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NATO Gets Ready To Enter The War Amid Kiev’s Defeat

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NATO Gets Ready To Enter The War Amid Kiev's Defeat

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NATO Gets Ready To Enter The War Amid Kiev's Defeat
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NATO Gets Ready To Enter The War Amid Kiev's Defeat

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The Russian military maintains the initiative on all the frontlines. While Ukrainian forces attempt counterattacks to slow down the Russian advance in the city of Avdeevka, they are losing ground in all other directions.

In the north of the Donbass, Russian troops took control of the dominant heights east of Terny. They continue their assault on a wide front, moving up to several hundred meters per day. The retreating Ukrainian units found themselves in a lowland under heavy fire of Russian aircraft and artillery. Since the area was heavily mined, Russian forces are pounding Ukrainian positions in order to prevent the enemy from any operations, while the sappers are mopping up the routs for a further offensive.

The Russian military is also pushing Ukrainian artillery away from Donetsk in order to reduce shelling on civilians in the city.

The Russian army is approaching the large Ukrainian stronghold in Kurakhovo from three directions.

To the northeast, they achieved new tactical success in the town of Pervomaiskoe. Over the past day, they advanced about 800 meters near the lakes, straightening the frontline.

To the east, they continue their assault in Georgievka.

To the southeast, the Russian military is advancing in the partially surrounded Novomikhailovka. As a result of prolonged battles, Russian forces broke through Ukrainian defenses and gained a foothold in the eastern part of the town.

NATO patrons clearly understand the defeat of the Ukrainian military and are preparing a further escalation of the war against Russia.

London reportedly proposed to its allies to consider deployment of the NATO Expeditionary Force to Ukraine. The chief warmonger supposes to covertly transfer large highly maneuverable NATO forces from the border areas of Romania and Poland to take defense along the Dnieper River. This would allow the release of the necessary military reserves of the Ukrainian Army to send them to the front.

The operation may include a preemptive strike by the Armed Forces of Moldova and Romania on Transnistria as well deployment of the NATO military on the territory of Norway and Finland to disperse Russian forces and launch strikes on strategic infrastructure facilities in the northern regions of Russia.

Thus, according to London’s plan, NATO will allegedly undermine Russia’s offensive capabilities and Moscow will be forced to launch negotiations. Britain reportedly intends to complete the preparation of such a scenario by May of this year.

This plan does not correspond to the will of European countries to fight Russia by using other’s forces; but London is sure that the ongoing Russian advance deep into Ukraine will persuade them to take decisive action.

In fact, the NATO military has long been deployed in Ukraine, disguised as mercenaries and military instructors. Today, the Western warmongers are only looking for ways to legalize the NATO presence in Ukraine.

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just bullshit coming out of the brains of degenerates nato as always

Make love...

yes, but dangerous bullshit. my fear is nato-horny from finland start next proxy with russia. and just they told so. of course we have a lot of morons who are war-psychosis, including two president candidate alexander stupido and pedophile pekka (haavisto).

we had long period of cultural exchange as business exchange with russia.

…oh how i hope trump will win election in usa…


a trump victory may trigger the natoists in the eu in a now or never moment to start the war before biden leaves office and try to drag the us in before it is too late.


nobody has to drag the usa into any war……they are the perpetrators of all the wars going on in the world. their joooo handlers will make sure that all “goyim ” wars are pepetual. brother against brother………….

JR Gerard

russia will not win a traditional war (like we have on ukra soil now) against nato. only when nukes (at least small strategic ones) enter the stage, only then russia would have a chance. but army against army no way. and if you ask my opinion russia has the right to defend herself with nukes if she is attacked by nato.


don’t be so sure, because russia could attack poland and the baltics if nato get involved, only time russia would use nukes is if it looked like nato were about to overcome russia, i doubt if it kicked off some nato countries would be no show.

