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NATO Keeps Increasing Pressure On Serbia

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NATO Keeps Increasing Pressure On Serbia

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

There are very few countries that have suffered truly unprovoked Western aggression as much as Serbia. For centuries, the world’s most vile power pole has been trying to destroy the small Southeast European country, sending an invasion force after an invasion force, killing millions of Serbian civilians. Estimates vary significantly, but some historians and demographers argue there would’ve been upwards of 20 million Serbs had there been no world wars, when German invaders and their allies (including Nazi Ustashe Croatians, Bosnian Muslims and Albanians during WW2) murdered around three million Serbs. After Nazism was finally defeated, Belgrade thought it would never again need to worry about Western aggression.

Unfortunately, this proved to be a false hope, as German imperialism returned in full force in the early 1990s, this time supported by NATO, the geopolitical outgrowth of Nazi German-led Axis powers. Berlin’s policies toward Serbia (and Serbs in general) remain unchanged and boil down to reducing Serbian ethnic space as much as possible, starting with what today are Croatia and Bosnia, and finishing with Kosovo and Metohia, now a NATO-occupied region partially governed by an illegal Albanian narco-terrorist entity. Expectedly, Germany used the exact same allies and satellite states it had during WW2, making the argument about the so-called “denazification” of the country laughable to most Serbs.

What’s more, as of recently, the rest of the world got the chance to see this as well, because the Bundeswehr is effectively going through a process of quiet (re)nazification. Luckily, Berlin’s suicidal subservience to Washington DC essentially destroyed much of its power, so it no longer has as many resources to make Belgrade’s life as difficult as possible. Unfortunately, where German imperialism stops, the Anglo-American one continues. Through its NATO satellites, the United States and United Kingdom keep pushing rabidly anti-Serb policies. The principal reason for this is that Serbs are seen as a pro-Russian element, so in a new Western crawling aggression on Russia, NATO wants to make sure it firmly holds all of Europe under its imperialist jackboot.

As a result, there’s an accelerated process of the so-called “Euro-Atlantic integration” of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a dysfunctional NATO satellite state that was cobbled together to ensure the Serbs living there cannot join Serbia. Although the country itself is internationally recognized as “independent”, the reality is that it’s anything but, as there’s the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in Sarajevo. Namely, this institution is effectively the office of the (neo)colonial governor of the country, officially appointed by the UN, although their legitimacy is questionable at best. OHR is currently headed by Christian Schmidt, a German (shocking, isn’t it?), although he’s effectively illegitimate, as his appointment was never agreed by the UN Security Council.

However, this isn’t really important to NATO, as its leaders regularly laugh at the idea of so-called “international law” and only use it when it’s convenient to their interests. Thus, the political West will cry wolf when Russia reacts to the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict, but will insist that the question of former Yugoslavia is a “special case”. This is particularly apparent in the case of the illegal, self-proclaimed Albanian narco-terrorist entity existing in the NATO-occupied Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohia. The position of the Albanian narco-terrorists is even more complicated than that of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as the NATO-occupied Serbian region is not recognized by around 70-80% of the global population.

Recognizing the Albanian narco-terrorists is a matter of (geo)political independence and it could be argued that it serves as some sort of a litmus test of which countries have at least a fraction of sovereignty. Obviously, Western-led so-called “international organizations” (particularly in sports) are a laughable excuse for “impartiality”, as they’d often ban sovereigntist countries and even global superpowers, while pushing for the participation of the Albanian narco-terrorist entity. However, this is nothing in comparison to the treatment of native Christian Serbs in Kosovo and Metohia, as there’s currently a crawling ethnic cleansing of those who still remain in their ancestral lands. Obviously, all this is being done with full NATO support.

