The “Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky” “Varshavyanka” submarine of Project 636.3 – © Ministry of Defence of Russia
The NATO has reportedly lost track of a Russian missile-armed attack submarine that was operating in the Eastern Mediterranean.
The disappearance of the submarine, identified as Rostov-on-Don, lead to a state of panic in the NATO. Citing an Israeli source, RT said that the US Navy was worried because diesel-electric submarines of the Project 636 Varshavyanka-class, like Rostov-on-Don, are capable of carrying out intelligence operations.
The US Navy quickly launched an extensive operation to locate and track the missing Russian submarine in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Several Boeing P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft of the US Navy took turns searching for the lost submarine, which is reportedly armed with cruise missiles, off the coast of Lebanon. The search was noticed by aviation observers.
Disappearance of a 🇷🇺 Russian KILO submarine carries 4 cruise missiles with a warhead weight up to 500 kg off the coast of south Lebanon 🇱🇧 towards Israel shores 🇮🇱 from the 🇺🇸 surveillance platform, P-8A Poseidon. Searches are currently underway by the US and Israeli warships. pic.twitter.com/3eaC0kPuig
— INTELSky (@Intel_Sky) March 18, 2021
On March 19, an informed source confirmed to RIA Novosti that Rostov-on-Don is in touch with its command and still transmitting information.
“NATO anti-submarine forces have been attempting for a week now to find the Rostov-on-Don submarine in the Mediterranean,” the source said. “Attempts to find it have failed. At the same time, the Russian command has not lost contact with Rostov-on-Don.”
The source admitted that the NATO has strong capabilities in the Mediterranean. Yet, he noted that the capabilities of the Russian submarine has exceeded expectations.
The Rostov-on-Don is one of six Varshavyanka-class submarines currently in service with the Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet. These small, quiet submarines are regularly deployed in Tartus Naval Base on the Syrian coast.
What’s that? the Ruskis are trying to spy over us and getting closer to our shores? not a good idea, we will find them.
what a dickwit comment .It’s not about Israel and you can’t even find a dildo shoved up your gunga din let alone find a Russian sub.
Bwahahahahah great reply!
You know the same as him, so Ypur guessing is just as good as Yours.
I do make sense that sub also registrate Israelian activity.
Ancestry.Com says the Ashkenazi is totally European. Where exactly are the borders of the white Jews like these: https://i.imgur.com/ovuP7H5.png?1
Khazar origins aside. I hope you realize that even the ” original ” brown Jews were hated and despised throughout history for their nefarious activities ? The “brown ” ones alone were kicked out of numerous countries. Maybe the skin and race arent the problem here. Maybe its the concept of Judaism thats the issue ?
Show me a list like this one where the brown Jews were expelled from and exactly when.
Here are the expulsions of European Jews:
Please notice that there are no Arab countries listed below.
Austria …………… 1394 1510 1559 1571 1593 1669 1670 1843 Bavaria…………… 1276 1446 1551 1815 1919 Belgium…………….1370 England………….. 1290 France……………. 1882 1306 1322 1394 1453 Germany…………. 1182 1349 1394 1615 Hungary…………… 1349 1360 1582 Italy………………… 855 1485 1492 Lithuania………….. 1495 1656 1753 Mainz……………… 1012 1438 1462 1483 Naples……………. 1497 1541 1553 Netherlands……… 1442 1444 1582 Poland……………. 1648 Portugal…………… 1919 Prague……………. 1557 1561 1744 Prussia…………… 1510 1843 Russia……………. 1654 1727 1740 1772 1804 1808 1853 1891 Slovakia……..…… 1380 1744 Spain……………… 1492 Strasbourg………. 1388 1514 Switzerland………. 1348 Ukraine……………. 1616 1648 Warsaw……………. 1484 1775
They painted them.
” Here are the expulsions of European Jews: ”
Do I even need to tell you where your logic has failed here ?
Additionally, here is a list of ALL Jewish expulsions compiled by the ” Jews ” themselves. It seems you have alot to learn.
You are correct in that. People having no traditions for educating each other and raise their living standards are like that.
They are mainly found in totalitarian systems such as the Tzars with their deep dark religion and among muslims.
And yes learning and from birth learning to question everything and being allowed to take chances even some are bad is not a part of many people world. Those are limited people and dont know knowledge and hard work is not theft.
Not about jews, but I just wrote here hard critisisme against that Astra-Zenica vaccine. But why dont people from their own part not even make any good or bad vaccine.
When I ask or say they at leat can copy Our good parts – or the chinese, which educate and work hard too – I only get nothing back or smell my computer can take in yet.
uneducated nite porter take chance to use dildo with customer in closet
your racism is tiresome
You ignorance and virtue signaling is telling.
I thought they were like this: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c9b1f8accecfe7baf154c200bdb69798c3ccb3be84ebdc19cc34fe50551dabd6.jpg
No chance,but they will find you first,nuff fkn said!
rusty iron can’t find Hizbollah
Sadly, the IDF feels they have no need in me. For now atleast.
Looks like Russia is testing a new EW system, rendering the sonar boy capabilities of NATO/US worthless.
Perhaps the sub is really a hologram, as Biden is a lot of the time :)
Such a pathetic excuse for a hologram! Back to the ol’ drawing board.
He says as I. Its fake or nothing of importance happend.
NATOfaggots are in the same shape as the 79 year old demented retard Biden. I am surprised that SF has not picked up the front page news on US banana republic:
JOE Biden was filmed falling three times on the steps of Air Force One today before flying to Georgia.
Worrying footage shows the president, 79, suffering from severe dementia tripping thrice on the stairs just months after injuring his foot. This time he hit his head on the stairwell.
Are the stairs OK.
According to jabber Fauci, the stairs had been vaccinated.
Now AstraZeneca deadly untested vaccination is known to have caused Brain damage.
Based on the data collected since January, AstraZeneca COVID-19 can cause damage to the brain, it is also now known as “the Oxford vaccine” or “AstraZeneca vaccine.
It causes blood clots ;
Venous thromboembolism (phlebitis, pulmonary embolism) remains the 3rd cause of death in developed countries.with Prof. Yesim Dargaud, hematologist at HCL.
Joe Biden calls Vladimir Putin ‘killer’, craves more tension
Читайте больше на https://english.pravda.ru/news/world/147437-biden_putin_killer/
Joe Biden acts cowardly, hides his head in the sand Читайте больше на https://english.pravda.ru/news/world/147455-biden_sand/ Joe Biden acts cowardly, hides his head in the sand Читайте больше на https://english.pravda.ru/news/world/147455-biden_sand/ Joe Biden calls Vladimir Putin ‘killer’, craves more tension Читайте больше на https://english.pravda.ru/news/world/147455-biden_sand/ Joe Biden calls Vladimir Putin ‘killer’, craves more tension Читайте больше на https://english.pravda.ru/news/world/147455-biden_sand/ Joe Biden acts cowardly, hides his head in the sand Читайте больше на https://english.pravda.ru/news/world/147455-biden_sand/ Joe Biden acts cowardly, hides his head in the sand Читайте больше на https://english.pravda.ru/news/world/147455-biden_sand/
Russian President Vladimir Putin challenged President Joe Biden to a debate following a fracas over comments made by Biden earlier this week in agreeing that the Russian leader is a “killer.”
