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NATO Just Officially Restarted The Cold War

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NATO Just Officially Restarted The Cold War

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In reality, the “purely defensive alliance” never stopped fighting the Cold War, its raison d’etre.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Ever since the unfortunate geopolitical events of the late 1980s/early 1990s, especially the dismantling of the Soviet Union, geopolitical experts, journalists, historians and authors have been debating when exactly the Cold War ended (or whether it did at all). Some claim it ended when Mikhail Gorbachev took power, with others saying it never stopped, but was put on a decades-long pause. Whatever anyone’s point of view may be, the Cold War has officially restarted, or perhaps a new one has been initiated, depending on one’s standpoint regarding this matter.

While the old Cold War was “black and white” (or should we say “red and blue”) with a very clear distinction in ideology, politics, economic systems, etc., the new one is quite ambiguous. The USSR, with a formal goal of spreading the socialist revolution, was known as the “Red Menace” since the heydays of McCarthyism. Despite mindboggling losses resulting from the Nazi German (and pan-European) invasion, the superpower managed to not just recover after having nearly 30 million of its people brutally murdered and much of the country itself destroyed, but also establish a robust military and (geo)political bloc – the Warsaw Pact.

Opposing it was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, better known by its infamous acronym – NATO. A supposedly “defensive alliance” aimed against the USSR, it was formed in 1949, over half a decade before the Warsaw Pact (1955), its now-defunct competitor in Europe. The (old) Cold War saw an ever-mounting rivalry between the blocs, mainly in Europe, but spilling over elsewhere through numerous proxy wars, which threatened to push the world into a conflict of such a massive scale it would’ve made the Second World War look like a bloodless skirmish in comparison. By the late 1980s, the conflict subsided, coming to an abrupt, but definite (or so we thought at the time) end in 1991.

While Russia went through what can only be described as a sort of contemporary “Time of Troubles”, by the time the country reconsolidated itself, its leadership truly believed the Cold War was history. And yet, the other side thought otherwise. Despite numerous Western officials stating NATO wouldn’t expand eastwards, including the then US State Secretary James Baker telling Mikhail Gorbachev it “won’t move an inch to the east”, the alliance did exactly that, expanding nearly 41 million inches (over 1000 km) to the east, including to former Soviet Baltic republics, reaching Saint Petersburg without firing a single shot. That is unless we count the dismantling and the illegal aggression on Yugoslavia throughout the 1990s.

Despite all of that, Russia still attempted to build a good relationship, even though NATO tried its hand against the Eurasian giant by probing its reaction in Georgia in 2008. Naturally, this was a red line, albeit somewhat delayed and NATO’s proxy in Tbilisi was soundly defeated. With this war, NATO returned to the era of proxy wars against Russia. In the 2000s, numerous color revolutions were launched across the former USSR, starting from Georgia (2003), sweeping through Ukraine (2004/2005) and Kyrgyzstan (2005), culminating in the last 8 years with the disastrous Maidan in Ukraine (2013/2014), resulting in the war in Donbass, and more recently in Belarus (2020) and Kazakhstan (January 2022). All of this was NATO’s response to Russia’s attempts to create a good long-term relationship. Even the slightest notion of good intentions was (and still is) seen as a sign of weakness.

Russia was left with a choice – surrender or push back. And this is precisely what NATO wanted. The Ukrainian conflict was yet another project to create perpetual instability in post-Soviet countries, cementing hatred and divisions, even between peoples whose histories are quite literally inseparable. After nearly 15,000 deaths due to the Kiev regime’s war in Donbass and almost a decade of Russia’s futile attempts to find a peaceful solution, the coup regime was just buying time to escalate, forcing Russia to react on February 24. Thus, NATO’s plan to reinvent itself worked and the “purely defensive alliance” finally got its much-wanted reinvigoration in the form of more expansionism and escalating militarism.

