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MARCH 2025

NATO Agrees To Provide ‘New & Heavier’ Weapons To Ukraine After Czech Tanks Arrive

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NATO Agrees To Provide 'New & Heavier' Weapons To Ukraine After Czech Tanks Arrive

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Originally published on ZeroHedge

During a meeting at NATO headquarters in Brussels among the alliance’s foreign ministers on Thursday, the US and UK led the way in forging a fresh agreement to give Ukraine “new and heavier” weapons, at a moment a limited number of Czech-provided Soviet-designed T-72M tanks have already been transferred to Kiev – reportedly with the quiet assistance of Washington.

“There was support for countries to supply new and heavier equipment to Ukraine, so that they can respond to these new threats from Russia,” British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said at a press briefing.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed that the US is “looking across the board right now, not only at what we have provided … and whether there are additional systems that would make a difference.” The latest cutting edge weaponry the Pentagon has transferred to Ukraine has included Switchblade drones, which are low-cost Kamikaze drones capable of destroying armored vehicles and tanks in the more advanced version of the system.

However, Blinken hasn’t specified which “heavier” weapons the US would be willing to send. So far any efforts to transfer jets or tanks has been met with inter-alliance resistance given it would likely put NATO and Russia on a more direct collision course. This as on Friday Slovakia announced it has “donated” an S-300 air defense system to Ukraine.

Weapon shipments have also so far included Javelin ant-tank and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles. But the Ukrainian government has persistently lobbied for more, often with emotional language – such as Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba’s appeal to NATO this week: “The more weapons we get and the sooner they arrive in Ukraine, the more human lives will be saved,” he said.

Ahead of the foreign ministers meeting, Kubela met with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels, stating on Twitter that he had urged the “three most important things” for Ukrainians are “weapons, weapons, weapons.”

So far Brussels appears to have responded positively. the UK’s Truss has signaled that NATO is looking to go beyond the older Soviet-designed systems currently being given to Ukraine’s military. This after all is what its forces are trained on and are efficient in. “We agreed to help Ukrainian forces move from their Soviet-era equipment to NATO standard equipment, on a bilateral basis,” she said.

FM Kuleba has responded by saying he’s “cautiously optimistic” NATO will meet the demands for more. “I was very specific about the requests and the timeline that they should be accommodated. I will be looking forward to the follow-up from allies,” he said.


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More material to kill Russian troops and Putin as yet to cut gas to Eastern Europe. Now that the winter is gone, it will not produce the same effect. What a an incompetent way to respond to total war that the west is doing to Russia You are going to lose. Get rid of those western idiots that are going to Kiev. It would be a favor to humanity!


exactly my opinion

Vlad butcha orc

Orc gets punched in the face, orc complains. =)

Miki Miric

Ork ti jebe sestru i majku


“Putin as yet to cut gas to Eastern Europe.” maybe POTRF understands how that would be better served “Cold” and will wait till europe throttles itself out of the action( doing an amazing accelerated job sanctioning themselves at the moment) and then would be the next winter of their discontent and best time to create euro trash popsickles. imagine how quickly not only the false balsa wood door that is the bastion of Europa’s gate comes crashing down but also the false narrative of whom gets gas from whom in reality, not on paper. Saying France only uses 17% Russian Gas because it buys from germany(for example)is a circuitous fantasy shell game when the germans buy it from Russia first. but to them this all makes perfect sense. Until the taps turn off and reality kicks in.


Hey Russian heroes This is where you will burn for https://t.me/c/1736151536/4459

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan
Dummy Perez

“Euro trash popsicles” 😂😂😂😂

Michigan Man

The problem is that the russian people do not have a nationalistic government, but a bolshewic, communist government with old KGB Chief Putin calling the shots. Had russia true nationalistic government, then it would support right-wing forces within the EU and US. Provide weapons and logistical support to them, and the people of the world, the different national forces, would topple their criminal governments within an eye-blink. This way then Germany and Russia could live and work peacefully together, side-by-side. America would be free of the jews, same goes for Germany and Russia, and all would live in peace and enjoy prosperous times. America could rebuild itself, become autarc and self-sustaining country, and interact in a beneficial way with South-America and Canada. Everything would be fine.

But because today all sides (USA,EU,RU – and hiddenly – in form of jewish communism even China) and relevant countries are enslaved and run by jews, the world is heading directly into a new World War. What is why peopel need to wake up, and stop this madness now – before it is too late !!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

LOL USA government has more communists in it than Russian federation ever will. Michigan especially polluted with socialists and communists, hell your governor is practically a card holder PMSL how blind can you be.