“I’ve just thought of this now,” Putin told Russian state TV. “I want to propose to President Biden to continue our discussion, but on the condition that we do it basically live, as it’s called. Without any delays and directly in an open, direct discussion. It seems to me that would be interesting for the people of Russia and for the people of the United States.”
It would reveal that biden is brain death already. Imagine Putin employs a scrambler device to interupt any ear piece communication for Biden, Biden would lose his link to his remote control, and would be left alone to come up with his own mumbling speech. It would be a total dissaster.
Who’s in charge in USrael you think? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Yw89k9nAgM
I Heard that Trump had them greased lol.
Maybe next time he falls down the stairs and puts himself out of commission. If I were him I wouldn’t walk in front of Kamala anywhere near stairs.
Heard that he thought he was competing with President Putin and Donald Trump had greased the steps.
However, there is an interesting article over on BIN, and does not look as though Grandpa Joe is having a good week. Has anybody noticed he only has a Chinese guy with him, for security? What has happened to Presidential Security? Has he left them down the Southern Border?
The Crushing of Biden, So It Begins…https://beforeitsnews.com/war-and-conflict/2021/03/the-crushing-of-biden-it-begins-2473499.html
” Has anybody noticed he only has a Chinese guy with him, for security? ”
Do elaborate on what you think that means. He isnt the president ? That isnt the real Air force one Biden slipped on ? Those arent real troops guarding the white house ? World leaders arent really having calls with Camel toe Harris ?
Do elaborate.
Can just give my opinion, which is subjective, but, something is seriously not right.
I don’t think he is the President. Air Force One, can easily be staged. When he turns up, there is very little Presidential Security, just a Chinese agent, with him. Do they use actors with masks for Biden, as his appearance changes a lot, or holocasts? Why is Grandpa Joe addressing Harris as President? Have the military given him the nuclear codes? Why, when with the military, do you not see their insignia on their uniforms? Why, do they use Castle Rock Studios, when Biden is allegedly signing off Executive Orders in the Oval Office, with a car park outside?
Cleanliness of President’s Car… Please Pay Attention to Details, Like Red Carpet on Biden’s Air Force One & Service on Beast SUV…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfrLcTQNqI0
Everyone Is Now Realizing How Fake Biden Is! Fact – He’s an Actor & a Hologram! – Must Video…. https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2021/03/everyone-is-now-realizing-how-fake-biden-is-fact-hes-an-actor-a-hologram-must-video-3571236.html (04.18 his hand and mircrophone and around 4:00 Castle Rock Studio version of the White House)
Since beginning the oval office was fake, outside is pitch dark moonlight under under the window, the statue dimensions floating..(?) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5b1c2e64d9e9985417007c4f386f26af3dce9c9f2524b105513dff5129844d87.png
Thanks for the Syrian Girl link and so nice to see her name pop up. What is going on over in the US is seriously weird. Whatever the truth is, something seriously strange is definitely going on. The bust is in interesting, together with the car park outside the window.
Fair points, however, if he’s addressing Harris as the President then that rules Trump out doesnt it ? Also, dont you need the real Air Force one to stage a photo-op anyhow ?
With regards who is and who is not in or out, I have no idea and seriously just munching on the popcorn and watching the show. However, it would not surprise me if the military was in charge and once everything is exposed, will or will not react.
“F-35 Stealth Fighters on Russia’s Doorstep”
Im sure there are others, but its very real Biden try to show deescalation, which also is very needed. Those contrasts even storming the parlament is no good for USA as one state.
And yes, Biden has a hard cleaning job. I think – as hoped – he has done a lot of sober and sensible things well and fast. He was very prepared and it so far pays off.
To me its very well shown many older people has lack of strenght in their legs. Thats dont say their brains are.
Biden showing de-escalation, when falling down the steps, seriously cracked me up with laughter, for the first time Jens. Followed by ‘Biden having a very hard cleaning job’. As I picture Biden in a French Maid’s Outfit and duster and not an image you need.
Biden doing a lot of sober and sensible things well and fast??????
Tell that to the people of the US. Opening up the Southern Borders, for everybody, especially if they have a criminal past, involving the dark side of life. How many drug dealers and human traffickers have free access to the US?
How many jobs have the US lost, since Biden took over in January, starting with the Pipelines?
How many nations are openly stating the mental health problems of the alleged President of the US?
Yep, Jens, the Domestic known as Biden, is doing a cracking job of turning the US into the World’s Largest Banana Republic and fully supported by the Media and Woka Colas.
You are not qualified to debate things. You has been decided for, that whatever any write about USA in plus are wrrrrong.
Darling, what qualifications does one need to comment on a social forum?
If You have a bathroom with wall, write there. Soon the place You live in, will have one more bathroom.
We live in a society, where the freethinking, open minded people are called crazy and the ignorant close minded people are normal.
The stairs must have been a Putin KGB bot.
With Donald giving them an extra polish.
hahahhahaha this was so weird
Wasn’t he working for the US and not the Russian Federation?
Again its too easy to blame others. We didnt collapse the Feds.
It partly was a kind of shop, where the windows and doors were broken down by the owners, which also had left the buildin or one by one had died of age.
By that any kind of reconstruction was difficuilt or impossible. You dont understand how much wrecked bad car USSR was and by that plunderes and looters went in as if was christmas.
But rebuilding those ineffective and impossible systems by repairing was impossible. When big things coillapse here we see the same here and often reconstructions for some of the companies.
But You with reconstruction dont just take over. You has to invest a lot of money and change almost anything and might only use the old unites as spareparts.
Blaming Jeltsin makes no sense. The changes for old USSR shoud have been there by many reforms at least 20 years before Jetltzin and Gorbatjov.
It was all over in the production, servises and a primitive netto taxsystem not meant to tax production and products. The economy was driven by thinking,which in theory could be fine but the Gremlins never did that. They were just new Feudals replacing the Tzar ones not dividing the responsability and not educating the whole population into a modern world.
It even punished clever and hard working scientists and have them low payh and too much from them was denied as fals and anti USSR if they wasnt in line. Only few works well in that kind of climate.
In the meantime, Russia ended up bankrupt and the same script is running in Ukraine. Russia, back in the 90s got 20 cents to the $US, for all energy sold, with the US getting the other 80 cents.
It didnt “end” bankrupt.
And Yes, it was the same from west of Berlin to east of Vladivostok.
And dont remember oil, but its normal prodedure You have to sell anything with any value, because You have DEBT. BILLIONS OF DEBT.
So You want any to buy a wrong constructed old days non repaired car based on Marx and Engel and continue as ususla. NO WAY.
Families in that situation here has to sell the car to a very low price or as spareparts to same kind of produced old car wrecks. Next they has to use the bus, the scooter, the bicycle or their feet for tranportation. They also move to a smaller home and eat less meat. No holiday.
Instead of chartertourisme to Spain or Turkey, they go by bicycle and with a little tent. Here they eat as usual and maybee only with an icecreme here and there.
We certainly are no wellfare system for USSR or Russia threatening us wit so many propaganda movies with 1000s of tanks and even nukes.
Many things were bought cheep because there is a lot of buyers to marketeconomy, but You forget investmanets mainly are not in things, which even has shown that Marx and Lenin – by Stalin and Co – was very bad as replacement for the Tzars making no plus.
