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MARCH 2025

NATO Missiles Strike To Invite Retaliation

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NATO Missiles Strike To Invite Retaliation

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NATO Missiles Strike To Invite Retaliation
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NATO Missiles Strike To Invite Retaliation

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While the front lines in the southern and eastern Ukraine remain almost unchanged, the warring sides exchange strikes on their rear areas.

Russian strikes on the Ukrainian military facilities throughout the country continue on a daily basis. Last night, the central and eastern regions located closer to the front lines were targeted by Russian missiles. Explosions thundered in Kremenchug, Kharkiv, Krivyi Rig and Poltava. Ukrainian authorities are traditionally hiding the damage.

In its turn, Kiev has finally dared to hit the administrative border between the Russian Kherson region and Crimean Republic with foreign weapons. On the night of June 22, the Armed Forces of Ukraine struck Chongar Bridge, which connects the Chongar Peninsula in the Kherson region with the Dzhankoy district of Crimea.

According to preliminary reports, the Ukrainian military used British Storm Shadow missiles.

There are several roads, which connect the peninsula with the Kherson and Zaporozhie regions. One of them passes through the Chongar checkpoint, while two others lay through the town of Armyansk. Thus, land transport communication with Crimea will not be interrupted.

However, the destruction of the Chongar Bridge may have some military impact. This is the shortest way to the city of Melitopol. It is actively used for transport of military supplies to the Russian grouping in the Zaporozhie region which is currently repelling the ongoing Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Amid the ongoing escalation on the southern frontlines, more Ukrainian attempts to disrupt Russian communication between the mainland and the Crimean Peninsula are expected.

Today’s strike on the Chongar bridge was also predicted. It took place only two days after, Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu warned that the Kiev regime was going to launch missile strikes on the territory of Russia, including Crimea, with the help of NATO weapon. Then, the Russian Minister stressed that such attacks would not remain unanswered. The use of these missiles outside the zone of a special military operation will mean a full—fledged involvement of the United States and Great Britain in the conflict and will entail immediate strikes on decision-making centers on the territory of Ukraine,” Russian Defense Minister declared.

Like Kiev’s terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge in October led to the massive waves of Russian strikes throughout Ukraine, attack on the Chongar Bridge with Storm Shadow missiles is likely to result in new precision strikes on the Kiev’s military command ruled by NATO ‘advisers’

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Bob - Enough

hit london after the few good ones left get out … and you will have the full support of the people in the uk.


russian politicians and elites have families and wives/girlfriends in london. why would they dare destroy their own houses and investments they own in london? they worked very hard to loot that money from russia and they intend to keep it.

war drug counselor

snort more glue moron


won’t do them any good if they end up as ‘collateral damage’.


this war has all been gamed out, “look over here not over there” , while un agenda 2030 and the great reset rolls on uninterrupted behind the scenes. wtfu

Bob - Enough

totally agree. new distractions on the way – the titanic sub, aliens, more climate, new killer virus change blah blah. also in my mind, this “war” is just wealth transfer and asset stripping…

the world is an effing stage.


hit city of london to be specific. wipe the whole thing out.

Bob - Enough

that is of course included …

Georgeous George

reading some british tabloids and their online forums i concluded that the british must be the most brainwashed and dumbed down people in the wordl

AM Hants

not all of us. just the masses and those bots and trolls, in receipt of integrity initiative programming and tax payer funded salaries and bonuses. there are many fully supportive of russia and have been following events for a long time.


quote correct.

Bob - Enough

am hants – it’s me – “red tick alert” or the other one …i think was used, “call me al”… how are you ?; long time no hear. apparently now i am bob-enough or call me al… fcuk knows why.

Florian Geyer

very well said ,am.

russia and the brics are the only path to trade without war.


the british come after the muslims who hold that record.


yep i think so, emmerdale farm and whatevers on tele keep them too busy to think.

Bob - Enough

many tabloids and forums are using bots, trolls, brigade 77 or another government mouthpiece and so called “ai” now… whilst the normal people are kicked off or moderated. the comment’s sections now reflect in general, what the government want us to know or think.

i go on the daily mail of all rags and it is quite amusing to watch them silence us and our views.

