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Nasrallah Vows To Battle Coronavirus Pandemic, Calls Trump “Biggest Liar On Earth”

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Nasrallah Vows To Battle Coronavirus Pandemic, Calls Trump “Biggest Liar On Earth”

Hasan Nasrallah during the interview on al-Manar TV in 2019.

Hassan Nasrallah, secretary-General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, vowed in a speech on March 13 to battle the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Lebanese leader said the entire world is in a war with the Coronavirus, stressing that everyone has responsibility to confront the dangerous pandemic.

“Today we are facing an enemy whose threat is clear, large and wide. This threat does not stop at borders, but rather involves the world … We are in midst of a warfare, it’s a global war being fought by people and exposing world governments as a priority to be handled,” Nasrallah said, adding “In any battle, there’s a target and an enemy, the problem in this battle is that the enemy is “coronavirus” which is anonymous in all its aspects. Its threat has become obvious to all people.”

Nasrallah also praised the work of the Lebanese health sector, calling on people in the country to be transparent if they have any symptoms.

“The virus can be defeated if everyone takes responsibility and plays their part,” Nasrallah said.

The number of recorded COVID-19 cases in Lebanon rose to 93 on March 14. At least three patients have fallen victims to the notorious virus, thus far.

Some pro-Western parties and media outlets in Lebanon had launched a smear campaign against Hezbollah, holding it responsible for the widespread of the virus in the country. Hezbollah’s close ties with Iran, one of the main hotspots of the Coronavirus pandemic, were cited as the reason.

Nasrallah ignored these accusations in his speech, hailing Iranian officials for being transparent about the coronavirus cases in Iran. The leader also criticized the U.S. poor management of the pandemic, calling President Donald Trump “the biggest liar on earth.”

Hezbollah is now actively supporting the Lebanese government in its efforts to confront the Coronavirus. The group’s health cadres, manpower and institutions are working day and night to contain the pandemic in several regions of Lebanon, including the capital, Beirut.


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Come on Nasrallah , why dont confess that the virus was most probably brought to Lebanon by one of your sugar dadies travelling from Tehran to Beirut ?


the corona plague most likely put together in a lab in tel aviv and spread in various spots the jews would like to see terminated, say Iran and so on, just as much however that the world would like to put the last jew in the ground and say good friggin riddance,


Nahhhhhhhhh…but get out there and shake a lot of hands, Adolf.

Arch Bungle

Suck a lot of foreskin, Shlomo.


Really nwo nazi?

I don’t think so soros bot! The fact israel leased out their ports to china(without your deep state nazi oppositon) is evident insomuch as your wishfull thinking to get the leader out to revive alof hitler is evident inso much as the narrative you pro genocide soros slimes aspire to evil! Incase you wern’t aware,your disneyland fairy tale for a fascist./nwo regime is finished! Say what you like,I never argue with an idiot,best can happen here on in may god have mercy on your souls,No guarrantees though,how many used bys thrown under the bus!


be sure to take the medication prescribed since you appear wholly deranged!

Zionism = EVIL

Jews created this virus anyway.


you bet

Free man

You’re right. Corona patients arrived in Lebanon from Iran.

Zionism = EVIL

Rubbish, be a grown up once in a while, How many Italians are part of Hezbollah? you kids are totally moronic, I expected a more sensible comment from you son.

Arch Bungle

This Italian is a great supporter though. FORZA HEZBOLLAH!


That will teach Lebanon to let Hezbollah run the show. Damn, they turned one of their hospitals over to the Islamist Iranians for all their leadership getting the Coronavirus. Now this Nasrallah clown is scared he and his will be getting it from their Iranian butt buddies with no hospital beds left for them.


That rat still hides in his bunker from the IDF, and even there he is not safe from the virus lol. Hezbollah stole Lebanon’s money and left the people without a proper healthcare system, oh well atleast they have more rusty rockets in their arsenal.

S Melanson

Speaking of rats, how are things progressing regarding your Prime Minister for life NetanYahoo?

Letting you know going off grid but will keep in contact. If you have been tracking Iran and Italy, they are dealing with a different virus – much more lethal.

Seems global biowar is on and not a drill. Your thoughts?


Bibi (the biggest rat) is using the virus crises in order to postpone his trial, but he won’t succeed. He also can’t form a government because he didn’t get most seats, so he’s just buying time now and hope for the best. Well, I don’ think it’s a bio-weapon, but I do think it’s some kind of virus that escaped Wuhan’s lab and started all that mess. If the death toll from it is 2%-3%, then it can reach to millions of casualties by the time it ends.


Whether it’s from their lab or their food market, it’s homegrown Chinese, I’m sure. Sure hope it doesn’t get as bad as you think. And sure hope it doesn’t follow the Spanish Flu model and come back even worse the second year. (I do kid about it coming from the Russian bio-weapons program to give the Putz Putin dodos around here a bit of blood pressure rise.)