The USSR was bankrupt????? Have no idea, as never interested in the 15 member nations that made up the USSR. Just know that many galloped, with professional victim status and begging bowl, to the Soviet of the EU, run on exactly the same ideology. Funnily enough, set up by the same crowd that the Bolsheviks were created by.
Yeltsin bankrupted Russia and it was a bankrupt nation that Dr Vladimir Putin (PhD Economics) took over on 31 December 1999. Four years later, Russia had taken back control of her natural resources, which allowed her to pay off the $45 billion Soviet Union Debt, the $16.5 billion Russian Federation Debt and also pay the Baltic Nations compensation, on behalf of the Soviet Union. Russia now has around $600 billion in her currency reserves. What happened to the other 14 members of the Soviet Union? Where are they now and what are there economies like? How many have held onto ‘professional victim status and begging bowls’?
Will Ukraine find a Vladimir Putin, to pull them back together or will the oligarchs take everything and more, just like they did to Russia in the 90s?
I have no comment for Your unsober fanatisme.
I already has told. Some PHd in things which dont work makes no sense. Its better hay for cars.
Darling, seriously lost in translation as I have absolutely no idea what you are on about.
Thats what I write. You have no idea.
The declining and collapse started many many years before any Jeltsin and Gorbatjov was there.
You have no ability or dont dare to debate any of the many parts, which systematicly went on. Those are well descriebed by many even in the USSR.
You are absolut right in collapses often are the badest solutions, so why collpase it?
We did, what was normal too. But You had absolutly no structure to avoid the badest part and at least save some corners well. YOURS DIDT.
But You overestimate the value for ancient outdated systems producing too little and wrong things in its demanded priorities. You never rewarded more and better productions. All that is You.
So thats why things went even more wrong. Here You of course never mention the Russian Oligarc grabbers just as greedy as any.
You are lost in responsability for what uSSR did and did not. You represent them very well and vote for constructed excuses instead of trying to correct things be debating what went wrong and how to improve, so the same dont happen again.
The list for Ruussia and it defaults are still fatal errors. Only some parts are regained well. News things apart from some missiles are not invented for the rest of You.
There are many many good examplesAnybody can build an Armata even decorated by gold and diamants. Sure its very good. BUT THE MARKET??? If Russia has to use it themselves AND export it, its about best to the price. People anytime prefare some simple effective T90s ot T2020. By that the Armata only is for show and prestige for too much money.
Write what you want and as you say, I have no idea. Partly, because so much gets lost in translation and the other part, I am laughing too hard, owing to the comedy value of your comments.
‘…We did, what was normal too. But You had absolutly no structure to avoid the badest part and at least save some corners well. YOURS DIDT…’
I have absolutely no idea what you are on about.
My english is prefect as common english.
You translate to and from a more simple language and by that also write pidgin lawyers english.
Yep, your English is pretty ‘prefect’.
My education never provided a module in ‘pidgin lawyers English’, so do not intentionally use it, whatever it may be.
Its as I wrote. Normal fast english is not as Yours. It dont cover things well at all and makes a perfect defect simplified english in a high level.
Adding that You hardly ever check out sources and whats behind them keep You in dark even insisting my world and I am the deep deep dark state.
Its very pidgin, when You deny and dont understand very simplified things and blame others for doing things, which they have not.
I hardly check out sources????
UN Documents Posted 24 October 1970 PrintShare A/RES/2625 (XXV). Overview of General Assembly Documents
‘…This was the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations…’ https://www.securitycouncilreport.org/un-documents/document/rol-a-res2625-xxv.php
Yep, I see what you mean, with regards not trusting my sources. What can you trust, that comes out of the UN or NATO. With regards English Language Courses, remind me to sign up to the Jens Helms University of Comprehension. My techinical grammar, which I quite happily admit to, is in need of professional tweaking. Plus, it would be nice to learn how to converse in my mother tongue, the Jens Helms way.
Yeltsin was an excellent choice for president of Russia by the USA. Too bad Putin came along and ‘stopped the steal’
I checked my work .. two complete sentences so I’m good.
Putin was recommended by Yeltsin and approved by the US.
“I am surprised that SF has not picked up the front page news on US banana republic:”
Don’t expect anyone in US except those who listen to Infowars to be anywhere near the frequency of the rest of the world.
The anglo-saxon capitalist-fascist MAGGOT is GONE same like the capitalist feudalist Fascist genocidal system who made this semi illiterate rich from stealing from the poor and Ukraine…
But a lot of people said here that Trump is this evil and that evil and its because of Trump! Now I hope you LOVE your new president / Mafia Coup Patsy illegally occupying the US Capitol!
Trump cheated the American people as he was throwing bombs in the desert and on empty houses. Further Trump tried to make peace with Putler and Kim and, pull our boys home from a tax free life in the sun overseas, made jobs at home so the Democrats were losing social worker jobs Glad we have a true leader in house now.
Glad too https://twitter.com/Partisangirl/status/1373096791877455874/video/1
Haha. Don’t think the Russians would use hologram subs, but, no doubt that is all that NATO members can afford.
NATO nations in particular have literally wasted trillions of pounds on attempting to arrest a mystery virus, that circa 99.5% who are infected with the covid sniffles will recover from, according to US government data in the last few weeks.
NATO nations are also wasting hundreds of billions on weapons that they will never use in anger. This is due to the general apathy that the masses have toward dying for the cabal that now imprisons us all, and will endeavour to do for many years to come.
Briton is buying a 140 ish nuclear missiles from the USA. I suspect that this is the cost of a rumoured trade deal with the USA. IF these missiles are ever used it would usher in REAL climate change :)
You would need your old ‘liberty bodice’ then , AM :)
I hope you are well and happy. We must all enjoy what we can do, and not dwell on what we cannot do in these most egregious of times.
Hans says hello. He is molting now. We may all be allowed out again for Summer, BUT UK joke government has just spent a few hundred million of buying Covid scare advertising for the next two years. What do they know that many of us now suspect?
Ha-ha, with regards the Liberty Bodice. Funnily enough, back in the 80s, I was fond of the old bodice and would happily wear them out clubbing. My mother never told me how to dress properly ha-ha.
Boris, born and bred in New York, and very competitive. I wonder if he knows that Russia have 6,500 nuclear war heads he will never catch up? Can you imagine him and Biden at the negotiating table, with Fauci the middle man? Hunter’s laptop is bad enough and god knows what you would find on Boris’.
I am well and happy and rather than stressing on things, I find munching on the popcorn and watching the show a lot more chilling. Nought makes sense, but, it will all come out in the wash. Do believe we are in the middle of WWIII and actually quite hopeful that the morons, will be the losers.
With regards 2 years of Corona adverts, I seriously take no notice of them and either switch off what ever form of media they turn up in, or switch myself off. I find Boris, Hancock, Gove and team, seriously creepy and bad for my health, in a variety of ways. Plus, the media hysteria that nobody trusts are vaccines. Reminds me of Colin Powell and the test tube in the UN, when he was lying and how the media gave him full support.
Give Hans a pat from me and some more Waitrose Carrots. Glad the weather is turning and he should get some sun out in the fields.
Hope all is well with you. Take care, stay sane and ‘Always Look On The Bright Side of Life’ ha-ha.
