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MARCH 2025

‘NATO Democracies’ Refuse To Recognise Results Of Russian Presidential Elections

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'NATO Democracies' Refuse To Recognise Results Of Russian Presidential Elections

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On March 17, the vote ended in the Russian Federation. The preliminary results confirmed Putin’s victory with more than 87% of the votes. The turnout for the elections broke a historical record, exceeding 77%. As it was expected, NATO countries are unlikely to recognise the results of the presidential elections.

On March 18, the head of the European Union’s foreign policy department, Josep Borrel, claimed that the presidential elections in Russia were allegedly not free and fair, based on repression and intimidation. According to him, the real opposition was suppressed and international observers were absent.

Josep Borrel lied. A total of 333,599 observers were accredited & 90% of them showed up. Of these, there were 706 international observers from 106 countries.

Here are only some comments by international observers during the elections in Russia:






This is how the observers watched the ‘oppressed and intimidated’ Russians voting at the gunpoint:



All these people came to Russia despite the threats of their ‘democratic’ countries. The US State Department officially threatened the observers, threatened people based on them exercising freedom of speech and press.

US State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller said “the United States continue to use all available tools to hold accountable those individuals responsible for actions that undermine the sovereignty territorial Integrity or political independence of free countries including those to serve as election observers for the Kremlin sham elections in occupied parts of Ukraine”

Borrel claimed that the EU countries will publish a joint statement on the Russian elections. He also expressed hope that EU members will approve a €5 billion ($5.45 billion) package of military assistance to Ukraine at the European summit today.

As it was expected NATO countries begin to officially declare that they do not recognise the results of the elections. The German government did not recognize the last presidential elections of Russia, which were won by Vladimir Putin, as legitimate, according to Christiane Hoffman.

“Ask them when Germany intends to make its election system truly democratic, involving direct elections by the people of the leader,” the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Zakharova reported.

All the attacks on the Russian border, terrorist attacks on the voters, provocations at the polling stations launched by the foreign powers failed to thwart the elections. The main goal of the provocations was to show the alleged illegitimacy of the voting process to the Western public. No cries of Navalnaya could change the opinion of the Russian population, but they were addressed to the Europeans. As the West does not recognise the Russian leader, it refuses from any negotiations with Moscow. Such a decision of the NATO member states will lead to the further deterioration of international relationships in Europe. The remaining diplomatic contacts may be interrupted, and trade contracts canceled. As a result, the NATO military machine gets an excuse to enter the war and fight the allegedly illegitimate Putin in order to bring “the light of democracy to the oppressed Russian people.”


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dear nato, don’t let the door hit you on your way out.

Mr Fudge

don’t they know that questioning election results makes you a right wing conspiracy disinformation specialist theorist???? oh that’s not on dates that end in 7s?

fcuk the chews


fack the jews. it is all khazarian mafia’s judeo-control in the west.


i have real concerns and doubts about putin, but the west is the last one to criticize. biden, macron, merkel, layen, erdogan, netanyahu, zelensky, etc. all of them were elected by fraud and sponsored by banksters’ money, or they are straight out of the textbook dictators or war criminals. if orban is saying that putin is a bad person, that would have some meaning, but orban didn’t say that.

jens holm

ha ha. thats because russia has not.

russians stil think banks are govermenthal buildings.

communists were succesfull because they got they money robbing and chures. many were conflicked and went to cinemas and taxes bingo lollery.


holm jens humiliates herself repeatedly—why do you feel so inferior to russians?


i enjoy your insecurity holm—you repeatedly express your inferiority —you are merely too stupid and uneducated to recognize your psychological pathologies…


on my choice monarchy in noth korea is much more respected than any democracy, though i’m not a communist or monarchist, it’s simply more honest, because formal leader is real leader. and who is real leader in western regimes? banksters, masonry, secret police, mafia? not sleepy joe for sure.

