PMU) near the Iraqi-Syrian border, the al-Hurra Iraq TV reported, citing security sources.

The U.S.-based news channel didn’t provide any details on the matter. However, other sources claimed that airstrikes killed at least five personnel of the PMU.

Al-Hurra’s report was confirmed by the al-Mayadeen TV, which said that the targeted camp is located within Syria’s territory.

The airstrikes coincided with rocket attacks on the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, and its outskirt. The attacks targeted the U.S. embassy in the Green Zone as well as the Balad Air Base, north of the capital.

Last month, the U.S. responded to a rocket attack, that killed a contractor working for the Pentagon, by carrying out a series of airstrikes on PMU positions along the Iraqi-Syrian border. More than 25 fighters were killed as a result.

Iraq witnessed another escalation this week, when new U.S. airstrikes claimed the lives of PMU Deputy Commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and Iran’s Quds Force Commander Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani.

The PMU and Iran vowed to retaliate to the U.S. attacks. On the other side, senior officials in Washington warned that any new attack in Iraq will be met with a military response.

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IsraHell 1000% sure!

The war is coming to maybe whole region, no doubt about that.

Damien C

Yes I would think that is a one horse race for blame


Or congratulations?


The poor Iranian people if so. And not so good for the Lebanese or Palestinians.


bankrupted would be Empire you are above all danger for yourselves. do not worry for the Muslims they will find the way to get rid of you


Maybe they will pray to Allah a lot?


They already did and you know what

it seams that Allah have heard their prayers! Even I Orthodox Christian have prayed for them so how could they not win?


Easily. Just watch. If they significantly attack, they will be destroyed. If they don’t, they will look like the paper tigers they are and have to crawl back home to their Islamist pens and pray some more. And your glorious Putz Putin will reissue that pathetic picture of a shirtless little him on a very tiny pony playing tough guy.


Running your big mouth that’s all you good at You are collapsing indebted would be Empire struggling to keep the “Status Quo” by printing huge amounts of worthless $$$$$. Trying to kick the can down the road and postpone the inevitable collapse! Even US site write about that! SO WAKE UP IMPERIALIST AMERICUNT PIG !

How Long Will It Take For The US To Collapse? https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/how-long-will-it-take-us-collapse


Running your big mouth that’s all you good at You are collapsing indebted would be Empire struggling to keep the “Status Quo” by printing huge amounts of worthless $$$$$. Trying to kick the can down the road and postpone the inevitable collapse! Even US site write about that! SO WAKE UP IMPERIALIST AMERICUNT PIG !

How Long Will It Take For The US To Collapse ?. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/how-long-will-it-take-us-collapse


Zerohedge isn’t worth arse wipe,really!


go back to your cave monkey


I don’t think you ever left your cave!

Jimmy Jim


Xoli Xoli

Allah is not God.


you are ZIONIST IDIOT ! all Talmudist’s are SATANISTS

Xoli Xoli

You so ignorant fighting the living God decision on chosen ones above your gentile tribe were you originated from.

Jimmy Jim


Xoli Xoli

Since USA removed you from the payroll you are against them poor Insurgent.


Nor Israeli citizens everyone would be effected to varying degrees.

Zionism = EVIL

I would be more worried about the Zionist scum who are about to disappear :)

Jimmy Jim


Ricky Miller

U.S. forces will be running for Turkey within a day or two. What does an invading Iranian ground force hundreds of thousands strong have to do to get to 5,000 American soldiers stationed in Iraq? Right now just fall in next to tens of thousands of pissed off Iraqi Shia militia moving full steam to get at them too. Even in this day of drones and widespread shock and awe air support there just isn’t much equal to a massive ground force on the move. See, Taliban. Or Houthi rebels.


I’m sure you’ll enjoy watching it on Fox News!


fuck of you filthy Zionist terrorist moron ! I am European I do not waste my time watching news from half fallen terrorist would be empire


Now now, don’t be like that old sport!