I also wonder what the end game of destroying an existing economy entails and what it will be replaced with.
Few of sane mind would now risk investing in a new ‘non essential ‘business anymore. There would always be the nagging doubt that elected UK dictators can shut such business’s down in any presumed crisis.
UK government have issued an advertising contract to a UK company for many millions. The contract runs for two years and is Cobid related.
I suspect that the cabal of lockdowns convinced themselves that a year of house arrest would break any rebellious spirit in Britain and elsewhere.
That being the case, the programme of propaganda and threats is not working well, and the massive, but under reported , global demonstrations of the last 2 days has shocked the cabal.
The cabals killer punch is delayed, I think. A shooting war could be the result, yet it is doomed to fail. Unless of course that’s the plan.
Hans had a good Spring frolic today :) He is molting handfulls every day.
Glad Hans had a nice time, out in the fresh Spring Air. If only, the Government would allow us mere humans similar ha-ha.
I saw various headlines, with regards Bristol and riots and must admit, just ignored them, thinking Anti-fa and BLM have found their way to Bristol. I wonder who sponsored it, but, if it was owing to lockdown restrictions, must admit, I had a different view of things. However, I support peaceful protests with initiative and have no tolerance for the $oro$ style riots.
Then you have the UK media hysteria with regards the EU not wanting us to have the vaccine and it is the first time I have cheered anything the EU has done, since conception.
Do believe we are coming to the end of the Globalist demands for NWO and it is not working out how they wish. Plus, it seems strange, that there is a ‘class action court case’ going ahead, with regards the alleged pandemic and crimes against humanity, at the same time that the vaccine is finding administration difficult. I wonder what is going on in the background. Together with what the heck is happening ‘over the pond’ and is it all a ‘hologram’, hoping we will not notice?
The holograms are certainly cutting edge. So much so that its akin to the NHS cutting edge Track and Trace :)
The inmates of Western asylums for politicians and the criminally insane are bursting with ideas for enslaving us all.
What I am trying to get my head around, whilst munching on the popcorn and wondering what planet I have woken up on, is Biden. After the alleged inauguration, he gets the National Guard to sleep in a car park, in the freezing cold and without sanitary provision or much else and then gets his mates to feed them. Using under cooked meat and metal shavings in the food, leaving many in hospital. That is for the serving, military personnel of the USA. Yet, he opens up the Southern Borders, inviting immigrants, from all over to come and get their golden ticket. Now, he has given one of his mates a contract to house 1200 immigrants, in a hotel, all inclusive, for a cost of around $82 million whilst expecting his forces to be put up in a car park?????
No doubt Boris is figuring out, how he can do similar. The dinghy tourists already get 4* All Inclusive, courtesy Pritti Patel Tours, whilst they are handing out the P45s to the serving military personnel.
I understand that Bidens mate has installed ‘safety ‘ cameras in all of the hotel bedrooms and bathrooms. :)
Can seriously believe that.
Sadly, I can too, AM.
Have you heard that Bill Clinton and Kemela Harris are sharing the same stage, ‘Kamala Harris, Bill Clinton to hold talk on pandemic’s impact on women’ Not sure if they have the same take on Havana Cigars?
All of this is effectively a poor hollywood ‘B’ movie that the cretins in power seek to promote as a blockbuster, I think.
This article by Lord Jonathan Sumpton about the progress if covid restrictions is well worth reading , if you have not already done so, AM.
Why are we both always right, AM? :)
Brilliant, with regards Lord Sumpton. Just going to look at the article, but, do like his work at trying to help us, exposing the harm it is doing to the economy, amongst the rest.
Why are we both always right???? Haha- and have no idea. Like most, who still relish critical thought and common sense. guess we are old school.
I have just seen this comment, and so sharing as I like it.
We have been lied to from birth, by our Government, our Churches, our Media, our History, Books and our Schools.
How The Cabal Maintains `Power And What You Need To Do To Stop It.
There are three reasons, why the cabal, masquerading as Government, can lawfully regain their control. Your incompetence, their breech of trust and implied consent to their authority, by all the other citizens of Government.
Stand – seek the truth Speak – share the truth Act – Honour the truth
Please, read, understand and share this article.
Hello AM, always nice to run into you via your comments. Here is something you might be interested in …
• Ponsonby Arthur – Falsehood in War-Time
One source (PDF):
(The copy on archive-dot-com has a preface and index.)
Here is my favourite highlight …
“In calm retrospect we can appreciate better the disastrous effects of the poison of falsehood, whether officially, semiofficially, or privately manufactured. It has been rightly said that the injection of the poison of hatred into men’s minds by means of falsehood is a greater evil in wartime than the actual loss of life. The defilement of the human soul is worse than the destruction of the human body.
This relates to every one of those lies you and I are discovering on our own journeys.
Hello stranger. I hope all is well with you and thanks for the quote. I was just watching a Q Anon video, and must admit, I do like Hopium, rather than despair. The video was interesting, owing to so many quotes and here are a few of them, as I think you might like a few of them and relevant to our state of minds, ha-ha.
History is a lie. Religion is a control system. Money is a hoax. Debt is a fiction. Media is disinformation. Government is a corporation. The system is a lie. Wake Up. There is no such thing as a coincidence.
WWI – was to create it – Balfour Agreement WWII – was to colonise it – Havaara Agreement WWIII – is to make it an Empire. Oded Yinon Plan.
Experience has shown, that even under the best forms of Government, those entrusted with power, have in time, and in slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. (Thomas Jefferson)
It used to be so much easier to control a million people than to kill them, but, today it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control them. (Zbiginiew Brzezinski in an address to the Council of Foreign Relations).
We have been lied to from birth, by our Government, our Churches, our Media, our History, Books and our Schools.
How The Cabal Maintains `Power
And What You Need To Do To Stop It. UN-CONSENT
There are three reasons, why the cabal, masquerading as Government, can lawfully regain their control. Your incompetence, their breech of trust and implied consent to their authority, by all the other citizens of Government.
Stand – seek the truth Speak – share the truth Act – Honour the truth
Please, read, understand and share this article. ………………
Shortly the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been given, on the previous night’s news. (Zbiginiew Brzezinski 1972)
The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media. (William Colby, former CIA Director)
We’ll know our disinformation programme is complete, when everything the American public believes, is false. (William Casey from First Staff Meeting, 1981).
Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State. (James Angleton, Head of CIA Counter Intelligence 1954-1974)
Tools For Perception Management In War and Anti-War By Alvin and Heidi Toffle Atrocity accusations (true and false) Hyperbolic inflation of stakes Demonisation and/or dehumanisation of enemy Polarisation (if you are not with me, you are against me) Claim of divine sanction Meta-propaganda (discredit opponent’s propaganda)
They can make any lie believable by adding a small bit of the truth, mixed with a lot of embellishing of FALSE facts to meet an agenda to harm the person they are smearing.
They gain this information by gaining our trust and using our openness about things that are personal to us, against us.
From Charm To Harm and Everything Inbetween With A Narcissist. Greg Zaffuto ………….
We live in a society, where the freethinking, open minded people are called crazy and the ignorant close minded people are normal.
