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Myth Of “Clean’’ Wehrmacht And Emergence Of Neo-Fascism And Russophobia in Germany

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Myth Of “Clean’’ Wehrmacht And Emergence Of Neo-Fascism And Russophobia in Germany


by Dr. Leon Tressell

The Western media and political classes have lost their minds with their hysterical Russophobia since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Putin is denounced as a modern day Hitler, who according to the cognitively challenged US president, is carrying out acts of genocide in Ukraine.

The Western media and political classes, who are beholden to the interests of the merchants of death in the Military industrial complex, rant and rave about Russian war crimes. Yet they ignore the resurgence of neo-fascism in Germany a country which has a genocidal history of killing tens of millions of people.

This neo-fascist movement in Germany is trying to resurrected the myth of the ‘clean Wehrmacht’. In the 2021 general election  Alternative for Germany won 4.7 million votes giving it 83 seats in the Reichstag about 11% of total seats. It has substantial representation in the state parliaments of Germany and is the largest party in states of Saxony and Thuringia. This emerging neo-fascist party is central to the revisionist history which is popular in Germany. It denies the responsibility of the Wehrmacht for killing over 27 million citizens of the Soviet Union and puts it all down to formations such as the SS.

Alexander Gauland, co-founder of the AfD and one of its leading lights in the Bundestag, has commented how, “Germans should be proud of “the achievements of German soldiers” during World War 2. Gauland has gone further and praised the ‘bravery of German soldiers’. According to Gauland millions of German soldiers served with distinction and should take no blame for the criminal policies of the Nazi dictatorship.

This represents yet another attempt to rewrite history and perpetuate the myth of the ‘Clean Wehrmacht’ whose reputation was ‘unblemished’ by the military campaigns that it fought on behalf of Hitler’s genocidal regime.

This myth that was firmly rooted in large parts of the German population was first challenged by the hugely controversial exhibition “War of Annihilation Crimes of the Wehrmacht 1941 to 1944″ that toured 33 cities in the mid to late 1990s. It was received by a deluge of criticism and ‘massive protests’ to such a degree that it was suspended and later re-released after some ‘editing’.

The current conflict in Ukraine is bringing back to the surface how many in German society really feel about Russians. On one of Germany’s most watched talk shows commentator Florence Gaub recently stated: “We should not forget even if Russians look European, they are not European. In a cultural sense. They think differently about violence, or death. … They have no concept of a liberal, post modern life. A concept of life each individual can choose. Instead, life can simply end early with death. Russian life expectancy is quite low, you know, its 70 for men. That’s why they treat death differently, that people simply die.’’

Where have I heard a German speaker dehumanize Russians before?

In 1943 Joseph Goebbels said of Russia: “It would be mistaken to evaluate it by the standards of Western Europe….The people of the Soviet Union live at a level of brutish primitiveness that we can hardly imagine.’’

Western media outlets and the entire political classes have completely ignored the many war crimes committed by the Ukrainian army in the Donbass since 2014. The most infamous of these war crimes is the Odessa massacre on 2 May 2014 that left over 100 Russian speakers dead at the hands of the neo-Nazi Right Sector.

Over the last eight years the incessant shelling of civilians settlements in Donetsk and Lugansk by Ukrainian forces has led to the deaths of over 10,000 with thousands more wounded and hundreds of thousands driven from their homes.

Every day civilian settlements around Donetsk city are bombarded by Ukrainian artillery causing many casualties amongst civilians. One impartial source for these attacks comes from the daily video reports provided by American journalist Patrick Lancaster. All you have to do is to go to his YouTube channel.

By ignoring these war crimes it suggests that the West condones such attacks on Russian speaking civilians.

The growing neo-fascist movement in Germany and its attempts to whitewash the country’s genocidal past should be a warning to the world. It brings to mind the famous warning that the great Bertolt Brecht gave to German workers after the Second World War:

“For though the world has stood up and stopped the bastard, the bitch that bore him is in heat again.”


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Vlad butcha orc

Orcfront in full propaganda mode. 😂😂😂

It was Russia’s actions that made Germany pivot around and leave the path of peace, in order to aid a defender.

Yelling in agony, as Russia’s invasion goes suicide won’t change that. 🤷


Blinken: “For every tank that the Russians had in Ukraine, we, together with 30 allies and partners, were able to provide 10 anti-tank systems. For every aircraft that the Russians sent into the airspace – 10 of one or another anti-aircraft ammunition”

Vlad butcha orc

And that’s going to become even more. Meanwhile Ukrainian soldiers know these systems and their capabilities even better, utilizing them more and more effectively.

Sounds like Russia running out of cannon fodder. 🤷

helene matz

pity you dont volunteer for the nazi army sitting on your sofa eating crisps and macshit you wont last half a minute

oy vey

Blinken: “For every dead Ukrainian we can send shit. But at least we all laugh.”

Joe Biden

Pedo Tony Blinken : ‘For every Russian artillery shell we will send an Ukro-slave to die. Until Russia run out of ammo or we run out of Ukro-slaves.’


And no one alive to use them.


Meanwhile you keep collecting Welfare and Food Stamps…. Russia has 147 Allied Nations and Partners you Imbecile !! Return my Money you wasted in Heroin and Booze damned repugnant !!


