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MARCH 2025

NATO Has Been In Ukraine Since 2014, “Stay Behind” Is Operational In Kiev

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NATO Has Been In Ukraine Since 2014, "Stay Behind" Is Operational In Kiev

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Written by Piero Messina

Kiev organized an operational defense of the territory similar to that which had been created in NATO territories and in neutral European territories such as Switzerland, Austria and Sweden, based on a NATO” Stay behind “structure, what we call ‘Gladio’. The analysis by General Carlo Jean, university professor and military adviser to the former president of the Italian Republic Francesco Cossiga is concrete proof of NATO’s operational presence in Ukraine, starting from 2014.

Stay Behind was a paramilitary operational structure linked to the Atlantic Pact which in the period of the Cold War had the mission of preventing the strength of left-wing political movements, directly or indirectly linked to the Warsaw Pact, from growing in Western countries.

“Stay Behind “, to remember, is precisely a paramilitary operation born of NATO and funded by the CIA which in the post-war period, through secret military sabotage activities, became the author of massacres, murders, attacks, destabilizations of all kinds and types in every corner of Europe.

In Italy, as said by the general, the code name of Stay Behind was “Gladio” and it was revealed to the public for the first time by Giulio Andreotti only in 1990 and only to avoid the magistrates investigating black terrorists. bring it to light. In the meantime, “Gladio”, through neofascists, 007, prefects and piduists, would have orchestrated – or so some of the most competent magistrates believe on the basis of investigations and confessions of former mafiosi and former terrorists – the worst blood events of the first Republic, starting from the strategy of tension.

The same structure therefore, in addition to having operated in Western Europe as in Italy or Greece with the “LOK” structure that would have led to the dictatorship of the Colonels, would have been present, and still would be, in Eastern Europe, in Ukraine.

Moreover, a similar structure appeared in 2014 when the country was crossed by a bloody civil war and Nazi-inspired military groups emerged that carried out massacres in Kiev. Under US / NATO direction, through the CIA and other secret services the nostalgic Nazi militants who stormed government buildings in the capital and were then institutionalized as “national guards” have been recruited, financed, trained and armed for years.

It was they who destroyed party headquarters in 2014, during the coup d’état. It was they – while a large part of the press acclaimed the riots in Kiev as “revolutionaries” – who lynched executives, tortured and killed journalists, burned activists alive, as in the Odessa Chamber of Labor, and slaughtered civilians as in Mariupol, bombed with white phosphorus in Slaviansk, Lugansk, Donetsk. Not to forget, then, the massacre of Majdan square, where snipers belonging to the extremist groups “Svoboda” and “Pravij Sektor”, stationed on the buildings of the Conservatory and the Ukraine hotel, massacred demonstrators. A “false flag operation”, aimed at blaming the police.

A bit like what happened in Italy in the “years of Lead”. The story of Stay Behind’s presence in Ukraine was told in 2014 by the Italian journalist Manlio Dinucci, according to which Ukrainian neo-Nazi militants of “Una-Unso” had been trained in 2006 in Estonia by NATO instructors, who taught them fighting techniques, urban warfare and use of explosives for sabotage and attacks. It is the same strategy that NATO made in Italy during the Cold War to form the secret paramilitary structure “Gladio”.


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As the invasion stalemates, quick, dust off the box with propaganda stuff for bad times.

Kiev will fall in two days, Steiner said. 🤷🤭


Im on my way to give fire support for Azov. Kyiv will be liberated from Moscovites. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 Praise Adolf and Bandera.


Red terrorists supported by the USSR, Putin helped train West Germany’s Red Army Faction responsible for several political killings.

Special Report Terrorism In Italy – The Red Brigades (1978) https://odysee.com/@SurvivingWeimerika:f/Special-Report-Terrorism-In-Italy—The-Red-Brigades-(1978):e

Years Of Lead – Italy Leans Left (1978) https://odysee.com/@SurvivingWeimerika:f/Years-Of-Lead—Italy-Leans-Left-(1978):f

Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther
Yamil perez is a gay faggot

If you hold your breath long enough, Ukraine will capture Moscow! :D


This will be a long and brutal slaughter, even though Kiev said today that it might be over within a few weeks.

