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NATO Probes Russian Defense In Crimea

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NATO Probes Russian Defense In Crimea

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NATO Probes Russian Defense In Crimea
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NATO Probes Russian Defense In Crimea

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While the Ukrainian army is ground down on the frontlines, NATO warmongers are preparing for a new military provocation.

On the night of April 30, the Ukrainian and NATO military attempted to launch a new attack on Crimea. The US-made ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles armed with cluster warheads, supplied to Ukraine long before Biden approved the new aid package for Kiev, were used in the new wave of strikes on the peninsula.

The attack was reportedly successfully repelled and no damage was reported.

According to local reports, about a dozen explosions thundered in the northern and central parts of the peninsula, near Simferopol and Dzhankoy. In total, there were two waves of strikes that targeted the military airfield and areas of deployment of the Russian air defense forces. The missiles were likely launched from the area of Berislav in the Kherson region.

The previous attack on Crimea took place only two days before, on the night of April 28. Then, the target were the Russian Air Defense forces on the western cape of the peninsula. The Russian Ministry of Defense officially reported the interception of five ATACMS missiles. According to various estimations, they were likely launched from the same area of Berislav. All damage was reportedly avoided.

On the night of April 17, another attack inflicted heavy damage to the Russian air defenses at the military airfield in Dzankoy. Presumably, ATACMS missiles were again used. At that time the strikes were quite successful but since then, the Russian military has gotten used to the repeated attempts to probe its air defenses in the peninsula.

The strikes in Crimea are always coordinated by NATO reconnaissance aircraft that are spotted in the Black Sea more and more often. The Ukrainian-NATO military also increased the number of simulated launches in the southern regions, including with ADM-160 MALD decoy missiles. This allows for more information about the Russian air defenses to be retrieved.

Neither Kiev, nor its Western patrons attempt to hide the real goal of the recent supply of the large batch of ATACMS missiles. NATO is eager to attack the Russian Crimean peninsula. The ongoing pinpoint strikes are primarily targeting air defenses but the main goal is likely to reach the Crimean Bridge. In order to achieve the maximum media effect, the main blow may take place on Victory Day or another upcoming holiday in Russia.

The unenviable position of the Ukrainian army forces Kiev and its Western patrons to boast in the media of victories that have not yet been achieved. The whole world is already expecting an attack on Crimea, including the Russian military, which has already demonstrated its ability to successfully repel a large range of NATO missiles. Meanwhile destroyed NATO tanks are already symbolically exhibited in the center of Moscow.


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Случайный человек

how many failures will it take for the slow nato idiots to realize that they can’t defeat russia?

Peter Müller Mövenstedt

das ukrainische terrorregime von boss zelenskij scheint gerade in sich zusammen zu fallen, wie ein morsches kartenhaus.

es schmerzt zu sehen, wie mein erarbeitetes geld in diesem misthaufen ukraine eingeäschert wird.

ich schäme mich für unsere deutschen politiker, die ebenfalls auf meine kosten leben und unser land in den abgrund führen

Peter Müller Mövenstedt

the ukrainian terrorist regime of boss zelenskiy seems to be collapsing right now, like a rotten house of cards.

it hurts to see how my earned money is cremated in this dung heap ukraine.

i am ashamed of our german politicians, who also live at my expense and lead our country into the abyss


war hasn’t even started. search for nations running a “military economy.” many have been for years. this is the arm’s build-up before the big one… some year soon. everyone’s stocks are quite full. their personal stocks… they gave all their old junk away!


the usa left all that stuff in afghanistan because they didn’t care! have you seen their stockpiles?! silly afghans call an armored humvee from the 90’s a “tank” … i guess things are subjective.

Last edited 5 months ago by Skillx

nato is involved. on the side-lines as always. who’s funding the houthi? some others besides iran. it’s been 2 years. other people see that this is about creating and selling arms. we know banderites were soros funded. look at the old rags shaking hands… kissinger just died last year or whatever. there are 1000s of them! check check.*


wow, why can i say that. but other things that are way more benign are stopped?


“side-winder is an egg salad missile” can’t use normal english. blocked^ real sentence.

South Front Is Pure Joke

5 million ukrainians don’t have indoor toilets. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Volodolf Zelenskovitsch

5 million ukrainians poop in the grass 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Dave Simmons

in a video that went viral, a ukrainian soldier admitted the hellish reality of fighting for volodymir zelenska’s forces in their large-scale invasion for ukraine. zelenska has not declared a full mobilization to make up for the high losses in ukraine, but potential recruits are attracted by ads promising an entry-level wage of 160,000 hryvnia ($ 1,792) per month.