With one Avangard and one Sarmat missile at mach 14 is enough to obliterate the entire EU. IF you really think the US cares about any human beings in Europe, you’re an idiot. The EU will be the ones who are gonna pay a great price for these war crimes. GO AHEAD DUMMIES, ADD FUEL ON THAT FIRE, IT WILL BLOW UP IN YOUR FACE very soon very soon. WHAT do you really think CHINA will do ? Let NATO go to war with Russia, alone ! Think about Taiwan ! You think the US will be able to fight 2 wars. You think the Russians don’t know what’s coming in Ukraine. The Russians have destroyed 90% of the AFU military capacities. In Syria, your NATO countries tried to stop Russia, they failed. NATO won’t succeed this time because Russia had 8 years to prepare themselves for this war, they knew EU/US russophobia scumbags will use every means to destroy Russia. But this time, THEY will loose this fight.

stephan williams

“The Western media and political classes, who are beholden to the interests of the merchants of death in the Military industrial complex, rant and rave about Russian war crimes. Yet they ignore the resurgence of neo-fascism in Germany a country which has a genocidal history of killing tens of millions of people.”

That was a far as I got.

Anyone who still claims with a straight face that Germany “has a genocidal history of killing tens of millions of people” is either a liar or a complete doofus. Propaganda isn’t “truth”. The Germans lost the war and they paid the price for their attempt to free themselves from the yoke of financial enslavement – they have been lied about for generations.

Germany is experiencing another Wiemar moment in history. The country has been captured by the same vermin as those behind the Weimar debacle and this time they’re attacking Russia instead of Germany. Arrogant fools still. They have no idea the dogs of war they’re about to release…

Dr. Leon Tressell

You sound like an apologist for the crimes of German fascism. Denying that Germany was responsible for the deaths of 27 million Russians is simply unhinged. I suppose ignorance is bliss for apologists of German genocide such as yourself.

Peter The Ungrateful

Not to nitpick but those 27+ million were Soviet people, e.g. Ukrainians, not only Russians. I just want to state that as fact to be extra correct. This is not intended to diminish the German crimes.

stephan williams

I prefer truths to propaganda, Doctor and I’m not an apologist for anyone. Get your facts straight and get back to me.

Edgar Zetar

Dont you known already how the world works… nobody cares about friendly assasins and even protect them while they are on his side and everybody body hates enemy assasins until they convert to your friend so there is assasin no more. This is the Germay of the XXI Century in the eyes of the western world and hitler and only hitler was the madman not germany. How old are you? 10 To not known already about how the world works.


“Anyone who still claims with a straight face that Germany “has a genocidal history of killing tens of millions of people” is either a liar or a complete doofus.”

So e.g. Distomo never happened, right (look it up)? The German punishment batallions that ravaged Greece in WW2, are fake, correct?

Who is the liar/doofus, my friend? ;)

@Mr. Tressel: the German parliament is called “Bundestag”, not “Reichstag”.

Peter The Ungrateful

‘the German parliament is called “Bundestag”, not “Reichstag”.’

Correct, but it resides in the Reichstag building.

stephan williams

Did MILLIONS die in Greece?

That’s news to me!

Peter The Ungrateful

‘Anyone who still claims with a straight face that Germany “has a genocidal history of killing tens of millions of people” is either a liar or a complete doofus.’

Anyone denying it is either a doofus or a NaZi or both.

stephan williams

Prove it happened. Prove to us through documentation that National Socialist Germany killed tens of millions of people during WW2. Provide us with an unequivocally provable link. Let’s settle this…

…Or shut your hole forever, Liar

Peter The Ungrateful

It’s all out there. You are lying through your teeth and calling the well-known and established facts lies. Talk about projection.

Must have hit a nerve, doofus NaZi.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful

It’s not out there, because it doesn’t exist. If you have to protect “established facts” with speech laws then it’s clearly a lie. You have no orders from the government, no gas chambers and no evidence of death marches.

Peter The Ungrateful

Right, keep denying, criminal.


That’s right! You have no argument so you cower and really on a Jewish government to censor people! Pussy!

helene matz

so ignorant living in the game of thrones mixed with lad of the rings penelope and tarzan and captain yankfascistan get a life mordor golum lol

Edgar Zetar

Please Vlad butcha Orc… join Ukraine army to slain some Orcs if you can. I promise you I would send money for your coffin. Send me your bitcoin address and a proof you are in the front line fighting against evil Orcs has you like to call Russians.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

Which defender are you talking about ? The ones that have been the subject of 8 years of attacks, shelling and assaults meaning; Donestk,/Lugansk peoples, by the way all Ukrainians. By the way, Germany has been behind every single war since Yugoslavia, afghanistan, Irak, Syria, Lybia and now Ukraine by selling weapons to ISIS/DAESH and terrorists organisation on this planet. Where there are weapons to sell, there’s money.

Germany has never been in a path of peace, your defender your talking about is a CRIMINAL ZELENSKY and when a country like Germany supplies weapons to CRIMINALS like NEO-NAZI UKRAINIANS that’s make you accomplice of war crimes.

Russia’s actions are valid as per article 51 of UN charts. The Donbass regions have asked help from the Russians after 8 years of war crimes from YOUR LOVELY DEFENDER COWARD ZELENSKY.


