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NATO’s Bet On Kiev Lost

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NATO’s Bet On Kiev Lost

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NATO’s Bet On Kiev Lost
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NATO’s Bet On Kiev Lost

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The Ukrainian army is rapidly retreating from strategically important lines, paving the way for the further Russian advances.

The recent Ukrainian attempt to launch a second front in the Kherson region failed. The operation by Ukrainian special forces to land at the Tendrov Spit led to deaths of 25 Ukrainian professionals trained by the British military. They were defeated by six Russian fighters. One of the Ukrainian servicemen was captured and will share the secrets of his foreign trips with the Russian military.

On the Zaporozhye front, fighting continues in Rabotino. Since the village was destroyed by prolonged battles, the both sides face difficulties gaining a foothold in the ruins.

In recent days, another battlefield was revived. As a result of a blitz attack, Russian forces expanded their zone of control on the southern outskirts of Gulyai-Pole. Successful pinpoint attacks threaten the Ukrainian defense with a breakthrough in any sector of the front where the Ukrainian command fails to strengthen positions due to deficiencies in reserves.

In the South Donetsk direction, the Russians gained a foothold on the outskirts of Krasnogorovka. Ukrainian attempts to counterattack led to no success.

Earlier this week, Russian assault groups entered the village of Ivanovskoe located west of Artemovsk. By the end of the week, preliminary reports claimed full Russian control of the settlement. While there is no official confirmation, the mop up operation and fighting on the outskirts continue, but the Ukrainian army is unlikely to stop the Russian offensive. At the same time, Russian forces have already approached the main Ukrainian stronghold in the region in Chasov Yar, where Ukrainian positions are constantly pounded by Russian heavy bombs.

The main success of the Russian army was the blistering advance west of Avdeevka. After completing the mop up operations in Lastochkino, Severnoe and Stepovoe, the Russian military broke through the main line of Ukrainian defense in the region and almost took the full control of it. The Ukrainian military has no chance to regain the initiative and is already retreating across the steppes under heavy Russian artillery fire.

NATO warmongers clearly understand the failure of their bid for Kiev in this war, and no longer hide their plans to enter the battles on the ground. In response, the Russian political elites, as well as its military-industrial complex, demonstrate their full readiness for any development of the conflict. Despite all the efforts by Western leaders to hide it, Russia has been fighting with a NATO military contingent in Ukraine for years. Russian soldiers have already gained successful experience in confronting the Western military machine on the battlefield. While European and American soldiers are nurtured by Western propaganda about this war and have little idea what they may face in the Ukrainian steppes.

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i’m not sure about it. when they repeated 100x times “no weapons” to ukraine, just food, helmets bulletproof vests, they started to send rifles. then they repeated 100x times no tanks, missiles, heavy weapons, just rifles and they started sending manpads, tanks, missiles, mlrs. then they said no f16, no nato soldiers. you can bet on that that they will send f16, nato soldiers and that they will start attacking russia from airports in baltics, poland , romania.


the war will escalate to nuclear exchange, 100%. it is not over, it is only starting.

Beijing Biden

nato will be destroyed i guess that is what they want to happen

jens holm

i can the f16 project. . usa, holland and denmark and few smallers helpers the job to meke it ready.

and it goes for for soldiers as well. so far nato has made some 20.000 – nato – soldiers outside ulriane in 2 years.

we are in – light – soldiers in ukraine as well but only as experts.

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm
Captain Crunch

experts? experts on the trolleybus to hell, you mean.

go ahead and try to escalate. make russia’s day.

jens holm

in the bus station can i give reach-around helpers to meke it ready until it is in. i am expert.

jens holm

i am expert about diarrhea in my diapers

joe biden

jens holm much diarrea but senility is not expertise

jens holm

in bus station i search for gay midgets


typical danishfruitcakeweirdo… git r

jens holm

as certified expert at sodomy nato lose all wars—our soldiers humiliated by taliban

amerikan hillbilly

jens holm masochist humiliates herself at south front frequently

amerikan hillbilly

how many amerikan hillbilly peniz homo jens lick?

germ incompetence

germ expert exposed by superior russian intelligence


the solution is a change in our leadership we need to get rid of the wef young golbal leader traitors thats the only way to end their war and nazi goons in ukraine

Last edited 1 year ago by Worldpeace
Captain Crunch

putin ain’t foolin’ around, hoho. those airports will be toast within the hour.


then airports in baltics, poland, romania will get hit as the baltics, poles and romanians will then become direct participants in a fight that is not theirs’s.


european union and nato know they are completely ruined by their own deliberate actions. need one say more as washington beltway, cfr, atlantic council, wef, davos, soros, who, un, cia, etc… all trying desperately to minimize the implosion happening. one world government on the rocks.

jens holm

i see none of it and live here.

your problem is, you dont understand we decide as you as well as you has no real contact. here we oppions about things, they´meet, and we from that.

in many things a kind of slow but decide much better.

and no. the difference to usa can be merkel. eu has tryed to friendly but finally your kind went to enough is enough.

your globalisme now is almost the rest of the world minus russia. putin decided that. thank you putin.

jens holm

moron jens holm only decide when nurse can change turd filled diapers

Captain Crunch

so little you understand. the global majority is without your cockamamie us/eu/uk globalists and with russia, darling. get an education.

what you’ll see will take years, like a frog in water brought to a boil. you’ll never feel it until you’re par broiled. enjoy the swim.

