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MARCH 2025

Mysterious Underground Facility Found In Iran’s Markazi Province

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Mysterious Underground Facility Found In Iran's Markazi Province

A screenshot from the video

Satellite images have revealed an earlier not reported underground facility near Khomein in the Iranian province of Markazi.

Iranian media outlets like to boast Iranian ballistic missile capabilities by showing various footage from underground missile launching sites in the country. The found location may be one of them. Also, it may belong to the Iranian nuclear program.


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Free man

Too many Zionists in the IRGC: https://twitter.com/BabakTaghvaee/status/1358901154227384330


As if the terrorist Ziojews needed some old man with an overly tight turban clouding his sense to announce their terrorist feats.

One famous Jew quote: “Killing 500.000 Iraqi children was worth it”.

Just Me

There is nothing to worry about Iran is just building safe nuclear storage and ICMB storage facilities in the mountains. It is part of its nuclear safety infrastructure.


and the poor war criminals trembling on that stretch of land which isn’t even theirs trying to make the world or at least the disunited states of A go to war against Iran – what pathetic liars, murderers and thieves they are, the jews in palestine. time to clear palestine of all jews and then follow up with the embedded/entrenched jews elsewhere.

Just Me

Not going to happen amigo. The Zionists are worse than a paper tiger. They have become a laughing stock.

The Objective

It’s actually the reverse. Your country is in disgrace. You lost so much in 20202 without inflicting any major damage on your opponents. Your mouthiness is all you have left to defend your dignity. I pity you guys though. It’s always hard and humiliating trying to defend a glaring weakness (cowardice).

The Objective

Clearing Palestine of the Jews will only remain on your lips. If there is anyone who can do that, it’s certainly not the Iranians and Shiites.

The Objective

I hope what you say is true. It will be revealed long before Iran gets the chance to complete preparations for its agenda of seizing the Hejaz from the Sunnis through nuclear intimidation, war, and sabotage. At least, Turkey will have a perfect excuse to go nuclear and put the brakes on Iran’s ambitions over Mecca and Madina.


Half a million children died in Iraq since UN sanctions were imposed – most enthusiastically by Britain and the US. … It is a pitiful picture of Madeleine Albright, then the US representative at the UN,boasting about killing Iraqi women and children.

Free man

This old man is the Ministr of Intelligence of Iran. I don’t think he is a Jew.

The Objective

Quoting the Zionists won’t conceal your crimes of pushing sectarian violence across the middle east. Neither will it absorb your nation of the hundreds of thousands who died in these sectarian violence Soleimani helped set up. You are currently harming far more people than the Israelis are. From Lebanon to Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen, your proxy forces are engaged in the sectarian subversion of millions. The local populations suffer more from your cowardly way of fighting. See your declared enemy right there within range of your missiles. But you instead focus on the ordinary citizen striving to earn a living, including even women. Cowards! you deserve everything the Americans do to you.

Just Me

Car breaks into Israeli air base home to F-35s, exposing security holes. LOL

Jimmy Jim


Free man

So I guess you think it’s okay that IRGC officers murdered Iran’s chief nuclear scientist, for the Mossad. LOL.

The Objective

Ignore the mouthy ignoramuses. They keep disgracing themselves with these childish comments. Iran is a paper tiger.

Concrete Mike

With ennemies like you, Iran has nothing to worry about!

Free man

You need to worry of Zionist IRGC officers not me.

Just Me

This poor guy will die of hatred. Quite pathetic really :) rejected by everyone every day. A lost misfit loser.

The Objective

Iranians are the ones filled with hatred and fear on this forum. On the one hand, they want to promote Iran as a major power. On the other hand, the try to find excuses for Iran’s humiliating timidity to retaliation. We’ll see how far this goes. But I think the Mullahs have set Iran on the path to a highly destructive war, the likes of which Persia has yet to see.


Why is that because they won’t do as the US Reich demands?


he won’t answer that because he himself sucks them off upon demand as a good sunni. A Pakistani dalit that he is.

Emad Irani

this yankees Mummy didn’t sleep with an Iranian so not surprising

The Objective

LOL. This is the laugh of the day. Iranians down-voting this guy for an honest comment. If the IRGC is infiltrated, what else can remain secret in Iran?