Vlad butcha Orc I will send you an air ticket to Berlin then should mount one of the German tanks to get to Ukraine, then you would see the Orcs you hate so much and do what you say in your comments you want to do to the Evil Orcs. Final Act: Vlad butcha Orc should have taked a coffin with him during his trip to Ukraine so the evil Orcs could give him Christian Ceremony R. I. P

hans raus

Well, ordinary people in europe or usa dont like child rapists, civilian killers so dont be surprised that most of people sees russian as wild and primitive creatures. Its typical russian 5D chess – invade sovereign country like ukraine, rape and kill civilians and destroy their cities then cry about russophobia hahahahahahaha. It’s russian clown world at its best. I suggest to russian propagandist to work more on your social engineering- people no longer believe in your BS

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

hans, halt die fresse.

Vlad butcha orc

Look, an orc doesn’t want to be disturbed during looting, raping and torturing.

But what to expect from an orc, an understanding of civilized behavior? 😂😂😂


The nations of Western and Northern Europe have given humanity some of the greatest achievements of human civilization: barbarism, inquisition, fascism, Nazism … Since we in Eastern and Southern Europe are not at such a level of consciousness, I suggest we build a wall between us and them, high enough so we don’t have to look at each other, hear about each other and not know about each other … The problem is that sooner or later high-conscious and sublime Westerners will find ways and justifications to cross that wall “just to explain something to us”!

Vlad butcha orc

You know, Ukraine means “borderlands”. The reason is simple, east of the Ukraine the lands are infested with orcs.

And it was the orcs to go to war, even though a diplomatic solution was available. 🤷


“Orcs” comes from Ukrainians you dimwit !!

Vlad butcha orc

I doubt that you are Ukrainian, your use of language is far too low, more like an orc. 🤷

stephan williams

I’ll bet if we added together the IQ’s of the idiots fighting each other over who the orcs are, we’d end up with a number lower than my shoe size. (in metric, of course.)


don’t speak bullshits. if you think a bit you realize that atrocities in ukraine were committed by the ukranians to provoke because provocation is the weapon of the weak. Same atrocities that were committed by the ukrainians during WWII. In fact most of the mass murder in the east was not carried out by german wermacht but by the ukrainians.

Vlad butcha orc

You can go and tell the old ladies in Germany that orcs raped and killed them at the end of WWII, because Russia was weak.

Nothing changed in Orcia. 🤷


You killed millions and wanted to kill subhumans, but cry about raped women LOL. You should thank god the russians didn’t exterminate you all. They just took some good pussy of yours and implanted some little russians.

Peter The Ungrateful

Watching the Russophobia and blatant propaganda today makes me doubt those accounts of rape from WW II. Maybe that was all made up as well, just like all the atrocities that are now Russia is blamed for but were really committed by Ukrops. Talk about projection.


“Orcs” comes from Ukrainians you Moron !!

Vlad butcha orc

The low level of language you use shows again who is the orc. 🤭


Spoken from the US the pedophilia capital of the world, US Congress is under complete control because of videos showing them participating in pedophilia. We are the moral compass of the world.

Vlad butcha orc

Look, a Butcha orc is full of himself. 😂😂😂


You are one mentally very sick person, you know that? Of course you do not know that…

Vlad butcha orc

Don’t judge others with your own orc standards. 🤷

helene matz

raus little adolf

stephan williams

Raus is almost certainly a self-chosen serial liar. Who else could lie so unapologetically after realizing how stupid his comments make him sound?

The self-chosen have no shame. They will lie about everything if they believe their actions will lead to their ultimate success, no matter how stupid their lies may originally appear on the surface.


Are you Juden hans raus ??? ……Did you get the Memo about “Juden Raus” hans ???


Die AfD mit der NSDAP gleich zu setzen ist fake, der Autor lebt im Neofaschismus Wahn!

Vlad butcha orc

Wasn’t it AfD who send politicians to Moskva?

Interestingly enough, it was them who were pointing to the west regarding the Ukraine war.

Orcfront now sends the thank and f*ck you with this article, alienating even the last people who argued for Russia. 😂😂😂


Jup, der Schreibling hat keine Ahnung worum es im 2. Weltkrieg überhaupt ging. Polen hat sich mehrfach an deutschen Minderheiten vergriffen und diese immer wieder terrorisiert und ermordet. Sie wurden mehrfach durch die damalige deutsche Regierung gewarnt aber sie machten weiter, weil sie den Versprechen der Franzosen und Engländer glaubten, dass man sie schon beschützen würde. Die CDU ist der wahre Nachkomme des Faschismus. Viele Menschen wissen noch nicht einmal was Faschismus überhaupt ist. Das deutsche Volk ist im Wesentlichen völlig unwissend und vollkommen indoktriniert. Ich ahne Schlimmes. Der Faschismus ist das Ende einer jeden sog. westlichen Demokratie. Sein Volk gegen ein anderes aufzuhetzen ist faschistisch. Deutsche Soldaten haben tapfer gekämpft, genauso wie die der anderen Länder. Jeder tat was er für richtig hielt. Die meisten Opfer eines Krieges sind ohnehin die Zivilisten und die gilt es zu beschützen. Die Menschen sind nichts ohne ihr Volk. Jeder hat eine Identität. Das hat nichts mir rechter Ideologie zu tun. Wo hetzt also die AfD? Ich sehe nur Hetze von Seite der CDU/SPD. Man will noch nicht einmal Frieden. Waffen sind die Antwort? Für die Versager in Berlin anscheinend.

Dr. Leon Tressell

You claim that “German soldiers fought bravely”! You are repeating the same genocidal propaganda as the Nazis of Alternative For Germany. I know it might be painful for some Germans to confront their genocidal history but confront it you must. The trial of the German High Command in 1947-8 made it clear that the German army had committed many crimes against humanity. There is a massive trove of evidence from soldiers diaries and millions of letters sent home back to Germany to show that the average German soldier was a willing accomplice to Nazi genocide on the Eastern Front against the people of the Soviet Union.