Last edited 1 year ago by Captain Crunch
Icarus Tanović

have you seen that danish horror film:”the danish bullshit is comming!”? and “the danish bullshit is comin coming ii?” by ingvar ingvarssen and subsequently ingvar ingvarssenssen? there’s also from same director “dutch bullshit is comming!” and “british bullshit is comming along with french bullshit!”? great masterpieces of cinema.

Last edited 1 year ago by Icarus Tanović

i see everything of it and live here.

you problem is, you dont understand that the eu and nato decides nothing and the us decides everything. the decisions are slow because everybody is waiting for the us to make a decision.

jens holm

i live in locked nursing home for senile dane retired janitor –i submissively see like blind monkey


well you do live in little denmark well know for being a european backwater.

joe biden

skunkdanavia known for population of submissive robots—we submit to nazis amerikunt hillbillies and all stinky skunk

joe biden

80% of nations trade w russia no sanctions—moron eu economies stagnant contracting—russia growing thriving…”rest of world” disgusted with failed europe now amerikan colonized

Captain Crunch

on the rocks and soon, god willing, stoned to death.


thanks keith for mentioning the cfr, atlantic c, wef, rocke, rothe, who, un. all secret service agencies. unfortunately, iran, russia and china, et al. are also attendees of the same globe elite conferences. it’s a hegelian dialectic.


thanks for mentioning the cfr, atlantic c, wef, soros, rocke, roth, exc. the who un and all secret service agencies. unfortunately china, iran and russia for a long time have sent delegates to some of these orginazations. all are highly involved in the overall plan. as for free ssp333kh… h3ge1ia|\| |)ia13c7ic


sorry, it didn’t appear? now it’s there twice. (it wasn’t waiting for approval)

Last edited 1 year ago by Charles

both russia and ukraine have gained so much experience. i can say ukraine is better experience than any of nato military army.

jens holm

not at all. they only has parts of palette and are doing prytty well.

jens holm

in bus station toilet i rub parts with my palette. twenty-five øre coins placed on my head for thanks.

jens holm

i carry kosmitic palette wif me everry day, make lip und cheek gloss in bus station every day new, so compete wif uther guys in stalls. much komititian in denmark.

jens holm

can sumbody help me undrstand what just i writ?

Icarus Tanović

like danish fetta cheese is great and danish feta cheese is great all well. i am thinks bitter dan tuskë.

jens holm

i writ cia pretzel logic—make sense only to monkey

joe biden

homo jens should stay with toilet water and glue sniffing—your stupidity is embarrassing

Captain Crunch

what’s left of it, you mean.

macaroon clown Inc.

nato the joke amerikans anglos disgusting

Captain Crunch

snap, crackle and pop go the the ukrop.

zippo zelensky: “what, to the last ukrainian? you don’t really mean that, do you?

western troglodytes:: “you betch’ya we do.”


the sooner all of western europe, the uk and the us lie in radioactive nuclear ruin, the better. humanity will continue, and it will be better off with these parasites and satanic demons all having been destroyed.


you forgot the main target, the headquarters of the great manipulator of west, that country that has the hexagram 666 on its flag blue and white, who coordinates the entire operation of west against the russia.

Captain Crunch

uh oh…i think i guessed who you mean.


let’s never forget the flood of those people to the region after the fall of the ussr. “times of israel. russia probe called is. ‘f***ing spies’ who should be…”


“nato warmongers clearly understand the failure of their bid for kiev in this war,”

one sentence says it all. how much cash will the anglo-american-roman swine dump into the ukronazi blackhole?


only the ones not read into the real human sacrifice plan are woeful about it. the pedo cabal doesn’t care because they have depopulation plans and plenty of nukes, insect meal facilities, and luciferase patents for the mark of the beast nwo food distribution. they also literally intend to feed people to people, to make them cannibals like themselves. they are beyond deranged.

jens holm

“amerikans are ignorant and unteachable”. george santayana

jens holm

i didint write dis. not me. i real jens. i sniff peenus and lick gluue.

jens holm

“war is god’s way of teaching americans geography.”..mark twain

taliban goat herder

no moron holm—ambrose bierce

taliban goat herder

why jens lick taliban peniz?