This item posted by Alexander Amproz will interest you : https://ia801007.us.archive.org/11/items/thebolshevikrevolutiondarknessdescends_201908/The%20Bolshevik%20Revolution%20-%20Darkness%20Descends.mp4
The following video is another piece of the corruption jigsaw. Its a verbal precis of Hunters laptop.
Can you imagine if that was the laptop of a son of Trump and the hysteria that would go with it? Seriously sick, the whole family and their friends.
I often wonder what the dirt is that glues the majority of UK politicians, Senior academics, and corporate senior management to the wishes of a global oligarchic cabal .
I have a suspicion though :) The obvious being that a taboo of the general population is necessary to entrap such deviants, and todays current taboo is child abuse.
Sadly, my automatic thought with regards politicians and similar, is the fact that they are so easy to coerce and blackmail, owing to lifestyle choices, that I cannot handle any media take on any of them, over in Westminster. Sad, if there are genuine ones amongst them, but, the majority have tarnished their names.
Whan I look at Boris’s ministers, they appear to be of two basic mindsets. The ‘Sociopaths’ and the ‘Nice but Dim’, all of whom are willing to propagate simplistic and deceitful human control propaganda for their own personal advancement.
They just give me the creeps. Gove, with all his ‘botox’ – all I see is a Panto Dame. Hancock, ‘Tim but Dim’, and the list goes on. Sadly, my first thought is ‘don’t let the kids out at night, if he/she is on the streets’. Which is bad, as I hate to generalise and the fact, there might be decent members amongst the horrors.
Do you appreciate decent members, AM? :)
Try to, but, sadly the bad ones tar them with the same brush, which is not fair. So need to fumigate Westminster and clear out the toxins.
Perhaps the grandiose government buildings and other wealth display monuments should be relegated to being museums of the past. Occupants of such buildings are rarely untouched by a sense of exceptionalism and the moral isolation that comes with that, in my opinion.
It is important though to preserve the past, as not to do so is a danger as well. It’s also an insult to all that have gone before us if we eradicate our past. Good or bad.
The upper echelons of society would serve the majority better if they were more in touch with those whose labours they rely on to pay their remunerations. Isolation on private estates does not help.
Leadership is not determined by how big ones castle is:) Rabble rousers are not wanted.
I am with you with regards preserving history, both good and bad. It is what made the nation.
It has always been a strategy of dictators to erase history they do not like, and also the historic icons of pseudo religious cults. Unless, of course the dictators are either the priestly controllers of a dominant cult, or that they co-exist with a dominant priestly cult.
The Dominant Cult, over in Westminster, led by Dead Eye Boris, and ‘Tim But Dim’ Hancock, have just got Labour to support them in subjecting the slaves to another 6 months of lockdown. Only good thing, elections in May and cannot see many voting for the usual muppets.
Now politicians have a taste of the powers that were enjoyed by the likes of Henry VIII and the Norman invaders , few will stand up and eschew them, I think.
Henry VIII had the wives to hand over the heads, guess the politicians are expecting the general electorate to replace the wives. France had the solution, back in the 18th century.
Boris seems to age more every week. His girlfriend may hace something to do with that. He looks like a man dying of shame.
He was photographed walking his dog the other day. Even a tramp would have been embarrassed to dress as Boris had and for a government minister to do so is an national embarrassment, in my opinion.
Or does Boris think this is what the Tory ‘Red Wall’ voters wear?
He knows he has sold his soul and no doubt to the lowest bidder. Must admit, he does not look healthy, colour of skin as well as his dead eyes.
Oliver Cromwell had a similar ‘Fame to Infamy’ life . Boris seems determined to follow that path, I suspect.
Old Boris looks chemically challenged. I wonder if that is what is making him look so unhealthy?
It could well be chemicals of some sort. Time will tell, but judging by his current looks, time is not on his side. Although ,I fully accept that Boris has been under immense pressure on all fronts for a few years now.
Bullingdon Boy Initiations, never go away, where blackmail is concerned. Did you notice that Cameron is in the media, for ‘deals for the boys’? Who else was in the Bullingdon Club Photo Shot, along with Cameron, Osborne, Johnson, Gove, Nat. Rothschild and wasn’t Earl Spencer also in the Club, around that time?
Yes, its the old boys crime network. The commoners have street gang networks.
Cameron’s Bullingdon initiation involved a penis and a pigs head, if I recall In UK military jargon:- ‘ Penis Posh, Mouth Pig, Intercourse for the use of.’
Didn’t Cameron enjoy himself as well. Poor Boar, and what on earth did he do to deserve such inhumane treatment? (Not Cameron, who just thought it was one pig to another).
I sometimes wonder what Cameron gets up to in the Designer Shepard’s hut in his garden? :)
There are places that my imagination will not take me, thankfully and that is one of them. Very, very, very strange man, like many who are easy to blackmail, owing to lifestyle choices or coerce.
Its a fact, I suppose, that our self appointed betters have always been prone to taboo activities and always will. Rumours of such activities have always circulated amongst the populace, BUT never as comprehensively and speedily as they do today.
I reprimanded a retired colonel about 18 months ago for his lewd and suggestive comments in front of a 16 year old girl one evening.
He was rambling on about his army days and the code used by military wives who were ‘up for sex’. The code was an OMO detergent box placed by a window. For those not familiar with the practice in British married quarters, OMO was code for ‘Old Man Out’.
He was rather non plussed when I said that he was shagging the wives of his comrades and mess mates. What made it worse was the affirmation that shagged ‘other ranks ‘ wives as well :)
On a slightly different note that involves government subterfuge, the daily Telegraph today has a report that the UK military is going green, including its light armoured vehicles etc. Battery power is in along with vegan diets ahd re-wilding training areas ( that in my experience were often wild anyway).
Buried in the article was the statistic that “Defence, which accounts for 50% of UK governments emissions, ******** “.
I was amazed that MOD had such a large carbon footprint, LOL. Tis time to Defund NATO and all other aggressive warmongering armies’ It would also shoot down the Climate Change nazi’s as well :)
Sadly, there are many like that old Colonel, who had no respect for those they served with or their families. Believe it or not, one of my husbands was a Commissioned Officer in the Forces and I never lived in married quarters or posted the sign in the window. Did hear of it though. Never publicly speak of it, so will change the subject ha-ha and it was many years ago.
With regards the military going green, I read a similar headline in the Daily Demon and cracked up laughing. Can you imagine a new ‘green energy’ destroyer or military jet, with a wind turbine escort? Let alone, solar panelled, energised hypersonic of the future, requiring action, during a very cold and grey winter? Which reminds me, I must catch up with ‘Yes Minister’?
Going green at this stage of battery development is a joke for UK military vehicles. Is shows the pressure applied to senior officers must be massive, to agree with electric military vehicles.
The ultimate goal for the UK and NATO , I suspect, is to fight conflicts only with unmanned drones that are operated by teenagers.
Any dirty work would be undertaken by White Helmet types who are for hire. This is what happens when a ‘Health and Safety at any cost’ cult controls all that we do.
The greatest weakness of a Drone Army is its vulnerability. Massive force, including nuclear, with no ‘survivors’ would be my response. Or even a nuclear EMP pulse that disables all the drone electronics :) That would be a re-run of the UK armies defeat at Dunkirk when 100% of the military equipment was abandoned. :)
The Forces are now led by ‘yes men/women’, and were taken over by Common Purpose ideology decades ago.