With the latest summit naming Russia its No. 1 rival, NATO officially (re)started the Cold War, although in their minds, the old one never really stopped. As its first Secretary-General Ismay stated, NATO’s purpose is “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down”. And this is precisely what NATO tried to do by launching its proxy war in Ukraine. As the alliance became obsolete, it needed to reinvent itself. And this conflict provided just that. US troops are back (in), the EU’s economy is ruined (down) and any prospect of EU-Russia cooperation is destroyed (out). With a recent announcement that it will increase its battle-ready troops to over 300,000 (nearly 10 times the current number), NATO is effectively cementing the (Second) Cold War, possibly for decades to come. Worse yet, the alliance is now targeting China and other countries as it tries to reconstitute itself on a global scale. However, the political West, increasingly isolated due to its aggressive (neo)liberal ideology, is now effectively waging this (new) Cold War against the entire world.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home
G2 man


G2 man

Sorry the post got lost due to text auto- censors. My point was that Russia is losing in the eyes of NATO criminals and they see Kremlin policy confusion and military incompetence as an invitation to escalate the war on Russia. This will never end unless Kiev C3I and Zelensky the evil Jew baying for Slavic blood is eliminated.


This will end when Ukranians take matter into their own hands.


What Ukrainians? About 6 million have fled. 6 million have seceded. Now they have 200,000 wounded and 70,000 dead. The pickens for able bodied men is getting slim over there.


I’ve had trouble with posting too. Crazy that they’ll block legitimate posts with auto-censors, then let spam go through.

Tom Bombastadillo

Anyone who thinks Russia is losing is sadly delusional.


Russia is making some slow territorial gains, but that is not “winning”. Do you disagree that the slowness and limited response to increasing provocations causes the US and NATO to see that “as an invitation to escalate the war on Russia”?

The ‘people’ with their grip on our western countries aren’t deterred by “Putins price increase”, or the increasing weakness of the dollar. They’ve already said they plan to (paraphrasing) “use us up, then discard us” once we’re no longer useful to them.

Putin and Russian leadership are obviously well aware of these people and their plans. It would be pretty demoralizing if Putins ‘former’ membership in the WEF and his jewish background were a bigger factor in this than we want to believe. We’re totally jewed in the west, and Russia is like our last hope for humanity.


Shove that cold war dish up the NATO’s ass, Moscow should not play these bastards game, simply eliminate the comedian and never worry who the Russians should talk to because the entire Ukraine would be integrated with RF considering Kiev has fully aligned with NATO aiming to crush Russia. Moreover, kremlin should take advantage of the hypersonic card in its hands to let everyone knows who’s the new boss.

G2 man

I think all friends of Russia and the free world are on the same page and want a more robust Russian policy that imposes a severe cost on the Anglo-Zionist warmongering bastards. Playing by the velvet gloves rules simply will not work. Just take out the sick Jew porno gay clown Zelensky and watch the arrogant smirks wiped off their ass ugly faces. The Ukrainian population will only turn on Jews and NATO when there is no electricity, internet, phones or food, just like they turned on the Nazis in Mariupol.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man
Ashok Varma

The evil British clown is getting bolder: Total war: It’s time we took the battle into Russia.


Boris the clown is a fucking moron. I can’t believe the UK is ruled by him and the rest of fucking idiots in parliament.


Russians are well aware that killing puppet Zelensky would not change anything. Even Lavrov said that Zelensky is a puppet and that he decides shit. And that even Joe Bidet decides shit. So why bother?

G2 man

Russia needs to wipe the smirk off these bloody NATO bastards.


Since “when” has it been a Cold War since the demise of Yugoslavia!?…

I thought it’s been “Hot” since 1999!… Tell that to the Serbians/Croations/Georgians and Ukrainians !!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia
Thought Criminal

The cold war was and is between the US and Russia, the cold war will continue until the two fight directly. The nations you mentioned are mere proxies.

G2 man

NATO will destroy Russia.

Southfront has been posting very objective and sometimes a well balance critique of the inept way Putin is handling the deteriorating Russian position in Ukraine. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts a very well informed ex-US Treasury Secretary has an excellent article on how Russia will lose and will be balkanized if its military and corrupt politicians don’t get their act together, this may upset some Putin cheerleaders, but facts are facts. Over 60 NATO and other western vassals are fighting Russia with a one goal of total control over Russia, while Putin is waffling or simply mentally incapable of understanding the gravity of the situation.

Paul Craig Roberts

I seem to be the only prescient person on the foreign policy scene. But not Washington, not Europe, and not Russia are interested in what I have to say.