amerikan clown show

europe economies contracting more per s&p—except russia where real wage growth 7+%…jens holm submissively pays 65% income tax obsequious slave in totalitarian dictatorship usa colony

joe biden

our economists admit this—i pay taco for downvote reality

amerikan clown show

jens prefer amerikan clown

joe biden

homo jens always welcome in lgbt fascist amerika

jens holm

me writ lgbt bester cumdrop

amerikan clown show

we admit vast military cia involvement in ukraine—russia obliterates humiliates us—we are loser morons

jens holm

i am certified uneducated failure—i project my inferiority insecurities at souffront..thank you for understanding

jens holm

many here have generously sent me glue and fentanyl —my anxieties and mental illnesses do not improve but i cause less trouble for my gatekeeper in locked sanitarium

amerikan hillbilly

we terrified—us general admits russia has most diverse and lethal precise nuclear weapons all nations—our clown show cannot defeat taliban

joe biden

yes we are inferior to russian despite we spend 11 times more on our military than russia—we are now international joke clown show

emperor macaroni

ugly clown

joe biden

what happen where am i? where is my 10%? can hunter give me an 8 ball?


a cursory look at the russian front during ww2 will show how the soviet red army advanced on berlin during the full retreat of the german invaders. i see a similar pattern.


the narrator talks of russian “advances” but all these are for useless farm towns

jens holm

amerikan coward retreat from taliban—amerikan useless hillbilly


the bet was not completely lost. the war profiteering has succeeded and they love money more than anything. also mission accomplished for depopulation. do not forget the bankers are 100% evil.


if the masses knew the real depths of power. it could be cut off at the neck. elites have long wondered how to retain a comitted security force while in a bunker/doomsday scenario.

Massa John

look at what’s been done to the infants of gaza, who had a first glimp of this woröd, only to bo be blown to pieces by us-hellfires, which’ve been delivered by the thousends from the usa. it may be a shame this time, next time it’s evidence that’s going to get anyone envolved in this genocide down for good.

joe biden

i pay tacos to many moron amerikan to down vote at south front cuz we are feminized and insecure fearful incompetents


“it is not russianism that will destroy the earth it is americanism–not only have the english fallen prey to it but all of europe has as it represents modernity in all its monstrosity”. martin heidegger

jens holm

my azz destroyed by amerikan lgbt

emperor macaroni

stupo no like heidegger prefer martin luther who wrote, “reason is a whore”


nato pray in the weak and i dont believe the are delusional to enter the battle field ,the russian military are moving towards weet ukraine and they military industry and military are in a war state so they are ready to go all the way. nato just need to take the loss or face word war 3


“world domination manifests itself as an intellectual or if you prefer a cultural diktat. this explains why the amerikans have so zealously tried to bring the intellectual and cultural common denominator of the entire world down to their own level–try to convince an amerikan their values will destroy russia—you will be unable”. alexandr zinoviev

jens holm

i like being dominated by amerikan hillbilly lgbt


“the banality of amerika–the radical absence of culture”. jean baudrilliard

jens holm

i very banal lgbt

Jean Paul France

look who’s giving culture lessons: the postmodern cocksucker baudrillard. the toxic charlatanism of these “new philosophers” is the worst french product in history.

stupo gestapo

you stupid germ also

Gneaus stapo

germ? stupo, spelling problems, uneducated? what is ur problem imposer me, dont hold back, i am german,we are best to find final solution for problems, trust me

emperor macaroni

“what emerged from the amerikan melting pot is a race that hates truth and beauty”. hl menkhen


“what emerged from the amerikan melting pot is a race that hates truth and beauty”. hl menkhen

jens holm

i was competent uneducated dishwasher at macdonalds for 43 years now i senile expert political analyst

Gneaus stapo

ur circullum vitae makes u indeed more competent than screwjew or medwejew. like in all dictatorships their ownly competence is being fluffers and spreading fantasy numbers bunker grandpa wanna hear

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
stupo gestapo

another stupo tantrum…lol

Gneaus stapo

sure dawarish whatever

Joseph Day

russian steppes, fixed that bit. what they will face. hell. they go home jibbering idiots or in body bags. its not a few goat hearders with aks

Last edited 1 year ago by Joseph Day
Weakest Link

you are only as strong as your weakest link. nato’s weakness is the jewish coked up clown in kiev

Gneaus stapo

nato’s weakest link are old school politicans playing this conflict like gulf war 2.

contain saddam,but dont topple, due to baseless fear of what comes after saddam.

wrong approach with a gobnik mafia cockroach in kremlin, go all in, send the needed equipment and the fall out can be handled later on

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
joe biden

gestapo senile like me

stupo gestapo

stupo genus tantrum hilarious

stupo gestapo

germ failure desperate

Gneaus stapo

all talk, no substance, just like grandpa ‘s motherland.

emperor macaroni

stupo substance=feces

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