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NATO And Ukraine Targeted Crimea With Dozens Of Missiles (Video, Map Update)

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NATO And Ukraine Targeted Crimea With Dozens Of Missiles (Video, Map Update)

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The Ukrainian military resumed attacks on the Crimean peninsula. On the night of January 30, the Russian 31 Air Defense Division destroyed 11 Ukrainian UAVs over the western coast of Crimea. Most of them were shot down in the north-western part of the peninsula near Portovoe. More drones were intercepted near the western Cape Tarkhankut and Belbek military airfield located on the outskirts of Sevastopol. No damage was reported as a result of the attack.

As it was predicted, the massive drone attack was launched in an attempt to probe Russian air defense. The main strike took place on the evening of January 31. The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that Russian air defense forces destroyed 20 Ukrainian missiles. 17 of them were shot down over the Black Sea, 3 more were destroyed over the Crimean peninsula.

The local authorities confirmed minor damage to civilian buildings in several areas, where the wreckage of missiles fell. No civilians or servicemen were reportedly wounded or killed.

The military officials confirmed that wreckage of Ukrainian missile fell on the territory of the military base in Lyubimovka on the outskirts of Sevastopol. According to the official reports, the wreckage caused no damage to Russian aircraft and equipment deployed in the area.

Soon after the attack, a video reportedly showing the strikes on the outskirts of Sevastopol was shared online.



Judging by the footage, at least two missiles struck in the area. More missiles are heard intercepted on their way to the target. The Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG missiles reportedly struck the area near the Belbek airfield. Judging by the footage, indeed the missiles struck the field near the military facility. Thus, any damage to the Russian military is yet to be confirmed.

British/French missiles targeted the Crimean peninsula soon after Paris declared supplies of new batch of missiles to Kiev. LINK  Dozens of them have already been destroyed by the Russian air defense forces.

The attack was carried out with NATO missiles and it was coordinated by NATO reconnaissance means. Several hours before the attack, numerous NATO aircraft were spotted over the Black Sea coast in Romania.


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Langes Johannes

if it was nato missiles, then it’s time to retaliate against nato by destroying the nato hubs


sounds like a good plan, but russia is not crazy enough to attack the united-states, that is why after all we have done to them, they still have not done anything yet! russia and the rest of the world knows what would happen if they ever attack the united-states, their country would disappear in a mushroom cloud!

Langes Johannes

russia has more nukes than the usa. russia has better nukes (hypersonics) than the usa. russia can destroy north america with a click of a mouse. the usa has only conventional nukes that can be easily intercept by multi layered systems like the s-500 and s-550. russia and china have sat killers, and nuke jammers, among other tools that you can’t even dream of. so yank, try your luck.

Last edited 1 year ago by Langes Johannes
yankee doddle

we’d rather fight you to the last ukrainian.

at the end of the day, who cares about that expendable garbage?

BU inter

you cowards fought the chinese to the last vietnamese… and lost. you fought the taliban to the last afghan… and lost. etc. by definition you are losers. yankee losers doddle. coward losers.

Last edited 1 year ago by BU inter
M from NATO

you do forget russia also lost in afganistan :)


don’t forget that usa lost even in somalia. think, somalia!!!!!


nuke jammers, really! do you guys actually even belief the words that come out of your mouth? and no intercontinental ballistic missile can be quote on quote “easily” intercepted. nuclear war would usher in the end of the world for both sides, but especially for the pathetic russians!


“especially”. lol, what? end of the world “especially” for a single country? i was with you until that part, you revealed your one-sided agenda there.

BU inter

oh, so from “their country would disappear in a mushroom cloud” now to “both sides” lol. it seems like he powned you loser ha ha


u.s military technology is an outdated joke. smoke screen, mirrors and hollywood. don’t make me laugh.

M from NATO

yes thats why they can mentain 200 military bases all over the world ..


200 crap military bases that are easily destroyed like in jordan

Stop neo-Nazism in Europe

those “pathetic” russians will survive with minimal living conditions, pampered people in the west will not be able to handle a longer power outage and the whole system will fatally collapse

M from NATO

lol you talking about “winning” a nuclear war between russia and america? are you retarded? only surviving bacteria would be the winner of that

dgt horn

it’s not “america” you retarded, it’s the usa. south america has no problem with russia, in fact no south american country are doing sanctions. stupid yank, die already fuktard


iran attacks usa very often but usa can do almost nothing.

jens holm

no. they hold back.


stop doing drugs danish turd.

jens holm

the webmaster decide this.

Boycott usa the world's bully

nope. russia is huge so will not disappear in a mushroom cloud. nearly every russian family has second home in the country, a dacha, and they have the skills to grow, hunt and preserve food. very few nato people have these skills, so when the urban areas are hit with nuclear weapons it is over for nato.

jens holm

funny version.

most russian are a density mob. the rest is empty.

dont you have maps.

you also ignore we are many more then you are spread out. you should russian level very well. no need. all here know.

dachastan was it ???


should have happened long time ago.


thats not part of the script putin goes by dont you know?

