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MARCH 2025

Nasrallah: Hezbollah Reduced Its Forces In Syria

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Nasrallah: Hezbollah Reduced Its Forces In Syria

Hasan Nasrallah during the interview on al-Manar TV.

Hezbollah Secretary General Hasan Nasrallah announced on July 12 that the Lebanese group had reduced its troops in Syria, citing the improvement of the situation there as a reason.

“The Syrian state is recovering and reimplementing its authority, there is no turning back in Syria … We are still in all the areas, where we were before, but we had reduced our forces in accordance with the requirements of the current situation,” Nasrallah said during an interview on the al-Manar TV.

The Lebanese leader noted that Hezbollah can redeploy large forces in Syria “when it’s needed.” He also stressed that “tactical and security” reasons were behind the decision to reduce forces in Syria, denying any role related to the harsh U.S. sanctions on his group.

As to the Russian presence in Syria, Nasrallah said that Hezbollah sees Russian forces as a friend. However, he noted that Hezbollah coordinates with Syria’s Ministry of Defense only.

Last month, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that Hezbollah is secretly withdrawing many of its units from Syria. Nasrallah’s new statements confirm these claims.

Hezbollah’s partial withdrawal from Syria will not likely affect the situation in the country. The Lebanese group halted its participation in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) offensive operation around two years ago.

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Jim Prendergast

Good neighbours.

Mustafa Mehmet

Lebanes jihadis gd neighbours? OK.

Lena Jones

Hezbollah are NOT jihadists – Jihadists want a caliphate, hezbollah are happy with Lebanon’s pluralism and democracy. The “jihadists” are the terrorist cornered in Idlib.

Free man

Jihadists are fanatics who fight a “holy” war for Allah. Hezbollah is the “Party of Allah”. Of course they are jihadists.


If that is so, then they are the most pluralistic jehadists the world has ever known, one who adds Christian and other units to its militia forces from time to time.

Lena Jones

Only morons or zio-brainwashed conflate ISIS with Hezbollah. Which part of ‘jihadists want a caliphate and hezbollah want democrac’y did you not understand?

Free man

As if the definition of jihadism is a desire to establish a caliphate. Mustafa seems to understand much more about these issues than you do.

Lena Jones

STFU little jew terrorist – the VERY definition of jihadism is the “desire to establish a caliphate”, just like talmudism is the desire to establish an Apartheid jewish caliphate. It is what distinguishes the good moslem from the bad one. Just shows how pitifully little you know and how you rely on Mustafa’s thoughts cuz you’re brain dead and can’t come up with a single thought for yourself. Now fuck off back to your skunky sewer scumbag! Fucking bitter and jealous that the Resistance is winning-winning-winning lol!

Free man

You’re the most embarrassing fool. A jihadist, is someone who fights against the infidels , in the name of Allah Mustafa as a Muslim knows this, you are too stupid to understand this concept.

Lena Jones

Oh enough of your moronic bullshit, little know-nothing jew cog! I live in south Lebanon, little shitface! I’m surrounded by moslems and some Christians too – they are my neighbors and most certainly NONE of them are jihadists terrorists even though they support the Axis of Resistance with everything they have. The terrorists in the middle east are saudi arabia, klepto israel and all their head-chopping motherfucking proxy “jihadists”! Proof of this ABOUNDS EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK!!!

Free man

When Hezbollah announces its fatalities, it says: “He died while doing his jihadi missions”. A little secret to you, when someone’s strongest argument is “You’re a …. Jew…” you know he’s a fool. So tell your jihadist friends in South Lebanon that if they are not helping the SAA, which has been supporting Hezbollah for decades , it is good they are f4cking off to Lebanon .

Lena Jones

No they DO NOT say “he died while doing his jihadi missions”!! Typical jew liar lol! They usually say: “bless him and his martyrdom”. So stfu ignoramus asshole!

Free man

Google:” died in Syria doing their jihadist duties ” So you’re both a fool and a liar.

Lena Jones

Oh zionist google translators? LOL fuck off you know-nothing piece of jew shit!

Mustafa Mehmet

Nobody wants jihadis hessbo way of democracy. brainwash people with their ideas expect people to go on die for them

Lena Jones

“Nobody…” Like fucking who? Like you and your moslem brotherhood assholes?!!! LOL your lot are NO BETTER than the wahabis – you’re all the same fucking mass-murdering monsters. FACT: hezbollah does not have its OWN democracy like you assume they do lol! The hezb did NOT install democracy in Lebanon, they were born into it and they love it! Hezbollah follows the democratic process of the Lebanon and EVERYBODY IN LEBANON prefers the democracy they have as opposed to your shithole, satanic thinking. My question is, are you THAT sore and jealous that hezbollah has defeated your terrorists in Syria and ruined your turkish suprecist fantasy of taking over the Arab Levant? Fuck off! Big fat Turkish shithead loser lol!