What diaries are their Jew? The Nuremberg trials are a sham LOL. You don’t have any gas chambers, six million bodies or an order from Hitler. Holocaust is about as real as bigfoot lol.

AFD said the War in Ukraine isn’t there business and they should keep buying oil from Russia. You only wrote this article to drive a wedge between Russians and Germans. Holocaust nonsense isn’t relevant here, so you brought it up to make Germans and Russians argue about a Soviet-created myth.


Ja logo. Haste irgendwelche Belege dafür oder stellst Du immer auf Großbuchstaben um, wenn Du Deine selbstherrliche Meinung anderen aufschwätzen willst? Selten so einen Schwachsinn gelesen. Die Partei besteht nur aus einem ganz geringem Anteil aus Personen anderer politischer Spektren. Das ist in jeder Partei so und damit üblich. Du Schwachmatt glaubst auch noch, dass du mit Begriffen wie “Neonazi” irgendwie Menschen hier tangieren kannst? Da habe ich wohl gleich in die richtige Kerbe eingeschlagen bei Dir :-) Lerne erst einmal Geschichte bevor du Dich noch mehr mit deinen unterbelichteten Kommentaren blamierst. Keine Fakten aber eine große Fresse, das ist üblich bei so ziemlich allen Versagern, die sich gerne an bestimmten Themen profilieren wollen.

stephan williams

“The Western media and political classes, who are beholden to the interests of the merchants of death in the Military industrial complex, rant and rave about Russian war crimes. Yet they ignore the resurgence of neo-fascism in Germany a country which has a genocidal history of killing tens of millions of people.”

That was a far as I got.

Anyone who still claims with a straight face that Germany “has a genocidal history of killing tens of millions of people” is either a liar or a complete doofus. Propaganda isn’t “truth”. The Germans lost the war and they paid the price for their attempt to free themselves from the yoke of financial enslavement – they have been lied about for generations.

Vlad butcha orc

We are all lied to. But it doesn’t matter, as you, like everyone in this world, can decide to stay true to yourself. That’s what matters.

This comment section is a pit of people who chose to become orcs instead. 🤷

Peter The Ungrateful

You know that Holocaust denial is a crime, right?

And the doofus is the one denying the genocidal history of Germany.

stephan williams

Get stuffed, you pompous, ignorant ass.


The fact it is a crime to deny the holohoax is proof that it’s nonsense. What a shill!

Peter The Ungrateful

No, it shows that you are a criminal.


It shows you have to censor people because you have no argument pussy lol

Holocaust is as real as a pig that can speak Arabic


Ha! Germany was the Ukraine (on steroids) of the 30s. Some figures may have been slightly inflated but the crimes of genocide are very real and well (too well) documented. They began razing the town of Gernika, 85 years and two days ago, never forget!

They were still stooges of British divide et impera anti-European and anti-worker strategy but that doesn’t make it any better, only more horribly stupid. You can find the pro-English rants of Hitler in the Internet, he was such a doofus (also probably Jewish, like Zelensky, but more in denial even).


Stooges of the British? Why did they declare war on Germany then and reject numerous peace proposals? That’s nothing but Trotskyist nonsense, everything you shills say about Hitler applies to the U.S.S.R. It wasn’t Hitler that received Lend-Lease assistance it was Red China and The U.S.S.R. What genocides? You mean that lie built on Soviet atrocity propaganda? How trustworthy.

“also probably Jewish”

You are a schizophrenic lol

Last edited 2 years ago by fwfwa

Because the policy of Britain has been for centuries impede that any continental power becomes too strong, pitting Europeans against each other instead. First it was that way against Spain, then against France, more recently against Germany and Russia. The USA has largely inherited the British foreign policy.

Nazi Germany had a plan (more evil than cunning but it was a grandiose megalomaniac plan, which almost came to fruition): to invade the USSR (at least to the Arkangelsk-Astrakhan or AA line) on the pretext of anti-communism and turn it into “the India of Germany”. That would make Germany more powerful than Britain and, according to US calculations, the German bloc at its peak, including a very large chunk of the USSR, was more self-sufficient than the USA, it’s area of influence in Latin America and the British Empire together (so they needed to include China, so they had to go to war with Japan). That’s the kind of calculations they made then and they surely make now as well.

In order to attack the USSR, Germany needed to control Poland first, and that was when Britain declared war. But the real (and quite ironic) reason was to defend the USSR, not because of love of socialism or Russia, of course not, but because of fear of a German Empire ruling over all Europe and being stronger not just than Britain but stronger than Britain and the USA together.


“Because the policy of Britain has been for centuries impede that any continental power becomes too strong, pitting Europeans against each other instead. First it was that way against Spain, then against France, more recently against Germany and Russia. The USA has largely inherited the British foreign policy.”

Now you switch positions now that you’re old one makes no sense lol. It contradicts your old position, if Germany was a British puppet then it wouldn’t have throw itself into an alliance with a beligerent country like Poland, ignore peace proposals and prevent Germans stuck outside of Germany to be protected by Germany. It wasn’t the British public that supported the war, it a was small contigent of Jews that influenced Churchill called “The Focus”.

There’s no proof of Germany wanting to make Russia “the India of Germany”. Enough with the schizophrenic rambling.