Thomas Sundström

the ukrainian narrative: “bad russia started this”. this is the same when a defendant explains a judge that “i raped that chick because she had a very short mini-skirt and was literally asking for it”.


a wave of russian long-range weapons widely reported to be around a dozen north korea-made arabesc ballistic missiles pounded air bases and air defense installations across odessa early tuesday morning, in one of the beefiest armed forces of long-range attacks yet against the kievterrorists-occupied territory

Jan Kotke

in the hours following the strikes, the heavy weight of traffic from social media in targeted towns and cities was reporting hits to anti-aircraft systems, ukrainian aircraft, command and control center, and military casualties. accounts of cluster munitions successfully deployed and scattered over targets were common.

Z - It's Winding Down

four of those targets, the exception being duzhanovi, were well outside the range of all weapons the rf had been known to operate in the past, save recently delivered long-range versions of the north-korea-made arabesc missile.


it’s not for ukraine to decide which countries join nato even though zelenskyi has made that excuse of surrounding russia suit his mindset. russia is a very large country with it’s own borders and has no need to expand but of course liberation crimea and part of eastern ukraine gives the russians certain advantages, not least military.

Andrew Rocca

ukrainian regime wants to join nato , the people of ukraine fought and voted against it. no one can force ukraine to join. the ukrainians will never accept nato control. this is your choice, no one else.

Last edited 5 months ago by Andrew Rocca
Jan Kotke

poroshenko was a puppet of usa, giving the illusion to the majority of ukrainians, who wanted to have closer ties with the rf, that the country was heading in that direction. when it came time to cement this relationship with the rf through the signing of the association agreement, suddenly poroshenko announces that won’t happen, and instead will sign an new agreement with the eu, and cut ties with the rf. this is what kicked off the protests, and in my mind, rightfully so.


russia has lost 85,000-90,000 killed, ukrainia 400,000-450,000.

Last edited 5 months ago by Stankovic

russians have lots of good reasons to hate and loathe zelenskas ukraine. and that is very good thing to europe. none in europe like ukraina. even in countries like thaiwan people don’t like ukrozz. we see them just nazis.

Degeneration Of Russia

volod zelenska sees his chief task as ukrainian clown as eliminating all real and imagined threats against his personal power and his polski fiat itself. the ukrozz is always fighting off carefully labeled menaces: ”tschech terrorists,“ ”clown revolutions,“ ”the rest of the world,“ ”anti-ukrozz,“ ”china hegemony,“ ”lgbt ideology,” and so on.


more than 444,000 ukrainian soldiers so far killed in ukraine 2022-2024.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

vlad are shitting all over little nato joseph and his gangs “red lines”!!!


Last edited 5 months ago by Crocus Shooting Gallery
Crocus Shooting Gallery

vlad are shitting all over little nato joseph and his gangs “red lines”!!!


Ramses II

5 million uktozztards poop in their stolen pants

Ramses II

5 million russotards poop in their stolen pants

Ramses II

5 million uktozztards poop in their stolen pants

Ramses II

5 million uktozztards poop in their stolen pants

Jens Holm

so i don’t understand what’s so funny about that? – i’m ukrainian and i’ve never shat on the grass. i’ve spent a lifetime shitting right on the street 🤡=i 😆😆😆=you

Crocus Shooting Gallery

usa-nato are shitting all over little vlad’s “red lines”!!!


Crocus Shooting Gallery

vlad are shitting all over little nato joseph “sleepy joe” and his gangs “red lines”!!!


Jensgenyi Holmenko

dear friends,

i am a poor ukrainian refugee in denmark, i don’t know anyone here and i don’t have any friends either. i have a lot of time for that, a computer, a keyboard and a mouse!

so that i don’t get bored, i write comments all day and answer them myself!

in professional circles this is called shitzophrenia, but who cares 🤡 😆😆😆

Jensgenyi Holmenko

yesterday i was with my psychotherapist louise hjul, she told me that i had a ” chronically progressive shitzophrenia with hypobulically negativistic symptomatic”

the danes are all stupid, i want to go back to ukraine again 🤡 😆😆 😆

Jensgenyi Holmenko

i walk into store and say ‘i a ukrainian, give me free stuff.’ it work ok 2 times but 3rd time they kick me into street. i think they albanians. too many not-ukrainians in danemark. i go home. 🤡 😆😆

Ramses II

russia only sends love. the west is hate and evil.

Jan Kotke

ukrainian special ops hits two russian buk anti-aircraft missile complexes worth millions special ops forces drone team found and destroyed one buk in the launch position. when another system arrived to replace it, sso operators eliminated that one too.

Ramses II

the west only sends love. russia is hate and evil.

Ramses II

russia only sends love. the west is hate and evil.

Ramses II

russia only sends love. the west is hate and evil.