Xoli Xoli

European from east and west and North and south.You just a rapefugee from Nigeria.Just a boko haram.


I have waited the fall of US for quite long time. And I can wait some more, only because I know your terrorism will soon be over.


Mateus Rust to you,see above!

Xoli Xoli

Just the fact that you are not getting USA dollar.makes your heart sore.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran and Kata’eb Hezbollah warns Iraqi troops to stay away from US bases


maybe, no doubt? Opposite terms, end.

Gabriel Hollows

There was also a small false flag attack at the US embassy: three rockets landing just outside. It seems the US are determined to start a war against the PMU in Iraq, even if that means fighting the Iranians in the process.


Good for them. The more Islamist murderers eliminated the better.

Fog of War

How does it feel to have your nation of 350 million be such subservient lapdogs to a nation of less the 6 million ? Must be an honorable position to be bent over on your knees . I hope your masters arent to hard on you. The greatest Democracy my ass.

Rahul Sonawane

russian silence will make sure one thing, Israel and USA will hit and reverse the gain, and eventually assad would be killed. Russia u r just fucked out of Syria and u wont be able to do anything. Bravo Trump well played. US is showing strength and Russia has started showing weakness. The idea of hitting ground forces of Lebanon and Iran is to weaken the gains.

Free man

The Iranian and Lebanese forces on the Syrian-Iraq border are there to advance Iran’s interests, not Assad’s.


And they will get what the Islamist Iranians are in for if there is any significant response.

Free man

The Israelis have been praying for an Iranian response for years. But apparently the Iranians will continue to disappoint the Israelis. Cowardice is a serious mental problem.


I hope you are correct for the sake of the Iranian people.

Free man

The build up of American forces in the area is enormous.


Enormous?? Not really. The 82nd brigade is probably headed to Kuwait. From there they can cover a withdrawal of coalition forces from Iraq and Syria if needed. :)

Free man

Americans always over do things. They are preparing for something big. It is never advisable to underestimate them.


Free Guy, here is an interesting thought: Is Trump trying to create an excuse for withdrawal. I certainly hope so. Today near the White House. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e2a5978cac3954f9322ae57d3f20b7a4c558e5f8c529d6d8a7b7e58e9ad433fb.jpg

Free man

actually, I think that at the end of the day, the goal is to get the American forces out of the Middle East (except for the Gulf states).


Exactly, and would be great news for Syria ! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/13a2a669997878cbca9df9d1508baafc9382cc62c7bba04c23ef7f1984183643.png

Luke Hemmming


Luke Hemmming

Yes I think you are right. Too much hostility and bad medicine against the US in the ME for it to be able to stay there any longer. VT bought that point up in an article I read there yesterday.


Cowardice or shrewdness, by not giving the Israelis what they want they frustrate their goals.

Free man

I would agree with you if the Iranians would not threaten nonstop but in practice do nothing.



Luke Hemmming

Iran are definitely not cowards. Im liken to them to more like chess players. Not as good as putin but are up and coming. Yes it frustrates Israel to no end that they are forced to orchestrate false flag attacks to try and coax Iran or the US into a war.


Mysterious? Obviously, the US or Israel or both. Pick your choice. Matters not. More Islamist murderers eliminated. And it keeps them off balance. Way more to come. Oh, where oh where is the little shirtless he-man on his tiny pony playing big man? So much for Iran’s glorious Russian protectors. And that other vaulted ally read a Chinese fortune cooky that said, Can’t we all just get along? Such good days.


Its a beneficial crisis,or at least thats what putin thinks….

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

IDF F-35 Adir putting some work in against the Mullah Proxies! Great job, Israeli AF! Mazel Tov and MAGA 2020 :-]


Jacob thats impossible, all those super Putin wiz bangs will destroy anything,really i know because RT International told me so!


another zionist retard. Welcome, don’t run away crying when you’re verbally raped on here :)


Mateus Rust to ya sir,ever heard of him?