JR Gerard

they can’t even take kupiansk, now you want them to “attack poland and the baltics” . please do us a favor and dont try to be a general. and for the record: i love russia.


if you want to know what russia can do just look at the plans they had during the cold war to destroy europe as a whole which is a walk in the park todays world.

captain hohol

if nato presses this and enters in an official capacity, it’s nuke time, and there’s nothing to be said or done about it afterward, so we need to hope that whatever demons that have infested the minds of nato leaders and western leaders is subdued in any inclination of provoking nuclear war or a direct and intentional incursion of nato into ukraine or against russia.

captain hohol

there’s no way that such an incursion into poland would take place, that would be an overextension by russia and something that their military leadership would not do.


russia’s nukes guarantee that the transgender mutant retards running natostan will never dare attack russia directly, in the open. if they do then it’s good bye natostan and the evil eussr filth running brussels for the big nose tiny hat mobster$.


nato, what is that? that thing exist?

JR Gerard

nato has 3.5 million soldiers against 1,3 million on the russian side. by the end if the day the rf will have to use nukes in case of a full scale war war.


with chinese et caetera, no?

JR Gerard


the prc is not obliged to help russia in case of a hot war nato x rus. and there is no guarantee that they would. that said, a conventional war would mean a defeat for russia, but again, she still have the (atomic) joker

Last edited 8 months ago by JR Gerard

you are a dreamer gerard.

captain hohol

i apologize to jr, the people who are downvoting him are utter mongoloids.

captain hohol

the chinese are not going to jump in, the chinese can pick up the pieces after a nuclear exchange, think.


no one is going to nuclear exchange by the simple reason that there will be not human pieces, not a single one.


tell this to the demented warmonger sitting in dc who ‘anyways’ will die soon. so why not take the entire planet with him


so? russia has 25 .million reservists an whole nato including usa has only 3 million, because they have conscription, but russia still have and since decades. so in case of general mobilisation russia coul have around 26 million reservists and professional soldiers, and whole nato only 6,5 million soldiers.

captain hohol

it’s not about that, it’s about what can be brought to the table and how fast, a failed occupation of russia would be very costly to both sides however despite it being costly to nato it would take russia years to recover from the fighting if it spilled into their country.

i hate to say it but literally if nato is insane enough to not throw in the towel like a gentleman, then they need to be plugged like a rabid dog nuke style, and i say this as a westerner.

captain hohol

i don’t know why idiots are downvoting jr gerard, he’s right.


they are ppl who will never ever see a front line in their life. they dont understand what a year long, or even decade long conventional war in west europe would mean on both sides, specially for rus-sia thou. and lets not forget that nato also has nu-ke, there is no guarantee that they will not use it first, as they lie (ns1, ns2) they cheat, they betray (mink agreements) so i would not be surprised. if the rf trust them she is a suckr that deserves to lose.

Last edited 8 months ago by klf

where are those nato-soldiers? in more than 800 overseas bases of the us to threat the planet. you talk bullshit. nato in europe has not 100k boots on the ground.

Joseph Day

russia, china, nk, belarus, now hows nato looking


are you blind? he just wrote that china, nk, belarus etc. are not obliged to help russia in a conflict with nato


to china russia is like ukraine to the west. they will give them enough to keep fighting but the countrie itself and its people will slowly perish in the process.


yes, 3.5 million fat old men and sorta men who all speak different languages, have 2 weeks ammunition and have never been in battle.


you are right but russia has enough weapons to do the same thing with conventional weapons in ukraine it is just that countries like the us want to see russia use low yield tactical nukes in conventional war first because they have a lot of those so they can use them in the next war which will be either china in taiwan or iran which one comes first.

captain hohol

dude, the second nato decides to enter the theater of operations proper that’s nuclear war.

russia will have no choice, nato affiliated nations need to realize that it is better for the world for nato and their postmodern leftist elites to lose and fade away than to escalate this.


they want nuclear war and think they can ride out the nuclear winter in their luxurious underground bunkers while we all die. a thermo-nuclear holocaust is the closest they can get at man-made climate change. the people who are behind this are insane. it is not off the table for russia to put the little island on the bottom of the north sea to prevent further escalation.


russia has already reduced natostan to a bankrupt smoking wreck and the ruling “elitist trash” need more war to survive…but will their fat, lazy cattle rise to the occasion? yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn.


stop drinking the laundry detergent


nato have never fought a real army, russia will slaughter them.


can’t wait for the meat grinder to start grinding nato fodders


ukra grinders were manual / mechanical. the grinder for nato will be eletrical / atomic