Mustafa Mehmet

what’s up language we’re getting upset because I’m telling the truth? . your hessbo been elected by lebanes people ? no he declared himself yes I am the one respect me. me jealous about your jihadis not at all. we not trying to take over any other country we are there to protect our borders your boss can do jack shit to Türkiye. you r weak person

Lena Jones

So moslem brotherhood brainwash is now “truth”? LOL Get the fuck out of Syria and Iraq or else die miserably and deservedly in Iraq and Syria. There’s PLENTY that can be done about the Turkish caner in the Levant – you’d better believe it – the Hezb/Bashar/Iran don’t have to do much about it cuz it’s already happening with even the pathetic kurds kicking your invading army’s ass every which way you turn. If you REALLY and genuinely wanted to protect your borders then you will do it FROM YOUR OWN TURKISH TERRITORY and not from your neighbor’s land – entering another nation’s territory without an invite is the very definition of AN UNWELCOME INVADER! Turkey’s presence in Syria and Iraq betray Erdogan’s terroristic and greedy expansionist policy towards his neighbors – no different to terrorist israeli behavior. You cannot be both victim AND invader in the same breath! And you really need to get out more often: YES THE HEZB WAS ELECTED!!! A few times over, as it happens! Google it you know-thing idiot! Hezbollah IS the greatest Resistance group in the history of the region and “your boss can do jack shit” about it. Enjoy your jealousy.

Mustafa Mehmet

Now don’t have anymore whatever you drinking. Fuck brotherhood don’t even know what’s the meaning of this group. Charlie we have to cross the border to stop. y p. g pkk. isis and the rest to stop firing cross the border killing Turkish people…. as long as our border in danger we will stay in Syria and Iraq because assad not in position to protect his borders … hessbo jihadis just like their supplier Iran talk talk but no action. you can’t even deal with little Jew

Lena Jones

Oh shut it down mister turd! The reason why Bashar was having problems keeping his borders safe was because TURKEY allowed its proxy terrorists in thru their side of the border in their tens of thousands – geddit little git?! So stfu already with your terrorist sympathizing! Hezbollah has already crushed the “little jew” TWICE lol! And you can’t even handle a bunch of pathetic kurds who can’t shoot straight lol! Again, the “jihadists” are the terrorist best friends of Turkey – in Idlib, right now getting crushed as we speak lol! “talk and no action” – yeah sure eyeless asshole lol! Now FUCK OFF OUT OF SYRIA AND IRAQ!

Mustafa Mehmet

Jew still around . go back in time assad daddys time hafiz was openly support and harbour pkk Öcalan arm them against Turkey. so what’s go around comes round little jihadis hessbo girl. we can send Turkish army to Lebanon to to help you against jew no problem ottoman leftover

Lena Jones

BLAH BLAH BLAH loser lol! STFU and get the hell outta Syria and Iraq motherfucking terrorist invaders! And another thing: you’re so fucking weird to say your borders need protection cuz Bashar is weak when it’s hezbollah and Iran who are helping to protect Syrian territory but you hate them at the same time?!!! You’re either an idiot who likes to shoot yourself in the face, or you’re just a goddamn jealous lying hater asshole. Your pick mister illogical.

Mustafa Mehmet

Ha ha haaaaaa jealous of jhadi hassbo… who’s gone protect you border. sorry forgot terrorist don’t have border there lose like dog now piss off

Lena Jones

You certainly sound like a jealous idiot. Lebanon’s borders are well protected, hence not even “mighty israel” can touch it, all thanks to hezbollah lol – can’t say the same for spineless terrorist-loving Turkey though heh!

Mustafa Mehmet

that’s why Jews using your airspace 24.7 to bomb Syria just like your arshole anyone can get in and out hahaha

Lena Jones

You mean your jewy coward friends fast FLEE thru Leb skies and strike at old Syrian army depots, NEVER changing the equation or anything on the ground? Uhuh LOL! And one day when the time is opportune, them jew mosquitos WILL BE shot down lol! Till then, keep up your illogical hate and jealousy of hezbollah. I’m rubbing your ugly face in their victory flag right now lol.

Lena Jones

The only people kissing jew butt in the Levant are the Turks lol! I don’t think the Hezb needs the mongrel Turkish army to “help” them – well, maybe make tea for the troops or something lol! You go clean up your house from all them treasonous kurds first moron! Oh you’ll never be able to do this whereas the “little jew” is FINISHED in the next war. And you’ll STILL hate Hezbollah in victory cuz you’re a pathetic hater without a cause.

Mustafa Mehmet

Whole world recognise hessbo jihadi as terrorist organisation

Lena Jones

But the world DOESN’T you lying twerp! The world LOVES HEZBOLLAH LOL! Only israel and its handful of Western slave nations AND idiot YOU call them “terrorists” cuz they beat the shit out of the cross-eyed, diaper-wearing jewish army lol! Again, enjoy your jealousy!

Jim Prendergast

Jihad is work. The Hezb work for the good of their society. What do you do for a living Mustafa?