I find it strange, and black humour, that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the UK, plus, various International Aid budgets, in the Western Nations, happily fund the White Helmets and $oro$ Soldiers, spending $millions on them, whether to use domestically via BLM/Anti-fa or internationally via Al Qaeda/ISIS/Daesh/Ukraine Nanzis/Hong Kong Protesters etc, etc, etc – yet the same fund masters, resent their own military and all they stand for. As they pitch them off against each other, but, the Government Forces have to abide by the rules, unlike those International Aid funds and supports.
Can you imagine, the kids on the frontlines, many decades ago, during WWII, having a glimpse into the future? Finding the Forces manning the internet, via troll posting and using drones for a variety of black market illegal activities? Whilst the ‘rent a terrorist’ took over the infantry?
There has been a policy of all de facto tyrannies to complicate the lives of people in general. This has always been so.
For instance, everything we do in Britain, is regulated at some level. Even taking a piss on the street.
However, in recent decades the systems of control have been greatly enhanced by technology, as we sadly realise.
The increasing problem for those who rule over us, is the complete stultification of pretty much all that we do. This chaotic melange of regulations and deliberate ‘catch all laws’ has now created a culture of ‘Can’t do’.
I hope that I am old enough so as not to see the degradation of what this woke madness finally creates when Britain becomes one large politically correct asylum. :)
I was just reading an article over on Gateway Pundit, and it is with regards the Pentagon, reversing Trump’s transgender decision, with regards serving in the Forces. Not only have they rejected Trump’s ban, but, also are quite happy for the new recruits to have the military pay for the surgery. Now how long will that leave the new recruits un-deployable? Then when they can be deployed, time to leave.
What a weird, weird, world and where does it all go next?
I suspect we could see the beginnings of a nuclear winter inour lifetimes, AM.
The Climate Change gang would have nothing to moan about then, as the productive North would be one large ski slope :)
Talking about Bristol, I have just been flicking through the Devil’s Mail and was interested in what the Mayor of Bristol had to say.
Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees said the so-called activists were ‘a group of people running around the country looking for any opportunity to enter into physical conflict with police or representatives of what they see as they establishment.’
He told Good Morning Britain: ‘These group of people, irrespective of the issue, they were out there to cause problems for whatever revolutionary fantasy they’re playing at.
‘It would be quite interesting in the mop up, not just to have these people arrested, but to see where they actually come from, because I imagine a few are not actually from this city, but are REVOLUTIONARY TOURISTS as it were.
Now who imports Revolutionary Tourists, to do his dirty work? Why is the same person, $oro$ against the police? I wonder how many of the Revolutionary Tourists, turn up on dinghies, straight from the Middle East and White Helmet tour of duty?
The global antifa rent a mob is in demand these days.
You will be as shocked as I was to see this, AM.
I had seen a lot about that, but, could not look at any of the videos, owing to the content. Just do not want to see the images of the horror. Poor little kids.
One wonders how many of these children will be trafficked and ‘adopted’ by US Democrats.
A US Childrens Court judge has now been arrested for looking at child porn. He was caught because he used a personal account to access child porn om a government computer and when his house was searched the investigators found more on his personnel PC.
He has two adopted children as well. Un-Surprisingly his surname is ‘Bloom ‘.
In my opinion, the Global shysters have gone too far now. The issue is that there is no longer any compromise with the shysters. Its a fight of ‘all or nothing’ , that can only be won when the Shysters are convicted in courts with properly educated and moral jurors from all walks of life.
If convicted for ‘slam dunk’ offences, an instant death penalty by a bullet in the back of the head is the kindest way to punish them.
I read about that Children’s Court Judge and also his movement, with regards reading to children, down the local library.
I seriously hope they all end up being exposed publicly and in the most humiliating way and karma collects in the harshest of ways. So sad, children of today have no. voice.
The sub has had a hard day and are now resting in peace:)
Demented Biden bangs his head on Air Force one stairs. Alzheimer’s now very advanced and power has been transferred to Kamala Harris.
dementia patient jens must hook up with granny Cromwell to learn heterosexual identity
Why do you post nonsense, when knowledge is in total absence?
Diesel electric subs are much quieter than nuclear subs and Kilo class are famously ultra quiet even by diesel electric submarine standards. That’s why they’re called Black Holes.
Houthis penetrate 3 rows of Nato AA but a Russian submarine is the VIP, how cheesy is this Hoolywood movie?
Again we see this is only propaganda. Not a single media in the west bring anything about anything and certainly no panic.
The writers has no internet:( No factchecking and just for keeping people in line by selfmade fear and worries.
Jens the ultimate ultracrepidarian.
poor Jens would have that problem even if he were talking about the view out his window.
Bring me links about that fear and according some russian sub.
“Not a single media in the west bring anything about anything and certainly no panic”.
Kindly bring me links for I dont know what I talking about..You cant.
Fk your media,packa low iq degenerate utterly useless swabs of cancer:
Its very much as if You should go to Your own reading here. Where do they know Nato is panicing, when we in Nato as well as the rest of the wolrld dont.
Again – very simple-minded response.
That’s because the west has no media, only ministries of propaganda.
It cpuld be a kind of funny, if it actally was sunken.
You sound like a mask waring TV watcher, making a child-like response.
Well, I looked again after 2 hours.
There is no a single comment in the west about it.
I see as I wrote childish propaganda for homies made by homies to keep them and themselves in line. And its eaten. Thats the childish part.
I can reach Your level skydiving, when I want. She is talking to You. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b5ea47ea3da2c292c896f9a2794f234fc9ce12537face213fd269275ba9480ae.jpg
you can’t even reach common sense or basic english skills. Maybe you should skydive and leave the parachute in the plane…
You write lawyers english. Maybee most of You are lawyers, doctor and engeniers???
I write commen advanced english. Yours is a perfect translation from a simple langage, which dont cover what we are and do and by that some kind of pidgin or swaheli english.
Thats why You dont understand a lot going on here, where I live. You probatly also has a lot harams, which Ypu ant even debate about.
We fx has total equal right among gender. The LGBT things actually works and they are mainly accepted and respected as anybody else. Your educations systems often – in Our contests – are not educations at all. You dont like to think Ypur self and mainly are copycats. Its probatly also the same for work and not. If You are not under command just as sheep and dogs are, You do absolutly nothing and take no initiatives Yourself , and if You do, there is no structure.
u would not be considered advanced in kindergarten—miss LGBT night porter
you didn’t even get the spelling right. Moron.
Cossacks are our friends,you low balling cia biggoted creep,cossack oil,drr!
Im not like that. I was teached as Nightporter in my first full time job.
All people in all nations no matetr which religion, etnicity and fpr that matter skin color can be divided into:
Good ones – bad ones – and the majority in the middle.
So if I was a kosach I was one of those. Kosacs are not bad.
We took in Syrian refugees some few years ago. They as a group has a terrifying overcrime rate BUT most of them are not criminals at all. Some relative large group are very bad people and by that contaminate the rest as if all Syrians are worse then most. But most Syrians might be too much strangers here, but they are not criminals or religios fanatics.
stupid low class uneducated jens again—-danes = relatively large group= bad people….finally jens correct
So You cant be there – or what.
blind jens looking for homosexual propaganda
How can we be in fear, when we not even kn ow about it https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/97d2ea426f4d4090d94153d3b385e8d144f7bdd54048535946e3c10051d9eb93.jpg
Exactly. Russia is trying to full dominate the Atlantic. “First we take Arctic, then we take Atlantic”. Thats why we are blocking them. To save innocent American lives and our Allies.