Last edited 11 months ago by Антон
Allahists are Nazis

some ugly morons try to fulfil the dream of their degenerated ancestors and bring war upon us in europe. as if we wouldn’t have enough problems with the intruders that are already here.

are german turks and arabs going to fight a frontline war with mobilised russia? sure 😂

jens holm

russians still would be small even we supported them with highheeled shoes.

globalisme is putin having has lost his hair leftovers.

the rest of the world is united in no contact even we now can land on mars.

Mr Fudge

did your mother drop you on your head? or are you a usa black who can’t understand full correct usage of english?


me and jens retired janitors no education but submissively scrub toilet for my sheklestein


the west ruled by a senile geatrix joe???

jens holm

i more desperate cuz my whole life has been a failure—now i lonely senile forgotten


the entire world united with russia—nato dinosaur exposed as weak irrelevant by russia—the inferior senile nazi holm is proof

S.J.P. Kruger

is borell chosen by the people or ursula von der leyen? all key positions in the eu and nato are appointed and not elected by the people. where do they get the arrogance from saying that they speak for the people? how do unelected leaders think they can criticize a leader who has been elected by the people?

jens holm

the leaders of eu and nato are oppointed by the leaders from each country. they has one each.

they can choose anyone they wish.

of course you ignore the well elected eu parlament and the rest of our structures. its simple. you dont have it and therefore it dont exist.

jens holm

not me writ–i only show how envious i am of superior russian with real culture and real democracy


holm more stupid than amerikunt


hulle is staatsamptenare, wat vir hul eie sakke werk, “oom paul”!

jens holm

it is fear insecurity not arrogance

Rüdiger Fritsch / Düsseldorf

so, let’s remind: – hungary, fidez: 54.7% – turkey erdogan: 52.6 % – lech kaczyński 2005: 54% – andrzej duda 2015: 51.52%

for comparison:

angela merkel 2018: 27.7%

olaf scholz 2022: 25.9 %

dictators like merkel or scholz are allergic to the results of others who are simply better than themselves.

who is surprised by the state of germany???

Rüdiger Fritsch / Düsseldorf

germany has a party electoral system, not a president.

if merkel or scholz had had to stand for election directly, the results would have been even more devastating, since both are even more unpopular in germany than joseph biden is in the usa.

Ritchy Rich

merkel should be in a cell at the hague for having deliberately sabotaged unsc res 2202 that unanimously passed into law and incorporated minsk ii as the only path to peace.

merkel’s not as used to these machiavellian games as others are, i think. i predict she’ll commit suicide one of these days for her key roll in the ukraine debacle.

jens holm

we dont see that here. eu and merkel calm has been waiting for some common sense from russia.

finaly enough was enought. thats not only merkel but almmost all. fx finland and sweden went to nato mode.

jens holm

you still are old russia mode, but have not been there for years. we had hopes sudding seeing gorbatov and next jeltsin- we thougt they learned changes were need.

but now again its the same but smaller. we waited and were kind. after that merkel and the rest and to the top – acted like now. none should ever to back to russia when they not want to – ever.

russia is not europe. we are.

jens holm

i am in new dumb mode—denmark les live culture than yoghurt…now i senile old failure bitter angry inferior to my amerikan owner

Begone, stain on the world

lol…your europe is a little garden growing weeds, fascists posing as liberals and nongender people. the only people having kids and a normal family are the muslim immigrants you host and that’s fine with me.

bye bye, europe. you were nice to visit for a while, maybe 20-30 years ago. what you’re turning into won’t be missed.

jens holm

i am very insecure inferior to russian


hitler and nazis used to much “speed” and cooked the brains of their descendants.

jens holm

who is machiavelli–?what is metaphysics? in demnak it is scrub toilet

jens holm

i dont se e that. elections mainly show if you are doing right, wrong, well or bad.

they make changes possible. who says some 51% are always in everything. none. the 49% can be right many things too and 2% change from right to wrong.

and usa is not a biden thing at all. its more the top and the botten has grown too old and nepotistic. the the top level even reward old, too many yerst and senior.

jens holm

im expert in age or aging but would prefare there were many more 25 to 60 years yong and seral of the oldest had retrired long time ago.

too much is too much stand still in the past. too much in the past were not well at all. fx my western europe has dont a lot of repairs in most matter. by that its possible. russia they could copi the alredy intenvented solutions, which are better or even much better.


you are uneducated or “home schooled”!