I said that it was a strategic mistake for the Kremlin to limit its military operation in Ukraine and to impose restraints on the military action that would drag out the process of Russian victory. I said this would wrongly convince the West that the Russian military wasn’t as formidable as it is and give the West plenty of time to widen the war by becoming more and more involved. With the cold shoulder the West gave to Russia’s security concerns, I said nothing less than a lightening conquest of all of Ukraine and replacement of the US puppet government with a Russian puppet government would convince the West that Russia’s red lines were real and that Russia’s security concerns had to be addressed.

It has happened as I predicted. The US and NATO have become combatants in the conflict over Donbass, formerly part of Russia, by supplying weapon systems, military intelligence, volunteers, diplomatic support and money to Ukraine. The US and NATO have clearly stated that they intend to keep the war going and that they support Ukraine’s reconquest of Donbass and Crimea.


Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man
The Lord of the Pimps

They are not interested in Russia. They are interested in UKIE Bacha boys.

Tom Bombastadillo

NATO will not destroy Russia. Russia is already destroying NATO by drawing NATO’s materiel in and destroying or capturing it.

Paul Craig Roberts is an economist, not any sort of qualified military analyst. That’s a fact, and facts are facts. So therefore, I ignore Roberts’ analysis.

Putin’s approach is way above your relatively crude level of thinking. The fantasy of “Shock and Awe” is the only thing you understand.


I’d like to hear how Putin’s current approach has a chance of saving Russia.


Roberts might be right. I have a sense that the NATO vultures sense weakness and are licking their chops of the thought of owning all of Russia’s natural gas and oil reserves.


P Craig Roberts is a CIA intel, really need to take everything he says with a pinch of salt. Putin has avoid jumping into the spiders web, the Empire wants Russia to bomb lesser neighbouring states to give the West justification to widened this conflict as a pretext for WW3. The morons at the pentagon genuinely believe they can survive the nuclear holocaust.

The Ukraine conflict is a war of attrition, the RF and it’s allies are gradually wearing down the Ukrop militants, 70,000 have already gone to Bandera, that is why NATO troops are entering Zelenky’s back door to prop up his failing army, but they too are being liquidated with alarming ease and US weaponry is scattered across the field like worthless junk.

Russia is reminding everyone that it is a superpower not to be messed with, this isn’t Afghanistan or Yugoslavia and very soon, when the US starts to implode and it will, it will be Russia’s turn to blot out the psychopaths in Washington DC.


Yes, another armchair general. Who says this will end in limited operation in Ukraine?

The Lord of the Pimps

Nobody wants you. Women are not interesting. They want ittle boys. Jens = Borgia

The Lord of the Pimps

The war must last as long as possible, because this is the only way NATO will never run out of bacha boys.Jens is Rodrigo Borgia.


Genociding against christian orthodox peoples and turning christians against christians is anything but defensive in nature,nato needs the eternal proper smack in the mouth better yet jaw broke to teach it to shut the fuk up and quit pretending they are an asset where in reality all governments with these sodomised satanic goons are going broke into hyperinflation,all kinds of bio lab weapon diseases,lies,misdemeanours and the rest of the satanic culted fuckfestives in line with their lgbtq, Nato is the reason why europe is on the brink of self destuction,and usa is faring no better either=Dud!

Last edited 2 years ago by END THE FED,RUSSIAS IS RUSSIANS!

This is a Jew and racist Anglo war on Slavs who are considered dumb and inferior. First they destroyed the Arabs and Muslims who were petty and divided anyway, the first genocide of Slavs was in Yugoslavia while the world watched in impotence. Now the final destruction of Orthodox Slavs is underway. CHINA IS NEXT!

Peter Jennings

As you are probably aware, politicians are a lot like companies. They go bankrupt slowly, and then all at once. Keeping up the illusion until the very end, is part of their political training, even though it doesn’t fool everyone. But they already know that anyway.


300,000 lgbt incompetents; ukie military 600,000 now obliterated by 190,000 Russian/DPR/LPR troops, les than 10% of Russian military


NATO is intent on using Slavs to kill Slavs. A major assault on Russia itself is coming soon. Just look at the destruction of Arabs as an example.


Assult with what, female conscripts? There’s no one left to fight.


Gorbachev should be impaled and burned alive; then his ashes fired from a cannon towards the West. The worst traitor in human history and for some reason he wasn’t even arrested.


