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NATO Plunging In Battle For Crimea

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NATO Plunging In Battle For Crimea

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NATO Plunging In Battle For Crimea
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NATO Plunging In Battle For Crimea

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Amid the ongoing Russian devastating strikes on the Ukrainian military infrastructure, Kiev attempted attacks on the Crimean peninsula.

On January 3, there was an invasion of NATO reconnaissance aircraft around Crimea. Bombardier Challenger, RQ-4B Global Hawk, Boeing P-8A Poseidon took part in a large reconnaissance operation over the Black Sea. More aircraft were spotted over the Romanian and Turkish coasts.

The reconnaissance aircraft of the Alliance are aiming Ukrainian missile and drone strikes.

As it was expected, the first attempt to attack the peninsula took place on the same day. According to local reports, at least 6 missiles, including presumably S-200 and Neptunes, were shot down and intercepted by the electronic warfare means near Sevastopol. Ukrainian Su-24 which took part in the attack was also reportedly shot down.

However, the Russian military did not officially comment on the incident, providing no details.

On January 4, Ukrainian forces coordinated by the NATO military launched another massive attack on the peninsula in an attempt to overload Russian air defense.

On the evening, at least 10 Ukrainian missiles were destroyed over the western coast. Most of them were reportedly Storm Shadows, accompanied by several expendable decoy missiles.

After the missile attack failed, Ukrainian forces attempted massive drone strikes.

Over the past night, 36 Ukrainian UAVs were shot down over Crimea and another one was destroyed near the Russian town of Novorossiysk, where the Russian fleet is based.

Some Russian military sources claimed that F-16 fighters of NATO took part in the recent attacks. Operated by foreign pilots, they launched several missiles from the airspace of Romania. This may provoke Russian retaliation strikes on the NATO territory.

Despite the humiliating defeat in the battle against the Russian air defense forces, Kiev does not stop attempts to attack the peninsula.

At about midday on January 5, Ukrainian anti-ship Neptune missile was shot down over the northwestern waters of the Black Sea. Ukrainian and NATO attempts to launch more massive attacks are likely to continue in the coming days.

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da mai e si un p3. cauta tinte si vulnerabilitati. il coordoneaza pe clovn sa lanseze rachete


stirile de pe net si filmul de pe you tube confirma : f16 cu pilotii clovnului lanseaza harm spre crimeea din spațiul aerian a lui maciuca. si filmul are vreo 17k vizualizari e de asteptat sa fie date jos. bine ati revenit in scenariul unui razboi generalizat deci ambele părți vb de f16….

M from Romania

unde puii mei ai gasit tu stirile alea ca au lansat avioane rachete de deasupra romaniei spre rusia ?

Stronzi Romaniani

why are you romanians so bloody stupid?

you trade in caucescu and get some stupid nato general who’s even worse. it’s no wonder that romania was the country that borat was filmed in.

i’m ashamed to share some genes with you, no matter how few.

M from Romania

who do you think asks us , the regular romanians? the country was sold to the muricans when they shot ceausescu and from there on, we never had a say. you think romanians like zelensky? we curse his stupid ass every day , but who gives a fk ?


during the 90s i was often in mamaia to relax. easy flight from frankfurt to constanta. in 1998 i saw the first big us military transport planes coming in on constanta airport. the first tool they established, as usual, was a whorehouse for gis. now the constanta airport is closed for civil flights, only military. this was a consequence that the turks denied in 1997 the expansion of incirlik. the us doged to romania.


still 45 us bases in germany. over 190 installations in germany now closed. the old nato maxim holds true: keep germany down; russia out and usa in. i prefer the old british joke abiut the war: when the germans fired we ducked; when we fired the germans ducked; when the americans fired everybody ducked. i still thing the greatest thing the british army did for germany was currywurst und pommes.


entire romania is a whorehouse which only degenerates may find something interesting in….

