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NATO Reinforces Its War Plans During Washington Summit

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NATO Reinforces Its War Plans During Washington Summit

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

NATO held a summit in Washington from July 9 to 11 to celebrate its 75th anniversary and discuss strategies for dealing with the current global issues. Instead of reaching any consensus on making meaningful changes to improve global security and advance diplomacy, Western states focused only on thinking of ways to continue the war, despite the disadvantageous conditions for the alliance.

Under the current circumstances, there is little that NATO can do to escalate the war against Russia. The alliance is already sending to the Kiev regime all possible types of weapons, except nuclear ones, as well as a large number of mercenaries. In practice, a further escalation of hostilities would be an extremely dangerous scenario, and could even reach the level of open global war. However, the bloc does not seem interested in de-escalating and starting diplomatic talks. Instead, NATO’s internal negotiations are being advanced to further worsen the crisis.

For example, during the summit in Washington, US officials promised to deploy new long-range missiles to Germany as part of a “preparation” for the event of open war in Europe. The US plans to use German territory as an important operational hub in case of hostilities against Russia, which is why from 2026 on many advanced missile systems will start to be placed in German strategic areas.

The alliance has not only promised to strengthen its positions in member countries, but has also made it clear that expansion of the bloc remains a possibility. Despite constant Russian calls for NATO to stop expanding, the group appears to have little interest in any kind of diplomatic dialogue. In a joint statement, the countries announced their intention to grant membership to countries in the Western Balkans region. In addition, it was stated that the Black Sea – a key region of Russia’s strategic environment – is one of NATO’s points of greatest interest, suggesting that an expansion of maritime activities in that area may be about to happen.

“The Western Balkans and the Black Sea regions are of strategic importance for the alliance [We promise to help] counter malign influence, including disinformation, hybrid, and cyber threats, posed by both state and non-state actors (…) NATO supports the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of interested countries in this region,” the statement reads.

It is important to emphasize that any expansion into the Black Sea could cause a serious crisis in the current context. The conflict in Ukraine already forces Russia to maintain constant military activities in the Black Sea. In addition, NATO has been illegally providing intelligence and geolocation data to Kiev’s forces through Western drones that are circulating in the Black Sea region. This data has been vital for Ukraine to plan terrorist attacks against fully demilitarized Russian cities, which is leading Moscow’s patience to gradually run out. If NATO decides to promote further expansion into the Black Sea, it is possible that the escalation of the conflict will reach a point of no return.

Russia was not the only target of NATO’s war plans. China was also heavily targeted by NATO strategists during the event in Washington. Delegations from member countries accused China of being an important “enabler” of Russian military actions. According to Western logic, if a country maintains diplomatic and trade relations with Russia, it automatically becomes a co-participant in the hostilities in Ukraine and should therefore be punished, sanctioned and isolated.

Beijing has never supplied weapons to Russia – both because it is not part of Chinese foreign policy to participate in conflicts and because Moscow is strong enough to face its enemies alone, without needing external help. Instead of being interested in conflicts, China is focused on maintaining strategic and mutually beneficial trade ties that generate profits for both sides and gains for ordinary people. This is why Russians and Chinese are increasingly engaged in cooperation projects, with the alliance between the two countries not being a military pact.

The reason why the Russian-Chinese partnership is causing fear in NATO is simple: Moscow and Beijing are rivals of American hegemony and publicly advocate for the reconfiguration of the geopolitical order. For the Atlantic alliance, this is a reason to go to war – which is why Ukraine is already being used as a proxy and tensions in the Pacific are getting worse. The only thing that became clear after the Washington summit is that, even weakened, NATO will not give up its war plans.

You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.


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i see the latvian wilderbeast is there.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

orc aggression will no longer be tolerated…heheheh

croaked amerikunt cumdrop

lgbt amerikan like sodomy aggression by taliban

Crimea River

you will be one of the first people to die in ww3 alongside your entire family. or did you think you get some kind of special treatment because you post “i hate russia” comments here on southfront? if you mom and dad would know what you are doing they would probably cry knowing that their little boy will soon be forced to sit in a trench at the front instead of behind his keyboard in the basement of their soon to be destroyed home.


nato expansionism will be neutralised. heheheh


‘the us plans to use german territory…’

‘plans’ ffs? the usa, arch funders of ’30s nzi grmny, hates ‘old europe’. nato has always been the ultimate usa-protection mechanism, whereby ‘members’ become us-missile bases (= targets) while uncle sam sits safely thousands of miles away.

for 75 yrs corrupt euro leaders pledged their vassals to the usa as crash test dummies. all crave the whip of their yankee master, as violent perversity lies deep within the euro dna.