Well he flew his little Cessna light aircraft right through the worlds most heavily defended airspace, seriously he did

So this isn’t a made up story, you know fake news, this actually happened, now which country do you suppose it was that couldn’t manage to stop this young German bloke?

The Soviet Union,Hahahahahaha, honestly! What a joke!it also had the worlds most advanced air defence complex at the time, really, it really was supposed to be deadly!

So lets stop kidding ourselves, all this current Russian stuff,unbeatable according to some, is basically old Soviet junk

Remember, Mateus Rust, a real hero


waddup jacob https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/94088e36dabd3772e7dcdc56199b269b7dc802912818dbee152e320ba285acf7.jpg


Jacob, you only have 23 total comments! What happened? Perhaps you should switch back to your Azrial account. :)

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Why are people bothering replying to this asshat or others like him???


Failure I would say, over 300 attacks by their own admission on Iranian linked targets in Syria/Iraq yet it has changed nothing on the ground, SAA winning, jihadis losing, regime change failed & Iran going nowhere.

Veritas Vincit

Israeli efforts to engineer a US war against Iran are common knowledge but recent Israeli reports also indicate the Trump administration may have adopted an aggressive policy targeting Shia forces in Iraq and Syria. For example:

– “The US air force continued to hunt down pro-Iran militia chiefs early Saturday, Jan 4, after killing their master, thus revealing America’s follow-up tactics for ridding Baghdad of Tehran’s grip…… the Trump administration has clearly launched a systematic war to eliminate the militia chiefs through whom Tehran maintains its grip on Baghdad….. new orders issued to the US command in Iraq: go on the offensive against the pro-Iranian Iraqi militias and target them with planes, helicopters or drones whenever their leaders try moving about on the roads and highways…. (In a fresh air strike, US targets Iraq’s pro-Iranian militia chiefs after terminating their master, Debka (Israel),Jan 4, 2020)

It is understood while the US and Israel seek to destroy Iranian-proxy force presence in Iraq and Syria, the Iranians are seeking to force out US occupation forces in the region. Recognising the effectiveness of conventional warfare capabilities augmented by asymmetric warfare tactics, the US is likely to experience significant losses if Iran chooses to. Iran is certainly capable of targeting US (and Israeli) bases, naval assets, aircraft, infrastructure (as the US and Israel often target), through allied forces.

The US and particularly Israel are vulnerable to the targeting of their military and commercial assets. If Iran so chooses, it has the potential to impose significant economic and strategic costs in response to the expanding aggressions of the US and Israel in the region. Indeed, the intensification of offensive actions by the US and Israel will almost certainly result in a cycle of escalation the outcome of which the US and Israel will not benefit from.

It is reasonable to assume current forms of warfare will in time escalate to more advanced stages (as is occurring). The Israelis will then understand the war they have sought will not be in a format they desire (as with the US, Israeli policy largely being the product of hubris and associated wishful thinking).

Recognising the developing coordination between Iran and its allies, an eventual multi-front regional conflagration is increasingly probable. As Israel is also currently expanding the Judaisation of occupied territories including key Islamic sites, a concurrent holy war is likely to be a component. This has significant implications as the likely ferocity of such a holy war, if they were to ignite it, will not be favourable to Israel.

In addition to the many wars the US-NATO-Israel-allied bloc have waged against successive strategic opponents, the aggressive policies and actions of US and Israel (with the support of key allies) will likely in time ignite a broader war.


Yeah, SouthF before I go to bed, I am old and my bones are tired.

The reason this attacks happen, is because Russia/Putin alows this to happen, nothing else, not about F….up 35 of by other means, but Putin and RUF, period, Putins insane level of historical flatout lies, made this come to be the truth, and this is also the main reason for never lifting an finger in Ukraina, because its run by the Tribe. Every doubt I had about Russians and Putin is by now completelly blown away, now I know who He is and whom He protects and is inbedded with, ISISrael and thats now an fact, even let the ISISraeli forces kill His own officers and the people think Putin is the man, because I know they know, they have control and everything that happens with regards of episodes of this kind, happens because of silent aproval coming from RAF and Putin and forget this idiotic propaganda about the plains, etc, thats just bullshit, like the never ending nonsense about Iron Dome.