Germany’s invasion of Poland was about Danzing and Germans being abused by the Polish state. Again you beg the question like all leftist, if Germany was a puppet why did Britain declare war? Why did America and Britain aid the U.S.S.R. and not declare war on the USSR for Poland? You can’t answer these questions.


No, I’m not switching positions: Britain wanted fascist governments in Europe to contain the more or less ongoing socialist revolution, the echoes of 1917. Britain thus was best friend with Mussolini and Salazar very especially and at the very least did not object to the rise of Hitler either. Also they made everything in their hand so that Franco’s putsch in Spain (which was basically an Italian, Portuguese and Germani invasion) succeeded, dragging France along.

What Britain did not want was a strong Germany, a new Napoleon with capital in Berlin. And thus they switched positions after the Czechoslovakia affair, setting a red line in Poland (rushing to explictly defend the USSR would have been contradictory in many ways). Hitler anyhow always expected renewed British support (he disliked US Americans but was a total Anglophile, much as the last Kaiser, closely related to the British and Russian royals, also was).

There is of course plenty of evidence that Germany planned to conquer the USSR at least to the AA line and the nazis did use absolutely colonial terms within their racist ideological paradigm, which considered Slavs as a “slave race”, including the phrase “the India of Germany”. I’ve read several books on the matter but would take me a serious effort to find the references. They were also determined to specifically colonize the Baltic countries by means of a mix of settlement and assimilation of those considered “racially Aryan” enough (just as they did in the Bohemia-Moravia protectorate) but Ukraine was meant as “plantation colony” much as Russia was (Bandera was a traitor, not any national hero).

Germanny’s invasion of Poland was not about Danzig (now Gdansk), already annexed to Germany, but did have as pretext the demand of the “Danzig corridor”, which was also the exit to the sea of Poland (via Gdynia, not directly Gdansk), however that was only the pretext because it’s hard to see how Germany could attack the USSR with only that corridor. On the other hand, they cunningly persuaded Stalin but of the Baltic countries, creating a wide frontline for the would-be Operation Barbarossa. Stalin was persuaded of the alleged Nazi complicity to such extent that he even got loyal communists murdered for reporting the German and Romanian preparations for the invasion, because he thought all the time that such narrative was nothing but British-engineered “fake news”. When the Nazis invaded he was so shocked that he isolated himself for a whole week, while the USSR (state, army and society) did their best to fend off the invasion without their quite useless dictator (and to this day most non-partisan analyses will acknowledge that it was the USSR and not Stalin who defeated Nazi Germany).

Why do you think that Germany attacked Russia if they didn’t have a colonialist plan, just out of “hatred of communism”? LOL.


You are switching positions, it’s Hitler was a British puppet then you switch to Britain didn’t want Hitler to be strong. Britain hated Fascism from the start because they set Germany free from financial slavery and occupation that swas forced upon them by Britain. Best friends with Salazar and Italy? They engaged a proxy war with them in Spain you moron lol.

Britain and France were always hostile towards Germany because they made France leave the areas the occupied, he remilitarized the Rhine (the entire country as well), cancelled all WW1 debt payments and made his country the best in living standards. Even before the Anchluss and Munich Agreement the French made a pact with the Soviets and the Czechoslovakian government had one with the Soviets. Hitler was more dangerous to them than a communist Jew puppet would be. He never expected support from Britain, he just didn’t want a war England or innocent Britons to die. You still can’t explain why Britain reject peace proposals.

“There is of course plenty of evidence that Germany planned to conquer the USSR at least to the AA line and the nazis did use absolutely colonial terms within their racist ideological paradigm, which considered Slavs as a “slave race”, including the phrase “the India of Germany”. I’ve read several books on the matter but would take me a serious effort to find the references. They were also determined to specifically colonize the Baltic countries by means of a mix of settlement and assimilation of those considered “racially Aryan” enough (just as they did in the Bohemia-Moravia protectorate) but Ukraine was meant as “plantation colony” much as Russia was (Bandera was a traitor, not any national hero).”

You don’t have any proof of this LMAO, people in Baltics and Ukraine celebrated when the Germans liberated them and even had the chance to kill their NKVD butchers in Lvov and Kaunus. How was Germany’s invasion of Poland not about Danzig or mistreated Germans? Poland was the one that was constantly agitating for Danzing to be under their control. Danzing wasn’t apart of Germany until they took it by force, Hitler tried to make deals with Poland as well but none of that succeeded due to Poland being a bad faith player. Germany attacked the Soviets because it was clear Stalin was going to invade Germany’s Eastern terroritories, the allies tried to setup up another WW1 style attack on Germany but Russia was caught with it’s pants down.

“Why do you think that Germany attacked Russia if they didn’t have a colonialist plan”

So every war is about having a colonialist plan? You have the IQ of a somalian lol.


Hitler’s Y-DNA was E1b, which could be of Neolithic origins but in Austria is quite rare. On the other hand it is common among Jews, who back then were a sizable part of Austrian (and generally European) population.

It would not be the only nazi that finds out he’s Jewish by ancestry: even the chief of the modern Hungarian nazi shock squads had to resign from membership in his party because a DNA test showed he had Jewish ancestry. Another Polish guy who was deep in neonazi gangs was eventually told by his parents that they were Jewish who hid the fact and converted to catholicism in order to remain in Poland without social issues after WWII (they rightfully feared the antisemitism of Poles, who, like the Ukrainians often collaborated with the nazis in the genocide).