AVlad. Americans feel this way about Biden, Canadians feel that way about Trudeau, Brits feel that way about Boris ‘poke the bear’ Johnson. We’d love to see these Khazarian sock puppets burned at the stake! Served with a side dish of Rothschild on a noose!


It appears the US is now in the early stages of Balkanization as we speak. It will likely be necessary to bring in a multi polar world without another World War.

The Cold War started in earnest with the destruction and disection of Yugoslavia. This cold War will end with the breakup of US. The 2020 rigged election / coup / color revolution will be rehearsed in the 2022 election cycle. If the 2022 election is as dirty as I expect it to be, it will trigger a domestic rebellion and 2024 will turn into most of America into a real war zone.

Last edited 2 years ago by JayLindberg

Dissolution of US is only a first step. Other steps are necessary, like dismantling UK and leveling of Switzerland and cleansing of Vatican.

Joseph Ball

The Cold War never was about being anti-communist, it was about being anti-Russian. When Yeltsin took over the same strategy of isolating Russia continued as before. Russia was excluded from NATO and the EU. The West continues with its old policy of wanting to weaken Russia economically and impoverish its people, as well as splitting it up geographically. This is all to give Russia less global weight in the military and economic sphere.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joseph Ball

It’s anti Slavic. Think about it. All Slavic states are someone’s vassals, all but Russia, the only Slavic state that has sovereignty.


Sadly NATO never pivoted after the collapse of the Soviet Union. To this day all they think about is Russia, so weak themselves, they are like cowards huddling together, propping up one another’s failed country, while they scheme and cause global devastation by allowing extremist minorities platforms to speak and gain power.

Currently its the Global Greens and their cash grab, their internet scam of Climate Change, rebranded from Global Warming because no one can deny the climate changes, four times in a year it changes, temperatures rise and fall well over their so called 1.5degree limit.

Russia as a massive oil producing Nation again becomes the country of focus within the Global greens, the EU, the UN and NATO. Aswell as many others who fall for the media proper ganger that is build on massive amount of data and the use of psychology. They back up their destruction by saying its ethically sound because they will save generations.

What they don’t understand in the USA is another massive oil producing nation and NATO, the EU and other will quickly turn against the USA. As they provoke a war with China, whom they look to and admire for its power, control and surveillance of its people.

Its sad that we live in a world, we weak, easily manipulated of people, form round tables of collective stupidity, while they live in the past or worse still a fantasy land. They say power corrupts, but ultimately, its desperation and greed that are defining the modern world and desperation is only increasing as incapable leaders with huge ambitions lie cheat and steal their way to the top, just to show the world their incompetence which they cover up under veils of, its someone’s else fault and when it comes to the EU, the first person they play is the one guy not sitting at their silly round table… Russia.


Current state of the world is a tribute to all weak and weakminded people. Most of “Greens” belong to this group.

Nigel Maund

These NATO and European “Leaders” are simply Globalist Puppets and no more. Their level of utter incompetence rates them as apparatchiks of the “Globalist Cabal” and they talk to the Globalist controlled Mainstream Media which amplifies their nonsense and misinformation to a gullible public. Both NATO and the EU are dangerous and irresponsible organizations. They are recklessly playing with fire and they continuously risk the fate of humanity with their dangerous and inflammatory rhetoric.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nigel Maund

Drago, NATO is the gang created by corrupt politicians to enforce the counterfieting fraud and usury of the Rothschild banking cartel. NATO is a banking fraud empire defense force.

Why else are NATO countries still defacto at war with North Korea, if not to justify countinued income taxes and theft from citizens in NATO member states?

NATO didn’t free the rest of Korea from communism, even though it had the oppertunity. Staying at war forever, justified the huge tax theft needed to pay off loans at intetest, for money that was counterfieted into existance out of nothing more than trees, ink and lies.

These scum bags need a boogieman to justify their illegitimate existance and pay cheques. Russia was only a theat to the world when it was taken over by Zionists backed by Rothschild banks, but mostly is was Russian Christians who suffered under those Jewish Masonic psychopaths.

Even today, the bloody Zionists parade photos of Russians murdered by Bolsheviks and make false claims that those dead are Jews murdered by NAZIS, when the bodies are obviouly not Jews, but Christians in dress, and the area in the photos was clearly in Russia.

