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National Front For Liberation, National Syrian Army Merge Into One Faction

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National Front For Liberation, National Syrian Army Merge Into One Faction

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In a surprise move, the National Front for Liberation (NFL) and the National Syrian Army (NSA) merged on October 4 to form a unified armed faction in northern Syria.

The merge was announced by Abdurrahman Mustafa, Prime Minister of the so-called Syrian Interim Government, in a press conference held in the southern Turkish city of Urfa.

Mustafa said that the new body, which will likely retain the title of the NSA, will operate as a regular military and follow the commands of the Interim Government’s Ministry of Defense, which headed by Gen. Salim Idris.

According to Mustafa, the new faction will work to “liberate the country from tyrants, maintain the unity and integrity of Syria’s homeland and defend the coast and the city of Idlib.”

The Turkish-backed NSA was formed in 2017 by factions controlling the Euphrates Shield (ES) region and later the area of Afrin in northern Aleppo. The NFL, which is also receiving support from Turkey, was formed almost a year later by armed groups in Greater Idlib.

The NFL is known to be a close ally of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and other al-Qaeda-affiliated groups. While the NSA presents itself as an opponent of the terrorists, some of its factions had fought alongside HTS earlier this year.

The merge was likely facilitated by Turkey, which is apparently working to separate so-called moderate groups from radicals in Greater Idlib. A step that was agreed upon in the Astana process.

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Icarus Tanović

Great news for start.

klove and light

wtf is great News at a Zionist Propaganda step…….????? so that Turkey gets its way in Idlib?? what Merger??? they are all sunni Terrorist scumbags, controlled by zionism under the umbrella of Turkey which has now invaded 3 parts of syria, afrin is lost anyway, they changed the demographics there completely (well where did they get that idea from…Palestine????became Israel!!!), and Idlib…changing the demographics there too, 75% of Folks in Idlib are the familes from the terrorists which were brought to Idlib in a dozen steps, named “evacuation Agreements” in aleppo in douma etrc… etc… etc.. Agreements made between Zionist Putin and the islamists…..every time the islamists got cornered in , like in aleppo or douma etc.. instead of finishing the bastards off, they were let to go freely with light arms to Idlib…and that started years ago…and years ago i wrote About the tremendous strategic mistake, letting your biggest deadliest enemies walk away and settle, and regroup and rearm in Idlib…so here we are……oct. 2019 Idlib….13 turkish Military bases in Idlib by Agreement between Zionist Putin and Turkey….and Turkey does that what it did the last years in syria….be the Father state for the sunni terrorists…..everybody knows that, even down in austrailia…but here most People still are smart asses…..puitn saved syria yeahhh the good russians yeeeahhh…..stupid Donkeys get made each and every day by them satanic jew Zionist scumbags and u Folks walk Right into it ..each and every fucking day…. back to Idlib…..so when did this BIGGGGGGGG offensive to take back Idlib from Terrorist Zionist scumbags start??? 6 months ago…… and how far did they get????? yeah no answer as usual….stupid smart asses…..and while Russia is Holding back SAA offensive in Idlib, Turkey marches into the 3 piece of syrian land in partnership with Zionist USA……well if that dont work out great for the syrian arab republic-sarcasm out!!!!!!!!

so back to your immensley stupid brain dead writing

“great News for start”

-true great News for the Zionist scumbags……. r u 1 ??????? if so burn in hell……..if not….then try to use your brain at least once a day…….

all that Turkey is doing, is typical Zionist…..lie…cheat…steal…rape…murder

there are only 4 Forces to trust against the Evil satanic Zionist bastards

houthis, PMU iraq, Hezbollah and iranian Forces and to give u an eye opener what the persians think About Putin/Russia , here is a Quote of Minister Zarif from Iran, was also here at southfront his message

“we know exactly who we can trust with our blood.During the brutal war against iraq, not 1 Nation, not a single one sold us weapons.The Germans sold chemicals to Saddam, the French sold him Mirage jets, the russians sold him mig jets, the USA sold him tanks and armament.”

so u brainless “make it easy for the satanic jew scum by not using your Brains and learning and reading history” continue with your dumb ass Putin will save the planet…the russians are the best on earth…lolololol… but the truth is very easy and straight Forward.

