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NATO Preparing “New Generation Military” In Ukraine

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NATO Preparing “New Generation Military” In Ukraine

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NATO Preparing “New Generation Military” In Ukraine
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NATO Preparing “New Generation Military” In Ukraine

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Despite the failures of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, NATO countries continue to prolong the war. With all new supplies, the West again and again throws the battered Ukrainian Army into meat grinder assaults on Russian military positions.

On August 14, the United States announced the next 44th package of military assistance for Kiev under the Presidential Drawdown Authority. The new package turned out to be relatively small, only $ 200 million. These funds reportedly resulted from the alleged “accounting error” by the US Department of Defense. In May, the Pentagon reported that it had incorrectly calculated the cost of weapons sent to Kiev. As a result, $6.2 billion more can be used for additional deliveries.

The new aid package includes missiles for Patriot air defense systems, rounds for HIMARS MLRS, artillery shells, as well as new equipment for mine clearance, anti-tank weapons, over 12 million rounds of small arms, etc.

The new package of military assistance turned out to be quite meager and did not include armored vehicles, artillery systems or air defense systems, which Kiev is asking for to continue fighting amid its growing losses.

According to the Washington Post, Washington sent Kiev $66.2 billion in military, financial and humanitarian aid since February of last year.

In its turn, the European Union has provided military assistance to Ukraine totaling about €20 billion. The amount includes bilateral supplies of defensive military equipment by member States and financing from the European Peace Fund in the amount of €5.6 billion.

At the same time, the European Union is considering the possibility of creating a separate fund through which another €20 billion will be allocated for military supplies to the Kiev regime. According to Politico, the funds will not go directly to the purchase of weapons, but will compensate the EU member states for the costs of weapons they are sending to the war-torn country, as well as for the training of Ukrainian soldiers.

The Royal Marines of Great Britain recently reported that they have trained 900 Ukrainian marines in 6 months. During the training in the UK, Ukrainian servicemen took a course on firing mortars, NLAW anti-tank missiles, Stinger MANPADS, etc.

The head of the French Ministry of Defense also claimed that France has already trained 6 thousand Ukrainian servicemen. The French official noted that Paris continues to train soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, since the Ukrainian counteroffensive requires “the military of a new generation.”

In the last month, the so-called “new generation military” began to surrender en masse on the Ukrainian fronts, while the Russian military reports on the destruction of Western equipment more often than that of the remnants of Ukrainian weapons.

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Icarus Tanović

what is that ne, anyways…

Icarus Tanović

what is that ng anyways…


i said a long time ago if putin thought the west will go away then he thought wrong.

time is now on the wests side, they don’t have an army in the field all they will do is print worthless greenbacks to buy arms, when all said and done its not the elites who are paying but the saps who are controlled by them.


putin is unfit to govern since 2014.

Pol Pot🫵🏻🤡

so why didn’t the russian people take him out of the western bot presidency 😆

Gneaus stapo

because he is a mafia grandpa killing bastard.


gnaus stapo , you wrote recently , putin would be hopelessly weak , so how can he be so strong now?

Gneaus stapo

most mafia grandpa killing bastards are weak inside,so no contradiction.


so they don’t have elections in russia where putin is elected? you retarded moron.

Gneaus stapo

lol sure dumbwarish 🐷 there are elections, just like in bolshivik times.

Uncle Ho

but the clown who shits his pants is far better…get a life and


“time is now on the wests side, they don’t have an army in the field” , soon there will be really no army on the wests side , yes, there will be only weapons shipped in the country , but also decimated. not clear , why then “the time is now on the wests side”. it’s rather the destruction on the wests side , first of all regarding to the economy in the west.


dream on idiot. learn some economics. maybe you’ll stop farting out your face.


when trump becomes potus is 2024 the west will wash its hands of the nazi’s in ukraine, and putin will have won.


pro russian’s do not understand one basic fact guiding this and other wars. this war like others has been plotted, planned and run by english pirates from london and it is free of cost for them – ukrainians and slavs are being killed and not the english sc-u bags. so why would english desire to end this war before russia and germany are completely destroyed


amerikans are morons—sammy proof


because a destroyed eu economy during a time of a electric transport and renewable revolution in asia and africa means it’s going to have to make the tough choice of breaking with nato if it wants to keep growing.

Last edited 1 year ago by M.Paraplu

@sam , first the “pro russians” know very well this argument , but second, it’s not quite correct, the financing this conflict is not really “free of cost”: see all the troubles in the west. there are many profiters example mic, but the western economy and the whole system of printing dollars for free (i guess you mean exactly this) are very well targeted by this conflict. the dedollarisation is on the way , the consequences hit the entire west , not only germany.


by damaging their allies in europe us and uk weaken also themselves , with the risk , they will finally face 3 enemies: russia , china and eu.

USA the world's bully.

@darius, true. it will take time, years. usa blowing up the nord stream gas pipelines was the tipping point, when west europe people wake up that usa is an enemy and begin to throw off the usa occupation.


it’s finally like vietnam , afghanistan etc: they will face the reality , announce victory and withdraw. i see no reasons why it could be different this time. their allies abandoned and destroyed and their enemies filling the scene. the time and dollar printing will not help them , like it didn’t in vietnam and afghanistan.