The real holocaust happened in Russia, to Christians, by a counterfieting Khazarian mafia, empowered by Masonic thugs and greedy, treasonous nobility; all without any love for or notion of national culture or peoples.

These Khazarian punks are blood ritual Satanists, they’ll offer up any nation or any one, Jew, Christian, Muslim, etc. on the alter of murdering the innocent, stealing wealth and the love of money. These are the dark forces infesting the Ukrainian leadership, and essentially all the G20 globalist controlled governments in NATO.

The G20 NATO states are being controlled by Rothschild out of Switzerland and Isreal. Isreal is a masonic state, not a Jewish state, much like Switzerland is a masonic state. So, don’t be fooled, Isreali government buildings are covered in the symbology of Freemasonry, not Judah.

The duplicity is pretty obvious, just like NATO isn’t about ‘mutual defense’ or they would have accepted a hypersonic missile equipped Russia into it’s ranks, except for the one small problem, Putin kicked out the Rothschild bank. This is why Washington and NATO is hell bent on war with Russia, because of the Rothschilds.

If Putin wants this shit to stop, he needs to hit the ‘decision making’ centers of the Rothschild banking cartel, or there will be no rest for the Russians and no end to the financial misery of the citizens in the bankster occupied NATO countries.

Good luck Vlad.


when the USA transgender empire collapses in 5-7 years Mexico will civilize the retile hyenas —many will immigrate to Zimbabwe to find jobs; half of their obese females will be processed into sausages and sold to the poles as discounted pig meat, Sawyer will ask foe asylum in Tel Aviv

The Lord of the Pimps

In Borgia’s papal palace, it’s just like NATO. Europe and the USA are the main buyers of bacha boys.


Not sure which maps are you looking at, but from what I can tell, Russia is winning big time. While the USA is busy with Ukraine, China will build more aircraft carriers and supplant the USA as a world hegemon. Infact, Russia is not a threat to the USA at all, not to mention Europe which has good relations with Russia and common interests.


Russia should launch a nuclear first strike against the western capitals, quickly, overwhelmingly and brutally. The fact is, the west has expanded NATO under the fantasy that Europe and the US will carve up Russia and loot all their natural resources. They are licking their chops thinking about getting their hands on all of Russia’s natural gas and oil, and how wealthy they’ll all be if the can defeat Russia, and Ukraine is the beginning stage to wear Russia down as Europe throws slavic men into the fray to die. Russia has really no recourse.


Americans and the Europeans will never have the chance to advance to the next level of civilization because of the evil Crime syndicate that runs the USA and EU. They will be stuck in a shit-hole matrix until they wake up and use their guns to fight their way out.


Just thinking that in the old days. The Red Brigades would have taken care of Stoltenberg . I see him as another Aldo Moro . Where are you now when the people need you Ulrike. Is there no one in West Europe with the ability to deal with this war Criminal.

The Objective

Enjoy your war in Ukraine Ruskies. I hope it lasts forever.

hunter bidé lab pork !

By the Faces of the digital Abortions of lgbt gang of Pedo Nato !! they gonna fight till the last Ukro and then gonna make an abortion !!!!


Rubbish candidates for rubbish democracy.


So .. putler attackin a democratic european country + nuke threats had nothing to do with it?

Peter Jennings

The US and its nato poodles want the Russian admin to push back now rather than later. They need the Russian admin to do this pronto before Russian tech, and Chinese tech, gets too far ahead of them and before Russia, China, can produce the number of weapons needed to make a US/nato defeat a cake walk.

Personally, i cannot wait to see our western politicians and their families take their positions on the front line. I’ll be first to cheer them on.


NATO is done, since 1945. No way, no futur.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge

All these guys in the picture are fucked.


And they (NATO) will lose it in the near future. Without any doubt NATO is going right through the wall. Before the end of this year, Biden will face in the November mid-term is defeat and the US will encounter is worst debacle of his history. The EU will be facing is biggest energy threat of his existence and the Western world ,the worst economic crisis never seen since 1931-34. Good Luck ! YOU DESERVE IT.

S Balu

Translation Time to inflate the economy via inflation and SELL JUNK ARMS TO ARABS AND THE WORLD AND ROB THEM

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