Retaking the suburbs is knife business. 🤷

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Keep holding your breath, and Russian Army will retreat on all fronts. Major Bandera UKROP victory. Just got to hold breath for 5 minutes. I’m sure you can do it! :D

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Highly doubtful that Kiev will ever fall. No matter how many Chechen or Syrian mercs are coming in. The overall situation for the Russian Forces is looking increasingly desperate in fact.

Numbers are on the side of the Ukraine anyway.

Russia technically is easily superior, but can’t bring this superiority to effect so far. Highly doubtful that they ever will.

The hit & run tactics of the Ukrainians are very effective compared. There are even attacks in areas which Russia held since the beginning of the invasion. That means Ukraine people are emboldened by the current situation and the development of the whole war.

This can become a long slaughter of Slavs against Slavs. 🤷

Ryan Foster


Yes the invasion drove directly into the toilet, with now russian tank crews eighter abandoning or selling their equipment, and try to survive this stupid war.


Russian tank crewman surrenders with his tank to Ukrainian Armed Forces

A Russian tank crewman surrendered with his tank to the Ukrainian Forces, said the adviser to the Ukrainian Interior Minister, Viktor Andrusiv.

“There is news that shows the final collapse of the Russian army,” Andrusiv said.

According to him, a few weeks ago, the Ukrainian National Police identified phone numbers used by Russians in Ukraine. These are Ukrainian numbers, to which the Ministry of Internal Affairs regularly sends messages with instructions on how to surrender and hand over the equipment.

“A few days ago, we got a phone call from Misha (Mikhail). We passed information about him to the Defense Ministry’s Intelligence Directorate. He was given a location to drive. When he arrived, we used a drone to make sure that he was alone, and it was not an ambush. After that, the special forces detained him. It turned out that he was the only one left from the tank crew, the rest fled home,” Andrusiv said.

The Russian tank crewman said he did not see any point in fighting any longer, and he could not return home, because his commander warned him that he would shoot him and write him off as a combat loss. Mikhail said that there was practically no food left in the unit, the command and control of the troops is chaotic and practically absent. Russian soldiers are completely demoralized.

“What’s wrong with Misha? Misha received very comfortable detention conditions. He will also receive $10,000 at the end of the war and the opportunity to apply for citizenship. Until the end of the war, he will live comfortably with a TV, telephone, kitchen, and shower,” Andrusiv added.

Earlier, the Ukrainian defense concern Ukroboronprom announced that it was ready to pay a one-million-dollar reward for a stolen or captured Russian aircraft and $500 thousand for a captured helicopter in working condition.


Last edited 2 years ago by Ryan Foster

I’m well aware of the current situation in Ukraine, don’t worry.

That still doesn’t mean that this war would be over soon. 🤷


Ukrainian sources cannot be taken seriously on any subject.


SBU ukrobot propaganda.


You’re no real Loki: you’re an usurper of name. You’re a worthless Odin patriarchist.

Timmy Temperance

I would say an interesting development of this century has been that NATO, although it still uses paramilitary and far-right organisations as in Ukraine, no longer hides behind them. They openly engineered a new Cold War, they openly call for NATO expansion, they openly engage in wars predicated on lies and manipulations of the facts, and now they openly sanction any country, company or individuals that refuses to spread hatred, racism and economic sanctions towards Russia. It is similar to the evolution of all fascist entities. First they use false-flags such as the burning of the Reichstag, then cohersion, then brute force. Never in my life did I think that cultural events relating to Doestoevsky, the Bolshoi Ballet, or Tchaikovsky would be cancelled because of politics. That is racist and so c*nt f*ck NATO and everything to do with their disgusting agenda. And I hope that Chelsea end up the conference league.


Yep, Russia invading Ukraine was a US false flag operation. 😂😂😂


No, but MH-17 was.


Wasn’t it some separatists who first claimed a SAM shot down and suddenly fell very silent when they got aware what they really had hit?

Well, a BUG system is nothing for fools. 🤷


That was an Ukrainian An-26 cargo aircraft with ukrob airborne troops. Nice try tho…


Ukraine is the craphole of Europe. They get what they deserve. After 8years of genocide and opression finally the ice cream licked back 🍦


So much hatred for your brothers and sisters, you would make an interesting dictator in Moscow. 🤷🤭


And those thousands killed in Donbas after 2014, any comment on the hatred displayed against them?