Of course, this is in no way surprising, as the world’s most vile racketeering cartel is infamous for its close cooperation with terrorists and extremists in general, regardless of whether they’re Islamic radicals or Neo-Nazis. In other words, the exact same people Nazi Germany allied itself with. If I were a “conspiracy theorist”, I’d say that’s certainly not coincidental. The frozen NATO-orchestrated conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo and Metohia (both NATO-occupied) remain the principal security issues in former Yugoslavia. Republika Srpska, by far the most independent part of Bosnia and Herzegovina (forcibly integrated into it by the political West), is known for its fierce resistance to the illegal NATO occupation.

The same could be said for Serbs still remaining in Kosovo and Metohia, although their position is far worse, as their basic human rights are regularly being infringed upon by NATO and its Albanian narco-terrorist allies. In the cases of both Bosnia and Kosovo, the political West wants to get rid of Serbs, as they actively oppose the official integration of the two areas into NATO, an entity that most Serbs invariably see as a Nazi American Terrorist Organization. However, as Serbia itself is completely surrounded by the world’s most vile racketeering cartel and also entirely cut off from the multipolar/sovereign world, the official Belgrade is forced to keep walking on this highly dangerous geopolitical tightrope in hopes of surviving.

This is extremely complicated, as the government fully understands that the populace is decidedly anti-NATO. The vast majority of Serbs don’t only detest the world’s most vile racketeering cartel for the decade-long siege that destroyed most of their country and resulted in hundreds of thousands of dead and millions of refugees, but also find the so-called Western “values” absolutely repulsive. NATO itself is one of the most prominent promoters of moral degeneracy and societal decay, further cementing Serbian animosity. In addition, Serbs invariably support Russia and hope to see the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict resolved in the interest of Moscow (meaning Ukraine reincorporated into Russia or at least with a pro-Kremlin government).

Part of the reason is certainly historical and emotional, but part of it is also practical, as stronger Russian positions in Europe also means there’s hope for Serbia’s survival. However, until then, the country needs to endure, which is why its government often makes moves that are extremely unpopular with the majority of the populace, but might actually buy precious time for Belgrade to rekindle its ties with the multipolar world. Serbia has excellent relations with every founding member of BRICS. These countries have not only never done anything against its interests, but have actually supported Belgrade in virtually every way. This is the complete opposite of what the political West has been doing. Expectedly, NATO is frustrated by Serbia’s position.

Namely, it sees Belgrade’s ties with the multipolar world as “problematic” (to put it mildly) and wants to ensure the country at least stays isolated. In addition, the political West likely has plans to attack Serbia by forcing its reaction to the violence Serbs in Kosovo and Metohia are subjected to. To that end, NATO is using its Albanian narco-terrorist allies to foment tensions. The world’s most vile racketeering cartel already suffered a crushing and humiliating defeat in Afghanistan after 20 years of truly unprovoked aggression. As it can’t defeat Russia in Ukraine, it’s desperate to achieve at least one victory and tiny Serbia seems like the perfect target. This is hardly surprising, as NATO is largely composed of vultures and cowards who’d never dare to directly attack a near-peer adversary.


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another world war 2 ally stabbed in the back by the us and britain.

Last edited 6 months ago by Cavery

serbians murdered archduke ferdinand and his wife sophie in order to cause ww1 which caused ww2. ferdinand went there on a peace mission they tried to murder him, but failed so they put he and his wife back into the same open car promising them they would be safe only to then have them both shot to death in an obvious set up entrapment. now that vucic person is about as full of integrity as thrm then. imo.

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

it was a bosnian that did that. learn some history, you are ignorant.


you’re so ignorant it’s unbelievable or a straight out lying trollope imo.

Jonas Clark

he is probably ignorant by intention. serbian oligarchy always play on “we are an eternal victims” card just as zionist jews do. serbs are the jews of a slavic world. president of serbia, vucic is an expert manipulator and a liar who constantly supplied ukros and zios with arms and ammo lying through his teeth that he loves russia and support palestinians. what a crook! more than half of serbs hate his guts.


no you’re just plain stupid even a half wit knows no one person organised that hit. not you

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

you don’t know squat, you weren’t there and you don’t have good history to teach you, go play with your monkey now.