Tudor Vasile Katalin

nicolae was not the problem, it was elena ceauşescu! both were ex-ecuted by the military, without a fair trial. it was murder! nobody invited nato to romania, they settled in, together with the ewg (eu), romania alone would never have been able to survive and there were no other offers! greetings to the potatoes from germany


elena never murdered anyone else?


you guys in romania never asked us germans how it is to live a cowboy-boot. now you have these assholes in your country like us. you were stupid to let them in.


both romania & germany where once allied. and both were in war against usa & ssr (udssr). so today we need to realize – usa&ru are jew-controlled since 1913 resp. 1917 already. now, sadly also germany and romania are infested and controlled by jews. so that’s the main problem that needs to be solved.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

neighter germans nor romanians “let in” usa or sovjetunion by free will. no, these criminal jewish controlled dictatorships forced their way in. and the jews always play the “good cop vs. bad cop”-game. and as long as we are that stupid to fall for this trick – thinking usa & uk are enemies of ru&china – that long we will get drawn into stupid wars. thus our lifes will be miserable & jwo will become stronger & stronger.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

in 1913 jews took control of usa (federal reserve act + establishment of fed system), in 1917 the took over the russian empire, killed mio of russians, murdered the russian royal family and czar and then established the soviet union – which jewish kgb-agent and chabad lubavitch marionette putin now renamed into ru federation.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

in 1945 ns-germany was smashed and jews took over germany and the rest of europe.and in the early 1950’s jewish us circles around the yale university, with the jew henry kissinger started a project that finally brought their communist agent mao into power in china (through yale-china association) – while the sovietunion jew grigori vointinsky helped establishing and raising the kpch to absolute power in china.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

so again usa&ru jews – they are the ones who built today communist china. and secretly they are all working together in establishing jwo-nwo. please wake up and realize this facts !!

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

this is why mankind is not automatically free when usa is going down. mankind is freed only when jewry is going down and eradicated completely.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

meaning all nations, especially the relevant ones like usa, uk, germany, russia, china, india, turkey, iran (& whole middle east) – they need to kill these parasites & make strict laws which ban judaism as a satanic inbred anti-mankind criminal cult, ban jews from entering the country & also everyone with jewish genetics from all kind of positions inside the state & religion. that’s the only way to everlasting peace on earth.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

it won’t change a thing cause since decades every member of the world elites has gone to their schools and learned their way of thinking. it is the mindset that gave the jews a chance to survive the centurys before that gives them the edge now. tribal thinking supporting your kin only giving jobs to those you trust. they are basically a secret society and many nonjewish elites are part of it and think alike.


this motherteresa bot is a funny one. he pretends to oppose jews, then proceeds hours spamming ukro propaganda like nuland’s loyal bitch boy.

talk about muddying the water.

jens holm

she nasty woman all right. remind me of nikki haley.

jens holm

speak clearly, stupid, no one understands your horrible jargon.

jens holm

“this may provoke russian retaliation strikes on the nato territory”. i want see this actually happening. enough talk on the russian side


show me “nato” territory, be precise and enlighten me. there is no such a thing but the territories of individual members states of the nato as a collective, allegedly security and defensive, entity. so will this wacko stoltenberg going to be crowned in washington or westminster abbey soon ?

jens holm

stotlenburger just talking skinny doll, soon have chip stolen from little door in back so ukra army can make own dumb missiles.


my comment got to yours as a reply, i do not know why. i posted it as a general comment to the article, so do not take it personally.

jens holm

who me? i’m just a jens clone. if i took things personally, i’d have swallowed a cyanide pill already.

tumsaywer moron hillbilly

dumb dane like amerikan hillbilly—already 6000 nato mercenaries killed in ukraine…nato so impotent afraid of dprk

jens holm

not true. they just fell off flight deck on training mission in sunny miami. sharks ate remains so no can supply parts for burial.


it would be really interesting to get a statistics of nato soldiers who died in accidents in the last year or so. just like the helicopters with special forces who fell into the sea near the us coast after they really were killed by taliban in afghanistan.

jens holm

i did not write that. i send danish puff puff soldiers to ukraine to entertain troops. it guessing game quiz show – is it man or woman?


rmn and trk closing nato’s arc in the southern black sea isn’t petty provocation, it’s calculated offensive probing; mapping out rus defenses while exploiting the krmln’s fear of making 1st strike.

the longer rus fails to finish this, the stronger ukranato becomes. for the sake of the rus people, the fascist ukr govt must be driven out with extreme prejudice (and without further delay).


or is vp holding off in the hope of the idiot dt winning in nov 2024? if so then this already bloody slo-mo-s-m-o is getting nearer being ‘snakes and ladders’ than ‘5d chess’; where innocent slavic citizens’ lives and land have become wholly expendable.

jens holm

if i americun, i vote for biden. i like when he fall over steps it good for chukel and also how he pronunce ‘demacrazy’, just like me.