Get yourself an atlas first…
Rumor is Russian subs can now bypass your SOSUS network out of Iceland by cruising through the English Channel, when the British are asleep. :D
With our military, that would be 24/7. Even the dinghy tourists have no problems dodging the British Navy, defending our shores.
Biden is ”absent” Israel is the commander in chief.
God help us ._.
u have no allies–only crypto colonies
That was funny Tommy..
Take the Arctic????? Who? Who gave Alaska to the US and why has the US never ratified the ‘Convention of the Seas’, which includes the Arctic, in terms of international law. How much of the Arctic, is Russian territory or borders Russia?
Remember, Russia is the only nation that has sent ground samples of the Arctic Shelf to the UN, to prove their territorial claim, using DNA analysis. The US cannot even be bothered to sign the ‘Convention of the Seas’.
By the way, Russia is more focused on defending her 11 time zone nation, rather than absessing about using her forces for offensive missions. She does not have the largest navy, sitting in the middle fo various oceans, like sitting ducks. However, she does have fun, zapping US ships and leaving them impotent in the big, deep, waters, when they get a tad too close to Russian Military Bases.
Still laughing at Russia taking out the Aegis Destroyer, using nothing more than a whicker basket. So not a good look and that was after Bastion grinned down on the sailors and they tried to compete for ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ trials in the Black Sea. Is an 8 point turn, a routine US Destroyer tactic, at speed? You would have thought they were trying to escape some form of naval, colonic irrigation, judging by the speed they turned from the Bastion?
Its about global leverage and influence. If we are not careful, Russia will spread communism all over the world, bit by bit. Our red line stands at Arctic. If Russia cross this red line, we act, and when we act, we really really act !! We walk the walk while others talk the talk! This is how we are doing it.
Darling, are you mistaking Russia for the Soviet Union? I think you will find most of the members in the Soviet Union, have moved to the EU and taken their Communist Ideology with them. Plus, the US did not wish to be left out, and appears to have also joined the Communist Club. Meanwhile, over in the Russian Federation, they embrace their Christian Orthodox Faith, which is not Marxist friendly, now is it.,
Have you not noticed how the World now realises that the US is nought except a banana republic? Even Chinese officials are stating that the US cannot speak to them from a position of strength, only weakness, as the world cracks up laughing at Dementia Joe and the ignorance of the American Media.
Where are these innocent American lives? I guess they are not in the U.S.?
Biden coordinates the searches.
Wonder if it’s payback time after Israel shot down the Russian plane?
Don’t get your hopes too high, I hope they won’t enter our maritime border as it would be considered as an hostile act. They should leave before we find them.
Don’t worry Rusty_Iron, The sub is probably cruising undetected just a few km outside your “maritime border” right now. LOL
We have detected them in the past cruising next tp the border, however they did not cross. We have the technology, if they try to enter we will send our subs after them.
I have noticed you keep referring to yourself as we. Who else belongs to your moronic club?
ADHD punks think of themselves as multiple personalities.
It’s the royal We. He thinks he’s the King Emperor of the Internet.
He is siamese. They are two half brains:)
jens does
My club consists of other SF guys like me, and when we come for them there is only one option for us – to kill them all or die while doing our duty. When the moment comes and I get the call to return to service, your friends will be sorry for messing with us. I still remember a Hamas militant last breathes after I chopped him with my knife, one of my best moments.
You need to get out of your room and go get a breath of fresh air fo feed some oxygen to your brain if you still have any left.
Don’t worry about me, I’m still sharp.
Option 2 will most probably be closer to reality, most likely you will commit suicide before even fighting.
We don’t die that easily.
Killing children is easier
Don’t worry about the subs – Judaism won’t survive the internet age!
Said the Ruski.
Russia would turn your tiny, crappy little country into dust within a half hour!
lol, Israel and NATO will make sure Russia will be an isolated desert in that case.
Don’t count on NATO. Lots of people there are already fed up with Israel and all the idiots living there. Why defend a country which does not apply to common rules and ethics?
When the U.N stop condemning Israel every Monday and Thursday, we might decide to actually listen to them.
Now you posting like teenager and showing your age. That is an improvement punky.
Your borders are where you came from. Look here and tell me where you came from. This is where Jews used to live in:
You mean the Palestinian maritime border?
They don’t have one.
Israel has no International Recognized borders.
Nor a Constitution.
doubtful however much I would hope for the opposite.
What? Do NATO actually shadow Russian submarines literally everywhere? Or just around certain hotspots?
I mean, of course if it really wanted to lose them it could, that’s what submarines excel at. Not really surprised by this.
“Do NATO actually shadow Russian submarines literally everywhere?”. Sure, they developed the tech in Sweden :D
Ha-ha, laughing as that reminds me of the Swedes, moaning about Russian submarines in the area and it was a Swedish pensioner fishing and not a Russian Sub. Then they found a Russian First World War submarine, that had been missing for over 100 years. Poor Sweden, obsessed with the Russians and Sweden’s lack of decent submarines.
Do believe Russia were playing with them and no doubt got a lot of intelligence from the exercise.
I remember the stories of the Russian Kilo submarine and a frigate, which cornered a British Astute Class submarine, and prevented her unleashing her missiles, against Syria. ‘The Black Hole’ submarines, as NATO call them, owing to how silent they are.
The Rostov-on-Don should surface in the middle of the carrier support group and immediately radio the Eisenhower: “Captain, this is Rostov-on-Don. We noticed that you stopped following us for some reason. Is everything OK on your ship? The Russian Navy is prepared to offer any assistance you may need for the safety of your ship and crew.”
Maybe also send in in some P-3 Orions with their MAD boom to search for that pesky devil. “NATO anti-submarine forces have been attempting for a week now to find the Rostov-on-Don submarine in the Mediterranean,” Those diesel-electric subs are designed to get lost, but the Captain knows exactly where he is. :)
The Chinese did that during some NATO exercise and Russia sent a postcard, of their submarine, cruising up the Hudson River. So love the Russian humour.
Yes and that was a pretty old Chinese model sub, not the latest, and Russian sub technol is still ahead of China. So…
Stunning Development’: Priest Who Presided Over Biden’s Inauguration Mass Is Now Under Investigation’ https://www.westernjournal.com/stunning-development-priest-presided-bidens-inauguration-mass-now-investigation/
Jesuits given parts of Jerusalem https://jesuitsholyland.wordpress.com/2020/12/07/new-jesuit-rector-of-tantur/#more-1257
Cheers and I saw the article about the Priest and must admit, Catholic Priest and Biden – it did not come as a surprise.
With regards the Jesuits and Jerusalem, just going to have a look at the article. Isn’t the current Pope, from the Jesuit Branch of the Catholic Faith?
Yes exactly.. and this ”Lebanese”… Father John Paul (“JP”), a Jesuit of the Midwest Province in the United States of America, began his job as Rector of Tantur Ecumenical Institute in Jerusalem on July 1, 2020.”