Jonas Clark

it was bosnian serb gavrilo princip, actually a kid of 20 years, who was guided by chief serbian intelligence service, represented by dragutin dimitrijevic well known by his nickname apis (member of a masonic lodge), who also guided a black hand mafia organisation. he organized and executed coup in 1903 and killed serbian king alexander obrenovic and his wife and all of their relatives.

Jonas Clark

there were 7 officialy recognized assasins in sarajevo, 6 of them were bosnian serbs and one was bosnian muslim. by the way, black hand mafia organization main ideology was great serbia (an idea that is still deeply entrenched within serbian oligarchy) at the expense of muslims, croats, macedonians, albanians, montenegrins and bulgarians.

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

the common denominator is that they were all bosnians. yet the independent kingdom of serbia was blamed when in fact it was an internal matter due to their occupation of serbian lands.

Jonas Clark

dragutin dimitrijevic apis was also well known for his political assasination among albanians in order to scare them to leave. therefore, current situation with kosovo has very deep historical roots, it hasn’t started in 1980’s. serbian army and chetnik units commited horrible crimes against civilians in kosovo during balkan wars and in wwi, actually an ethnic cleansing of the highest degree, comparable to what zionist fascist do in palestine since 1947 up to now.


you don’t know shit, peace mission?? he came to occupied serbian land on the 28th of july (serbian holy day) to provoke. and he was shot while going to visit the wounded police officers from the bomb that they wanted to assassinate him with. franz was a mentally ill person and a freak, he killed more than 200 thousand animals in hunting. he beat his doctor once because he touched him. he deserved to be killed! they occupied bosnia 6 years before that and the war almost started then.

Jonas Clark

never mind, mr. bosnic is well known chetnik, (chetniks were nazi collaboration group whose leader draza mikhajlovic, tried and executed by partisans for treason and war crimes will soon have a monument erected in the center of belgrade, the same as bandera has its monument in kiev) and a mouthpiece of of vucic/seselj ultranacionalist party, revival of chetnik ideology. take all his saying with a boulder of salt.

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

yes his war crime was saving hundreds of british american pilots from the nazis. chetniks were royalists. the war criminals were the german invaders the bulgarian invaders and the italian invaders along with their local proxies. fascist croatians extremist muslim bosnian and the albanian goat farmers.

Jonas Clark

chetniks were nazi bandits who commited horrible crimes against civilians, muslim, croat and even serbian. serbian partisans, among other partisans in yugoslavia fought them tooth and nail. chetniks showed their true colors in the town of uzice in 1941. and later on neretva ansd sutieska battles. apis was also a royalist but it did not prevented him to kill serbian king alexandar obrenovic. chetniks massacred civilians during balkan wars and during wwi as well.

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

you’re using the same lies that nato used during the yugoslav wars of the 90s. get a new routine dude.


this is lies, chetniks are monarchists and antifascists as well as yugoslavian communists of tito. pro-nazist forces in yugoslavia — general ante pavelich (croats).

+ ss division “skanderberg” (albanians) participated in genocide of serbs. and some others. bulgaria and romania were germany’s allies from the beginning.

Last edited 6 months ago by Антон
Jonas Clark

ally? what ally? from 1942 it became clear to americans and brits that chetniks (here represented by mr. bosnic) do not fight germans but collaborate with them and with italians big time. so, military support changed for the sake of partisan units and chetniks were left empty handed asking germans for greater supplies and help.


tje ga bulja da boli srve breeeeee.