Frankly, all this daily hype and speculation against Iran is now moot. Iran is a powerful nuclear power with a stable government and fastest growing economy in region, even according to IMF at 5.1%. Iran is sighing a 20 year strategic cooperation agreement with Russia and 25 year economic and trade deal with China. It is building a nuclear deterrent infrastructure in many of the mountain regions, so more of these sites will be visible and invisible. Iran has moved on.


The world is starting to live with a nuclear Iran.

Iran warns its ‘peaceful’ nuclear program could change if it’s ‘backed into a corner’

Iranian Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi said the country’s nuclear program is peaceful, and it will be the fault of others if it is pushed towards the path of creating nuclear weapons.

If they push Iran in this direction, it won’t be the fault of Iran, but the fault of those who have pushed Iran into developing a nuclear deterrent. Alavi also stated that Iran will defend itself with every possible means.

The Objective

Iran never intended for a peaceful nuclear program. It wanted to have a covert nuclear arsenal to intimidate the Israel and the Sunni countries around. Iran was caught. If the Mullahs believe that fake fatwa will deceive the world, then they have grossly miscalculated. The history of Shiites prove them to be masters of deception. Thankfully, the world doesn’t believe them one damn bit, otherwise, Iran won’t be under such stringent sanctions and harsh international pressure.

The Objective

Iran can sign all the sell-out agreements it can with China or Russia. But the bottomline is, no country will invest anything meaningful in Iran until Iran solves its problems with the West. A war will destroy all or much of any investment, and countries are increasingly risk-averse nowadays.

My guess is, Iran will roll back the current program for America to lift sanctions. But in light of recent IAEA reports, even Biden no longer believes that Iran isn’t hiding a covert nuclear weapons program. Hence, the IAEA will keep digging deeper into Iran’s past and current nuclear activity until they unearth something very dirty that Iran can no longer hide.

The IAEA are doing a good job right now. Maximum pressure will continue. The U.S should just let the sanctions be and focus on fighting Iranian proxies across the middle east to weaken them. It should also deploy all the long range bombers and warships that’ll be required to devastate Iran should the Mullahs opt for war. This will deter the Mullahs from openly crossing the nuclear redlines, even as sanctions take their toll.

Arch Bungle

And that’s just one …

Just Me

Iranian asymmetrical warfare doctrine is Kinetic and based on devolution of centralized command in case of war, so the whole command structure immune to electronic warfare. Every unit will fight in its prescribed area with its own ammo stocks. Iran has built hundreds of thousands of underground facilities throughout its ideally suited mountain terrain. Even the underground metro is dual purpose. The big steel bomb proof NBC doors are not for parking carriages or holding underground music concerts LOL

The Objective

Your asymmetrical warfare doctrine and underground missile will only lead to a wholesome destruction of your country should Iran clash with the U.S. It’ll most likely be the worst U.S attack on any country, especially if America’s human losses are high. You don’t appear to see the existential threat facing Iran. I do. And the Mullahs will be wise to avoid war at all cost.


The US army will probably fold like cheap lawn furniture against a real adversary like Iran. Morale is already low, the political purge and LGBTQWERTYUIOP agenda will continue to degrade it’s effectiveness.

ZOG.mil is strong on paper and is best suited towards interfering against weakened states which already possess a significant globohomo-friendly fifth column.

The Objective

You are yet to prove your point by avenging your dead.

The Objective

A closer look at Iran’s current position in the Middle East. I’m re-posting this comment from an answer I gave some Iranian troll.

My comment focuses exclusively on Iran, because you guys try to convince people that Iran is innocent. I’m trying to make you understand that Iran is also a major destabilizing force in the Middle East.

Secondly, it is Israel that is keeping Iran on its backfoot, not the other way round. To illustrate this, look at Iran’s situation overall. The year 2010 – 2011 was Iran’s golden era. It had three countries firmly under control. It had Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, because the U.S was just withdrawing out of Iraq. Sanctions weren’t so tough because Hezbollah and Assad helped Iran access the dollar despite sanctions. And the sanctions weren’t so far-reaching. Again, there was no rift between Russia and Iran, back then. Israel was also not bombing Syria or Iraq.