All nations that recognize the illegal satanic Entity named Israel are part of the satanic Agenda-. A one world Government with Jerusalem as its capital under satanic jewish Leadership. That includes, USA,uk,russia,eu,china etc….

that is the 100% truth of the matter on our planet

ps. Russia and USA are 2 sides of the same coin

Icarus Tanović

Oh, please can’t you see that now we have one enemy less? What sunni terrorists…Is Wahhabi rather what you are referring to …

klove and light

wtf is great News at a Zionist Propaganda step…….????? so that Turkey gets its way in Idlib?? what Merger??? they are all sunni Terrorist scumbags, controlled by zionism under the umbrella of Turkey which has now invaded 3 parts of syria, afrin is lost anyway, they changed the demographics there completely (well where did they get that idea from…Palestine????became Israel!!!), and Idlib…changing the demographics there too, 75% of Folks in Idlib are the familes from the terrorists which were brought to Idlib in a dozen steps, named “evacuation Agreements” in aleppo in douma etrc… etc… etc.. Agreements made between Zionist Putin and the islamists…..every time the islamists got cornered in , like in aleppo or douma etc.. instead of finishing the bastards off, they were let to go freely with light arms to Idlib…and that started years ago…and years ago i wrote About the tremendous strategic mistake, letting your biggest deadliest enemies walk away and settle, and regroup and rearm in Idlib…so here we are……oct. 2019 Idlib….13 turkish Military bases in Idlib by Agreement between Zionist Putin and Turkey….and Turkey does that what it did the last years in syria….be the Father state for the sunni terrorists…..everybody knows that, even down in austrailia…but here most People still are smart asses…..puitn saved syria yeahhh the good russians yeeeahhh…..stupid Donkeys get made each and every day by them satanic jew Zionist scumbags and u Folks walk Right into it ..each and every fucking day…. back to Idlib…..so when did this BIGGGGGGGG offensive to take back Idlib from Terrorist Zionist scumbags start??? 6 months ago…… and how far did they get????? yeah no answer as usual….stupid smart asses…..and while Russia is Holding back SAA offensive in Idlib, Turkey marches into the 3 piece of syrian land in partnership with Zionist USA……well if that dont work out great for the syrian arab republic-sarcasm out!!!!!!!!

so back to your immensley stupid brain dead writing

“great News for start”

-true great News for the Zionist scumbags……. r u 1 ??????? if so burn in hell……..if not….then try to use your brain at least once a day…….

all that Turkey is doing, is typical Zionist…..lie…cheat…steal…rape…murder

there are only 4 Forces to trust against the Evil satanic Zionist bastards

houthis, PMU iraq, Hezbollah and iranian Forces and to give u an eye opener what the persians think About Putin/Russia , here is a Quote of Minister Zarif from Iran, was also here at southfront his message

“we know exactly who we can trust with our blood.During the brutal war against iraq, not 1 Nation, not a single one sold us weapons.The Germans sold chemicals to Saddam, the French sold him Mirage jets, the russians sold him mig jets, the USA sold him tanks and armament.”

so u brainless “make it easy for the satanic jew scum by not using your Brains and learning and reading history” continue with your dumb ass Putin will save the planet…the russians are the best on earth…lolololol… but the truth is very easy and straight Forward.

All nations that recognize the illegal satanic Entity named Israel are part of the satanic Agenda-. A one world Government with Jerusalem as its capital under satanic jewish Leadership. That includes, USA,uk,russia,eu,china etc….

that is the sad 100% truth of the matter on our planet

ps. Russia and USA are 2 sides of the same coin


Pulling a Venezuela trick; interim government with their own “army”.

Saso Mange

These ”governments” are just a sick diseases. Disgusting tries to destroy sovereignty of a nation.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Perfect, now the Russian Airforce can bomb these terrorists even easier! :)


Spetsnaz can now infiltrate easier because internal barriers have to weaken. Inciting inner strife by leaving the right clues gets easier. Also double agents got a lot more valuable.


It is the opposite, as SF said themselves. They are now considered “moderate” in therms of the Astana agreement. Turkey did this to protect them, not the other way around. It boils down to this: Turkey will try to merge as much militants into this proxy force as possible, and they will all be protected by the Astana agreement. They are for months even trying to do this with HTS factions. In the end, only those HTS faction resisting this policy will remain as the sole ” extremists”. All others will be called “moderate”. A nice loophole in the Astana agreement, and for political reasons, everyone goes along with it and looks the other way. Make of that as you will, i call it white washing Jihadists.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Doesn’t matter, because in the end SAA will smash them just as hard and every inch will be liberated


According to the Astana agreements, the SAA is not allowed to. If they would do it, it would mean for Assad to kill the Astana agreement, which would infuriate Putin even more, leading likely to a total lack of Russian military and diplomatic support. Assad will be forced to accept, that millions of his citizens will remain with their Jihadists ideology, and Idlib will remain a continuous concern in the future, even if officially liberated and under gov control. The big powers all want the war to end, each for their own political reasons. Migrants and refugees, unpopularity of Russian troops being deployed abroad, costs.. And Assad is in no position to not accept the conditions the guaranteeing forces lay out in front of him. The true victory we all hoped for may likely not be in the cards.