Putin is NOT an friend of the Arab world, trade, yes, etc, but to think they eventually if something really serious happens, because this war that comes will be done by UssA and ISISrael/Brits/ZATO??, but Trumpstein have already gone further and this latest events will just make their day when he drooled something about going hard on 50+ targets inside Iran, and I know this time, they will go for it, because they can.

And this attack on QS serves its purpouse, regardeless of what Iran will do or say, the war is on track, and if you dont see that you really are blind. And I know the UssA will use this as the exuse, and nobody is going to do anything, because Iran is and will fight this alone, I sincerely hope the Iranians arent that naive, but have to trust their own abilitys and forberance, because I think the attacks will happen any moment from now on. Either it comes directly, because it looks like that, when they will just ignore making more FFs to blame Iran, also since they know we exposed the latest one, aka the idiotic missile attack, with equipments coming from Romania the standard rout for weapon systems to ISIS thru Turkien etc, you know the drill its been writen about before, and if any FF it will be never the less the real deal, everything points to that, and also since the UssA have no other options than go to war. May the lord have mercy upon us all since once again we can only watch, and do nothing.


Fog of War

” May the lord have mercy upon us all since once again we can only watch, and do nothing. ”

Nonsense, the US civilian population is the most heavily armed in the world. Think about it.


Come on mr Assad and Iran, throw all americans out of the middle east.The only think the USA has bring you is chaos and occupy your country for oil gas and gold. killing and poison the population.