You people have been fooled from the beginning. Don’t point at each others, it makes no difference. Slav against Slavs, whoever thinks that would make sense. 🤷


These Ukronazis are by no means Slavs, look at their faces! They are jews or arabs. And Ukranian slavs are fighting together with Russia or being neutral mostly.


Brothers ans sisters wouldn’t genociding Donbas for 8 years, ukroptrash would.


See, you are one of those idiots always pouring oil into the fire. So predictable. 🤷


Your only arguments are lies and diversions. You must have been “trained” by US “psyops” idiots. The “situation” in Ukraine is wide open for the whole world to see like a gangrenous wound when the bandage comes off.. NATO, led by the US did not believe Russia would actually commit to this operation. Now they are trying to make themselves believe their own bullshi – Russia will run out of bullets soon……LOL that is their greatest hope now. The world Changed overnight and the years of unchallenged US dominance are quite over. Ukraine picked the wrong side..Even its puppet president admits as as much, without directly saying it..If he said so NATO would use their Homosexual black metal occultist nazis to have him killed.


There is so much nonsense in your comment, it refutes itself. 🤷

te qifsha nanen

So much shit in your mouth. Along with your daddy’s dick.🤷


You’re right but NATO is essentially Gladio, they even murder their own cadres and they certainly engineer false flag attacks from 9-11 to Barcelona. What makes all politicians submit again and again to NATO Empire? Almost certainly the threat of Gladio, which I have no doubt that is revealed at convenience much like legend has that the medieval Assassins revealed themselves to Saladin after years pretending to be his most loyal bodyguards.


Stay behind was originally developed by waffen ss, operation hydra. The CIA took it over, men included, yes nazis and used them in Europe. Operation Gladio. But like everything the US touches it turns into chit. It didn’t work George or Kazakhstan for example. They will be mopped up by Chechens.

Florian Geyer

The British had a similar program of Stay Behind terror units IN the UK when the Germans presented a real threat of invasion in 1940. When I look at all the Woke madness today, I often wonder if a German occupation would have been a better option, LOL


There was never a real threat of a German invasion of Great Britain in 1940. That is a fairy tale told to addled Anglosphere dunces.


It works to keep NATO itself in line. The threat of being murdered physically, character-assassinated, etc. is a sword of Damocles on every single NATO politician.

Muhammad your Prophet

Don’t tell that Putin the terrorist cockroach is going to cry now because Ukranian forces just retook the Kiev suburb of Makariv during their latest counter offensive. There goes the dream of fully encircling Kiev. Ukranian forces will simply exploit the weak spots in the line of defense and cut them off. Sorry about that, Scooby? https://whyy.org/articles/ukraine-russia-war-invasion-kyiv-suburb-mariupol-battle/

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

I wish it was true. But unfortunately its the SBU Disney network…

Muhammad your Prophet

He’s going to keep trying. That’s for sure. And he’s going to keep sending more Russian soldiers to their death as if they were just little green soldiers to play with and throw into the garbage.


Whereas the Ukrainian state that launched a murder campaign in Donbas against their own citizens and let the US send them into a war with Russia in which thousands of Ukrainian citizens have died, cares about Ukrainians. The Ukrainians puppet apparatus of the CIA cares a lot.

Yamil Perez

You need to keep trying to beg for attention some more pathetic cretin. Perhaps one day you’ll reach Jens Holm level 😀

The Objective

Jens is a much better troll and vastly more intelligent compared to that idiot muha-mad

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

All nice, but when will my medevac happen. I have withdrawal symptoms and heavy duty PTSD. I will call Putin to save. BANDERITES are after my ass.


Steiner will take Kiev in two days! 😂


More unfounded accusations and conjecture raised by Kremlin friendly intellectuals and cronies who seek some advantages by dancing to the tune of the bloated aggressive narcissistic “small dick” napoleon who is currently in charge of the Russian state. Your beloved leader is so insecure about his rambling ranting and raving ideology that he will jail anyone would dares to raise their voices and speak up against the war or the activities of the state. Being repressed by the state when voicing your thoughts and opinions is in many ways similar to being murdered by the state. Because what are we without our thoughts, ideas, opinions, beliefs and values? What happens to the individual who is stripped of this basic natural behavior? You are reduced to a shell of yourself. You are being robbed of that which is most valuable to you. Of course for the majority of the things I post here, I could be prosecuted, jailed and even killed by the Russian state. But luckily I live safely in the West and I can enjoy my natural freedoms without fear of reprisal.