Begone, stain on the world

he’s a simpleton. can’t you tell from the nonsense he posts and keeps posting? it’s not just the grammar. it’s the thought process. scrambled brains and bacon.

jens holm

i have certificate in dishwashing–honors and toilet scrubbing from aalborf=g academy of janitor studies

Begone, stain on the world

jeez, can’t you supply us with an app that translates that gobbledegook into something humans can understand?

jens holm

elections merely show how stupid submissive danes are


biden 4 percent lead after 20 percent fraud :p

jens holm

it seemes you give cosumtion in bear or wire.

might be you should lower the wine part.

jens holm

very impressing you are able to ignore the rest of it.

fx 1) how many did vote at all of 2) fx scholz represent all in whole party or he has to resign. he is not not one and 2a) scholz and his party have to find at least 50% in their parlament.

so scholz is only the best they have to get 50% or more often.


but nobody voted for adolf scholz or merkel personally, it’s their party percents. but the funniest thing is soc-dem party of germany is not socialist as well as christian soc-dem union isn’t christian. should re-brand to oligarch-plutocrats and satano-sodomite party accordingly. and liberals (“free democrats” party) and greens are two wings of fascist party, the most aggressive atlantist puppets in the reichstag.


who are you anyway to not recognize presidential elections in russia? you’ve lost long ago the right to call yourselves ‘democratic’. democracy should mean the rule of the people, not the rule of unelected elites. ask your people if they recognize russia elections. before that allow your msm to report facts and not fabricated narratives.


0.0001 percent of elites (mainly jews) dictate 350 millions of americans, who are mostly dumb beyond any recognition, but even they noticed that “opened borders” are hurting them. this is the same what happened to sweden, france and germany. the problem is, that majority of people are always a, dumb b, lazy c, slow d, greedy so the elites printing money can do anything. with printed usd they can even manipulate people into a nuclear war. which is their main objective.

Last edited 11 months ago by hoho
Ritchy Rich

power of the media in the hands of the few.

jens holm

it some see that.

but i see what many are free wrote tx at facetook, twitter and youteble.

i also see the owers are very different people having very different oppitions. they are not united mob.

Begone, stain on the world

maybe it’s your broken keyboard that produces those godawful spellings. can’t you afford 10 euros for a new keyboard?

Saxon amerikan #1 hillbilly

moron—utube facebook censor all dissident narratives as did x before musk fired 80% of their cia installed employees—numerous lawsuits in usa including by senators and famous athletes…homo jens a moron


nearly all western media is cia controlled—since you are stupid and fear truth rt is blocked in europe

jens holm

at least they have 2 candidaters which not is the same thing.

it see you have no ideas for what we votes for and against and the rest of the rest of the. system.

visit as toutoa and lada car in russia. they also both are cars.

Ritchy Rich

their notion of ‘democracy’ is a joke. they tear regions away from countries without even votes or referendums (kosovo), just for the will of gangsters because it suits them, yet they refuse to recognize bona fide wills of the people to demand their rights within ukraine or finally – met with 8 yrs of violence and wanton murder of their civilians, to secede from ukraine.

Ritchy Rich

can you imagine, thaqi the gangster who was held up by albright as the ‘great democratic hope’, finally indicted and tried 20 years later for war crimes. can you imagine if serbia had indiscriminately shelled pristina for 8 years and macron the maroon demanded, ‘we shall not stop until kosovo is returned to serbia?’ these are the egregious and transparent double standards of western half wits the world has to deal with.