Xoli Xoli

Israel attack plan by M16 to speed up USA attack on Iran.Paid by Saudi Arabia.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Israel and the US are both increasing hostile activities against Iranian interests in the region, and everyone seems to be focused on the usual propaganda the usual players push, ‘we’re doing this because they did that’, ‘we’re responding to their actions with our own reactions’, ‘that’s why the conflict is escalating’, ‘it’s black and white and obvious for all to see’. That’s the US and Israeli narrative they want us to believe, but is it the truth, I for one suspect it’s not the complete truth. I’ve made some confronting and upsetting comments on SF lately, which sadly turned some of my fellow SF readers into ostriches, they read my comment and then promptly stuck their heads in the sand, but it won’t help them, the thing that scared them will still be there when they pull their heads out of the sand. Find out for yourselves exactly what the current situation is between Russia and Iran, when you do find out what’s really happening, you might like me wonder if there could be another explanation for the increased hostilities. If the US and Israel know the Russians and Iranians aren’t getting along in Syria, especially Deir ez Zor, why the hell wouldn’t they take advantage of the fact, they’d be stupid not too. They see their 2 enemies fighting with each other in Deir ez Zor, giving them the opportunity to take advantage of any weaknesses the Iranian versus Russian conflict might expose, so I’m sure they would if they could. I’m pretty sure the problems between Russia and Iran, are in the least partly responsible for the escalation of US and Israeli aggression, they may just be taking advantage of the infighting and exploiting any weaknesses they find, but it could also be something else. Lately I’ve began wondering whether or not Putin actually covertly assists the Israelis and US to attack Iranian sites in Syria, possibly turning a blind eye to Israeli activity and even suggesting a few Iranian targets of his own for them to strike, and I know that gets some peoples hackles up when I say it but I don’t see why it should. Whenever I question Putin’s relationship to Erdogan/Turkey and condemn the Astana agreements [that do nothing at all to help Assad and only prolong the terrorists existence in Idlib], many of my fellow SF readers tell me this ‘it’s a good strategy overall’, ‘the Putin/Erdogan relationship is geopolitically important’, ‘Putin’s taking advantage of a fracturing NATO’, ‘Russia uses Turkey for its own purposes’, which I can understand [but not agree to when they hurt Assad in any way]. So I don’t understand why the very same people who tell me it makes perfect sense to use Turkey to help the Russian’s cause geopolitically, why it wouldn’t also then make sense for the Russians to use the Israelis, possibly even the US too, in the same way they do the Turks, that’s if doing it actually helped their agenda a lot more than it actually harmed it, wouldn’t they be stupid not to. Erdogan’s been condemning Putin’s failure to assist Turkey in Syria lately [read Turkish news], in stark contrast he’s actually been very grateful to Trump for his help, that can’t make Putin happy when he reads the news. And a few months back SF had 2 articles concerning the current state of Russian/Turkish relations, they pointed out a few truths that some people may have been unaware of. It made it clear the Russians were well aware the Turks were only using the Kurdish SDF as an excuse to push a different agenda, one that wasn’t in line with the one the Russians and Turks had agreed to, and the article even went on to say that once the Russians had discovered their intentions [by reading a Turkish government ministers comments on Turkish news LOL], they began the process of outmaneuvering the Turks. That definitely didn’t make Putin happy, livid is a much better word. So out of Putin, Erdogan, and Rouhani, who’s getting along with who, and more importantly who isn’t getting along with who. Erdogan and Rouhani are getting along like a pair of newly consumated lovers, everything’s all peaches and cream there, but as to Putin, he’s now the odd man out, Erdogan and Rouhani only seem to have eyes for each other. Rouhani and Erdogan are teaming up to try to minimise Russia’s influence in Syria, and trying even harder to promote their own, that doesn’t mean they’re trying to shut them out altogether or in some way stupidly let the US in, they’re in fact being very clever and killing 2 birds with the one stone, shutting both parties out, the US completely. So pull your heads out of the sand and have a good look, but this time don’t just look at the Russian, US, and Israeli agendas, actually take a good look at what the Turks and the Iranians have been doing, try to work out what you think their possible agendas might be, and then start wondering why it is the Israelis and US have been hitting the Iranians in Deir ez Zor so much lately, the very same spot the Russians are having the mini war against Iran with hundreds of casualties, just a coincidence hey, mmm, not on your life it isn’t. Some of you will say but the Iranians have upset the Israelis by building transit hubs at the highway and storing missiles there, that’s why the US and Israel are striking them there, LOL, and I say so what, do you think if the Russians wanted to help the Iranians scare the hell out of Israel and the US they wouldn’t do something to protect those Iranian facilities, they’d send in a battery of S-400’s if that’s what they’re intentions were. As some pro US supporters rightly claim, the Russians aren’t interested in fighting a war on Iran’s behalf, they instead want the Iranians to play a part in their geopolitical interests, which means avoiding a disastrous war with the US [that benefits absolutely no one, the US and Russia included]. So as much as some of you may think a strong Iranian military presence in Syria is great for Russian geopolitical interests, you’re totally misguided, the Russians would be the happiest if the Iranians just picked up and went home, but also said they’d be ready to assist Russia and Syria whenever they were needed again, and Russia would say,thanks for your help it’s much appreciated, let’s be friends forever. But that’s not what’s happening, nether the Turks or the Iranians are letting up, they happily want to carve up Syria between them, they’re very happy to have a Turkish controlled region, an Iranian controlled region, and a Syrian/Russian controlled region, that’s what both Turkey and Iran want, but Russia definitely doesn’t. If the Russian’s did like the idea of a divided Syria they wouldn’t be doing this, they wouldn’t be assassinating prominent members of Iran’s representatives in Syria, they wouldn’t be forming their own fully funded and very well equipped militias that are only loyal to Russian interests, they wouldn’t be using those same militias to fight against the Iranian backed militias in Syria, they wouldn’t be removing pro Iranian figures from the Syrian military and government institutions, and they wouldn’t be letting the US or Israel bomb Iranian assets in Syria,