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

Like Bradley Manning and Assange? Only to name two. USA has more people in prison than the EU+Russia+China combined. USA is also the only western nation still sporting the death penalty, gas chambers and leathal injections included. mengele would be proud.


I support the death penalty. You can be for freedom of speech and support the death penalty. Some people are purely too evil to deserve to exist. I support the death penalty for Putin.


The only reason Americans were able to get to space was by offshoring Nazi scientists. Usually the Russians ferry them to the ISS. It is funny to teach the trolls about facts though, like sunlight melting away a vampire. You have to remember these morons think the Russians are losing. I have much less humanity than Putin, if I were in charge the order to surrender would be given and if not respected every city in the country would be leveled by thermobaric weapons. Although the US failed in Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq by this strategy they were trying to colonize free citizens of the world with McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, processed foods, etc. Destroying a beautiful culture and rebuilding a culture based on the Golden Arches of McDonalds(many of the trolls here are McDonald’s burgerflippers and fervently represent their interests, I can’t blame them). Russia has none of these “oligarch” interests, the only goal is to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine. I give Putin and all brave Russian soldiers my best, they’ve taken many Nazis from the West and prepared them for liquidation.


Oh yeah this site has a majority of aggressive psychopaths among its readers. That’s why I love to post here. It’s like a nutjob mental asylum. You’re all clinical cases


Russia has a culture? It never had much of it before the soviets and whatever there was, was destroyed by the communists. Ukraine has much more of a culture that Russia and that’s why the Russians want it. But they won’t get it.


What an absolute moronic post. You must’ve have lost your marbles when Joe Biden, Bill Clinton and Justin Trudeau had sex with you.


Do you know what Cointelpro was, or Operation CHAOS? The US does not tolerate dissidents or truth-tellers. They have a completely captive media, long-since outed as an extension of the Military-Industrial Complex. They don’t murder many journalists in domestic settings, they simply prevent them from earning a living, like Gary Webb who tried to blow the whistle on the role of US intelligence in cocaine trafficking. You live in a fantasy world inside your own head.


Ukraine is armed up to its teeth. Javelins where send during Trump administration to Ukraine. This is just propaganda that Ukraine has no weapons when they have in fact being arming them and training them. US, Canada and UK soldiers have been training the neo groups.


Canadian forces have been active in the country since 2014. A deployment of JTF2 was made to the Ukraine in late January, 2022, so there is no reason to suspect that they were withdrawn.


Yeah, it’s not weapons they lack, soon they’ll start running out of soldiers able to use them. And I wouldn’t put too much hope in the Einsatzgruppen hastily mustered by the regime in Kiev.

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Finally seeing Russian Army using BUK-M2 and BUK-M3 with proper early warning 360 degree coverage radars like Snowdrift 9S18M1 and Chairback. Because each launcher has only a fire control radar, it lacks 360 degree coverage, allowing enemies to sneak up from behind. Seems lessons learnt. So far BUK-M3 shot down 6 ukrainian drones including 1 TB2 near Kharkhov, and 2 Ukrop SU-25. BUK is not meant to be a lone system, it always needs constant data link with 360 degree rotating acquisition/early warning radar. Which is why TB2 was able to sneak behind in the early days of operation.

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Also All Pantsir-S1 and S2 need Kasta-2E2 early warning radar coverage. This will increase detection range against TB2 up to 70km and engagement range to 16km. This is highly necessary since TB2 uses stealth technology (0.001m2 rcs)


But Ukrianains captured krasukha-4 😁 today.Not good at all.

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

command post. Not the actual EW vehicles. Not as important. So calm your fat titties.


“We lied, We cheated, We stole” Pompeo They lie also on electoral results and surveys especially if the majority of votes go to parties that they do not control.

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Hope this isn’t true http://www.twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1506306740421341193?cxt=HHwWksC5mf3_vOcpAAAA that a Krasukah-4 Command center was captured by ambush units of UKROPS near Monschun Ukraine. Krasukah-4 has 400km (250 mile) range! What business does it have being so close to frontline? Near a contested frontline not just an ordinary front? Better capture that back quick.