What about today? Let’s look at the situation from a balanced perspective. Hezbollah is under fire in Lebanon. the Lebanese economy has collapsed. Hezbollah can hardly access cash that used to flow from Iran. Hezbollah has expended considerable resources and manpower fighting in Syria, which reduced their strength. Many countries listed Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. Lebanese banks have been sanctioned, cut off from the International monetary system. the value of the Lebanese currency drops to record lows. And public sentiment has never been this high against Hezbollah among Lebanese. Add to that the political instability and increased interference by foreign countries.


Man get lost, you don’t know shit. Just telling half truths. Get lost….go to TRT harami pakistani jihadi.

The Objective

You are the liar. If you found any wrong information in my comment, point it out and prove me wrong by logical argument and facts.


Your argument is that of a wahabbi jihadi Al-Qaeda terrorist. Same as those other Pakistani jihadi on TRT muslim brotherhood goons. Get lost.

The Objective

List my lies and deconstruct them with evidence or logic. simple. If you can’t, then shut the fuck up.

chris chuba

Your opening sentence is wrong, starts out on an incorrect premise and gets worse from there.

“The year 2010 – 2011 was Iran’s golden era. It had three countries firmly under control. It had Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq”

Iran did not ‘control’ any of these countries. Why do you even say that as if isolation or total control are the only options. Iran seeks partnerships. In 2011 Lebanon, Hezbollah was content to remain a dominant force in Southern Lebanon and did not even bother to get engaged in the politics of Beirut. If anything they were too passive and have been periodically thrown under the bus since then.

In 2011, Syria and Iran were forced into a working relationship because of the destabilizing presence of 3M Sunni Iraqi refugees. ISIS was in its infancy. Does the U.S. control Israel? How did Iran control Syria. What you are saying did not exist in Syria. The presence of one Iranian to the paranoid proves the existence of an empire. Ditto Iraq.

Soleimani was a genius at diplomacy. He knew how to work with different factions because he know that he should not ‘control them’ but work with them as partners. The only thing I agree with you about is that his assassination hurt Iran (and the region) because his kind of talent is rare. Killing a good man harmed the world. Congratulations. Everything else you said is off track.

The Objective

When I say Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon were in control regarding Iran, I meant the Iranian influence in these countries were at their peak. For example, Iran freely shipped weapons to Hezbollah through Syria. Iran’s militias in Iraq were getting stronger, building businesses and installing their people in the government. In Lebanon, Hezbollah was having a good time, because there were no sanctions on Lebanon back then. Syria relied heavily on Lebanese banks, and has invested billions of dollars there. Now, Assad cannot access such funds due America’s Caesar Act sanction, and sanctions on Lebanese banks. Hezbollah gave Iran access to the dollar despite sanctions, but now, the U.S has busted Hezbollah’s money laundering racket. Please, if you think any thing I’ve said here is a lie, provide proofs, or ask for it.

Today, Iran is lacking all these things. There is war in Syria. Both Iran and Hezbollah has spent considerable human and financial resources to help. But it isn’t working for them, as Assad has failed to regain full control. Israel is bombing them like never before. Iran is a target of assassinations and sabotage. I ran is practically cornered from all directions. And the pressure is mounting.

Calling Soleimani a hero is a mistake I used to make too. If you dig into his past (including cooperation with the U.S), you’ll know that he isn’t the innocent peaceful dove many of you consider him to be. No matter how important someone is, they have no right to take another person’s life or create conditions that lead to a loss of life for some people. Soleimani was notorious and a genius at creating parallel forces. Proxies have been my only problems with Iran. non-state actors ensure that a country remains permanently destabilized or a target of Iran’s enemies. Some Iranians try to argue that they need these proxies to deter a U.S attack. I’ve researched and thought deeply on this. But I can’t find any good reason that proxies can deter the U.S. Only Iran’s missiles can deter an enemy like America (if at all). Which makes me understand that these proxies are being cultivated for a different purpose. I can’t find any good reasons except that Iran has its sights on the three holy sites of Islam: Mecca, Madina, and Jerusalem. That’s the only explanation that makes sense to me when you look at Iran’s current posture. Cheers.

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