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

once the russians liberate odessa serbia will have an international waterway connecting the two countries. then it’ll be payback time, nato will be pushed back in the balkans and ultimately collapse. the 1000 year american reich will be a distant nightmare.


sure russia that is scared to shoot down nato drones who help target and kill russian forces in donbas and crimea will go with their military through nato countries to reach serbia and help them. the time to do something was before montenegro joint nato. now serbia is surrounded by nato and the nato/ eu controled bosnia and no one can help them without declaring war on nato/ eu which noone will do. russia would help if nato would declare war on them but nato wont do this.


it’s a set up another entrapment. they’re just playing the scene out for maximum profits they will run this war for decades, if not 100 years the uk has said on the public record thaf they will fund ukraine for 100 years

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

nato is toast.

Jonas Clark

no, it’s still not. not yet.

Jonas Clark

seems you lack not just a basic knowledge of history but geography as well. is educational standard so low where you live? or you are just a lousy student? russians (here i mean ruling oligarchy) do not trust serbia. in public they make it look so dandy but in reality, russians consider serbs unreliable and not trustworthy. to them, hungarians and slovaks look way more reliable.

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

it seems like you learned history in the united states where they teach a certain version of it. i bet you believe it was the united states that defeated nazi germany huh? that’s your level of intellect


look at map, need to liberate chernogoria or take both shores of dunay (danube). russia already has entrance to the black sea, novorossiysk is the largest port by tonnage in region, over 100 million tons.

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

once russia is finished demilitarizing nato then the serbs will move on all fronts and bring back all territories that belonged to us.


maybe those nazis in nato could lead by a good example and implement un resolution 1244 with the regards on kosovo?

you know, to show the world that they respect territorial integrity and the borders of countries, since its what nato always parrots around?


to do this is impossible since they told the world that only natos attack on serbia prevented the albanians to be wiped out. just like they now have to help ukraine. listen to what they say “western weapon save ukrainian lifes”. since putin said there is no ukraine they interpred it that he wants to wipe out the people while he just thinks of them as russians.


propagandas from the saul alisky12rules for radicals work book that they in that circle religiously follow. he dedicated the book to satan. satan who can give” all the kingdoms and riches of the world ” to whomsoever he likes.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

hilary was his chum in university her who achieved notoriety by getting a sadistic rapist of a 12 year old girl, i think it was, but it was a looong time ago now, off scot free and thinking it was hilarious. allegedly. haha

Jonas Clark

same could be said for russia and ukraine, same for serbia in 1990’s, by the way, vucic officialy recognized kosovo as an independent state in last year, sealed this year. serbs are the last ones who should warn others of respecting territorial integrity and the borders of other countries.

Jonas Clark

they (serbian ruling oligarchy) do not respect it in any way and they never did. and were inclined to start wwi to fullfil their teritorial expansion just as they now see this conflict of west with russia as an opportunity for another territorial expansion, hoping that russia will destroy nato and support them on their drang nach westen. however, they forget that russia will be also either severly crippled or even destroyed, together with nato.

Jonas Clark

and in the case of direct conflict, serbia will be first to be neutralised by a nato. “neutralised” here does not mean “made neutral”.


hidden hands pulling puppets strings using this “war” to force the whole world into accepting nuclear power stations. that’s what it’s about apart from the land grab of the whole planet and the enslavement of the human species forever and ever amon.


here’s the real war. just like they used hitler to hide them stealing common law, imposing reserve banking and incorporating the world’s government’s into corporations as fascists, now they’re occupying the entire legal profession christian lawyer blocked from practicing law in the irish courts. you tube see them desperately recruiting soliciting on the streets. guess what standards they’re seeking

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

and right now they’re timing to perfection not only the wars between the moslems and jews and the orthodox, but they’re now flooding the gutters with their diddy clown act. knowing exactly the demographic responses they love their clowns, they who are the ring masters of the circus.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

this is the types they’re “fast tracking” into position for them. fani willis hates ashleigh merchant for exposing the da’ s… you tube and they’re wording of the titles indicative of rheir grooming. ashleigh hates fanni etcetera.those types would never have been allowed to graduate high school here in the same eras their parents would have been told to send them to work because se they’re unsuitable for academic aspirations. now that’s the type they groom. imo.


just blind idiot belive that this genocidal turks called serbs are against nato and for rusija. country made from englesih and french masons to bring unstability in region. blood is not water!