Wrong again soros troll,see in the end you can’t fool the truth,nor god nor mother nature,the facts all link with the nei-liberal-nwo order,you sucking bankster cuk, and you pretend to be on the right side of mankind? Seriously give it up,flogged!


Agree Jake, if it somehow mutates then we’re all screwed. The Spanish Flu killed between 50 and 100 million people, even the SARS virus (which is more similar to the Corona virus) killed 1 out of 10 people. It can reach to a high death toll if it doesn’t stopped on time, let’s hope world governments act fast. Here in Israel the country as of today is in an Isolation, only hospitals and supermarkets are opened.


You are no better than the enemy,but why don’t you just admit you are a kweer soros sponsored fktard with no respect towards your flag or people soros mole!

Free man

Poor Lebanon can do nothing. Hezbollah kidnapped Lebanon for the mullahs regime.

Xoli Xoli

Trump is paving way for antichrist OBAMA. Trump is a biggest liar he ordered this bio chemical war fare.Their have the cure but want all world markets to fail and fall to boost USA economy before claiming their find the cure.Simitaneously Trump order his puppet Salman to reduce oil prices and flood the oil market to hit Iran and Russia hard.Israel gaols in Middle East were not achieved therefore Satanyahu refuses to give USA their short range missiles code.


Brave and Wise man. Respect.


yep a megalomaniac liar and the greatest asshole in the entire world, together with netanyahu that is.


We don’t need your neo-liberal/aka brainwashed zombie kind,joe biden neo-liberal/nwo/fascist? Soros nonbinaries going down and to hell where they all truly belong,congratuknations nazis!

Free man

The pot calling the kettle black.

Arch Bungle

Rubbish. Nassrallah is an angel compared that liar trumpstein.

Free man

Nasrallah will say anything for the jihadist mullahs regime .I don’t trust extreme jihadists like him.


Try to get at least one fact right! He is not a jihadist, he is not an extremist, and the mullah regime (I presume you mean the Iranian Government) is not jihadist either. Iran hasn’t attacked anyone for 300 years. Iran has been attacked many times. How is that jihadist?

Free man

You must be joking. The jihad is a cornerstone of the Islamic Republic of Iran. And the literal interpretation of Hezbollah is “Party of God.”

S Melanson

Welcome to Global Biological War. I hope you enjoyed the preview and now to present what you have all been waiting for:

Main Feature: ‘This is not a flu!’

Brought to you by Useless Eaters, a subsidiary of Depopulation Studios.

Funding provided by the Bill and Mellinda Gates Foundation as part of their World Peace through Human Eradication Initiative.

We also want to thank the following organizations that contributed to making this show possible:

Level 4 Offensive Bio-weapon ‘New Improved Extra Strength Coronavirus From Hell’ provided by BioDefence Laboratories, Fort Detrick, MD, US DoD.

Filming locations in Wuhan managed by CIA Industries and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Did you know? The CCP were not aware at the time of their involvement in this production – boy the surprise on their faces, Xi should have another piece of chocolate cake.

One more surprise, this is not a drill, and… it is a Double Feature

P.S. I will be going off grid for a period of time but will try to post when I can to check in on everyone.

Ivan Freely

Going off grid? Bugging out before the lockdown? Good Luck!

S Melanson

Thanks. Going to put some survival skills to use here in the great north country that is Canada. Looking forward to it. Keep safe and be prepared.

Zionism = EVIL

It does not take a genius to figure out that this coronavirus is a Americunt and Zionist bio-warfare project as even the Chinese ambassador and various spokesmen have stated. The Jew fucks are out to destabilize the world and must be stopped.


Sometimes a virus is a good thing… and we saved a drone strike. .

Iran: Coronavirus killed former interrogator of U.S. Embassy hostages.. UC Berkeley-educated Hossein Sheikholeslam was also a top architect of the terrorist group Hezbollah..

Berkeley Alum; it figures..

Monte George

Hezbollah is not a terrorist group. Hezbollah is a militia which has thrice driven Zionist invaders from Lebanon. They have fought for a decade against ISIS & other terrorists in Syria and Lebanon. They are heroes, not terrorists. Terrorism is funded, armed and directed by “Taxpayers” like you.

Zionism = EVIL

Hezbollah is one of the most admired and respected peoples majority liberation and political movement in the world. Sayyed Nasrallah is the most popular political leader in the region, known for his steadfast stand against Zionism and imperialism.


Try not to gloat when this pandemics hit your country really hard.

Arch Bungle

Hezbollah is the cutting edge of future assymetric warfare. They are not a terrorist group. They do not deal in “terror”, they deal in bombing the living crap out of people who fuck with them.

fayez chergui

Biggest lie on earth : holocaust

Marcus Porcius Cato

Iron Zion disapproves of your comment because he approves of 6 billion dead jews stuffed into gas chambers.


Nahhhhhhhhh…but he could and would gladly and with ease do that to you. Now you go out and shake a lot of hands, kid.