The closer they are to each other, the easier it is for the teams to kill each other. This isn’t a setback but another avenue of attack by sneaky methods.

Peter Jennings

The Turkish admin are supporting this rabble yet cannot fortify their border with Syria fast enough. It kinda makes one wonder just how much longer this murderous rabble will enjoy Turkish support.

It seems that Erdogan is willing to allow this idiots to rule the north of Syria just as long as they do his bidding too. He will just as easy allow the SAA to kill them all. IMO, Erdogan is using these groups for leverage against the Syrian and Russian admins. It didn’t take too long for Erdogan to get his S-400’s.


hehe…. Another pathetic try how to create from terrorists regular peacemakers by renaming without change of ideology same as punish their own steps hardly

At second side because Idlib terrorists are now merged with oliva-euphrates shield ones which mean they can be attacked now

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Everytime Erdogan does this it reminds me of the old magicians trick, you know the one where the magician places 3 cups and a ball on a table, then places the ball under one of the cups and quickly shuffles them all around, then smugly asks you to pick which cup the ball is under without lifting the cups up, which I usually don’t get right, luck is my deciding factor, I on average only pick the right cup once out of every three guesses. And Erdogan’s a magician too, because he’s totally bamboozled me this time, I’ve totally lost track of all the hundreds of small militias that combine to make larger alliances, that then also form even larger coalitions, which then begin to splinter and reorganize again and again and again —–, FMD, I’m sick of playing this game. If Erdogan asked me to play that game I would, but I’d take a sturdy hammer with me when I went to play his silly game, and when he finished reshuffling the cups and asked me to guess which one it was, I’d take out my hammer and flatten every one of those stupid cups, then I’d be able to see which cup had the ball under it, and it’d be all of them. And that’s just what Erdogan does, tries to hide the terrorists in moderate opposition clothing, but no one’s fooled by his games, we all know all the moderate opposition groups are no different to the terrorist groups, there’s always one hiding under every cup. I suspect there’s just a bit more to it this time though, if a few of them go missing in the process of reorganizing, we’ll know the missing individuals probably knew a few of Erdogan dirty secrets, and Erdogan’s done something to silence them permanently. I suspect due to Turkish opposition parties threats to expose Erdogan’s crooked dealings in Syria, he may have to quickly tie up a few loose ends there, by shooting them in the head, LOL. Let’s see, apart from is dealings with terrorists groups that the Turkish opposition is already going to expose, what else has he got to hide from the Syrian government and the UN now, Buying oil from Isis back in 2014/15, Chemical Weapons attacks that he always accused Assad of being responsible for, lets see if we can find out the truth now, lets see who was really responsible when the beaten terrorists start talking to Assad and the UN, And what about Isis now, someone’s still helping them in both Syria and Iraq, and Erdogan has his forces in both Syria and Iraq, and his country also shares its border with both countries, mmm So many secrets to keep with way too many people keeping them, I don’t think Erdogan will be able to solve his problems just by shooting them all, and he probably knows that too, but I’m still expecting the bodies to start piling up, LOL, because he doesn’t really have a choice now. LOL. “Dead men tell no tales”, yes they do, modern technology can translate dead men’s tales very easily, and when some of the secret keepers realize Erdogan’s starting to bump them off, some of the smarter one’s will go running to the UN and start begging to be put in a safe UN jail, but just so long as the information they provide minimises their sentences and gives them a few extra privileges while they’re in jail. Erdogan must be sweating like a pig now, everything that could go wrong has gone wrong, so I hope he’s taking extra medication to cope, LOL. Reshuffling the deckchairs on the Titanic, LOL.


like merging one bankrupt party with another bankrupt party to bamboozle the surroundings to believe they are more than before and not bankrupted or close to defeat, which they are. and be assured that the SAA and the russians won’t be fooled and will continue the slow process of clearing syria of whatever flotsam/debris that has seen fit to help in the destruction of the country and that includes the unhinged states of morons (aka usa) and that the flotsam/debris will be on the run in a fairly short time. and that include turkey as well.

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