Yesterday someone made the comment, “Soleimani played both sides of the game and the Russians probably won’t miss him”, they got 7 dislikes and counting for that comment, and I wonder if any of those people who gave them dislikes, realizes that Soleimani was one of the Iranians doing the most in Syria to harm Russian interests, he wasn’t helping them, his Iranian militias fight against the Russian militias in Syria, not alongside them, despite the fact they used to. The big picture is Russia and Iran are on the same page concerning which side it is Syria should be on, but not on the same page when it comes to who should be controlling Syria, Russia say Russia and Syria alone, but Turkey and Iran say all of us. If you think you’re pro Russian and I’m not because of the comments I just made, take a good look at what the Iranians are doing in Syria, but forget the great help they’ve already given for just a few moments and take a good look at what they’re doing now, do you think they’re really helping the Russians or Syrians cause by causing even more friction between the US/Israel and Iran. Sometimes the friend who’s extraordinarily helpful in a fight is not always so helpful in social situations, if I’m allowed to use that analogy, and I think the situation in Syria concerning Iran’s bid for influence and control is much the same, Iran’s like the tough boisterous friend who fights well and is always a help in a punchup, but also swears way too much in public, picks fights on anyone and everyone all the time, gets too drunk at parties and smashes furniture, and worse still touches up your girlfriend every time you’re not looking, and the Russians really don’t like you touching up their girlfriends, Iran’s just starting to find that out now.


Yankees, do you remember this?


Veritas Vincit

– “This is an act of war. Unilateral, unprovoked and illegal….. According to my best Southwest Asia intel sources, “Israel gave the US the coordinates for the assassination of Qasem Soleimani as they wanted to avoid the repercussions of taking the assassination upon themselves.”. “(US starts the Raging Twenties declaring war on Iran, by Pepe Escobar, January 04, 2020) http://thesaker.is/us-starts-the-raging-twenties-declaring-war-on-iran/

What is overlooked in many Western MSM reports is the fact that the US (/Israeli) assassination operation was an act of war not only against Iran but also Iraq, as openly recognised and stated by various Iraqi officials. This has significant implications.

In relation to these implications, various reports indicate Israel participated in the operation to assassinate General Soleimani. It is therefore reasonable to expect responses of involved Shia alliance members will factor this into their responses. Indeed, officials of the Shia alliance have confirmed their intention to conduct retaliatory actions.

Other statements by Iranian officials (and officials of their allies)indicate that the assassination of an Iranian and an Iraqi official means that US officials will no longer be safe and that the response will not be contained to one event but an ongoing campaign (a state of war being recognised).

– “Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Saturday that the US officials will, now and in the future, suffer from consequences of their decision to assassinate Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Quds Force Commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani.” (Iran: US Officials to Face Consequences Now, in Future, FarsNews, 04/01/2020) https://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13981014001002

– ” Major General Soleimani, of course, humiliated the whole of the Deep State over and over again….. It was Soleimani who defeated ISIS/Daesh in Iraq – not the Americans bombing Raqqa to rubble. Soleimani is a superhero of almost mythical status for legions of young Hezbollah supporters, Houthis in Yemen, all strands of resistance fighters in both Iraq and Syria, Islamic Jihad in Palestine, and all across Global South latitudes in Africa, Asia and Latin America. There’s absolutely no way the US will be able to maintain troops in Iraq, unless the nation is re-occupied en masse via a bloodbath. And forget about “security”: no imperial official or imperial military force is now safe anywhere, from the Levant to Mesopotamia and the Persian Gulf.” “(US starts the Raging Twenties declaring war on Iran, by Pepe Escobar, January 04, 2020)

– “Any war that the United States starts, it won’t be able to finish.” [Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif]

The US and Israel have indeed opened a Pandora’s Box they will be unable to close.


Jan. 4, 2020 – Iran hacked U.S. Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) … is a government program created to make U.S. federal government publications available to the public. FDLP – https://www.fdlp.gov


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