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MARCH 2025

Nasrallah: The New Netanyahu Government Will Hasten Israel’s Demise

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Nasrallah: The New Netanyahu Government Will Hasten Israel’s Demise

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“There is reason to be optimistic: when a new government is composed of corrupt people and raving lunatics, with the grace of God, it will only hasten the end of this temporary entity.”

Source : video.moqawama.org

Translation: resistancenews.org

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, on January 3, 2023, during the commemoration of the third anniversary of the assassination of Commanders Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.


[…] I want to conclude on two points. The first point will be to address a message to the new Israeli government, and the second point concerns the presidential elections and the political situation in Lebanon.

First of all, this new government… Of course, we already have many years of experience with Netanyahu. If someone wants to scare us with Netanyahu, with the new (Israeli) Minister of War [Yoav Galant] or with anyone else, (he is wasting his time because) we have already dealt with them in the previous years. Yes, there is something new, namely that this government is a mixture of corrupt people – some of whom have been tried and sentenced to prison for corruption charges – and madmen and extremists, which is new. This level of transparency (in corruption and in fanaticism) is something new. So we are facing a government of corrupt, criminal and extremist fanatics. Of course, such a government does not scare us, and never such governments have been able to scare us in any way.

And more than that, we can even be optimistic about it, contrary to what most (analysts) say: when a new government is composed of corrupt and crazy people, with the grace of God, it will only accelerate the end of this temporary entity. These madmen, whom we have seen for a few days, and until this morning, (desecrate) the Al-Aqsa mosque in the early morning, their Minister of National Security (Ben Gvir), this administration, with the grace of God, will accelerate (the demise of Israel).

As you know, we have spoken many times about the internal dangers within the Israelis (themselves), the sharp divisions (of their society and elites), the lack of trust in the political and military leadership, and even in the religious authorities, the growing corruption, etc., up to the prevalent anxiety in Israel as to whether this entity will exceed 80 years of existence or not [never in history has a Jewish state exceeded 80 years], with the grace of God the Most High and Exalted, and by the grace of this new government composed of madmen, it will accelerate the end of this entity, through mistakes and stupid acts that could drag them to the bottom of the abyss. This is how we see things. In no way does the situation frighten us, on the contrary: we see a great hope in this evil (government). That’s the first point.

Second point, of course, these madmen and fanatics… Their first aim is internal, and concerns Palestine: the colonization of the West Bank, the question of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem). What happened today (desecration of the Al-Aqsa mosque by the new Minister of National Security), and the Palestinian stances as well as the reactions of some Arab and Muslim States and groups in the world confirm that these people are pushing for a (very) dangerous situation. I would like tonight to add the voice of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon (Hezbollah) to that of all the Resistance organizations in Palestine and declare this: desecrating Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Muslim and Christian holy places in Palestine and Bayt al-Maqdis in particular, on the part of these Zionists, will not only explode the situation inside Palestine, but can put the whole region on fire (by triggering a massive counter-strike against Israel). Our peoples will not tolerate such aggression by these madmen against the Muslim and Christian holy places. We have said this before, and we confirm it again. And we declare to all the countries of the world, and (especially) to those who protect this usurping entity, that if you want to avoid a second war in the Middle East in addition to the war in Ukraine, you must keep a tight rein on these extremist and fanatical madmen.

As for the rules of engagement with this new government, as I said, we already have experience with Netanyahu, there is nothing new, but also, since there is a new government, we reaffirm to them that we are alert, vigilant and ready (for anything), and that we will not tolerate any change in the rules of engagement and the balance of deterrence (between Israel and) Lebanon, whatever it may be. Let no one get any ideas or illusions. In any case, they could see a few months ago that we were ready, during the dispute over the maritime border and oil and gas resources, to go as far as possible in the confrontation (up to an all-out war) against this enemy (Israel). And they knew with certainty that we were ready for that (and that we were not bluffing). That is why we will not tolerate any alteration of the rules of engagement (between Hezbollah and Israel), nor any violation of Lebanon’s security, its capabilities or its sovereignty.

Likewise, we stress the importance for the Lebanese government to pursue its efforts to launch the extraction of (Lebanese) oil and gas. Some feared that Netanyahu’s rise to power would end the border agreement between Lebanon and Israel, but he announced that he would abide by it. The signs from the companies involved (Total, etc.) give cause for optimism. So we are not at all worried on that side.

In truth, with this government, our eyes must rather be turned towards the interior of occupied Palestine, towards Al-Quds (Jerusalem), towards the West Bank, and towards the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the first place. […]

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the lezbollah await lezbollahs demise


I think He is right. It is an act of desperation by the apartheid regime.

Sionist Slaves of America

Netanyahu the architect of the Iraq war of aggression and the “Syrian civil war” will soon be confronted by a nuclear armed Iran and there’s nothing he and his puppets in the government, the intel and in the military can do about it because they will continue to be bogged downed in Ukraine for several years. Slava Putin. Slava Bashar Hafez al-Asad.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sionist Slaves of America

Napätie tu bolo je a bude. Je iba otázkou ako ho dokážu zvládať. Žid môže byť zatiaľ bez obáv, kým Irán nevlastní jadrovú bombu. Ak bude aj Irán vlastníkom jadrových zbraní ako Izrael tak potom môže prísť k prehodnoteniu istých požiadaviek, ktoré má Arabský svet voči Izraelu. Lebo ako celý svet vie tak Izrael kradne územia a BR OSN hrá mŕtveho chrobáka!!! Prečo asi? Ako to je možné? Prečo si BR OSN neplní svoju úlohu? Pokiaľ budú existovať takéto rozdielne prístupy tak potiaľ nebude na svete pokoj!!!

Icarus Tanović

God bless you Hassan.


lesbollah has been corrupted by futanari lesbian trannyboys.

S Balu

JHK Do you mean zionist entity ?

Chris Gr

Kataeb is more preferable for me though.

Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Remove Israel from the map and Europe can build a fortress and prevent Muslims from crossing the Mediterranean on their way to Europe.

Of course, the Muslims who are here in Europe must be forcibly sent back to the crap countries they come from.

The European part of Turkey must also be taken back and all trade with Muslim countries can take place via India or China.


Probably yes, but not with atheistic pricks.

Morons big dreaming again..

A good solution, but it will never happen because there have been so many Muslims in European countries.

Furthermore, European governments have contributed to the fact that the Muslims have been able to build many mosques and the violence that comes from extreme Islamists gives the authorities a pretext to strengthen the police and judiciary.

In this way, the authorities can more easily keep large sections of the population under their control.

Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

When the war comes to Europe, the rats will run away.

They came to Europe to exploit the welfare system and enrich themselves, not to sacrifice their lives to protect the European country they live in and exploit.

Europe is falling regardless, you Jews prioritized men chopping their dicks off and painting their nails than advancing Europe. Soon you’ll be buying scientific achievements from Iran, and begging the gulf and Levant for gas

Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Before that happens, we spread the rumor that Allah has made a new earth just for Muslims and the first to come will get the best farmland.

A condition has been set that one must be dead to get there, in order to keep the travel expenses down to an acceptable level.

Am sure there will be a wave of suicides in all under-developing Muslim countries, especially if you pay a corrupt mafia imam to spread the rumor as truth.

Chris Gr

It is not advancement that we don’t have. It is the morals.


Cockroaches out of his hiding place again.

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