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm

ai mare dreptate

jens holm

i hear old story in school that one day rome gathered all people who fail latin class and banished them to rumania. it true?

George Foreskin

veni vidi gipsi

Icarus Tanović


tumsaywer moron hillbilly

i hear story dane all lick nazi pene

jens holm

i hear nuther story in skool that old time vinelanders leave all sissy runts home when sailing 7 seas becaus no gud fur nuthin and that why today danemark full of sissy runts like me


i could tell in the first 3 days of the war that it would descend into a prolonged quagmire where both sides end up losing a needless amount of men. it’s because it’s part of the script. the whole brics narrative is a machination of kissinger’s think tanks. the whole thing is just a continuation of ussr vs us, west vs east.

having an excuse to keep endless wars going is literally the entire point. russia could easily crush ukraine even today, but they aren’t doing it.


humiliating loss for the criminal ukronazi regime and their nato sponsor. a severe waste of taxpayer funds while food and energy prices continue to climb higher (noticeable by the month) throughout the “eu bloc”.


if the reports about launching missiles from inside romanian airspace are true, this is definitely an escalation.

M from Romania

i seriously doubt that any f16s shot missiles from over romania towards russia


doesn’t matter if shot from romanian territory. if aircraft originated from romania then they are romanian. that is the principle. retaliation is legal and no defense article romania can employ as they engaged in the hostilities. russia would retaliate and then release a statement most likely assuring any further aggression from nato would result in a strategic strike against locations of leadership. romania already has protest. such actions might even spawn a counter colour revolution

M from Romania

wanna bet russia will not retaliate ?

jens holm

i retaliate every murning here in copinghagen, take pepto bismol and things quiet down later.

jens holm

how so? rumania not tell yu. it run by hillbilly generals from arkansaw und dey speak wurse dan me.

M from Romania

mommy didnt love you enough ?


but nobody has the courage to escalate

Based US Vet

dima said on his videoblog that the russians will start the final offensive by jan. 15, so basically we will finally have a peaceful summer again here in europe

Last edited 1 year ago by Based US Vet
jens holm

poor russklans. have to put up wif ukie hauswifes yelling ‘where my ihor honey go/”

Based US Vet

ukrie wives will not miss ihor, in fact they are now quite happy

Last edited 1 year ago by Based US Vet

“where my ihor honey go/”


No sleepy time for U

no! zelensky says he’ll unleash ukrainian sleeper agents to take revenge on europussies who refuse to fight russians except with his troops and he ran out of 16 yr olds already.


ukronazi should put 16yr olds in f16, then zelensky laugh hysterically while snorting primo colombian powder…

jens holm

zelensky yell through white mustache “say hello to my little friend!’ then point at limp pecker and get shot in head from behind by new conscript who just learn how to hold gun, sort of..

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm
jens holm

then he fall of balcony and land splat in fountain statue hunter biden give him that say he king of world and where my 10%. got daddy on fone so not make me mad, i mad enuf from get crabs when you send me trans hostess cupcake name halina pena

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm

crimea was nato’$ objective from day 1, putin was /is just one step ahead it’s only a matter of time the big bully and its sidekicks will admit defeat it surely will be exhausted on multiple fronts and that’s where the battle will be decided for sure!

greedy nato

it sure was. greedy little nato was dreaming of crimea since 1991. tried once with puppet yushchenko and tried again in 2014. nato needs a good spanking for being so greedy and not playing nice with the neighbors.


what is not revealed in the article is of critical importance. word on kiev streets is the entire attack was planned by the drugged weirdo zelensky himself using his vintage etch a sketch, (yes he has several).

the good shit arrived from colombia a week ago…

jens holm

he make battle plans on etch a sketch and also used napkin. he then send napkin to front to use, say etch a sketch too valuable.

tumsaywer moron hillbilly

sodomy by taliban a pleasure for me

Taliban superior to amerikan

sawyer like my superior diek

Massa John

lets wait of what is comming to our theaters and when. some trench-shit will appear, if not in 24 then a year or two later.

jens holm

blinken have gud idea…send bottle of mr. clean to save ukies from mongo-orcs. just throw in eyes and run.


us nato are terrified after putin said odessa is russian and realize the whole ukrainian black sea coast will be no more. russia will make an ultimatum, anything in the black sea coast flying 12 miles off countries coasts will be targeted till campaign is over.