Ritchy Rich

the west’s grand notions of their ‘valued civilization’ has been slowly and methodically destroyed by none other than they themselves with every new conflict. this one’s been the straw that broke the camel’s back. better late than never i suppose.

jens holm

i dont see your results and conclusions at all.

very much is used and spread all over the world.

Begone, stain on the world

you’re very uninformed then. simpletons usually are.


“it is not russianism that will destroy the earth it is amerikanism; not only have the english fallen prey to but all of western europe has as it reflects modernity in all its monstrosity”. martin heidegger

jens holm

i fall prey to all amerikan lgbt


can you imagine milloshevic neing allowed to attack skovenia, croatia, bosnia and kosovo? serbians do not feserve to exist. tuey are the cancer of balkan. vucic was the right hand of milloshevic

jens holm

i mainly egree. they are has the been the main expanders also under hard pressure.

Begone, stain on the world

you? you don’t have enough wits about you to agree on anything except which flavor ice cream you’ll have today, just like biden himself.

Begone, stain on the world

except that croats and bosnians were the former allies of nazi germany and committed disgusting war crimes against the serbs. they should have all been stood up at nurenberg and hanged but they got off easy, which is why it was so easy for the us to use them against the serbs in starting new wars.

jens holm

anymore know the yougurt slavia where split part by bad socist manners. next we saw the no leraners in crocatia and serbia fight eacther others. nex they attacked bosnia and tu divide that that even bosnia eaderstep did anything to keep no war.

asnd the rest ot the world thought and hopes your kind would not. but you dont. there were kosova abd makadonia as well. serbia took makadonia in 1913. there were not single there there.

jens holm

finallt we reacted. denmark had tanks in boania as well.

you could had divided tito land well but you deside to take kosovo 100% for some lead in mitrovitsa and some battle in past where alters were there too.

as rusians in kiev your forgot keep. most serbs there left to somethingbetter long time ago.

most likely ihas written this 2-3 times for you.

Icarus Tanović

yes, in fact bosnia.

jens holm

arrrh. the erbies as dancing queens again.

serbana cerlainly made bona fina in kosovao fyrring firing all public employd alanation and even close they lokal language university.

but that of course is erased. there were not store in your alarmclock brain for it. thats goes fro maidan as well. nothing happens before the nasti cia were parashoobing in then.

jens holm

and revence: several 100.000 has died and the ussr region has to be smaked to pices. inly infants and vewry small people can accep something like thats.

jens holm

correkton-jib lick peniz hip my senility love nazi

Ritchy Rich

that’s rich. they recognize the illegal elections in ukraine ‘held’ after removing the democratically elected president in a bloody 2014 coup d’etat using fascist thugs for the deed but not the russian elections.

sounds very undemocratic to me. can someone make the argument that the west does not pile more and more shit at its own doors as the years and the shit pile on?

jens holm

seemne you has used the papirs for it added some import fra afghistan for smoking ,

presidential elections were held in ukraine on 31 march 2019. as none of the 39 candidates on the ballot received an absolute majority of the initial vote, a runoff was held on 21 april between the top two vote-getters, volodymyr zelenskyy and the incumbent president, petro poroshenko.

jens holm

according to the central election commission (cec), zelenskyy won the second round with 73.22% of the votes. the election was recognized as free and fair.

from my internet and even 2 elections

Saxon amerikan #1 hillbilly

kiev institute sociology–zelensky 21% approval…elections illegal in ukraine


zelenskyy also ran his campaign on a peace ticket to resolve the issue with the people of donbass, and when he got in he sent the army to the border of the donbass region ready to *invade* it and commit genocide, russia couldn’t stand by and allow this mass murder to take place with ethnic russians, so conducted a military intervention to stop it happening.