While i suffer from this 2000 years old first Church, built by the Apostles, kept under a parking lot on Mount Zion hidden, Israel made it theirs lately.
‘…While i suffer from this; the 2000 years first Christian Church property of the Orthodox Christians in Jerusalem, built by the Apostles on Mount Zion after Jesus raise, to hide from the Romans with Mary, defaced, used as garbage disposal by settlers laying under a parking lot. Now Israel took hold of it…’
Back over 2,000 years ago, Jerusalem was an outpost of the Roman Empire. 3 Corporations Rule The World – City of London – Economy, Dsitrict of Columbia – Military – The Vatican – Spiritual Needs. All three, independent territories, with their own laws and taxes, based on the Roman Empire, residing in independent nations. City of London – squats in England, Distrcit of Columbia – squats in America and The Vatican, is it’s own country, squatting in Italy. Isn’t the Vatican very anti the Orthodox Christian Church and trying to do it’s best to take it out?
When I looked at your article with regards Father John Paul, besides him being Lebanese, wasn’t he also connected to Greece? I find it quite sad how they are trying to erase and bring down the Christian Orthodox religion, starting with Ukraine and hope they do not get their way.
Orthodox had Patriarchate in Antioch (founded by St.Peter) Jerusalem and Alexandria, before Peter travelled to Rome. In WW1 Antioch was given to Ataturk.
We had Popes Bishops 200 years while Rome fed it’s Christians to lions and, crossing to Syria to kill Christians, That’s how Saint Georges protecting them suffered barbaric tortures and death. Catholics copied Orthodox but changed the creed. Rome is Western. Ukraine is controlled by Israel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spPeRpAegF0&t=611s
The Russian sub heard our boys were on their way, made in their pants, dived to the bottom and turned off the engine. Sorry folks, these kind of things happen when an American walk by.
amerikan incompetence displayed
Wasn’t it the american sailors, which wet their pants when captured by the Iranians some years ago?
LOL…………thats the absolutely best comment I have read this year.
haahhahaha amazing tech
They should enlist the help of Batman and Spider-man!
Or the Black Panther.
didn’t the black Panther died last year?
No hes fine and currently living in Wakanda.
LMAO they lost a Russian sub heads will roll over this because now they know now that the subs can operate anytime/anywhere without their knowledge..
NATO countries have lost track of many things including their minds.
They have minds?
Much as if You are born with no memorycard Yourself.
Citiszens, excluding the masses do, just the politicians do not. There again, sadly we vote in those politicians.
I had assumed.
I partly agree. But You should add Russia, China and the many new little ones also are tracking to find their and our way.
So many countries seemes to have less and less control even among themself too. They are back in no sober structures, because they are not colonies anymore.
But we do try Raptar. When there is less threats accorfing USSR, we try to relate different to conflicts around the world. We fx has to build up a unite uniting both army, navuý and airforce, which in theory rapidly can be all over the world very fast.
Right now we mainly are parts of larger groups with soldiers here and there as well as fregats and once with some F16s.
We also now again i an independent unit along the danish-german border mainly with leopolds, missiles, soldiers and artillery. Thats new. We were a part of the German forces guarding the Elbe. So by that – as I see it – we make a deep defence going more east but also thinner.
And we do modernize. We soon will have several big drones for Greenland and Faroe Island as well as Our Korvettes and Fregats will have Skuds and also smaller missiles.
But all that is onely a very small escalation but mainly an updating, so things do work even its difficult to find track and mind. I think its very optimistic to say many are better or worse then us.
u incompetent Danes cannot intercept drugs—you have no morality; u r an amerikan colony, entirely different from civilized peoples–Russians, Chinese, etc does CIA pay you by word posted ?
The problem here is that there is no threat other than NATO itself.
Well… Joe threw down the gantlet in his interview. Russia decided we will defend ourselves. 😍 Reprobates are upset?
Just a warning.
How it should always be done.
Click bait article, as submarines are not meant to be detected. Plus, NATO calls those submarines ‘black holes’, owing to the fact that they are so silent. Remember, when a Kilo submarine and a frigate cornered an Astute Class submarine and prevented it from unleashing it’s arsenal on Syria?
https://i.imgur.com/7kfR2ax.jpg?1 If not white, what else is the white Jew? Brown? black?
” There were few Jews in Linz. In the course of the centuries their outward appearance had become Europeanized ”
Do you even read the stuff you post ?
You mean like black Americans now resemble the natives, the native Indians? The question is: how does one get “Europeanized”? What other people in the world have gotten “Europeanized”? How does that happen? By inhaling European oxygen?
Skin color doesn’t necessarily relate to race / or ethnicity. For instance, Japanese have “white ” skin are they White ? Southern Indians have very dark skin, darker then many US blacks, does that make them Black / African ? What about people from the Caucuses are they white also ?
https://i.imgur.com/ToWB9xc.png?1 Alan Dershowitz’s 98.5% “Ashkenazi” had the color green and traced to central Europe but the Middle East was left totally left blank because the found nothing connecting him to the Middle East, not even 0.1%. Right?
You’re contradicting yourself. If there is a separate grouping of genes called ” Ashkenazi ” then they must come from somewhere other then Europe, otherwise, there would have major admixtures of Slavic, Nordic, Baltic, or Anglo genes. Even your own data shows that not to be the case. Therefore, they arent from Europe, although, that doesnt mean they’re from the Middle East either. Basic logic, learn to utilize it.
I’m starting to question your intelligence. Of course they’re found in those regions because they migrated there from Khazaria, which was centered on the Crimea region. That doesnt make them Russian, German or Polish. Are you 12 years old ?
Paul Rayan is 3% “Ashkenazi Jewish” and it is shown in blue in central Europe. He is also 1% Middle Eastern and that is shown in brown in the Middle East.
Black Americans migrated from west Africa to North America 400 years ago and their DNA says West African as high as 98%.
Are you really this stupid ? First of all he’s not ” Khazarian ” , second of all your chart shows a separate listing for East European and Ashkenazi genetics . Whats that tell you little girl ? Why would they be listed as separate genetic groupings ? Think long and hard about that, you might get it.
https://i.imgur.com/GYXC6SO.png?1 Do you see where it says “Ashkenazi”?
Hi!ler – Mein Kampf
There were few Jews in Linz. In the course of the centuries their outward appearance had become Europeanized and had taken on a human look; in fact, I even took them for Germans. The absurdity of this idea did not dawn on me because I saw no distinguishing feature but the strange religion.
This is all just theater for the useless eaters.
Whats Russia going to do ? Nothing. What are the Zios going to do ? Nothing
Meanwhile Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen suffer.
Zios busy ruling US with phantom president. God help the Middle East
Just another stern reminder to them drug pushers,whoms sacrifices worked out to be the best: No future in fascism nor lgbtq,besides all omne needs to see to usa mass destruction is do nothing!
the inclusive transgender u.s. navy cant even find a whale lol ..how low has the u.s fallen …
Russia is evilly and dastardlyly using the sea to hide its submarine. Dear World, it is better to start WWIII than permit this to continue!
Yes, that’s what submarines do. Quite sneaky but that’s their function – to disappear.
‘NATO can’t find our submarine, but we are talking to it everyday.’
We don’t cancel anything, if they enter our maritime border and we detect them they would have 2 options – leave or be sunken.