“russian tactical nuclear weapons”



romanii daca pun mana pe arme e razboi civil. 35 de ani vor fi ocupati cu lupte interne.


if nato provokes russia into a full scale war watch western europe capitulate within a year. politicians fail to recognize the significant differences between ww2 populations and most men of fighting age in europe today. they would balk at the idea of walking half a mile to the local store never mind fight to the death in ukrainian ditches.


true r9, most middle class, upper class westerners drive to stores less than a couple hundred meters away.


they’re the ones responsible for deliberately turning them into little sissies with chemicals in the food and water and idiotic brainwashing too.

captain hohol

recruitment or forced enlistment/conscription will fail in europe and the united states and canada, it will result in widespread civil violence and especially in the uk, the uk will fold like a house of cards if they try to force young men to go fight russia.

you will see some 28 days later type shit where people are bludgeoning and chopping up “bobbies” and “guardies” and other civil servants trying to force them to go off to war for nato. the common people don’t want this to expand.


thats probably why all those isis and al quida guys were brought hin. what the jewish commisarys did in stalins sowjet union, what asow and pravi sector does in ukraine the islamists will do in europe. stand behind the lines of the regular soldiers and kill everyone who retreats.


“we fucked everything up, so now we have to fuck up harder to make up for it.”

captain hohol

it’s called the “bureaucrats refuse to admit they did wrong because it’s basically a career-ender” so they double, triple, quadruple, pentuple, septuple, etc on their bad ideas in hopes that their opposition are no longer able to criticize them.

i’ve seen it happen in government before.


like russia won’t cut loose their nukes in the event it was attacked by nato.


britain and russia this game against the middle, i.e. ukraine. the aim is the partition of ukraine. the aim is for russia to get the east and poland + (the „new“ europe parts of the west. the losers are ukraine, and central+ western europe (not the ik)


russia needs to end this war asap and stop playing games with nato it will have consequences for everyone if it does not. ukraine was just a proxy used by 20 countries some of which the most powerful in the world to see what russia had in its arsenal and china hasn’t even been probed yet which is coming next. so it’s time to get to work and end this before it turns into ww3 and kills everyone unless this is what tptb wanted.


russia sees ukraine as it’s future federative republic, that’s why it doesn’t want to nuke it. but as for nato countries? they will receive no mercy in case of war.


nato can’t sustain the casualties they will suffer if they try this.

captain hohol

because much of the united states is affected by cold weather, the power grid being hit would result in tens of thousands of deaths per winter or if there’s a cold snap in the southern states. it would take years to fix and each year more and more people would die due to temperature or logistics problems due to the power grid being knocked out and more people dying in the violent chaos resulting.

such a bad idea to start a nuclear war.


if the britshits starts this …just sink the island and watch them swim

captain hohol

don’t worry, brits will go straight up french revolution against their own government if they figure out what’s going on and their government tries to force them to fight russia because of a fight that nato and specifically hillary clinton started.


brits dont fight, they use idiots to do the killing.. see ww1, ww2, iraki war and the rest

captain hohol

that would be the initiation of nuclear war.

nato is like a narcissistic ex that just won’t take the ‘l’.


not nato, uk

Raptar Driver

the multi national terrorist organization known as nato does not have the conventional forces to confront russia in the ukraine. thus if it is true that they are ready to enter the war it will quickly become a nuclear one launched by the western terrorists.

Last edited 8 months ago by Raptar Driver

they will enter only after secret agreement between putin and biden. to separate the country on 2 parts (korean style) with dnieper river as border. invasion without such agreement would be considered nato entrance in war against russia on behalf of ukraine. that would trigger russian tactical nukes against nato army.


cia paid for this—nato vs russia—the rotten donut cannot defeat taliban


the people in europe are in open revolt against nator and the eu, so there is no popular support for a war with russia, they do not have anything but second rate inexperienced troops full of trannies and fags, and no one will obey conscription, they are weaklings anyway. they do not have the money or the industrial complex to fight the war, and it would tank their already weak economies.


would it be a problem for uk to get western economies destroyed in the process? it was not in ww1 and ww2.. try to think as those psychopathic piece of tr+sh if if can


nuke london and warsaw.


again all coming from the root of all evil (london).. now see the shit eater leaders (macron scholz) run to get mission accomplished


the yelping toothless and rabid poodle from pirate rock imagines it is a global military player even though the anglozionazi entity in washing town stole “its” empire after their onkel adolf caper. to hallucinate that the north amerikan terror organ, that limp flancid meat would dare to attempt an assault on the mighty russian bear shows how deluded the in-bred gimp$ on damp colonial over run pirate rock have become. rue britannia…britannia rues the day.

