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National Enslavement Uprising (Maidan 2014) as a Historical Innovation

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This article provides a Russian look at the recent developments and current situation in Ukraine and Russia.

National Enslavement Uprising (Maidan 2014) as a Historical Innovation

Published by a Russian blogger, Denis Selezniev; Translated by AlexD exclusively for SouthFront

Recently, I have managed to formulate for myself an important difference in the historical development of the two largest post-Soviet regions – the Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Both the difference and the unity of destiny. And it consists in the fact that the Maidan in the Ukraine is jumping and the Maidan in the Russian Federation is creeping.

In short, in general what is the Maidan? Quite simply, we have today two poles (that is, two extreme types) of socio-economic development – communism and ultra-liberalism (which theoretically can flow to its highest stage – fascism). And in the middle of this scale is social democracy. Usually, the movement on this scale is called progress-reaction in the Marxist tradition. That is, the movement towards communism is progress; the movement towards ultra-liberalism (or fascism) is reaction.

At some point, the Soviet system followed the path of reaction and counter-revolution and eventually gave rise to post-Soviet. Since this development is a non-stop process, it is logical that at some point the stage of social democracy has begun. Post-Soviet social democracy. Its essence is in our specificity (because in the West it is different, because of other historical experiences) in order to reconcile the population with the emergence of large private property, that is, oligarchy. Yes, political and economic power is given to the fusion of the emerging oligarchy with the highest bureaucracy, and in return, the population retains a number of social benefits such as free medicine, education, all social securities, pensions, benefits, and so on. In addition, representative democracy and freedom of expression remain in place. Yes, no one can win the elections except those who please the ruling class, and freedom of speech and indignation does not lead to any fundamental changes but they do exist.

However, commodity countries are inevitably involved in the orbit of the global centre (which consumes these resources), which in turn seeks to minimise costs at the expense of the inhabitants of the resource periphery, and therefore post-Soviet democracy is becoming impractical and must be gradually eliminated.

And now the process of eliminating this social democracy in favour of a further liberal movement is the Maidan. The movement on this scale, on the other hand, means even greater involvement in the global economy in the second and third cast. It was the social democrats that were the hated orange kuchmists and regionals. Of course, social democrats are post-Soviet and reactionary. But they were not enough reactionary for liberalism and preserving a lot of Soviet ideological and social rudiments. In fact, the 2014 Maidan is a brilliant historical example, a historical innovation – the national enslavement uprising. Rebellion for the sake of increased control by the colonising forces. It is amazing how the Ukraine for the second time in a century became the founder of a new world trend; in 1918 in the Ukraine the style of peasant national-liberation uprisings was developed, which were cloned in the 20th century in many agrarian regions of the world. Now we see how the Ukraine has brought the idea of national enslavement to a solid working model.

The Russian Federation is moving along the same path from social democracy to an ultra-liberal system as if in the shadow of the Ukrainian Maidan. The Russian Federation had its own jumping Maidan in the 90s, which allowed it to build on the wreckage of socialism and set the right direction for the country. The inertia from the terror that the broken Russians were subjected to by the shooting down of the parliament, the terrifying common man of the Chechen war, was enough for a very long time. Now the Ukrainian bouncing Maidan has become a scarecrow, under whose cover the same goals that were achieved by the Russians, scare them. They are a brilliant couple, the Ukraine and the Russian Federation, worthy to become role models in the science of society development. One jumps arguing about the dignity of being a slave, the other crawling after ridiculing the jumpers that there is no greatness and proving that the greatness of slavery should be measured and not as hasty.

Now the Russian Federation is starting to get up and jump in order to speed up the process. This is due to the fact that the new generation entering into political force is increasingly alien to the notions of greatness and striped ribbons. But there is no contradiction here. This movement will be in the same direction and will differ only in its speed.

The return of the Ukraine and the Russian Federation in 2012, in times of even stronger social democracy, is as impossible as the restoration of the USSR. And in the pole of ultra-liberalism we will have to start with a campaign to restrain ourselves, to smash our faces in the blood on it, so that even the latest plebeians will clearly understand what it was like at all.

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Promitheas Apollonious

keep with the BS articles and you do real well………………


I agree with you. Its quite possible that any donations to Southfront by Ukranian activist’s come with strings attached and that is, in turn, IMF/CIA money.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes well the ukranians are not the only ones donating. In any case is not the first site or the last that is making a u-turn in what they been preaching when they first started. I wish them well and hopefully the ukranians will fill for them the empty space and bring them the rest of the trolls who are looking for a place to hang out.

Harry Smith

Is the author leftist nincompoop? Fascism is the branch of marxism, not liberalism. PS don like neo-liberalism too, because I am conservative.

Brother Ma

Yet modern conservatives championed Globalisation,privatisation and neo -liberal economics all this time in the UK ,Germany,France and all English- speaking ex -Brit colonies including the US.

Yes,Lefties have jumped on the bandwagon but only much more recently.

Harry Smith

Bro Ma, my friend, I wrote conservative, not neo-con. And I’m from Russia.

Brother Ma



It regrettable that neither has experience with western-style liberalism. They can’t even look back to the czars fir that. With some experience they could avoid the pitfalls that led to wars and revolutions everywhere West. They might have been able to make a synthesis of the best parts of two ‘opposing’ systems. They still might – by humanizing Communism. .

Rhodium 10

Maidan was just a scam..Ukraine people thought they were going to be EU members….or what is the same to receive funds for infraestructure, agriculture, health service.. Ukraine people working in rich EU countries earning good salaries etc etc…but at the end it was a Hoax!…now they receive poverty and war!..and lost their military-industrial complex among other assets!

cechas vodobenikov

a strange compilation of gibberish…that misconstrues marxism, fascism, etc and misunderstands vast improvements in Russia. Certainly Ukraine (a cleft nation) is fragmenting. Unfortunately nothing intelligent is found here


By vast improvements in Russia you mean Moscow being the city with the most billionaires on the planet, right?

cechas vodobenikov

http://www.sott.net/article/391148 http://www.bbc.com/news/education-42222488


Dude, it’s the largest oil exporter after Saudi Arabia and first natural gas exporter in the world, how din Putin achieved this huge natural resources?

cechas vodobenikov

Russia exports more grain than any nation on the planet—what is your question? Putin’s great innovation is that he did not like the power of the oligarchs. he rejected the patrimonial relationships created by Yeltsin”. Ivan Szelyeni


That’s the image made for the average public. They are ruling Russia, Putin is a circus man.

cechas vodobenikov

your stupidity amuses…”america requires a stupefied population”. Christopher Lasch


I’m not American. But they differ from Russia by having a large middle class, while Russia has many poor that kiss Putin’s ass and many billionaires that rob the country and parade puppet Putin as a strong man. But he’s a show man like Trump.

Maninder Singh Batra

The Purchasing power is different . You will find a lot more poor in USA than what you think.


You know that most people want to migrate in USA than in Russia, right?

Maninder Singh Batra

A lot of people want to migrate to Canada,Australia these days. USA not so much. Look at San Franciso ,people pooping everywhere . That is increasingly the image of USA under Trump and Obama. I must say the kenyan marxist succeeded in making USA turd world.


Yeah ok any anglo-saxon country but shitty Russia

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