What is your understanding of “communists” or “socialists”? Certainly not what the Soviets understood or Fox News?


100% agree. Must be something in the Michigan water….manistee

Aunt Polly

You don’t seem to have any idea what the present Russian society are like. Just because it’s not as dismal as the US, doesn’t mean it’s communistic. In Russia the mood is very good. Even their douche-bags are polite.

Vlad butcha orc

Polite orcs showed their politeness not only in Butcha, stealing washing machines, raping and torturing.

hans raus

Shame on them, they brutally rape you and your mama! 100000 times fucked your every hole!


I do ! https://t.me/c/1714107189/3509

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan

The problem is do you want to live in that world or eould you rather fight?


The question is are you worse than an animal, a Russian, or an human who defends human moral, ethic and dignity ?


Of course even their are some honest worthy people among, but they are victims of the same Moscow animal tribe. https://t.me/c/1736151536/4569 seldom heard such emotional and loving words of a men forced on dead row

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan
Peter Jennings

Communism was created in England and was exported to Russia for regime change purposes. President Putin is a white Russian, not a bastard child of a Bolshevik, who were mostly jews BTW.

Simon Ndiritu

Putin should sell them even more gas so long as they pay for it. This will tie more resources that would have bee used to buy US weapons and hence enrich the MIC.

Arzt Injektion

No need to cut off gas, just destroy the rail that the supplies come in. It is a joke that they have not done it by now.

Call it an invasion, call it a special operation, call it whatever the hell you want, have you ever in you life heard of any military campaign that makes no attempt to stop the arms shipment going to the belligerent host? Russia could stop this nonsense today by taking out the rail. Its absurd.

Joseph Day

I don’t know, most get destroyed in Ukraine before deployment, the EU counties are running themselves low of reserve supplies. Keep bleeding them for awhile and they’ll be vulnerable. Russia’s gone in very minimalist for a reason

Timmy Temperance

The industrial military complex is relying on increased orders from EU countries as a result of their sending weapons to Ukraine. The EU countries can now justify increased military spending to their citizens. They actually have quotas mandated by US through NATO.

Johny cash

Thats why i been so bafflwd for the past month. Nothing makes sense strategy wise. Is russian leadership really that incompetent it seems so im sad to say. Absolute utter fucking incompetent i feel so bad for the conscripts used as canon fodder being in snuff films for somw russian haters entertainment smfh

Vlad butcha orc

And what about Ukrainian soldiers and civilians? Aren’t you sorry for them, suffering from an invasion by orcs?

hans raus

I’m sorry for you: your tumorous brain is suffering an invasion by parasitic worms.

Vlad the Impaler

Sympathy for the neonazis? For the Azov battalion and their kind? Nope, none whatsoever. If it were up to me, they’d all be tortured to death in the public square. As for the civilians, well, they’re being liberated by the Russian troops, from the regime in Kiev which uses them as human shields.


I don’t think anyone in the world who’s aware of what’s going on, has any sympathy for ukrop goblins who are known worldwide only for their child porn production, drugs and human trafficking, aside from being cannon fodder for the USA.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mike

Agree with you. I doubt any tank has ever arrived into Ukraine from outside already.

Aunt Polly

How much of it will be destroyed before it reach any battle-field? Where are all the weapons NATO have already given Ukraine? Don’t they work any more, or are they somewhere else? It’s looking like Russia is baiting to disarm the whole evil empire.

Johny cash

The whole shit has been a mess frm the get go incompetent aint even the word. This is their fucking backyard theyre fighting not Antarctica wtf is going on over there is completely beyong me. First sign something was fishey was when putin said no conscrits but 3 days later there was, seem like a moles in there or shoigu us that incompetent. Mind u hes never been a military man

Aunt Polly

Maybe work on your spelling, before you give tactical advise?

The Saint

Cutting off gas now would have an enormous effect since European countries need the pipeline gas over summer to go into storage for next winter.

Cock sucker Putin

Hah ha ha you filthy Russian pigs we will butcher you all Russian solider in Ukraine. Only a ghost name will be left from Russian army..

hans raus

The only thing you half-dead, moronic, old cocksucker can ‘butcher’ in your basement is your dogs dick – when you bite it with your rotten teeth. Poor dog.