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

you have to be at least somewhat mentally ill to spill such obvious lies.


germans, anglo saxons, nazis? not a single word about the ziomafia parasites who control the entire western world. germany hasn’t been a sovereign nation since wwii. the jewish supremacists who own 97% of the western mass media used their complete monopoly over it to foment hatred towards everything serbian just like they are doing now against the russians. the war against serbia and the war in ukraine were both orchestrated by the ziomafia parasites.

Jonas Clark

that what you call “war against serbia” is something serbian oligarchy created themselves in their attempted expansion to the west. by the way, do you know that serbian government happily supplies zionist gangsters in tel aviv with ammunition and weapons making themselves participant in genocide over palestinians? say, are you so fcking naive and misinformed?


much of serbs are turks by genom, just like todays izraelits. genocid and lie is in their blood and nature. just look one averege turčin, juden and srbin, all have simillar genom, blood and looks. blood is no water!

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

there have been extensive dna studies and what you said is not proven by this. you’re just spreading more lies obvious ones at that.


i guess what we witness is the balcan version of the galicians in ukraine. they serve the vaticans, the germans and what is new the americans. consider themselves as protectors of white europe and their neighbours as contaminated by turks/ tartars. in ww2 they sided with hitler. croats and westukrainians seem to be a perfect match.

Last edited 6 months ago by kotromanic

yes of course everything is lie, except what one degeneric nation that lie and steal, without own history say. after 450 years turks fcking brave serbs mothers, sisters, grandmothers and everybody else, today so caled serb are nothing else than turks. you can denied it and lied wholl night long, but deformed noses, faces and ears like rats dont lie and nothing what you say can denied it. blood is no water


not even most turks are turkic but instead just conquered former greeks, armenians, asyrians, kurds, bulgars, serbs, albanians.

Jonas Clark

if bosnian serbs, occupying some 49% of bosnia and herzegovina through war conquest should join serbia, then kosovo albanians should join albania as albanians are wast majority in kosovo. use same measure for yoursellf as for others, buddy

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

they are not occupying anything dimwit. bosnia has always been serbian. it was the turks and the catholics who came in and forced religious changes that gave us the 3 divisions now.

Last edited 6 months ago by Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

there are bosnian orthodox (serb orthodox church not nationality), bosnian katholics (roman katholic church), and bosnian muslims (sunites). all three are bosnians not serbs, not croats and not turks. turks, croats and serbs have used religion to use them as pawns and as long as they dont understand this they will continue to be used as pawns.


you are completely retarded, bosnia is a geographical term, there arent any bosnians”. even bosnian muslims don’t call themselves bosnians. they madeup a word bosniak for themselves few decades ago. bosnia was a serbian land always. medieval bosnia was serbian kingdom. tvrtko kotromanić was a serb king with title king of the serbs in bosnia and the sea lands. stop writing bullshit


yes realy pavle stop writhing bullshit and learn history, not miths from brave genocidal nation. kotromanić just like so caled serb kings, are nothing else than croatian bloodline. you can lie and made up things, steal other nation history, but fact stand that so caled serbs are/were nothing else than croats. you can try ti hide it, but truth is a truth. today most serbs by blood are turks.

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

croats are catholic serbs.


so just out of spite und to show you how it looks when you write :p croats are katholic bosnians and serbs are orthodox bosnians its all bosnia muhaha ;-)


war conquest?? ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha serbs didn’t come to bosnia in the 90s they lived there from the 7th century you idiot

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serbia still wanting to join the eu and nato after everything that happened?


people never want to join nato. its allways elites who want those nice bribe packeges. they want to join eu cause everyone tells them once they are in the eu everything will be nice and all will have everything.

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