Last edited 3 months ago by B.F.Finlayson
Truth be told

the americans are delusional if they think they can destroy europe again like they did by instigating ww2 supporting both nazi and soviet and nothing will happen to the americans and that they can profit from the war. this time the united states of america will be destroyed along with the europeans this is why most of their leaders buying houses in new zealand. everyone else best brush up on the mandarin.

Last edited 3 months ago by Truth be told

new zealand (thanks to lockdown and jab-happy psycho ‘dame’ jacinda “i am the only source of truth” ardern) is now running at well over 20% excess expected deaths per month. so plenty of real estate up for grabs, if only the elites can avoid buying in those pesky earthquake zones.


new zealand is also a nuke target.

R. Ambrose Raven

both russia and nato are forced into escalation, russia because avoiding “no war – no peace” requires occupation of a substantially greater portion of the ukraine (perhaps all), while the west is driven/ trapped by the imperial demands of the ruling classes plus the extreme russophobia of segments plus a media-promoted expectation that the war against russia is existential (as the war against an abstract noun (islamist terrorism)).

R. Ambrose Raven

incidentally since one will be in eastern europe for the next six weeks, one would be most grateful if russian invasion plans could be delayed until after the end of august. if someone could pencil that in? .


drone training.

a fishing boat with a drone swarm can wipe out a carrier.

10000 ai drones launched from a shipping container go into the hangar deck and detonate the missiles, fuel tanks, etc. fly right for the gas caps and warheads.

john mccain style

Moshe died nobody cried

i don’t think you realize how hard it is to actually sink an aircraft carrier


they used to say that about the battle ship.


no worries this is the new patriotic war and all invaders will be destroyed even it has to go as far as paris like with napoleon or berlin with the fuhrer

Jordan Peterson

russia is going to nuke ukraine and create a permanent buffer zone. it’s either that or starting war with all of nato which would result in both sides getting destroyed. sure there will be cries of horror and pain for a very long time. but if you look at japan and think back of the two atomic bombs that were dropped on them even though they were ready to surrender it turned out well for everyone.


such clowns all these nato people

Last edited 3 months ago by Captain
Edgar Zetar

anything new please, this is more than expected to happen like a hollywood propaganda movie where the yanks saves the world from the evil who opposed the empire of the exceptionals. less than five generations since wwii 1945 and the propaganda machine, and brain wash of the masses using all kind of technologies trying to force another world war. sometimes i wonder if they use artificial methods like rf waves, or atmospheric chemicals and put something in the water to brain wash everyone.

Edgar Zetar

the magnetism and spellings they create over their lesser colonies and zombie citizens sometimes surprises me. something with fort detrick genetic experiments, they insert something in the fetus of the newborns and brain waves or some manchurian candidate success from c.i.a deployed over the masses, even internet and ia are weaponized those days, they painted the mental mind world of the human cattle.

Last edited 3 months ago by Edgar Zetar

it is only the world war 3 that will put an end to all these. the problem is that only the poor citizens will face it while those who initiated the war will hide themselves. assuming those initiated the war will be targeted conflict or war will quickly be terminated.

Edgar Zetar

since the beginning of civilization this happened and will happen till the end of times. world war 3 already started, it’s just not an open war, it’s a covered one. hybrid warfare, gorilla and partisans strategies will be used where world power interests crash one to each other. check turkey, indonesia, north and south korea, uzbekistan in asia, in africa check niger and neighbors, in southamerica check the last british and venezuela, central america… ww3 already started


russia govern is the king of the scum , the neo nazis of the 21. they were the nazis allies with stalin and now they are themselfs tha true nazis , in the between they jailed everyone at russia the land of the new nazis


you are the village idiot around here, boy


otan is the enemy of mankind

Conan M

and still the russian federation remains a vassal puppet chained to the west’s un dungeon!

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

the fact that i’m receiving all of these down votes tells you who is in charge of this site!…

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M
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