Fat Cat

most englishmen true want nothing to do with the perpetual bloodbath that is eastern europe, sorry.


quite a lot do because they have been zombified for years by politicians and the msm, listen to any radio talk show like lbc they are all on board with the american imperial project, when any caller gets through with a different view they are closed down.


usa mic makes towards $500,000,000,000. oh, didi say that right? smedley butler, ” war is a racket.” ukraine is one of those open wounds that it’s people will be ground down in a meat grinder. to obliterate nato weapons and keep the insane profits going. in the end ukraine will cease to exist but; as a demilitarized rump state. the damage is all around in ukraine, afghanistan, syria, lybia, venezuela, yeman, vietnam, korea, philippines, plus all the sanctioned countries.

Gneaus stapo

lol u flatheads are amazing assclowns…1800+ rashnik companies take part and u assclown brag about 89 delegations… 99% belong to out of money shithole country society and the rest cant pay anyway


in my akron trailer park we have lgbt anger management therapy—stapo swallow taliban semen to address inferiority

Fat Cat

both of you should work on your syntax.


someone is butthurt about the piles of burning nato arms in yemen and ukraine. you will be in the next wrecked convoy of nato expansion, like a slab of meat in a barbecue


like putting lipstick on a ukronazi pig. europe is in no position to throw away hundreds of billions. wait until energy prices kick in for the winter season, with rampant inflation already visible years ago. a recession can be tolerated by the masses, a depression is a different story.

Uncle Ho

the of the western military should train their own people to fight against their criminal eugenics overlords instead. cowards.

Robert Shule

it is eye opening when one realizes that “monies spent” by one party is “monies earned” by another. that is in the case of the ukraine, monies spent by nato governments is monies earned by military supplier cartels; and of course 10% goes to the big guy in washington. so, from the perspective of the big guy and the cartels he caters to there is no need to stop the shi# show.


russia has humiliated all nato militarily economically and of course russia has a culture–we have lgbt toilet scrubbers like stapo and jens

Gneaus stapo

lol speaking about toilets, how many ivans need to poo outside again? if u have indoor toilets ur free to come back flathead. ur kind is inferior and u know it.

USA the world's bully.

it the usa tax payer who has problems with toilets, that are charged 50k to the pentagon.


5 frachtflieger gleichzeitig richtung ukraine über östrreich am himmel zeigen die kondensstreifen

Gengisen Jensenko

it looks like the united states of anglo saxon america and united states of russia want to replay the battle of kurst the battle for crimea and the battle of brody which are going to to see the battle of britain the bombing of dresden . berlin and destruction of warsaw ghetto again. the forces of history are against the west. the suicide of europe was predicted by cossack major general nikolai nazarenko 40 years ago!

Fat Cat

nazarenko argued that he wanted to overthrow the soviet regime and he saw operation barbarossa as the beginning of the “liberation” of his people.

Fat Cat

“new generation military” – people too young to know what awaits them.


– “people too young to know what awaits them.” : sadly it’s true. they already lost so many men that now it looks like the west is pushing for the final extermination of the ukrainian people. how is it that they don’t realize that they’re being sacrificed against their own kind and interests, fighting an unwinnable war instead of settling for a comprehensive peace agreement is beyond my understanding.

USA the world's bully.

true. ukrainians picked the wrong side. worse case in history of picking the wrong side, to be usa guinea pigs testing how to fight russia in land war.


nato is doing russia a favor by doing something that stalin should have done in ukraine decades ago exterminate every ukrainian

Gneaus stapo

love u flatheads showing ur genocidal true face. ur comment is proof why endlösung der russenfrage is only final solution.

USA the world's bully.

idiot. russia doing this to stop nato expansion in ukraine to the doorstep of moscow, and to integrate 6m+ russia speakers in ex-ukraine into russia, not exterminate them, ignorant comment.

Gneaus stapo

i agree with u and this coming form me, i am on opposite side, so ndr is truely of limits/ braindead . anyone saying something possitive about stalin is a moron anyway.

Gneaus stapo

sure screjew igor konashenkov, pigs can fly.

Gneaus stapo

lol ur delisional. putin’s rubel is in free fall, civil aviation destroyed, loses are unheard of level,making soviet afghanistan disaster looking good….but sure germany is in trouble

USA the world's bully.

us support switching to guerilla warfare.

Erik Nielsen

as long as kiev can maintain their gay parades, ukraine has won its freedom.

Gneaus stapo

u wanna tell us what exactly?

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo

it’s a criminal disgrace that the us and it’s vassals are spending billions on fueling the war while their own people and countries go to rat shit, it’s up to the people to ay enough is enough, when some americans start bleeding maybe they will stop, or when they run out of ukrainians to do their dying.

Gneaus stapo

i am german, i live here and i wonder,what makes u putin asslicking scumbag believe, me goinglike…..sure überfall of ukraine 🇺🇦 is good idea, russian agression is nothing to worry about, damn i love flatheadland so much, lets forget international law, broken contracts, death and destruktion, stop it, i want russian peace. how dillusional are u?

putin’s flatheadland crossed the rubikon, now it is total war and nothing than flatheads defeat is vital option.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
Fuch the Sassenach

the british could care less about dead irishmen until the bombs got close to downing street


the russians blew it up when the kievites tried to cross the dnipro river with it. so sad. too bad. 😂😂😂

Last edited 1 year ago by SureWhatever

new generation military? with what exactly? zombies and scrap metal maybe? 🤣🤣🤣


russia mustn’t cut nato any slack. when they retreat from ukraine, the ambushes must continue everywhere until this evil empire is destroyed. nato forces going to africa or the pacific for their next war need to be ambushed and burned!

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