Your certainly talking out of experience, who els would think about it ? Are you a Russian? Спасибо России; https://t.me/c/1714107189/3509 За ваше освобождение, культуру, любовь к людям, мир. Вы когда-нибудь задумывались, почему ваше правительство подвергает информацию цензуре? Отключите социальные сети,

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan
Johny cash

Spare conscripts theyre innocent bullied and push to the front. Alot has even sabotage their vehicles to not fight. Spare them

Bob - Enough

“Now that the winter is gone, it will not produce the same effect.” – no offense here, but I doubt Putin wants to inflict harm on the people .. if you have a look at this, this is the way to play it, cut down the gas and if the governments chose the corporations over the people – Europe is a dead duck = https://www.rt.com/news/553528-france-gas-rationing-decree/


Las vias de acceso seran aniquiladas, ya esta ordenado por el estado mayor ruso, no creo lleguen esos cargamentos a las tropas ucranianas.


Es un alivio saber eso


Nato fascists led by America and Britain will not calm down until they destroy Russia. If you hadn’t waited for 8 years, everything would have been solved in few days back in 2014, and today Ukraine would be a normal country. Also, the longer you delay the use of nuclear weapons, the closer you are to be doomed. You can’t wage war against Nato hiding behind Ukraine for too long, they still have about 10-15 million pieces of Ukrainian meat to spend. Learn something from western lying vermin, little by little, so it’s suddenly a lot. You also need, first, a some kind of small military purpose nuclear strike somewhere near the Polish border, and then, if necessary, even to a large one on Kyiv. And at the same time have targeted and ready to fire at least 200 fascist cities around the world, primarily America and Britain because they are behind everything. Open your eyes, this is a war to destroy Russia, Ukraine does not matter at all. They are just tool for doing business.


I understand the use of nuclear weapons is a red line. Russia and mush of the work will be turned in to an uninhabitable wasteland. mutually assured destruction has been an effective deterrent.

Aunt Polly

I’m not so sure. Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki – people still live there. I am beginning to think it is as fake as everything else they told me. Animals around Chernobyl should have shown some signs by now.


russia should just admit defeat, they have lost and are economically doomed. they cant withstand the constant stream of weapons from the west

its the end of russian regional power. just a minor state now


HAHAHAHAHA keep dreaming

Russia’s economy is going stonger by day, the ruble is going up, the markets are healthy

while in the west prices are skyrocketing, more and more people are growing angry with the ruling elites and their shenanigans and lies, the ukrop “refugees” are starting to get violent, which in turn will open the eyes of more and more european sheeple

the war has just started and the russians are in WWII mode…the europeans are sleeping and the muricans think they are untouchable

meanwhile China has been flying cargo planes to Serbia, full of weapons!!!


The Russian stock market,MOEX has lost $200 billion in value, or 16,200 billion Rubles The Ruble has rebounded but due to strick controls in what people can do with their money Gdp has shrunk 15% Unemployment has doubled to 8% But that’s ok the unemployed are available to become replacement soldiers


That’s me btw. I change my nicks often but I always spam the same moronic garbage.


So the Ukraine has won? Where exactly did they counter-attack and take back territory?


Russians think this is WW3, but what if it is more like the Spanish Civil War demonstrating that the tactics and weapons of the last wars need to be left behind. All this Soviet era stuff is getting chewed up and spit out by the more sophisticated stuff coming from Ukraine’s homegrown industry and even more so by the stuff from US, UK, Germany, Turkey, etc.

Sanctions will destroy the Russian commodities export businesses and the humiliating defeat of Russia will destroy the Russian military export industry.


destroy every vehicle, train, truck or even car that crosses into ukraine from the west 1 km inside Ukraine with Kalibre, so their masters can smell the burning ukrops before they run back to their furher bunkers and relax in their dresses.


Destroy, yes, but not 1 km inside Ukraine, as the western powers will cease to send new shipments !

Hungary Guy

Time to shut off Gas/ Oil to EU/ US. Also uranium. These trains need to be targeted as soon as they cross into Ukropland. Sabotage actions, organizing protests also in the books.


Something that perplexes me is that Russia is aware of this, they know very well the train routes and where they will be dislodged not to mention the fact NATO is making it obvious to them. How come Russia stays reluctant in spite of all this ? where are their thousands of cruise missiles, their strategic bombers ? how come Russia is even negotiating a peace deal knowing that it will never be honored or abided by ? the more days pass the more I am starting to think that in fact Russia is just playing along to shed more Slavic blood and this is all a part of a plan.

