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Mysterious Flying Objects Over Kansas Turn Out To Be Top-Secret DARPA Experiment

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

There was such as vast public response to the mystery objects spotted over Kansas City that none other than the National Weather Service of Kansas City felt compelled to tweet on Thursday, June 20 that “we honestly have no explanation for the floating objects over Kansas City,” along with a sub-tweet of an image showing two “floating objects” in the sky.

Social media was ignited by this news (or lack thereof) with many speculating (and the NWS’s vague tweet not helping) that an alien invasion was taking place. However, just hours later it was revealed that the mystery flying objects were a top-secret DARP (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) project, dubbed Adaptable Lighter Than Air (ALTA) program.

Mysterious Flying Objects Over Kansas Turn Out To Be Top-Secret DARPA Experiment

ALTA was developed to test high altitude lighter-than-air vehicle capable of wind-borne navigation over extended ranges. The balloons can fly at altitudes of more than 75,000 feet while carrying a small payload.

Mysterious Flying Objects Over Kansas Turn Out To Be Top-Secret DARPA Experiment

DARPA launched three ALTA balloons from Cumberland, Maryland, about 80 miles west of Camp David, on June 18, 2019. According to C⁴ISRNET, DARPA was tracking the balloons, the agency said the ALTA balloon flights are coordinated with the FAA.

“The balloons are controlled from fixed and mobile ground stations, with consistent point-to-point links and satellite relays,” said Dr. Alexander M.G. Walan, ALTA program manager, noting that the balloons have sensors used to assess flight performance. Also, the ballons have an entirely different shape from weather balloons because they are larger and look like orbs.

The real purpose of the mission is classified, as apparently is the reason why DARPA decided to make the balloons look like giant alien spaceships.

Mysterious Flying Objects Over Kansas Turn Out To Be Top-Secret DARPA Experiment

A group of unknown Kansas City residents spotted giant balloons floating across the sky. Some thought it was, who esle, the Russians while others were concerned it was an alien invasion.

On Twitter, many speculated the balloons were alien spaceships.

According to Flightradar24, two of the balloons are approaching Denver, Colorado this weekend.

Mysterious Flying Objects Over Kansas Turn Out To Be Top-Secret DARPA Experiment

Click to see the full-size image

The news of alien-looking ballons over the Midwest comes at a time when the US government is officially starting to acknowledge reports of “unidentified aerial phenomenon” more seriously than ever before, and last week three senators received a detailed report of UFO sightings.

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Harry Smith

DARPA always had interesting ideas. Even Internet is nothing but DARPR project

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Looks like just another reason why the U.S. govt is essentially bankrupt today.

Jens Holm

They go that high because they use hot air from Your behind.

They will stay in that altitude, because Your family is up there given pork.

Because Guantanamo is not allowed, people like Erdogan The King of the Ilderim Istanbullies as well as Assad soon will be everlasting tourists there.

Its no prisons. Its kind of “Is anybody out there”, and the answer is NO.


Who said it was the Russians?

Jens Holm

Laika – vuf, vuf – in Pravda :)


Not so top secret any more, But where did the third one head off to? HMM :)

Jens Holm

Classified is not the same as secret.

Your fear could be those ballons in flocks could carpetbomb Iranian prayareas with pigs every friday, when the weather is for it :)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i dont understand what is the point of their experiment with these balloons?


Could be a high tech weather balloon for the upper atmosphere. Or maybe can float over a country during the night to collect ELINT data, if the wind is right. Dam those Missourians for taking pictures of it! LOL

Jens Holm

I dont think it for weather. It could be for observations, but I propose some kind of cheep transportation as well.

It is a fact that zeppeliners had very big problems in navigation.

Jens Holm

I dont understand much as well. They do say its experiments. You should wonder why we dont use zepeliners even they are cheep transportation.

I only know the winds up there are much faster.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

oh ok, well zeppelins can explode remember the hindenberg? lol

Jens Holm

Hindenburg burned and they went to use helium.

But those big blimps could reach USA as well as Sudan from Europe.

Hitler had one as prestige and branding as well. Nothing wrong in another try even I hope they are not for war.

Albert Pike

Why would Darpa do this – ‘a top secret experiment’ over populated areas, also just hours after Trumpy seamingly gave orders to start a new war? No they would not, because to be seen at home serves no purpose, because they didn’t do that ‘experiment’ over Iran, and therefore, it’s most likely a US-administration bullshit story, possibly to hide something else.

Therefore the logical conclussion (and I hate ‘that’ conclussion) – it was’t Darpa, and neither where those ballons…


Psyop obviously.


Come on people, DARPA is not testing any physical parametres here, they are testing the population, including responses and communications about the objects (inclucing this article and your responses), and who knows what else. Why else would they do something as goofy as making balloons look like alien ships? And then fly them over populated areas!!! One thing people should learn from this though – when you think it’s the Russians, it’s almost certainly your own so-called “government”.

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