Begone, stain on the world

oh, drop dead you moron. the more you write, the more i’m convinced you have the brain of a flea.


actual reports say some 160 of 195 un nations gratulated president putin for his election. only the westernb block refuse to do so, whats shows and proofs whos really isolated in the world. and all western mainshit media say nor wrote not a single word about that fact.

jens holm

ha ha. a first look page a internet says .

putin was congratulated by the leaders of china, iran, north korea, myanmar, as well as pope francis. president of tajikistan emomali rahmon was the first to congratulate putin from the former soviet republics, followed by the presidents of uzbekistan and kazakhstan.

Begone, stain on the world

all the countries that the us wants to overthrow. no surprise.

me, i’m waiting for summer eu elections, when all the bums will hit the road on their arses.

Saxon amerikan #1 hillbilly

homo jens cannot think–internet think for homosexuals

James Hodgkiss

thats why the west supports people with right wing views and never intimidates or suppresses them

jens holm

anyone is from communist dictatorship.

its no matter peple are north, south are blue or read in their behinds.

jens holm

when is it.

i really hope they will elect a new one.


nobody cares what moron retired janitor holm believes—idiot does not think—only whimper like abused dog


tí debili si myslia, že niekoho zaujíma ich názor? ha, ha, ha … tak to sú mi ozaj sprostejší ako som si myslel.


epitaph reads: “here lies the collective west and its so called elites. it and they had survived itself long ago and died because of its – their rebellion against divine providence and their fellow humans. as such, it and they have been, in their arrogance and pride, condemned to endless suffering in eternal flames without any remedy.”


slava russia, don’t bother about what they have said and throw into dustbin. the colonial mentality always want you to be a “yes men”.

jens holm

forgive my stupidity inferiority complex envy—dumb danes are inferior to russians


nazi holm sniff too much glue

Massa John

look at all that mayham and destruction of property values and lifes. and all of us are paying and have to pay up more and more to cover all the fuck-ups this mentally disordered rat demons of woke globalist scum has piled-up since 2010..


moron amerikan and vassal colonies deserve some gratitude—your stupidity failures sanctions support for nazis has solidified russian unity and optimism—you idiots are like abused dogs that enjoy your misery

Zvia Gamsakordia

borell was never elected but yet he had the odacity to make such scathing comments about the russian presidential elections. the entire eu commission were selected by their political patrons and never elected. let the shut their asses and keep very quiet. the dogs are barking but the caravan moves on.


i retired janitor walmart—i request cia $$$ to write nazi propaganda online but they say me too stupid


we very gud brainwash dumb dane believe their corrupt colony —i like dumb jens holm—


when ruled by amerikan expect failure


in my autocracy emperor gates installs senile homosexual prez–why cannot we have democracy like russia


why should the russian federation mind “western powers”?


why do incompetent angloshere and eu vassals impose sanctions on russia? are you a moron?


elections? lol even a mental retarded knows what kind of elections russia have i the last 20 years, more icecreams to eat with the forehead

Begone, stain on the world

ha ha …better than ukraine that has no elections or if it does and they don’t elect an installed fool by the us, just overturns the election or the state.

Saxon amerikan #1 hillbilly

we morons that live in dictatorship jealous russia has democracy


it has become fashionable to recognise or not recognise elections in other countries – if so, the russians should ask whether in 1954 anyone recognised the the illegal “transfer” of crimea to the so-called ukraine – because if no one recognised it, then crimea was and is still russian, and that is all there is to it.

Begone, stain on the world

i’ve always wondered why the west always agrees with the unconstitutional territorial edicts of soviet dictators, like stalin and krushchev and lenin. is it because they secretly want to be like them? the neocons started out as trotskyites, after all.

Last edited 11 months ago by Begone, stain on the world
jens holm

i am humiliated cuz we inferior to russian—in my amerikan colony emperor gates decide everything; in russia real culture real democracy

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