Arzt Injektion

It makes you wonder does it not. They are actually allowing weapon shipments to roll in on rail. There threat to destroy arms supplies coming into Ukraine was false. Tanks on Rail, S300 on rails, what’s next, ballistic missiles capable of hitting Moscow and St Petersburgh on rails?

“the more days pass the more I am starting to think that in fact Russia is just playing along to shed more Slavic blood and this is all a part of a plan.” Me too.


Russia us attempting to minimize destruction of infrastructure. If weapon systems cross into the war zone on a train, I expect that train and railroad to be attacked.


There is a goal for Russia at the end. There is no goal for Banderpistan. The US overseas empire is coming apart at the seams. This is why the US amped up the pressure on Russia via their Ukrotard puppet. The inevitible economic union of the states of the Eurasian landmass has been delayed by the Anglosphere bankers for over one hundred years, but it’s coming now if Russia is not destroyed by the Americans in a nuclear firestorm.

hans raus

Russia have nothing to do with being slavic. Russia and being slavic is myth and russian propaganda. You can call slovacks,ukrainian,polish or belorusian as slavic but russia is typical primitive mongoloid tribe. pls dont call them ,,slavic,,

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
Hunter Biden your Pimp

Your moronic daddy is mongoloid, or just some stray dog. Mongols and then Tatars from Crimea actually terrorized modern day “ukraine” but of course you utterly clueless and brainless deformed gay monkey know shit except to suck black dicks and vomit diarrhea from your inbred mutant mouth.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hunter Biden your Pimp
The Objective

Then Germans are Mongoloid-Hunnish tribe, even Brits call them Huns. Yet both Huns and Mongols are much better than your incestuous Anglo sheep shaggers now fucked by Jews, Africans and Pakis.


Every Russian soldier should be issued with a manpad and ordered to blow up any Ukraine armour on sight.


Why blow it up, you wait five minutes for the ukrops to absquatulate and them and the DPR & LPR get new free tank! Where did you think the ones in Mariupol assault came from? Liberated by Ukrainians , from genocidal Ukrainians from 2014 to today. 3 major assaults, 3 major equipment donations from ukronazis. Only abandoned once (LMFAO)


Time to take out every railroad line leading out of Poland

John Tosh

FAKE RUSSIAN ATROCITIES…. Just like in Syria…. Ukraine is a fake news provider like CNN, BBC News…. when NATO was lying about Libya, they did not know it would affect how the world sees NATO in the future many years after the Libyan Leader was brutally murdered by NATO…. most countries do not support the USA because of the fake News and fake reasons for the Libyan war and Iraqi war.

The USA and NATO are repeating the lies again. The fake Russian atrocities stories only serve to make the USA and NATO look like liars. People you cannot trust. Russia on the other hand tells the truth even when it is not in Russia’s interest. Who will you follow in the future?? The liar or the country telling only truths.

CNN, BBC News, DW etc should stop the lies immediately. People are not as stupid as you think. They know the West are liars… the question now is are the collective West NATO and the G7 PATHOLOGICAL LIARS or JUST LIARS??? The West will help the world decide this in the coming months.

hans raus

Yes yes yes, west is satanic and bad and russia are good boys ^^ Now try to explain why typical russian dream about westen lifestyle and their standard of living. Come on russobots, can you explain it to me? ^^

jens holm

Yes yes yes, typical dream. your typical dream are blonde boys in lederhosen dildoing you.


so russia didn’t bomb the arrived heay weapon to the hell, as she once promised? then why did she launch the special military action in the first place?

Last edited 2 years ago by aes
Arzt Injektion

Good question.


It doesn’t matter. The Phase 1 ist over. Almost All US and NATO Investitions in the ucraine are destroyed or annulated, including Mariupol and all its NATO officers. We Well find a Lot of surprises as soon as the nazis there are unser control. You can not hide heavy weapons ans move It across 1T km to te Front Line of the Donbas, specially because there are no NATO infraestructure anymore. Almost All was destroyed During the Last weeks ans the Air belongs to Rusia. They are achieving the Operation with only 150 T effectives ans veteran weapons. Onkyo the supersonics are Part of their Last Generation weapons. They can be on the Donbas with this rythm for years. Meanwhile the EU Economy Is already in a real crisis…

Arzt Injektion

I agree with what you are saying, but who believes that this is going to stop after Donbas is cleared? I don’t. This Puppet Zelensky will never surrender and if you keep allowing arms shipment, they will simply rebuild everything in Western Ukraine.