Even in older times, when the issue was defined in terms of religion rather than of “race”, we see comparable cases in the most infamous Spanish inquisitors, Cisneros and Torquemada, both of convert Jewish (“marrano”) families.

So, yeah: just being from these or those roots doesn’t make you impervious at all to being a nazi or something way too similar, just look at genocidal Israel and the new Warsaw Ghetto on steroids: Gaza Strip (incidentally Palestinians are the true descendants of ancient Jews, while modern Jews descend from various convert populations instead).

I’d ask for an apology both to me and to schizophrenic people. Personal attacks are most unwelcome.

Last edited 2 years ago by Maju

People with E1b are present all over Europe if you look at a map. Such people with E1b include Wilbur Wright, Orville Wright, Napoleon, William Harvey and Ramesses III. Enough with the nonsense kike lol.

The Ukrainians betrayed the Germans in 1941 and sided with the Soviets. It was the Germans that put these UON terrorists in jail in the first place. Stepan Bandera was sent to Sachsenhausan.

“I’d ask for an apology both to me and to schizophrenic people. Personal attacks are most unwelcome.”

Lol no. Maybe don’t present blatant bullshit to me and change positions like a machine gunner replaces ammo pouches.

The person who wrote this dishonest article is a Jew just so you know.


I am aware. I’m quite the expert in population genetics (no kidding, I was a reference blogger on these issues until I got bored of so many Nordicist jerks with an agenda of lies and manipulations, just search for “For what they were we are…” ). Still chances that he had that haplogroup in Austria not being Jewish are very slim. Would he have been Albanian or Greek, then it’d be absolutely normal but in Central Europe chances are that he had Jewish ancestry by direct paternal line. And, considering the other issues, chances are that his biological (and not legal) grandfather was Jewish. Alois Hitler (Adolf’s father) was born out of wedlock, his mother having arguably become pregnant of Leopold Frankenberger, a Jewish man. This was the theory that Hans Frank reported in the Nüremberg Trials and the Y-DNA strongly suggests that is the correct answer to the mystery of Hitler’s patrilineage.

It’s not 100% certain but I’d go with 99% probable.

It seems to me that you’re just another nazi troll yourself, your denial of what is obvious and your personal attacks show that much. I cannot block you but I’ll blacklist you. This is my last reply to you, nazi scum.


Then if you were an expert you would easily see that people of various races can have E1B.

“It seems to me that you’re just another nazi troll yourself, your denial of what is obvious and your personal attacks show that much. I cannot block you but I’ll blacklist you. This is my last reply to you, nazi scum.”

I’m not the one repeating comintern propaganda from the 30’s LOL, changing positions and pretending to be an expert in genetics. Go back to Israel kike. If you want to be disingenuous, don’t expect me to not make fun of you.

John Deer

Gauland = Gauleiter is a disaster. But . . . Alice Weidel is a good woman. The Wehrmacht marched mostly on foot from Germany to Moscow and Caucasus based on Amphetamines (today:’speeds’), like in the film: the mechanical orange.

Peter The Ungrateful

Weidel is an unperson.


Uh, oh, the russian propaganda gets confussed…threshing on the AFD (rightwing -populistic) and Alexander Gauland ? Man, the AFD (along with the radical socialist Die Linke) are the one party where one can find the most symphaties and understanding for Putin. You get that , you stoooopids? According to you, the neo-nazis (alongside the neo marxists) do promote the most for your Putin. :D

Vlad butcha orc

In Germany AfD gets trashed for understanding orcs, here they get trashed from the orcs.

As said, Orcfront now alienates even the last supporters. Absolutely hilarious.


I fear, that neither they nor the online-orcs here had a clue about them, or the implications…


I-have-no-argument-so-I-behave -like-a-small-angry-teenager…something completly new and innovative.

Peter The Ungrateful

I guess Russia is picky about whom it accepts applause from.


Oh, and in addition: the ones in Germany who critisize the myth of the clean Wehrmacht are: the lefty -liberals…yeah, the LGBT wokies, strongest opponents to Putin…ha, the irony :)


sure, dear lil Nashika…but still they were and still are the most symphatetic to Putin. (alongside the neo.marxist..hell, yeah, the horsshoe is alive) ..they condem the aggression but still are against sending weapons to ukraine.


I’m pro-LGB (as must anyone concerned with freedom and humanity) and I, like most other true leftists over here (and in the USA and everywhere I know of) support Donbass (not so much Putin but certainly the antifascist forces in the failed state of Ukraine, and have been doing so since 2014).

Just a quick reference from Italy: Banda Bassotti, look what they think of Donbass… they’ve been backing the revolt all this time as anyone truly communist has.


LMAO people in Donbass hate pedofaggots, you support the American Empire’s values. You are a shill.


If I could punch you I would. People in Donbass and everywhere respect and support other people regardless of personal preferences such as these. You fascists are just a residue of the past and will be erased.


They actually don’t LOL, Russians hate faggotry/pedophilia. Residue of the past yet here you are bitching about us still just like the Jew who wrote this article.


Blacklisted: zero tolerance to fascism, sexism, racism and homophobia. That’s the golden rule.


lmao good, I don’t tolerate pedophiles who like to groom children. Faggot pedophile!


AfD is the only party in Bundestag with strong pro-Russia sentiments and with pro-Russia faction. Attack on these people is one of the most stupid thing published on this portal.


Compared with all of the other parties, except perhaps Die Linke (or parts of it), the AfD is the very LEAST anti-Russian party in Germany….The most anti-Russian is the Greens, LMAO.