Mustafa Mehmet

Walid jambolat dose not say that about him. hezbo helping dictator killing innocent people in Syria

Lena Jones

You mean the same cocaine-addicted and drunk Walid Jumblat who just got bitch-slapped by half of the Lebanese-Druze community for being a liar and a selfish bastard?! Bashar was elected by a majority of Syrians (not the definition of a dictator), and he is at war against a terrorist invasion within and without – everybody bet on him losing and he’s still standing, and standing safe he is because HE HAS THE SUPPORT OF HIS PEOPLE. They wouldn’t be supporting them if he was really “killing innocent people in Syria” now would they? Uhuh. Think about it.


I fucking hate Turks, you are just rats in human form.


LOL. When tw*ts like you quit clowning around under made up nicks and reveal their own identiy , may be you can also hear what we really think about you.

Hisham Saber

Turkey is the prostitute of the E.U. / U.S. / Israel / Qatar. One day soon, Turkey will pay a heavy price. Inshallah.

Mustafa Mehmet

Must be high class prostitute. You must be high class gay man..

Brother Ma

Two years ago which is probably when the major battles had been won. It seems the Syrian army can win no battles without Hezbollah and Iranians on the ground as well. Sad. No doubt there is now friction between the Russians and the Shiite allies of Syria. Unacknowledged by them but still there. My take? They see Russia cosying up to Turkey too much.

Jim Prendergast

As they say, they take the long view of the long war. It requires one year at least to train good forces with the latest weapons and tactics. Hezbollah must defend Lebanon, Iran must defend the Gulf and Syria must evict it’s trespassers.

Xoli Xoli

Very true.As long as Putin is Russia President Syria will never gain Syria back.Soon Venezuela threats to be attack will rise, Ukraine rebels were already abandone.Trump destroys Iran agreement of 5+1 but Putin wont di anything as only veto power.

Lena Jones

This interview was over 3 hours long and reducing Hezb forces in Syrian, which is old news, is a point that concerns SF and makes a headline out of it?! Oh and hinting at a Russia-Hezbollah angst? LOL! Sorry to disappoint but Iran AND Russia too “coordinate” directly and only thru the Syrian Army – after all, it’s a SYRIA WAR TAKING PLACE IN SYRIA!!!

The meatier parts of the interview was all about the failures of israel and its ongoing geopolitical weaknesses and how the coming war will fare for the terrorist jewish state. Too bad no English subs are available for English speakers.

Free man

The bottom line is that Iran and Hizballah have abandoned the SAA when it needs them the most. It is a pity that dozens of Syrian soldiers are killed every day in this unnecessary war of attrition. A war that the SAA can’t win in its current condition.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Syria needed them most 4, 5 and 6 years ago. And they did their job well. Russia was not there until after Iran and Lebanese saved them. In WW1 the UK would loose 45,000 dead in an afternoon and then continue the next day with the same amount of casualties. SAA can loose dozens no problem. Cause it is a nation of millions. What Syria needs is Russia’s laser defense weapons to protect from the Jew’s genociding them. Israel will not stop till every last Christian and monotheist in general are dead.

Free man

Not like you, Russia cares about the dead soldiers of the SAA. Russia doesn’t have to fight your wars. Grow a pair of balls and attack Israel yourself. Real Iranian .

Xoli Xoli

Very Right Putin suppress all operation against terrorists in Syria and only follow Erdogan and Satanyahu orders with useless ceasefires and enemy concerns interest.

Free man

“…Putin suppress all operation against terrorists in Syria…” – LOL. Thanks to Putin, Assad controls most of Syria. If not for Putin’s help, Assad would have ended up like Gaddafi long ago.


We will see if they cannot win.

Free man

For Syria’s sake, I hope that this war will end.


Hezbollah and the Iranian will never fight for Russian interest… They will only fight for the total liberation of Syria… Putin is doing deals with erdogan and you will want Hezbollah and Iran to die for Putin deals??? When SAA make advance turkey calls for cease fire. Then the terrorists will attack, then SAA will take back the lost position, these back and forth has being going on because of Putin deals..

Now I suggest that you call your PUTIN to deploy Russian ground forces to fight the terrorists on the Hama/Latakia front lines.

Free man

The situation on the ground is that Iran and Hezbollah are not helping in the current fighting. And the Russians under the leadership of Putin are fighting shoulder to shoulder with the SAA and on the other hand are negotiating with Turkey. Now I suggest that people like you will give more respect to the Russian efforts, instead of looking for hidden motives.

Mustafa Mehmet

Russia helping enough. saa have to fight for their own war. you can’t expect Russian to send ground troops to. bit to much

Xoli Xoli

Thank you so much tell the seeing blinds the truth.Keep it up for telling like it is on ground.

Xoli Xoli

Thanks for Nasrallah truth.Russia refuted few days back this withdrawal.


They saw that the S-300 junk doesn’t work

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Everyone’s talking about the fact that they’re leaving Syria but no one’s talking about where they’re actually going, I’d like to know where they’re all ending up, are they going back to Lebanon, maybe Iran, or are they redeploying all around the borders of Israel, or possibly all the above, depending on the answer to that question we could then possibly work out why they are really leaving Syria.

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