George Foreskin

me thinks putin wants to cut of ukr from the black sea, forever

jens holm

gud idea. ukies no like blacks anyway.

jens holm

zaluzhny got delirium tremors when he addressing rada bada boom. said he send them all to front soon. then whole rada bada boom got delirium tremors too.


this is a clear change in strategy from the usa. they are trying to take the fight to crimea and russia. they don’t do well at the front, so they try to make their presence expensive. russia needs to strengthen air defense and air presence in the black sea.


considering the fact that the big winter offensive (cavalry+infantry) will start on jan. 15 i think the massive kimskanders will destroy what is left of the ukra military by 13 and 14 jan.

jens holm

not possible. invincible pantriots shoot down 30 kinzals every morning then have lunch break and 35 more after lunch. no siestas for mighty pantriots.

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm

the us + ukras claim they had shot down nearly all kinzhals , but are so helpless with the north korean missiles. what a honor and admiration for the great kim (from his biggest enemies)

Taliban superior to amerikan

pygmy military superior to nato

Vietkong superior to amerikan

i am also superior


the evil robot “voice” makes the report impossible to endure. stop it please…the accent is bad enough but the robot….yuuuuuuuuuuuck

Vietkong superior to amerikan

if russia has a last portion of self dignity, she should and must destroy the american spy planes over the black sea


thats just not in the script, or vlad is too scared to do it, or both

Vietkong superior to amerikan

the big winter offensive (cavalry+infantry) will start on jan. 15 i think the massive kimskanders will destroy what is left of the ukra military by 13 and 14 jan.


where you know this from?

Vietcong superior to americans

military summary channel


if everybody knows the exact date, then it’s better to attack on another day (the surprise effect)

Last edited 1 year ago by Peter

i would suggest using swarms of drones against nato spy planes. no need to shoot them down. a few collisions and suction into the engine intake and it’s over. they will never dare to come back.


why hasnt vp done that already?


well, mr. putin, it’s time for some cruise missiles to strike romania and call it a mistake, and shoot down any reconnaissance planes and drones in the black sea next time they come because they are responsible for the strikes that are coming after them.

Vietcong superior to americans

he should have done it long time ago


in russia nobody cares about your advice.


loudmouthed russians give only hollow rhetorics. afraid to hit attacking nato jets and recce planes


and then you will curse and condemn the evil russians, (how dare you?), who started the ww3

Dick Von D'Astard

seem to remember the british announcing an 200 mile air exclusion zone around the falklands, odd that russia doesn’t do the same around crimea. should at least take out all the unmanned u.s./nato rq drones.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dick Von D'Astard

these missiles are the same as shooting v2 rockets to london in 1945 as was mentioned here before and irrelevant for the situation on the battlefield. remember a veteran german army of 80.000 was lucky to escape alive from crimea against the order for a last stand. nato can never win this on the ground or they will have to build a lot of star wars troopers. this reminds me that rf is not using remote handled armoured vehicles that were tested in syria


wasn’t it 3 days to take kiev? if nato was in action there would no longer be russian invaders in ukraine, they are fascists but they are not crazy, you play with nato and in 2 weeks they are back in moscow, the insane people don’t advance 1 meter ha 2 years old and they talk about nato, they are a comedy


without nato and western money there wouldn’t have been even significant number of nazis. maybe some 3% on the western borders with poland and slovakia. no war , no damage , no problems.


and no maidan glühwein and snipers


with massive firepower, air supremacy and letting all tanks and stormtroopers attack i think the front collapses in a day. but we have to get real: rf is not going to besiege or attack cities, because of the citizens, infrastructure and own extra casualties. what some people forget is that the inhabitants of both nations have to live together again after the war. rf is trying to deescalate therefor.


that’s the point yes, they think about the future


they are likely to continue in the commin decades since the nato countries feel invincible. do such a thing like they did once to the usa and you are done. but they are using nato planes and drones to control missiles to hit russian targets since all the time and they do not have to pay a price at all. and dead ukrainians is part of the plan for them.

Last edited 1 year ago by kotromanic

those fucking dirty nato rats, they should be shot down right away.

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