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NATO-Led Nuclear Exercises Escalate Tensions And Threaten European Security

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NATO-Led Nuclear Exercises Escalate Tensions And Threaten European Security

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Associations, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert         

The Collective West continues to escalate its constant provocations against the Russian Federation, especially in the nuclear sphere. Amid tensions and fears of an all-out world war, NATO has launched large-scale nuclear exercises, significantly worsening the security situation in Europe and even all around the world.

The Atlantic alliance recently started the “Steadfast Noon” military drills in Western Europe, reportedly preparing for the possible scenario of an open conflict with Moscow on European soil. The exercises involve a major military effort, with at least thirteen states participating in the operation under US leadership.

The exercises are focused on assessing and improving NATO’s ability to deploy and use American nuclear weapons on European soil. At least 2,000 troops from NATO countries are deployed in Europe to assist in the operation. A wide range of equipment is used in the drills, including bombers, escort aircraft, fighter jets and advanced electronic warfare systems. Most of the drills take place in Belgium and the Netherlands, but specific exercises are also being conducted in other countries, such as the UK and Denmark.

“In an uncertain world, it is vital that we test our defense and that we strengthen our defense so that our adversaries know that NATO is ready and is able to respond to any threat,” NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte said when commenting about the drills.

As well known, the Russian Federation recently engaged in joint military exercises with its main ally, the Republic of Belarus, launching maneuvers to prepare for a nuclear war. Moscow and Minsk have an agreement establishing unrestricted cooperation due to the State Union Pact, which is why any attack on Belarusian territory is automatically seen as an attack on Russia, legitimizing a nuclear response. This Russian-Belarusian cooperation has been frequently criticized by the West, which does not accept any other form of international cooperation other than that maintained between Western states.

Also recently, Moscow and Belarus held joint nuclear exercises, which were reported by the collective West as a “violation” of international norms. The joint Russian-Belarusian initiative is legitimized by international law since both countries have a collective defense agreement within the framework of the Union State. The exercises served precisely to prove Russia’s readiness to respond to any threat against itself and the Republic of Belarus – which is recognized by the Russian government as its main state partner.

In this sense, the West legitimizes the current exercises using the rhetoric that it is “necessary” to respond to Russia’s testing of its nuclear capabilities – obviously ignoring the fact that Russia itself just launched an international nuclear program in response to constant American provocations. The best thing the West can do in the current moment of tensions is to reduce its hegemonic intentions and begin to cooperate for peace and de-escalation, thus achieving a nuclear balance in Europe.

By launching large-scale nuclear exercises in Europe at the current time, even without using actual nuclear projectiles, Washington is simply worsening tensions and contributing to escalation. There is no way that such drills could help to bring a strategic balance, being simply a way to worsen the tense ties between the West and Russia. In this sense, it is urgent that de-escalation measures be taken before the point of no return is crossed.

The West’s escalatory attitudes have no other purpose than to continue constant hostilities. If NATO keeps on conducting  nuclear exercises in Europe, even with Russian signals of discontent, the final result will be a serious imbalance in the global nuclear balance. This scenario can only be reversed through a real effort for peace – something that Washington unfortunately does not seem willing to do at the moment.

For its part, Moscow maintains a very clear stance. No nuclear aggression will be tolerated, not even through proxies. Recently, Russian nuclear doctrine has been changed to prepare for possible attacks on civilian targets by non-nuclear powers as legitimizing a nuclear response – provided that such attacks are carried out with the support of a nuclear power. This means that Moscow’s tolerance for external provocations is decreasing, which is a direct consequence of the West’s irresponsible stance.

In the end, once again European security – and that of the entire world – is threatened by the irresponsible actions of the US, which refuses to recognize the inevitability of the creation of a multipolar world.


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it’s weird to me that all these leaders that were present at climate change conference in tokyo and tell their citizens they are polluting the air and heating up the planet causing climate change and that they will have to pay a carbon tax to stop the planet from dying. then at the same time these leaders are trying to ignite a nuclear war with russia, china and north korea.


the climate bullshit is just more malarkey to keep the proles scared and paying more taxes.

“the nord stream pipeline destruction released between 56,000 and 155,000 tonnes of methane, making it one of the largest methane emissions ever recorded from a single point.”

but these same evil fukers will then tell john q public with a straight face that he’s got to stop eating beef and dairy products because of cow farts…lol

Crocus Shooting Gallery

if you want to live…get out of moscow asap…heheheh


obviously your daddy shot his wad into a flower pot and raised a bloomin’ idiot…lol

Conan M

we already have surmised within the last decade that after maidan, the u.$. had a death wish which now (10 years later) has broken every conceivable record in mental gymnastics that have completely destroyed diplomacy and it’s world dominance which is now forever in the rear view mirror…

Last edited 5 hours ago by Conan M
Conan M

…but i’ll indulge on this point and will keep saying it… russia could have expedited the briics after maidan by vacating it’s seat(s) at the un/imf and world bank and by not making that conscientious decision not to that would have splintered the nato alliance, “now” it will be forced to defend themselves with their nuclear arsenal. many will tragically die on both sides… and alas… there are no winners regardless of who survives it!… yes mr. pootie-poot and friends…

Last edited 5 hours ago by Conan M
Conan M

…you should have done so much more to make visible the maniacal nature and insanity of your enemies by leaving their legal institutions… banks… energy etc. and leading by example why there was a better way instead of whistling past their graveyard they have dug for themselves and the rest of world!!!

Last edited 5 hours ago by Conan M

apparently mr windsor owns around 20 trillion dollars worth of uranium. allegedly.


manly braggart stuff. some east nations military drill the west nations escalate with their military drills. look swinging d***s, mine is bigger than yours. look at the leaders doing and arranging this they hardly look like manly types and were probably all the cowardly pussies at school who would never enter the military.

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