Last edited 8 months ago by Martillo
CEO of Yapping

i’m sorry who wrote this? if nato attack russia… i don’t think that would end well for them at all.

okay, why didn’t nato join at start, wouldn’t that be better as well for them? for the same reason why they wouldn’t attack russia head-on now – they don’t care about ukraine. who care what a moron in the uk thinks?


first of all. it is not ww2. “initiative” or “advancing” or “controlling ground” doesn’t mean anything. these are relics from 100 years obsolete doctrine. you have icmbs, space weapons (not starwars, but real ones), asymetric warfare (targeting yellowstone, emp pulse, hacking, spying on internet, weaponization of currency, mainstream etc.)


what really concerns me is the lack of understanding not only by regular internet people, but even countries. armenia neglected drones and got punished by azerbaijan. drones are much more important then some avdeevka crap. and russia struggles a lot. they neglected drones as well so iran have to teach russians how to create them.


russia doesn’t have any reasonable antimissile protection. they are only whining in un like babies, that ukrops are killing russian civilians with nato missiles. and what they expected ? this is a war, not “special operation” and killing people is the primary goal in every war. that’s perfectly what nato want, kill as many russians as possible. if they are unprotected, even better.


so if putin really want to protect his own people, he must understand it is not about whining in un but showing nato some force, otherwise they will take tomorrow kaliningrad and call it “preventing russian agression”. and day after that they will take belarus and call it “liberation” and “spreading democracy”


this nato action will make all nato facilities outside of ukraine legitimate targets. but the us being in charge of nato will have the final say, not it vassal the uk. if trump wins, he might say no.


legitimate targets… man .. we are speaking about nuclear war, with “tactical” nuclear weapons 50 times stronger then one, that the great, democratic and human rights protecting america dropped on hiroshima. and we have strategical icbms and each one can destroy the area as large as france. so what “facilities” and “legitimate targets” are you speaking about ? it is as simple as that.


naval ports, forward deployment areas, supply dumps ect.


if russia doesn’t show at least some force (for example bombing the whole kiev with strategic bombers to the ground) then nato interprets it as a weakness and invade kaliningrad and belarus (example) and force russia to use nukes and it is game over for 99,999 percent of mankind, which is precisely what 0,001 percent of mankind want


nato is to scared or even equipped to ‘invade’, and the mythical .0001 is as mortal as the rest of us. plus seeing as there are elections for the european parliament take place 6-9 june 2024, and all this war talk coming out of europe is coincidental, as imagine if the political landscape change to more friendly with christian russia?


i do not believe in nato action against russia. it would end in a desaster. in a foreseeable time there is no ukrainian army anymore. then russia will have the only exercised army in symmetric warfare. for all idiots i refer to the falkland war, when britain could only afford 11k boots on the ground. without us support, britain woul have been defeated. france can send only 10k foreign legioneers, the germans 10k men, too. that’s it. war against europe would be much easier than in the ukraine.


if you didn’t noticed, the ruling 0.001 percent hate “peasants”. they castrate our kids, they switching off electricity, the next generations will need to cope with astronomical debts, inflation, starvation and artificially created diseases and toxic vaccines. they are doing that to their “own” people, weaponizing anything they can. migrants from the war they started or sexual minorities which are dumb enough to take the opportunity. do you really think they don’t want nuclear holocaust ?


lets not forget that backstabber nato also has nukes, there is no guarantee that they will not use it first, preemptively, these are nato war mongers who lie (ns1, ns2) cheat, betray (mink agreements) so i would not be surprised if they push the button first. if the rf trust them, well, she is a suckr that 100% deserves to lose.

Last edited 8 months ago by klf
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