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Rookies should not be in charge of EW units. Move them back to safe distances or to Belarus. They are too priority and special to be near active frontlines. 400km range for a reason. No doubt Washington will try to get their slimy hands on it. RuAF better destroy it quick.


Probably an oversight from the beginning when little resistance was expected.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

It may be best to just blow it up at this point

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

According to Reddit, USA has already reverse engineered Krasuka-4 and will destroy all S-400 and URKOP will be in Moscow, St petersburg and Volgograd by tomorrow


If Russia still can locate it. Ukraine surely won’t and will store it far away for assessment.

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Probably a transponder signal if the brainless UKROPS haven’t figured out how to turn it off (or activate it). Likely it will be targeted by RuAF


Probably not true. Why would such a valuable piece of equipment be left over in the middle of nowhere.


Seems like the Natos NO FLY Zone is on the track to be realized due to Hungarian president Orban Source https://ungarnheute.hu/news/orban-gefaehrliche-vorschlaege-auf-dem-tisch-der-nato-37839/+

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Never happening buddy 6 S-400 battalions in Crimea with 2 Nebo-M, S-400 battalions in Belgorod, Rostov, Kursk, and 3 S-400 battalions in Belarus. BUK-M2 and M3 already stationed near frontlines. Large deployment of SU-30SM, SU-34, and SU-35s in Belarus and Crimea. 1200 NATO planes couldn’t even take on Serbia with old KUB and S-125 neva from 1960’s, and you think they can take on 12 S-400 battalions covering the majority of Ukraine? Dream on :D

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Ramstein, Rzcezov airbases will be destroyed by iskander or Khinzal if NATO dares attempting a no fly zone (for themselves lol).


I know. If we would have at least few surface to air missiles Nato we could shredder their air dominance easily. The problem was that Milosevic believed all the German US Nato trash. He got trapped at every occasion. He was presented like a dog at the senseless meetings and negotiations. He didnt realized that he has signed the capitulations and his free ticket to Den Haag with the Dayton agreement. They turned our territorial gains into a capitulation. Unbelievable how blind Milosevic was. They already branded him a war criminal and he still believed them. So stupid. We have catched 28 SAS fighters near Vranje. Milosevic realased them as sign of good will. No words. Serbs understand Russia. We already made our experience with the “western bombing partners”. I hope Russia will no fall into the western negotiations traps. U re just losing at the negotiation table with the western bombing partners.


If I remember correctly he released those 3 crying Yanks as well.


he is saying exactly the opposite

he is against any no fly zone and will veto every decision in this sense

he will not even send mercs and weapons

this is what is written in that article

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Good to know Orban has some sense.


peanut amerikant moron in Langley


Seems like the absurd propaganda that gave us Ghost of Kiev, Snake Island Last Stand, etc. just never stops.


Orban is against it not for it.

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

People dont realize how armed to the teeth Ukraine air defense was… Ukraine Air Defense arsenal before invasion: 250 launchers of S-300PS 72 launchers of BUK-M1 100 launchers Tor-M1 8 launchers S-125 Pechora-2M 70 Mig-29 32 SU-27S 12 SU-24 17 SU-25 (Majority of planes/launchers destroyed by Russia in less than 1 month, some remaining BUK and S-300PS)

Meanwhile Serbia 1999 had only -8 Mig-29 -36 KUB SA-6 launchers -32 S-125 Neva launchers (1200 NATO planes and hundreds of Tomahawk cruise missiles failed to destroy Serbian air defenses for 2 whole months (36+ DAYS) Took significant losses: 2 F-16, 1 F-117, 2 AH-64 Apache, and 46 MQ-1 Reaper destroyed 2 F-15, 1 B-2 and 1 F-117 damaged beyond repair

Meanwhile Russia using less than 50 fighter planes dismantled a significant portion of Ukraine’s Massive more advanced air defense/airforce arsenal in under a month. Goes to show how much more effective RuAF is than the COMBINED NATO airpower in 1999 against a tiny nation like Serbia using 1960s air defenses. And they think they can declare a no fly zone and take on Russia in Ukraine, Crimea and Belarus. Lolz.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil perez is a gay faggot
Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Imagine if Serbia in 1999 had Ukraine’s air defense arsenal before 2022 operation, NATO would have lost 200 planes per month at least

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil perez is a gay faggot
Peppe il Sicario

Ukraine’s Air Force and Air Defense have been basically wiped out in less than a month. They are reduced to Soviet era Strela and Igla missles and some Stinger and maybe Mistral MANPADS supplied by the NATO bastards. Good point about Serbia’s air defense campaign, NATO would have lost tons had they had even a fraction of what Ukraine had in the beginning of February.