This article is UTTER GARBAGE – pushing the same bogus talking points as the neolib EU establishment of trying to smear the AfD and its voters as “Nazis,” while they “stand with” actual neo-Nazis in Ukraine.

The truth is that most AfD supporters are simply fed up with the insane business as usual – whether it’s Germany’s unhinged foreign policy, or the covid authoritarianism, etc.


The German Ministry of Defense: 60% of the equipment is not combat-ready

“On paper, we have 350 Puma infantry fighting vehicles, 150 can be used. Of the 51 Eurocopter Tiger helicopters, only 9 are combat-ready,” said the head of the Bundeswehr, Christina Lambrecht.

Not a mexican

Oy vey the 6 gorillion.

hans raus

NATO wave



Peter The Ungrateful

That’s what impotent NATO Generals wank to these days? If you want to watch war porn don’t go for the plastic tits.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
German observer

I am a German person living in Germany, and I like southfront. However, I strongly disagree with his article. Also, I caution you to talk about neofascism when talking about German politics.

I have experienced, firsthand like many others, that we have been bombarded with “Nazism is back” warnings for years and decades now. Yet, the people who warned the most, were the leftists. Of course. And, what is rather peculiar, the ruling government parties and elites. Why that, you might ask?

Because it benefits them. In Germany, political opposition is curtailed strictly. It is prohibited by laws and social ostracism already. If somebody says that Nazism is on the rise, you gain favors and support from the government. At the same time, you put people down so that they will not say anything at all after some time. Since everybody wants to be on the right side of the good ones, right?

The same applies to the Afd party. Many regard the AfD as the only actual opposition party left. This is also the only party that still holds some scepticism in terms of politics with Russia. And yet, it is exactly this party that you condemn the most.

The truth is different, indeed. The Afd has criticized the debt politics of the ECB, the abolition of nuclear power and fossil fuels, the immigration politics, the corruption in government. And if it were fascist, the ruling elites would have forbidden it long ago.

The government has even ignored violence such as arson and assaults against Afd supporters and offices. These violations have mostly been committed by the so-called Antifa, the radical leftist extremists. Who are the actual fascists here?

So I wonder that this argument about the rise of neo-fascism is actually all about. What do we want to achieve? If it is to create guilt, so go with it. But this will not help anyone, at least not the Russians. Because the same people who warn of Nazism hate the Russians the most.

And it is the leftist government comprised of Greens, social democrats and liberals who deliver weapons to the Ukraine. Why are you even talking about the Afd then? Look at the people who hold the office, and you will see international fascism crime at work.

And now the Wehrmacht Whitewash argument. Similarly as above, this has been used by the ruling elites as well. The intention is to thwart any kind of idea of patriotic opposition in the armed forces of Germany. So, German soldiers have to feel bad and guilty for eternity. Only then, they will comply to international rule by the US, EU, UN and what have you.

That’s the game being played on Germans.

And the exhibition you mentioned had been criticized for severe scientific mishandling. Even conventional scientists have argued that the sources were mostly worthless. So, how valid is an unscientific picture collection?

Especially when the Russians were not exactly saints, either. I have heard and read of many accounts of Russian soldiers in World War II who did very nasty things. Raping was really widespread. And has there ever been a single Russian soldier being convicted of invading Finland in 1940? If so, please tell me.

What I find funny is well is, that there is so much criticism of the Wehrmacht and its evil nature. Yet, when it comes to tactics and warfare of combined arms, nearly every nation on earth has adopted it. But, armoured warfare had been developed and put into action by the Wehrmacht.

So everyone is talking about how bad our grandfathers or great grandfathers were, and we should go back in our corner feeling guilty and being quiet. But when it comes to the knowledge and operative methods, our German forefathers are well sought after. Please bear with me when I call this hypocrisy.

So there is some hypocrisy in the argument that the Wehrmacht were criminals. And there is also a deep lack of understanding when stating that in Germany, neo-fascism would be on the rise. That’s the same as stating that cruel dictatorship is on the rise in Russia. The same primitive rhetoric all over again.

Peter The Ungrateful

“So there is some hypocrisy in the argument that the Wehrmacht were criminals.”

Right, not all NaZis were bad… And seeing NaZism on the rise again is just a Fata Morgana. Funny thing about Fata Morganas: they are not illusions, the objects are real, just not exactly where they are perceived to be.

P.S.: You had to use so many words to look eloquent, right? In hopes nobody would see the obvious, right?

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful

Who bombed Gernika? We just commemorated the 85th anniversary of the bombing of our historical capital, I was just recapping this and the Ukrainian nightmare together with the music of local punk band MCD “Gernika volverá a arder” (“Gernika will be burnt again”) as I read with disgust your comment.

And of course, Gernika was just an iconic dot in the huge list of war crimes of Germany, which were not only perpetrated by the SS but by a large array of necessary collaborators both military and civilian (and sure: not only Germans but Germans too). It’s not enough not to be a nazi, one has to be actively antifascist, else… they’ll drag you to their evil.

