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Mysterious Airstrikes Target Turkish-Occupied Al-Bab In Northern Syria (Photos)

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Early on February 2, five airstrikes targeted the Turkish-occupied city of al-Bab in the northern countryside of Syria’s Aleppo.

Local sources said that the airstrikes targeted the city’s center, damaging the Dushal mosque and destroying nearby buildings. The airstrikes didn’t result in any civilian casualties, according to the sources.

The airstrikes were the first to target al-Bab city since it was occupied by the Turkish military and its Syrian proxies in 2017.

Opposition sources claimed that the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) were behind the airstrikes, while some activists said that it was the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF).

A day earlier, Turkish-backed militants situated around al-Bab launched a surprise attack on government-held areas southwest of the city. The militants attacked military positions and allegedly a post of the Russian Military Police.

During the attack, seven soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and three fighters of the Kurdish Afrin Liberation Forces (ALF) were killed. The army also lost a T-72av battle tank, that was destroyed with an anti-tank guided missile (ATGM).

The mysterious airstrikes on al-Bab may have been carried out by the VKS or the SyAAF in response to the militants’ attack. However, this remains unconfirmed.

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ahah response syrian a traitrise attack!!

Xoli Xoli

It is ridiculous why should Turkey expect to be immune from any revenge. If their harbor ,arm and order killings of Syrian and Russian soldiers on sovereign Syrian land. Erdogan should never expect any good books of favour from Syria and allies.


This is the example set by the US and Israel. Like those two countries, Turkey has decided to walk along the path of a rogue nation. These countries have created chaos and lawlessness in the international arena. Now that they are strong, they can reap the rewards of their criminal behaviour, but history is not a line. Countries do not grow nor do they become stronger indefinitely. They should learn from history.

Xoli Xoli

You have my support very true indeed.

Damien C

Not a mystery to any military with radar, the’ll know exactly who was responsible!

They know it wasn’t me because it would have been 500 not 5


Drop a few on Erdogan, so war will stop

John Wallace

I know many thought and hoped this would be the final year of war in Syria but in reality it is becoming more involved with too many nations wanting their piece of the pie making peace a forlorn hope in the near future. There is no chance the US , Israel or Turkey will leave Syria alone as like dogs in a pack they continue to bite onto anything in range.It is in the interests of many to divide Syria by events of war.


It is true. The closest Syria and its allies are to victory, the fiercer the opposition from the evil countries will be. And this is because, more than anything, a victory for Syria will mark a civilizational change; that is, it will show that a “third” world country can stand up to a monster like the US and win. And this will bring a change or rather accelerate a change in perception about the power of Washington and its allies. There are some things that may seem small or even minuscule but they bring tectonic shifts. This is one and the criminals know it.

John Wallace

I agree the hyenas have no intention of letting go of what they have and what they can possibly take for a long long time.

AM Hants

Look how much Syria has got back. Now the final clean up, which will be hard, but, getting close to the finale. Wish Syria all the best.

John Wallace

I am well aware of how much progress the SAA has made since the days they looked down and out long before Russia joined the fight and turned it around with help from others. What I am saying is that America is determined to stay not only in the oil regions in the East but also at Al Tanf . Is Russia going too attack America on behalf of Assad. I think absolutely not and America knows it. Is Assad going to throw Turkey out. Not on his own and Putin has much more at stake with Turkey to risk upsetting them in favor of Assad. Are the Kurds going to hand over areas that they control where they are not threatened by Turkey and have American assistance. Only if America leaves so go back to point one on that. Is Israel going to stop attacking Syria and Iranian forces / bases anytime soon. Not likely as they wish to not only control and fragment Syria for their advantage but to also build an oil pipeline from Syrias east to Israel which means they must control the route at the expense of Syria. Is Putin going to confront Israel , that is a pipedream. So as much as Syria has advanced since the dark days of almost total collapse to their position today they can at best only control basically what they do as of today and perhaps a ;itt;e more of Idlib / Aleppo . That is probably at best 60% of Syria while hyenas control the rest. Until America is physically thrown out of the ME wars will continue and even if they are removed you can guarantee that various groups will be aided to continue so I can not see peace returning to Syria for years to come as much as I would like to see otherwise.

AM Hants

I do believe one day somebody is going to call America’s bluff, and the day is fast approaching.

The US believes nobody would dare touch her, owing to her defective weapons and systems. So she carries on her trail of carnage and destruction. Where does it end?

Will Russia and China allow the US to get in the way of the ‘OBAR’ project? I think not. Russia and China have observed the US/UK/5 eye script and know exactly where the weak points are and how they can be used.

Do believe we are getting to the end of the Anacondra Exercise, aka Greater Israel Project. Anacondas, might be mighty beasts, who close down organs, leading to asphyxia, when they have the chance. However, they have a limited shelf life and are easy to play and destroy when faced with beasts of a higher intelligence.

John Wallace

Did Irans responce sort of call Trumps bluff a little as despite his calll of no casualties and little damage as his reason for not escalating has shown to be an outright lie. His bluff and bluster on North Korea has been played by Kim . I said after the last nuclear test and Kim said they were going to pursue peace that as the testing mountain collapsed killing 200 ( workers / scientist ?? ) that his talk was most likely a means of gaining time for building a new testing site . That is begining to look more likely. Trump played like a fish on a multi hooked lure. To call Americas bluff is a dangerous call as they are well capable of obliterating most countries of the world. Are they prepared to go to war to stop the One Belt one road or will they just try and cut off certain points . Israel is not going to give ip on their objective of Greater Israel and they are advancing on their objective of suppressing oposition around the world with their antisemitism laws. Imagine if Britain had laws that forbade objecting to terrorsit stabbings . The world is quietly being sedated as the circuses entertain them . In the 60’s I thought 1984 was an interesting book . I never thought it would become a textbook.

AM Hants

Remember reading ‘1984’ and ‘Animal Farm’. They actually were the basis of my politics. Voted Conservative, as all were the same, but, conservatives honest about it, haha.

Like you, never in wildest dreams thought they would be the template of Western culture in the 21st Century.

ivan cohen

one day or another probably Russia, Syrians, Iranians (and perhaps also Iraqis) will tell the last word, and in that moment they stop to be disposed to treat deals, then, in that moment will be a ouragan of fire where also americans and israHELLians will be paid with same money they spend in past. For what concern americans they must be aware that the hunt started from days and there will be NO PLACES WHERE HIDE FOR THEM and their dogs

ivan cohen

in the list obviously will be a special places also for turks, a very rogue nation from time of middle ages

Ray Douglas

The Turks are presently taking terrorists out of Syria and flying them to Libya. This ‘may’ be a part of that operation. Lets hope it is. If the Turks are really going in to fight alongside the terrorists then the gloves are off and it will lead to an all out war. Russia will not go to war over another country. They will only go to war to defend Russia.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

There’s no mystery about who’s aircraft they are other than are they Russian or Syrian, the SAA are conducting artillery strikes against the same area so it stands to reason the SAAF, or more likely the Russians, are actually assisting them. The Russians usually take on all the high risk targets because they have the better equipment and aircraft, and because this is a high risk area that the Turks operate in all the time, I wouldn’t mind betting they’re more likely to be Russian aircraft. The Turks wouldn’t think twice about knocking a SAAF plane out of the sky but Russian aircraft they might.

cechas vodobenikov

possibly missiles, fake news…those that believe they know r idiots

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