Personal anecdote: My Serbian partner told me she would get tips from her contacts in the Italian Foreign ministry and would call home in Serbia advising where the planes would leave from and when. True story. The Chinese Embassy in Belgrade was doing the same and so the Americ*nts bombed it killing 3 Chinese staff members. China has never forgotten that and will let the US pay, much sooner than later after the events of the last few weeks.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario

Spot on. Stronger AirD than any NATO country in Europe. Yet Western Media portray Ukraine as some small, weak, defenseless country.

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Mariupol, then Mykolaiv, then Lischianks, then Severdonetsk, then Sloviansk, then Kramatorsk, then Odessa :D


Russians have been fooled. Ukraine is practicing a scorched earth policy in Eastern Ukraine letting Russians destroy everything. Most of the people living in eastern Ukraine are Russians. Why should Ukraine care about the Russians living in eastern Ukraine if Russia doesn’t care about the Russians living in eastern Ukraine?


The Ukrainians cared enough about the Russians in Donbas to launch a savage ethnic cleansing campaign against them in 2014, but they failed even with NATO help. Now the Ukrainians and their Azov pals are fighting to the death in Donbas cities to please the US puppet-masters.

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Invaluable experience gained so far for RU air defense forces: 1. Pantsir-S1 and S2 early warning/fire control radars need to be upgraded to SM variant for better ranges against VLO stealth targets like TB2. 2. Pantsir-S1 need Kasta-2E2 for greatly extended detection and engagement ranges against VLO stealth objects 3. BUK-M1,M2, and M3 need constant 360 degree early warning radar coverage, since launcher TELAR only have a fire control radar in a fixed direction of 120 degrees (allowing enemies to sneak from behind if no 360 degree early warning radar is present to detect it) 4. Nebo-M is extremely effective against VLO stealth, extends engagement ranges for S-300PM2 and S-400 two fold. UKROP “ghost of kiev” SU-27 swatted from sky over 200km away by 48N6DM in Belarus :D

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil perez is a gay faggot

The weakness of Panzir against drones already showed in Syria. It got better already, but core issues still need addressing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Loki

TOR has a close to 100 % track record. Pantsir is good, TOR is perfect.


Objectively speaking, much overhyped Baryactars were wrecked, Ukrainians spent a lot of money on them for very little effect. Although they would be perfect for Russia now: with most Ukrainian Air Defense neutralized they would hunt Ukrainian ground forces with ease. Stingers and Igla manpads are not particularly effective simply because infantry don’t see drones until too late.

Last edited 2 years ago by gonzalo

each stupified desperate amerikant nazi comment at SF increases my joy—the more active these hillbillies the more obvious is the Russian success


“The Troubles” in Northern Ireland bear all the hallmarks of Gladio operations. The CIA was able to film IRA King Klown Martin McGuinness on a bombing mission in the seventies. US Green Berets trained the IRA in Libya. Italian Gladio operators trained with British Special Branch operatives who worked in Northern Ireland. It seems highly likely that the October Crisis in Canada in 1970 was a Gladio operation.


IRA was not Gladio, nor was ETA, nor were most of the European guerrillas of the past century. Gladio before 9-11 was doing dirty stuff like the Bolonia station massacre (Logia P2 was indeed Gladio) but when it began doing really dirty stuff they decided to operate Islamist terror instead… or pretend it was the Islamists. All major Islamist terror attacks from 9-11 to Barcelona bear the signature of Gladio (or otherwise Western secret networks, they were not really directed by any Islamist leadership at all).


Indeed. And it is very good that Gladio, the real terrorist governance of NATO comes to the forefront again. We should have been discussing (and fighting against) it all along since at least 9-11-2001, because, as far as I can discern, all the major terrorist attacks blamed on Islamists have been organized and performed within Gladio Network, which is in many aspects much worse than the KGB used to be.

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