Stalin exiled 6 million jews to the middle east,hitler is a sick incest fkwit and a liar(period)


Hi shake a lot of hands, Adolf.

Arch Bungle

Suck a lot of dick, Shlomo!

Zionism = EVIL

Hollywood creation and nothing to do with reality as there were less than 2.9 million Jew vermin in all of Europe prior to 1939 and somehow “6 million” died. What a bunch of liars.


FEAR is the power of coronavirus. Why is it that the MSM are “talking it up” so much? Why are the LIARS of the world spending so much time on this virus? Why is it timed to coincide with a man-made recession? I am convinced that this is a bio-weapon, and not even a good one. The statistics are clearly fabricated to make the death rates seem higher. The authorities refuse to allow people to be tested for the virus in my country, even when they present with symptoms. Why? Because if they were tested they would eliminate fear (if you know you don’t have the virus you have nothing to fear). If you FEAR the virus, THEY have control of you


The recession is all ready here due to lack of consumer spending and fear, and some countries will have to lock down movement. Massive testing is the answer like in S Korea. But it may not last long. Covid19 might decrease with the end of the flu season. You are right that there are fear mongers out there in MSM and also some politicians.


Well, the first year if the Spanish Flu Pandemic also ended at the end of the flu season. Then came back in a much more virulent form and killed tens of millions the next year. The Coronavirus is similar to the Spanish Flu virus.


You were there were you?why don’t you just be honest or do something positove where you reside at and try help the poor leppars,instead of just looking over them to see to your heigness with soros?

Thats the problem with soros zombies,never,ever have any solutions, which then makes the likes of your fascist kind only part of the problem!


This is not 1918 ! Dodo


joke321 is a leper working for the jews and should be ignored – his intentions are to spoil the discussions on theses threads. ignore ignore


People work for me, both Jews and others. And all I do here is try to bring reality to you ignoramuses.

Abdullah Chagor

There isn’t a proper health care in USA, they will be very hard hit


Here we go again,typical free mason templar neo-lliberal/nwo doctrine to try to start ww3 for the sake og genocide,how igmorant of billy gates whom I may add foreced to retire from his role,better run billi boi, and the company based in the uk whom got the patent legitimised in 2018,but trump because he signed a massive free trade agreement with china,next day the evil sects hit on china,just like they hit on italy for being the only eu-epp nation to sign with chinas one belt program,suddenly it blames trump because he’s only being honest in the serious case that the medisa are overhyping the contaminant to bring the world to their knees so that the nwo banks can rul over all the governments with their ponzi scams?

Put it this way australia has only 249 recorded cases nearinmg 70 days if not more of this bio weapon, how is it then the northern territory with the direct massive sea ports to imports and exports most notably with china has no recorded case to date,not even one,youd think theyd be the worse,but no see the nt are not run by any nwo nor media affiliate,which is why they don’t nor into bullshit unlike certain other states whoms prior involvment with sich deep state nazis,suddenly hit the hardest for gloin anti nwo, particulary nsw + victoria,seems to obvious just like they hit on dutton if anything rebuking george soros affiliate installed nwo muppets like that cocaine head freak whoms presently leading new zealand,well?

If you really care and follow the pattern,you will see everything points to soros/hitlary/nwo/fascism, just like the slimes whoms main agenda is to bring joe biden into power to finish us all off, be very carefull in what you wish for,personally i never seen hezbolla prove they care about syria, thbere are trolls who make out they do,the same trolls that got in in for putin,untill putin fkd em again! No this creep gets my down vote is correct on one thing atleast to be responsable and fight the liars!


Peter Dutton is their top boy look at all these anti terror laws he’s brought in for them and you never see Hezbollah care about Syria- they have lost hundreds of men saving Syria from jihadist rule


Be weary,be very weary nowadays the lesser of evils must be favoured,Trump fas averted ww3 with north korea,has nwo/ei-epp on the ropes,investigating joe biden pro genocide regime changing etc:

No cyber p00f of the soros sect cam fool me nor the truth,they don’t like it?May they burn in hell (period)


cechas vodobenikov

“obama’s job is to lie to a nation of liars”. Kiese Laymon “amerikan parents lie to their children; their children lie to their parents–its expected”. Geoffrey Gorer and these idiot believe their lies…..a farcical money worshipping people, bereft of morality—unable to feel or think….consumed by obesity and stupidity, emotionally damaged and profoundly insecure “the least reproach offends amerikans–the slightest sharp sting of truth turns them fierce”. Tocqueville “in America the citizen has been transformed into a client, the worker into a consumer…amerika requires a stupefied population”. Christopher Lasch


sayed Hassan Nasrallah is very vulnerable to infectious diseases , he had been hiding in a cramped bunker since his “glorious victory” of 2006 and by now I’m sure he is suffering from vitamin D deficiency due lack of sunlight

Kissing Iranian asses doesn’t help either, as many of these asses are already infected with COVID-19

Arch Bungle

Hail Hassan Nassrallah, last of the noble warriors.

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