Twiddle dee

putin is russia’s teddy roosevelt. speak softly and carry a big stick.

Captain Murican Collapse

the script is in the u.s and the dementia patient can barely even read it.

M from NATO

why dont you try ? lol

Jan Kotke

russia will be humiliated.


not even in your wet drams


whats left of your brain is humiliated.

Langes Johannes

this is the ukrie boy again who usually poses as 1-finn, 2-swede, and now 3-german. it’s so cringe

Twiddle dee

poor ukies. they let a bunch of nazi freaks from lwow and an ugly neocon b1tch from warshington come in and destroy their country.

that must be pretty embarrassing.

jens holm

and russia soon has election between one persion.

you has no idea about whats going on there. the ukraine nazis must be very reform. they have elected a jew as their leader.

even most here fighted nazis in ww2, you say we now suppor the 2,15% in ukrane. usa and britts in that period gave ussr for 17 billon dollars.

jens holm


400,000 jeeps and trucks 14,000 airplanes 8,000 tractors 13,000 tanks

BU inter

why do finns have down syndrome mongoloid eyes? you have mongoloid blood?

Captain Murican Collapse

a lot of white brits i have met also have those type of monolid eyes.

jens holm

some some 800 mio has it.

jens holm

i hope you dont try to be a doctor.

Twiddle dee

maybe some day, but it’ll be the last in a long line after the us, eu, ca and the 5 blind mice… er eyes.


look, jens holms ex-husband! 😆 still salty that jens prefers some american sausage instead of your micro-wiener? we have all the buttsex you can only dream of!


Last edited 1 year ago by _TomSawyer_
Gary McKnight

thank the good lord no one was injured or killed. it will be interesting to watch nato’s response to being involved.


treba byť v strehu a treba posunúť frontovú líniu aspoň o 50 km na západ. aby pvo mala dostatok času na zachytenie cieľa. potom sa ruské vojská dokážu účinne brániť voči takýmto útokom. rusko by malo pomôcť vyzbrojiť sýriu a husiov, aby tí viac zamestnali darebácky štát usa. svetu mier!!!


i would yell and scream for putinski to attack nato targets but we all know hes either too scared to do that or its not in the script

BU inter

if the killing of russian civilians continue, one day he will have to do it

Twiddle dee

you guys just march around in formation with your chests puffed up for ten years or so and i’ll just bet russia doesn’t make one move on nato territory, unless they’re stupid enough to take ukraine in of course.

then you can claim you scared russia off. lol woosy pussy’s, that’s what you guys are. i’d be embarrassed to call myself a member of the eu.

Twiddle dee

all running around like chicken little, listening to your stupid propaganda media. the russians are falling from the skies. tanks in our backyards! help ! help! mommaaaa! the eu is pathetic. then they blackmail any eu state that doesn’t agree with brussels and threaten to destroy their economy.

i suggest psychiatric help for all you pathetic losers in the eu

Last edited 1 year ago by Twiddle dee
jens holm

many ussians dies and there arebig losses.

we know. you only get, what cant be denied. sure some people here make propaganda, men ignore most of it, because the medies are controlled by our govns.


it is time for ukraine to take peace with russia, its dumb to think that you will win with the blessings of demonic cult.

jens holm

the russian dwarf dont decide that.

chief running bull

just makes the ruskies madder. ukraine’s full of idiots like that krushchev look-a-like in charge of mobilization that said ‘if they don’t get out of their cars when you order them, then shoot them in the knee”…then i guess he meant ‘then send them to the trenches on crutches.

chief running bull

ukraine’s full of morons and the eu full of even more morons that stuff those morons’ pockets with cash. then the french riviera complains that the ukrop morons are driving over tourists drunk behind the wheel and throwing used toilet paper out their windows like they did back home.

jens holm

seemes you has not contact the rest of the world. are you last message for the russian moonlander or what?


shoot down the nato recon planes and say you thought they were ukrainian because they’re helping the ukrainians attack russia.

jens holm

moskva will be a lake instead of a river.

dgt horn

you talk too much crap


russia must arm yemen with missiles that can penetrate defenses of us ships.


e timpul pt vizita cu ramanere la odesa si n delta dunării

Dick Von D'Astard

how was so many missiles launched and from what platforms? this seems to suggest ukraine has combat aircraft that either were hidden or replenished by nato states and are flying cross borders.


obliterate the natostan skorpion nest at the core of the evil eusssr, the brussels central anglozionazi sewer $yst€m. time to make these rats pay for their rump ukrapper meat puppet insanity. z all the way until these fascist zionazi $win€ are crushed for good!

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