Until Russia gets serious and destroys the railways coming in from Poland, this nonsense will continue. I can’t believe that Russia allowed tanks and Air Defense equipment to roll in from Poland untouched. This is criminal indictment against military and political leadership of Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Arzt Injektion

What they suppose to do, bomb every railway? They don’t even use railways they just unload this crap in Poland and then use roads.


NATO and Zelensky together butchering civilians in Ukraine for which they would accuse Russia as they had used this strategy in 2014. At that time it worked but this time may not.

Lazy Gamer

Check! lol

hans raus

Few months ago i believed that russia is 2nd army in the world. Now i understand that it was all russian propaganda that brainwashed us for many years. Ukraine destroyed most elite troops from russia and it will take another 5-10 years to train new russia army generation. However, with all sanctions from west russia will be not able to rebouild their army because most of technology that russia use…. comes from west. Putin destroyed russian economy, reputation and military power. USA play 4D chess game, russia play checkers. Russia is now known as country of 5 years old child and woman rapists and civilian killers. Congratulations russobots, you won Darwin award. Funny thing is that ukraine shown russian batalions who fight against russia ^^ seems like russian realized that being part of west is better choice ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

worthless moronic gibberish by a worthless moronic troll in delirium ^

Fuck Russia

Yup Russian now has fallen to 6th position . while Ukraine is up 3 level on millitary power. Russia will enter a deep economic depression like the oane in 1920 wich will bring the Russian Government down and Russian people will execute them all . Now is even more catastrophic that all land Bridge to Europe and non Europe is totally close. Shops are getting empty by the day in Russia. If they actually put security tag on canned foods this is crazy 🤪. In max 3 months Russian economy will contract so badly that the population will take to the streets and dismantle the government. Tic toc the time ⏰️ is against Russian Government. Time is running out.


even more worthless moronic gibberish by a worthless moronic troll in delirium and rigor mortis ^

Muhammad your Prophet

There hasn’t been any need to supply Ukraine with more MiG-29s. The Russian forces haven’t been able to touch them. Ukraine at this point already controls the airspace now that the Putin cockroaches were defeated in Kiev.


Ghost of Kiev just keeps knocking down those Russian planes all across Narnia.

Joe Biden

Even Ukro tanks are better than this crap left by Soviets decades ago in some some forgotten depot in Czech republic.


*were better.

not many ukrainian tanks left: they lost 80% of their force (one of the biggest in Europe just two months ago).

The Saint

I expect to see the likes of Kubela, Reznikov and Zelensky all hanging from trees by the time this is over. They have consistently acted in the interests of their masters in the West and not those of the Ukrainian people.

Timmy Temperance

Proxy wars. They have a tendency to escalate.

Cock sucker Putin

Russia soldiers were in shock to find out that all the houses in Ukraine have Nutella and laptops… Russia is fuck. up country where only people in big cities have something then the rest of the country doesn’t have even Internet. Russian Orcs government stole everything from day to day Russians population exactly like Stalin. In Europe we will destroy any trace of Stalin or Russia any monuments everything what stand of Russia will be destroyed everything …you listen you filthy Russian pigs… We will wipe out any history of Russia from Europe.. They just recruited some solider from the poorest parts of Russia they even don’t have proper equipment they are sent to the front lines as cannon folders. Here’s the next evidence of the next Russian dead soliders. https://twitter.com/by_Ukraine/status/1512775038826651650?t=pSrhuRvr–cRdNutsGgRRg&s=19


They don’t even know where they are going

Last edited 2 years ago by Cock sucker Putin

Nutella and laptops? Hollywood!


Well thats it WWIII dont whait Russia put your atomic arsenal to work !

Peter Jennings

People of the UK. When your sons and daughters are dying in frozen ditches in Ukraine, you know who to blame and go after. It’s time the west had a cull of their business and political parasites.


Russian interdiction airstrike on rail and road networks between western and eastern Ukraine should effectivly prevent these weapons reaching the front lines. Along with destroying communication and power system should end Ukrainian resistance far quicker then continual bombing of only military targets.


I don’t understand, Ukraine doesn’t have any air defense, what purpose will this serve?


It’s to get a Patriot missile battery into Slovakia, and instead of PAC missiles they will swap them out with nuclear-tipped Tomahawks.

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