Said that, I’m relatively unconcerned about specifically German neo-nazism because it does feel like for the most part Germany has assumed and rejected that part of your history, while all others involved haven’t. Let’s not forget that it was Britain (successor: USA) who promoted fascism through Europe, Hitler included, and this was never more painful than when they dragged France into imposing the “continental blockade” against the Spanish Republic and even (I learned recently) considered bombing Barcelona to quell the proletarian revolution (never consolidated) born as reaction to the fascist putsch. Let’s of course not forget the role of iSPain (its rigth wing altogether, because there’s no real difference between conservatism and fascism and again this is most obvious in the Spanish case) in the bombing of Gernika and so many other war crimes, the responsibility of Italy and Portugal, which sent 70,000 and 10,000 troops respectively to support the fascist putsch, the responsibility of Polish and Ukrainian antisemitism, etc.

Let’s not forget that most of these other countries have not faced their history of nazi or otherwise fascist or pro-fascist horrible crimes. But still your comment is despicable, the only real opposition in Germany is Die Linke. I know it’s going through a very bad phase in terms of popular support but the right is not opposition to the right, the bourgeois forces are not opposition to the bourgeois forces.


Unbelievable what I have to read here. Although I have nothing to do with AfD, I have to say that this article is vast nonsense. Accusations made against the Wehrmacht are all today´s accusations. Since the soldiers of the past met and befriended each other, it is totally unnecessary to create such articles. The Wehrmacht was indeed a clean force. And there is no need to deny this. What Gauland said, is what the first FRG-Chancellor said. AfD is also not fascist or anything like that. It is staffed with people from FDP and CDU, Gauland is also a former CDU member.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bleipriester
Peter The Ungrateful

Right, AfD is just proto-fascist, nothing to worry about.


Fucking censorship wherever you go.

helene matz

you can take the horse to the water but cant make it drink leopards dont change their spots once a nazi mentality always a nazi mentality,the ussr should have finished krautland off

Peter The Ungrateful

Read “The Wave” by Todd Strasser. Fascism can happen everywhere. It just happened to find the most fertile ground in the Weimar Republic. And it’s out there now. You could literally nuke Germany to ashes and fascism would still crop up, because it is present in many countries, not least the US. It’s like weeds; you have to root it out on a regular basis.

Racism is good in Croatia

Bolsheviks who killed 30m Russians and other citizens and promoted insane Lysenkoism, belief that nothing is genetic, that caused mass starvation, they are actually good guys? Who knew.

Peter The Ungrateful

Oh, what is genetic, then? The inferiority of some peoples by any chance?


You can read real news here: https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/the-us-is-wasting-its-arsenal-on-ukraine.959850/


I still don’t see that you’ve shown that there was no distinction between the Wehrmacht and the Einsatzgruppen. That the Wehrmacht caused many combat deaths is undeniable but it seems to me you include such deaths in the category of “genocide.” One of the sad or, rather, deceitful propaganda themes of the post-war world has been to paint all Germans as satanic, complicit barbarians in unspeakable atrocities and, of course, genocide. Your article seems more part of that approach to historical understanding than it is a balanced description of the realities of war and what happens when millions of private people are caught up in it.

The Wehrmacht executed some prisoners at Dunkirk I once read. The back story was that earlier a British infantry unit was instructed by its superior officers to execute the German POWs they had. I’ve also read several individual accounts of Germans who served on the Eastern Front. Many Germans behaved properly. In Love and War in the Apennines Eric Newby told of his experiences as an escaped soldier in Italy. He woke up in the mountains one sunny day to find a German officer standing over him who shared his lunch and a beer with him and departed telling Newby not to worry that he would not send anyone after him.

I salute any man who has endured the horror of combat ANYWHERE and at any time. As a general proposition I do not hold German troops responsible for their government’s policies any more than I am responsible for the viciousness and stupidity of the American government for the last 10 years. I did support Bush after 9/11 (with reservations) but I and hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops had nothing to do with Abu Graib.

Let us at this late date eschew history as cartoonish caricature and specifically offer analysis of AfD that rises above describing it as a “neo-fascist party .” Nowadays, any term with “neo” in front of it is guaranteed to be the product of worthless insight. And any term with “fascist” in it is sure to be a meaningless distortion. Combining the two adds nothing.


^^..that s a good one…

Peter The Ungrateful

For all those in denial (with multilingual subtitles)

Florian Geyer

It would be good for ALL of Europe if the Germans kicked out the US occupiers in Germany. Making Germany Judenfrei again would end all of the NATO wars chosen by the USA and Israel, in my opinion :)

There was NOT a peace treaty between Germany and the US after WW2 and no treaty has ever been signed. That’s how the US still has power there.

Peter The Ungrateful


No further questions, your honor.

Brother Ma

Aren’t the articles of surrender by Doenitz a peace treaty?

Peter The Ungrateful

No, they are a truce.


Bullshit! The Jew-led USA/UK and Jew-led USSR killed 100 mill people. Hitler liberated Europe from the Jews! You need to learn the truth!


Peter The Ungrateful

Right, Erwin.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
Icarus Tanović

Oh, c’mon guys, Florence is just as that the other guy is a fat payed bot. She was a prostitute, a hippie whore and a junkie. I hope no Germans will fall into the same pit as with Nazis long ago, because of that cheap prostitute and hers made in Washington nonsense rhetoric.

Last edited 2 years ago by Icarus Tanović
Arzt Injektion

Who wrote this article, a six year old? Russia has the best relations with the AFD over any political party in Germany. There is nothing “Far Right” about them at all. I haven’t looked into it, but it would not surprise me at all if the AFD supported Russia with the war in Ukraine or at least was neutral.

Tracie Smith

On point right off the bat. The American government has lost their minds in vilifying Russia. I don’t have cable or satellite and I don’t miss it.

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