Vlad The Put Put

russians are pathological liars. 🤣

Ramses II

russia only sends love. the west is hate and evil.


we have seen how lousy the ukrainian army, navy and air defense were. and zelenska’s war propaganda makes itself ridiculous. 🤣 🤣 🤣 ukrozz soldiers desert in large numbers to escape volod zelsk’s pitiful zmk. 😊 🤣


ukrainian soldiers are dying for ukrainian oligarchs and ukrozz fascism.

jens. holm

i am senile retired night porter…”the doors of the great are guarded by porters and flunkeys who only understand one thing—their ears are in their hands—misfortune has made them worse”. rousseau


no problem holm—sniff more glue


rousseau describes the nazi holm jens perfectly

Bjarne Granlund

by starting the war in ukraine 2014, nato triggered a feedback loop of political nemesis. every action he takes nato now contributes to his own destruction.

Degeneration Of Russia

it is well known that renewable energies have made electricity extremely more expensive since 2013, in contrast to fossil and nuclear energy. this is the reason why china is rapidly building solar and wind power. the eu’s fossil purchase shows that the eu does not have good cards in its hand. one of the reasons why russia will have a glorious future. putin has always known, renewable energies have lost – the eu has lost.


china did not want to invest in the northstream ii pipeline, so the stupid germans did it. after the explosion, germany has serious problems and von der leyen’s pants are down with her little dark red painted pussy, which was revealed to the whole world.

Henrik Persson

electricity in europe is now more expensive than ever before and renewable energies have not decimated the fossil energy sector in any way. this is a big strategic step that makes the eu weaker. now the eu is desperately trying to buy pipeline gas from russia, via the china – india – turkey – belgium detour. only china is ahead of the times and is seriously relying on renewable energies.

Jonas Strandval

taking some looted ukrainian villages is pyrrhic victory for hunter biden.

Jürgen Grabowski

selenskyi has proven to be a source of international instability and kleptocratic despotism in ukraine. such a regime must not be supported. how can anybody favor selenskyi’s frightful suppression of the ukrainians? selenskyi belongs in prison.

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

35 years after the fall of the berlin wall, it has become clear that resource-rich russia has become much richer than its completely impoverished, eu-dependent former soviet neighbors such as estonia, latvia, poland and hungary, who have taken the path of european infiltration. the ukrainian zelensky regime has no incentive to end the war and come to terms with this economic reality.

Ole Linge

ukrainian army had never cared a shit about its own hapless soldiers. azov army was full of criminals including pedophiles and rapists. zelenskas trash ukraine is fascist racist pigsty.as suppl

jens holm

many homosexual probe my anuz

uncle hans ghost

i sodomized jens when he was 7–now he is senile flunkey nazi—well trained by my mullatto gay amerikan hillbillies

jens holm

my nice uncle rented me out to gay pygmy

Jan Kotke

ukrainian hur drones target oil refinery in russia’s ryazan region local reports indicated that the attack on the refinery occurred around 3 a.m. residents first heard a humming noise, followed by two explosions.

Jan Kotke

unfortunately, this attack was repelled and was again unsuccessful. while ukraine is sending toy drones to rf, the ruzze is marching comfortably through ukraine towards kiev. this must be prevented, but nato is letting ukraine down, almost 450,000 dead ukrainians speak a clear language, now the “volkssturm” is mobilized, children and pensioners

i am ashamed of my ukrainian friends


uruppeons aka the hostages of the evil e.u.s.s.r. thank mother russia for her sacrifice in yet again destroying chosenite bank$ter financed fascism at the rotten heart to the anglozionazi empire of filth. z until the beast is slain and reduced to ash.

Z - It's Winding Down

new model of fpv drone now in service with ukrainian troops. virtually silent with nv capability. in one new video russian soldiers at night time didnt have a clue it was there – soldiers were killed.

Jan Kotke

noiseless drones ???? 😆😆😆

muhaaaaa, you should be awarded the nobel prize for this insight 🤡🤡🤡

Markus Randolph Thelen

…there are indeed noiseless bombs ( almost noiseless), they are glide bombs. unfortunately, even these can not override the law of aerodynamic, but they are already very quiet (compared to engine bombs).


russia has mastered the technology of sliding bombs, they are very successful with it.

the outdated air defense of the ukrainians does not use anything here due to the lack of thermals, ukraine can basically resort to throwing boomerangs and would thus be more successful than with the patriot crap

Ramses II

ahhhh, that’s why australia took over the training of 250 stupid ukrozz, -understand 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


in fact, the patriot air defense is clearly getting old. the countries that use them, such as israel, like the reports about the hit rates to give the population a sense of security. saddam has already overcome this outdated system with his even older su scuds, most of them broke up on re-entry, but were declared as kills.

the washington post has written a wonderful treatise on this

jens holm

my 7 years apprentice as toilet scrubber make me shit expert

jens holm

double mulatto gay diek probe my anuz

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