Florian Geyer

well said.

the uk msm is a massive part of the ‘tyranny problem’ in the uk today.

Bob - Enough

do i have a memory problem, but did we not used to converse (i could be wrong) ???… but just bumped into am hants as well…. i am .. or was “red tick alrert” and the “call me all” … fuck knows why my name changes …..


likewise with dc.


no complaints

Jack Whiteman

hit all england. it will only take 6 nukes. then finally the world will be rid of those crooked, yellow teeth, colonial b4stards.

Bob - Enough

the people are different from the globalist parasitical scum… as in every country.

Florian Geyer

i agree 100% that most brits would welcome a ‘regime change’ in all of britain.

destroying the current decision makers in the uk would be a starting point for equitable governance for all.

Bob - Enough

agree totally.


what is russian air defense doing?


storm shaddow missiles are no joke. they can fly at over 1.000 km/h and have a small radar signiture, plus they can fly low.

Shiptar Igorovich

fuck of, you and that bullshit weapon.

AM Hants

plus they can be taken out by s300-s500.

AM Hants

a lot more than nato or ukraine air defence.


faptele vor vorbi de la sine. uneori se vorbește prea mult…


there are a few bridges on dnipro river. ukraine is moving brigades from west to east with ease. russia should make it harder.


yepp, nato hits russia, and russia hits the us in syria. big time war. don’t you realise they work together on this? a 3rd ww is part of the globalist reset plan. kills alot of people too. seems to me they might be in it together.

mighty orc

gringo # 1 diseased lgbt, rape violent crime, stupidity

T-34 Bear

lgbt, zionist, nazis, and fem-nazis do not count as innocent people. they barely count as human imo, and banderastan is full of them. russia solving many problems at once.

Ultrafart the Brave

hey feminist liberal, you mentally warped self-sanctifying utterly dysfunctional luciferian psychopathic you!

funny you should mention that.

strange that anyone would consider grooming, corrupting, exploiting, selling, raping, torturing, killing, and even eating innocent children to be immoral, shameless and pathetic – rather an understatement, don’t you think?

mighty orc

the inferior moron amerikan pervert tantrums🤣🤣🤣

mighty orc

“the double symbolism amerikans assign to money ios considered paradoxical to europeans”. geoffrey gorer🤣🤣🇷🇺

Ultrafart the Brave

hey feminist liberal, you devious child-grooming paedophile you!

howsabout we put a stop to the lgbtqipan+++ “movement” flaunting their degeneracy and waving their wangers at children and toddlers in the schools and public libraries?

how about them apples?

and maybe shut down the ukronazi child-trafficking and organ-harvesting farms?


what can this “something” be? the “green” energy and free love which will connect the people all over the world to enter the new globalistic paradise, right? no borders and no limits , but also no humanity and no freedom. and lgbt-police will lead and patrol this paradise.


dear lady , all contemporary ideologies have started with promisses of paradise and ended in totalitarism. so i have no doubt , it will be exactly the same with the actual green-holistic-neoliberal-globalistic agenda/ movement/ philosophy, if they get the power.

mighty orc

gibberish and slogans…”the monolingual inevitably confuses style w content”. george simmel…amerikant=ugly style

Last edited 1 year ago by mighty orc
mighty orc

false moron…”human rights are right of property and commerce”. slavoj size

Ultrafart the Brave

hey feminist liberal, you idealistic spaced-out fantasy-monger you!

yeah, we could assess all those things for the common benefit of all humanity.

instead, we have the tiny minority satanic lgbtqipan+++ “movement” dismantling all the fundamental tenets of common decency and aggressively shoving luciferian filth onto the rest of society.

go figure. no wonder you’re all so very “proud”.


the problem with these world-savers is always : they switch prompt to violence when they are confronted with opposite opinions and people , who oppose to be saved and accept the new ideology. it’s always the same. the enemies must be destroyed for the sake of the idea and to save the world. if i can’t convince you , then i must destroy you.


it applies to strong ideologies like nazismus , communismus or the actual globalismus.


yes exactly , what i suggest. since the time when ideology (movement) leaves the ground of democracy , where people try to discuss the problems to find some consense for the solution for the whole society, it develops to totalitarism. fortunately not every ideology is successful like in nazi germany. the actual globalism is far from succeed. but we must be careful.

mighty orc

“amerikans are unable to resolve conflicts”. richard sennet…2/3 of all lawyers on earth live in your ugly nation

mighty orc

ugly amerikan no values–“as one digs deeper into the n national character of amerikans one sees they have sought the value of everything in this world according to the answer to a single question; how much money will it bring in?” tocqueville

Last edited 1 year ago by mighty orc
mighty orc

“amerikans are farcical when it comes to money and force majeure–the 2 things they worship”. gore vidal

mighty orc

“amerikans are the most illusioned people on earth”. daniel boorstin


this stupid ideology contradicts itself even before the majority is brainwashed: you support the “patriots” in ukraine , belarus , georgia, russia , syria ,afghanistan and a dozen other countries to start civil wars , regime changes , terroristic movements and create all the right-wing extremistic scum all over the world , which then threatens and murders exactly your lgbt-communities as the first goal.

Ultrafart the Brave

hey feminist liberal, you delusional psychopathic twilight zone refugee you!

they must have forgotten to tell you about all the iraqi and syrian and afghan cities bombed back to the stone age by our american heroes in their “war on terror”.

kind of smacks of cognitive dissonance, don’t you think?

maybe if you were there waving a big rainbow flag it would have saved a couple million lives?


the former german foreign minister guido westerwelle , as member of the liberal party and openly wel-known homosexuell , visited ukraine as one of the first western politicians after the right extremistic putch to meet and congratulate the leader of svoboda party , which openly agitated to exterminate the lgbt in ukraine. it’s schizophrenic , i don’t understand this logic.


westerwelle as german foreign minister had to show his support for nazis in ukraine , no matter how homophob they were.

The Crunge

it seems like taking the offensive is difficult for both sides and costs the attackers many lives. i can see why the russians are taking their time and not going with all our assaults. their defensive structures appeared to have worked extremely well.

the nato ukes probably should have invested more in defensive fortifications and artillery in lieu of tanks and this grand offensive of theirs.

Last edited 1 year ago by The Crunge
Chinky madoo

nato ukes should have just surrendered


at the end something really bad is going to happen.


all london should be destroyed already. what russians are waiting for?


us and patriots are an oxymoron.

Last edited 1 year ago by Christopher

today the perimeter around nato buildings is closed. big warcriminals, yankees, uk will come here. if by mistake and jamming some big missil should hit the rotten shitpot, the world will be safer. lets hope this dream came true.


russia, stop showing your cards, why did you give advance warning thus allowing the miserable rats to escape to poland? shame on you blabber twits!


it looks like that russia needs to be hit in order for it to respond correctly. isn’t it possible to act correctly all the time of the war ? i mean, russia is at war with usa-nato which use the nazi-ukraine as thier soldiers, why just only to finish with this garbage ? ….. i do not see what is the game in this war !

Ultrafart the Brave

hey feminist liberal, you twisted excuse for suicidal psychopathy you!

why no mention of your dysfunctional idols the lgbtqipan+++ “movement”? why no assertion of your fidelity to the cause of fake “women” in drag with big hairy nutsacks?

perhaps you should affirm your allegiance by leading a “pride” parade along the front lines over there in ukraine.

the ukronazis would just love to have you wiggling your arse and self-identifying wedding tackle in their faces – trust us!


you can’t kill me. [ ivar the boneless ] – eminem , 2pac


russia needs to hit them very hard where it hurts and all food locations should be hit let nato bring in food also coffee shops those in the cities are haveing so much fun and enjoyment time to make them remember where they are. russia need to find all ware-houses and buildings used by the clown’s army and hit them hard drop 2000kg bombs 500kg and 1000kg high explosive! v o z

the truth

just outside london is a huge mansion, it belongs to the head of the banking cabal. his greatr great grandmother once said…there would not be any wars unless my sons want wars. target the cause.

Lesco Brandon

yeah i keep hearing this but nothing happens. putin is weak.


nope he is not week —- just flush out the ball


juden in kiev whana play with some real …. edward norton -american history x – the best scene.


always reactive, never proactive. that is why wagner revolted.


storm shadow the shit out of these dirty orcs!

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